KARNA PARVA: Chapter 56

The battle of Sankula

संजय उवाच भीमसेन सपाञ्चाल्यं चेदिकेकयसंवृतम्। वैकर्तनःस्वयं रुद्ध्वा वारयामास सायकैः॥
Sanjaya said After this Vaikartana, himself resisting Bhimasena aided by the king of Panchala, Chedi and Kaikeya, showered numberless arrows upon him.

ततस्तु चेदिकारूषान् सृञ्जयांश्च महारथान्। कर्णो जघान समरे भीमसेनस्य पश्यतः॥
Karna killed in the battle many strong carwarriors of the Chedis, Karushas and Srinjayas in the very presence of Bhimasena.

भीमसेनस्ततः कर्ण विहाय रथसत्तमम्। प्रयसौ कौरवं सैन्य कक्षमग्निरिव ज्वलन्॥
Then Bhimasena leaving Karna, the most powerful car-warrior, rushed towards the Kaurava force like a blazing forest fire.

सूतपुत्रोऽपि समरेपञ्चालन् केकयांस्तथा। सृञ्जयांश्च महेष्वासान् निजधान सहस्रशः॥
The Suta's son too began to slay by thousands the mighty bowmen of the Panchalas, the Kaikeyas and the Srinjayas.

संशप्तकेषु पार्थश्च कौरवेषु वृकोदरः। पञ्चालेषु तथा कर्ण क्षयं चक्रुर्महारथाः॥
Indeed, the mighty car-warriors Karna, Partha and Vrikodera began to annihilate the Panchalas, Samasaptakas and Kauravas respectively.

ते क्षत्रिया दह्यमानास्त्रिभिस्तैः पावकोपमैः। जग्मुर्विनाश समरे राजन् दुर्मत्रिते तव॥
For your bad policy, O king, all these Kshatriyas, burnt down, as it were, by those three heroes resembling three burning flames, got exterminated.

ततो दुर्योधनः क्रुद्धो नकुलं नवभिः शरैः। विव्याध भरतश्रेष्ठ चतुरश्चास्य वाजिनः॥
Thereupon, O foremost of the Bharatas, Duryodhana, being enraged, pierced Nakula and the four holes of his car with nine arrows.

ततः पुनरमेयात्मा तव पुत्रो जनाधिप। क्षुरेण सहदेवस्य ध्वजं चिच्छेद काञ्चनम्॥
Then again, O lord of men, your highly energetic son cut down the golden standard of Shahadeva with a razor.

नकुलस्तु ततः क्रुद्धस्तव पुत्रं च सप्तभिः। जघान समरे राजन् सहदेवश्च पञ्चभिः॥
Nakula then, O king, being greatly enraged, struck you son with seventy three arrows and Sahadeva with five. Filled with anger he struck.

तावुभो भरतश्रेष्ठौ ज्येष्ठौ सर्वधनुष्मताम्। विव्याधोरसि संक्रुद्धः पञ्चभिः पञ्चभि शरैः॥
Then both of those great warriors of the Bharata race and the foremost of bowmen, on the breast with five arrows each.

ततोऽपराभ्यां भल्लाभ्यां धनुषी समकृन्तत। यमयोः सहसा राजन् विव्याध च त्रिसप्तभिः॥
Then he cut-off the bows of both of those two warriors with two of his broad-pointed arrows and suddenly, O king he pierced both of them with twenty-one arrows.

तावन्ये धनुषी श्रेष्ठे शक्रचापनिभे शुभे। प्रगृह्य रेजतुः शूरौ देवपुत्रसौ युधि॥
Each of them, taking up two beautiful bows resembling those of Indra's looked very graceful like two celestial youths in the battlefield.

ततस्तौ रभसौ युद्धे भ्रातरौ भ्रातरं युधि। शरैर्ववृषतुोरैर्महामेघो यथाऽचलम्॥
Then, O king, those two brothers, greatly active in battle, began to throw terrible shafts in ceaseless torrents upon their cousins like two great masses of thick clouds pouring their contents on the hills.

ततः क्रुद्धो महाराज तव पुत्रो महारथः। पाण्डुपुत्रौ महेष्वासौ वारयामास पत्रिभिः॥
Thereupon, O king, your son, the great carwarrior, being greatly enraged resisted those the rays twin sons of Pandu, the great bowmen, with numberless arrows.

धनुर्मण्डलमेवास्य दृश्यते युधि भारत। सायकाश्चैव दृश्यते निश्चरन्तः समन्ततः॥ आच्छादयन् दिशः सर्वाः सूर्यस्येवांशवो यथा।
The bow of your son, O Bharata, was repeatedly drawn to a circle and the arrows were ceaselessly issued from it towards all directions covered with Duryodhana's arrows those sons of Pandu ceased to shine brightly as the sun and the moon lose their splendour when enveloped with a mass of dark clouds. Indeed, O king, those gold-winged arrows, sharpened on stone, covered all the sides like of the sun.

बाणभूते ततस्तस्मिन् संछन्ने च नभस्तले॥ यमाभ्यो ददृशे रूपं कालान्तकयमोपमम्।
When the firinament was thus covered and the whole sky looked like a sheet of arrows the twin brothers appeared like the destroyer himself.

पराक्रमं तु तं दृष्ट्वा तर सूनोर्महारथाः॥ मृत्योरुपान्तिकं प्राप्तौ मादीपुत्रौ स्म मेनिरे।
But, on the other hand, beholding the valour of your son all the car-warriors took the twin sons of Madri to be at the point of death.

