Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 61

The praise of Bhimasena. The lamentation of Duryodhana

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच हतं दुर्योधनं दृष्ट्वा भीमसेनेन संयुगे। पाण्डवाः सृञ्जयाश्चैव किमकुर्वत संजय॥
Dhritarashtra said “Secing Duryodhana struck down in battle by Bhimasena, what, O Sanjaya did the Pandavas and the Srinjayas do?"

संजय उवाच हतं दुर्योधनं दृष्ट्वा भीमसेनेन संयुगे। सिंहेनेव महाराज मत्तं वनगजं यथा॥ प्रहृष्टमनसस्तत्र कृष्णेन सह पाण्डवाः। पञ्चाला सृञ्जयाश्चैव निहते कुरुनन्दने॥ आविद्ध्यन्नुत्तरीयाणि सिंहनादांश्च नेदिरे। नैतान् हर्षसमाविष्टानियं सेहे वसुंधरा॥
Sanjaya said “Seeing Duryodhana killed by Bhimasena in battle, O king, like a wild elephant slain by a lion the Pandavas with Krishna were filled with joy upon the fall of the Kuru king. The Panchalas and the Shrinjayas also waved their upper garments in the air) and sent up leonine roars. Even the Earth could not bear those rejoicing warriors.

धनूंष्यन्ते व्याक्षिपन्त ज्याश्चाप्यन्ये तथाऽक्षिपन्। दध्मुरन्ये महाशङ्खानन्ये जघ्नुश्च दुन्दुभीन्॥
Some stretched their bows; others drew their bowstrings. Some blew their huge conchs; other beat their drums.

चिक्रीडुश्च तथैवान्ये जहसुश्च तवाहिताः। अब्रुवंश्चासकृद् वीरा भीमसेनमिदं वचः॥ दुष्करं भवता कर्म रणेऽद्य सुमहत् कृतम्। कौरवेन्द्रं रणे हत्वा गदयाऽतिकृतश्रमम्॥ इन्द्रेणेव हि वृत्रस्य वधं परमसंयुगे। त्वया कृतममन्यन्त शत्रोर्वधमिमं जनाः॥
Some sported and juinped about others laughed aloud. Many heroes repeatedly said these words to Bhimasena— 'Highly difficult and great has been the feat that you have performed to-day in batile, by having struck down thc Kuru king, himself a great warrior, with your macc! This slaughter of your enemy is considered like that of Vritra by Indra himself!

चरन्तं विविधान् मार्गान् मण्डलानि च सर्वशः। दुर्योधनमिमं शूरं कोऽन्यो हन्याद् वृकोदरात्॥
Who else, but you, O Vrikodara, could kill the heroic Duryodhana while moving about in various ways and performing various manoeuvres.

वैरस्य च गतः पारं त्वमिहान्यैः सुदुर्गमम्। अशक्यमेतदन्येन सम्पादयितुमीदृशम्॥
You have brought these hostilities, to a close which none could do! This feat of yours is incapable of being done by any other warrior!

कुञ्जरेणेव मत्तेन वीर संग्राममूर्धनि। दुर्योधनशिरो दिष्ट्या पादेन मृदितं त्वया॥
By good luck, you have, O hero, like an infuriate elephant, crushed with your foot the head of Duryodhana on the field of battle!

सिंहेन महिषस्येव कृत्वा सङ्गरमुत्तमम्। दुःशासनस्य रुधिरं दिष्ट्या पीतं त्वयानघ॥
By good luck, O sinless one, you have quaffed the blood of Dussasana on the field of battle!

ये विप्रकुर्वन् राजान् धर्मात्मानं युधिष्ठिरम्। मूर्ध्नि तेषां कृतः पादो दिष्ट्या ते स्वेन कर्मणा॥
By good luck, you have by your own energy, placed your foot on the head of all those that had injured the just king Yudhishthira!

अमित्राणामधिष्ठानाद् वधाद् दुर्योधनस्य च। भीम दिष्ट्या पृथिव्यां ते प्रथितं सुमहद् यशः॥
For your having defeated the foes and having slain Duryodhana, by good luck, O Bhima, your fame has extended over the whole world.

एवं नूनं हते वृत्रे शक्रं नन्दन्ति बन्दिनः। तथा त्वां निहतामित्रं वयं नन्दाम भारत॥
Bards and eulogists praised Shakra after the fall of Vritra as we are now applauding you, O Bharata, after the fall of your foes.

