Mahabharata - vol-vi

KARNA PARVA: Chapter 1 - The speech of Janamejaya
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 2 - The parley between Sanjaya and Dhritarashtra
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 3 - The speech of Sanjaya
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 4 - The bewailing of Dhritarashtra
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 5 - The speech of Sanjaya
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 6 - The speech of Sanjaya
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 7 - The speech of Sanjaya
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 8 - The speech of Dhritarashtra
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 9 - The repentance of Dhritarashtra
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 1O - The installation of Karna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 11 - The commencement of the battle
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 12 - The slaying of Kshemadhurti
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 13 - The slaying of Vinda and Anuvinda
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 14 - The slaying of Chitra
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 15 - The encounter between Ashvatthaman and Bhima
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 16 - The encounter between Ashvatthaman and Arjuna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 17 - The defeat of Ashvatthama
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 18 - The slaughter of Dandadhara
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 19 - The general encounter
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 2O - The fall of Pandya
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 21 - The general encounter
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 22 - The encounter between several heroes
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 23 - The encounter between Shahadeva and Dushasana
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 24 - The prowess of Karna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 25 - The encounter between Shutasome and the son of Subala
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 26 - The retreat of Shikhandin
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 27 - The victory gained by Arjuna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 28 - The general encounter of several heroes
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 29 - The general encounter
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 3O - The general encounter
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 31 - The parley between Karna and Duryodhana
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 32 - Shalya'a acceptance of the charioteership of Karna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 33 - The history of the three cities of the Danavas
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 34 - The history of destruction of the triple city belonging to the Asuras
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 35 - Shalya's accepting the charioteer ship of Karna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 36 - The conversation between Karna and Shalya
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 37 - The conversation between Karna and Shalya on the eve of the battle
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 38 - Karna offering to give rewards
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 39 - Shalya reviling
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 4O - The discourse of Karna and Shalya
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 41 - The story of the swan and crow
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 42 - The conversation between Karna and Shalya
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 43 - The conversation between Karna and Shalya
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 44 - The conversation between Karna and Shalya
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 45 - The end of wordy war-fare between Karna and Shalya
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 46 - The beginning of battle
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 47 - Battle between Kauravas and Pandavas
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 48 - The fight between Karna and Yudhishthira
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 49 - The combat fight
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 5O - The defeat of Karna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 51 - The confused fight
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 52 - The thick fight
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 53 - Destruction of Ten thousand Samsaptakas by Arjuna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 54 - The battle of Samsaptakas
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 55 - The retreating of Yudhishthira from the battle-field
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 56 - The battle of Sankula
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 57 - Pledge of Ashvatthama
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 58 - The words of Krishna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 59 - Defeat of Ashvatthama
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 6O - The conversation between Sri Krishna and Arjuna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 61 - Dreadful battle
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 62 - Dreadful battle
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 63 - Escaping of Yudhishthira
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 64 - Search of the Yudhishthira
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 65 - The arrival of Krishna and Arjuna to Yudhishthira
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 66 - The words of Yudhishthira
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 67 - The words of Arjuna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 68 - The harsh words of Yudhishthira
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 69 - The conversation between Krishna and Arjuna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 7O - Assurance to Yudhishthira
