KARNA PARVA: Chapter 87

Krishana and Arjuna meeting in dual battle

संजय उवाच वृषसेन हतं दृष्ट्वा शोकामर्षसमन्वितः। पुत्रशोकोद्भवं वारि नेत्राभ्यां समवासृजत्॥ रथेन कर्णस्तेस्वी जगामभिमुखो रिपुम्। युद्धायामर्षताम्राक्षः समाहूय धनंजयम्॥
Sanjaya said Seeing his son Vrishasena thrus killed the energetic Karna shed tears with grief and wrath, his eyes red as copper and advanced to meet his enemy having defied Dhananjaya is fight.

तौ रथौ सीर्यसंकशौ वैयाघ्रपरिवारितौ। समेतो दद्दशुस्तत्र द्वाविरामै समुद्गतौ॥
Then those two cars covered with tiger skins and shinning with lustre looked like two suns facing each other.

श्वेताश्वौ पुरुषौ दिव्यावास्थितावरिमर्दनौ। शुशुभाते महात्मानौ चन्द्रदित्यौ यथा दिवि॥
Those scorchers of their enemies, the mighty warriors, with white steeds attached to their cars, looked like the sun and moon of the skies in brilliancy.

तौ दृष्ट्वा विस्मयं जग्मुः सर्वसैन्यानि मारिष। त्रैलोक्यविजये यत्ताविन्द्रवैरोचनाविव॥
When those two warriors, like Indra and the Bali (son of Birochan) prepared for fight as if to conquer the three words, all the creatures were struck with wonder.

रथज्यातलनिर्हादैर्वाणसिंहरवैस्तथा। तौ रथावभिधावन्तौ समालोक्य महीक्षिताम्॥ ध्वजौ च दृष्ट्वा संसक्तो विस्मयः समपद्यतः। हस्तिकक्षं च कर्णस्य वानरं च किरीटिनः॥
All the rulers of earth were filled with admiration as those two warriors faced each other with their car wheels rattling their bows twanging and their arrows flying, with whizz, Partha with his ape banner flying and Karna with his banner marked with an elephant and roaring like a lion.

तौ रथौ सम्प्रसक्तौ तु दृष्ट्वा भारत पार्थिवाः। सिंहनादरवांश्चक्रुः साधुवादाश्च पुष्कलान्॥
O Bharata, all the kings began to give vent to lion-like roars (with excitement) seeing those two car warriors engaged with each other and praised them greatly.

दृष्ट्वा च द्वैरथं ताभ्यां तत्र योधा सहस्रशः। चक्रर्बाहुस्वनांश्चैव तथा चैलावधूननम्॥
Thousands of fighters, seeing them thus engaged in duel fight, began to sound their arm-pits with the palm of their hands and shook their garments (in excitement).

आजघ्नुः कुरवस्तत्र वादित्राणि समन्ततः। कर्णं प्रहर्षयिष्यन्तः शङ्खान् दध्मुश्च सर्वशः॥
The Kauravas struck up their martial music and sounded their conchs to excite and please Karna.

तथैव पाण्डवाः सर्वे हर्षयन्तो धनंजयम्। तूर्यशङ्खनिनादेन दिशः सर्वा व्यनादयन्॥
The Pandavas also for rousing Dhananjaya caused all the sides to resound with the sound of their drums and conchs.

क्ष्वेडितास्फोटितोत्क्रुष्टैस्तुमुलं सर्वतोऽभवत्। बाहुशब्दैश्च शूराणां कर्णार्जुनसमागमे॥
In that contest between Karna and Arjuna fearful noise arose on account of the shouts and lion-like roars of warriors and for the striking of their palms over their arm-pits.