दुर्योधनवधे यानि रोमाणि हृषितानि नः। अद्यापि न विकृष्यन्ते तानि तद् विद्धि भारत॥ इत्यब्रुवन् भीमसेनं वातिकास्तत्र सङ्गताः।
Know O Bharata, that the joy we felt upon the fall of Duryodhana has not yet decreased the least.' The assembled eulogists on that occasion addressed to Bhimasena these words,

तान् हृष्टान् पुरुषव्याघ्रान् पञ्चालान् पाण्डवैः सह।। १७ ब्रुवतोऽसदृशं तत्र प्रोवाच मधुसूदनः। न न्याय्यं निहतं शत्रु भूयो हन्तुं नराधिपाः॥ असकृद् वाग्भिरुयाभिनिहतो होष मन्दधीः।
Whilst, viz., Panchalas and the Pandavas, all filled with joy were thus expressing themselves, the slayer of Madhu addressed them, saying-Ye kings, it is not becoming to kill a slain fe with such cruel words repeatedly. This wicked man has already been slain.

तदैवैष हतः पापो यदैव निरपत्रपः॥ लुब्धः पापसहायश्च सुहृदां शासनातिगः। बहुशो विदुरद्रोणकृपगाङ्गेयसंजयैः॥ पाण्डुभ्यः प्रार्थ्यमानोऽपि पित्र्यमंशं न दत्तवान्।
This sinful, shameless, and covetous wretch, surrounded by sinful counsellors and ever malignant of the advice of wise friends, encountered his death even then when he refused, though repeatedly urged to the contrary by Vidura, Drona, Kripa and Sanjaya, to give to the sons of Pandu their paternal share in the kingdom which thcy had begged of him.

नैष योग्योऽद्य मित्रं वा शत्रुर्वा पुरुषाधमः॥ किमनेनातिभुग्नेन वाग्भिः काष्ठसधर्मणा।
This wretch is not to be regarded either as a friend or an enemy! What use in using harsh words to him who has now become a piece of wood.

रथेष्वारोहत क्षिप्रं गच्छामो वसुधाधिपाः॥ दिष्ट्या हतोऽयं पापात्मा सामात्यज्ञातिबान्धवः। इति श्रुत्वा त्वधिक्षेपं कृष्णाद् दुर्योधनो नृपः॥ अमर्षवशमापन्न उदतिष्ठद् विशाम्पते। स्फिग्देशेनोपविष्टः स दो• विष्टभ्य मेदिनीम्॥
Get your cars quickly, you kings, for we should leave this place! By good luck, this sinful wretch has been killed with his counsellors and kinsmen and friends. Thus chastised by Krishna, king Duryodhana, O king, gave way to wrath and endeavoured to rise.

दृष्टिं भूसङ्कटां कृत्वा वासुदेवो न्यपातयत्। अोन्नतशरीरस्य रूपमासीनृपस्य तु॥
Sitting on his haunches and supporting himself on his two arms, he contracted his eyebrows and looked angrily at Vasudeva.

क्रुद्धस्याशीविषस्येव च्छिन्नपुच्छस्य भारत। प्राणान्तकरिणी घोरां वेदनामप्यचिन्तयन्॥
Duryodhana whose body was half raised, looked like a poisonous snake, O Bharata, shorn of its tail.

दुर्योधनो वासुदेवं वाग्भिरुग्राभिरार्दयत्। कंसदासस्य दायाद न ते लज्जाऽस्त्यनेन वै॥ अधर्मेण गदायुद्धे यदहं विनिपातितः। ऊरू भिन्धीति भीमस्य स्मृति मिथ्या प्रयच्छता॥ किं न विज्ञातमेतन्मे यदर्जुनमवोचथाः।
Forgetting his poignant and unbearable pains, Duryodhana began to assail Vasudeva with keen and bitter words. 'O son of Kansa's slave, it seems you have no shame, for you have forgotten that I have been struck down most unfairly, according to the rules of inacefighting? It was you who unfairly caused this act by reminding Bhima about the breaking of my thighs. Do you think I did not mark it when Arjuna (under your advice) hinted to it to Bhima?

