Karna's car swallowed up by earth

संजय उवाच मवस्थिताः कुरवो भिन्नसेनाः। विद्युत्प्रकाशं दद्दशुः समन्ताद् धनंजयास्त्रं समुदीर्यमाणम्॥
Sanjaya said The broken Kaurava army, when melting away out of fear as wrathful Arjuna began his shots but halted and looked back from a distance at Arjuna's blazing weapon which resembled lightning and was coursing on all sides with increasing energy.

तदर्जुनास्त्रं असति स्म कर्णो वियद्गतं घोरतरैः शरैस्तत्। क्रुद्धेन पार्थेन भृशाभिसृष्टं वधाय कर्णस्य महाविम॥
Then Karna swallowed up (destroyed) that weapon when it was flying on the sky and which Arjuna had sped with great force for the purpose of putting an end to his enemy in that fearful contest with a downpour of his own fearful arrows.

उदीर्यमाणं स्म कुरून् दहन्तं सुवर्णपुङ्खैर्विशिखैर्ममर्द। कर्णस्त्वमोघेष्वसनं दृढज्यं विस्फारयित्वा विसृजञ्छरौघान्॥
Drawing his loud-twanging bow the string of which was very strong, Karna, by gold winged arrows, destroyed Arjuna's weapon of increasing energy which was killing the Kurus and shot many other shafts.

रामादुपात्तेन महामहिम्ना ह्याथर्वणेनारिविनाशनेन। तदर्जुनास्त्रं व्यधमद् दहन्तं कर्णस्तु बाणैर्निशितैर्महात्मा॥
He then, with that mighty weapon he had received from Rama, which was vested with the Atharvan rite, worsted that firy weapon of Arjuna and also struck Partha with many other sharp arrows.

ततो विमर्दः सुमहान् बभूव तत्रार्जुनस्याधिरथेश्च राजन्। विषाणघातैर्द्विपयोरिवोग्रैः॥
O king, then the fight between Arjuna and the son of Adhiratha assumed attacking each other with their tusks, they went on hitting each other with shafts.

तत्रास्त्रसंघातसमावृतं तदा बभूव राजंस्तुमुलं स्म सर्वतः। निरन्तरं चक्रतुरम्बरं तदा॥
Then Partha and Karna shot such incessant showers of arrows that all the sides, became dark and even Sun could not be seen; the whole sky was spread over with them and there was no loop hole to be seen.

ततो जालं बाणमयं महान्तं सर्वेऽद्राक्षुः कुरवः सोमकाचा नान्यं च भूतं दद्दशुस्तदा ते बाणान्धकारे तुमुलेऽथ किंचित्॥
The Kauravas and Somakas only, 'saw a broad net-work of arrows and nothing could be seen through the great darkness caused by them.

तौ संदधानावनिशं च राजन् समस्यन्तौ चापि शराननेकान्। संदर्शयेतां युधि मार्गान् विचित्रान् धनुर्धरौ तौ विविधैः कृतास्त्रैः॥
O monarch, those two best of men well versed in the use of weapons, when continually A aiming and shooting hosts of arrows showed may beautiful feats and stratagems.

तयोरेवं युद्ध्यतोराजिमध्ये सूतात्मजोऽभूदधिकः कदाचित्। पार्थः कदाचित् त्वधिकः किरीटी वीर्यस्त्रमायाबलपौरुषेण॥
In that fight between them sometimes the Suta's son excelled over his foe and sometimes the crown-adorned Partha excelled over his antagonist in mighty, weapons and lighthandedness.

दृष्ट्वा तयोस्तं युधि सम्प्रहारं परस्परस्यान्तरमीक्षमाणयोः। र्योधाः सर्वे विस्मयमभ्यगच्छन्॥
The other warriors were struck with wonder in seeing that fearful combat between those great warriors who were always trying to take advantage of each other's failings (weak points).

ततो भूतान्यन्तरिक्षस्थितानि तौ कर्णपार्थौ प्रशशंसुर्नरेन्द्र। भोः कर्ण साध्वर्जुन साधु चेति वियत्सु वाणी श्रूयते सर्वतोऽपि॥
The creatures of heaven, O monarch, praised Karna and Arjuna and being satisfied called out loudly “Bravo Karna, Bravo Arjuna.

स्तदाभिघातैर्दलिते हि भूतले। ततस्तु पातालतले शयानो नागोऽश्वसेनः कृतवैरोऽर्जुनेन॥ राजस्तदा खाण्डवदाहमुक्तो विवेश कोपाद् वसुधातले यः। अथोत्पपातोर्ध्वगतिर्जवेन संदृश्य कर्णार्जुनयोर्विमर्दम्॥
At that time when this awful fight was raging and the earth was oppressed by the heavy pressure of car-wheels and tread of elephants and horses, the snake Ashvasena, who was Arjuna's enemy, was residing in the subterranean region. O king, that brave snake, who escaped when the Khandava was burnt and who entered the subterranean region, now remembering the death of his mother and the hostile feelings he cherished towards Arjuna, came up with great force to the sky being pable of flying into the sky to see the fight between Karna and Arjuna.

अयं हि कालोऽस्य दुरात्मनो वै पार्थस्य वैरप्रतियातनाय। संचिन्त्य तूणं प्रविवेश चैव कर्णस्य राजशररूपधारी॥
And believing, O monarch, this to be the just time for avenging himself upon the wicked (in his opinion) Partha he summed the shape of an arrows and entered quickly into Karna's quiver.

