SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 28

Sahadeva fights with Shakuni and kills him

संजय उवाच तस्मिन् प्रवृत्ते संग्रामे गजवाजिनरक्षये। शकुनिः सौबलो राजन् सहदेवं समभ्ययात्॥
Sanjaya said During the course of that battle which was so destructive of men and horses and elephants, Subala's son Shakuni, O king, proceeded against Sahadeva.

ततोऽस्यापततस्तूर्णं सहदेवः प्रतापवान्। शरौघान् प्रेषयामास पतङ्गानिव शीघ्रगान्॥ उलूकश्च रणे भीमं विव्याध दशभिः शरैः।
The valiant Sahadeva, as Shakuni rushed quickly towards him, discharged shower of quick-coursing arrows at that warrior like a swarm of insects. At that time Uluka also met Bhima and struck him with ten arrows.

शकुनिश्च महाराजं भीमं विद्ध्वा त्रिभिः शरैः॥ सायकानां नवत्या वै सहदेवमवाकिरत्।
O king, having struck Bhima with three arrows, Shakuni, meanwhile, covered Sahadeva with ninety.

ते शूराः समरे राजन् समासाद्य परस्परम्॥ विव्यधुनिशितैर्बाणैः कङ्कबर्हिणवाजितैः। स्वर्णपुजैः शिलाधौतेराकर्णप्रहितैः शरैः॥
Indeed, O king, encountering one another in that battle, those heroes, struck one another with many Kanka and peacock feathered keen arrows winged with gold, whetted on stone and shot off the bow-string drawn to their ears.

तेषां चापभुजोत्सृष्टा शरवृष्टिविशाम्पते। आच्छादयद् दिशः सर्वा धारा इव पयोमुचः॥
Those showers of arrows discharged from their bows and arms, O monarch, covered all the points of the horizon like a thick downpour of rain poured from the clouds.

ततः क्रुद्धो रणे भीमः सहदेवश्च भारत। चेरतुः कदनं संख्ये कुर्वन्तौ सुमहाबलौ॥
Then Bhima, worked up with rage and the brave Sahadeva, both very powerful, moved about in that battle making a great onslaught.

ताभ्यां शरशतैश्छन्नं तद् बलं तव भारत। सान्धकारमिवाकाशमभवत् तत्र तत्र ह॥
That army, O Bharata, was shrouded with hundreds of arrows by those two warriors and the sky, on many parts of the field, was shrouded with darkness.

अश्वैर्विपरिधावद्भिः शरच्छन्नैर्विशाम्पते। तत्र तत्र वृतो मार्गो विकर्षद्भिर्हतान् बहून्॥
The horses struck with arrows, dragging after them as they ran a large number of killed warriors the passage in the battle-field was entirely blocked up.

निहतानां हयानां च सहैव हयसादिभिः। वर्मभिर्विनिकृत्तैश्च प्रासैश्छिन्नैश्च मारिष॥
Covered with horses slain with their riders, with broken shields and lances and with swords and darts and spears all around the earth appeared to have been strewn with flowers.

ऋष्टिभिः शक्तिभिश्चैव सासिप्रासपरश्वधैः। संछन्ना पृथिवी जज्ञे कुसुमैः शबला इव॥
The warriors, O king, meeting one another, moved about in battle exercised with wrath and killing one another.

योधास्तत्र महाराज समासाद्य परस्परम्। व्यचरन्त रणे क्रुद्धा विनिघ्नन्तः परस्परम्॥
Soon the field was covered with heads, beautiful as the filaments of the lotus, bedecked with ear-rings and having faces set with eyes upturned in wrath and lips bit in rage.

उत्तनयनै रोषात् संदष्टौष्ठपुटैर्मुखैः। सकुण्डलैर्मही च्छन्ना पद्मकिञ्जल्कसंनिभैः॥ भुजैश्छिन्नैर्महाराज नागराजकरोपमैः। साङ्गदैः सतनुत्रैश्च सासिप्रासपरश्वधैः॥ कबन्धैरुत्थितैश्छिन्नैर्नृत्यद्भिश्चापरैर्युधि। क्रव्यादगणसंछन्ना घोराभूत् पृथिवी विभो॥
Covered also, O king, with the arms of warriors resembling the trunks of huge elephants, that were bedecked with Angada and coated in leathern fences and that still held swords and lances and battle-axes and with headless bodies standing on their feet and bleeding and dancing on the field and abounding with various carnivorous animals, the earth, O king, appeared exceedingly terrific.