तौ दृष्ट्वा पुरुषव्याघ्रौ रथस्थौ रथिनां वरौ। प्रगृहीतमहाचापौ शरशक्तिध्वजायुतौ॥ वर्मिणौ बद्धनिस्त्रिंशौ श्वेताश्वौ शङ्खशोभितौ। तूणीरवरसम्पन्नौ द्वावष्येतौ सुदर्शनौ॥ रक्तचन्दनदिग्धाङ्गौ समदौ गोवृषाविव। चापविद्युद्ध्वजोपेतौ शस्त्रसम्पत्तियोधिनौ॥ चामरव्यजनोपेतौ श्वेतच्छनोपशोभितौ। कृष्णशल्यरथोपेतौ तुल्यरूपौ महारथौ॥ सिंहस्कन्धौ दीर्घभुजौ रक्ताक्षौ हेममालिनौ। सिंहस्कन्धप्रतीकाशौ व्यूढोरस्कौ महाबलौ॥ अन्योन्यवधमिच्छन्तावन्योन्यजयकाङ्क्षिणौ। अन्योन्यमभिधावन्तौ गोष्ठे गोवृषभाविव। प्रभिन्नाविव मातङ्गौ सुसंहब्याविवाचलौ॥ आशीविषशिशुप्रख्यौ यमकालान्तकोपमौ। इन्द्रवृत्राविव क्रुद्धौ सूर्याचन्द्रसमप्रभौ॥ महाग्रहाविव क्रुद्धौ युगान्ताय समुत्थितौ। देवगर्भी देवबल देवतुल्यौ च रूपतः॥ यद्दच्छया समायातौ सूर्याचन्द्रमसौ यथा। बलिनौ समरे दृप्तौ नानाशस्त्रधरौ युधि॥ तौ दृष्ट्वा पुरुषव्याघ्रौ शार्दूलाविव धिष्ठितौ। बभूव परमो हर्षस्तावकानां विशाम्पते॥
All the persons gazed eagerly on those two best of car warriors and most powerful of men as they faced each other adorned with arrows and darts. Both of them were cased in armour and had sword hanging in their belts; they had grey steeds yoked to their cars and both of them had beautiful conchs; both of them were mighty car warriors, one had Shalya for his driver, the other had Krishna. Both had long arms and necks powerful like that of the lion; their eyes looked red with rage and they were decked with golden garlands; their bows seemed to send forth lightning flashes and they were possessed of choicest of weapons. They were being fanned with chowries and white umbrellas were held over their heads; and they were masters of best arrows and looked most beautiful. Both of them were like furious bulls; and they were both broad chested and had short necks like lion and were exceedingly strong. O monarch, summoning each other to coinbat they precipitated upon one another like two powerful bulls in a cowshed with the intention of slaying one another. As they fought they resembled two furious elephants, or angry mountains, or the little snakes of deadly poison or Yama the destroyer of the creation. Roused against each other like Indra and Vritra (Asura) they resembled the sun and the moon in brilliancy and looked like two planets approaching each other in order to burning the world to its end. They were both handsome as the gods and were of godlike prowess having sprung from heavenly fathers. O king, your army were filled with delight seeing those two brave warriors of tiger-like ferocity engaged in battle.

संशयः सर्वभूतानां विजये समपद्यत। समेतौ पुरुषव्याघ्रौ प्रेक्ष्य कर्णधनंजयौ॥
Beholding those foremost of men Karna and Dhananjaya engaged in combat, it could not be said as to who would be victorious in the end.

उभौ वरायुधरावुभौ रणकृतश्रमौ। उभौ च बाहुशब्देन नादयन्तौ नभस्तलम्॥
They were both skilful in war and possessed of select weapons and they made the skies ring back with the noise of sounding their arm-pits.

उभौ विश्रुतकर्माणै पौरुषेण बलेन च। उभौ च सदृशौ युद्धे शम्बारामरराजयोः॥
Both of them were famous for their courage and strength and they were skilful like the (Asura) and the king of gods in war.

कार्तवीर्यसमौ चोभौ तथा दाशरथेः समौ। विष्णुवीर्यसमौ चौभौ तथा भवसमौ युधि॥
Both resembled Kartavirya or Dasaratha's son (Rama) in battle and looked like the god Vishnu himself in prowess or Bhava himself.

उभौ श्वेतहयौ राजन् रथप्रवरवाहिनौ। सारथी प्रवरौ चैर तयोरास्तां महारणे॥
In that fight, O monarch, both of them had white horses and select chariots and the best of drivers.

ततो दृष्ट्वा महाराज राजमानौ महारथौ। सिद्धतारणसंघाना विस्मयः समपद्यत॥
Those two warriors looked beautiful and brilliant on their cars and they were admired by all the Siddhas and Charanas that were present.

तव पुत्रास्ततः कर्ण सबला भरतर्षभ। परिवब्रुर्महात्मानं क्षिप्रमाहवसोभिनम्॥
O best of Bharata race, the Dhritarashtras, without losing time, surrounded the noble Karna, who was the best of warriors.