ततः सेनापती राजन् पाण्डवस्य महारथः॥ पार्षतःप्रयसौ तत्र यत्र राजा सुयोधनः।
Then, O king, the mighty car-warrior Parsata, the commander of the Pandava army, went towards the direction of Suyodhana (Duryodhana).

माद्रीपुत्रौ ततः शूरौ व्यतिक्रम्य महारथौ।॥ धृष्टद्युम्नस्तव सुतं वारयामास सायकैः।
Violating the regimental order of those two great car-warriors, the two brave sons of Madri, Dhristadyumna began to oppose your son with his arrows.

तमविध्यदमेयात्मा तव पुत्रो ह्यमर्षणः॥ पाञ्चाल्यं पञ्चविंशत्या प्रहसन पुरुषर्षभः।
Then that highly energetic hero, your son, the foremost of men, full of revengeful spirit and smiling scoffingły, struck the prince of the Panchalas with twenty-five arrows.

ततः पुनरमेयात्मा तव पुत्रो ह्यमर्षणः॥ विद्ध्वा ननाद् पाञ्चाल्यं षष्ट्या पञ्चभिरेव च।
Again the most energetic son of yours, actuated by the eager desire of taking revenge, struck the Panchala prince once with sixty arrows and again with five and roared aloud.

तथास्य सशरं चापं हस्तावापं च मारिष॥ क्षुरप्रेण सुतीक्ष्णेन राजा चिच्छेद संयुगे।
Then the king, O sire, cut-off, in the fight, with his razor-shaped arrow his enemy's bow and the leathern fence with the arrows fixed thereon.

तदपास्य धनुश्छिन्नं पाञ्चाल्यः शत्रुकर्शनः॥ अन्यदादत्त वेगेन धनुर्भारसहं नवम्।
Throwing away that broken bow, that oppressor of foes, the prince of Panchala, quickly took up a new and more elastic one.

प्रज्वलन्निव वेगेन संरम्भाद रुधिरेक्षणः॥ अशोभत महेष्वासो धृष्टद्युम्नः कृतव्रणः।
Then that great bowman, Dhristadyumna, with blood-shot eyes, shone on his car like a burning flame.

स पञ्चदश नाराचाश्वसतः पन्नगानिव॥ जिघांसुर्भरतश्रेष्ठं धृष्टद्युम्नो व्यपासृजत्।
Then, O chief of Bharatas, the hero Dhristadyumna, bent bent upon killing him, discharged fifteen sharp shafts, called Narachas, which looked like hissing serpents.

ते वर्म हेमविकृतं भित्वा राज्ञः शिलाशिताः॥ विविशुर्वसुधां वेगात् कङ्कबर्हिणवाससः।
These shafts, set with the feathers of Kanka's (peacocks') and sharpened on stone, were discharged with such a force that cutting through the gold bedecked armour of the king, they ran through his body and entered into the earth.

सोऽतिविद्धो महाराज पुत्रस्तेऽतिव्यराजत॥ वसन्तकाले सुमहान् प्रफुल्ल इव किंशुकः।
Being deeply wounded, O king, your son looked exceedingly grand like a Kinshuka tree full of flowers in the spring.

सच्छिन्नवर्मा नाराचप्रहारैर्जर्जरीकृतः॥ धृष्टद्युम्नस्य भल्लेन क्रुद्धश्चिच्छेद कार्मुकम्।
His armour being thus cut through and himself being fatigued with the wounds and his feelings being awfully excited he cut-off Dhristadyumna's bow with a broad pointed arrow.

अथैनं छिन्नधन्वानं त्वरमाणो महीपतिः॥ सायकैर्दशभी राजन् भ्रुवोर्मध्ये समार्पयत्।
Then, O lord of the earth, the king penetrated ten arrows into the forehead of his assailant whose bow had already been cut-off by him.

तस्य तेऽशोभयन् वक्त्रं कर्मारपरिमार्जिताः॥ प्रफुल्लं पङ्कजं यद्वद् भ्रमरा मधुर्लिप्सवः।
These shafts, polished by the black-smith, looked on the face of Dhristadyumna like so many black bees on a full blown lily desirous of sucking the sweet honey.

तदपास्य धनुश्छिन्नं धृष्टद्युम्ना महामनाः॥ अन्यदादत्त वेगेन धनुर्भल्लांश्च षोडशा
Throwing that broken bow aside Dhristadyumna quickly took up another bow and with it sixteen broad-pointed arrows.

ततो दुर्योधनस्याश्चन् हत्वा सूतं च पश्चभिः॥ धनुश्चिच्छेद भल्लेन जातरूपपरिष्कृतम्।
Then with five of these arrows he slew Duryodhana's four horses and his Suta charioteer and with another he cut-off his gilded bow.

रथं सोपस्करं छत्रं शक्तिं खङ्गं गदां ध्वजम्॥ भल्लैचिच्छेद दशभिः पुत्रस्य तव पार्षतः।
And with remaining ten shafts the son of Prishata cut-off the royal umbrella, the spear, the sword, the mace, the car with Upaskara and the flag of your son.

तपनीयाङ्गदं चित्रं नागं मणिमयं शुभम्॥ ध्वजं कुरुपतेच्छिन्नं ददृशुः सर्वपार्थिवाः।
Alas, all the chiefs saw the beautiful standard of the Kuru king, adorned with golden Angada and bearing the likeness of an elephant set with jewels, cut-off by Dhristadyumna.

दुर्योधन तु विरथं छिन्नवर्मायुधं रणे॥ भ्रातरः पर्यरक्षन्त सोदरा भरतर्षभा
Then, O foremost of the Bharata's race, Duryodhana, thus deprived of all his weapons in the battle, was protected by his brothers.

