Gadayuddha Parva: Chapter 57

The encounter between Bhima and Duryodhana

संजय उवाच ततो दुर्योधनो दृष्ट्वा भीमसेनं तथागतम्। प्रत्युद्ययावदीनात्मा वेगेन महता नदन् ॥
Sanjaya said Seeing Bhimasena in that state, Duryodhana rushed furiously against him uttering a loud roar.

समापेततुरन्योन्यं शृङ्गिणौ वृषभाविव। महानिर्घातघोषचं प्रहाराणामजायत॥
They met each other like two bulls encountering each other with their horns. The strokes of their maces produced loud sounds like those of thunder-bolts.

अभवच तयोर्युद्धं तुमुलं लोमहर्षणम्। जिगीषतोर्यथान्योन्यमिन्द्रप्रह्लादयोरिव॥
Each seeking victory, the battle that took place between them was terrible, making the hair stand erect, like that between Indra and Pralada.

रुधिरोक्षितसर्वाङ्गौ गदाहस्तौ मनस्विनौ। ददृशाते महात्मानौ पुष्पिताविव किंशुकौ॥
All their limbs covered with blood, the two great and energetic warriors both armed with maces, looked like two Kinshukas decked with flowers.

तथा तस्मिन् महायुद्धे वर्तमाने सुदारुणे। खद्योतसंधैरिव खं दर्शनीयं व्यरोचत॥
During the onset of that great and awful encounter, the sky looked beautiful as if it swarmed with fire-flies.

तथा तस्मिन् वर्तमाने संकुले तुमुले भृशम्। उभावपि परिश्रान्तौ युध्यमानावरिंदमौ॥
After that fierce and terrible battle had lasted for some time, both of them were exhausted.

तौ मुहूर्तं समाश्वस्य पुनरेव परंतपौ। अभ्यहारयतान्योन्यं सम्प्रगृह्य गदे शुभे॥
Having rested for sometime those two destroyers of foes, taking up their handsome maces, once again began to prevent each other's attacks.

तौ तु दृष्ट्वा महावी? समाश्वस्तौ नरर्षभौ। बलिनौ वारणौ यद्वद्वासितार्थे मदोत्कटौ॥
Indeed, when those two highly energetic warriors, those two foremost of men, both possessed of great strength, once more met each other after having rested a little, they looked like two infuriate elephants attacking each other for obtaining an elephants in season.

समानवी? सम्प्रेक्ष्य प्रगृहीतगदावुभौ। विस्मयं परमं जग्मुर्देवगन्धर्वमानवाः॥
Seeing those two heroes, both arined with maces and equaling each other in energy, the gods and Gandharvas and men were filled with wonder.

प्रगृहीतगदौ दृष्ट्वा दुर्योधनवृकोदरौ। संशयः सर्वभूतानां विजये समपद्यत॥
Beholding Duryodhana and Vrikodara both armed with mace, all creatures became doubtful as to who amongst them would come off victorious.

समागम्य ततो भूयो भ्रातरो बलिनां वरौ। अन्योन्यस्यन्तरप्रेप्सू प्रचक्रातेऽन्तरं प्रति॥
Rushing each other and desiring to take advantage of each other's weakness, those two great cousins waited each watching the other.

यमदण्डोपमां गुर्वीमिन्द्राशनिमिवोद्यताम्। ददृशुः प्रेक्षका राजन् रौद्री विशसनीं गदाम्॥
People, O king, saw each armed with his uplifted mace, that was heavy dreadful and killing, and that resembled the bludgeon of Yama, or the thunder-bolt of Indra.

आविद्ध्यतो गदां तस्य भीमसेनस्य संयुगे। शब्दः सुतुमुलो घोरो मुहूर्तं समपद्यत॥
While Bhimasena whirled his weapon, it produced a loud and dreadful sound.

आविद्ध्यन्तमरिं प्रेक्ष्य धार्तराष्ट्रोऽथ पाण्डवम्। गदामतुलवेगां तां विस्मितः सम्बभूवह॥
Seeing his foe, the son of Pandu, thus whirling his mace, the impetuous Duryodhana was amazed.