तथैव पाण्डवा हृष्टा धृष्टद्युम्नपुरोगमाः। परिवब्रुर्महात्मानं पार्थमप्रतिमं युधि॥
So Dhristadyumna, with all the Pandavas surrounded the noble Partha matchless in war.

तावकानां रणे कर्णो ग्लहो ह्यासीद विशाम्पते। तथैव पाण्डवेयानां ग्लहः पार्थोऽभवत् तदा॥
Your troops, O monarch, began to fight for Karna and the Pandavas in favor of Partha.

त एव सभ्यास्तत्रासन् प्रेक्षकाश्चाभवन् स्म ते। तत्रैषा ग्लहमानानां ध्रुवौ जयपराजयौय॥
The troops of both the sides were eager witnesses of that great Yama of battle and defeat and victory of either party depended on them (Karna and Arjuna).

ताभ्यां द्यूतं समासक्तं विजयायेतराय च। अस्माकं पाण्डवानां च स्थितानां रणमूर्धनि॥
To decide the fate of the war they began that duel fight and our men and the Pandavas stood in front of the field see that fight.

तौ तु स्थितौ महाराज समरे युद्धशालिनौ। अन्योन्यं प्रतिसंरब्यावन्योन्यवधकाङ्क्षिणौ॥
O king, in that battle those two brave warriors well skilled in warfare, determined to kill each other.

ताबुभौ प्रजिहीर्षस्ताविन्द्रवृत्राविव प्रभौ। भीमरूपधरावास्तां महाधूमाविव ग्रहौ॥
O master, they looked like two fearful comets when they engaged in that deadly fight.

ततोऽन्तरिक्षे साक्षेपा विवादा भरतर्षभ। मिथो भेदाश्च भूतानामासन् कर्णार्जुनान्तरे॥
O most powerful of the Bharata race, the inhabitants of the skies different in opinion and angry disputes were going on amongst them as to whether Karna or Arjuna would be victorious.

व्यश्रूयन्त मिथो भिन्नाः सर्वलोकास्तु मारिष। देवदानवगन्धर्वाः पिशाचोरगराक्षसाः॥ प्रतिपक्षग्रहं चक्रुः कर्णार्जुनसमागमे।
Also the whole world was uncertain as to the issue of that fight. The gods, Danavas, the Gandharvas, the Pichachas, the Nagas, the Rakshasas differed in their opinions.

द्यौरासीत् सूतपुत्रस्य पक्षे मातेव धिष्ठिता॥ भूमिर्धनंजयस्यासीन्मातेव जयकाडिक्षणी।
The heavens with all the stars sided Karna and the earth backed Partha as mother wishes her son well.

गिरयः सागराश्चैव नद्यश्च सजलास्तथा॥ वृक्षाश्चौषधयश्चैव व्याश्रयन्त किरीटिनम्।
O foremost of men, all the mountains, rivers, seas, with trees, herbs and plants were for crowned Arjuna.

असुरा यातुधानाश्च गुह्यकाश्च परंतप॥ ते कर्ण समपद्यन्त ह्रष्टरूपाः समन्ततः।
O smiter of enemies, the Asuras, the Yatudhanas, the Guhyakas and ravens and other birds who roam the skies also favoured Arjuna.

मुनयश्चारणाः सिद्धा वैनतेया वयांसि च॥ रत्नानि निधयः सर्वे वेदाश्चाख्यानपञ्चमाः। सोपवेदोपनिषदः सरहस्याः ससंग्रहाः॥ वासुकिश्चित्ररेग्नश्च तक्षको मणिकस्तथा। सर्पाश्चैव तथा सर्रे काद्रवेयाश्च सान्वयाः॥ विषवन्तो महाराज नागाश्चार्जुनतोऽभवन्। ऐरावताः सौरभेया वैशालेयाश्च भोगिनः॥ एतेऽभवन्नर्जुनतः क्षुद्रसर्माश्च कर्णतः।
All the valuable jewels, the four Vedas, the Mahabharata, the Upavedas, the Upanishads with all their mysterious contents, the Vasuki and Chitrasena, the Takshaka and Upatakshaka, the mountains and the and all the descendants of the Kadru and their children with all the poisonous great snakes and Nagas were on Arjuna's side. Airavata with his children, the descendants of Saurabhai and Vaikati and the Bhojins all favoured Arjuna the smaller snakes sided Karna.

