KARNA PARVA: Chapter 48

The fight between Karna and Yudhishthira

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच यत्तत् प्रविश्य पार्थानां सैन्यं कुर्वञ्जनक्षयम्। कर्णो राजानमभ्येत्य तन्माचक्ष्व संजय॥
Dhritarashtra said Tell me, O Sanjaya, how Karna, having caused a great carnage and entered into the midst of the Pandavas assailed the king Yudhishthira.

के च प्रवीराः पार्थानां युधि कर्णमवारयन्। कांश्च प्रमथ्याधिरथियुधिष्ठिरमपीडयत्॥
What leading warriors amongst the Pandavas resisted Karna? Whom did Karna crush before he could assail Yudhishthira?

संजय उवाच धृष्टद्युम्नमुखान् पार्थान् दृष्ट्वा कर्णो व्यवस्थितान्। समभ्यधावत्त्वरितः पञ्चालाञ्छत्रुकर्षिणः॥
Sanjaya said Seeing the followers of the Pandavas led by Dhristadyumna stationed for battle, Karna, the subduer of foes, rushed furiously against the Panchalas.

तं तूर्णमभिधावन्तं पञ्चाला जितकाशिनः। प्रत्युद्ययुर्महात्मानं हंसा इव महार्णवम्॥
The Panchalas, desirous of victory, advanced against that high-souled one who came quickly as the swans go to the ocean.

ततः शङ्खसहस्राणां निःस्वनो हृदयङ्गम। प्रादुरासीदुभयतो भेरीशब्दश्च दारुणः॥
Then there arose from both the armies the sound of a thousand conches capable striking terror into hearts as well as that of bugles.

नानाबाणनिपाताश्च द्विपाश्वरथनिःस्वनः। सिंहनादच वीराणामभवद् दारुणस्तदा॥
Then there arose the dreadful sound of warriors other musical instruments, the noise of the elephants, horses and cars and leonine shouts of the heroes.

साद्रिद्रुमार्णवा भूमि: सवाताम्बुदमम्बरम्। सार्केन्दुग्रहनक्षत्रा द्यौश्च व्यक्तं विघूर्णितः॥
The entire earth with her mountains, trees and oceans, the sky enshrouded with clouds driven by the wind and the whole firmament with the sun and the moon, scemed to tremble.

इति भूतानं तं शब्दं मेनिरे ते च विव्यथुः। यानि चाप्यल्पसत्त्वानि प्रायस्तानि मृतानि च॥
So dreadful appeared the noise to all creatures and they became all agitated. The weak amongst them fell dead.

अथ कर्णो भृशं क्रुद्धः शीघ्रमस्त्रमुदीरयन्। जघान पाण्डवीं सेनामासुरीं मघवानिव॥
Then worked with great anger and invoking speedily his weapons Karna began to assail the Pandava host like Indra grinding the army of the demons.

स पाण्डवबलं कर्णः प्रविश्य विसृजञ्छरान्। प्रभद्रकाणां प्रवरानहनत् सप्तसप्ततिम्॥
Entering into the midst of the Pandava army and discharging his arrows furnished with beautiful wings of that best of car-warriors (Karna) killed seventy-seven five Prabhadrakas.

ततः सुपुडैनिशितै स्थश्रेष्ठो रथेषुभिः। अवधीत् पञ्चविंशत्या पञ्चालान् पञ्चविंशतिम्॥
Karna, the best chariot warrior shot twenty five arrows having decent wings and beheaded twenty five Panchalas.

सुवर्णपुढे राचैः परकायविदारणैः। चेदिकानवधीद वीरः शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥
With many gold feathered Narachas capable of piercing others bodies the hence killed hundred and thousands of the Chedis.

तं तथा समरे कर्म कुर्वाणमतिमानुषम्। परिवर्महाराज पञ्चालानां रथव्रजाः॥
While he was performing those superhuman feats in battle a large number of Panchala cars surrounded him quickly on all sides, O king.