अल्पावशिष्टे सैन्ये तु कौरवेयान् महाहवे। प्रहृष्टाः पाण्डवा भूत्वा निन्यिरे यमसादनम्॥
After the Bharata army had bcen reduced to a small number, the Pandavas, filled with delight in that dreadful battle, began to slay the Kauravas.

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे शूरः सौबलेयः प्रतापवान्। प्रासेन सहदेवस्य शिरसि प्राहरद् भृशम्॥
Meanwhile the heroic and brave son of Subala forcibly struck Sahadeva in the head with a lance.

स विह्वलो महाराज रथोपस्थ उपाविशत्।
Greatly exercised, O king, for that blow, Sahadeva sat down on the terrace of his car.

सहदेवं तथा दृष्ट्वा भीमसेनः प्रतापवान्॥ सर्वसैन्यानि संक्रुद्धो वारयामास भारत।
Beholding Sahadeva in that condition the valiant Bhima, worked up with rage, O Bharata, obstructed the entire Kuru army.

निर्बिभेद च नाराचैः शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥ विनिर्भिद्याकरोचैव सिंहनादमरिंदमः।
With his cloth-yard shafts he struck hundreds and thousands of hostilo warriors and having struck them so, that chastiser of foes sent up a leonine roar.

तेन शब्देन वित्रस्ता: सर्वे सहयवारणाः॥ प्राद्रवन् सहसा भीताः शकुनेश्च पदानुगाः।
Terrified at that roar, all the followers of Shakuni, with their horses and elephants immediately fled away in fear.

प्रभग्नानथ तान् दृष्ट्वा राजा दुर्योधनोऽब्रवीत्॥ निवर्तध्वमधर्मज्ञा युध्यध्वं किं सृतेन वः।
Seeing them routed, king Duryodhana said to them-"Stop, you immoral Kshatriyas! fight! What is the use of fight?

इह कीर्ति समाधाय प्रेत्य लोकान् समश्नुते॥ प्राणाञ्जहाति यो धीरो युद्धे पृष्ठमदर्शयन्। एवमुक्तास्तु ते राज्ञा सौबलस्य पदानुगाः॥ पाण्डवानभ्यवर्तन्त मृत्युं कृत्वा निवर्तनम्।
That hero, who unretreatingly sacrifices his life in battle, achieves fame here and enjoyes blissful regions hereafter!"-Thus exhorted by the king, the followers of Subala's son once more proceeded against the Pandavas, determined upon ineeting with death.

द्रवद्भिस्तत्र राजेन्द्र कृतः शब्दोऽतिदारुणः॥ क्षुब्धसागरसंकाशा: क्षुभिताः सर्वतोऽभवन्।
O monarch, the noise made by those rushing warriors was terrible and resembled that of the agitated ocean. Thereat the field of battle was agitated all around.

तांस्तथा पुरतो दृष्ट्वा सौबलस्य पदानुगान्॥ प्रत्युद्ययुर्महाराज पाण्डवा विजयोद्यता:।
Beholding those followers of Subala's son thus proceeding to battle, the victorious Pandavas, O monarch rushed against them.

प्रत्याश्वस्य च दुर्धर्षः सहदेवो विशाम्पते॥ शकुनि दशभिर्विद्ध्वा हयांश्चास्य त्रिभिः शरैः। धनुश्चिच्छेद च शरैः सौबलस्य हसन्निव॥
Relieved a little, the invincible Sahadeva, O monarch, struck Shakuni with ten arrows and his horses with three. He, without the slightest exertion, then cut off the bow of Subala's son with a number of other arrows.

अथान्यद् धनुरादाय शकुनिर्युद्धदुर्मदः। विव्याध नकुलं षष्ट्या भीमसेनं च सप्तभिः॥
Invincible in battle, Shakuni, however, took up another bow and struck Nakula with sixty arrows and then Bhimasena with seven.