घातयित्वा महीपालानृजुयुद्धान् सहस्रशः॥ जिलैरुपायैर्बहुभिर्न ते लज्जा न ते घृणा।
Having caused the destruction of thousands of kings, who always fought fairly through various kinds of unfair means, do you not feel any shame or abhorrence for those acts?

अहन्यहनि शूराणां कुर्वाणः कदनं महत्॥ शिखण्डिनं पुरस्कृत्य घातितस्ते पितामहः।
Having daily bought about a great carnage of heroic warriors, you at last caused the grandshire to be slain by placing Shikhandin to the front.

अश्वत्थाम्नः सनामानं हत्वा नागं सुदुते॥ आचार्यो न्यासितः शस्त्रं किं तन्न विदितं मया।
Having again caused an elephant of the same name of Ashvatthama to be killed, O you of vicious principle, you made the preceptor lay aside his weapons. Do you think that this is not known to me?

स चानेन नृशंसेन धृष्टद्युम्नेन वीर्यवान्॥ पात्यमानस्वया दृष्टो न चैनं त्वमवारयः।
While again that brave hero was about to be killed by this cruel Dhristadyumna, you did not dissuade the latter!

वधार्थं पाण्डपुत्रस्य याचितां शक्तिमेव च॥ घटोत्कचे व्यंसयतः कस्त्वत्तः पापकृत्तमः।
The dart that had been begged (of Shakra as a boon) by Karna for the destruction of Arjuna, was baffled by you through Ghatotkacha! Who is there that is more sinful than you?

छिन्नहस्तः प्रायगतस्तथा भूरिश्रवा बली॥ त्वयाऽभिसृष्टेन हतः शैनेयेन महात्मना।
Likewise powerful Bhurishravas, with one of his arms cut off and while observing the Praya vow, was caused to be slain by you through the great Satyaki.

कुर्वाणश्चोत्तमं कर्म कर्णः पार्थजिगीषया॥ व्यंसनेनाश्वसेनस्य पन्नगेन्द्रस्य वै पुनः।
Karna had done a great feat for defeating Partha. You frustrated the object of Ashvasena, the son of that prince of snakes (viz., Takshaka).

पुनश्च पतिते चक्रे व्यसनार्तः पराजितः॥ पातितः समरे कर्णश्चक्रव्यग्रोऽग्रणीनृणाम्।
When again the wheel of Karna's car sank in mire and Karna was assisted with calamity and almost defeated on that account, and-when, he became anxious to free his wheel—you caused that Karna to be then slain!

यदि मां चापि कर्णं च भीष्मद्रोणौ च संयुतौ॥ ऋजुना प्रतियुध्येथा न ते स्याद् विजयो ध्रुवम्।
If he had fought me and Karna and Bhisma and Drona by fair means, victory then, forsooth, would never had been yours.

त्वया पुनरनार्येण जिह्ममार्गेण पार्थिवाः॥ स्वधर्ममनुतिष्ठन्तो वयं चान्ये च घातिताः।
By adopting the most wily and unfair means you have caused the death of many kings observant of the duties of their order and of ourselves as well.'

वासुदेव उवाच हतस्त्वमसि गान्धारे सभ्रातृसुतबान्धवः॥ सगणः ससुहचैव पापं मार्गमनुष्ठितः।
Vasudeva said You, O son of Gandhari, have been killed with your brothers, sons, kinsmen, friends, and followers, for the sinful path you followed.

तवैव दुष्कृतैर्वीरौ भीष्मद्रोणौ निपातितौ॥ कर्णश्च निहतः संख्ये तव शीलानुवर्तकः।
Through your deeds those two heroes, viz., Bhishma and Drona, have been killed. Karna has been slain for having followed your conduct !

याच्यमानं मया मूढ पित्र्यमंशं न दित्ससि॥ पाण्डवेभ्यः स्वराज्यं च लोभाच्छकुनिनिश्चयात्।
Requested by me, O fool, you did not, from avarice, give the Pandavas their paternal share, under the advice of Shakuni.

विषं ते भीमसेनाय दत्तं सर्वे च पाण्डवाः॥ प्रदीपिता जतुगृहे मात्रा सह सुदुर्मते।
You gave poison to Bhimasena! You, O wicked man, tried to burn all the Pandavas with their mother at the palace of lace!