ततः संधाय विशिखान् पञ्च भारत दुःसहान्। पञ्चालानवधीत् पञ्च कर्णो वैकर्तनो वृषः॥
O Bharata, then setting five dreadful arrows Karna, the son of Vikartana, killed five Panchalas.

भानुदेवं चित्रसेनं सेनाबिन्दुं च भारत। तपनं शूरसेन च पञ्चालानहनद् रणे॥
He killed in battle the Panchalas-Bhanudeva, Chitrasena, Senabindu, Tapana and Shurasena.

पञ्चालेषु च शूरेषु वध्यमानेषु सायकैः। हाहाकारो महानासीत् पञ्चालानां महाहवे॥
The heroic Panchalas being thus killed with arrows there arose lamentations Alas! and Oh of the Panchalas in that great battle.

परिवर्महाराज पञ्चालानां रथा दश। पुनरेव च तान् कर्णो जघानाशु पतत्रिभिः॥
Then ten car-warriors amongst Panchalas surrounded Karna whom all he quickly killed with arrows.

चक्ररक्षौ तु कर्णस्य पुत्रौ मारिष दुर्जयौ। सुषेण: सत्यसेननश्च त्यक्त्वा प्राणानयुध्यताम्॥
Then the two protectors of Karna's carwheels, his two invincible sons, Sushena and Satyasena began to fight reckless of their lives.

पृष्ठगोप्ता तु कर्णस्य ज्येष्ठः पुत्रो महारथः। वृषसेनः स्वयं कर्ण पृष्ठतः पर्यपालयत्॥
The powerful car-warrior Vrishasena, the eldest son of Karna, himself protected his father's rear.

धृष्टद्युम्नः सात्यकिश्च द्रौपदेया वृकोदरः। जनमेजयः शिखण्डी च प्रवीराश्च प्रभद्रकाः॥ चेदिकेकयपञ्चाला यमौ मत्स्याश्च दंशिताः। सम्भ्यधावन् राधेयं जिघांसन्तः प्रहारिणम्॥
Thereupon, Dhristadyumna, Satyaki, the five sons of Draupadi, Vrikodara, Janmejaya, Shikhandin and many leading warriors among Probhadrakas and many amongst the Chedis, the Kekayas and the Panchalas, the twins, the Matsyas, all clad in mail rushed upon Karna to kill him.

त एनं विविधैः शस्त्रैः शरधाराभिरेव च। अभ्यवर्षन् विमर्दन्तं प्रावृषीभाम्बुदा गिरिम्॥
Showering upon him various kinds of weapons and arrows they began to assail him like the clouds striking the mountain breast during the rainy season.

पितरं तु परीप्सन्तः कर्णपुत्राः प्रहारिणः। त्वदीयाश्चारे राजन् वीरा वीरानवारयन्॥
To rescue their father, the sons of Karna all of whom were sinless and many heroes of your army resisted them.

सुषेणो भीमसेनस्य च्छित्त्वा भल्लेन कार्मुकम्। नाराचैः सप्तभिर्विद्ध्वा हृदि भीमं ननाद ह॥
Cutting off with a broad headed bow, that of Bhimasena, Sushena pierced him on the breast with seven Narachas and made a loud war-cry.

अथान्यद् धनुरादाय सुदृढं भीमविक्रमः। सज्यं वृकोदरः कृत्वा सुषेणस्याच्छिनद् धनुः॥
Thereupon taking up another strong bow and setting it right in haste the highly powerful Vrikodara cut-off Sushena's bow.

विव्याध चैन दशभिः क्रुद्धो नृत्यन्निवेषुभिः। कर्णं च तूर्णं विव्याधि त्रिसप्तत्या शितैः शरै॥
Worked up with anger and as if dancing on his car he quickly bored through Sushena with ten arrows and pierced Karna himself with seventy sharp arrows within the twinkling of an eye.

भानुसेनं च दशभिः साश्वसूतायुधध्वजम्। पश्यतां सुहृदां मध्ये कर्णपुत्रमपातयत्।॥
Then with ten other arrows Bhima struck down Bhanusena, another son of Karna, with horses, drivers, arms and flags before the eyes of his friends.