ततोऽस्त्रसंघातसमाकुलं तदा बभूव जन्यं विततांशुजालम्। तत् निरन्तरं चक्रतुरम्बरं तदा॥
Karna and Partha now covered the whole sky with showers of arrows; not even a little space was left and it looked like a brilliant and thick net-work of shafts.

तद् बाणजालैकमयं महान्तं सर्वेऽत्रसन् कुरवः सोमकाश्च। नान्यत् किंचिद् दद्दशुः सम्पतद्वै बाणान्धकारे तुमुलेऽतिमात्रम्॥
All the Kauravas and Somakas were filled with fear seeing that great net-work of arrows; and nothing could be seen through the darkness made by the net, on account of the dropping of arrows.

ततस्तौ पुरुषव्याघ्रौ सर्वलोकधनुर्धरौ। त्यक्तप्राणौ रणे वीरो युद्धश्रममुपागतौ। समुत्क्षेपैर्वीज्यमानौ सिक्तौ चन्दनवारिणा॥ सवालव्यजनैर्दिव्यैर्दिविस्थैरप्सरोगणैः। शक्रसूर्यकराब्जाभ्यां प्रमार्जितमुखाबुभौ॥
Beholding those two heroes the foremost of men and greatest of archers tired in war. The handsome Apsaras in Heaven fanned them with new and fine fans and sprinkled sweet scented sandal water upon them; the Shakra and Surya with their own hands cleansed the faces of those two brave warriors.

कर्णोऽथ पार्थं न विशेषयद् यदा भृशं च पार्थेन शराभितप्तः। ततस्तु वीरः शरविक्षताङ्गो दधे मनो ह्येकशयस्य तस्य॥
Then when he found that he could not excel Partha in fight but was rather badly pained and wounded instead, Karna thought of the snakes weapon that was only left in his quiver.

ततो रिपुजं समधत्त कर्णः सुसंचितं सर्पमुखं ज्वलन्तम्। रौद्रं शरं संनतमुग्रधौतं पार्थार्थमत्यर्थचिराभिगुप्तम्॥ सदार्चितं चन्दनचूर्णशायितं सुवर्णतूणीरशयं महार्चिषम्। आकर्णपूर्णं च विकृत्य कर्णः पार्थोन्मुखः संदधे चोत्तमौजाः॥
He put on string that fearful, burning, snake-mounted, sharp, well-polished and death-dealing weapon which he had long kept concealed for the purpose of killing Partha. Karna, drawing his bow-string to the full stretch, put on it and aimed at Partha that fiery and mighty shaft that was lying in a quiver of gold filled with sandal dust and which was always worshipped.

प्रदीप्तमैरावतवंशसम्भवं शिरो जिहीर्युर्युधि सव्यसाचिनः। ततः प्रजज्वाल दिशो नभश्च उल्काच घोराः शतशः प्रपेतः॥
The arrows belonging to the Airavata race and the sky and all the ten sides became lighted; and fearful meteors and lightning strokes fell as he aimed that arrow for the purpose of striking Phalguna's head.

तस्मिस्तु नागे धनुषि प्रयुक्ते हाहाकृता लोकपालाः सशक्राः। न चापि तं बुबुधे सूतपुत्रो बाणे प्रविष्टं योगबलेन नागम्॥
The son of Suta was not aware that the snake (Ashvasena) had entered his arrow by means of Yoga, but as he aimed that arrow, Shakra and other regents of the sides gave vent to lamentations.

दशशतनयनोऽहिं दृश्य बाणे प्रविष्टं निहत इति सुतो मे स्त्रस्तगात्रो बभूव। जलजकुसुमयोनिः श्रेष्ठभावो जितात्मा त्रिदशपतिमवोचमा व्यथिष्टा जये श्रीः॥
Indra The holder of one thousand eyes, lost courage and became anxious presuming the death of his son when he saw a snake gripped arrow forwarding to Arjuna. Brahma, the louts born, modest and celibate consoled Indra, the king of god with these words-"O god of gods! Don't be anxious in the matter as Arjuna will at last enjoy the fruit of victory.

ततोऽब्रवीन्मद्रराजो महात्मा दृष्ट्वा कर्णं प्रहितेषु तमुग्रम्। न कर्ण ग्रीवामिषुरेष लप्सस्यते समीक्ष्य संधस्त शरं शिरोध्रम॥
The noble ruler of Madras, seeing Vaikatana aim that shaft, spoke to Karna and said-"O Karna, think well before you shoot this arrow; it will not reach Arjuna's neck."

अथाब्रवीत् क्रोधसंरक्तनेत्रो मद्राधिपं सूतपुत्रस्तरस्वी। न संधत्ते द्विः शरं शल्य को न मादृशा जिह्ययुद्धा भवन्ति॥
The energetic son of Suta, with wrathful look, told the king of Madra, "O Shalya, Karna never takes his aim twice; with warriors like us it must always be fair play in fight.”

इतीदमुक्तवा विससर्ज तं शरं प्रयत्नतो वर्षगणाभिपूजितम्। हतोऽसि वै फाल्गुन इत्यधिक्षिपत्रुवाच चोचैर्गिरमूर्जिता वृषः॥
O monarch, speaking the words, "You are killed, O Phalguna,” he, desirous of victory, with care let go that arrow which for many years he had cherished with regard.

