KARNA PARVA: Chapter 83

Dushasana death

संजय उवाच तत्राकरोद् दुष्करं राजपुत्रो दुःशासनस्तुमुलं युद्धयमानः। चिच्छेद भीमस्य धनुः शरेण षष्ट्या शरैः सारथिमप्यविध्यत्॥
Sanjaya said In that fight Prince Dushasana fought with great prowess and performed difficult feats; with a single arrows he severed Bhimasena's bow and struck his driver with six others.

स तत् कृत्वा राजपुत्रस्तरस्वी विव्याध भीमं नवभिः पृषत्कैः। ततोऽभिनद् बहुभिः क्षिप्रमेव वरेषुभिर्भीमसेन महात्मा।॥
That noble and energetic warrior after performing these brave acts, first distressed Bhima with nine shafts and almost iinmediately again covered him with numberless powerful shafts.

ततः क्रुद्धो भीमसेनस्तरस्वी शक्तिं चोग्रा प्राहिणोत् ते सुताय। तामापतन्ती सहसातिघोरां दृष्ट्वा सूतस्ते ज्वलितामिवोल्काम्॥ आकर्णपूर्णरिषुभिर्महात्मा चिच्छेद पुत्रो दशभिः पृषत्कैः।
The light-handed Bhimasena, being enraged at this, threw a fearful dart at your son, but your noble son drawing his bow to its full length with ten shafts severed that awful dart as it was coming straight to him like a burning brand.

दृष्ट्वा तु तत् कर्म कृतं सुदुष्करं प्रापूजयन् सर्वयोधाः प्रहृष्टाः॥ अथाशु भीमः चशरेण भूयो गाढं स विव्याध सुतस्त्वदीयः। चुक्रोध भीमः :पुनराशु तस्मै भृशं प्रजज्वाल रुषाभिवीक्ष्य॥
All the warriors seeing him do this bold feat adored him and became very glad; your son again struck Bhima with another arrows which cut him deeply. Bhima then became very angry and kindling with wrath.

विद्धोऽस्मि वीराशु भृशं त्वयाद्य सहस्व भूयोऽपि गजाप्रहारम्। उक्तैवमुच्चैः कुपितोऽथ भीमो जग्राह तां भीमगदां वधाय॥
He told your son, "you have wounded me very soon; O brave warrior, you have also distressed me now, bear the weight of my mace.” Now catching hold of his formidable mace for killing Dushasana.

उवाच चाद्याहमहं दुरात्मन् पास्यामि ते शोणितमाजिमध्ये। अथैवमुक्तास्तनयस्तवोग्रां शक्तिं वेगात् प्राहिणोन्मृत्युरूपाम॥
He said “O scoundrel, in this fight I will drink your heart's blood." Hearing these words your son threw a death-like dart at Bhima with all his mighty.

आविध्य भीमोऽपि गदां सुघोरां विचिक्षिपे रोषपरीतमूर्तिः। सा तस्य शक्तिं सहसा विरुज्य पुत्रं तवाजौ ताडयामास मूर्ध्नि॥
Bhima fomenting in rage giving turns to his fearful mace struck his enemy with it. Crushing Dusasana's dart, that mace came down straight on your son and hit on the head.

स विक्षरन् नाग इव प्रभिन्नो गदामस्मै तुमुले प्राहिणोद् वै। तयाहरद् दश धन्वन्तराणि दुःशासनं भीमसेनः प्रसह्य॥
In that fearful fight when thus struck the prince, with his mace, resembled an unruly elephant from whose body fatty sweat was flowing down. Struck down by that weapon Dushasana fell at a distance of ten bows from his car.

तया हतः पतितो वेपमानो दुःशासनो गदया वेगवत्या। विध्वस्तवर्माभरणाम्बरस्त्रम् विचेष्टमानो भृशवेदनातुरः॥
When he reached and ground he was shaking all over from the shock of that weapon. All his ornaments, garlands and dresses were destroyed and torn.

हयाः ससूता निहता नरेन्द्र चूर्णीकृतश्चास्य रथः पतन्त्या। दुःशासनं पाण्डवाः प्रेक्ष्य सर्वे हृष्टाः पञ्चालाः सिंहनादानमुञ्चन॥
O king! That gada crushed in pieces the chariot of Duhshasana with a hard blow and killed his horses with charioteer. Pandavas and Panchala warriors expressed loud ecstasy when they saw Duhshasana so lost.

तं पातियित्वात वृकोदरोऽथ जगर्ज हर्षेण विनादयन् दिशः। नादेन तेनाखिलपार्श्ववर्तिनो मूर्छाकुलाः पतितास्त्वाजमूढ॥
Thus, Bhima, the Vrikodara made an yell in ecstasy under sheer pleasure when he killed Duhshasana in the battle-field. O king of son. Ajamidha clan, all warriors stood adjacent, fell down unconscious stage as a result of that dreadful cheers.