तमोरोप्य रथे राजन् दण्डधारो नराधिपमः॥ अपाहरदसम्भ्रान्तो धृष्टद्युम्नस्य पश्यतः।
In the very sight of Dhristadyumna. Dandadhara, taking the king upon his own car, quickly carried him away from the field.

कर्णस्तु सात्यकि जित्वां राजगृद्धी महाबलः॥ द्रोणहन्तारमुग्रेषु ससारभिमुखो रणे।
In the meantime, the greatly powerful Karna, having killed Satyaki, proceeded straight on towards the slayer of Drona for the rescue of the Kuru king.

तं पृष्ठतोऽभ्ययात् तूर्णं शैनेयो वितुदञ्छरैः॥ वारणं जघनोपान्ते विषाणाभ्यामिव द्विपः।
And the son of Sini speedily pursued him striking him with arrows as an elephant pursues his rival piercing him with his tusks on the rear.

स भारत महानासीद् योधानां सुमहात्मनाम्॥ कर्णपार्षतयोर्मध्ये त्वदीयानां महारणः।
Thus, O king, the battle raged furiously amongst these sturdy heroes of both the armies and the spot, lying between Karna and the son of Prishata, grew simply terrifying.

न पाण्डवानां नास्माकं योधः कश्चित् पराङ्मुखः॥४० प्रत्यदृश्यत् ततः कर्णः पञ्चालांस्त्वरितो ययौ।
Not a single combatant, of either party, turned his face from the field. Karna then rushed towards the Panchala with great speed.

तस्मिन् क्षणे नरश्रेष्ठ गजवाजिजनक्षयः॥ प्रादुरीसादुभयतो राजन् मध्यगतेऽहनि।
Then, O best of men, countless men, horses and elephant of both parties fell just when the sun ascended the meridian.

पञ्चालास्तु महाराज त्वरिता विजिगीषवः॥ ते सर्वेऽभ्यद्रवन कर्णं पतित्रिण इव दुमम्।
The Panchalas, O king, desirous of victory, rushed towards Karna as birds flock towards their nest.

तांस्तथाधिरथि: क्रुद्धो यतमानान् मनस्विनः॥ विचिन्वन्निव बाणौथैः समासादयदग्रगान्। व्याघ्रकेतुं सुशर्माणं चित्रं चोग्रायुधं जयम्॥ शुक्वं च रोचमानं च सिंहसेनं च दुर्जयम्।
And the energetic son of Adhiratha began to oppose the Panchalas from the front with his sharp arrows marking specially their leaders, Vyaghraketu, Susharma, Chitra, Ugrayudha, Jaya, Shukla, Rochainan and the unconquerable Singhasena.

ते वीरा रथमार्गेण परिवर्नरोत्तमम्॥ सृजन्त सायकान् क्रुद्धं कर्णमाहवशोभिनम्।
All those heroes, quickly driving their cars towards Karna-the glory of the battle field, encompassed him and began to shower their sharp shafts upon that infuriated hero, the foremost of men.

युध्यमानांस्तु तान् दूरान्मनुजेन्द्र प्रतापवान्॥ अष्टभिरष्टौ राधेयोऽभ्यर्दयनिशितैः शरैः।
But all those eight heroes who had proceeded to combat that brave hero, the son of Radha, were sorely afflicted by him each with eight piercing arrows.

अथापरान् महाराज सूतपुत्रः प्रतापवान्॥ जघान् बहुसाहस्रान् योधान् युद्धविशारदान्।
Thereupon, O king, the powerful son of charioteer killed thousands of other heroes-all skillful in the manoeuvre of war.

जिष्णुं च जिष्णुकर्माणं देवापि भद्रमेव च।॥ दण्डं च राजन् समरे चित्रं चित्रायुधं हरिम्। सिंहकेतुं रोचमान् शलभं च महारथम्॥ निजधान सुसंक्रुद्धश्चेदीनां त महारथान्।
Worked up with anger Karna stuck in battle, Jishnu, Jishnukarman, Devapi, Bhadra, Danda, Chitra, Chitrayudha, Hari, Singhaketu, Rochamana, the great car-warriors Shalabha and many other Chedi heroes.

तेषामाददतः प्राणानासीदाधिरथेवपुः॥ शोणिताभ्युक्षिताङ्गस्य रुद्रस्येवोर्जितं महत्।
When the son of Adhiratha was engaged in striking those heroes his body, besmeared with blood and swelled with pride and animation, looked like the gigantic form of Rudra himself.

तत्र भारत कर्णेन मातङ्गास्ताडिताः शरैः॥ सर्वतोऽभ्यद्रवन् भीताः कुर्वन्तो महदाकुलम्।
Then, O Bharata, the elephants afflicted by Karna's arrows, bolted with fear and caused great commotion in the battle-field.

निपेतुरुर्व्य समरे कर्णसायकताडिताः॥ कुर्वन्तो विविधान् नादान् वज्रनुन्ना इवाचलाः।
Others, oppressed by Karna's arrows, cried aloud in diverse voice and fell down as do the mountain peaks when struck down with thunder.

गजवाजिनमनुष्यैश्च निपतद्भिः समन्ततः॥ रथैश्चाधिरथेर्मार्गे समास्तीर्यत मेदिनी।
The earth, along the trace of Karna's car, was fully strewn with broken cars and carcasses of elephants, horses and men.

नैवं भीष्मो न च द्रोणो नान्ये युधि च तावकाः॥५४ चक्रुः स्म तादृशं सर्म यादृशं वै कृतं रणे।
Verily one of the warriors of your army may not even Bhishma or Drona, did ever achieve such an exploit, as was achieved by Karna in the battle.