ईहामृगा व्यालमृगा माङ्गल्याश्च मृगद्विजाः॥ पार्थस्य विजये सर्व एवाभिसंसृताः। राजन्
The wolves and deer of the wild and other animals and birds of good omen all sided Partha.

वसवो मरुतः साध्या रुद्रा विश्वेऽश्विनौ तथा॥ अग्निरिन्द्रश्च सोमश्च पवनोऽथ दिशो दश। धनंजयस्य ते पक्षे आदित्याः कर्णतोऽभवन्॥ विशः शूद्राश्च सूताश्च ये च संकर जायतः। सर्वशस्ते महाराज राधेयमभजस्तदा॥
The Vasus, the Maruts, the Siddhas, the Rudras, the Visvadevas, the Asvins, the Agni, the Soma Indra, the Pavana and the ten sides were in favor of Dhananjaya but the Aditya sided Karna. O monarch, the Vaisyas, the Sudras, the Sutas and other half caste people were in favour of Radha's son.

देवास्तु पितृभिः सार्ध सगणा: सपदानुगाः। यमो वैश्रवणश्चैव वरुणश्च यतोऽर्जुनः॥ ब्रह्य क्षत्रं च यज्ञाश्च दक्षिणाश्चार्जुनं श्रिताः।
The Pitris and the heavenly bodies with all their followers and staff, Yama and Vaicravam and Varuna were for Arjuna. The Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, the gifts (Dakshinas), the sacred sacrifices were in favor of Arjuna.

प्रेताश्चैव पिशाचाश्च क्रव्यादाश्च मृगाण्डजाः॥ राक्षसाः सह यादोभिः श्वसृगालाश्च कर्णतः।
The Pretas, the Pichaches, animals and birds of prey, the Rakshasas, the sea monsters, the dogs and jackals were on Karna's side.

देवब्रह्मनृपर्षीणां गणाः पाण्डवतोऽभवन्॥ तुम्बुरुप्रमुखा राजन् गन्धर्वाश्च यतोऽर्जुनः। प्राधेया सहमौनेया गन्धर्वाप्सरसां गणाः॥
The different sets of Rajarshis were for the son of Pandu. O monarch, all the Gandharvas with Tumburu as their head were in Arjuna's favor.

ईमामृगाः पक्षिगणा द्विपाश्वरथपत्तिभिः। उह्यमानास्तथा मेधैर्वायुना चत मनीषिणः॥ दिद्दक्षवः समाजग्मुः कर्णार्जुनसमागमम्।
The different tribes of Gandharvas and Apsaras and the descendants of Pradha and Mauni and many sages riding on wolves, deers, elephants, horses and cars and others on foot or riding on the clouds and the wind came to see that combat between Karna and Arjuna.

देवदानवगन्धर्वा नागयक्षाः पतत्रिणः॥ महर्षयो वेदविदः पितरश्च स्वधाभुजः। तपोविद्यास्तथौषध्यो नानारूपबलान्विताः॥ अन्तरिक्षे महाराज विनदन्तोऽवतस्थिरे।
O monarch, the Gods, Danavas Yakshas, Nagas, the birds, the learned Rishis well versed in the Vedas, the Pitris who live upon Swadha, the Sciences and asceticism and herbs of heavenly qualities all came and with great noise took their position in the sky.

ब्रह्मा ब्रह्मार्षिभिः सार्ध प्रजापतिभिरेव च॥ भवश्चैव स्थितो याने दिव्ये तं देशमागमत्।
Brahma together with Bhava (Mahadeva) with all the Bramharishis and Monsters of creation driving in excellent cars also came to that place.

समेतौ तौ महात्मानौ दृष्ट्वा कर्णधनंजयौ॥ अर्जुनो जयतां कर्णमिति शक्रोऽब्रवीत्तदा।
As those two noble warriors engaged in fight Shakra (Indra) himself wished that Arjuna might conquer Karna.

जयतामर्जुनं कर्ण इति सूर्योऽभ्यभाषत॥ हत्वार्जुनं मम सुतः कर्णो जयतु संयुगे। हत्वा कर्णं जयत्वद्य मम पुत्रो धनंजयः॥
Surya wished that Karna might conquer Arjuna. One said my son Karna will gain victory and the other said my son Arjuna will be victorious.