उलूकोऽपि महाराज भीमं विव्याध सप्तभिः। सहदेवं च सप्तत्या परीप्सन् पितरं रणे॥
Uluka also, O king, desirous of rescuing his father in that battle, struck Bhima with seven arrows and Sahadeva with seventy.

तं भीमसेनः समरे विव्याध नवभिः शरैः। शकुनि च चतुःषष्ट्या पार्श्वस्थांश्च त्रिभिस्त्रिभिः॥
Bhimasena, in that battle, struck Uluka with many keen arrows and Shakuni with four and sixty and each of the other warriors who fought around them with three arrows.

हन्यमाना भीमेन नाराचैस्तैलपायितैः। सहदेवं रणे क्रुद्धाश्छादयशरवृष्टिभिः॥ पर्वतं वारिधाराभिः सविद्युत इवाम्बुदाः।
Struck by Bhimasena with arrows steeped in oil, the Kauravas, exercised with rage in that battle, covered Sahadeva with showers of arrows like clouds accompanied with lightnings pursing rain on a mountain breast.

ततोऽस्यापततः शूराः सहदेवः प्रतापवान्॥ उलूकस्य महाराज भल्लेनापाहरच्छिरः।
The heroic and brave Sahadeva then, O king, cut off, with a broad-headed arrow, the head of Uluka as the latter proceeded against him.

स जगाम रथाद् भूमि सहदेवेन पातितः॥ रुधिराप्लुतसर्वाङ्गो नन्दयन् पाण्डवान् युधि।
Killed by Sahadeva, Uluka, cheering the Pandavas in that battle, dropped down on the earth from his car, covered with blood.

पुत्रं तु निहतं दृष्ट्वा शकुनिस्तत्र भारत॥ साश्रुकण्ठो विनिःश्वस्य क्षत्तुर्वाक्यमनुस्मरन्।
Seeing his son slain, Shakuni, O Bharata, with voice suppressed in tears and sighing heavily, recollected the words of Vidura.

चिन्तयित्वा मुहूर्तं स बाष्पपूर्णेक्षणः श्वसन्॥ सहदेवं समासाद्य त्रिभिर्विव्याध सायकैः।
Having thought for a moment with tearful eyes, Shakuni, breathing heavily, approached Sahadeva and struck him with three arrows.

तानपास्य शरान् मुक्ताशरसंधैः प्रतापवान्॥ सहदेवो महाराज धनुश्चिच्छेद संयुगे।
Counteracting those arrows shot by Subala's son with another downpour the brave Sahadeva, O king, sundered his antagonist's blow in that battle.

छिन्ने धनुषि राजेन्द्र शकुनिः सौबलस्तदा॥ प्रगृह्य विपुलं खड़ सहदेवाय प्राहिणोत्।
Seeing his bow sundered, O king, Shakuni, the son of Subala, took up a formidable scimitar and discharged it at Sahadeva.

तमापतन्तं सहसा घोररूपं विशाम्पते।॥ द्विधा चिच्छेद समरे सौबलस्य हसन्निव।
The latter, however, O king, easily cut off in twain that terrible scimitar of Subala's son as it went towards him in that skirmish.

असिं दृष्ट्वा तथा च्छिन्नं प्रगृह्य महतीं गदाम्॥ प्राहिणोत् सहदेवाय सा मोघा न्यपतद् भुवि।
Beholding his sword cut in two parts Shakuni took up a dreadful mace and discharged it at Sahadeva. That mace also dropped down on the earth unsuccessful.

ततः शक्तिं महाघोरां कालरात्रीमिवोद्यताम्॥ प्रेषयामास संक्रुद्धः पाण्डवं प्रति सौबलः।
After this, Subala's son, worked up with rage threw at the son of Pandu a dreadful dart resembling an imminent death-night.

तामापतन्तीं सहसा शरैः कनकभूषणैः॥ त्रिधा चिच्छेद समरे सहदेवो हसन्निव।
With great facility Sahadeva, in that battle, cut off, with his golden arrows, that dart into three pieces as it went swiftly towards him.

सा पपात त्रिधा च्छिन्ना भूमौ कनकभूषणा॥ शीर्यमाणा यथा दीप्ता गगनाद् वै शतह्रदा।
Cut off into piece that golden dart fell down on the earth like a burning thunder-bolt from the sky sending forth many flashes.

