KARNA PARVA: Chapter 42

The conversation between Karna and Shalya

संजय उवाच मद्राधिपस्याधिरथिर्महात्मा वचो निशम्याप्रियमप्रतीतः। उवाच शल्यं विदितं ममैतद् यथाविधावर्जुनवासुदेवौ॥
Sanjaya said Listening to those unpleasant words and not being convinced the high-souled car-warrior, the king of Madra, said to Shalya "I know well what Vasudeva and Arjuna are.

शौरे रथं वाहयतोऽर्जुनस्य बलं महास्त्राणि च पाण्डवस्य। अहं विजानामि यथावदद्य परोक्षभूतं तव तत् तु शल्य॥
Even now I know well the skill of Shouri in the management of cars and the power and great weapons of Arjuna, the son of Pandu. But you have no practical knowledge of them, O Shalya.

तौ चाप्यहं शस्त्रभृतां वरिष्ठौ व्यपेतभीर्योधयिष्यामि कृष्णौ। च्छापोऽद्य मां ब्राह्मणसत्तमाच॥
I shall fearlessly fight with those two Krishnas, the foremost of the wielders of weapons. The course of Rama, the foremost of Brahmanas, pains me greatly.

अवसं वै ब्राह्मणच्छद्मनाहं रामे पुरा दिव्यमस्त्रं चिकीर्षुः। तत्रापि मे देवराजेन विघ्नो हितार्थिना फाल्गुनस्यैव शल्य॥ कृतो विभेदेन ममोरुमेत्य प्रविश्य कीटस्य तनुं विरूपाम्। ममोरुमेत्य प्रबिभेद कीट: सुप्ते गुरौ तत्र शिरो निधाय॥
I lived formerly with Rama in the disguise of a Brahmana with a view to obtain the celestial weapons from him. At that time, O Shalya, the king of gods, wishing to do a good office by Phalguna, put in an impediment by approaching my thigh and piercing it in the form of a dreadful worm. When my preceptor slept placing his head on my thigh that worm began to bore it through.

ऊरुप्रभेदाच महान् बभूव शरीरतो मे घनशोणितौधः। गुरोभयाचापि न चेलिवानहं ततो विबुद्धो ददृशे स विप्रः॥
On account of this boring of my thigh a pool of thick blood gushed out of my body. For fear of my preceptor I did not move my limb. The Brahmana, on waking, saw it.

स धैर्ययुक्तं प्रसमीक्ष्य मां वै न त्वं विप्रः कोऽसि सत्यं वदेति। दाख्यातवान् सूत इत्येव शल्य॥
O Shalya, Beholding my patience he said-"you are never a Brahmana. Tell me truly who you are." I then gave him the true information about myself and said that I was a Suta.

स मां निशम्याथ महातपस्वी संशप्तवान् रोषपरीतचेताः। सूतोपधावाप्तमिदं तवास्त्रं न कर्मकाले प्रतिभास्यति त्वाम्॥
Hearing this the great ascetic, worked up with anger, imprecated a curse on me, saying-"On account of the deception O charioteer, by which you have got this weapon it will never come to your mind at the time of necessity.

दब्राह्मणे ब्रह्म न हि ध्रुवं स्यात्। मस्मिन् संग्रामे तुमुलेऽतीव भीमे॥
When the hour of your death will arrive. Brahmastra can never live in one who is not a Brahmana. I have forgotten that great weapon in this fierce and dreadful encounter.

योऽयं शल्य भरतेषूपपन्नः प्रकर्षणः सर्वहरोऽतिभीमः। सोऽभिमन्ये क्षत्रियाणां प्रवीरान् प्रतापिता बलवान् वै विमर्दः॥
O Shalya, that descendant of Bharatas who is highly dreadful, the destroyer of all the grinders of foes and powerful, will, me-thinks, grind many Kshatriya heroes.

शल्योगधन्वानमहं वरिष्ठं तरस्विनं भीममसह्यवीर्यम्। सत्यप्रतिज्ञं युधि पाण्डवेयं धनंजय मृत्युमुखं नयिष्ये॥
Know however, O Shalya, I will kill in battle today that terrible bowman and the foremost of warriors, the son of Pandu, Dhananjaya, who is highly energetic and ascetic-a hero whose promises and always carried out.

अस्त्रं ततोऽन्यत् प्रतिपन्नमद्य येन क्षेप्स्ये समरे शत्रुपूगान्। प्रतापिनं बलवन्तं कृतास्त्रं तमुग्रधन्वानमिततौजसं च॥ क्रूरं शूरं रौद्रममित्रसाह धनंजयं संयुगेऽहं हनिष्ये।
I have at least that weapon with me with which I will be able to kill a goodly number of enemies. I will kill in battle, that grinder of weapons, that powerful heroes, the master of weapons, that dreadful bowman of incomparable energy, that ruthless and dreadful hero who can resist his enemies-(I mean) Dhananjaya.