भीमोऽपि वेगादवतीर्य यानाद् दुःशासनं वेगवानभ्यधावत्। ततः स्मृत्वा भीमसेनस्तरस्वी सापनकं यत् प्रयुक्तं सुतैस्तै॥
Then in that great fight the energetic Bhima gradually remembered all the sufferings they (the Pandavas) have undergone at the hands of your eldest

तस्मिन सुघोरे तुमुले वर्तमाने प्रधानभूयिष्ठतरैः समन्तात्। दुःशासनं चत्र समीक्ष्य राजन् भीमो महाबाहुरचिन्त्यका॥ स्मृत्वाथ केशग्रहणं च देव्या वस्त्रापहारं च रजस्वलाया:। अनागसो भर्तृपराङ्मुखाया दुःखानि दत्तान्यपि विप्रचिन्त्य॥ जज्वाल क्रोधादथ भीमसेन आज्यप्रसिक्तो हि यथा हुताशः।
O monarch, the mighty Bhima of extraordinary prowess, seeing Dushasana, also remembered how he had insulted Devi Draupadi, by catching hold of her tresses and forcibly taking off her cloth, specially at a time when the should not have been touched by any male. The noble-minded Bhima also, remembering the various oppressions suffered by her on different other occasions when her lords (husbands) were obliged to turn their faces and keep quiet, actually flamed in fury like fire when helped with clarified butter.

तत्राह कर्ण च सुयोधनं च कृपं द्रौणिं कृतवर्माणमेव॥ निहन्मि दुःशासनमद्य पापं संरक्ष्यतामद्य समस्तयोधाः।
Addressing the great warriors, Karna, Suyodhana, Drona's son Kripa and Kritavarman, he said-"I will thus day put an end to the life of this miscreant Dushasana, defend him if you can."

इत्येवमुक्त्वा सहसाभ्यघावनिहन्तुकामोऽतिबलस्तरवी॥ तथा तु विक्रम्य रणे वृकोदरो महागजं केसरियो यथैव। निगृह्य दुःशासनमेकवीरः सुयोधन्याधिरथे: समक्षम्॥ रथादवप्लुत्य गतः स भूमौ यत्नेन तस्मिन प्रणिधाय चक्षुः। असिं समुद्यम्य सितं सुधारं कण्ठे पदाऽऽक्रम्यत वेपमानम्॥
Speaking these words the energetic and mighty Bhimasena all on a sudden sprang forward with the intention of slaying Dushasana. As the furious lion pounces upon an elephant, so the exemplary hero Vrikodara, showing such prowess, in that battle attacked Dushasana before the very face of Karna and Suyodhana, He reached the earth leaping down from his car, eagerly looked at his fallen enemy (Dushasana) for some time and pressing his throat with his foot, took up his keen sword.

उवाच तद्गौरिति यद् ब्रुवाणो हृष्टो वदेः कर्णसुयोधनाभ्याम्। ये राजसूयावभृथे पवित्रा जाताः कचा याज्ञसेन्या दुरात्मन्॥ स्तद् ब्रूहि त्वां पृच्छन्ति भीमसेनः।
He said O Duratmana (notorious), remember the day when you had addressed me as "Bull" under grip of ecstasy in company of Karna and Duryodhana. Tell me the hand by which you had dragged Draupadi with a grip on her hair when she had just taken bath (Avabhritha Snana)? This Bhimasena enquires and expects reply from you.

श्रुत्वा तु तद् भीमवचः सुघोरं दुःशासनो भीमसेनं निरीक्ष्य॥ जज्वाल भीमं स तदा स्मयेन संशृण्वतां कौरवसोमकानाम्। उक्तास्तदाऽऽजौ स तथा सरोषं जगाद भीमं परिवर्तनेत्रः॥
Duhshasana stared at Bhimasena when he used the above said harsh words. He was burnt with anger. The words expressed in that battlefield changed his brows. Hence, he smiled and replied in aggrieved state-

अयं करिकराकारः पीनस्तनविमर्दनः। गोसहस्रप्रदाता च क्षत्रियान्तकरः करः॥ अनेन याज्ञसेन्या मे भीम केशा विकर्षिताः। पश्यतां कुरुमुख्यानां युष्माकं च सभासदाम्॥
It is my hand thick as that of elephant's trunk and capable to churn the protruded breasts of woman, offer in gift several thousand cows and destroy the Kshatriya in battle.O Bhimasena! I had caught Draupadi by hair by this very hand in the presence of the respected people in Kuru family and all of you were also there.

