The conversation between Sri Krishna and Arjuna

संजय उवाच एतस्मिन्नन्तरे कृष्णः पार्थ वचनमब्रवीत्। दर्शयन्निव कौन्तेयं धर्मराज युधिष्ठिरम्॥
Sanjaya said In the meantime pointing out the righteous king Yudhishthira to Parthia, the son of Kunti, Krishna said-

एष पाण्डव ते भ्राता धार्तराष्टैर्महाबलेः। जिघांसुभिर्महेष्वासैर्वृतं पार्थोऽनुसार्यते॥
Behold, O son of Pandu, your brother Yudhishthira pursued by the highly powerful sons of Dhritarashtra, all great bowmen desirous of killing him.

तं चानुयान्ति संरब्धा पञ्चाला युद्धदुर्मदाः। युधिष्ठिरं महात्मानं परीप्सन्तो महाबलाः॥
The powerful Panchalas, whom it is difficult to vanquish, are running after the great Yudhishthira for rescuing him.

एष दुर्योधनः पार्थ रथानीकेन दंशितः। राजा सर्वस्य लोकस्य राजानमनुधावति॥ जिघांसु पुरुषव्याघ्र भ्रातृभिः सहितो बली। आशीविषसमस्पशैः सर्वयुद्धविशारदैः॥
Accoutred in coat of mail and accompanied by a large army Duryodhana, the king of the whole world, is pursuing the Pandava king, with a view to kill him, O foremost of men, assisted by his brothers, all expert in fighting whose very touch is like the deadly venom of serpents.

एते जिघृक्षवो यान्ति द्विपाश्वरथपत्तयः। युधिष्ठिरं धार्तराष्ट्रा नरोत्तममिवार्थिनः॥
Your army, riding on elephants, horses and cars and proceeding on foot are going to kill a Yudhishthira like poor men for possessing a costly gem.

पश्य सात्वत भीमाभ्यां निरुद्धाधिष्ठिताः पुनः। जिहीर्षवोऽमृतं दैत्याः शक्रग्निभ्यामिवासकृत्॥
See, obstructed by Satvata and Bhima, they have become motionless like unto the Dailyas desirous of pilfering ambrosia stupefied by Sakra and Agni.

एते बहुत्वात्त्वारिताः पुनर्गच्छन्ति पाण्डवम्। समुद्रमिव वार्योधाः प्रावृट्काले महारथाः॥
On account of their numerical vastness (the Kuru) car-warriors are proceeding quickly towards Yudhishthira like unto a collection of water running towards the ocean during the rainy season.

नदन्तः सिंहनादांश्च धमन्तश्चापि वारिजान्। बलवन्तो महेष्वासा विधुन्वन्तो धनूंषि च॥
Blowing their conch-shell and shaking their bows those powerful bow-men are sending up leonine shouts.

मृत्योर्मुखगतं मन्ये कुन्तीपुत्रं युधिष्ठिरम्। हुतमग्नौ च कौन्तेयं दुर्योधनवशं गतम्॥
I regard Kunti's son Yudhishthira who has been brought under the influence of Duryodhana as within the mouth of Death or like an oblation of ghee in fire.

यथाविधमनीकं तु धार्तराष्ट्रस्य पाण्डव। नास्य शक्रोऽपिमुच्येत सम्प्रातो बाणगोचरम्॥
Duryodhana's army is properly armed. Coming within the range of their arrows even Sakra cannot escape.

दुर्योधनस्य वीरस्य शरौघाशीघ्रमस्यतः। संक्रुद्धस्यान्तकस्येव को वेगं संसहेद् रणे॥
Who in battle can bear the force of arrows shot by Duryodhana, who, when worked ups with anger, resembles Death himself.