स सायकाः कर्णभुजप्रसृष्टो हुताशनार्कप्रतिमः सुरः। गुणच्युतः कर्णधनुः प्रमुक्तो वियद्गतः प्राज्वलदन्तरिक्षे॥
That fiery arrow, of awful sound and shinning like the sun, shot off from Karna's bow, lighted up and divided the sky as a woman divides her crown when combing her hairs.

तं प्रेक्ष्य दीप्तं युधि माधवस्तु त्वरान्वितं सत्वरयैव लीलया। पदा विनिष्पिष्य रथोत्तमं स प्रावेशयत् पृथिवीं किंचिदेव॥ क्षितिं गता जानुभिस्तेऽथ वाहा हेमच्छन्नाश्चन्द्रमरीचिवर्णाः। ततोऽन्तिरक्षे सुमहान् निनादः सम्पूजनार्थं मधुसूदनस्य॥ दिव्यानि पुष्पाण्यथ सिंहनादाः। तस्मिस्तथा वै धरणी निमग्ने रथे प्रयत्नान्मधुसूदनस्य॥
Madhava, the slayer of Kansa, seeing that fiery weapon rise in the sky, with his foot quickly pressed down that beautiful car one cubit deep in the earth. The horses, white as silvery moon beams, adorned with gold trappings, with bent knees fell flat to the ground. That mighty and best of men bringing his strength into action put down the car and the horses with bent knees stretched themsclves to the earth and the car sunk into it. The heavenly creatures greatly praised Vasudeva; they gave vent to lion-like shouts and dropped flowery showers upon Krishna when the slayer of Madhu thus pressed the car into the earth by his might.

ततः शरः सोऽभ्यहनत् किरीटं तस्येन्द्रदत्तं सुदृढं च धीमतः। अथार्जुनस्योत्तमगात्रभूषण धरावियद्योसलिलेषु विक्षुतम्॥
By dint of that arrow, on account of its snaky nature and energy and wrath with which it was discharged the charioteer's son struck down from Arjuna's head the beautiful diadem know all over the earth, heaven and the watery region.

व्यालास्त्रसर्गोत्तमयत्नमन्युभिः शरेण मूर्ध्न प्रजहार सूतजः। दिवाकरेन्दुज्वलनप्रभत्विषं सुवर्णमुक्तामणिवज्रभूषितम्॥
The powerful Brahma had made this headdress for the king of gods himself, with gold and pearls, endued with the effulgence by Indra himself to Parthas. It was given by Indra himself to Partha when the latter killed his enemies.

पुरन्दरार्थं तपसा प्रयत्नतः स्वयं कृतं यद् विभुना स्वयम्भुवा। महार्हरूपं द्विषता भयंकर बिभर्तुरत्यर्थसुख सुगन्धिनम्॥ जिघांसते देवरिपून सुरेश्वरः स्वयं ददौ यत् सुमनाः किरीटिने। हराम्बुपाखण्डलवित्तगोप्तृभिः पिनाकपाशाशनिस्क्वोत्तमैः॥ सुरोत्तमैरप्यविषामर्दितुं प्रसह्य नागेन जहार तद् वृषः। स दुष्टभावो वितथप्रतिज्ञः किरीटमत्यद्भुतमर्जुनस्या॥ नागो महार्ह तपनीयचित्रं पार्थोत्तमाङ्गात् प्रहरत् तरस्वी।
It was so strong that even Rudra, the king of waters, Shakra and Kubera could not smash it by their respective weapons, Pinaka, noose, thunder or other mighty shafts; the very gods could not bear it but it was now taken away by that snaky weapon. That fearful false wicked, but energetic snake, of awful shape, attacked that beautiful crown adorned with stones and diamonds and took it away from Arjuna's head.

तद्धेमजालावततं सुघोषं जाज्वल्यमानं निपपात भूमौ॥ तदुत्तमेषून्मथितं विषग्निना प्रदीप्तमर्चिष्मदथो क्षितौप्रियम्। पपात पार्थस्य किरीटमुत्तम् दिवाकरोऽस्तादिव रक्तमण्डलः॥
As the sun, in setting, goes down from the Asta Hills with all the lustre so that handsome, brilliant, adorned diadem of Partha came down to the earth smashed to pieces and burning with that snake's poison.

स वै किरीटं बहुरत्नभूषितं जहार नागोऽर्जुन मूर्धतो बलात्। गिरेः सुजाताङ्करपुष्तिदुमं महेन्द्रवज्रः शिखरोत्तमं यथा॥
O monarch, the snake, by its own prowess, snatched from Partha's head that beautiful ornament of good shape set with precious stones and diamonds, very brilliant to look at and crushed it to pieces as the thunder breaks down mountain tops adorned with fine trees and flowers.

महीवियद्योसलिलानि वायुना यथा विरुग्णानि नदन्ति भारत। तथैव शब्दं भुवनेषु तं तदा जना व्यवस्यन व्यथिताश्च चस्खलुः॥
O Bharata, as during a storm a great noise is heard through out the earth, sky, heaven and the waters, so was the sound heard throughout the world at that time and all the people, though they tried to remain steady, became greatly afraid and stumbled.

