KARNA PARVA: Chapter 16

The encounter between Ashvatthaman and Arjuna

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच यथा संशप्तकैः सार्धमर्जुनस्याभवद् रणः। अन्येषां च महीपानां पाण्डवैस्तद् ब्रवीहि मे॥
Dhritarashtra said Do you relate to me how the battle of Arjuna waged with the Samsaptakas and that of other lords of the earth with the Pandavas.

अश्वत्थाम्नस्तु यद् युद्धमर्जुनस्य च संजय। अन्येषां च महीपानां पाण्डवैस्तद् ब्रवीहि मे॥
Moreover describe to me, O Sanjaya, how that battle of Arjuna took place with Ashvatthaman; and also that of other supporters of the earth with the sons of Pritha.

संजय उवाच शृणु राजन् यथा वृत्तं संग्राम ब्रुवतो मम। वीराणां शत्रुभिः सार्धं देहपाप्मासुनाशनम्॥
Sanjaya said O monarch, do you hear me, who am describing to you how that battle, which was destructive of the bodies, sins and lives of persons, waged between the heroes (on our side) and the enemies.

पार्थः संशप्तकबलं प्रविश्यार्णवसंनिभम्। व्यक्षोभयदमित्रधो महावात इवार्णवम्॥
The son of Pritha, that slayer of enemies, having entered into the army of the Samsaptakas, that was like the great ocean, afflicted it most highly; even as the dreadful tempest agitates the vast ocean.

शिरांस्युन्मथ्य वीराणां शितैर्भल्लैर्धनंजयः। पूर्णचन्द्राभवक्त्राणि स्वक्षिभूदशनानि च ॥ संतस्तार क्षितिं क्षिप्रं विनालैनलिनैरिव।
Dhananjaya, after having severed the heads of the heroic warriors by broad-headed and sharp-edged arrows, that (viz. the heads) had faces, as resplendent as the full moon and also very handsome eyes, eye-brows and teeth, immediately scattered the earth over with these heads, as if with lotuses severed from their stalks.

सुवृत्तानायतान् पुष्टांश्चंदनागुरुभूषितान्॥ सायुधान् सतलत्रांश्च पञ्चचास्योरगसंनिभान्। बाहून् क्षुरैरमित्राणां चिच्छेद समरेऽर्जुनः॥
Arjuna cut-off the arms of his antagonists with keen arrows, that were like the razors, which, viz. the arms were excellently round, long and muscular and also were rubbed over with soft sandal and other perfumes and again, were furnished with weapons and fingers protected with leathern cases and resembled the five-headed snakes, in that dreadful battle.

धुर्यान् धुर्यगतान् सूतान ध्वजाश्चापानि सायकान्। पाणीन् सरत्नानसकृद भल्लैश्चिच्छेद पाण्डवः॥
The son of Pandu, again and again, cut-off with his broad-faced arrows the horses and horsemen, the drivers of cars and standards, bows and arrows, as well as arms, that were ornamented with valuable jewels.

रथान् द्विपान् हयांश्चैव सारोहानर्जुनो युधि। शरैरनेकसाहौनिन्ये राजन् यमक्षयम्॥
O monarch, in that battle Arjuna, sent away innumerable car-warriors, elephants, horses and cavalry to the abode of Death, by striking them with several thousands of arrows.

तं प्रवीराः सुसंरब्धा नर्दमाना इवर्षभाः। वासितार्थमिव क्रुद्धमभिद्रुत्य मदोत्कटाः॥ निघ्नन्तमभिजनुस्ते शरैः शृङ्गैरिवर्षभाः।
The foremost of heroes, who became very wrathful and who roared most loudly and who, again, like bulls, were highly excited as if for a cow in season, proceeded most rapidly against him (Arjuna) with great uproars. Then those warriors began to strike him (Arjuna) with their shafts who at that time continued to slay his (Arjuna's) antagonist, even as the bulls strike another of their kind with the horns.

तस्य तेषां च तद् युद्धमभवल्लोमहर्षणम्॥ त्रैलोक्यविजये यद्वद् दैत्यानां सह वज्रिणा।
Thus the battle, which caused the hairs to stand on points, waged between him (Arjuna) and them (other warriors); even as there had taken place a battle of the Daityas with the wielder of the thunder-bolt (Indra) at the conquest of the three worlds.

अस्त्रैरस्त्राणि संवार्य द्विषतां सर्वतोऽर्जुनः॥ इषुभिर्बहुभिस्तूर्णं विद्ध्वा प्राणाञ्जहार सः।
That Arjuna, after having restrained the weapons of his antagonists, coming from all sides, by the weapons of his own and also having pierced the foes with a large number of shafts most rapidly, had taken away their lives.