इति सूर्यस्यत चैवासीद् विवादो वासवस्य च। पक्षसंस्थितयोस्तत्र तयोर्विबुधसिंहयोः। द्वैपक्ष्यमासीद् देवानामसुराणां च भारत॥
Thus they of lion like-prowess disputed for each other taking different sides. Seeing those two noble warriors face each other in fight the Asuras took one side and the gods the other.

समेतौ तौ महात्मानौ दृष्ट्वा कणूदनंजयौ। अकम्पन्त त्रयौ लोकाः सहदेववर्षितारणाः॥
The gods, the Rishis and all the creations of the three worlds began to shake with fear sceing that fight.

सर्वे देवगणाश्चैव सर्वभूतानि यानि च। यतः पार्थस्ततो देवा यतः कर्णस्ततोऽसुराः॥
All the Gods favoured Partha and the Asuras Karna and all the creations felt an interest either for the Pandava warrior or the Kuru warrior.

रथयूथपयोः पक्षौ कुरुपाण्डववीरयोः। दृष्ट्वा प्रजापतिं देवाः स्वयम्भुवमचोदयन्॥
Seeing (Brahma) the master of creation who had no father (self born) all the Gods requested him to make the issue of that fight between those two foremost of men to be equal,

कोऽनयोर्विजयी देव कुरुपाण्डवयोधयोः। समोऽस्तु विजयो देव एतयोर्नरसिंहयो॥
The whole creation will be destroyed if Karna and Arjuna continued this fight O, self born one; only speak the word that these two will be equally successful.

कर्णार्जुनविवादेन सर्वं संशयितं जगत्। स्वयम्भो ब्रूहि नस्तथ्यमेतयोर्विजयं प्रभो॥ स्वयम्भो ब्रूहि तद्वाक्यं समोऽस्तु विजयोऽनयोः।
O sovereign! The entire universe fell in the trap of illusion when Karna and Arjuna fought against cach other. O Svayambhu! Tell us facts regarding their victory. Speak in a manner so as their equal victory is indicated.

तदुपश्रुत्य मघवा प्रणिपत्य पितामहम्॥ व्यज्ञापयत देवेशमिदं मतिमतां वरः।
Hearing this Brahma and Ishana said to the king of the celestials the noble Vijaya (Arjuna) will surely gain victory.

पूर्व भगवता प्रोक्तं कृष्णयोर्विजयो ध्रुवः॥ तत् तथास्तु नमस्तेऽस्तु प्रसीद भगवन् मम।
O sacred one, you have said before that the two Krishnas are sure to gain victory, he then pleased and let that be the case now.

ब्रह्येशानावथो वाक्यमूचस्त्रिदशेश्वरम्॥ विजयो ध्रुवमेवास्य विजयस्य महात्मनः। खाण्डवे येन हुतभुकतोषितः सव्यसाचिना॥ स्वर्ग त समनुप्राप्यं साहाय्यं शक्र ते कृतम्।
Then Brahma and Mahadev told Indra-Arjuna will surely gain victory. O Shakra, Savyasachin has pleased the eater of sacrifices (Agni) in Khandava forest and also helped him when he came to Heaven.

कर्णश्च दानवः पक्ष अतः कार्यः पराजयः॥ एवं कृते भवेत् कार्य देवानामेव निश्चितम्। आत्मकार्यं च सर्वेषां गरीयस्त्रिदशेश्वर॥
Karna takes part with the Danavas and he deserves to be defeated so the intentions of the gods will be fulfilled. One should always he careful about his business

महात्मा फाल्गुनश्चापि सत्यधर्मरतः सदा। विजयस्तस्य नयतं जायते नात्र संशयः॥
O king of Heaven, as the noble minded Phalgun is truthful and virtuous undoubtedly he must always be the conqueror.

तोषितो भगवान् येन महात्मा वृषभध्वजः। कथं वा तस्य न जयो जायते शतलोचन॥
O you with hundred eyes, why will not he be victorious, who both pleased the noble and sacred God who has the bull marked on his banner.