विना किरीटं शुशुभे स पार्थः श्यामो युवा नील इवोचश्रृङ्गः। ततः समुदाय सितेन वाससा स्वमूर्धजानव्यथितस्तदार्जुनः। विभासितः सूर्यमरीचिना दृढं शिरोगतेनोदयपर्वतो यथा॥
The dark young man, Dhananjaya, bereft of his crown, looked beautiful like a mountain without top and being not at all afraid stood his ground after binding his hairs with a white cloth.

गोकर्णासुमुखी कृतेन इषुणा गोपुत्रसम्प्रेषिता गोशाब्दात्मजभूषणं सुविहितं सुव्यक्तगोऽसुप्रभम्। दृष्ट्वा गोगतकं जहार मुकुटं गोशब्दगोपूरि वै गोकर्णासनमर्दनश्च न ययावप्राप्य मृत्योर्वशम्॥
Arjuna, dark complexioned and in his youth looked as Nilagiri with high ridges when his crown dropped down in course of battle. He did not feel even a little pain. He tied his hair with a white cloth and continued fighting. As he had tied his hair with white piece of cloth, he looked as if Udayacala is glowing with sun beams.

स सायकः कर्णभुजप्रसृष्टो हुताशनार्कप्रतिमो महार्हः। महोरगः कृतवैरोऽर्जुनेन किरीटमाहत्य ततो व्यतीयात्॥
Crushing down his crown that precious arrows, effulgent like the sun or fire, shot by Karna, the great serpent, who was rendered by Arjuna his enemy, went away.

तं चापि दग्ध्वा तपनीयचित्रं किरीटमाकृत्य तदर्जुनस्या इयेष गन्तु पुनरेव तूणं दृष्टश्च कर्णेन ततोऽब्रवीत तम्॥
Having burnt the effulgent and variegated crown shinning on Arjuna's (head) the arrow wanted to enter again into its quiver; but accosted by Karna it said-

मुक्तस्त्वयाहं त्वसमीक्ष्य कर्ण शिरो हृतं यन्न मयार्जुनस्य। समीक्ष्य मां मुञ्च रणे त्वमाशु हन्तास्मि शत्रु तव चात्मनश्च॥
O Karna, you discharged me without seeing me and hence I could not cut-off his head. Shoot me again immediately in battle after seeing me and I shall slay your enemies as well as mine.

स एवमुक्तो युधि सूतपुत्रस्तमब्रवीत् को भवानुग्ररूपः। नागोऽब्रवीद् विद्धि कृतागसं मां पार्थेन मातुर्वधजातवैरम्॥ यदि स्वयं वज्रधरोऽस्य गोप्ता ततापि याता पितृराजवेश्मनि।
Thus addressed in the battle-field Suta's son said-"who are you of such a terrific form?” The Naga said-"Know me as one whom Partha, has made his enemy by killing my mother. Even if the wielder of thunder-bolt (Indra) protects him, he will go to the kingdom of the Pitris. Do not disregard me. Do what I say and I will kill your enemy. Shoot soon."

कर्ण उवाच न नाग कोऽद्य रणे परस्य बलं समास्थाय जयं बुभूषेत्॥ न संदध्यां द्विः शरं चैव नाग यद्यर्जुनानां शतमेव हन्याम्।
Karna said “Karna does not wish victory today in battle depending on another's strength. I shall not discharge, O Naga, a shaft twice even if I am to kill a hundred Arjunas.”

तमाह कर्णः पुनरेव नागं तदाऽऽजिमध्ये रविसूनुसत्त्मः॥ हन्तास्मि पार्थं सुसुखी व्रजत्वम्।
Addressing again that Naga in the battlefield that best of Sun's sons said-"By the help of my other weapons and by dint of my energy and wrath I shall kill Partha. Go you away at ease.

इत्येवमुक्तो युधि नागराजः कर्णेन होषादसंहस्तस्य वाक्यम्॥ स्वयं प्रायात् पार्थवधाय राजन् कृत्वा स्वरूपं विजिघांसुरुमः।
Thus addressed by Karna in the battle-field and unable to bear his words in anger that fierce Naga king, proceeded himself for the destruction of Partha, assuming the form of an arrow.

ततः कृष्णः पार्थमुवाच संख्ये महोरगं कृतवैरं जहि त्वम्॥ स एवमुक्तो मधुसदनेन गाण्डीवधन्वा रिपुवीर्यसाहः। उवाच को ह्येष ममाद्य नागः स्वयं य आयाद् गरुडस्य वक्त्रम्॥
Thereupon Krishna said to Partha in the battle-field “kill the great snake whom you have made an enemy.” Thus spoken to by the slayer of Madhu, the holder of Gandiva bow, ever holding this Naga who, of his own accord, comes against me as if into the mouth of Garuda.

कृष्ण उवाच योऽसौत्वया खाण्डवे चित्रभानु संतर्पयाणेन धनुर्धरेणा वियद्गतो जननीगुप्तदेहो मत्वैकरूपं निहतास्य माता॥
Krishna, said While armed with a bow were gratifying the fire-god in Khandava forest-this snake, having his body covered by his mother's, was in the sky. You killed his mother taking her for a single snake.

