Kripa asks Duryodhana to make peace

संजय उवाच पतितान् रथनीडांश्च रथांश्चापि महात्मनाम्। रणे च निहतान् नागान् दृष्ट्वा पत्तींश्च मारिष॥ आयोधनं चातिघोरं रुद्रस्याक्रीड संनिभम्। अप्रख्याति गतानां तु राज्ञां शतसहस्रशः॥ विमुखे तव पुत्रे तु शोकोपहतचेतसि। भृशोद्विग्नेषु सैन्येषु दुःखं पार्थस्य विक्रमम्॥ ध्यायमानेषु सैन्येषु दुःखं प्राप्तेषु भारत! बलानां मथ्यमानानां श्रुत्वा निनदमुत्तमम्॥ अभिज्ञानं नरेन्द्राणां विक्षतं प्रेक्ष्य संयुगे। कृपाविष्टः कृपो राजन् वयः शीलसमन्वितः॥ अब्रवीत् तत्र तेजस्वी सोऽभिसृत्य जनाधिपम्। दुर्योधनं मन्युवशाद् वाक्यं वाक्यविशारदः॥ दुर्योधन निबोधेदं यत् त्वां वक्ष्यामि कौरव। श्रुत्वा कुरु महाराज यदि ते रोचतेऽनघ॥
Sanjaya said Beholding the boxes of cars as also the cars of great warriors and the elephants and footsoldiers, O king, killed in battle-seeing the field of battle appear dreadful like the sporting ground of Rudra-seeing the ignominious death obtained by hundreds and thousands of kings-seeing also the prowess of Partha after the retreat of your son with a sorrowful heart and when your troops, filled with anxiety and fallen into great distress, O Bharata, were deliberating about their next course, hearing also the loud lamentations of the Kaurava warriors that were being smitten and marking the displaced and disordered tokens of great kings, the energetic, old, eloquent and compassionate Kuru leader Kripa, approached king Duryodhana and angrily said to him:-"O Duryodhana, listen, O Bharata, to these words. Having them, O monarch, act according to them, O sinless one, if you like.

न युद्धधर्माच्छेयान् वै पन्था राजेन्द्र विद्यते। यं समाश्रित्य युद्ध्यन्ते क्षत्रियाः क्षत्रियर्षभ॥
There is no path, O monarch, that is better than the duty of battle, Taking recourse to that path, Kshatriyas, O best of Kshatriyas, fight.

पुत्रो भ्राता पिता चैव स्वस्रीयो मातुलस्तथा। सम्बन्धिबान्धवाश्चैव योद्ध्या वै क्षत्रजीविना॥
He who follows Kshatriya practices, fights with son, father, brother, sister son and maternal uncle and relatives and kinsmen.

वधे चैव परो धर्मस्तथाधर्मः पलायने। ते स्म घोरां समापन्ना जीविका जीवितार्थिनः॥
If he is killed in battle, there is great merit in it. Similarly, there is great sin if he flies from the field. It is for this that the life of a Kshatriya is exceedingly hard.

तदत्र प्रतिवक्ष्यामि किंचिदेव हितं वचः। हते भीष्मे च द्रोणे च कर्णे चैव महारथे॥ जयद्रथे च निहते तव भ्रातृषु चनाघ! लक्ष्मणे तव पुत्रे च किं शेषं पर्युपासते॥
I will say a few wholesome words to you about this. After the fall of Bhishma and Drona and the mighty car-warrior Karna, after the slaughter of Jayadratlia and your brothers, O sinless one and your son Lakshmana, what is there now for us to do?

येषु भारं समासाद्य राज्ये मतिमकुर्महि। ते संत्यज्य तनूर्याताः शूरा ब्रह्मविदां गतिम्॥
They, upon whom we had laid all burdens and been enjoying the kingdoin, have all repaired to regions of blessedness attainable by persons conversant with the knowledge of Brahma, casting off their bodies.

वयं त्विह विना भूता गुणवद्भिर्महारथैः। कृपणं वर्तयिष्याम पातयिता नृपान् बहून्।१४।।
As regards ourselves, deprived of those great car-warriors of numerous accomplishments, we shall have to pass our time in sorrow, having caused many kings to die.

सर्वैरथ च जीवद्भिभित्सुरापराजितः। कृष्णनेत्रो महाबाहुर्देवैरपि दुरासदः॥
When all those heroes were alive even then Vibhatsu could not be defeated. Having Krishna, for his cyes, that mighty armed hero is incapable of being defeated by the very gods!

इन्द्रकार्मुकतुल्याभमिन्द्रकेतुमिवोच्छ्रितम्। निरं केतुमासाद्य संचचाल महाचमूः॥
The vast Kaurava army, approaching his monkey-emblem standard that is high as Indra's pole set up in the spring and that is cffulgent as Indra's bow, has always shaken in fear.

सिंहनादाच भीमस्य पाञ्चजन्यस्वेनन च। गाण्डीवस्य च निर्घोषात् सम्मुह्यन्ते मनांसि नः॥
At the leonine shouts of Bhimasena and the blare of Panchajanya and the twang of Gandiva, our hearts will be paralyzed.