दुर्योधनस्य वीरस्य द्रौणे: शारद्वतस्य च। कर्णस्य चेषुवेगो वै पर्वतानपि शातयेत्॥
The force of Duryodhana's arrows, or of Drona's son's, or Kripa's, or Karna's, can shatter even the very mountains. was

कर्णेन च कृतो राजा विमुखः शत्रुतापनः। बलवाँल्लघुहस्तश्च कृती युद्धविशारदः॥
The powerful light-handed and successful king Yudhishthira, expert in fighting and the scorcher of his enemies, was compelled by Karna to retreat from the battle-field.

राधेयः पाण्डवश्रेष्ठं शक्तः पीडयितुं रणे। सहितो धृतराष्ट्रस्य पुत्रैः शूरैर्महाबलेः॥
Accompanied by the highly powerful and heroic sons of Dhritarashtra the son of Radha is capable of afflicting the Pandava chief in battle.

तस्यैभिर्युध्यमानस्य संग्रामे संयतात्मनः। अन्यैरपि च पार्थस्य कृतं कर्म महारथैः॥
While the self-controlled Partha fighting with them, other great car-warriors brought about his discomfiture.

उपवासकृशो राजा भृशं भरतसत्तमः। ब्राह्मे बले स्थितो ह्येष न क्षात्रे हि बले विभुः॥
O foremost of Bharatas, the king is great emaciated with fasts. He is gifted with the force of a Brahmana, but he is not endued with Kshatriya prowess.

कर्णेन चाभियुक्तोऽयं भूपतिः शत्रुतापनः। शंशयं समनुप्राप्तः पाण्डवो वै युधिष्ठिरः॥
Afflicted by Karna the king Yudhishthira, the son Pandu, has been greatly imperiled.

न जीवित महाराजो मन्ये पार्थ युधिष्ठिरः। यद् भीमसेनः सहते सिंहनादममर्षणः॥ नदतां धार्तराष्ट्राणां पुन: सिहनादममर्षणः। धमता च महाशङ्खान् संग्रामे जितकाशिनाम्॥
I think, O Partha, the king, Yudhishthira has fallen, since the wrathful Bhimasena, the slayer of his enemies, is calmy bearing the leonine shouts repeatedly sent up by Dhritarashtra's sons desirous of achieving victory and blowing their conch-shells.

युधिष्ठिरं पाण्डवेयं हतेति भरतर्षभ। शंचोदयत्यसौ कर्णो धार्तराष्ट्रान् महाबलान्॥ स्थूणाकर्णेन्द्रजालेन पार्थ पाशुपतेन च। प्रच्छादयन्ति राजानं शस्त्रजालैर्महारथाः॥
Indeed, O foremost of men, Pandu's son Yudhishthira is slain. See Karna is exciting the great car-warrior of Dhritarashtra's army. The powerful car-warriors are covering the son of Pritha with a down-pour of various weapons such as Indrajala, Sthunakarna and Pasupata.

आतुरो हि कृतो राजा संनिषेव्यश्च भारत। यथैनमनुवर्तन्ते पञ्चालाः सह पाण्डवैः॥ त्वरमाणास्त्वराकाले सर्वशस्त्रभृता वराः। मज्जन्तमिव पाताले बलिनोऽप्युजिहीर्षवः॥
Forsooth, O Arjuna, the king is greatly wounded and weakened, since the Panchalas, the wielders of all sorts of weapons, accompanied with Pandavas, are following him hurriedly at a time when it is necessary to display speed like unto men rushing to rescue a man sinking under earth.

न केतुर्दृश्यते राज्ञः कर्णेन निहतः शरैः। पश्यतोर्यमयोः पार्थ सात्यकेश्च शिखण्डिनः॥ धृष्टद्युम्नस्य भीमस्य शतानीकस्य वा विभो। पञ्चालानां च सर्वेषां चेदीनां चैव भारत॥ एष कर्णो रणे पार्थ पाण्डवानामनीकिनीम्। शरैविध्वंसयति वै नलिनीमिव कुञ्जरः॥
The king's standard is not to be seen. Most likely it has been struck down by Karna with his arrows. Before the very eyes of the twin brothers, Satyaki, Shikhandin, Dhristadyumna, Satanika, Panchalas and Chedis, Karna is killing the Pandava army like an elephant spoilating lotuses.