सूतपुत्रेण नागेषु हयेषु त रथेषु च॥ नरेषु च महाराज कृतं स्म कदनं महत्।
Suta's son, O most valiant of men, indeed made a havoc amongst the elephants and horses and destroyed the cars and men in countless numbers.

मृगमध्ये यथा सिंहो दृश्यते निर्भयश्चरन्॥ पञ्चालानां तथा मध्ये कर्णोऽचरदभीतवत् ।
Like a lion roaming fearlessly among a herd of deer Karna too moved about fcarlessly amongst the Panchalas.

यथा मृगगणांस्त्रस्तान सिंहो द्रावयते दिशः॥ पञ्चालानां रथवातान् कर्णो व्यद्रावयत् तथा।
As a lion drives away a herd of timid deer in all directions, so Karna dispelled the crowd of Panchala's cars to all directions.

सिहास्यं च यथा प्राप्य न जीवन्ति मृगाः क्वचित्।। तथा कर्णमुप्राप्य न जिजीवुर्महारथाः।
And as a stag cam never escape from the black jaws of a lion so even those heroes, who happened to approach Karna, could not return with their lives.

वैश्वानरं यथा प्राप्य प्रतिदह्यन्ति वै जनाः॥ कर्णाग्निना रणे तद्वद् दग्धा भारत सृञ्जयाः।
As men are sure to be burnt down if they approach a blazing fire so even the Srinjayas, O Bharata, were burnt by the flame of Karna when they approached it.

कर्णेन चेदिकैकेयपाञ्चालेषु च भारत॥ विश्राव्य नाम निहता बहवः शूरसम्मताः।
Many proud and well-approved heroes of the Chedis and Panchalas were killed by Karna.

मम चासीन्मती राजन् दृष्ट्वा कर्णस्य विक्रमम्॥ नैकोऽप्याधिरथेर्जीवन् पाञ्चाल्यो मोक्ष्यते युधि। पञ्चालान् व्यधमत् संख्ये सूतपुत्रः पुनः पुनः॥
Beholding the valour of Karna, O king, I was under the impression that not even a single soul of the Panchalas would escape from the son of Adhiratha in that battle. Indeed the Suta's son repeatedly routed the Panchalas in the battle.

पञ्चालानथ निघ्नन्तं कर्णं दृष्ट्वा महारणे। अभ्यधावत् सुसंक्रुद्धो धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः॥
Beholding the Panchalas thus slain by Karna in that terrible battle Dharma-Raja Yudhishthira wrathfully rushed towards him.

धृष्टद्युम्नश्च राधेयं द्रौपदेयाश्च मारिष परिवब्रुरमित्रघ्नं शतशश्चापरे जनाः॥
Dhristadyumna, the sons of Droupadi and hundreds of other heroes, O Sire, speedily encompassed the son of Radha, the slayer of foes.

शिखण्डी सहदेवश्च नकुलो नाकुलिस्तथा। जनमेजयः शिरेर्नप्ता बहवश्च प्रभद्रकाः॥ एते पुरोगमा भूत्वा धृष्टद्युम्नस्य संयुगे। कर्णमस्यन्तमिध्वस्त्रैर्विचेरुरमितौजसः॥
And many other warriors of immeasurable strength as Sikhandin, Sahadeva, Nakula, his sons, the descendant of Sini and a good many of the Prabhadrakas advancing along with Dhristadyumna in their respective cars looked very grand when they all began to strike Karna with their shafts and many other weapons of different descriptions.

तांस्तत्राधिरथिः संख्ये चेदिपाञ्चालपाण्डवान्। एको बहूनभ्यपतद् गरुत्मान् पन्नगानिव॥
But the son of Adhiratha, though singlehanded, fell ferociously upon all those Panchalas, Chedis and Pandavas in the encounter just as Garuda falls upon a number of snakes.

तैः कर्णस्याभवद् युद्धं घोररूपं विशाम्पते। तादृग् याद्दक् पुरा वृत्तं देवानां दानवैः सह॥
The battle, O monarch, that was fought between Karna and those warriors, became as fierce as the great battle that, in the days of yore, occurred between the gods and Asuras.

तान् समेतान् महेष्वासाशरवर्षांघवर्षिणः। एको व्यधमदाव्यग्रस्तमांसीव दिवाकरः॥
Like unto the rising sun dispelling darkness the single-handed Karna unhesitatingly encountered the united force of all those great warriors ceaselessly showering sharp shafts upon him.

भीमसनस्तु संसक्ते राधेये पाण्डवैः सह। सर्वतोऽभ्यहनत् क्रुद्धो यमदण्डनिभैः शरैः॥ वाह्रीकान् केकयान् मत्स्यान् वासात्यान् मद्रसैन्धवान्। एक: संख्ये महेष्वासो योधयन् बह्वशोभत।
While Karna was thus engaged with the Pandavas, Bhimasena, extremely exercised with anger, began to wound the Kurus with his shafts each of which was as sure as the very rod of Yama. That great bowman, struggling alone with all those Balhikas, Kaikeyas, Matsyas, Vasatiyas, Madras and the Saindhavas, looked exceedingly grand.

तत्र मर्मसु भीमेन नाराचैस्ताडिता गजाः॥ प्रपतन्तो हतारोहाः कम्पयन्ति स्म मेदिनाम्।
The earth itself began to tremble with the violence of the fall of the huge elephants struck fatally with the awful arrows of Bhimasena in the vital parts of their riders shot dead.

वाजिनश्च हतारोहा: पत्तयश्च गतासवः॥ शेरते युधि निर्भिन्ना वमन्तो रुधिरं बहु।
Many horses also, with their riders slain and many of the infantries lay down dead pierced with arrows and vomiting blood and bleeding profusely.