अपां पतिर्वेगवानप्रमेयो निमज्जयिष्यन् बहुलाः प्रजांश्च॥ महावेगं संकृरुते समुद्रो वेला चैनं धरायत्यप्रमेयम्।
The limitless deep, the king of waters dashes on impetuously for overwhelming numberless creatures. The continent flow over holds and restrains him.

प्रमुञ्चन्तं बाणसंघानमेयान् मर्मच्छिदो वीरहणः सुपत्रान्॥ कुन्तीपुत्रं यत्र योतस्यामि युद्धे ज्यां कर्षतामुत्तममद्य लोके।
I will today, in this world, withstand in fight the son of Kunti the foremost of archers while he will ceaselessly discharge his winged arrows capable of killing heroes and penetrating into every limb and none of which becomes futile.

एवं बलेनातिबलं महास्त्रं समुद्रकल्पं सुदुरापमुग्रम्॥ शरोधिणं पार्थिवान् मञ्जयन्तं वेलेव पार्थमिषुभिः संसाहिष्ये।
Like the bank of an ocean restraining it I will withstand Partha that foremost strongest of the strong the great hero owning many weapons, resembling the ocean itself and having many dreadful and far-reaching arrows like unto the waves of the ocean while he will be engaged in assailing the kings.

अद्याहवे यस्य न तुल्यमन्यं मन्ये मनुष्यं धनुराददानम्॥ सुरासुरान् युधि वै यो जयेत तेनाद्य मे पश्य युद्धं सुघोरम्।
Witness my highly dreadful encounter with him today in baitle, who, methinks, has not equal amongst men, using bows and who vanquished the gods and demons in battle.

अतीव मानी पाण्डवो युद्धकामो ह्यमानुषैरष्यति मे महास्त्रैः॥ तस्यास्त्रमस्त्रैः प्रतिहत्य संख्ये बाणोत्तमैः पातयिश्यामि पार्थम्।
The Pandava is exceedingly haughty. Desirous of fighting he will approach me with superhuman and powerful weapons. Counteracting his weapons with mine in battle I will fell Partha with my excellent arrows.

सहस्ररश्मिप्रतिमं ज्वलन्तं दिशश्च सर्वाः प्रतपन्तमुग्रम॥ तमोनुदं मेघ इवातिमात्रं धनंजयं छादयिष्यामि बाणैः।
He burns down his enemies like the sun of fiery rays and shines in his fame. As the clouds gather round the dispeller of darkness, so I shall cover Dhananjaya with my shafts,

वैश्वानरं धूमशिखं ज्वलन्तं तेजस्विनं लोकमिदं दहन्तम्॥ पर्जन्यभूतः शरवर्षेथाग्नि तथा पार्थं शमयिष्यामि युद्धे।
As the clouds with showers extinguish the powerful fire burning with smoking flames and as if consuming the whole worlds, so I will with showers of my arrows, put down the son of Kunti.

आशीविषं दुर्धरमप्रमेयं सुतीक्ष्णदंष्ट्र ज्वलनप्रभावम्॥ क्रोधप्रदीप्तं त्वहितं महान्तं कुन्तीपुत्रं शमयिष्यामि भल्लैः।
With my darts I will put down the son of Kunti in battle who is like a dreadful and fierce snake of sharpened fang, who burns in effulgence and anger and consumes those who work him evil.

प्रमाथिनं बलवन्तं प्रहारिणं प्रभञ्जनं मातारिश्वानमुग्रम्॥ युद्धे सहिष्ये हिमवानिवाचलो धनंजयं क्रुद्धममृष्यमाणम्।
As the Himalaya holds the powerful, crushing and all-striking wind-god so I will, without perturbation, withstand the angry and vindictive Dhananjaya.

विशारदं रथमार्गेषु शक्तं धुर्यं नित्य समरेषु प्रवीरम्॥ लोके वरं सर्वधनुर्धराणां धनंजयं संयुगे संसहिष्ये।
I will withstand in battle Dhananjaya the foremost of all the archers in the world who knows well all the car-tracks, who is always in the van, competent and heroic in battle.

अद्याहवे यस्य न तुल्यमन्यं मन्ये मनुष्यं धनुराददानम्॥ सर्वामिमां यः पृथिवीं विजिग्ये तेन प्रयोद्धास्मि समेत्य संख्ये।
Today, I will encounter in battle the man, who, in my view, is non-pariel amongst the archers and who conquered the entire earth.

