KARNA PARVA: Chapter 38

Karna offering to give rewards

संजय उवाच प्रयाणे च ततः कर्णो हर्षयन् वाहिनीं तवा एकैकं समरे दृष्ट्वा पाण्डवान् पर्यपृच्छत॥
Sanjaya said After Karna, gladdening your army, had started for battle he addressed to every Pandava soldier he met with these harsh words.

यो मामद्य महात्मानं दर्शयेच्छवेतवाहनम्। तस्मै दद्यामभिप्रेतं धनं यन्मनसेच्छति॥
I shall give him whatever riches he will want who will point out to me today the highsouled (Arjuna) of white horses.

न चेत् तदभिमन्येत तस्मै दद्यामहं पुनः। शकटं रत्नसम्पूर्ण यो मे ब्रूयाद् धनंजयम्॥
I shall further more confer upon him, if he is not satisfied, a cart-load of jewels who will tell me where Dhananjaya is.

न चेत्तदभिमन्येत पुरुषोऽर्जुनदर्शिवान्। शतं दद्यां गवां तस्मै नैत्यकं कांस्यदोहनम्॥
If the person who will point out Arjuna be not contented with it, I shall give him a hundred kine with an equal number of brass vessels for milching them.

शतं ग्रामवरांश्चैव दद्यामर्जुनदर्शिने। तथा तस्मै पुनर्दद्यां श्वेतमस्वतरीरथम्॥ युक्तमञ्जनकेशीभिर्यो मे ब्रूयाद् धनंजयम्।
I will confer one hundred prosperous villages upon the man who will find out Arjuna for w. I will also give him who will point out Arjuna a number of damsels having long tresses and black eyes and a car drawn by white mules.

न चेत् तदभिमन्येत पुरुषोऽर्जुनदर्शिवान्॥ अन्यं वास्मै पुनर्दद्यां सौवर्णं हस्तिषड्गवम्। तथाप्यस्मै पुनर्दद्यां स्त्रीणां शतमलंकृतम्॥ श्यामानां निष्ककण्ठीनां गीतवाद्यविपश्चिताम्।
If the person, who will point out Arjuna, be not contented with it I shall give him another best of cars made of gold and drawn by six bulls as large as elephants. I shall furthermore confer upon him one hundred well-adorned females wearing golden necklaces, fair and accomplished in singing and dancing.

न चेत् तदभिमन्येत पुरुषोऽर्जुनदर्शिवान्॥ तस्मै दद्यां शतं नागाशतं ग्रामाञ्शतं रथान्। सुवर्णस्य च मुख्यस्य हयाग्र्याणां शतं शतान्॥ ऋद्धया गुणैः सुदान्तांश्च धुर्यवाहान् सुशिक्षितान्।
If the person, who will point out Arjuna, be not contented with it I shall give him a hundred clephants, a hundred villages, a hundred golden cars, ten thousand horses of most superior breed, fat, docile, gifted with other qualities, capable of dragging cars and well-trained.

तथा सुवर्णशृङ्गीणां गोधेनूनां चतुःशतम्॥ दद्यां तस्मै सवत्सानां यो मे ब्रूयाद् धनंजयम्।
I shall also give the person who will point out Arjuna four hundred kine, each with golden horns and her calf.

चैत तदभिमन्येत पुरुषोऽर्जुनदर्शिवान्।॥ अन्यदस्मै वरं दद्यां श्वेतान् पञ्चशतान् हयान्। हेमभाण्डपरिछन्नान् सुमृष्टमणिभूषणान्॥
If the person, who will find out Arjuna for me, be not satisfied with it i shall give him a more valuable present, namely five hundred horses-with gold trappings and jewelled ornaments.

सुदान्तानपि चैवाहं दद्यामष्टादशापरान्। रथं च शुभ्रं सौवर्णं दद्यां तस्मै स्वलंकृतम्॥ युक्तं परमकाम्बोजैर्यो मे ब्रूयाद् धनंजयम्।
I shall also give him eighteen other tame horses. I shall give him, who will point out Arjuna to me, a golden car adorned with various ornaments and drawn by best Kamboja horses.