क्षुरप्रणुन्नं तत्तस्य शिरश्चन्द्रनिभाननम्। शुभदर्शनमेवासीन्नालभ्रष्टमिवाम्बुजम्॥
Sundered by a razor-headed shaft the beautiful head of the youth with a moon-like countenance appeared like a lotus plucked from its stalk.

हत्वा कर्णसुतं भीमस्तावकान् पुनरार्दयत्। कृपहार्दिक्ययोश्छित्त्वा चापौ तावप्यथार्दयत्॥
Having killed Karna's son Bhima began to assail your army once more; sundering the bows of Kripa and Hridika's son he began to assail those two heroes.

दुःशासनं त्रिभिर्विद्ध्वा शकुनि षड्भिरायसैः। उलूकं च पतत्रिं च चकार विरथावुभौ॥
Striking Dushasana with ten iron arrows and Shakuni with six he deprived both Uluka and Patatri of their cars.

सुषेणं च हतोऽसीति बुवन्नादत्त सायकम्। तमस्य कर्णश्चिच्छेद त्रिभिश्चैनमताडयत्॥
Then saying to Sushena "you are killed” Bhima took up another arrow. Karna cut it off and pierced Bhima himself with three arrows.

अथान्यं परिजग्राह सुपर्वाणं सुतेजनम्। सुषेणायासृजद् भीमस्तमप्यस्याच्छिनद् वृषः॥
Bhimasena shot at Sushena another sharp edge and decent knot arrow but Karna cut-off the same in pieces too.

पुनः कर्णस्त्रिसप्तत्या भीमसेनपथेषुभिः। पुत्रं परीप्सन् विव्याध क्रूरं क्रूरैर्जिघांसया॥
With a view to save his son and kill the ruthless Bhima Karna struck the former with seventy-three dreadful arrows.

सुषेणस्तु धनुर्गृह्य भारसाधानमुक्तमम्। नकुलं पञ्चभिर्बाणैर्पाह्वोरुरसि चार्पयत्॥
Then taking up an excellent bow capable of bearing a great strain Sushena struck Nakula on the arms and the chest with five arrows.

नकुलस्तं तु विंशत्या विद्ध्वा भारसहैईलैः। ननाद बलवन्नादं कर्णस्य भयमादधत्॥
Striking his antagonist with twenty strong arrows capable of bearing a strain Nakula too sent up a loud war-cry and struck terror unto Karna.

तं सुषेणो महाराज विद्ध्वा दशभिराशुगैः। चिच्छेद च धनुः शीघ्र क्षुरप्रेण महारथः॥
Then striking Nakula with ten arrows, the powerful car-warrior Sushena, quickly cut-off his bow with a razor headed arrows.

अथान्यद् धनुरादाय नकुलः क्रोधमूर्छितः। सुषेणं नवभिर्बाणैर्वारयामास संयुगे॥
Then Nakula, beside himself with anger, took up another bow and withstood Sushena with nine arrows.

स तु बाणैर्दिशो राजन्नाच्छाद्य परवीरहा। आजघ्ने सारथिं चास्य सुषेणं च ततस्त्रिभिः॥ चिच्छेद चास्य सुदृढं धनुर्भल्लैस्त्रिभिस्त्रिधा।
Then, O king, covering all the quarters with arrows that subduer of hostile heroes killed Sushena's driver, striking Sushena himself with three arrows and then sundered into pieces his highly strong bow with three Bhallas.

अथान्यद् धनुरादाय सुषेणः क्रोधमूर्छितः। आविध्यन्नकुलं षष्ट्या सहदेवं च सप्तभिः।
Then beside himself with anger Sushena took up another bow and pierced Nakula with sixty arrows and Sahadeva with seven.

तद् युद्धं सुमहद् घोरमासीद् देवासुरोपमम्॥ निघ्नतां सायकैस्तूर्णमन्योन्यस्य वधं प्रति।
Then there took place a dreadful encounter between those heroes striking one another like that between the gods and demons.