यः सर्वभूतानि सदैवतानि प्रस्थेऽजयत् खाण्डवे सव्यसाची॥ को जीवितं रक्ष्यमाणो हि तेन युयुत्सेद् वै मानुषो मामृतेऽन्यः।
What man, save me, who wishes to keep his life, will fight with Savyasachin who defeated all creatures, including even the celestials in the country called Khandava.

मानी कृतास्त्रः कृतहस्तयोगो दिव्यास्त्रविच्छ्वेतहयः प्रमाथी॥ च्छिरो हरिष्यामि शितैः पृषत्कैः।
He is proud, holds his weapons firmly, is light-handed, knows the use of celestial weapons, has white horses and is capable of smiting all. Today shall I with sharpened shafts sever the head of such a great warrior from his body.

योत्स्याम्येनं शल्य धनंजयं वै मृत्युं पुरस्कृत्य रणे जयं वा॥ अन्यो हि न ह्येकरथेन मयों युध्येत यः पाण्डवमिन्द्रकल्पम्।
O Shalya, keeping either death or victory before me, I will fight with Dhananjaya today. There is none else but me who can fight on a single car with that Pandava resembling Death himself.

तस्याहवे पौरुषं पाण्डवस्य ब्रूया हृष्टः समितौ क्षत्रियाणाम्॥ किं त्वं मूर्खः प्रसभं मूढचेता ममावोचः पौरुषं फाल्गुनस्या
I will myself with pleasure speak of the prowess of Pandava in battle before the assembly of the Kshatriyas. Why do you, a fool as you are, speak of the prowess of Phalguna to me?

अप्रियो यः पुरुषो निष्ठुरो हि क्षुद्रः क्षेप्ता क्षमिणंश्चाक्षमावान्॥ हन्यामहं तादृशानां शतानि क्षमाम्यहं क्षमया कालयोगात्।
The forgiving always forgive a mean and a cruel person who performs unpleasant deeds. I can slay a hundred like you, but I forgive you for my forgiving nature and the necessity of the time.

अवोचस्त्वं पाण्डवार्थेऽप्रियाणि प्रधर्षयन् मां मूढवत् पापकर्मन्॥ मय्यार्जवे जिामतिर्हतस्त्वं मित्रद्रोही साप्तपदं हि मैत्रम्।
You are the perpetrator of evil deeds. You have, like a fool, for the sake of the Pandavas, remonstrated with me and spoken many unpleasant things. You have said these to me who am innocent. Cursed you are, an injurer of friendship is seven paced.

कालस्त्वयं प्रत्युपयाति दारुणो दुर्योधनो युद्धमुपागमद् यत्॥ स्तन्मन्यसे यत्र नैकान्त्यमस्ति।
The present moment, that has arrived, is really dreadful for Duryodhona has come to battle. I always wish to see his ends accomplished. But you are acting in such a vay that it appears you have no friendship for the Kuru king.

मित्रं मिन्देन्दतेः प्रीयतेर्वा संत्रायतेर्मिनुतेर्मोदतेर्वा॥ ब्रवीमि ते सर्वमिदं ममास्ति तचापि सर्वं मम वेत्ति राजा।
He is a friend who gladdens his friend, pleases him, protects him, honors him and shares in his joy. I have got all these qualities; the king himself knows it.

शत्रुः शदेः शासतेर्वा श्यतेर्वा शृणातेर्वा श्वसतेः सीदतेर्वा॥ उपसर्गाद् बहुधा सूदतेश्च प्रा येण सर्वं त्वयि तच मह्यम्।
Whereas he who destroys, remonstrates with, sharpens his weapons, makes us to sigh and cheerless and wrongs us in many ways is our enemy. All these marks are to be seen in you and you display them all against us.

दुर्योधनर्थं तव च प्रियार्थं यशोऽर्थमात्मार्थमपीश्वरार्थम्॥ तस्मादहं पाण्डववासुदेवौ योत्स्ये यत्नात् कर्म तत् पश्य मेऽद्य।
For the sake of Duryodhana, for the sake of doing what is agreeable to you, for the sake of fame, for the sake of myself and the God, I will vigorously fight with Partha and Vasudeva. Behold today my feats.

अस्त्राणि पश्याद्य ममोत्तमानि ब्राह्माणि दिव्यान्यथ मानुषाणि॥ आसादयिष्याम्यहमुग्रवीर्य द्विपो द्विपं मत्तमिवातिमत्तः।
Behold today all my excellent weapons, Brahma, celestial and human, I will like today that highly powerful heroes like an infuriate elephants slaying another such.

अस्त्रं ब्राह्मं मनसा युध्यजेयं क्षेप्स्ये पायाप्रमेयं जयाय। तेनापि मे नैव मुच्येत युद्धे न चेत् पतेद् विषमेमेऽद्य चक्राम्॥
For my victory I will hurl today that highly powerful Brahma weapon at Partha will my mind alone. Arjuna will never be able to escape that weapon if only the wheels of my car do not sink in the earth in battle today.