स एष तद् वैरमनुस्मरन वै त्वां प्रार्थयत्यात्मवधाय नूनम्। नभश्चयुतां प्रज्वलितामिवोल्का पश्यैनमायान्तममित्रसाह॥
Remembering that hostility, O Partha, he has come today for slaying you. O grinder of enemies, see he is coursing like a burning firebrand droops from the sky.

संजय उवाच चिच्छेद षड्भिनिशितैः सुधारैः। नागं वियत्तिर्यर्गिवोत्पतन्तं स च्छिन्नगात्रो निपपात भूमौ॥
Sanjaya said Thereupon covering the snake with six sharpened arrows Jishnu cut him off while he was moving in the sky. His body cut-off he dropped down on earth.

हते च तस्मिन भुजगे किरीटिना स्वयं विभुः पार्थिव भूतलादथ। समुजहाराशु पुनः पतन्तं रथं भुजाज्यां पुरुषोत्तमस्ततः॥
After that serpent had been cut-off by Kiritin, the Purusothama himself, O King, of huge arms, raised that car from the earth with his own hands.

तस्मिन् मुहूर्ते दशभिः पृषत्कैः शिलाशितैर्बहिणबर्हवाजितैः। विव्याध कर्णः पुरुषप्रवीरो धनंजय तिर्यगवेक्षमाणः॥
In that very moment, Karna, looking askance on Dananjaya, struck that foremost of men with ten arrows whetted on stone and adorned with peacock feathers.

वराहकणैर्निशितैः समर्प्य। माकर्णपूर्णायतमुत्ससर्ज॥ स चित्रवर्मेषुवरो विदार्य प्राणानिरस्यन्निव साधुमुक्तः। कर्णस्य पीत्वा रुधिरं विवेश वसुन्धरां शोणितदिग्धवाजः॥
Then Dhananjaya struck Karna with twelve keen and boar-eared arrows and a powerful Naracha like a virulent snake shot off his fulldrawn bow. Those arrows went though Karna's armour, as if drinking his blood and killing him and entered into the earth with their wings soaked with blood.

ततो वृषो बाणनिपातकोपितो महोरगो दण्डविघट्टितो यथा। तदाशुकारी व्यसृजच्छरोत्तमान् महाविष: सर्प इवोत्तमंन विषम्॥ नवैर्नवत्या च शैरस्तथार्जुनम्। शरेण घोरेण पुनश्च पाण्डवं विदार्य को व्यनदजहास च॥
Then Vrisha, angered at the stroke of arrow like a scotched snake, discharged most powerful and quick-coursing shafts like a serpent vomiting poison. He struck Janardana with twelve and Arjuna with ninty nine arrows. And striking the latter again with a dreadful arrow Karna laughed.

तमस्य हेह ममृषे न पाण्डवो बिभेद मर्माणि ततोऽस्य मर्मवित्। स्तथा यथेन्द्रो बलमोजसा रणे॥
Pandu's son could bear his joy. Then that one, of Indra's power, acquainted with all the vitals parts, cut him to the quick with a hundred winged arrows as did Indra would Bala with great force.

ततः शराणां नवति तदार्जुनः ससर्ज कर्णेऽन्तकदण्डसंनिभाम्। तैः पत्रिभिर्विद्धतनुः स विव्यथे तथा यथा वज्रविदारितोऽजलः॥
Then Arjuna shot ninety arrows each resembling Yama's rod at Karna. Wounded greatly Karna trembled like a a mountain clapped by a thunder-bolt.

रलंकृतं चास्य वराङ्गभूषणम्। र्धनजयेनोत्तमकुण्डलेऽपि च॥
Karna's head dress, set with costly, gems, his most excellent other ornaments and ear rings were struck down on earth by Arjuna's winged arrows.

महाधनं शिल्पिवरैः प्रयत्नतः कृतं यदस्योत्तमवर्म भास्वरम्। सुदीर्घकालेन ततोऽस्य पाण्डवः क्षणेन बाणैर्बहुधा व्यशातयत्॥
Pandu's son cut-off in no time into pieces the costly and shinning arınour of Karna that had been prepared with great care by clever artists working for a long time.

स तं विवर्माणमथोत्तमेषुभिः शितैश्चतुर्भिः कुपितः पराभिनत्। स विव्यथेऽत्यर्थमरिप्रताडितो यथातुरः पित्तकफानिलज्वरैः॥
Then he again, in anger, struck Karna with four sharp and strong arrows who was devested of his armour. He trembled, thereat, like a person suffering from bile, wind, phlegm and fever.

महाधनुर्मण्डालनिः सृतैः शितैः क्रियाप्रयत्नप्रितैर्बलेन च। विभेद मर्मस्वपि चार्जुनस्त्वरन्॥
Arjuna again cut Karna to the quick with many excellent and keen arrows shot off his circling bow with force, care and skill.

दृढाहतः पत्रिभिरुग्रवेगैः पार्थेन कर्णो विविधैः शिताः। बभौ गिरिगैरिकधातुरक्तः क्षरन् प्रपातैरिव रक्तमम्भः॥
Thus wounded by Partha with many keen and powerful arrows Karna looked like a red chalk mountain with streams of red water pouring down.

ततोऽर्जुनः कर्णमवक्रागैर्नवैः सुवर्णपुङ्खः सुदृढैरयस्मयैः। यमाग्निदण्डप्रतिमैः स्तनान्तरे पराभिनत् क्रौञ्चमिवाद्रिमग्निजः॥
Then with straight-going, strong, goldfeathered steel arrows resembling the rod of death, Arjuna struck Karna on the breast like Agni's son striking the mount Krouncha.