सभायां याज्ञसेनी च कृष्टा द्यूते रजस्वला॥ तदैव तावद् दुष्टात्मन् वध्यस्त्वं निरपत्रप।
While gambling, you insulted the daughter of Yajnasena, while in her season, in the midst of assembly! Shameless as you are, you should have been killed there and then!

अनक्षज्ञं च धर्मज्ञं सौबलेनाक्षवेदिना॥ निकृत्या यत् पराजैषीस्तस्मादसि हतो रणे।
Through Subala's son an expert in dice, you unfairly defeated the virtuous Yudhishthira who was unskilled in gambling! For that are killed.

जयद्रथेन पापेन यत् कृष्णा केशिता वने॥ यातेषु मृगयां चैव तृणबिन्दोरथाश्रमम्।
Through the sinful Jayadratha again, Krishna was on another occasion insulted when the Pandavas, her lords, had gone out a thunting towards the hermitage of Trinavindu! you

अभिमन्युश्च यद् बाल एको बहुभिराहवे॥ त्वद्दोषैनिहतः पाप तस्मादसि हतो रणे।
Causing Abhimanyu, who was a child and alone, to be surrounded by many, you did kill that hero. For this sin, O sinful wretch, you are slain!

यान्यकार्याणि चास्माकं कृतानीति प्रभाषसे॥ वैगुण्येन तवात्यर्थं सर्वं हि तदनुष्ठितम्।
All those sinful deeds which you attribute to us have in reality been perpetrated by you in consequence of your sinful nature!

बृहस्पतेरुशनसो नोपदेशः श्रुतस्त्वया॥ वृद्धा नोपासिताश्चैव हितं वाक्यं न ते श्रुतम्।
You had never listened to the advice of Brihaspati and Ushanas! You had never respected the old! You had never heard the beneficial words!

लोभेनातिबलेन त्वं तृष्णया च वशीकृतः॥ कृतवानस्यकार्याणि विपाकस्तस्य भुज्यताम्।
Possessed by ungovernable covetousness and thirst of gain, you committed many unrighteous acts. Suffer now the consequences thereof.

दुर्योधन उवाच अधीतं विधिवद् दत्तं भूः प्रशास्ता ससागरा॥ मूर्ध्नि स्थितममित्राणां को नु स्वन्ततरो पया।
Duryodhana said I have made various studies, made presents according to the ordinance, governed the wide Earth with her seas, and trumpeted over the heads of my fees. Who is there so fortunate as myself?

यदिष्टं क्षत्रबन्धूनां स्वधर्ममनुपश्यताम्॥ तदिदं निधनं प्राप्तं को नु स्वन्ततरो मया।
That end again which is sought by Kshatriya observant of the duties of their own order, viz., death in battle, I have also met with mine. Who, therefore, is so fortunate as myself?

देवार्हा मानुषा भोगाः प्राप्ता असुलभा नृपैः॥ ऐश्वर्यं चोत्तमं प्राप्त: को नु स्वन्ततरो मया।
I have enjoyed pleasures, such as were worthy of the very gods and such as could with difficulty, be obtained by other kings. I have attained the highest prosperity. Who then is so fortunate as myself?

ससुहृत् सानुगश्चैव स्वर्गं गन्ताहमच्युत॥ यूयं निहतसंकल्पाः शोचन्तो वर्तयिष्यथ॥
With all my well-wishers, and my younger brothers, I am going to heaven! As regards yourselves, with your baffled purposes and racked with grief, live you in this unhappy world.

संजय उवाच अस्य वाक्यस्य निधने कुरुराजस्य धीमतः॥ अपतत् सुमहद् वर्षं पुष्पाणां पुण्यगन्धिनाम्। अवादयन्त गन्धर्वा वादिनं सुमनोहरम्॥ जगुश्चाप्सरसो राज्ञो यशःसम्बद्धमेव च। सिद्धाश्च मुमुचुर्वाचः साधु साध्विति पार्थिव॥ ववौ च सुरभिर्वायुः पुण्यगन्धो मृदुः सुखः। व्यराजंश्च दिशः सर्वा नभो वैदूर्यसंनिभम्॥
Sanjaya continued After the intelligent king of the Kurus, have said these words, a thick shower of fragrant flowers dropped from the sky. The Gandharvas beat many charming musical instruments. The Apsaras in a chorus sang the glory of king Duryodhana. The Siddhas cried-Praise to king Duryodhana! Sweet and delicious breezes mildly blew on all sides. All the quarters became clear and the firmament looked blue as the lapis lazuli.