चरन्तीव महाविद्युन्मुष्णन्ती नयनप्रभाम्। अलातमिव चाविद्धं गाण्डीवं समदृश्यत॥
Moving like flashes of lighting and closing our eyes Arjuna's Gandiva is seen to resemble a circle of fire.

जाम्बूनदविचित्रं च धूयमानं महद् धनुम्। दृश्यते दिक्षु सर्वासु विद्युदभ्रघनेष्विव॥
Adorned with pure gold, that bow, as it is shaken, looks like lightning moving about on all directions.

श्वेताश्च वेगसम्पन्ना शशिकाशसमप्रभाः। पिबन्त इव चाकाशं रथे युक्तान्तु वाजिनः॥
Quick-coursing and white horses endued with the splendour of the Moon or the Kusha grass, that run as if devouring the skies, are yoked to his car.

उह्यमानांश्च कृष्णेन वायुनेव बलाहकाः। जाम्बूनदविचित्राङ्गा वहन्ते चार्जुनं रणे॥
Urged on by Krishna, like masses of clouds driven by the wind and decked with golden trappings, they hear Arjuna to battle.

तावकं तद् बलं राजनर्जुनोऽस्त्रविशारदः। गहनं शिशिरापाये ददाहाग्निरिवोल्बणः॥
That foremost of warriors, Arjuna, burnt that great force of yours like a rising fire consuming dry grass in the forest in the winter.

गाहमानमनीकानि महेन्द्रसदृशप्रभम्। धनंजयमपश्याम चतुर्दष्ट्रमिव द्विपम्॥
Possessed of the splendour of Indra himself, while penetrating into our army we have seen Dhananjaya look like an elephant with four tusks.

विक्षोभयन्तं सेनां ते त्रासयन्तं च पार्थिवान्। धनंजयमपश्याम नलिनीमिव कुञ्जरम्॥
While agitating your army and terrorizing the kings we have seen Dhananjaya resemble an elephant agitating a lake full of lotuses.

त्रासयन्तं तथा योधान् धनुघोषेण पाण्डवम्। भूय एनमपश्याम सिंह मृगगणानिव॥
While terrifying all the warriors with the twang of his bow, we have again seen the son of Pandu resemble a lion striking terror to sinaller aniinals.

सर्वलोकमहेष्वासौ वृषभौ सर्वधन्विनाम्। आमुक्तकवचौ कृष्णौ लोकमध्ये विचेरतुः॥
Those two foremost of bowinen in all the worlds, viz., the two Krishnas clad in mail, are looking highly beautiful.

अद्य सप्तदशाहानि वर्तमानस्य भारत। संग्रामस्यातिघोरस्य वध्यतां चाभितो युधि॥ ते
Today is the seventeenth day of this dreadful battle, O Bharata, of those that are being killed in the midst of this fight.

वायुनेव विधूतानि तव सैन्यानि सर्वतः। शरदम्भोदजालानि व्यशीर्यन्त समन्ततः॥
The diverse detachments of your army are routed and dispersed like autumnal clouds scattered by the wind.

तां नावमिव पर्यस्ता वातधूतां महार्णवे। तव सेनां महाराज सव्यसाची व्यकम्पयत्॥
Savyasachin, O monarch, made your army tremble and reel like a boat exposed to danger by a storm on the bosom of the ocean.

क्व नु ते सूतपुत्रोऽभूत् क्व न द्रोण: सहानुगः। अहं क्व च क्व चात्मा ते हादिक्यश्च तथा क्व नु॥
Where was the Suta's son, where was, I, where were you, where was Hridika's son, where your brother Dussasana accompanied by his brothers, when Jayadratha was slain?

दुःशासनश्च भ्राता भ्रातृभिः सहितः क्व नु। बाणगोचरसम्प्राप्तं प्रेक्ष्य चैव जयद्रथम्॥ सम्बन्धिनस्ते भ्रातूंश्च सहायान् मातुलांस्तथा। सर्वान् विक्रम्य मिषतो लोकमाक्रस्य मूर्धनि।॥ जयद्रथो हतो राजन्किं नु शेषमुपास्महे। को हीह स पुमानस्ति यो विजेष्यति पाण्डवम्॥
Upon holding Jayadratha and finding him within the range of his arrows, Arjuna, displaying his prowess upon all your kinsmen and brothers and allies and maternal uncles and placing his feet upon their heads, killed king Jayadratha before us all. What then is there for us to do now? Who is there among your troops now that would defeat the son of Pandu?

तस्य चास्त्राणि दिव्यानि विविधानि महात्मनः। गाण्डीवस्य न निर्घोषो धैर्याणि हरते हि नः॥
Thai high-souled warrior is a master of many sorts of celestial weapons. The twang, of Gandiva, deprives us of our energies.

नष्टचन्द्रा यथा रात्रि: सेनेयं हतनायका। नागभग्नद्रुमा शुष्का नदीवाकुलतां गता॥
This army of yours that is now without a leader is like a night without the Moon or like a river that is dried up with all the trees on its banks broken by elephants.

