The same continued

गांधार्युवाच एष माधव पुत्रो मे विकर्णः प्राज्ञसम्मतः। भूमौ विनिहतः शेते भीमेन शतधा कृतः॥
Gandhari said There, O Madhava, my. son Vikarma, praised by the wise, lies on the naked earth, killed by Bhima and wounded horribly.

गजमध्ये हतः शेते विकर्णो मधुसूदन। नीलमेघपरिक्षिप्तः शरदीव निशाकरः॥
O destroyer of Madhu, Vikarna lies there dead in the midst of (slain) elephants like the moon in the autumnal sky surrounded by blue clouds.

अस्य चापग्रहेणैव पाणिः कृतकिणो महान्। कथञ्चिच्छिद्यते गृधेरत्तुकामैस्तलत्रवान्॥
His broad palm, covered with leathern fence, and scarred by constant holding of the bow, is pierced with difficulty by vultures desirous of eating it up.

अस्य भार्याऽऽमिषप्रेप्सून् गृध्रकाकांस्तपस्विनी। वारयत्यनिशं बाला न च शक्नोति माधव॥
His helpless young wife, O Madhava, is continually but unsuccessfully trying to drive away those vultures desirous of feeding on carrion.

युवा वृन्दारकः शूरो विकर्णः पुरुषर्षभ। सुखोषितः सुखार्हश्च शेते पांसुषु माधव॥
The youthful, brave and beautiful Vikarna, O foremost of men, reared in luxury and worthy of every king of happiness, now sleeps on dust, O Madhava.

कर्णिनालीकनाराचैर्भिन्नमर्माणमाहवे। अद्यापि न जहात्येनं लक्ष्मीर्भरतसत्तमम्॥
Thought all his vital parts have been cut with cloth-yard and bearded arrows and Nalikas, yet the natural beauty of his body has not left this best of the Bharatas.

एष संग्रामशूरेण प्रतिज्ञा पालयिष्यता। दुर्मुखोऽभिमुखः शेते हतोऽरिगणहा रणे॥
There, my son Durmuksha, that destroyer of a great number of enemies, sleeps facing the enemy, slain by the heroic Bhiinasena in satisfaction of his promisc.

तस्यैतद् वदनं कृष्ण श्वापदैरर्धभक्षितम्। विभात्यभ्यधिकं तात सप्तम्यामिव चन्द्रमाः॥
His face, O Krishna, half eaten away by beasts of prey, looks more beautiful like the moon on the seventh day of the light fortnight.

शूरस्य हि रणे कृष्ण पश्याननमथेदृशम्। स कथं निहतोऽमित्रैः पांसून् असति मे सुतः॥
Look, O Krishna at the face of that heroic son of mine. How could that son of mine be killed by enemies and thus made to eat the dust.

यस्याहमुखे सौम्य स्थिता नैवोपपद्यते। स कथं दुर्मुखोऽमित्रैर्हतो विबुधलोकजित्॥
O amiable one, how could that Durmukha, before whom no enemy could stand be killed by foes.

चित्रसेनं हतं भूमौ शयानं मधुसूदन। धार्तराष्ट्रमिमं पश्य प्रतिमानं धनुष्मताम्॥
Look, O slayer of Madhu, at that other son of Dhritarashtra, viz., Chitrasena, the best of all bowmen, slain and lying on the ground.

तं चित्रमाल्याभरणं युवत्यः शोककर्शिताः। क्रव्यादसंघैः सहिता रुदत्यः पर्युपासते॥
Those young ladies, stricken with grief and crying piteously and now sitting, with beasts of prey, around his beautiful body bedecked with wreaths and garlands.

स्त्रीणां रुदितनिर्घोषः श्वापदानां च गर्जितम्। चित्ररूपमिदं कृष्णं विचित्रं प्रतिभाति मे॥
The piteous lamentations of women, and these cries and roars of beasts of prey, appear highly wonderful to me, OKrishna.

युवा वृन्दारको नित्यं प्रवरस्त्रीनिषेवितः। विर्विशतिरसौ शेते ध्वस्तः पांसुषु माधव॥
Young and beautiful, and always waited upon and served by the most handsome ladies, my son Vivinshati, O Madhava, sleeps there, covered with dust.

शरसंकृत्तवर्माणं वीरं विशसने हतम्। परिवार्यासते गृध्राः पश्य कृष्ण विविंशतिम्॥
His armour has been cut with arrows. Killed in the general destruction, the heroic Vivingshati is now encircled and waited upon by vultures.

प्रविश्य समरे शूरः पाण्डवानामनीकिनीम्। स वीरशयने शेते परः सत्पुरुषोचिते॥
Having in battle penetrated the ranks of the Pandavas army, that hero now sleeps on the bed of a most exalted and heroic Kshatriya.

स्मितोपपन्नं सुनसं सुभ्रु ताराधिपोपमम्। अतीव शुभ्रं वदनं कृष्ण पश्य विविंशतः॥
Look, O Krishna, at his very beautiful and smiling face, having excellent nose and beautiful eyebrows, and resembling the shining Moon himself.

एनं हि पर्युपासन्ते बहुधा वरयोषितः। क्रीडन्तमिव गन्धर्वं देवकन्याः सहस्रशः॥
Formerly a body of the most beautiful ladies used to wait upon him, like thousands of celestial girls upon a sporting Gandharva.

हन्तारं परसैन्यानां शूरं समितिशोभनम्। निबर्हणममित्राणां दुःसहं विषहेत कः॥
Who again could stand before my son Dussaha, that destroyer of heroic enemies, that hero, that ornament of assemblies, that irresistible warrior, that resister of foes.

दुःसहस्यैतदाभाति शरीरं संवृतं शरैः। गिरिरात्मगतैः कुल्लैः कर्णिकारिवाचितः॥
The body of Dussaha, covered with shafts, shines like a mountain overgrown with blossoming Karnikaras.

शातकौम्या स्रजा भाति कवचेन च भास्वता। अग्निवेव गिरिः श्वेतो गतासुरपि दुःसहः॥
With his golden garland and his bright armour, Dussaha, though dead, shines yet, like a white mountain of fire.