शक्ति विनिहतां दृष्ट्वा सौबलं च भयार्दितम्॥ दुद्रुवुस्तावका: सर्वे भये जाते ससौबलाः।
Seeing that dart unsuccessful and Subala's so possessed by fear, all your soldiers fled away. Subala's son also joined them.

अथोत्क्रुष्टं महचासीत् पाण्डवैर्जितकाशिभिः॥ धार्तराष्ट्रास्ततः सर्वे प्रायशो विमुखाभवन्।
The Pandavas then, anger for victory, sent up loud war-cries. As regards the Dhartarashtras, almost all of them fled away from the field.

तान् वै विमनसो दृष्ट्वा माद्रीपुत्रः प्रतापवान्॥ शरैरनेकसाहस्रर्वारयामास संयुगे।
Seeing them so dispirited the brave son of Madri, with many thousand arrows, opposed them in that battle.

ततो गान्धारकैर्गुप्तं पुष्टैरश्वैर्जये धृतम्॥ आससाद रणे यान्तं सहदेवोऽथ सौबलम्।
Then Sahadeva attacked Subala's son as the latter, who was still sanguine of success, was flying away guarded by the picked cavalry of the Gandharas.

स्वमंशमवशिष्टं तं संस्मृत्य शकुनि नृप॥ रथेन काञ्चनाङ्गेन सहदेवः समभ्ययात्।
Recollecting, O king, that Shakuni, who had to be slain by him, was still alive, Sahadeva, on his car adorned with gold, pursued that warrior.

अधिज्यं बलवत् कृत्वा व्याक्षिपन् सुमहद् धनुः॥ स सौबलमभिदुत्य गार्धपत्रैः शिलाशितैः। भृशमभ्यहनत् क्रुद्धस्तोत्रैरिव महाद्विपम्॥ उवाच चैनं मेधावी विगृह्य स्मारयन्निव।
Stringing his formidable bow and drawing it vehemently Sahadeva, in rage, pursued the son of Suvala and struck him with many arrows winged with vulturine feathers and whetted on stone, like a person striking a powerful elephant with pointed lances.

क्षत्रधर्मे स्थिरो भूत्वा युध्यस्व पुरुषो भव॥ यत् तदा हृष्यसे मूढ ग्लहन्नक्षैः सभातले। फलमद्य प्रपश्यस्व कर्मणस्तस्य दुर्मते॥ निहत्तास्ते दुरात्मानो येऽस्मानवहसन् पुरा।
The energetic Sahadeva, having assailed his foes thus, addressed him, recollecting (his past misdeeds), in these words:-"Observing the duties of a Kshatriya, fight with me and show yourself to be a man! You, O fool, rejoiced greatly in the midst of the assembly, while gambling with dice. Receive now, O wicked man, the fruit of the act.

दुर्योधनः कुलाङ्गारः शिष्टस्त्वं चास्य मातुलः॥ अद्य ते निहनष्यामि क्षुरेणोन्मथितं शिरः।
All those wicked men, that had ridiculed us then, have died. Only that vile wretch of his family viz., Duryodhana still and you his maternal uncle survive.

वृक्षात् फलमिवाविद्धं लगुडेन प्रमाथिना॥ एवमुक्त्वा महाराज सहदेवो महाबलः। संक्रुद्धो रणशार्दूलो वेगेनाभिजगाम तम्॥
Today I shall kill you cutting off your head with a razor-headed arrow like a person plucking a fruit from a tree with a struck." Saying these words, O king, powerful Sahadeva, that foremost of men, filled with anger, rushed against Shakuni.

अभिगम्य सुदुर्धर्षः सहदेवो युधां पतिः। विकृष्य बलवच्चापं क्रोधेन प्रज्वलन्निव॥
Approaching his enemy, the invincible Sahadeva, that best of warriors, forcibly drawing his bow and as if consuming his enemy with anger.

शकुनि दशभिर्विद्ध्वा चतुर्भिश्चास्य वाजिनः। छत्रं ध्वजं धनुश्चास्य च्छित्त्वा सिंह इवानदत्॥
Struck Shakuni with ten arrows and his horses with four. Then cutting off his umbrella and standard and bow, he roared like a lion.