छिन्नत्रिवेणुतक्राक्षान् हययोधान्ससारथीन्॥ विद्ध्वस्तायुधतूणीरान् समुन्मथितकेतनान्। संछिन्नयोक्ररश्मीकान् विवरूथान विकूबरान्॥ विस्त्रस्तबन्धुरयुगान् विस्त्रस्ताक्षप्रमण्डलान्। रथान् विशकलीकुर्वन् महाभ्राणीव मारुतः॥ विस्मापयन् प्रेक्षणीयं द्विषतां भयवर्धनम्। महारथसहस्रस्य समं कर्माकरोज्जयः॥
That impersonation of victory (Jaya), that enhancer of the fears of his antagonists, after having broken into minute pieces, like the tempest breaking the vast masses of clouds into fragments, the cars, which had their poles, wheels and axes already shattered (by him) and which had their warriors, horses and drivers slain and which also had their weapons and quivers dislodged and which had their standards smitten down and which had their traces and reins of horses broken into pieces and which had their wooden fences already shattered into pieces (by him) and which had their arrows (deposited in them) struck down and moreover after having astonished every body, worked out deeds, like those of a thousand mighty car-warriors, fighting together, that were worth seeing.

सिद्धदेवर्षिसंघाश्च चारणाश्चापि तुष्टुवुः। देवदुन्दुभयो नेदुः पुष्पवर्षाणि चापतन्॥ केशवार्जुनयोर्मूनि प्राह वाचशरोरिणी।
The assemblage of the Siddhas and the divine Rishis, as well as the Charanas, began to praise them highly. The celestial kettle-drums also begun to be sounded; and showers of flowers continued to fall upon the heads of both Keshava and Arjuna. Meanwhile a voice,

चन्द्राग्न्यनिलसूर्याणां कान्तिदीप्तिबलद्युतीः॥ यौ सदा बिभ्रतुर्वीराविमौ तौ केशवार्जुनौ। ब्रह्मेशानाविवाजय्यौ वीरावेकरथे स्थितौ॥ सर्वभूतवरौ वीरौ नरनारायणाविमौ।
Those two heroes, Keshava and Arjuna, are always said to be possessed of the splendour of the moon, the light of the fire, the strength of the wind and the brilliancy of the sun. Those two are as invincible as Brahman and Ishana. They are seated on the same car. They are the best of all creatures. They are most heroic. And the both are equal to Nara and Narayana.

इत्येतन्महदाश्चर्य दृष्ट्वा श्रुत्वा च भारत॥ अश्वत्थामा सुसंयत्तः कृष्णावभ्यद्रवद् रणे।
Thus hearing and beholding this wonderful event, O descendant of the Bharata race, Ashvatthaman, firmly resolved upon, rushed towards the two Krishnas, viz. Arjuna and Keshava, in that battle.

अथ पाण्डवमस्यन्तममित्रघ्नकराज्छरान्॥ सेषुणा पाणिनाऽऽहूय प्रहसन द्रौणिरब्रवीत्।
Having invited to battle the son of Pandu, who was pouring forth showers of arrows, that had the power of slaying the antagonists, with his arm holding an arrow within its reach, the

यदि मा मन्यसे वीर प्राप्तमर्हमिहातिथिम्॥ ततः सर्वात्मना त्वद्य युद्धातिथ्यं प्रयच्छ मे।
'O hero, if you consider me to be your worthy guest, who am arrived here, then allow me, with your entire soul, the hospitality of battle today.'

एवमाचार्यपुत्रेण समाहूतो युयुत्सया॥ बहु मेनेऽर्जुनीऽऽत्मानमिति चाह जनार्दनम्
Having been thus invited by the son of the Preceptor out of desire for battle, Arjuna considered himself to be highly respected and

संशप्तकाश्च मे वध्या द्रौणिराह्वयते च माम्॥ यदत्रानन्तरं प्राप्तं शंस मे तद्धि माधव। आतिथ्यकर्माभ्युत्थाय दीयतां यदि मन्यसे॥
The army of the Samasaptakas should be slaughtered by me; but, again, the son of Drona is inviting me to battle. O Madhava, do you order me really what should be performed first. If you consider it proper, that the work of hospitality should be given Ashvatthama first after rising.

एवमुक्तोऽवहत् पार्थं कृष्णो द्रोणात्मजान्तिके। जैत्रेण विधिनाऽऽहूतं वायुरिन्द्रमिवाध्वरे॥
Having been thus addressed (by Arjuna), Krishna carried, to the near presence of the son of Drona, the son of Pritha, who was invited to battle according to the prescribed maxims of triumphant challenge; even as the God of wind carries Indra to the sacrificial place.