एवं त्वसौ राजसुतंन निशम्य ब्रुवन्तमाजौ विनिपीडय वक्षः। मुटुर्ननादाथ समस्तयोधान्॥ त्वसौ भवेदद्य निरस्तबाहुः। माक्षिप्य योधास्तरसा महाबलः॥ एवं क्रुद्धो भीमसेनः करेण उत्पाटयामास भुजं महात्मा। दुःशासनं तेन स वीरमध्ये जघान् वज्रशनिसंनिभेन॥
Bhimasena caught Duhshasana forcibly with both arms, climbed on his chest and addressed in loud voice all warriors "The army is being separated from the body of Duhshasana. He is at an anvil of death. Come forward, I challenge the saviour if any is here." Thus, mighty, bold and furiated Bhimasena had uprooted Duhshasana's arm with a jerk by was single hand. His arm as hard hard as thunderbolt. Bhimasena, took it and started thrashing him in the presence of all warriors.

उत्कृत्य वक्षः पतितस्य भूमावथापिवच्छोणितमस्य कोष्णम्। ततो निपात्यास्य शिरोऽपकृत्य तेनासिना तव पुत्रस्य राजन्॥ सत्यां चिकीर्षुर्मतिमान् प्रतिज्ञा भीमोऽपिबच्छोणितमस्य कोष्णम्। आस्वाद्य चास्वाद्य च वीक्षमाणः क्रुद्धो हि चैनं निजगाद वाक्यम्॥
Then therewith tearing open his chest. O king, that strong-minded man in order to redeem his promise, threw down your son and with the sword struck off his head and went on drinking his blood by sips with the greatest relish and looking at him spoke these words wrathfully.

स्तन्यस्य मातुर्मदुसर्पिषोर्वा माध्वीकपानस्य च सत्कृतस्य। दिव्यस्य वा तोयरसस्य पानात् पयोदधिभ्यां मथिताञ्च मुख्यात्॥ अन्यानि पानानि च यानि लोके सुधामृतस्वादुरसानि तेभ्यः। सर्वेभ्य एवाभ्यधिको रसोऽयं ममाद्य चास्याहितलोहितस्य॥
The taste of my enemies' blood is sweeter than my mother milk or honey or butter or sweet wine or curd or the pure water or skimmed milk and to me it is much more tasteful than all the other nectarine drinks of the world.

अथाह भीमः पुनरुग्रकर्मा दुःशासनं क्रोधपरीतचेताः। गतासुमालोक्य विहस्य सुस्वरं किं वा कुर्यां मृत्युना रक्षितोऽसि॥
The highly wrathful Bhimasena the very picture of fierceness, seeing that Dushasana no longer lives, with a smile said, “You are now rescued from my clutches, since you are dead; what more can I do you."

एवं ब्रुवाणां पुनराद्रवन्तमास्वाद्य रक्तं तमतिप्रहृष्टम्। ये भीमसेनं ददृशुस्तदानीं भयेन तेऽपि व्यथिता निपेतुः॥
O monarch, he, who then saw Bhimasena who was glad at heart by drinking the blood of his enemy and was placing the battle-field giving vent to those words, actually fell down to the earth out of sheer fear.

ये चापि नासन् व्यथिता मनुष्यस्तेषां करेभ्यः पतितं हि शस्रम्। भयाच संचुक्रुशुरस्वरैस्ते निमीलिताक्षा ददृसुः समन्ततः॥
Others who were not thus struck down were also so affected with fear that they lost hold of their weapons and some with half closed eyes looked fearfully towards Bhimasena uttering meaningless ejaculations.

तं तत्र भीमं ददृशुः समन्ताद् दौःशासनं तद् रुधिरं पिबन्तम्। सर्वेऽपलायन्त भयाभिपन्ना न वै मनुष्योऽयमिति ब्रुवाणाः॥
Those men, who were at that time near Bhima and who saw him thus drink Dusasana's blood being overpowered with fear, fled on all directions saying to each other that he is no human being.

तस्मिन कृते भीमसेनेन रूपे दृष्ट्वा जनाः शोणितं पीयमानम्। सम्प्राद्रवंश्चित्रसेनेन सार्ध भीमं रक्षो भाषमाणा भयार्ताः॥
He became so horrible to look at when drinking the blood that your troops with Chitrasena becoming afraid took to their heels saying that he is surely a Rakshasa. (Monster).

युधामन्युः प्रदूतं चित्रसेनं सहानीकस्त्वभ्ययाद् राजपुत्रः। विव्याध चैनं निशितैः पृषत्कैर्व्यपेतभीः सप्तभिराशुमुक्तैः॥
Then the Prince Yudhamanyu gallantly pursing the retreating Chitrasena struck him with seven sharp arrows successively.

संक्रान्तभोग इव लेलिहानो महोरगः क्रोधविषं सिसृक्षुः। त्रिभिः शरैः सारथिमस्य षड्भिः॥
As a snake, when trodden upon, turns back with protruding tongue to give out its venom so did Chitrasena, wheeling round, struck the Panchala prince with three arrows also hitting the driver with other six.