चरंश्च विविधानं मार्गान् मण्डलानि च भारत। अशोभत तदा वीरो भूय एव वृकोदरः॥
Indeed, the heroic Vrikodara, O Bharata, as he moved about in various courses, shone highly beautiful.

तौ परस्परमासाद्य यत्तावन्योन्यरक्षणे। मार्जाराविव भक्षार्ये ततक्षाते मुहुर्मुहुः॥
Both bent upon carefully protecting themselves, they approached, they repeatedly wounded each other like two cats, fighting for a piece of meat.

अचरद् भीमसेनस्तु मार्गान् बहुविधांस्तथा। मण्डलानि विचित्राणि गतप्रत्यागतानि च।॥
Bhimasena performed various kinds of evolutions. He moved about in beautiful circles, advanced, and receded.

अस्त्रयन्त्राणि चित्राणि स्थानानि विविधानि च। परिमोक्षं प्रहाराणां वर्जनं परिधावनम्॥
He dealt blows and warded off those of his opponent, with wonderful dexterity. He took up various kinds of offensive and defensive position. He made attacks and warded off those as of his opponent. He ran at his enemy now turning to the right and now to the left.

अभिद्रवणमाक्षेपमवस्थानं सविग्रहम्। परिवर्तनसंवर्तमवप्लुतमुपप्लुतम्॥
He advanced straight against the foe. He made various tricks for drawing his foe. He stood immovable, bent upon attacking his cnemy as soon as the latter would expose himself to attack. He went round his foe, and prevented his foe from circumnambulating him. He avoided the attacks of his enemy by moving away in bent postures or jumping up.

उपन्यस्तमपन्यस्तं गदायुद्धविशारदौ। एवं तौ विचरन्तौ तु परस्परमविध्यताम्॥
Facing his enemy he struck, or dealt backthrusts while moving away from him. Both experts in mace-fighting, Bhima and Duryodhana thus moved about and fought, and struck each other.

वञ्जयानौ पुनश्चैव चेरतुः कुरुसत्तमौ। विक्रीडन्तौ सुबलिनौ मण्डलानि विचेरतुः॥
Those two leading Kuru's heroes fared thus, each avoiding the other's attacks. Indeed, those two great warriors thus moved about in circles and seemed to play with each other.

तौ दर्शयन्तौ समरे युद्धक्रीडां समन्ततः। गदाभ्यां सहसान्योन्यमाजघ्नतुररिंदमौ॥ परस्परं समासाद्य दंष्ट्राभ्यां द्विरदौ यथा। अशोभेतां महाराज शोणितेन परिप्लुतौ॥
Displaying in that encounter their skill in battle, those two destroyers of foes sometimes suddenly attacked each other with their weapons, like two elephants attacked each other with their tusks. Bathed in blood, they looked very beautiful, O king, on ine field.

एवं तदभवद् युद्धं घोररूपं परंतप। परिवृत्तेऽहनि क्रूर वृत्रवासवयोरिव॥ गदाहस्तौ ततस्तौ तु मण्डलावस्थितौ बली।
Thus took place that dreadful battle before the very eyes of a large multitude, towards the close of the day, like the battle between Vritra and Vasava. Armed with maces, both began to move about in circles.

दक्षिणं मण्डलं राजन् भीमसेनोऽभ्यवर्तत॥ सव्यं तु मण्डलं तत्र भीमसेनोऽभ्यवर्तत।
Duryodhana, O king, adopted the right Mandala, while Bhimasena adopted the left Mandala.

तथा तु चरतस्तस्य भीमस्य रणमूर्धनि॥ दुर्योधनो महाराज पार्श्वदेशेऽभ्यताडयत्।
While Bhima was thus moving about in circles on the field of battle, Duryodhana, O king, suddenly struck him a fierce blow on one of his flanks.

आहतस्तु ततो भीमः पुत्रेण तव भारत।॥ आविद्धयत गदां गुर्वी प्रहारं तमचिन्तयन्।
Struck by your son, Bhima began to whir) his heavy mace for returning the same.

इन्द्राशनिसमां घोरां यमदण्डमिवोद्यताम्॥ ददृशुस्ते महाराज भीमसेनस्य तां गदाम्।
People, O king, saw the mace of Bhimasena look as terrible as Indra's thunder-bolt or Yama's rod.