सहस्रशश्च रथिनः पातितः पतितायुधाः॥ ते क्षताः समदृश्यन्त भीमभीता गतासवः।
Thousands of car-warriors, deprived of their arms, lay senseless through the fear of Bhima and inany lay dead, their bodies mangled with wounds.

रथिभिः सादिभिः सूतैः पादातैर्वाजिभिर्गजैः॥ भीमसेनशरैश्छिन्नराच्छन्ना वसुधामवत्।
Dead bodies of elephants and their drivers, horses and riders, cars and car-warriors and foot soldiers shot dead by Bhimasena, literally covered the battle-field.

तत् स्तम्भितमिवातिष्ठद् भीमसेनभयादितम्॥ दुर्योधन बलं सर्वं निरुत्साहं कृतव्रणम्। निश्चेष्टं तुमुलं दीनं वभौ तस्मिन् महारणे॥
The army of Duryodhana, of Duryodhana, O king, melancholy, mainted and grieved through fear of Bhimasena, stood in utter confusion. That poor confounded host stood motionless in the field.

प्रसन्नसलिले काले यथा स्यात् सागरो नृप। तद्वत् तव बलं तद् वै निश्चलं समवस्थितम॥
O king, the deep ocean remains quiet in a fair season stood motionless as deep ocean remains clam and quiet in a fair weather season. Your army, in that batile, became poorly and thoroughly insert.

मन्युवीर्यबलोपेतं दर्पात् प्रत्यवरोपितम्। अभवत् तव पुत्रस्य तत् सैन्यं निष्प्रभं तदा॥
The army of your son, however powerful and energetic it might have been, lost all its glory and pride at that time.

तद् बलं भरतश्रेष्ठ वध्यमानं परस्परम्। रुधिरौघपरिक्किन्नं रुधिरा, बभूव ह ॥ जगाम भरतेश्रेष्ठ वध्यमानं परस्परम्।
That army, O foremost of the Bharata, when fighting with one another looked as if bathed in blood and went on killing one another.

सूतपुत्रो रणे क्रुद्धः पाण्डवानापनीकिनीम्॥ भीमसेनः कुरुश्चापि द्रावयन्तौ विरेजतुः।
Suta's son, filled with anger, routed the Pandava army while the enraged Bhimasena routed the Kurus. And both the heroes thus engaged looked exceedingly beautiful.

वर्तमाने तथा रौद्रे संग्रामेऽद्भुतदर्शने॥ निहंत्य पृतनामध्ये संशप्तकगणान् बहून्। अर्जुनो जयतां श्रेष्ठो वासुदेवमताब्रवीत्॥
In that extremely fierce and awe-inspiring battle, Arjuna, that foremost of victorious heroes, having killed a large number of Samasaptakas in the very heart of their array,

प्रभग्नं बलमेतद्धि योत्स्यमानं जनार्दन। एते द्रवन्ति सगणा: संशप्तकमहारथाः॥ अपारयन्तो मद्वाणान् सिंहशब्दं मृगा इव।
This array of these fighting warriors, O Janaradana, has been broken through. These great warriors of the Samasaptakas, unable to withstand my arrows, are running away with their men as a herd of deer at the roar of a lion.

दीर्यते चमहत् सैन्यं सृञ्जयानां महारणे॥ हस्तिकक्षो ह्यसौ कृष्ण केतुः कर्णस्य धीमतः। दृश्यते राजसैन्यस्य मध्ये विचरतो मुदा॥
And even the vast force of the Srinjayas appears to give way in this great battle. There in the midst of Yudhishthira's division, the banner, of the highly intelligent Karna, bearing the device of an elephant is seen to move about with great activity.

न च कर्णं रणे शक्ता जेतुमन्ये महारथाः। कर्ण वीर्यवन्तं पराक्रमे॥
O Janardana, You are well aware of Karna's energy and prowess. No other warrior of our army is capable of conquering Karna.

जानीते हि भवान् तत्र याहि यतः कर्णो द्रावयत्येष नो बलम्। वर्जयित्वा रणे याहि सूतपुत्रं महारथम्॥ एतन्मे रोचते कृष्ण यथा वा तव रोचते।
Pray, proceed there where Karna is crushing down our force. Leaving all others proceed against that mighty car-warrior, the son of Suta, O Krishna, this is my suggestion; but please do what you think proper,

एतच्छ्रुत्वा वचस्तस्य गोविन्दः प्रहसन्निव॥ अब्रवीदर्जुनं तूर्ण कौरवाञ्जहि पाण्डव।
Hearing these words of his, Govind smiled and addressing Arjuna said-"O son of Pandu, go on killing the Kauravas indiscriminately."

ततस्तव महासैन्यं गोविन्दप्रेरिता हयाः॥ हंसवर्णाः प्रविविशुर्वहन्तः कृष्णपाण्डवौ।
Then those swan white horses, driven by Krishna, penetrated into your strong array bearing both Krishna and himself and the son of Pandu.

केशवप्रेरितैरश्वैः श्वेतैः काञ्चनभूषणैः॥ प्रविशद्भिस्तव बलं चतुर्दिशमभिट्टात।
And your host gave way on all sides as those two white animals bedecked with golden trappings entered into its midst led by Keshava.

मेघस्तनितनिर्हादः स रथो वानरध्वजः॥ चलत्पताकस्तां सेनां विमानं द्यामिवविशत्।
That ape bannered car hoisting its flags in the sky and roaring like thunder-bolt cloud forced its way into your array like a celestial car passing through the welkin.