एते द्रवन्ति रथिनस्त्वदीयाः पाण्डुनन्दन। पश्य पश्य यथा पार्थ गच्छन्त्येते महारथाः॥
The car-warriors of your army, O son of Pandu, are flying away. See, O Partha, how they are taking to their heels.

एतं भारत मातङ्गा कर्णेनभिहताः शरैः। आर्तनादान विकुर्वाणा विद्रवन्ति दिशो दश॥
Struck by Karna in battle, O Arjuna the elephants are flying away in ten directions yelling cries of pain.

रथानां द्रवते वृन्दमेतचैव समन्ततः। द्राव्यमाणं रणे पार्थ कर्णेनमित्रकर्षिणा॥
Pursued in battle by Karna, the grinder of his enemies the collection of cars is dispersed on all sides.

हस्तिकक्ष्यां रणे पश्य चरन्तीं तत्र तत्र ह। व्यस्यं सूतपुत्रस्य केतुं केतुमतां वर॥
O foremost of those leading standards, see the standard the bearing the emblem of an elephant of charioteer's son is moving about all over (the field).

असौ धावति राधेयो भीमसेनरथं प्रति। किरशरशतान्येव विनिघ्नस्तवं वाहिनीम्॥
There the son of Radha runs after Bhimasena scattering hundreds of arrows and killing your soldiers.

एतान् पश्य च पञ्चालान् द्राव्यमाणान् महारथान्। शक्रेणेव यथा दैत्यान् हन्यमानान् महाहवे॥
There the powerful Panchala car-warriors are being dispersed (by him) like the Daityas slain by Sakra in the great battle.

एष कर्णो रणे जित्वा पञ्चालान् पाण्डुसृञ्जयान्। दिशो विप्रेक्षते सर्वास्त्वदर्थमिति मे मतिः॥
Having defeated the Panchalas, Pandavas and Srinjayas, Karna is casting his eyes on all sides, methinks, for finding you out.

पश्य पार्थ धनुः श्रेष्ठ विकर्षन् साधु शोभते। शत्रु जित्वा यथा शक्रो देवसंघैः समावृतः॥
See Partha, how beautiful he looks while drawing his best of bows as did shine Shakra in the midst of the celestials after having defeated his enemies.

एते नर्दन्ति कौरव्या दृष्ट्वा कर्णस्य विक्रमम्। त्रासयन्तो रणे पाण्डून् सृञ्जयांश्च समन्ततः॥
Witnessing Karna's power there the Kauravas are shouting and striking terror to the Pandavas and Srinjayas.

एष सर्वात्मना पाण्डूंस्त्रासयित्वा महारणे। अभिभाषित राधेयः सर्वसैन्यानि मानद॥
Having thus terrified the Pandavas in the great battle with all his force, the son of Radha, O giver of honor, addressing his army said-

अभिद्रवत भद्रं वो दुतं द्रवत कौरवाः। यथा जीवन वः कश्चिन्मुच्येत युधि सृञ्जयः॥
“May you fare well, O Kauravas. Do you move on with such a force that no Srinjaya can escape from the battle-field with his life.

तथा कुरुत संयत्ता वयं यास्याम पृष्ठतः। एवमुक्त्वा गतो ह्येष पृष्ठतो विकिरञ्छरान्॥
Do so in a body. We will follow you." Saying this he followed them shooting his arrow.

पश्य कर्ण रणे श्वेतच्छत्रविराजितम्। उदयं पर्वतं यद्वच्छसाङ्केनाभिशोभितम्॥
See Partha, Karna is shining in the battlefield with a white umbrella like the Udaya (rising mountain) beautified with the moon.