आविध्यन्तं गदां दृष्ट्वा भीमसेनं तवात्मजः॥ समुद्यम्य गदां घोरां प्रत्यविध्यत् परंतपः।
Seeing Bhima whirl his mace, your son, took up his own terrible weapon, and struck him again.

गदामारुतवेगेन तव पुत्रस्य भारत॥ शब्द आसीत् सुतुमुलस्तेजश्च समजायत।
A loud sound, O Bharata, was caused by the fall of your son's mace. So quick was that fall that it caused a flame of fire in sky.

स चरन् विविधान् मार्गान् मण्डलानि च भागशः।। समशोभत तेजस्वी भूयो भीमात् सुयोधनः।
Coursing in circles, adopting each motion at the proper time, the energetic Suyodhana, once more seemed to prevail over Bhima.

आविद्धा सर्ववेगेन भीमेन महती गदा॥ सधूमं सार्चिषं चाग्निं मुमोचोग्रमहास्वना।
Meanwhile the massive of Bhimasena, whirled with his entire force, produced a tremendous sound with valleys of smoke, and sparks and flames of fire. mace

आधूतां भीमसेनेन गदां दृष्ट्वा सुयोधनः॥ अद्रिसारमयीं गुर्वीमाविध्यन् बहशोभता
Seeing Bhimasena whirling his mace, Suyodhana also whirled his heavy and adamantine mace, and appeared highly beautiful.

गदामारुतवेगं हि दृष्ट्वा तस्य महात्मनः॥ भयं विवेश पाण्डूंस्तु सर्वानेव ससोमकान्।
Marking the vehemence of the wind, caused by the whirl of Duryodhana's mace, the Pandus and the Somakas were stricken with great fear.

तौ दर्शयन्तौ समरे युद्धक्रीडां समन्ततः॥ गदाभ्यां सहसान्योन्यमाजघ्नतुररिंदमौ। तौ परस्परमासाद्य दंष्ट्राभ्यां द्विरदौ यथा॥ अशोभेतां महाराज शोणितेन परिप्लुतौ।
Meanwhile showing on every side their skill in battle those two chastisers of foes continued to strike each other with their maces, like two elephants striking each other with their tusks. Both of them, O king, covered with blood, shone highly beautiful.

एवं तदभवद् युद्धं घोररूपमसंवृतम्॥ परिवृत्तेऽहनि क्रूरं वृत्रवासवयोरिव।
Thus that dreadful battle went on before the very eyes of thousands of spectators at the close of day, like the fierce battle that took place between Vritra and Vasava.

दृष्ट्वा व्यवस्थितं भीमं तव पुत्रो महाबलः॥ चरंश्चित्रतरान् मार्गान् कौन्तेयमभिदुद्रुवे।
Seeing Bhima firmly stationed on the field, your powerful son, moving about, rushed towards that son of Kunti.

तस्य भीमो महावेगां जाम्बूनदपरिष्कृताम्॥ अतिक्रुद्धस्य क्रुद्धस्तु ताडयामास तां गदाम्।
Worked up with wrath Bhima struck the mace, endued with great impetuosity and adorned with gold, of the angry Duryodhana.

सविस्फुलिङ्गो नि दस्तयोस्तत्राभिघातजः॥ प्रादुरासीन्महाराज सृष्टयोर्वज्रयोरिव।
That clash of the two maces produced a loud sound with sparks of fire, which resembled the clash of two thunder-bolts from opposite directions.

वेगवत्या तया तत्र भीमसेनप्रमुक्तया॥ निपतन्त्या महाराज पृथिवी समकम्पत।
Discharged by Bhimasena, his impetuous mace, as it dropped down, shook the very Earth.

तां नामृष्यत कौरव्यो गदां प्रतिहतां रणे॥ मत्तो द्विप इव क्रुद्धः प्रतिकुञ्जरदर्शनात्।
The Kuru prince could not see his own mace thus baffled in that attack. He was enraged like an infuriate elephant at the sight of a rival elephant.

स सव्यं मण्डलं राजा उद्भ्राम्य कृतनिश्चयः॥ आजम्ने मूर्ध्नि कौन्तेयं गदया भीमवेगया।
Adopting the left Mandala, O king, and whirling his mace, Suyodhana, then struck the son of Kunti on the head with his terrible weapon.