यस्य चक्रे स्वयं विष्णुः सारथ्यं जगतः प्रभुः। मनस्वी बलवाञ्शूरः कृतास्त्रोऽथ तपोधनः॥
Partha has the master of the world Vishnu himself as his driver besides he is a hero, is very powerful and is virtuous at the same time.

बिभर्ति च महातेजा धनुर्वेदमशेषतः। पार्थः सर्वगुणेपेतो देवकार्यमिदं यतः॥
He is of active body, master of the science of weapons and has all qualities, and he should conquer because the Gods wish it to be so.

किश्यन्ते पाण्डवा नित्यं वनवासदिभिर्भृशम्। सम्पन्नस्तपसा चैव पर्याप्तः पुरुषर्षभः॥
Arjuna is always religion abiding and truthful. He will therefore, acquire victory definitely. Nothing like doubt can be raised in it.

अतिक्रमेच माहात्म्याद् दिष्टमप्यर्थपर्ययम्। अतिक्रान्ते च लोकानामभावो नियतं भवेत्॥
By his great prowess Partha can overrule destiny itself whether it be in his favour or not; when he means he can destroy all creatures.

न विद्यते व्यवस्थानं क्रुद्धयोः कृष्णयोः कचित्। स्रष्टारौ जगतश्चैव सततं पुरुषर्षभौ॥
When those two Krishnas are roused, they care not for anything and those two foremost of men are creators of real and unreal matters.

नरनारायणावतौ पुराणावृषित्तमौ। अनियम्यौ नियन्तारावेतौ तस्मात् परंतपौ।॥
They are the ancient and good Rishis Nara and Narayana; they have no fear and they are smiters of all enemies and cannot be ruled by any one; they rule over all.

नैतयोस्तु समः कश्चिद् दिवि वा मानुषेषु वा। अनुगम्यास्त्रयो लोकाः सह देवर्षिचारणैः॥ सर्वदेवगणाश्चापि सर्वभूतानि यानि च। अनयोस्तु प्रभावेण वर्तते निखिलं जगत्॥
Either in Heaven or earth there is none to equal them; they are above all the Heavenly Rishis and Charanas of the three worlds, all the Gods and creatures come after them; they are properly speaking the main stay of the whole world.

कर्णो लोकानयं मुख्यानाप्नोतु पुरुषर्षभः। कर्णो वैकर्तनः शूरौ विजयस्त्वस्तु कृष्णयोः॥ वसूनां समलोकत्वं मरुतां वा समाप्नुयात्। सहितो द्रोणभीष्माभ्यां नाकलोकमवाप्नुयात्॥
Let Karna, the son of Vikartan, who is foremost of men and who is a brave warrior, attain the best region and let him be like the Vasus or Maruts; let him be adored in heaven with Bhishma and Drona, but let the two Krishnas be victorious.

इत्युक्तो देवदेवाभ्यां सहस्राक्षोऽब्रवीद् वचः। आमन्त्र्य सर्वभूतानि ब्रोशानानुशासनम्॥
When those two greatest of Gods (Brahma and Ishana) said so the God with thousand eyes respectfully bowed to their words and himself said to other creatures.

श्रुतं भवद्भिर्यत् प्रोक्तं भगवद्भ्यां जगद्धितम्। तत्तथा नान्यथा तद्धि तिष्ठध्वं विगतज्वराः॥
You hear what the two Gods say for the good of the whole world and it must surely be so and no otherwise; so rest assured.

इति श्रुत्वेन्द्रवचनं सर्वभूतानि मारिष। विस्मितान्यभवन् राजन् पूजायांचक्रिरे तदा॥ व्यसृजंश्च सुगन्धीनि पुष्पवर्षाणि हर्षिताः। नानारूपाणि विबुधा देवतूर्याण्यवादयन्॥
O my lord king, hearing Indra say these words all creatures admired and praised that deity. The inhabitants of heaven then sounded their horns and showered many sorts of sweet scented flowers.

दिदक्षवश्चाप्रतिमं द्वैरथं नरसिंहयोः। देवदानवगन्धर्वाः सर्व एवावतस्थिरे॥
And actually all the Gods, Danavas and Gandharvas waited anxiously to see that unrivaled duel between those two men of leonine prowess.

रथौ तयोः श्वेतहयौ दिव्यौ युक्तौ महात्मनोः। यौ तौ कर्णार्जुनौ राजन् प्रहृष्टावभ्यतिष्ठताम्॥
O monarch, both the cars, ridden by Karna and Arjuna, had gray steeds loudly as they careered with beautiful banners on their tops.