ततः शरावापमपास्य सूतजौ धनुश्च तच्छक्रशरासनोपमम्। ततो रथस्यः स मुमोह च स्खलन् प्रशीर्णमुष्टिः सुभृशाहतः प्रभो॥
Then throwing off his bow that resembled Indra's bow and quiver Karna stood inactive and stupefied, suffering great pain and losing his grasp.

निहन्तुमार्यः पुरुषव्रते स्थितः। दुवाच किं पाण्डव हे प्रमाद्यसे॥
The honorable Arjuna, always following the duties of a hero, did not like to kill him in that plight. Then Indra's younger brother respectfully said "why do you make a mistake, OPandu's son?

नैवाहितानां सततं विपश्चितः क्षणं प्रतीक्षन्त्यपि दुर्बलीयसाम्। विशेषतोऽरीन् व्यसनेषु पण्डितो निहत्य धर्म च यशश्च विन्दते॥
The wise never spare their enemies even for a moment, however weak they may be. A learned man always acquires merit and glory by destroying his distressed enemies.

तदेकवीरं तव चाहितं सदा त्वरस्व कर्णं सहसाभिमर्दितुम्। पुरा समर्थः समुपैति सूतजो भिन्धि त्वमेन नमुचिं यथा हरिः॥
Lose no time in discomfiting your enemy Karna immediately who is the foremost of heroes. When all right he will again proceed against you. Kill him therefore like Indra destroying the Asura Namuchi.”

ततस्तेदेवेत्यभिपूज्य सत्वरं जनार्दनं कर्णमविध्यदर्जुनः। स्तथा यथा शम्बरहा पुरा बलिम्॥
In pursuance of Krishna's order and i worshipping him the Kuru hero Arjuna again struck Karna with many powerful arrows like Indra striking the Asura Shamvara.

साश्वं तु कर्ण सरथं किरीटी समाचिनोद भारत वत्सदन्तैः। प्रच्छादयामास दिशश्च बाणैः सर्वप्रयत्नापनीयपुकैः॥
Then Kiritin, O descendant of Bharata, covered Karna, his car and horses with calftoothed arrows and the ten quarters with gold winged ones.

स वत्सदन्तै पृथुपीनवक्षाः समावित सोऽधिरथिर्विभाति। र्यथाचलश्चन्दनकाननायुतः॥
Wounded with those calf-toothed arrows the broad-chested son of Adiratha shone like a blossoming Asoka, Palasa or Salmali tree or a mountain leaden with sandal tree or a mountain laden with sandal trees.

विभाति कर्णः समरे विशाम्पते। महीरुहैराचितसानुकन्दरो यथा गिरीन्द्रः स्फुटकर्णिकारवान्॥
His body covered with numberless arrows Karna shone like the mountain-chief covered with trees or adorned with blossoming Karnikaras.

स बाणसङ्घान् बहुधा व्यवासृजद् विभाति कर्णः शरजालरश्मिवान्। सलोहितो रक्तगभस्तिमण्डलो दिवाकरोऽस्ताभिमुखो यथा तथा॥
Discharging numberless arrows Karna, having shafts for his rays, looked like the crimson-coloured sun coursing towards the setting hill.

बाह्वन्तरादाधिरथेर्विमुक्तान् बाणान् महाहीनिव दाप्यमानान्। व्यध्वंसयनर्जुनबाहुमुक्ताः शराः समासाद्य दिशः शितायाः॥
Meeting in the sky the shining and snakelike arrows discharged by Karna, these keen ones, shot by Arjuna, destroyed them.

ततः स कर्णः समवाप्य धैर्य बाणान् विमुञ्चन् कुपिताहिकल्पान्। विव्याध पार्थं दशभिः पृषत्कैः कृष्णं च षड्भिः कुपिताहिकल्पैः॥
Recovering equanimity of mind and discharging arrows like a serpent Karna struck Arjuna with ten and Krishna with six all resembling angry snakes.

ततः किरीटी भृशमुग्रनि:स्वनं महाशरं सर्पविषानलोपमम्। अयस्मयं रौद्रमसहास्त्रसम्भृतं महाहवे क्षेप्तुमना महामतिः॥
Then in that great battle Dhananjaya wished to discharge a dreadful, great steel arrow, like a serpent or fire in force and sending forth a sound like that of Indra's thunderbolt.

निदर्शयन् कर्णवधं ब्रुवाणः। भूमिस्तु चक्रं ग्रसतीत्यवोचत् कर्णस्य तस्मिन् वधकाल आगते॥
Then on the arrival of the hour of Karna's death Kala invisibly appeared on his car and reminding him of the Brahmana's course said-“The earth is devouring the wheel of your car."

ततस्तदस्तत्रंन मनसः प्रणष्टं यद् भार्गवोऽस्मै प्रददौ महात्मा। चत्रम्च वामं असते भूमिरस्य प्राप्ते तस्मिन् वधकाले नृवीर॥
Really, O King, when the hour of Karna's death approached he forgot the great Brahma weapon which Bhargava had given him. And the Earth was about to devour the left wheel of his car.