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 71 - The vows of Arjuna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 72 - The conversation between Krishna and Arjuna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 73 - The words of Sri Krishna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 74 - The words of Arjuna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 75 - Fight of both armies
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 76 - The conversation between Bhimasena and Vishoka
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 77 - The defeat of Shakuni
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 78 - Dreadful battle
KARNAVADHA PARVA: Chapter 79 - Dreadful battle
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 8O - Dreadful battle
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 81 - Dreadful battle
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 82 - Fight between Dushasana and Bhimasena
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 83 - Dushasana death
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 84 - Battle of Vrishasena and defeat of Nakula
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 85 - Death of Vrishasena
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 86 - The words of Sri Krishna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 87 - Krishana and Arjuna meeting in dual battle
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 88 - The words of Ashvatthama
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 89 - The dual battle between Karna and Arjuna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 9O - Karna's car swallowed up by earth
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 91 - Killing of Karna
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 92 - Shalya pursued from the battle-field
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 93 - Kuru soldiers fled away from battle-field
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 94 - Description of battle-field
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 95 - Kuru soldiers returned to his camp
KARNA PARVA: Chapter 96 - The joy of Yudhishthira
None: Chapter 1 - Duryodhana's grief after the death of Karna. Sanjaya described to Dhritarastra the battle. Dhritarastra falls senseless
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 2 - Dhritarashtra's bewailings
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 3 - Account of the field after Karna's death-the joy of the Pandavas and the depression of the Kurus. Duryodhana rallies his army
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 4 - Kripa asks Duryodhana to make peace
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 5 - Duryodhana's reply to Kripa and his unwillingness to make peace. His army takes rest
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 6 - Ashvatthaman asks Duryodhana to make Shalya the commander and Duryodhana requests him accordingly
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 7 - Shalya accepts the command of the army
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 8 - The arrangement of Kuru troops under Shalya and the preparation of both parties for a first battle
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 9 - The battle between the Kurus and Srinjayas
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 1O - Shalya rallies his army and goes against Yudhishthira and the Pandavas. The encounter between the Nakula and Chitra Sena. The former kills the latter. Nakula slays Satyasena and Sushena
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 11 - Shalya strikes the Pandavas who in return strike him. Kritavarma and Kripa go to help Shalya. The fight between various Kuru and Pandava leaders
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 12 - The fight between Shalya and Bhima. Shalya strikes Yudhishthira. The death of Chekitan
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 13 - Satyaki, Bhima, Nakula and Sahadeva come to Yudhishthira's rescue. Bhima strikes Shalya heavily
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 14 - The fight between Arjuna and Drona's son. The latter kills Suratha
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 15 - The fight between Duryodhana and Dhrishtadyumna. The encounter between Shalya and Nakula and Satyaki
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 16 - The fight between Arjuna and Kripa and Kritavarman. Shalya alone fights with the entire Pandava army. The fight between Shalya and Yudhishthira
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 17 - The encounter between Shalya and Yudhishthira. The latter kills Shalya
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 18 - The followers of Shalya try to kill Yudhishthira, the routing of the Kuru army
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 19 - The fight between Shakuni and Nakula and Sahadeva and other leaders
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 2O - The death of Shalya, the king of Mlechchhas
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 21 - The fight between the various leaders of both the armies
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 22 - The fight between Duryodhana and the sons of Pandu
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 23 - The fight between Yudhishthira and the Kurus. The fight of Shakuni
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 24 - Arjuna bewails before Krishna, Arjuna goes to the field for killing Duryodhana
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 25 - The fight between Dhristadyumna and Duryodhana
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 26 - Bhima kills Duryodhana's brother
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 27 - The fights between Bhima and Sudarsha and the encounter of other warriors son
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 28 - Sahadeva fights with Shakuni and kills him
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 29 - Sanjaya's grief and colloquy between Vidura and Sanjaya
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 3O - Duryodhana lives in a lake. Drona, Kripa and Ashvatthaman meet him there. The Pandavas learn the whereabouts of Duryodhana from the hunters. They go to the lake and vilify him
SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 31 - Yudhishthira abuses Duryodhana
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 32 - The battle of words between Yudi ishthira and Duryodhana
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 33 - The exchange of angry words between Bhima and Duryodhana
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 34 - The arrival of Balarama to witness the mace encounter between Bhima and Duryodhana
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 35 - The origin of Prabhasa described by Vaishampayana
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 36 - The history of Udapana
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 37 - The history of the Tirthas Vinashana, Gargashrota, Shakuha, Subhumika
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 38 - The history of Sapta Sarasvati and Mankanaka
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 39 - The origin of the name of Kapalamochana
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 4O - The attainment of Brahmanahood by Arshtisena, Sindhudvipa, Devapi and Vishvamitra
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 41 - The story of Dalvya-Valla. The history of the Tirtha Yayata
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 42 - The history of the Tirtha Vasishthapavaha
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 43 - The history of Indra's curse and expiation
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 44 - The investiture of Kartikeya. His companions
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 45 - The companions of Kartikeya
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 46 - The history of the Tirtha Taijasa and that of the installation of the King of Waters; The history of Agnitirtha
Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 47 - The story of the Tirtha Vadara-pachana and of Bharadvaja's daughter Sravati
Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 48 - The story of Indra Tirtha
Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 49 - The story of Indra Tirtha
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 5O - The story of the Rishi Asita Devala
Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 51 - The story of Dadhicha
Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 52 - The story of the old maiden
Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 53 - The story of Samanta panchaka
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 54 - Baladeva meets Narada
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 55 - The encounter between Bhima and Duryodhana and Baladeva's presence there
Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 56 - The preparation for fight
Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 57 - The encounter between Bhima and Duryodhana
Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 58 - The fall of Duryodhana
Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 59 - Bhima tries to crush Duryodhana's head with his foot and Yudhishthira prevents him
Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 6O - The anger of Rama at seeing the unfair fight. Krishna pacifies him
Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 61 - The praise of Bhimasena. The lamentation of Duryodhana
Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 62 - Yudhishthira praises Krishna
Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 63 - Krishna's departure for Hastinapur
Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 64 - Dhritarashtra's enquiring how Duryodhana met his death with his thighs broken and the last words that fell from him, Sanjaya narrates to the old king the lamentations of Duryodhanas his message to the three surviving Kauravas and his commands to inform his friend Charvaka of the circumstances of his death. The messengers' arrival to the camp of Drona's son. They communicate him his last words
GADAYUDDHA PARVA: Chapter 65 - The three surviving Kaurava warriors' arrival at the battlefield. Ashvatthaman's lamentation at the sight of the fallen monarch and his reply. Ashvatthaman's vow and Duryodhana's command to Kripa for his being made their chief, the parting of the three warriors and Duryodhana's death
None: Chapter 1 - Three survivors of the Kuru army proceed to south. They see a huge banian tree and sleep under it, Kripa and Kritavarman falls asleep, Ashvatthaman awakes them. The latter unfolds to the former his scheme of killing the Pandavas.
Sauptika Parva: Chapter 2 - .-CONTD. Kripa's reply promising to help Ashvatthaman if the latter would fight the next morning
SAUPTIKA PARVA: Chapter 3 - .—Contd. Ashvatthaman's reply
SAUPTIKA PARVA: Chapter 4 - .—Contd. Kripa promises to help Ashvatthaman and speaks of the latter's resolution
SAUPTIKA PARVA: Chapter 5 - .-Contd. Kripa tries to prevent Ashvatthama. The latter's reply and exhortation
SAUPTIKA PARVA: Chapter 6 - .-Contd. Ashvatthaman goes to the Pandava camp and sees a huge being who devours all his Weapons
SAUPTIKA PARVA: Chapter 7 - .-Contd. Ashvatthaman's hymn to Mahadeva. A golden alter appears before him. Many extraordinary beings appear. Ashvatthaman offers himself as libation. Mahadeva appears. he gives Ashvatthaman a sword and fills him with energy
SAUPTIKA PARVA: Chapter 8 - Ashvatthaman enters Dhristadyumna's camp and attacks him. Dhristadyumna is killed. Drona's son kills the Panchala warriors with Rudra weapon. He next kills the sleeping Uttamaujas. The sons of Draupadi are killed. Sanjaya attributes his success to the absence of the Pandavas with, Krishna and the sleep of the warriors
SAUPTIKA PARVA: Chapter 9 - The three heroes go to Duryodhana and find him still alive. The pitiable state of the Kuru king. The lamentations of the three heroes. Lamentations of Kripa. Ashvatthaman informs him of the slaughter of the Pandava army. Duryodhana's satisfaction at the news. His death
SAUPTIKA PARVA: Chapter 1O - The lamentations of Yudhishthira. Nakula his driver Bhima sets out in pursuit of Ashvatthaman. Krishna requests Yudhishthira to make arrangements of Bhima's safety as Ashvatthaman has the Brahmashira weapon. The story of the acquisition of that weapon.