सात्यकिवृर्षसेनस्य सूतं हत्वा त्रिभिः शरैः॥ धनुश्चिच्छेद भल्लेन जघानाश्वांश्च सप्तभिः। ध्वजमेकेषुणोन्मथ्य त्रिभिस्तं हृद्यताडयत्॥
Having killed Vrishasena's driver with three arrows Satyaki sundered his bow with a Bhalla and killed his horses with seven arrows. Then crushing down his standard with another arrow he struck Vrishasena himself on the breast with three arrows.

अथावसन्नः स्वरथे मुहूर्तात् पुनरुत्थितः। स रणे युयुधानेन विसूताश्वरथध्वजः॥ कृतो जिघांसुः शैनेयं खड्गचर्मधृगभ्ययात्।
Deprived of his driver, horses, chariot and flags by Yuyudhana, thus struck Vrishasena became senseless on his car but stood up again within the twinkling of an eye. Vrishasena, armed with sword and shield, then rushed against him with a view to kill him.

तस्य चापततः शीघ्र वृषसेनस्य सात्यकिः॥ वाराहकणैर्दशभिरविध्यदसिचर्मणी।
As his antagonist advanced against him Satyaki struck at his sword and shield len arrows with heads like a boar's ear.

दुःशासनस्तु तं दृष्ट्वा विरथं व्यायुधं कृतम्॥ आरोप्य स्वरथं तूर्णमपोवाह रणातुरम्।
Seeing Vrishasena deprived of his car and weapons Dushasana placing him on his own car then speedily put him on another.

अथान्यं रथमास्थाय वृषसेनो महारथः॥ द्रौपदेयांस्त्रिसप्तत्या युयुधानं च पञ्चभिः। भीमसेनं चतुःषष्टया सहदेवं च पञ्चभिः॥ नकुलं त्रिशता बाणैः शतानीकं च सप्तभिः। शिखण्डिनं च दशभिधर्मराजं शतेन च॥ एतांश्चान्यांश्च राजेन्द्र प्रवीराञ्जयगृद्धिनः। अभ्यर्दयन्महेष्वासः कर्णपुत्रो विशाम्पते॥ कर्णस्य युधि दुर्धर्षस्ततः पृष्ठमपालयत्।
Then riding on another car the powerful car-warrior Vrishasena pierced the five sons of Draupadi with seventy-three and Yuyudhana with five, Bhimasena with sixty four, Sahadeva with five, Nakula with thirty, Shatanika with seven, Shikhandin with ten and king Yudhishthira with a hundred arrows. O monarch, the great bowman, the son of Karna continually assailed with arrows those and many leading heroes all having victory in view. The invincible Vrishasena protected the rear of Karna in battle.

दुःशासन च शैनेयो नवैर्नवभिरायसैः॥ विसूताश्वरथं कृत्वा ललाटे त्रिभिरार्पयत्।
Having deprived Dushasana of his driver, horses and car, with ninety nine iron arrows the grandson of Sini struck him then on his forehead with nine arrows.

स त्वन्यं रथमास्थाय विधिवत् कल्पित पुनः॥ युयुधे पाण्डुभिः सार्धं कर्णस्याप्याययन् बलम्।
Then riding on another car properly equipped once more he began to fight with the, Pandavas from within the division of Karna.

धृष्टद्युम्नस्ततः कर्णमविध्यद् दशभिः शरैः॥ द्रौपदेयास्त्रिसप्तत्या युयुधान्स्तु सप्तभिः। भीमसेनश्शुतःषष्ट्या सहदेव सप्तभिः॥ नकुलस्त्रिंशता बाणैः शतानीकस्तु सप्तभि। शिखण्डी दशभिर्वीरो धर्मराजः शतेन तु॥
Then Dhristadyumna pierced Karna with ten arrows, the sons of Draupadi pierced him with sevenly three arrows and Satyaki with seven. Bhimasena pierced him with sixty four arrows and Sahadeva with seven. Nakula pierced him with thirty arrows and Shatanika with seven. The heroic Shikhandin pierced him with ten and king Yudhishthira with a hundred.