पूर्णचन्द्रनिकाशेन मूर्ध्निच्छत्रेण भारत। ध्रियमाणेन समरे श्रीमच्छतशलाकिना॥ एष त्वां प्रेक्षते कर्णः सकटाक्षं विशाम्पते। उत्तमं जवमास्थाय ध्रुवमेष्यति संयुगे॥
With this umbrella of a hundred ribs resembling the full-moon held over his head he is casting his looks around for you. Forsooth, he will come here quickly.

पश्य होनं महाबाहो विधुन्वानं महद् धनुः। शरांश्चाशीविषाकारान् विसृजन्तं महारणे॥
See, O you of large arms, he is drawing a huge bow shooting, in the great battle, arrows resembling deadly serpents.

असौ निवृत्तौ राधेयो दृष्ट्वा ते वानरध्वजम्। प्रार्थयन् समरे पार्थ त्वया सह परंतप॥
Seeing your banner bearing the emblem of a monkey the son of Radha is turning to this direction for seeking an encounter with you.

वधाय चात्मनोऽभ्येति दीप्तास्यं शलभो यथा। कर्णमेकाकिनं दृष्ट्वा रथानीकेन भारत॥ रिरक्षिषुः सुसंवृत्तो धार्तराष्ट्रो निवर्तते।
O Partha and bringing on his destruction like an insect approaching a burning flame. This wrathful hero is engaged in the well-being of Dhritarashtra's son; that own W one of wicked understanding always seeks to injure you. Seeing Karna alone Dhritarashtra's son is turning with his car force to protect him.

सर्वैः सहैभिर्दुष्टात्मा वध्यतां च प्रयत्नतः॥ त्वया यशश्च राज्यं च सुखं चोत्तममिच्छता।
That wicked man with all his followers should be killed by you with all care if you wish to secure fame, kingdom and happiness.

अदीनयोर्विश्रुतयोर्युवयोर्योत्स्यमानयोः॥ देवासुरे पार्थ मृधे देवदानवयोरिव। पश्यन्तु कौरवाः सर्वे तव पार्थ पराक्रमम्॥
O Partha! All Kauravas will introduce with your valour when the battle is initiated with extremne vigour between you both warriors renowned in the world. It will be a fight the same as took place during long long ago between demons and gods.

त्वां च दृष्ट्वातिसंरब्धं कर्णं च भरतर्षभ। असौ दुर्योधनः क्रुद्धो नोत्तरं प्रतिपद्यते॥
Seeing you greatly worked up with anger and Karna too Duryodhiana, although angered, will not be able to do anything.

आत्मानं च कृतात्मानं समीक्ष्य भरतर्षभ। कृतागसं च राधेयं धर्मात्मनि युधिष्ठिरे। प्रतिपद्यस्व कौन्तेयं प्राप्तकालमनन्तरम्॥
O foremost of Bharatas, knowing yourself self-controlled and Karna cherishing animosity against the pious Yudhishthira, O son of Kunti, make use of this good opportunity.

आर्यां युद्धे मति कृत्वा प्रत्येहि रथयूथपम्। पञ्च ह्येतानि मुख्यानि स्थानां रथसत्तम॥ शतान्यायान्ति समरे बलिनां तिग्मतेजसाम्। पञ्च नागसहस्राणि द्विगुणा वाजिनस्तथा॥ अभिसंहत्य कौन्तेयं पदातिप्रयुतानि च।
Making up your mind for battle encounter all the car-warriors. O foremost of car-warriors, five hundred most excellent, powerful and energetic, car-warriors, five thousand elephants, ten thousand horses and ten lakhs foot-soldiers, protecting one another coming against you in a battle-field. as are

अन्यान्यरक्षितं वीर बलं त्वामभिवर्तते॥ द्रोणपुत्रं पुरस्कृत्य तच्छीघ्रं संनिषूदय।
O warrior! Kill immediately the army just ready to attack on you under circle of defence led by Ashvatthama, the son of Drona.

निकृत्यैतद्रथानीकं बलिनं लोकविश्रुतम्॥ सूतपुत्रं महेष्वासं दर्शयात्मानमात्मना।
Of your own accord show yourself to the great bowman, the charioteer's son. Advance with great force, O foremost of Bharatas.