अयद्भुतानि ते दृष्ट्वा वासुदेवपुरोगमाः। दुर्योधनस्य पूजां तु दृष्ट्वा व्रीडामुपागमन्॥
Beholding these good signs, and this worship offered to Duryodhana, the Pandavas, with Vasudeva at their head, were put to shame.

हतांश्चाधर्मतः श्रुत्वा शोकार्ताः शुशुचुर्हि ते। भीष्मं द्रोणं तथा कर्णं भूरिश्रवसमेव च॥
Hearing the invisible voice the Bhishma and Drona and Karna and Bhurishravas were killed unfairly, they were afflicted with remorse and wept in grief.

तांस्तु चिन्तापरान् दृष्ट्वा पाण्डवान् दीनचेतसः। प्रोवाचेदं वचः कृष्णो मेघदुन्दुभिनिःस्वनः॥ नैष शक्योऽतिशीघ्रास्त्रस्ते च सर्वे महारथाः। ऋजुयुद्धेन विक्रान्ता हन्तुं युष्माभिराहवे॥
Seeing the Pandavas stricken with anxiety and grief. Krishna addressed them in a voice deep as that of the clouds or the drum, saying-''All of them were great car-warriors and quick hands in weapons! If you had displayed all your prowess, even then you could never have killed them in battle by a fair fight.

नैष शक्यः कदाचित् तु हन्तु धर्मेण पार्थिवः। ते वा भीष्ममुखाः सर्वे महेष्वासा महारथाः॥
King Duryodhana also could never be killed in a fair fight! The same is the case with all those powerful car-warriors led led by Bhishma.

मयानेकैरूपायैस्तु मायायोगेन चासकृत्। हतास्ते सर्व एवाजौ भवतां हितमिच्छता॥
For doing you good, I repeatedly applied my illusory powers and caused them to be killed by various means in battle.

यदि नैवंविधं जातु कुर्यां जिह्ममहं रणे। कुतो वो विजयो भूयः कुतो राज्यं कुतो धनम्॥
If I had note adopted such deceitful ways in battle, you would never have been victorious, nor could have gained kingdom or wealth.

ते हि सर्वे महात्मानश्चत्वारोऽतिरथा भुवि। न शक्या धर्मतो हन्तुं लोकपालैरपि स्वयम्॥
Those four were very great warriors and regarded as Atirathas in the world. The very Regents of the Earth could not kill them in fair fight.

तथैवायं गदापाणिर्धार्तराष्ट्रो गतकमः। न शक्यो धर्मतो हन्तुं कालेनापीह दण्डिना॥
Likewise, the son of Diritarashtra, when armed with the mace, could not be killed in fair fight by Yama himself, armed with his bludgeon.

न च वो हृदि कर्तव्यं यदयं घातितो रिपुः। मिथ्यावध्यास्तथोपायैर्बहवः शत्रवोऽधिकाः॥
Ye should not mind that this enemy of yours has been killed deceitfully. When the number of one's enemics becomes great, then destruction should be brought about by wily ways.

पूर्वैरनुगतो मार्गो देवैरसुरघातिभिः। सद्धिश्चानुगतः पन्थाः स सर्वैरनुगम्यते॥
The gods themselves, in killing the Asuras, have followed by the celestials, may be followed by all.

कृतकृत्याश्च सायाह्ने निवासं रोचयामहे। साश्चनागरथाः सर्वे विश्रमामो नराधिपाः॥
We have been crowned with success. It is evening. We had better retire to our tents. Let us all, you kings, take rest, with our horses and elephants and cars!'

वासुदेववचः श्रुत्वा तदानीं पाण्डवैः सह। पञ्चाला भृशसंहृष्टा विनेदुः सिंहसंघवत्॥
Hearing these words of Vasudeva, the Pandavas and the Panchalas filled with joy, roared like a number of lions.

ततः प्राध्यापयशङ्खान् पाञ्चजन्यं च माधवः। हृष्टा दुर्योधनं दृष्ट्वा निहतं पुरुषर्षभ।७१॥
All of them blew their conchs and Madhava himself blew his Panchajanya, seeing Duryodhana struck down in battle.'