वैवस्वताद् दण्डहस्ताद्वरुणाद् वापि पाशिनः। सगदाद् वा धनपतेः सवज्राद् वापि वासवात्॥ अन्यस्मदपि कस्माचिदमित्रादाततायिनः। इति शल्य विजानीहि यथा नाहं विभेम्यतः।। तस्मान्न मे भयं पार्थान्नापि चैव जनार्दनात्॥
Know this, O Shalya, that I will not even fear Yama armed with his rod or Varuna armed with his noose, or Kubera armed with his mace, or Vasava armed with his thunder-bolt or any other cnemy who may come forward to kill me.

सहं युद्धं हि मे ताभ्यां साम्पराये भविष्यति। तदाचिद् विजयस्यामस्त्रहेतोरटन्नृप॥
There I have no fear from Partha or Janardana. There shall take place an encounter between me and them both in the battle.

अज्ञानाद्धि क्षिपन् बाणान् घोररूपान् भयानकान्। होमधेन्वा वत्समस्य प्रमत्त इषुणाहनम्॥ चरन्तं विजने शल्य ततोऽनुव्याजहार माम्। यस्मात् त्वया प्रमत्तेन होमधेन्वा हतः सुतः॥
O king, while wandering about to set arrows my Vijaya bow I myself unconsciously killed with an arrows the calf of a Brahmana's Homa I began discharging dreadful shafts while it was roaming in the dense forest. The Brahmana then addressed me, saying-

श्वभ्रे ते पततां चक्रमिति मां ब्राह्मणोऽब्रवीत्। युध्यमानस्य संग्रामे प्राप्तस्यैकायनं भयम्॥
Since you have carelessly killed the offspring of my Homa cow, the wheel of your car will sink into the earth and at the time of war your heart will be possessed by fear.

तस्माद् बिभेमि बलवद् ब्राह्मणव्याहतादहम्। एते हि सोमराजान ईश्वराः सुखदुःखयो॥ अदां तस्मै गोसहस्रं बलीवर्दाश्च षट्शतान्। प्रसादं न लभे शल्य ब्राह्मणान्मद्रकेश्वर॥
I always stand in great fear of these words of the Brahmana. The kings of the Lunar dynasty, the lords of people's happiness and on COW as misery, offered him a thousand kine and six hundred bovine bulls. Still with such a gift O Shalya, O king Madra, the Brahmana was not grated.

ईषादन्तान् सप्तशतान् दासीदासशतानि च। ददतो द्विजमुख्यो मे प्रसादं न चकार सः॥
I then offered him seven hundred elephants of huge tusks and many hundreds of male and female slaves. And still that best of Brahmanas was not satisfied.

कृष्णानां श्वेतवत्सानां सहस्राणि चतुर्दश। आहरं न लभे तस्मात् प्रसाद द्विजसत्तमात्॥
Offering him then full fourteen thousand black kine each with a white calf I could not obtain the grace of that best of Brahmanas.

ऋद्धं गृहं सर्वकामैर्यच मे वसु किंचन। तत् सर्वमस्मै सत्कृत्य प्रयच्छामि न चेच्छति॥
Then I offered him a beautiful palace abounding in all objects of desire, in fact, whatever riches I had but still he refused to accept the gift.

ततोऽब्रवीन्मा याचन्तमपराधं प्रयत्नतः। व्याहृतं यन्मया सूत तत् तथा न तदन्यथा॥
He then said to nie who had offered him and thus implored his forgiveness.” What I have said, O Suta, will surely take place. It can never be otherwise.

अनुतोक्तं प्रजां हन्यात् ततः पापमवाप्नुयाम्। तस्माद् धर्माभिरक्षार्थ नानृतं तक्तुमुत्सहे॥
False words will destroy creatures and the sin will come upon me. Therefore for preserving virtue I dare not speak an untruth.

मा त्वं ब्रह्मगति हिंस्याः प्रायश्चित्तं कृतं त्वया। मद्वाक्यं नानृतं लोके कश्चित् कुर्यात् समानुहि॥
You shall not destroy the means of Brahmana's livelihood. There is none on earth who can falsify my words. Accept my words and this will be an atonement for your sin,

इत्येतत्ते मया प्रोक्तं क्षिप्तेनापि सुहृत्तया। जानामि त्वां विक्षिपन्तं जोषमास्स्वोत्तरं शृणु।॥
Although chastised by you still for your friendship I have spoken out all this to you. I know you who are chastising me thus. Be silent and hear what I will speak 11OW. know you who are chastising me thus. Be silent and hear what I will speak 11OW.