न चेत् तदभिमन्येत पुरुषोऽर्जुनदर्शिवान्॥ अन्यदस्मै वरं दद्यां कुञ्जराणां शतानि षट्। काञ्चनैर्विविधैर्भाण्डैराच्छन्नान् हेममालिनः॥ उत्पन्नानपरान्तेषु विनीतान् हस्तिशिक्षकैः।
If the person showing Arjuna to me considers it again inchoate reward, I will give him some more precious wealth. I will offer him six hundred elephants decorated with different gold ornaments and garlands who have born in the western border of India and suffice training given by the expert Mahavatas.

न चेत् तदभिमन्येत पुरुषोऽर्जुनदर्शिवान्॥ अन्यदस्मै वरं दद्यां वैश्यग्रामांश्चतुर्दश। सुरफीतान् धनसंयुक्तान् प्रत्यासन्नवनोदकान्। अकुतोभयान् सुसम्पन्नान् राजभोज्यांश्चतुर्दश॥
In case that person still considers it inchoate reward, I will give him another wealth more previous than the above. I will grant him ownership of fourteen prosperous and fertile villages equipped with facilities of water and forest in adjacent areas and where fear and discomfort any kind is not existed. These fourteen villages will prosperous and filled with kingly luxuries.

दासीनां निष्ककण्ठीनां मागधीनां शतं तथा। प्रत्यग्रवयसां दद्यां यो मे ब्रूयाद् धनंजयम्॥
I will offer in gift on hundred young maids from Magadha state, well dressed and with gold garlands to the man who will tell me whereabouts of Arjuna.

न चेत् तदभिमन्येन पुरुषोऽर्जुनदर्शिवान्। अन्यं तस्मै वरं दद्यां यमसौ कामयेत् स्वयम्॥ दद्यामहं यो मे
If the person producing Arjuna is yet consider it insufficient, I shall grace him with another thing for which he should ask himself.

पुत्रदारान् विहारांश्च यदन्यद् वित्तमस्ति मे। तय तस्मै पुनर्दद्या यद् यच मनसेच्छति॥
I will give him all that wished by him and had in my possession whether wife, son, the garden and parks including clubs and whatever is with me in term of wealth and prosperity.

हत्वा च सहितौ कृष्णौ तयोर्वित्तानि सर्वशः। तस्मै प्रबूयात् केशवार्जुनौ॥
I shall give him who will find out Keshava and Arjuna all the riches that will be left by them after slaying these two.

एता वाचः सुबहुश: कर्ण उच्चारयन् युधि। दध्मौ सागरसम्भूतं सुखरं शङ्खमुत्तमम्॥
Having expressed himself thus in the battle Karna blew his excellent conch sea-born and making sweet blare.

ता वाचः सूतपुत्रस्य तथा युक्ता निशम्य तु। दुर्योधनो महाराज संदृष्टः सानुगोऽभवत्।॥
Hearing the words of the charioteer's son, which seemed proper to him, the great king Duryodhana, with all his followers, became filled with delight.

ततो दुन्दुभिनिर्घोषो मृदङ्गानां च सर्वशः। सिंहनादः सवादिनः कुञ्जराणां च निःस्वनः॥ प्रादुरासीत् तदा राजन् सैन्येषु पुरुषर्षभ। योधानां सम्प्रहृष्टानां तथा समभवत् स्वनः॥
Then there arose in the midst of the army, O king, O foremost, of men, the beat of cymbals and druirs, leonine roars of the elephants and the sounds of the various musical instruments as well as war-cries of the heroes filled with joy.

तथा प्रहृष्टे सैन्ये तु प्लवमानं महारथम्। विकत्थमानं च तदा राधेयमरिकर्षणम्। मद्रराज प्रहस्येदं वचनं प्रत्यभाषत।॥
When the Kuru ariny was thus filled with joy the king of Madra said in derision the following words to the subduer of foes, the son of Radha, the powerful car-warrior who was thus bragging and about to plunge himself into that ocean of battle.