एते चान्ये च राजेन्द्र प्रवीरा जयगृद्धिनः। अभ्यर्दयन् महेष्वासं सूतपुत्रं महामृधे॥
Worked up with the desire of victory those and other foremost of men began to assail that great men, Suta's son, in that terrible battle.

तान् सूतपुत्रो विशिखैर्दशभिर्दशभिः शरैः। रथेश्चारुचरन् वीरः प्रत्यविध्यदरिंदमः॥
Moving about in his car the heroic son of the charioteer, the subduer of foes, pierced each of them with ten arrows.

तत्रास्त्रवीर्यं कर्णस्य लाघवं च महात्मनः। अपश्याम महाभाग तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥
There, O monarch, we witnessed the wonderful strength in the handling of weapons and the light-handedness of the high-souled Karna.

न ह्याददानं ददृशुः संदधानं च सायकान्। विमुञ्चन्तं च संरम्भादपश्यन्त हतानरीन्॥
People could not mark when he took up his arrows, when he ained them and when he discharged them. They only saw his enemies slain by his anger.

द्यौर्वियद्धर्दिशश्चैव प्रपूर्णानिशितैः शरै। अरुणाभ्रावृताकारं तस्मिन् देशे बभौ वियत्॥
The sky, the earth and the firmament were filled with his sharpened arrows. The firmament looked brilliant as if covered with clouds smitten with the rays of the sun.

नृत्यन्निव हि राधेयश्चापहस्तः प्रतापवान्। यैर्विद्धः प्रत्यविद्धयत् तानेकैकं त्रिगुणैः शरै॥
The highly powerful son of Radha, with bow in his hand, as if dancing, pierced each of his antagonists with thrice as many shafts as each of them had struck him with.

दशभिर्दशभिश्चैतान् पुनर्विद्ध्वा ननाद च। साश्वसूतरथच्छत्रांस्ततस्ते विवरं ददुः॥
Once more striking each of them and his horses, drivers, car and flag with ten arrows he sent up a loud war-cry. His antagonist then gave him a way.

तान् प्रमथ्य महेष्वासन् राधेयः शरवृष्टिभिः। राजानीकमसम्बाधं प्राविशच्छत्रुकर्शनः॥
Having crushed those powerful bowmen with showers of arrows, the son of Radha, the subduer of foes, entered unopposed into the thick of the army led by the Pandava king.

स रथंस्त्रिशतं हत्वा चेदीनामनिवर्तिनाम्। राधेयो निशितैर्बाणैस्ततोऽभ्याईद् युधिष्ठिरम्॥
Having broken down thirty chariots of the Chedis who never return from the battle-field the son of Radha pierced Yudhishthira with many sharp arrows.

ततस्ते पाण्डवा राजशिखण्डी च ससात्यकिः। राधेयात् परिरक्षन्तो राजानं पर्यवारयन्॥
With a view to rescue the king from the son of Radha many Pandava warriors, with Shikhandin and Satyaki surrounded him.

तथैव तावकाः सर्वे कर्ण दुर्वारणं रणे। यत्ताः शूरा महेष्वासाः पर्यरक्षन्त सर्वशः॥
So did the powerful and brave bowinen of your army firmly guard the irresistible Karna in that battle.

नानावादित्रघोषाश्च प्रादुरासन् विशाम्पते। सिंहनादश्च संजज्ञे शूराणामभिगर्जताम्॥
O king, then there arose the sound of various musical instruments and the leonine roars of brave heroes rent the sky.

ततः पुनः समाजग्मुरभीताः कुरुपाण्डवाः। युधिष्ठिरमुखाः पार्थाः सूतपुत्रमुखा वयम्॥
The Kurus and Pandavas once undauntedly met with each other, the former led by Karna and the latter by Yudhishthira. more