ध्वजिन्यां हतनेत्रायां यथेष्टं श्वेतवाहनः। चरिष्यति महाबाहुः कक्षेष्वग्निरिव ज्वलन्॥
The mighty-armed Arjuna of white horses will, at his pleasure, move about amidst your army having no commander, like a blazing fire amid a heap of grass.

सात्यकेश्चैव यो वेगो भीमसेनस्य चोभयोः। दारयेच गिरीन् सर्वाशोषयेचैव सागरान्॥
The vigour of those two, viz., Satyaki and Bhimasena, would rend all the mountains or dry up all the oceans!

उवाच वाक्यं यद् भीमः सभामध्ये विशाम्पते। कृतं तत् सफलं तेन भूयश्चैव करिष्यति॥
The words that Bhima spoke in the midst of the assembly have all been nearly fulfilled by him, O monarch. That which remains unaccomplished will again be accomplished by him.

प्रमुखस्थे तदा कर्णे बलं पाण्डवरक्षितम्। दुरासदं तदा गुप्तं व्यूढं गाण्डीवधन्वना॥
While Karna was fighting with the unconquerable ariny of the Pandavas, it was vigorously protected by the wilder of Gandiva.

युष्माभिस्तानि चीर्णानि यान्यसाधूनि साधुषु। अकारणकृतान्येव तेषां वः फलमागतम्॥
You have done many misdeeds without any cause, by the righteous Pandavas. The fruits of those acts have now come.

आत्मनोऽर्थे त्वया लोको यत्नतः सर्व आहृतः। स ते संशायितस्तात आत्मा वै भरतर्षभ॥
For Accomplishing your own object you had, with great care, mustered together a large force. That huge force as also yourself, O best of Bharatas, have fallen into great danger.

रक्ष दुर्योधनात्मानमात्मा सर्वस्य भाजनम्। भिन्ने हि भाजने तात दिशो गच्छति तद्गतम्॥
Preserve your own self now, for self in the stay of everything. If the support is broken, O sire, everything attached thereto is scattered on every side.

हीयमानेन वै सन्धिः पर्येष्टव्यः समेन वा। विग्रहो वर्धमानेन मतिरेषा बृहस्पतेः॥
He that is being weakened should seek peace by conciliation. He that is prosperous should make war. This is the policy taught by Brihaspati.

ते वयं पाण्डुपुत्रेभ्यो हीना स्म बलशक्तितः। तदत्र पाण्डवैः सार्धं सन्धिं मन्ये क्षमं प्रभो॥
We are now inferior to the sons of Pandu as regards the strength of our army. Therefore, O lord, I think peace with the Pandavas is conducive to our good.

न जानीते हि यः श्रेयः श्रेयसश्चावमन्यते। स क्षिप्रं भ्रश्यते राज्यान च श्रेयोऽनुविन्दते॥
He that does not know what is for his good or knowing disregards what is for his good, is soon deprived of his kingdom and never obtains any good.

प्रणिपत्य हि राजानं राज्यं यदि लभेमहि। श्रेयः स्यान्न तु मौढ्येन राजन् गन्तुः पराभवम्॥
If by submission to king Yudhishthira we may still have the kingdom even that would be for our good and not O king, to suffer through folly defeat at the hand of the Pandavas.

वैचित्रवीर्यवचनात् कृपाशीलो युधिष्ठिरः। विनियुञ्जीत राज्ये त्वां गोविन्दवचनेन त॥
Yudhishthira is merciful. At the request of Vichitravirya's son and of Govinda, he will allow you to be the king.

यद् ब्रूयाद्धि हृषीकेशो राजानमपराजितम्। अर्जुनं भीमसेनं च सर्वे कुर्यरसंशयम्॥
Whatever Hrishikesha will say to the victorious king Yudhishthira and Arjuna and Bhimasena, all of them will, forsooth, obey.

नातिक्रमिष्यते कृष्णो वचनं कौरवस्य तु। धृतराष्ट्रस्य मन्येऽहं नापि कृष्णस्य पाण्डवः॥
Krishna will not, I think, be able to disobey the words of Dhritarashtra of Kuru's race, nor will the son of Pandu be able to disregard those of Krishna.

एतत् क्षेममहं मन्ये न च पार्थेश्च विग्रहम्। न त्वां ब्रवीमि कार्पण्यान प्राणपरिरक्षणात्॥ पथ्यं राजन् ब्रवीमि त्वां तत्परासुः स्मरिष्यसि। इति वृद्धो विलप्यैतत् कृपः शारद्वतो वचः। दीर्घमुष्णं च निःश्वस्य शुशोच च मुमोह च॥
The end of hostilities with the sons of Pritha is what I consider to be for your good, I do not say this to you from any mean motives nor for saving my life. I say, king, that which I think beneficial. You will recollect these words when no the verge of death if you neglect them now. Old Kripa, the son of Sharadvata, weepingly said these words. Breathing hard breaths, he was beside himself with sorrow.