तौ विदार्य महासेनां प्रविष्टौ केशवार्जुनौ॥ क्रुद्धौ संरम्भरक्ताक्षौ व्यभ्राजेतां महाद्युती।
When cutting through the vast army, Keshava and Arjuna entered the arena with their eyes blooded with anger they looked exceedingly splendid and resplendent.

युद्धशौण्डी समाहूतावागतौ तौ रणाध्वरम्॥ यज्वभिर्विधिनाहूतौ मखे देवाविवाश्विनौ।
Taking great delight in battle and accepting the challenge of the Kurus when those two heroes came to the field they looked like the w twin gods Ashvinis invoked with proper rites in a sacrifice by the priests.

क्रुद्धौ तौ तु नरव्याघ्रौ वेगवन्तौ बभूवतुः॥ तलशब्देन रुषितौ यथा नागौ महावने।
Those two enraged heroes of tigerish fierceness grew extremely violent in their moments like two elephants excited at the claps of hunters in a deep forest.

विगाह्य तु स्थानीकमश्वसंघांश्च फाल्गुनः॥ व्यचरत् पृतनामध्ये पाशहस्त इवान्तकः।
Penetrating into the midst of those cars and horses drawn in array Phalguna move about like the destroyer himself armed with his fatal noose.

तं दृष्ट्वा युधि विक्रान्तं सेनायां तव भारत॥ संशप्तकगणान् भूयः पुत्रस्ते समचूचुदत्।
Beholding him displaying such courage within his own army, O Bharata, your son tried once more to stir up the Samasaptakas against him.

ततो रथसहस्रेण द्विरदानां त्रिभिः शतैः॥ चतुर्दशसहस्रेस्तु तुरगाणां महाहवे। द्वाभ्यां शतसहस्राभ्यं पदातीनां च धन्विनाम्॥ शूराणांबल्धलक्ष्याणां विदितानां समन्ततः। अभ्यवर्तन्त कौन्तेयं छादयन्तो महारथाः॥ शरवर्षेमहाराज सर्वतः पाण्डुनन्दनम्।
Thereupon with thousand cars, three hundred elephants, fourteen thousand horses and two hundred thousand valiant footsoldiers, all well practised in aiming and highly skillful in all the ways of war and well armed with bows, the leaders of the Samanaptakas rushed towards the son of Kunti and covered the Pandavas, O king, with showers of shafts from all sides.

स च्छाद्यमानः समरे शरैः परबलार्दनः॥ दर्शयन् रौद्रमात्मानं पाशहस्त इवान्तकः। निघ्नन् संशप्तकान् पार्थः प्रेक्षणीयतरोऽभवत्॥
Covered with arrows Partha, that repressor of foes, in fight, looked exceedingly fearful like the destroyer himself with the noose in his hand, but he grew still more fierce and worth looking at when he began to kill the Samasaptakas.

ततो विद्युत्प्रभैर्बाणैः कार्तस्वरविभूषितैः। निरन्तरमिवाकाशमासीच्छन्नं किरीटिना॥
Thereupon the sky became enveloped with the arrows mounted with gold and possessed of the lustre of the lightning that were being constantly discharged by Kiriti (Arjuna).

किरीटिभुजनिर्मुक्तैः सम्पतद्भिर्महाशरैः। समाच्छन्नं बभौ सर्वं काद्रवेयैरिव प्रभो॥
Indeed those arrows, that were ceaselessly being discharged by Arjuna, falling on all sides looked, O lord, as if so many snakes were lying all around.

रुक्मपुङ्खान् प्रसन्नाग्राञ्छरान् संनतपर्वणः। अवासृजदमेयात्मा दिक्षु सर्वासु पाण्डवः॥
The immeasurably energetic son of Pandu sent out his straight and sharp-pointed shafts towards all directions.

मही वियद् दिशः सर्वाः समुद्रा गिरयोऽपि वा। स्फुटन्तीति जना जजुः पार्थस्य तलनिःस्वनात्।। १०५
Hearing the terrible sound of Parth's palms people thought that all the oceans, the whole earth, all the ten directions, the ethereal vault were going to burst out.

हत्वा दशसहस्राणि पार्थिवानां महारथः। संशप्तकानां कौन्तेयः प्रत्यक्षं त्वरितोऽभ्ययात्॥
Having killed ten thousand of the chiefs, that great car-warrior the son of Kunti proceeded rapidly to the further end of the Samasaptakas array.

प्रत्यक्षं च समासाद्य पार्थः काम्बोजरक्षितम्। प्रममाथ बलं बाणैर्दनवानिव वासवः॥
Approaching the wing which was being defended by Kamboja he began to harass the troops by his powerful arrows as Vasava had harassed the Danavas.

प्रचिच्छेदाशु भल्लेन द्विषतामाततायिनाम्। शस्त्रं पाणिं तथा बाहुं तथापि च शिरांस्युत॥
With his broad-headed arrows he began to chop off quickly the heads, thighs and arms with weapon in the grasp of his rivals who were desirous of killing him.

अङ्गाङ्गावयवैश्छिन्नायुधास्तेऽपतन भुवि। विष्वग्वाताभिसम्भग्ना बहुशाखा इव द्रुमाः॥
Deprived of all the limbs and weapons they began to fall down on earth like large trees of many big boughs hurled down by a hurricane.

हस्त्यश्वरथपत्तीनां वातान् निनन्तमर्जुनम्। सुदक्षिणादवरजः शरवृष्ट्याभ्यवीवृषत्॥
The younger brother of Sudakshina, the king of Kamboja started shooting volley of arrows on Arjuna, the great warrior capable of killing numerous cluster of elephants, horses, chariots and infantry soldiers.