ततो रथो घूर्णितवान् नरेन्द्र शापत्तदा ब्राह्मणसत्तमस्य। ततश्चक्रमपतत्तस्य भूमौ स विह्वलः समरे सूतपुत्रः॥
Having gone deep into the earth and been clogged there like a holy tree with flowers standing on a high land, Karna's car, on account of the great Brahmana's imprecation reeled.

सवेदिकश्चैत्य इवातिमात्रः सुपुष्पितो भूमितले निमग्नः। घूर्णे रथे ब्राह्मणस्याभिशापाद् रामादुपात्ते त्वविभाति चास्त्रे॥ छिन्ने शरे सर्पमुखे च घोरे पार्थेन तस्मिन विषसाद कर्णः। अमृष्यमाणो व्यसनानि तानि हस्तौ विधुन्वन् स विगर्हमाणः॥
When his car began to reel, when the great weapon given by Rama did not shine, when his serpent-faced shaft was broken by Partha, Karna was filled with sadness, Unable to bear those misfortunes he shook his arms and vilified virtue saying.

धर्मप्रधानं किल पाति धर्म इत्यब्रुवन् धर्मविदः सदैव। वयं च धर्मे प्रयताम नित्यं चर्तुं यथाशक्ति यथाश्रुतं च॥ स चापि निघ्नाति न पाति भक्तान् मन्ये न नित्यं परिपाति धर्मः॥
“The virtuous always say that virtue protects the virtuous. We, however, always practice virtue to the best of our knowledge and power. But virtue, instead of protecting us, is now destroying us who are its votaries."

एवं ब्रुवन् प्रस्खलिताश्वसूतो विचाल्यमानोऽर्जुनबाणपातैः। मर्माभिघाताच्छिथिल: क्रियासु पुनः पुनर्धर्ममसौ जगह॥
While he gave vent to these words he was greatly assailed by Arjuna's shafts. His horses and charioteer were dislodged. He was cut to the quick and became careless about his doings. He again and again spoke ill of virtue in the battle-field.

ततः शरैर्भीमतरैरविध्यत् त्रिभिराहवे। हस्ते कृष्णं तथा पार्थमभ्यविध्यच सप्तिभिः॥ ततोऽर्जुनः सप्तदश तिग्मरेगानजिह्यगान्। इन्द्राशनिसमान् घोरानसृजत् पावकोपमान्॥
He struck Krishna's arm with three dreadful arrows and Arjuna with seven. Arjuna then discharged seventeen dreadful, straightcoursing and forcible arrows effulgent like fire and resembling Indra's thunder-bolt in impetuosity.

निर्भिद्य ते भीमेवेगा ह्यपतन् पृथिवीतले। कम्पितात्मा ततः कर्णः शक्त्या चेष्टामदर्शयत्॥
Those powerful and dreadful arrows went through Karna's body and dropped on the surface of the earth. Trembling threat Karna showed his activity to the very best of his power.

बलेनाथ स संस्तभ्य ब्रह्मास्त्रं समुदैरयत्। ऐन्द्रं ततोऽर्जुनश्चापि तं दृष्ट्वाभ्युपमन्त्रयत्॥
Controlling himself with great exertion he brought the Brahma weapon into requisition beholding which Arjuna invoked the weapon given him by Indra with becoming mantras.

गाण्डीवं ज्यां च बाणंश्च सोऽनुमन्त्र्य परंतपः। व्यसृजच्छरवर्षाणि वर्षाणीव पुरन्दरः॥
Then inspiring his Gandiva, its strings and arrows with mantras that repressor of enemies discharged arrows like Indra pouring down torrents of rain.

ततस्तेजोमया बाणा रथात् पार्थस्य निःसृताः। प्रादुरासन् महावीर्याः कर्णस्य रथमन्तिकात्॥
Coming out of Arjuna's car those powerful and terrific arrows appeared near Karna's.

तान् कर्णस्त्वग्रतो न्यस्तान् मोघांश्चक्रे महारथः। ततोऽब्रवीद वृष्णिवीरस्तस्मिन्नस्त्रे विनाशिते॥
That great car-warrior baffled those arrows which appeared before him. Seeing the arrows

विसृजास्त्रं परं पार्थ राधेयो ग्रसते शरान्। ततो ब्रह्मास्त्रमत्युग्रं सम्मन्त्र्य समयोजयत्॥
Discharge more powerful weapons, O Partha, Karna makes these your arrows powerless." Then duly invoking it with mantras Arjuna set the Brahma weapon on his string.

छादयित्वा ततो बाणैः कर्णं प्रत्यस्यदर्जुनः। ततः कर्णः शितैर्बाणैा चिच्छेद सुतेजनैः॥
Then covering all the directions with arrows he struck Karna with many. Then with a number of whetted arrows of great power Karna sundered the string of Arjuna's bow.

द्वितीयां च तृतीयां च चतुर्थी पञ्चमी तथा। षष्ठीमथास्य चिच्छेद सप्तमी च तथाष्टमीम्॥
Karna cut-off his string for the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth times.

नवमी दशमी चास्य तथा चैकादशी वृषः। ज्याशतं शतसंघानः स कर्णो नावबुध्यते॥
Similarly his string was cut-off by Vrishna for the ninth, tenth and eleventh times. Although capable of discharging hundreds of arrow Karna knew that Arjuna had a century of strings.