उत्तमं जवमास्थाय प्रत्येहि भरतर्षभ।॥ असौ कर्णः सुसंरब्धः पञ्चालानभिधावति। केतुमस्य हि पश्यामि धृष्टद्युम्नरथं प्रति॥
Worked up up with anger there Karna advances against the Panchalas. I see his standard approaching the car of Dhristadyumna, forsooth.

समुपैष्यति पञ्चालानिति मन्ये परंतप। आचक्षे च प्रियं पार्थ तवेदं भरतर्षभ॥ राजासौ कुशली श्रीमान् धर्मपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः। असौ भीमो महाबाहुः संनिवृत्तश्चमूमुखे॥
He will root out the Panchalas. O Bharata chief, I will communicate to you a good intelligence, the virtuous king Yudhishthira is still alive. The mighty-armed Bhima has returned and is leading the army.

वृतः सृञ्जयसैन्येन शैनेयेन च भारत। वध्यन्त एते समरे कौरवा निशितैः शरै॥ भीमसेनेन कौन्तेय पञ्चालैश्च महात्मभिः।
He is surrounded by the Srinjayas and Satyaki. There in battle the Kuru soldiers are being killed in battle with sharp arrows by Bhimasena and the high-souled Panchalas.

सेना हि धार्तराष्ट्रस्य विमुखा विक्षरवणा॥ विप्रधावति वेगेन भीमस्याभिहता शरैः।
Wounded with Bhima's arrows, Duryodhana's army, retreating and bathed in blood, are quickly flying away.

विपन्नसस्येव मही रुधिरेण समुक्षिता॥ भारती भरतश्रेष्ठ सेना कृपणदर्शना।
Covered with blood the Bharata is looking poorly like the earth divested of crops.

निवृत्तं पश्य कौन्तेय भीमसेनं युधां पतिम्॥ आशीविषमिव क्रुद्धं द्रावयन्तं वरूथिनीम्।
Behold, O son of Kunti, Bhimasena, the commander of your army, worked up with anger like a serpent, is assailing the (Kuru) troops.

पीतरक्तासितसितास्ताराचन्द्रार्कमण्डिताः॥ पताका विप्रकीर्यन्ते छत्राण्येतानि चार्जुन।
Look, O Arjuna, at the yellow, crimson, black and white banners painted with stars, moons and suns and innumerable umbrellas scattered all over the field.

सौवर्णा राजताश्चैव तैजसाश्च पृथग्विधाः॥ केतवोऽभिनिपात्यन्ते हस्त्यश्वं च प्रकीर्यते।
Standards, made of gold, silver and other metals, are lying about and there lie scattered slain horses.

रथेभ्यः प्रपतन्त्येते रथिनो विगतासवः॥ नानावणैर्हता बाणैः पञ्चालैरपलायिभिः।
Car-warriors, deprived of their life, are dropping down from cars, killed by the unretreating Panchalas with variegated arrows.

निर्मनुष्यान् गजानश्वान् रथांश्चैव धनंजय॥ समाद्रवन्ति पञ्चाला धार्तराष्ट्रांस्तरस्विनः। विमृद्नन्ति नरव्याघ्रा भीमसेनबलाश्रयात्॥
There the quick-coursing Panchalas, O Dhananjaya, are rushing against the elephants, horses and cars belonging the Dhritarashtra's party, divested of their riders. O foremost of men, O slayer of enemies, your warriors, giving up the love of their lives and invincible in battle, are, aided by Bhimasena's power, grinding the enemy's army.

बलं परेषां दुर्धर्षास्त्यक्त्वा प्राणानरिंदम। एते नर्दन्ति पञ्चाला ध्मापयन्ति च वारिजान्॥
There the Panchalas are sending up loud war-cries and blowing their conchs as they are advancing against their enemies and grinding them with their arrows.