तस्यास्यतोऽर्धचन्द्राभ्यां बाहू परिघसंनिभौ। पूर्णचन्द्राभवक्त्रं च क्षेरेणाभ्यहरच्छिरः॥
Arjuna then cut-off the two arms of his assailant with a pair of crescent-shaped arrows and then with razor-headed arrow he knocked down his head containing a face as beautiful as the full moon.

स पपात ततो वाहात् सुलोहितपरिस्त्रवः। मनःशिलागिरेः शृङ्गं वज्रेणोवावदारितम्॥
His like extinguished, the body bathed in blood fell down from his car like the summit of Manashila mountain clapped down by a thunder-bolt.

सुदक्षिणादवरजं काम्बोजं ददृशुर्हतम्। प्रांशु कमलपत्राक्षमत्यर्थं प्रियदर्शनम्॥ काञ्चनस्तम्भसदृशं भिन्नं हेमगिरिं यथा।
When this most beautiful and handsomelooking young man, the younger brother of Sudakshina and chief of the Kambojas whose beautiful and lovely eyes could be compared with the lotus-petals, lay down dead on the ground it appeared as if the summit of the golden Sumeru was tumbled down on earth.

ततोऽभवत् पुनर्युद्धं घोरमत्यर्थमद्भुतम्॥ नानावस्थाश्च योधानां बभूवस्तत्र युद्धयताम्।
And the battle, that was fought after this, was exceedingly terrible and awe-inspiring and the fate of each of the fighting combatants changed repeatedly.

एकेषुनिहतैरश्वैः काम्बोजैर्यवनैः शकैः॥ शोणिताक्तैस्तदा रक्तं सर्वमासीद् विशाम्पते।
All the heroes of the Kambojas, Yavanas and the Sakas were killed by one arrow each and their bleeding bodies, O king, gave the battle-field the look of a vast expanse of red.

स्थताश्वसूतैश्च हतारोहैश्च वाजिभिः॥ द्विरदैश्च हतारोहमहामात्रैर्हतद्विपैः। अन्योन्येन महाराज कृतो घोरो जनक्षयः॥
The car-warriors were deprived of their steeds and drivers, elephants and horses lost their riders; many riders and drivers lost their horses and elephants; and thus fighting with one another, O king, a great loss of lives took place.

तस्मिन् प्रपक्षे पक्षे च निहते सव्यसाचिना। अर्जुनं जयता श्रेष्ठं त्वरितो द्रौणिरभ्ययात्॥ विधुन्वानो महचापं कार्तस्वरविभूषितम्। आददानः शरान् घोरान् स्वरश्मीनिव भास्करः॥११९
When the wing and further wing of the Samasaptakas had been thus eradicated by Savyasachin (Arjuna) the son of Drona rapidly proceeded against him. Furnished with many terrible arrows and violently shaking his formidable bow Drona's son appeared in the battle-field as the sun appears in the horizon with his fierce rays.

क्रोधामर्षविवृत्तास्यो लोहिताक्षो बभौ बली। अन्तकाले यथा क्रुद्धो मृत्युः किङ्करदण्डभृत्॥
Full of rage and revengeful spirit the mighty warrior, with his mouth wide open and blood red eyes, looked formidable like Death himself with his terrible mace before a dying person.

ततः प्रासृजदुग्राणि शरवर्षाणि संघशः। तैर्विसृष्टैर्महाराज व्यद्रवत पाण्डवी चमूः॥
Then he began to shower sharp shafts on the armies of the Pandavas and rout them.

स दृष्टैव तु दासार्ह स्यन्दनस्थं विशाम्पते। पुनः प्रासृजदुग्राणि शरवर्षाणि मारिष॥
Again, O king, as soon as he saw the Dasarha on the car he began to discharge his terrible shafts much more quickly.

तैः पतद्भिर्महाराज द्रौणिमुक्तैः समन्ततः। संछादितौ रथस्थौ तावुभौ कृष्णधनंजयौ॥
And their dangerous arrows discharged by Drona's son, O king, falling on Krishna and Dhananjaya, entirely enshrouded both of them on their car.

ततः शरशतैस्तीक्षणैरश्वत्थामा प्रतापवान्। निश्चैष्टौ तावुभौ युद्धे चक्रे माघवपाण्डवौ॥
And thus the violent Ashvatthama, with hundreds of keen arrows, put both Madhava and Pandu's son into utter confusion.

हाहाकृतमभूत सर्व स्थावरं जङ्गम् तथा। चराचरस्य गोप्तारौ संछादितौ शरैः॥
Beholding those two guardians of the world, thus covered with arrows, the creation sent forth piteous cries of woe.

सिद्धचारणसंघाश्च सम्पेतुस्ते समन्ततः। चिन्तयन्तो भवेदद्य लोकानां स्वस्तयपीति च॥
There hordes of Siddhas and Charanas poured in form every direction all solicitous of common weal for the day.

न मया तादृशो राजन् दृष्टपूर्वः पराक्रमः। संग्रामे यादृशो द्रौणेः कृष्णौ संचादयिष्यतः॥
Never before, O monarch, did I witness such prodigies of valor like those displayed by Drouni when shrouding Krishna and Arjuna in the field.

द्रौणेस्तु धनुषः शब्दमहितत्रासनं रणे। अश्रौषं बहुशो राजन् सिंहस्य निनदो यता॥
Often and often did I hear in that battle, O king, the din of Drouni's volleys, thundering roars of lion to the consternation of the enemy.

ज्या चास्य चरतो युद्धे सव्यदक्षिणमस्यतः। विद्युतम्बुदमध्यस्था भ्राजमानेव साभवत्॥
Flinging his shots right and left as he moved round the field, the string of his bow shone like flashes of lightning sparkling amidst the cloudy heavens.