ततो ज्यां विनिधायान्यामभिमन्त्र्य च पाण्डवः। शरैरवाकिरत् कर्ण दीप्यमानैरिवाहिभिः॥
Then setting another string to his bow and shooting innumerable shafts, Arjuna covered Karna with arrows resembly fiery-mouthed serpents.

तस्य ज्योछेदन कर्णो ज्यावधानं च संयुगे। नान्वबुध्यत शीघ्रत्वात्तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥
So quickly did Arjuna replace his strings that Karna could not perceive when one was broken and another replaced. The feat was highly wonderful to him.

अस्त्रैरस्त्राणि संवार्य प्रनिघ्नन् सव्यसाचिनः। चक्रे चाप्यधिकं पार्थात् स्ववीर्यमतिदर्शयन्॥
Radha's son, however, nullified all the arrows of Savyasachin. With his power he got better of Arjuna for the time being.

ततः कृष्णोऽर्जुनं दृष्ट्वा कर्णास्त्रेण च पीडितम्। अभ्यसेत्यब्रवीत् पार्थमातिष्ठास्त्रं व्रजेति च॥
Seeing Arjuna thus assailed with Karna's arrows Krishna said to him "Go nearer to Karna and strike him with more powerful weapons."

ततोऽग्निसदृशं घोरं शरं सर्पविषोपमम्। अश्मसारमयं दिव्यमबिमन्त्र्य परंतपः॥ रौद्रमस्त्रं समाधाय क्षेप्तुकामः किरीटवान्। ततोऽग्रसन्मही चक्रं राधेयस्य तदा नृप॥
Worked up with anger Arjuna invoked the aid of another celestial weapon with mantras which was effulgent like fire, dreadful like venom and hard like adamant. Then uniting it with Raudra weapon he was about to hurl it at his enemy when the earth swallowed up one of the wheels of Karna's car.

ततोऽवतीर्य राधेयो रथादाशु समुद्यतः। चक्रं भुजाभ्यामालम्ब्य समुत्क्षेप्तुमियेष सः॥
Then getting down in no time from his car he caught the sunken wheel with two hands and set forth a mighty exertion to extricate it.

सप्तद्वीपा वसुमती सशैलवनकानना। जीर्णचक्रा समुत्क्षिप्ता कर्णेन चतुरङ्गुलम्॥१०६॥
Drawn up forcibly by Karna, the Earth, that had swallowed up his wheel, rose up with her seven insular continents, mountains, rivers and forests to a height of four cubits.

ग्रस्तचक्रस्तु राधेयः क्रोधाश्रूण्यवर्तयत्। अर्जुनं वीक्ष्यं संरब्धमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Seeing his wheel thus sunk, Karna wept in anger. And seeing Arjuna before him, he, worked up with

भो भोः पार्थ महेष्वास मुहूर्तं परिपालय। यावचक्रमिदं ग्रस्तमुद्धरामि महीतलात्॥
O Partha, wait for a moment till I extricate anger said-my wheel.

सव्यं चक्रं महीग्रस्तं दृष्ट्वा देवादिदं मम। पार्थ कापुरुषतीर्णमभिसंधिं विसर्जय॥
Seeing my wheel thus accidentally sunken you should give up your idea which is cherished by a coward only.

न त्वं कापुरुषाचीर्ण मार्गमास्थातचुमर्हसि। ख्यातस्त्वमसि कौन्तेय विशिष्टो रणकर्मसु॥ विशिष्टतरमेव त्वं कर्तुमर्हसि पाण्डव। प्रकीर्णकेशे विमुखे ब्राह्मणेऽथ कृताञ्जलौ॥ शरणागते न्यस्तशस्त्रे यातमाने तथार्जुन। अबाणे भ्रष्टकवचे भ्रष्टभग्नायुधे तथा॥ न विमुञ्चन्ति शस्त्राणि शूराः साधुव्रते स्थितः। त्वं च शूरतमो लोके साधुवृत्तश्च पाण्डवः॥ अभिज्ञो युद्धधर्माणां वेदान्तावभृथाप्लुतः। दिव्यास्त्रविदमेयात्मा कार्तवीर्यसमो युधि॥
Brave and pious heroes never shoot their arrows at persons with disheveled hairs, at those who fly away from the battle-field, at a Brahmana, at him who clasps his hands, at him who surrenders, at him who prays for quarter, at one who throws off his weapon, at one whose arrows are all gone, or at one whose weapon has fallen off or been broken. Your are the brave and pious of all in the world. You know all the rules at warfare.

यावचक्रमिदं ग्रस्तमुद्धरामि महाभुजा न मां रथस्थो भूनिष्ठं विकलं हन्तुमर्हसि॥
Pray, excuse me for a moment till I go out my wheel from the earth, O Dhananjaya. You are stationed on your car and I am standing helplessly weak on the earth. You should not kill me now.

न वासुदेवात् त्वत्तो वा पाण्डवेय बिभेम्यहम्। त्वं हि क्षत्रियदायादो महाकुलविवर्धनः। अतस्त्वां प्रब्रवीम्येष मुहूर्तं क्षम पाण्डव॥
Neither Krishna, nor you fear me the least. You are a Kshatriya and the scion of an illustrious family. Remembering the dictates of virtue, excuse me for a moment, O son of Pandu.