अभिद्रवन्ति च रणे मृदनन्तः सायकैः : परान्। पश्यस्वैषां च माहात्म्यं पञ्चाला हि पराक्रमात्॥ धार्तराष्ट्रान् विनिघ्नन्ति क्रुद्धाः सिंहा इव द्विपान्।
Look at their greatness. through their power the Panchalas are killing Dhritarashtra's soldiers as the angry lions kill the tigers.

शस्त्रमाच्छिद्य शत्रूणां सायुधानां निरायुधाः॥ तेनैवैतानमोधास्त्रा निघ्नन्ति च नदन्ति च।
Themselves although without any arms they are carrying away the arms of the enemies (from their hands) and with them they are killing foes and making war-caries.

शिरांस्येतानि पात्यन्ते शत्रूणां बाहवोऽपि च॥ रथनागहया वीरा यशस्याः सर्व एव च।
They are striking down the heads and arms of their enemies. Their car-warriors, elephantwarriors and cavalry are all heroic and praiseworthy.

सर्वतश्चाभिपन्नैषा धार्तराष्ट्री महाचमूः॥ पञ्चलैर्मानसादेत्य हंसर्गनेव वेगितैः।
Like quick-coursing swans leaving Manasa lake and running into the Ganges the Panchalas are rushing against the Kuru army and are assailing every part of the huge force of Duryodhana.

सुभृशं च पराक्रान्ताः पञ्चालानां निवारणे॥ कृपकर्णादयो वीरा ऋषभाणामिवर्षभाः।
Like bulls withstanding bulls, Kripa, Karna and other warriors with all their energy are resisting the Panchalas.

भीमास्त्रेण सुनिर्भग्नान् धार्तराष्ट्रान् महारथान्॥ धृष्टद्युम्नमुखा वीरा घ्नन्ति शत्रून् सहस्रशः।
The heroes, headed by Dhristadyumna, are killing thousands of their enemies, the great car-warriors of Duryodhana's force, already sunk in the ocean of Bhima's weapons.

पञ्चालेष्वभिभूतेषु द्विषद्भिरपभीर्नदन्॥ शत्रुपक्षमवस्कन्ध शरानस्यति मारुतिः।
Beholding Panchalas overpowered by their energies Marut's son is covering the hostile force with arrows and with roars of lions.

विषण्णभूयिष्ठतरा धार्तराष्ट्री महाचमूः॥ रथाश्चैते सुवित्रस्ता भीमसेनभयार्दिताः।
The major portion of the huge army of Duryodhana is stricken with fear. The cars and horses assailed with Bhima's fear have been scattered all over.

पश्य भीमेन नाराचैर्भिन्ना नागाः पतन्त्यमी॥ वज्रिवज्रहतानीव शिखराणि धराभृताम्।
See, these elephants, struck by Bhima with his Narachas, are dropping down like the summits of mountains clapped by Indra's thunder-bolt.

भीमसेनस्य निर्विदा बाणैः संनतपर्वभिः॥ स्वान्यनीकानि मृदनन्तो द्रवन्त्येते महागजा:।
There the huge elephants, wounded by Bhima with his arrows, are flying away crushing their own army.

अभिजानीहि भीमस्य सिंहनादं सुदुःसहम्॥ नदतोऽर्जुनं संग्रामे वीरस्य जितकाशिनः।
Do you not recognise the leonine shouts of Bhima, O Arjuna, who, worked up with the desire of achieving victory, is roaring.

एष नैषादिरभ्येति द्विपमुख्येन पाण्डवम्॥ जिघांसुस्तोमरैः क्रुद्धो दण्डपाणिरिवान्तकः।
There worked up with anger the Prince of Nishadas is advancing on his best of cars, like Death himself armed with his rod against the son of Pandu for killing him with his Tomara.

सतोमरावस्य भुजौ छिन्नौ भीमेन गर्जतः॥ तीक्ष्णैरग्निविप्रख्यैर्नाराचैर्दशभिर्हतः।
His two arms with Tomaras are cut-off by Bhima with ten sharpened Narachas effulgent like fire of the sun.