समागता लोकवीराः शंखान् दध्मुः पृथक् पृथक्। वासुदेवार्जुनौ वीरौ कर्णशल्यौ च भारत॥
Many brave warriors came near Vasudeva and Arjuna and also near Shalya and Karna and sounded their conchs.

तद् भीरुसंत्रासकर युद्धं समभवत्तदा। अन्योन्यस्पर्धिनोरुग्रं शक्रशम्बरयोरिव॥
Then began that fight which struck terror into the hearts of cowards and like Sakra and Samvara the warriors rushed fiercely against each other.

तयोर्ध्वजौ वीतमलौ शुशुभाते रथे स्थितौ। राहुकेतू यथाऽऽकाशे उदितौ जगतः क्षये॥
Like the planets Rahu and Ketu appearing in the sky at the time of the destruction of the whole world the banners of those two heroes looked very brilliant and beautiful.

कर्णस्याशीविषनिभा रत्नसारमयी दृढा। पुरन्दरधनुःप्रख्या हस्तिकक्ष्या व्यराजत॥
The elephant's rope of Karna's standard which was very strong and decked with jewels and precious stones resembled a poisonous snake and the bow of Indra in beauty (as it fluttered).

कपिश्रेष्ठस्तु पार्थस्य व्यादितास्य इवान्तकः। दंष्ट्राभिर्भीषयन् भाभिर्दुर्निरीक्ष्यो रविर्यथा॥
The great ape of Partha, opening its fearful and broad jaws, struck terror in to the hearts of all and became difficult to look at like the son.

युद्धाभिलाषुको भूत्वा ध्वजो गाण्डीवधन्वनः। कर्णध्वजमुपातिष्ठत् स्वस्थानाद् वेगवान् कपिः॥ उत्पपात महावेगः कक्ष्यामध्याहनत्तदा। नखैश्च दशनैश्चैव गरुडः पन्नगं यथा॥
The ape, on the banner of Gandiva, being willing to fight all on sudden, left his place, lept upon Karna's banner, like Gadura swooping down upon a snake and began to tear the elephant rope standard fiercely with its nails and teeth.

सा किङ्किणीकाभरणा कालपाशोपमाऽऽयसा। अभ्यद्रवत सुसंरब्धा हस्तिकक्ष्याथ तं कपिम्॥
The elephant's rope, which was strong as iron and adorned with strings of small bells, which resembled the fatal noose (of Yama), becoming wrathful pressed against the ape.

तयो?रतरे युद्धे द्वैरथे द्यूत आहिते। प्रकुर्वाते ध्वजौ युद्धं पूर्वं पूर्वतरं तदा॥ हया हयानभ्यहेषन् स्पर्धमानाः परस्परम्। अविध्यत् पुण्डरीकाक्षः शल्यं नयनसायकैः॥
Thus in that terrible duel between those two great warriors and which was the result of their match game in dice, their banners first fought with each other and the horses of the one neighed at the horses of the other, Keshava, whose eyes were like lotuses, looked towards Shalya with piercing glances who returned them in the like manner.

शल्यश्च पुण्डीरकाक्षं तथैवाभिसमैक्षतः। तत्राजयद् वासुदेवः शल्यं नयनसायकैः॥
Similarly, Shalya look at Sri Krishna lotus eyed but victory, there was acquired by Sri Krishna. He defeated Shalya by a shot of eye as acute as arrow.

कर्णं चाप्यजयद् दृष्टया कुन्तीपुत्रो धनंजयः। अथाब्रवीत्.सूतपुत्रः शल्यमाभाष्य स स्तिमतम्॥१०१ यदि पार्थो रणे हन्यादद्य मामिह कर्हिचित्। किं करिष्यसि संग्रामे शल्य सत्यमथोच्यताम्॥
Dhananjaya the son of Kunti conquered Karna. Then Suta's son with a smile asked Shalya-"O friend, tell me the truth what would you do if I am killed today by Partha".

शल्य उवाच यदि कर्ण रणे हन्यादद्य त्वां श्वेतवाहनः। उभावेकरथेनाहं हन्यां माधवपाण्डवौ॥
Shalya said The king of Madras said-"O Karna, if you are today killed by this grey-horsed Arjuna I alone on a single car will put both Madhava and Phalguna to death."