तत: सुपुढेन सुयन्त्रितेन सुसंशिताग्रेण शरेण शूरः। आकर्णमुक्तेन समाहितेन युधामन्युस्तस्य शिरो जहार॥
Then that choicest of warriors Yudhamanyu, drawing his bow to the full extent, sent an arrow, from it, with beautiful wings and of very keen edge and that struck off his head.

तस्मिन् हते भ्रातरि चित्रसेने क्रुद्धः कर्णः पौरुषः दर्शयानः। व्यद्रावयत् पाण्डवानामनीकं प्रत्युद्यातो नकुलनामितौजाः॥
Karna of unparalleled energy, seeing his brother Chitrasena dead, showed great prowess and began to disperse the Pandava troops but Nakula thereupon faced him.

तत्रैव दुःशासनममर्षणम्। पूरयित्वाञ्जलिं भूयो रुधिरस्योगनिःस्वनः॥ शृण्वतां लोकवीराणामिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।
Bhimasena, then after thus killing the vengeful Dushasana and holding a full draught of his blood in his hands in the presence of those great and mighty warriors, loudly spoke the following words-

एष ते रुधिरं कण्ठात् पिबामि पुरुषाधम॥ ब्रूहीदानीं तु संहृष्टः पुनर्गौरिति गौरिति। भीमोऽपि हत्वा
O you most miserable wretch, now I am drinking your heart's blood” do you again joyfully defy us and say, “Beast, Beast”.

ये तदास्मान् प्रनृत्यन्ति पुनगौरिति गौरिति॥ तान् वयं प्रतिनृत्यामः पुनर्गौरिति गौरिति।
And also said-"O you who were very glad and danced at our misery and called us beasts, we now fling back the words to your very teeth.

प्रमाणकोटयां शयनं कालकूटस्य भोजनम्॥ दंशनं चाहिभिः कृष्णैर्दाहं च जतुवेश्मनि। द्यूतेन राज्यहरणमरण्ये वसतिश्च या॥ द्रौपद्याः केशपक्षस्य ग्रहणं च सुदारुणम्। इष्वस्त्राणि च संग्रामेष्वसुखानि च वेश्मनि॥ विराटभवने यश्च केशोऽस्माकं पृथग्विधः। शकुनेर्धार्तराष्ट्रस्य राधेयस्य च मन्त्रिते॥ अनुभूतानि दुःखानि तेषां हेतुस्त्वमेव हि। दुःशान्येतानि जानीमो न सुखानि कदाचन॥ धृतराष्ट्रस्य दौरात्म्यात् सपुत्रस्य सदा वयम्।
You (Dushasana) were the root of all the mischief and sufferings we had to undergo; it is through the evil counsels of Duryodhana, Shakuni and the son of Radha we had to sleep at the house called the Pramankoti and out food was poisoned; we had to suffer from bites of black snakes, we were going to be burnt down to ashes in the house of lac, we were robbed of our kingdom through gambling and Draupadi was insulted and her beautiful hairs seized mercilessly; we were exiled in wilderness, we suffered both at home and at battle from strokes of weapons when living in Virata's residence. We have never been happy but have undergone all these sufferings from the evil intentions of Dhritarashtra and his son.

इत्युक्तवा वचनं राजञ्जयं प्राप्य वृकोदरः। पुनराह महाराज स्मयंस्तौ केशवार्जुनौ॥ असृग्दिग्धो विस्त्रवल्लोहितास्यः क्रुद्धोऽत्यर्थ भीमसेनस्तरस्वी। दुःशासने यद् रणे संश्रुतं मे तद् वै सत्यं कृतमोह वीरौ॥
Thus speaking, O monarch, the shorttempered Bhimasena, who was all bleeding and was very red in the face and highly wrathful Vrikodara, after gaining victory, addressed both Keshava and Arjuna, spoke these words-"You witness, O you brave warriors, that in battle I have this day redeemed by pledge regarding Dushasana,

अत्रैव दास्याम्यपरं द्वितीयं दुर्योधन यज्ञपशु विशस्य। शिरो मृदिन्ता च पदा दुरात्मनः शान्ति लप्स्ये कौरवाणां समक्षम्॥
I will very soon redeem my other promise by crushing the head of that other the miscreant Duryodhana with my foot, as a sacrifice in this warfare, before all the Kauravas and then I will know peace."

एतावदुक्तवा वचनं प्रहष्टो ननाद चोचै रुधिराईगात्रः। ननर्द चैवातिबलो महात्मा वृत्रं निहत्येव सहस्रनेत्रः॥
And the mighty Bhimasena uttering these joyfully with blood streaming through his body, began to shout loudly as thousand-eyes (Indra) after killing the (Asura) Vritra.