SAUPTIKA PARVA: Chapter 11 - Nakula brings Draupadi from Upaplavya city. She falls down in a swoon. She insists upon Ashvatthaman's slaughter and deprivation of gem from his head.
SAUPTIKA PARVA: Chapter 12 - The Pandavas with Krishna follow Bhima. They ask him to stop, but he refuses. The Pandavas find Ashvatthaman sitting with Vyasa. Ashvatthaman discharges and Brahmashira wcapons. Arjuna shoots his Brahma weapon
SAUPTIKA PARVA: Chapter 13 - The Pandavas with Sri Krishna follow Dhima. They ask him to stop. Ashvatthaman discharges Brahmasira weapon, but Arjuna shoots it.
Sauptika Parva: Chapter 14 - The extraordinary portents of nature. For saving the three worlds Narada and Vyasa stand between the two fires generated by the two weapons.
SAUPTIKA PARVA: Chapter 15 - Arjuna revives the child. The curse of Krishna on Ashvatthaman. Vyasa's approval of Krishna's curse. Drona's son accepts the curse and gives up the gem on his head. Pandavas return to Draupadi, who requests Yudhishthira to place the gem on his head
SAUPTIKA PARVA: Chapter 16 - Krishna's curse on Ashvatthaman, he accepts the curse and give up the gem of his head. Pandavas return to Draupadi.
SAUPTIKA PARVA: Chapter 17 - Yudhishthria asks Krishna about the cause of Ashvatthaman's success. Krishna's reply about the glory of Mahadeva
SAUPTIKA PARVA: Chapter 18 - The great sacrifice of the gods in the Krita age. The destruction of the sacrifice by Rudra. Ashvatthaman's success is due to Rudra's help
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 1 - Lamentation of Dhritarastra after the loss of his hundred sons and the lose of his hundred sons and consolation
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 2 - . Consolation to Dhritarashtra by Vidura. The power of Death
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 3 - The frailty of bodies described
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 4 - The same subject
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 5 - The forest of life described
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 6 - The same subject
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 7 - How men can free themselves from the fetters of the world
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 8 - Dhritarashtra becomes senseless and bewails. The mission of Yudhishthira
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 9 - Sanjalya's return and consolation to the blind king
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 1O - The lamentation of Kuru ladies and of the inhabitants of Hastinapura
JALAPRADANIKA PARVA: Chapter 11 - Meeting between Dhritarashtra and Kripa, Ashvatthama and Kritavarma. How the latter have killed the Pandava army
JALAPRADANIKA PARVA: Chapter 12 - The Pandavas appear before Dhritarashtra who embraces an iron image of Bhima for killing him
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 13 - Krishna's consolation to Dhritarashtra
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 14 - Krishna with the Pandavas approaches Gandhari and consoles her
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 15 - Bhima admits that he killed Duryodhana unfairly. Yudhishthira's lamentation. Gandhari comforts the Pandavas
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 16 - Gandhari saw the battle-field with her spiritual eye
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 17 - Gandhari bewails at seeing Duryodhana addressing Krishna
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 18 - Gandhari's lamentation continued
JALAPRADANIKA PARVA: Chapter 19 - The same continued
JALAPRADANIKA PARVA: Chapter 2O - The same continued
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 21 - Gandhari laments for the death of Karna
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 22 - Gandhari laments for the death of the king of Avanti
Jalapradanika Parva: Chapter 23 - Gandhari laments the death of Shalya
JALAPRADANIKA PARVA: Chapter 24 - .-Contd. Gandhari's lamentation
JALAPRADANIKA PARVA: Chapter 25 - .-Cont. The same subject continued
JALAPRADANIKA PARVA: Chapter 26 - .— Contd. Krishna consoles Gandhari. Dhritarastra asks Yudhishthira about the ends of the warriors killed and the latter's reply
JALAPRADANIKA PARVA: Chapter 27 - .— Contd. Karna's birth disclosed to the Pandavas. The water-rite is performed