तया त्वभिहतो भीमः पुत्रेण तव पाण्डवः॥ नाकम्पत महाराज तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्।
Thus struck by your son, Bhima, the son of Pandu, did not even quake, O king, and the sight filled all present with wonder.

आश्चर्यं चापि तद् राजन् सर्वसैन्यान्यपूजयन्॥ यद् गदाभिहतो भीमो नाकम्पत पदात् पदम्। ततो गुरुतरां दीप्तां गदां हेमपरिष्कृताम्॥ दुर्योधनाय व्यसृजद् भीमो भीमपराक्रमः।
That wonderful patience, O king, of Bhimasena, who did not move an inch, though struck so violently, was praised by all the combatants present there. Then Bhima hurled at Duryodhana his own heavy and shining mace adorned with gold.

तं प्रहारमसम्भ्रान्तो लाघवेन महाबलः॥ मोघं दुर्योधनश्चक्रे तत्राभूद् विस्मयो महान्।
The powerful and fearless Duryodhana prevented that blow by his activity. Seeing this the spectators were filled with great wonder.

सा तु मोघा गदा राजन् पतन्ती भीमचोदिता॥ चालयामास पृथिवी महानिर्घातनि:स्वना।
That mace, hurled by Bhima, O king, Produced a loud sound like that of the thunderbolt, and shook the very Earth.

आस्थाय कौशिकान् मार्गानुत्पतन् स पुनः पुनः॥ गदानिपातं प्रज्ञाय भीमसेनं च वञ्चितम्।
Adopting the manoeuvre called Kaushika, and jumping up again and again, Duryodhana, properly making the fall of Bhima's mace, made the latter useless.

वञ्चयित्वा तदा भीमं गदया कुरुसत्तमः॥ ताडयामास संक्रुद्धो वक्षोदेशे महाबलः।
Baffling Bhimasena thus, the highly powerful Kuru king, at last in anger struck the former in the chest.

गदया निहतो भीमो मुह्यमानो महारणे॥ नाभ्यमन्यत कर्तव्यं पुत्रेणाभ्याहतस्तव।
Struck very forcibly by your son in that dreadful battle, Bhimasena was stupefied, and for a time knew not what to do.

तस्मिंस्तथा वर्तमाने राजन् सोमकपाण्डवाः॥ भृशोपहतसंकल्या न हृष्टमनसोऽभवन्।
At that time, O king, the Somakas and the Pandavas were greatly disappointed and dispirited.

स तु तेन प्रहारेण मातङ्ग इव रोहितः॥ हस्तिवद्धस्तिसंकाशमभिदुद्राव ते सुतम्।
Worked up with anger at that blow, Bhima then rushed at your son like an elephant rushing against an elephant.

ततस्तु तरसा भीमो गदया तनयं तव॥ अभिदुद्राव वेगेन सिंहो वनगजं यथा।
With uplifted mace, Bhima rushed furiously at Duryodhana like a lion rushing against a wild elephant.

उपसृत्य तु राजानं गदामोक्षविशारदः॥ आविध्यत गदां राजन् समुद्दिश्य सुतं तव।
Approaching the Kuru king, the son of Pandu, O king, an expert in the use of the mace, began to whirl his weapon, aiming at your son.

अताडयद् भीमसेनः पार्श्वे दुर्योधनं तदा॥ स विह्वलः प्रहारेण जानुभ्यामगमन्महीम्।
Bhimasena then struck Duryodhana on one of his sides. Stupefied at that blow, the latter dropped down on the Earth, supporting himself on his knees.

तस्मिन् कुरुकुलश्रेष्ठे जानुभ्यामवनीं गते॥ उदतिष्ठत् ततो नादः संजयानां जगत्पते।
When that Kuru's hero fell upon his knees, a loud cry arose from among the Srinjayas, O king!

तेषां तु निनदं श्रुत्वा संजयानां नरर्षभः॥ अमर्षाद् भरतश्रेष्ठ पुत्रस्ते समकुप्यता
Hearing that cry of the Srinjayas, O foremost of men, your son was worked up with rage.