हत्वैन पुनरायाति नागानन्यान् प्रहारिणः॥ पश्य नीलाम्बुदनिभान् महासात्रैरधिष्ठितान्। शक्तितोमरसंघातैविनिघ्नन्तं वृकोदरम्॥
Killing him he is proceeding against other elephants resembling a mass of dark blue clouds and driven by riders. They are striking Vrikodara with Saktis and Tomaras.

सप्तसप्त च नागांस्तान् वैजयन्तीश्च सध्वजाः। निहत्य निशितैर्बाणश्छिन्नाः पार्थाग्रजेन ते॥
Slaying those forty-nine elephants with sharp arrows Parthas' elder brother is striking down their victorious standards.

दशभिर्दशाभिश्चैको नाराचैर्निहतो गजः। न चासौ धार्तराष्ट्राणां श्रूयते निनदस्तथा॥ पुरंदरसमे क्रुद्धे निवृत्ते भरतर्षभ।
The other elephants were killed each with ten Narachas. The war-cries of Dhritarashtra's soldiers are no longer audible since (Bhima), like Purandara himself, is engaged in battle.

अक्षौहिण्यस्तथा तिस्त्रो धार्तराष्ट्रस्य संहता। क्रुद्धेन भीमसेनेन नरसिंहने वारिताः॥
Three Akshauhini of Dhritarashtra's soldiers have been arranged and they all have been thwarted by angry Bhima, the foremost of men.

न शक्नुवन्ति वै पार्थ पार्थिवाः समुदीक्षितुम्। मध्यंदिनगतं सूर्य यथा दुर्बलचक्षुषः॥
As the people having weak eye-sight cannot see at sun in noon, the kings are unable to gaze directly at Bhimasena, the son of Kunti.

एते भीमस्य संत्रस्ता: सिंहस्येवेतरे मृगाः। शरैः संत्रासिताः संख्ये न लभन्ते सुखं क्वचित्।। ८८
As the stags feel anxiety with fear of lion, these Kauravas' soldiers are so frightened of the arrows shot by Bhimasena as they are anxious everywhere in the battle-field.

संजय उवाच एतच्छ्रुत्वा महाबाहुर्वासुदेवाद् धनंजयः। भीमसेनेन तत् कर्मकृतं दृष्ट्वा सुदुष्करम्॥ अर्जुनो व्यधमच्छिष्टानहितान् निशितैः शरैः।
Sanjaya said Beholding that arduous task accomplished by Bhima Arjuna, with his sharp arrows, killed the remaining enemies.

ते वध्यमानाः समरे संशप्तकगणाः प्रभो॥ प्रभग्नाः समरे भीता दिशो दश महाबलाः। शक्रस्यातिथितां गत्वा विशोका ह्यभवंस्तदा॥
O sovereign! The mighty samsaptakas have run away to ten directions on account of their severe slaughter in battle-field and the departing as also loss of courage. A number of other warriors got immediate relief by joining Indra as his guest.

पार्थश्च पुरुषव्याघ्रः शरैः संनतपर्वभिः। जघान् धार्तराष्ट्रस्य चतुर्विधबलां चमूम्॥
Lion heart Partha killed the Caturangini army (infantry, chariot-rider, horse-riders and elephant-riders) led by Duryodhana by shooting arrows with bent nodes. O sovereign! The mighty samsaptakas have run away to ten directions on account of their severe slaughter in battle-field and the departing as also loss of courage. A number of other warriors got immediate relief by joining Indra as his guest.

पार्थश्च पुरुषव्याघ्रः शरैः संनतपर्वभिः। जघान् धार्तराष्ट्रस्य चतुर्विधबलां चमूम्॥
Lion heart Partha killed the Caturangini army (infantry, chariot-rider, horse-riders and elephant-riders) led by Duryodhana by shooting arrows with bent nodes.