स तथा क्षिप्रकारी च दृढहस्तश्च पाण्डवः। प्रमोहं परमं गत्वा प्रेक्ष्य तं द्रोणजं ततः॥ विक्रम विहतं मेन आत्मनः स महायशाः। तस्यास्य समरे राजन् वपुरासीत् सुदुद्देशम्॥
Inspite of the dexterity and inflexibility of his hand, the son of Pandu, beholding the son of Drona, at the time, was greatly bewildered. And he (Arjuna) bethought himself of being deprived of his own prowess by that august personage (Ashvatthaman), whose bearing in the field, O king, presented a dazzling sight for human eyes.

द्रौणिपाण्डवयोरेवं वर्तमाने महारणे। वर्धमाने च राजेन्द्र द्रोणपुत्रे महाबले॥ हीयमाने च कौन्तेये कृष्णे रोषः समाविशत्।
In that deadly conflict between Drouni and the Pandava, O king of kings Krishna, seeing the powerful son of Drona get the better of the son of Kunti, became highly infuriated.

स रोषान्निःश्वसन् राजन् निर्दहन्निव चक्षुषा॥ द्रौणि ह्यपश्यत् संग्रामे फाल्गुनं च मुहर्मुहुः।
With inflamed eyes and swelling breath, frequently he cast his eyes towards. Ashvatthama and Phalguna, devouring them, as it were, with the fury of his fire.

ततः क्रुद्धोऽब्रवीत् कृष्णः पार्थ सप्रणयं तदा॥ अत्यद्भुतमिदं पार्थ तव पश्यामि संयुगे। अतिशेते हि यत्र त्वां द्रोणपुत्रोऽद्य भारत॥
The indignant Krishna then addressing Partha in an endearing tone and said-O Partha, what a strange part of, see, you play in the field? O son of Bharata, Drona's son overcoming you today in battle!

कचिद् वीर्यं यथापूर्वं भुजयोर्वा बलं तव। कचित् ते गाण्डिवं हस्ते रथे तिष्ठसि चार्जुन॥
Have you the same strength of your arms as you had before? Do you still hold your Gandiva in hand? Are you seated in the warchariot?

कचित् कुशालिनौ बाहू मुष्टिर्वा न व्यशीर्यत। उदीर्यमाणं हि रणे पश्यामि द्रौणिमाहवे॥
Has nay thing gone wrong with your arms? Has your fist sustained any injury, or how is it that I see you overwhelmed by Drouni in the field.

गुरुपुत्र इति ह्येनं मानयन् भरतर्षभ। उपेक्षा कुरु मा पार्थ नायं काल उपेक्षितुम्॥
O glory of Bharata's race, esteeming your assailant as the son of your preceptor stop not, O Partha, this is not the time for forbearance.

एवमुक्तस्तु कृष्णेन गृह्य भल्लांश्चतुर्दश। त्वरमाणस्तवराकाले द्रौणेर्धनुरथाच्छिनत्॥ ध्वजं छत्रं पताकाश्च खङ्ग शक्तिं गदां तथा। जत्रुदेशे च सुभृशं वत्सदन्तैरताडयत्॥
Hearing those words Arjuna just on the nick of time seizing fourteen Bhallas (arrows, with crescent-shaped heads) darted them off, piercing right through his weapons, chariot, standard and umbrella and dismantling Ashvatthama of his equipment's, bows, darts and all. He (Arjuna), then assailing him (Ashvatthama) with calf-toothed arrows.

स मूर्छा परमां गत्वा ध्वजयष्टिं समाश्रितः। तं विसंज्ञं महाराज शत्रुणा भृशपीडितम्॥ अपोवाह रणात् सूतो रक्षमाणो धनंजयात्।
Inflicted terrible wounds on his shoulderjoints fainting from which he sustained himself with his flag-staff. Seeing him thus stunned with the assaults of his enemy his charioteer, O monarch, for rescuing him from (the army of) Dhananjaya bore him away from the field.

एतस्मिन्नेव काले च विजयः शत्रुतापनः॥ व्यहनत् तावकं सैन्यं शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः। पश्यतस्तस्य वीरस्य तव पुत्रस्य भारत॥
O Bharata, In the meanwhile, that scorcher of enemy, Vijay, before the very eyes of your valiant son slaughtered your army by hundreds and thousands.

एवमेष क्षयो वृत्तस्तावकानां परैः सह। क्रूरो विशसनो घोरो राजन् दुर्मत्रिते तव॥
Thus, O monarch, owing to your evil counsels such a ruthless slaughter with cruel onslaught of your champions was brought about as these knights presented arms to your foe.

संशप्तकांश्च कौन्तेयः कुरूंश्चापि वृकोदरः। वसुषेणश्च पञ्चालान् क्षणेन व्यधमद् रणे॥
Arjuna then in the twinkle of an eye beset the Samasaptakas, while Vrikodara attacked the Kurus and Karna attacked the Panchalas.

वर्तमाने तथा रौद्रे राजन् वीरवरक्षये। उत्थितान्यगणेयानि कबन्धानि समन्ततः॥
O monarch, as the war raged furiously, destroying the lives of valiant soldiers and presenting a vast scene of carnage, there arose in the field innumerable headless trunks, still retaining vitality.

युधिष्ठिरोऽपि संग्रामे प्रहारर्गाढवेदनः। क्रोशमात्रमपक्रम्य तस्थौ भरतसत्तमः॥
O the chief of the Bharata race, king Yudhishthira, sorely distressed with his wounds and writhing in agony, stayed in the time two miles off from the scene of action.