तमामन्त्र्यैकमनसं केशवो द्रौणिमब्रवीत्। अश्वत्थामन् स्थिरो भूत्वा प्रहराशु सहस्व च॥
Keshava, after having invited (to battle) him, who had his whole heart directed upon one thing, addressed the son of Drona, saying-'O Ashvatthaman, having been still (in the field), do you begin to strike without hesitation, as also do you bear (patiently).'

निर्वेष्टुं भर्तृपिण्डं हि कालोऽयमुपजीविनाम्। सूक्ष्मो विवादो विप्राणां स्थूलौ क्षात्रौ जयाजयौ॥२८
This, indeed, is the fit occasion for those, who support their lives with the food of their masters, to repay obligation to their supporters. The struggle between the Brahmanas is most insignificant; but the war between two Kshatriyas is a grand and decisive one, resulting either in victory or defeat.

यामभ्यर्थयसे मोहाद् दिव्यां पार्थस्य सक्रियाम्। तामाप्नुमिच्छन युध्यस्व स्थिरो भूत्वाद्य पाण्डवम्।। २९
You, who are most willing to receive, out of foolishness, those celestial rites of hospitality at the hands of the son of Pritha, after having becalmed yourself this day, continue to fight with the son of Pandu.

इत्युक्तो वासुदेवेन तथेत्युक्त्वा द्विजोत्तमः। विव्याध केशवं षष्ट्या नाराचैरर्जुनं त्रिभिः॥
Having been thus addressed by Vasudeva, the best of the twice-born persons said-"So be it." He also pierced Keshava with sixty arrows and penetrated Arjuna with three other shafts.

तस्यार्जुनः सुसंक्रुद्धस्त्रिभिर्बाणैः शरासनम्। चिच्छेद चान्यदादत्त द्रौणिर्घोरतरं धनुः॥
Having been highly wrathful, Arjuna broke asunder his (antagonist's) bow with three powerful arrows. The son of Drona, on the other hand, took up another bow, more dreadful than the first.

सज्यं कृत्वा निमेषाच विव्याधार्जुनकेशवो। त्रिभिः शतैर्वासुदेवं सहस्रेण च पाण्डवम्॥
Having stretched his bow within so short a time as the twinkling of the eye, he (the son of . Drona) pierced both Arjuna and Keshava-Vashudeva with three hundred shafts and the son of Pandu with one thousand arrows.

ततः शरसहस्राणि प्रयुतान्यर्बुदानि च। ससृजे द्रौणिरायस्तः संस्तभ्य च रणेऽर्जुनम्॥
Thereupon, the son of Drona, after having rendered Arjuna wholly stupid with the greatest care in the field of battle, shot thousands and tens of thousands and millions of shafts.

इषुधेर्धनुषश्चैव ज्यायाश्चैवाथ मारिष। बाह्वोः कराभ्यामुरसो वदनघ्राणनेत्रतः॥ कर्णाभ्यां शिरसोऽङ्गेभ्यो लोमवर्मभ्य एव च। रथध्वजेभ्यश्च शरा निष्पेतुर्ब्रह्मवादिनः॥
Innumerable shafts continued to be poured forth from the quiver, the bow, the bow-string, the fingers, the arms, the two hands, the breast, the face, the rose, the two eyes, the two cars, the head, the different limbs and pores of the body, the car and its standards, of the professor of Brahmana, O sirc.

शरजालेन महता विद्ध्वा माधवयाण्डवौ। ननाद मुदितो द्रौणिर्महामेघौघनिःस्वनम्॥
The son of Drona, after having pierced Madhava and the son of Pandu with a heavy shower of shafts, became highly gratified and sent forth a great up-roar like the loud roar of a vast congregated mass of clouds.

तस्य तं निनदं श्रुत्वा पाण्डवोऽच्युतमब्रवीत्। पश्य माधव दौरात्म्यं गुरुपुत्रस्य मां प्रति॥
Having heard this great uproar of him (the son of Drona), the son of Pandu, addressed that Eternal One, saying-O Madhava, observe this great oppression of the son of the preceptor towards me.

वधं प्राप्तौ मन्यते नौ प्रावेश्य शरवैश्मनि। एषोऽस्मि हन्मि संकल्प शिक्षया च बलेन च॥
This warrior considers us to be slaughtered, who have entered into the house of thick arrows (i.e. the arrowy shower). But we will surely frustrate his aim by means of our learning and energy.

अश्वत्थाम्नः शरानस्तान् छित्त्वैकैकं त्रिधा त्रिधा। व्यधमद् भरतश्रेष्ठो नीहारमिव मारुतः॥
The most excellent of the Bharata race, after having severed every one of the shafts of Ashvatthaman into three pieces, destroyed the power of those arrows even as the sun does away with the mist.