छिन्नध्वजधनुश्छत्रः सहदेवेन सौबलः। कृतो विद्धश्च बहुभिः सर्वमर्मसु सायकैः॥
His standard and bow and umbrella being thus cut off by Sahadeva, Subala's son was struck with many arrows in all his vital parts.

ततो भूयो महाराज सहदेवः प्रतापवान्। शकुनेः प्रेषयामास शरवृष्टिं दुरासदाम्॥
Again, O king, the brave Sahadeva discharged at Shakuni an irresistible shower of arrows.

ततस्तु क्रुद्ध सुबलस्य पुत्रो माद्रीसुतं सहदेवं विमर्दे। प्रासेन जाम्बूनदभूषणेन जिघांसुरेकोऽभिपपात शीघ्रम्॥
Filled with anger the son of Subala, then single-handed, rushed, impetuously against Sahadeva in that encounter, desirous of killing the latter with lance adorned with gold.

माद्रीसुतस्तस्य समुद्यतं तं प्रासं सुवृत्तौ च भुजौ रणाये। भल्लैस्त्रिभिर्युगपत् संचकर्त ननाद चोचैस्तरसाऽऽजिमध्ये॥
However with three broad-headed arrows, the son of Madri cut off at the same time without losing a moment that uplifted lance as also the two plump arms of his enemy and then sent up a loud war-cry.

तस्याशुकारी सुसमाहितेन सुवर्णपुढेन दृढायसेन। भल्लेन सर्वावरणातिगेन शिरः शरीरात् प्रममाथ भूयः॥
The heroic and active Sahadeva then, with a broad-headed arrow made of hard iron, adorned with wings of gold, capable of cutting every arinour and shot with great force and care, cut off from his trunk his enemy's head.

शरेण कार्तस्वरभूषितेन दिवाकराभेण सुसंहितेन। हृतोत्तमाङ्गो युधि पाण्डवेन पपात भूमौ सुबलस्य पुत्रः॥
Deprived of head by the son of Pandu with that gold-decked and sharp arrow, effulgent like the Sun, Subala's son dropped down on the earth in that battle.

स तच्छिरो वेगवता शरेण सुवर्णपुड्वेन शिराशितेन। प्रावेरयत् कुपित पाण्डुपुत्रो यत्तत् कुरूणामनयस्य मूलम्॥
Indeed, the son of Pandu, worked up with rage, struck off that head which was the root of the evil policy of the Kurus, with that powerful arrow winged with gold and whetted on stone.

भुजौ सुवृत्तौ प्रचकर्त वीरः पश्चात् कबन्धं रुधिरावसिक्तम्। विस्पन्दमानं निपपात घोरं रथोत्तमात् पार्थिव पार्थिवस्य॥ हृतोत्तमाकं शकुनि समीक्ष्य भूमौ शयानं रुधिराईगात्रमा योधास्त्वदीया भयनष्टसत्त्वा दिशः प्रजग्मुः प्रगृहीतशस्त्राः॥
Beholding Shakuni lying headless on the ground and all his limbs bathed in blood your warriors, insert with fear, fled away on all sides with weapons in their hands.

प्रविदुताः शुष्कमुखा विसंज्ञा गाण्डीवघोषेण समाहताश्चा भयार्दिता भग्नरथाश्वनागाः पदातयश्चैव सधार्तराष्ट्राः॥
At that time your sons, with cars, elephants, horse and foot, entirely routed, heard the twang of Gandiva and fled away with dried faces, possessed by fear and senseless.

ततो रथाच्छुकुनिं पातयित्वा मुदान्विता भारत पाण्डवेयाः। शङ्खान् प्रदध्मुः समरेऽतिहष्टाः सकेशवाः सैनिकान् हर्षयन्तः॥
Having thrown down Shakuni from his car, the Pandavas, were filled with joy. Rejoicing with Keshava amongst them, they blew their conchs in that battle, cheering up their troops.

तं चापि सर्वे प्रतिपूजयन्तो दृष्ट्वा ब्रुवाणाः सहदेवमाजौ। दिष्ट्या हतो नैकृतिको महात्मा सहात्मजो वीर रणे त्वयेति॥
All of them, gladly worshipped Sahadeva and said-"By good luck, O hero, the wicked Shakuni, that one of evil policy, has, with his son, been killed by you."