उत्थाय तु महाबाहुर्महानाग इव श्वसन्॥ दिधक्षन्निव नेत्राभ्यां भीमसेनमवैक्षत।
Rising up, the mighty-armed hero began to breathe like a powerful snake, and seemed to burn Bhimasena by looking upon him.

ततः स भरतश्रेष्ठो गजापाणिरभिद्रवन्॥ प्रमथिष्यन्निव शिरो भीमसेनस्य संयुगे।
That best of the line of Bharata then rushed at Bhimasena, as if he would crush the head of his opponent in that battle,

स महात्मा महात्मानं भीमं भीमपराक्रमः॥ अताडयच्छवदेशे न चचालाचलोपमः।
The great and highly powerful Duryodhana, then struck the high-souled Bhimasena on the forehead. The latter, however, stirred not an inch but stood fixed like a mountain.

स भूयः शुशुभे पार्थस्ताडितो गदया रणे। उद्भिन्नरुधिरो राजन्प्रभिन्न इव कुञ्जरः॥
Thus struck in that battle, the son of Pritha, O king, looked beautiful, as he bled profusely, like an elephant with temporal juice trickling down its temples.

ततो गदां वीरहणीमयोमयां प्रगृह्य वज्राशनितुल्यानि:स्वनाम्। अताडयच्छत्रुममित्रकर्षणो बलेन विक्रम्य धनंजयाग्रजः॥
Then, taking up his hero-killing mace made of iron and producing a sound loud as that of the thunder-bolt, the elder brother of Dhananjaya struck his opponent with great force.

स भीमसेनाभिहतस्तवात्मजः पपात संकम्पितदेहबन्धनः। सुपुष्पितो मारुतवेगताडितो वने यथा शाल इवावघूर्णितः॥
Struck by Bhimnasena, your son dropped down, his bodying trembling all over, like a gigantic Shala in the forest, decked with flowers, uprooted by a tempest.

ततः प्रणेदुर्जहषुश्च पाण्डवाः समीक्ष्य पुत्रं पतितं क्षितौ तव। ततः सुतस्ते प्रतिलभ्य चेतनां समुत्पपात द्विरदो यथा ह्रदात्॥
See your son laid on the Earth, the Pandavas became highly glad and uttered loud cries. Regaining his consciousness your son then rose, like an elephant from a lake.

स पार्थिवो नित्यममर्षितस्तदा महारथः शिक्षितवत् परिभ्रमन्। अताडयत् पाण्डवमग्रतः स्थितं स विह्वलाङ्गो जगतीमुपास्पृशत्॥
That angry king and great car-warrior then, moving about with great skill, great skill, struck Bhimasena who was before him. Thereat, the son of Pandu, with weakened limbs, dropped down on the Earth.

स सिंहनादं विननाद कौरवो निपात्य भूमौ युधि भीममोजसा। बिभेद चैवाशनितुल्यमोजसा गदानिपातेन शरीररक्षणम्॥
Having by his power struck down Bhimasena on the ground, the Kuru prince sent up a leonine roar. By the fall of his mace, whose vehemence was like that of the thunder, he had, broken Bhima's coat-of-mail.

ततोऽन्तरिक्षे निनदो महानभूद् दिवौकसामप्सरसां च नेदुषाम्। पपात चौचैरमरप्रवेरितं विचित्रपुष्पोत्करवर्षमुत्तमम्॥
A loud uproar was then heard in they sky made by the celestials and the Apsaras. A shower of flowers of sweet fragrance, rained by the celestials, poured in.

ततः परानाविशदुत्तमं भयं समीक्ष्य भूमौ पतितं नरोत्तमम्। अहीयमानं च बलेन कौरवं निशाम्य भेदं सुदृढस्य वर्मणः॥
Seeing Bhima prostrated on the Earth, and seeing his coat-of-mail out open, a great fear possessed the hearts of our foes.

ततो मुहूर्तादुपलभ्य चेतनां प्रमृज्य वक्त्रं रुधिराक्तमात्मनः। धृति समालम्व्य विवृत्य लोचने बलेन संस्तभ्य वृकोदरः स्थितः॥
Regaining his senses in a moment, and wiping his face which had been covered with blood, and gathering patience, Vrikodara stood up, with rolling eyes."