तत: संशप्तकान् भूयः साश्वसूतस्थद्विपान्। ध्वजपत्तिगणानुग्रैर्बाणैवर्विव्याध पाण्डवः॥
Thereupon the son of Pandu pierced with dreadful arrows the army of the Samsaptakas, with their horses, drivers, cars and elephants and with their standards, infantry and carwarriors repeatedly.

ये ये दद्दशिरे तत्र यद्यद्रूपास्तदा जनाः। ते ते तत्र शरैर्व्याप्त मेनिरिऽऽत्मानमात्मना॥
Then these persons, who having posted there in any way they liked, witnessed the battle, considered themselves to be wholly covered over with the showers of arrows, as if closing themselves by themselves.

ते गाण्डीवप्रमुक्तास्तु नानारूपाः पतत्रिणः। क्रोशे साग्रे स्थितान् प्रन्ति द्विपाश्चं पुरुषान् रणे॥४२
Those arrows of innumerable forms furnished with the wings, having been shot from the Gandiva bow, had slaughtered the elephants, horses and men, either stationed there or at the distance of two miles, in that (dreadful) battle.

भल्लैश्छिन्नाः करा: पेतुः करिणां मदवर्षिणाम्। यथा वने परशुभिर्निकृत्ता: सुमहाद्रुमाः॥
The trunks of the elephants, that had been pouring forth their juice (as the mark of their excitement) having been thus cut-off by the broad-headed arrows, began to fall down; even as the pretty-well gigantic trees, having been hewn down by axes in the forest, fall down upon the earth.

पश्चात्तु शैलवत् पेतुस्ते गजाः सह सादिभिः। वज्रिवज्रप्रमथिता यथैवाद्रिचयास्तथा॥
After a short while, the elephants that resembled hill, along with those riding upon them, tumbled down upon the ground even as the large mountains broken down by the thunder-bolt fall upon the ground.

गन्धर्वनगराकारान् रथांश्चैव सुकल्पितान्। विनीतैर्जनैयुक्तानास्थितान् युद्धदुर्मदैः॥ शरैर्विशकलीकुर्वन्नमित्राभ्यवीवृषत्। स्वलंकृतानश्वसादीन् पत्तींश्चाहन धनंजयः॥
Having severed into minute fragments the cars that appcared like the dissolving columns of vapour in the evening sky and also that were well-furnished with all its equipment's and that were yoked to well-trained horses and again, that were occupied by the warriors, invincible in battle, by powerful arrows, (he the son of Pandu) began to pour forth shower of shafts upon the enemies. Moreover Dhananjaya slew both the horsemen and the infantry, welladorned with the ornaments.

धनंजययुगान्तकः संशप्तकमहार्णवम्। व्यशोषयत दुःशोषं तीक्ष्णैः शरगभस्तिभिः॥
Dhananjaya, like the sun appearing at the end of the Yuga, had soaked away the vast deep of the Samsaptaka army, that was most difficult to be dried up, by means of his sharpheaded arrows, that constituted his rays.

पुनद्रौणि महशैलं नाराचैर्वज्रसंनिभैः। निर्बिभेद महावेगेस्त्वरन् वज्रीस पर्वतम्॥
Then again he (Dhananjaya) without hesitation perfectly penetrated the son of Drona, who was like a huge mountain with straight arrows, that had great force and also that were as resplendent as the sun; even as the wielder of the thunder-bolt pierces a mountain (by thunder).

तमाचार्यसुतः क्रुद्धः साश्वयन्तारमाशुगैः। युयुत्सुरागमद्योढुं पार्थस्तानच्छिनच्छरान्॥
The most wrathful son of the Preceptor, desiring to fight, proceeded against him (Arjuna) with a view to pierce hiin along with his horses and drivers with swift arrows. The son of Pritha, on the other hand, sundered those arrows shot at him.

ततः परमसंक्रुद्धः पाण्डवेऽस्त्राण्यवासृजत्। अश्वत्थामाभिरूपाय गृहानतिथये यथा।॥
Thereupon he (the son of Pandu), having been highly wrathful, continued to shower forth quivers of the arrows upon the person of Ashvatihaman; even as one serves a guest with things upon things in his house.

अथ संशप्तकांस्त्यक्त्वा पाण्डवो द्रौणिमभ्ययात्। अपाडक्तेयानिव त्यक्त्वा दाता पाडक्तेयमर्थिनम्॥
Then the son of Pandu, after having forsaken the army of the Samsaptakas ran towards the son of Drona; even as the doner, after having abandoned the unworthy quests, rushes towards the worthy one with his gifts.