KARNA PARVA: Chapter 57

Pledge of Ashvatthama

संजय उवाच दुर्योधन कर्णमुपेत्य भरतर्षभ। अब्रवीन्मद्रराजं च तथैवान्यांश्च पार्थिवान्॥
Sanjaya said Thereupon, O Bharata chief, approaching Karna Duryodhana said to the Madra king as well as to other chiefs (present there).

यदृच्छयैतत् सम्प्राप्तं स्वर्गद्वारमपावृतम्। सुखिनः क्षत्रियाः कर्ण लभन्ते युद्धमीदृशम्॥
O Karna! This opportunity to fight has automatically come in hands like an opened gate of heaven. Only lucky Kshatriyas can see such opportunity to fight.

सदृशैः क्षत्रियैः शूरैः शूराणां युद्धतां युधि। इष्टं भवति राधेय तदिदं समुपस्थितम्॥
If the heroic Kshatriyas fight with their pairs in battle great benefit occurs to them, O son of Radha.

हत्वा च पाण्डवान् युद्धे स्फीतामुर्वीमवात्स्यथ। निहता वा परैयुद्धे वीरलोकमवाप्स्यथ॥
Either having slain the Pandavas let them acquire the prosperous kingdom or being slain by the enemies let them repair to the region of heroes.

दुर्योधनस्य तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं क्षत्रियर्षभाः। हृष्टा नादानुदक्रोशन् वादित्राणि च सर्वशः॥
Hearing those words of Duryodhana the Kshatriya chiefs shouted aloud and played on their musical instruments.

ततः प्रमुदिते तस्मिन् दुर्योधन बले तदा। हर्षयंस्तावकान् योधान् द्रौणिर्वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Thereupon when Duryodhana's army were filled with joy, the son of Drona gladdening all your soldiers said-

प्रत्यक्षं सर्वसैन्यानां भवतां चापि पश्यताम्। न्यस्तशस्त्रौ मम पिता धृष्टद्युम्नेन पातितः॥
Before the entire army and before you all, my father, when he had laid aside his arms, was killed by Dhristadyumna.

स तेनाहममर्षेण मित्रार्थे चापि पार्थिवाः। सत्यं वः प्रतिजानामि तद् वाक्यं मे निबोधत॥
By that wrath and for the sake of my friend, I tell you, O king, what I promise-

धृष्टद्युम्नमहत्वाहं न विमोक्ष्यामि दंशनम्। अनृतायां प्रतिज्ञायां नाहं स्वर्गमवाप्नुयाम्॥
Without slaying Dhristadyumna, I will not lay aside my arms. If this my promise proves futile, I will not go to heaven.

अर्जुनो भीमसेनश्च योधो यो रक्षिता रणे। धृष्टद्युम्नस्य तं संख्ये निहनिष्यामि सायकैः॥
Forsooth, I will grind him who will come against me, be he Arjuna, Bhimasena or any body else.

एवमुक्ते ततः सर्वा सहिता भारतीचमूः। अभ्यद्रवत कौन्तेयांस्तथा ते चापि पाण्डवाः॥
Thus addressed the entire Bharata army rushed against the sons of Kunti. The Pandavas also (came forward).

स संनिपातो रथयूथपानां बभूव राजन्नतिभीमरूपः। जनक्षयः कालयुगान्तकल्पः प्रावर्तताग्ने कुरसृञ्जयानाम्॥
O Bharata king, the encounter of the leading car-warriors was highly wonderful. An onslaught of men like that at the end of a cycle took place before the Kurus and Srinjayas.

ततः प्रवृत्ते युधि सम्प्रहारे भूतानि सर्वाणि सदैवतानि। दिदृक्षमाणानि नरप्रवीरान्॥
When that encounter took place many created beings along with the gods and nymphs came there to see the leading heroes.

दिव्यैश्च रत्नैर्विविधैर्नराग्र्यान्। नवाकिरन्नप्सरसः प्रहृष्टाः॥
Delightedly the Apsaras showered, on those leading warriors, observant of the duties of their own order, celestial garlands, perfumeries and various jewels.

समीराणस्तांश्च निषेव्य गन्धान् सिषेव सर्वानपि योधमुख्यान्। निषेव्यमाणास्तवनिलेन योधाः परस्परांना धरणी निपेतुः॥
The wind used to collect those perfumes and carry it to the great warriors for their pleasure. The warriors so served by wind laid on ground by killing one another.

सा दिव्यमाल्यैरवकीर्यमाणा सुवर्णपुढेश्च शरैर्विचित्रैः। नक्षत्रसंधैरिव चित्रिता द्यौः क्षितिर्बभौ योधवरैर्विचित्रा॥
That battle-field covered with divine garlands, excellent arrows having gold studded wings attached and the great warriors fighting there got an excellent look as if it was sky with countless twinkling stars.

र्वादित्रघोषैः समुदीर्यमाणः। ज्योघोषनेमिस्वननदचित्र: समाकुलः सोऽभवत् संप्रहारः॥
The appreciation coming down from sky, the sound from musical instruments plied in war, the twang of bows and thrashing sound from wheels of chariots used there made severe noise in the battle-field.

र्वादित्रघोषैः समुदीर्यमाणः। ज्योघोषनेमिस्वननदचित्र: समाकुलः सोऽभवत् संप्रहारः॥
The appreciation coming down from sky, the sound from musical instruments plied in war, the twang of bows and thrashing sound from wheels of chariots used there made severe noise in the battle-field.