संजय उवाच एवमेव तु गोििन्दमर्जुन: प्रत्यभाषत। तं प्रहस्याब्रवीत् कृष्णः सत्यं पार्थमिदं वचः॥
Sanjaya said Arjuna also asked Govinda the same question and Krishna spoke to Partha these words having deep meaning.

पतेद् दिवाकरः स्थानाच्छुष्येदपि महोदधिः। शैत्यमग्निरियान त्वां हन्यात् कर्णो धनंजय॥
O Dhananjaya, the sun may come down and be displaced, the earth itself may be crushed with a thousand pieces, the fire may become cold but Karna will never kill you.

यदि चैतत् कथञ्जित् स्यालोकपर्यासनं भवेत्। हन्यां कर्णं तथा शल्यं बाहुभ्यामेव संयुगे॥
But if it so happens you must know that revolution of the word is near and as for myself I will send both Shalya and Kama to the Pluto's den with my army:

इति कृष्णवचः श्रुत्वा प्रहसन् कपिकेतनः। अर्जुनः प्रत्युवाचेदं कृष्णमक्लिष्टकारिणम्॥
Arjuna, who was ape-bannered, hearing these words smiled and told Krishna whose prowess was inexhaustible.

मम तावदपर्याप्तौ कर्णशल्यौ जनार्दन। सपताकध्वजं कर्णं सशल्यस्थावाजिनम्॥ सच्छत्रकवचं चैव सशक्तिसवकार्मुकम्। द्रष्टास्यद्य रणे कृष्ण शरैश्छिन्नमनेकधा॥
O Janardana, Shalya and Karna both together is no match to me and today O Krishna, you will see how I destroy Karna with Shalya, his banners, car, horses, his umbrella, his armour, his bows and arrows all together with my shafts in the battle.

अद्यैव सरथं सावं सशक्तिकवचायुधम्। संचूणितमिवारण्ये पादपं दन्तिता यथा॥
As the elephant, with his tusks, rends into pieces a tree in a forest so I will this day crush him with armour, his car, horses, arrows and other weapons into atoms.

अद्य राधेयभार्याणां वैधव्यं समुपस्थितम्। ध्रुवं स्वप्नेष्वनिष्टानि ताभिर्दृष्टानि माधव॥
O Madhava, the day of widowhood for the wives of Radha's son is very near and surely they must have dreamt of the coming evil last night.

द्रष्टासि ध्रुवमद्यैव विधवाः कर्णयोषितः। न हि मे शाम्यते मन्युर्यदनेन पुरा कृतम्॥ कृष्णां सभागता दृष्टरा मूढेनादीर्धदर्शिना। अस्मांस्तथावहसता क्षिपता च पुनः पुनः॥
Surely you will today see Karna's wives will become widows. I cannot check my rage when I think of evils done to us by this (thoughtless) fool when Krishna was taken forcibly before the assembly and he used abusive language to us and laughed.

अद्य द्रष्टासि गोविन्द कर्णमुन्मथितं मया। वारणेनेव मत्तेन पुष्पितं जगतीरुहम्॥
As the furious elephant destroys a tree with all its blossoms and flowers in anger so O Govinda, I will knock him down today.

अद्य ता मधुरा वाचः श्रोतासि मधुसूदन। दिष्ट्या जयसि वार्ष्णेय इति कर्णे निपातिते॥
Today after Karna is no more, O Slayer of Madhu, you will hear those pleasant words, i.e. by good fortune, O you of Vrishni's race, you have conquered.

अद्याभिमन्युजननीं प्रहृष्टः सान्त्वयिष्यसि। कुन्ती पितृष्वसारं च प्रहृष्टः सञ्जानार्दन॥
Today you shall be able to console the mother of Abhimanyu with a free conscience by pay back the debt of the enemies in their own coin and also joyfully soothe your maternal aunt Kunti.

अद्य बाष्पमुखी कृष्णां सान्त्वयिष्यसि माधव। बाग्भिश्चामृतकल्पाभिर्धर्मराजं च पाण्डवम्॥
O Madhava, today you shall be able to comfort Krishna, on whose faced drops to tears and always trickling down and to speak pleasant sweet words to King Yudhishthira the just.