KARNA PARVA: Chapter 12

The slaying of Kshemadhurti

संजय उवाच ते सेनेऽन्योन्यमासाद्य प्रहष्टाश्चनरद्विपे। बृहत्यौ सम्प्रजह्वाते देवासुरमसप्रभे॥
Sanjaya said Thereupon the two vast armies, composed of horses, men and elephants, that were filled with cheer and also that had the brilliany of the celestial and Asura hosts, can. face to face and struck each other down.

ततो नररथाश्वेभैः पतयशोग्रविक्रमाः। सम्प्रहारान् भृशं चक्रुर्देपाप्मसुनाशनान्॥
Then the men, the cars, the horses, the elephants, as well as the infantry, all possessed of formidable strength, continued to strike most fiercely, thereby destroying the bodies and the sins as well.

पूर्णचन्द्रार्कपद्मानां कान्तिभिर्गन्धतः समैः। उत्तमा.सिंहानां नृसिंहास्तस्तरुर्महीम्॥
The lion-like men, began to scatter over the earth, the heads of lion-like men, which were equal in splendour to the full-moon and the sun and also which had resembled the lotuses in fragrance.

अर्धचन्द्रैस्तथा भल्लैः क्षुरप्रैरसिपट्टिशैः। परश्वधैश्चाप्यकृन्तन्नुत्तमाङ्गानि युध्यताम्॥
They, again, began to sever the heads of the fighting warriors by means of the crescentshaped, broad-faced and razor-handed arrows, swords, axes, battle-axes and other weapons.

व्यायतायतबाहूनां व्यायतातबाहुभिः। बाहवः पातिता रेजुर्धरण्यां सायुधाङ्गदा॥
The arms of men, possessed of long and stout arms, severed by men, possessed of long and stout arms, looked resplendent upon the ground, decorated as they were 'vith both weapons and bracelets.

तैः स्फुरद्भिर्मही भाति रक्ताङ्गुलितलैस्तथा। गरुडाहितैरुप्रैः पञ्चास्यैरुरगैरिव॥
The earth shone most brightly with the halo of their (the warriors) red fingers and palms, even as it shines with the fierce and fiveheaded snakes upon itself slain by Garuda.

द्विरदस्यन्दनाश्वेभ्यः पेतुर्वीरा द्विषद्धताः। विमानेभ्यो यथा क्षीणे पुण्ये स्वर्गसदस्तथा॥
Smitten by the enemies, the heroic warriors fell down from the elephants, the cars and horses, even as the dwellers of heaven fall down from the celestial balloons, when their virtues are entirely spent.

गदाभिरन्ये गुर्वीभिः परिधैर्मुसलैरपि। पोथिताः शतश: पेतुर्वीरा वीरतरै द्विपैः॥
While other heroic warriors, having been smitten by heroes of greater prowess with heavy maces, spiked clubs and maces, fell in the battle by hundreds.

स्था रथैर्विमथिता मत्ता मत्तैर्द्विपा द्विपैः। सादिनः सादिभिश्चैव तस्मिन् परमसंकुले॥
In that formidable battle, the cars were smitten by cars, the infuriate elephants were crushed by infuriate elephants and the horsemen were struck down by horse-men.

रथैरा रथा नागैरश्वारोहाश्च पत्तिभिः। अश्वारोहैः पदाताश्च निहता युधि शेरते॥
The men smitten by the cars and the cars destroyed by elephants and the horsemen slain by the foot-soldiers and the infantry slain by the cavalry, are lying dead in the field.

रथाश्वपत्तयो नागै रथाश्वेभाश्च पत्तिभिः। रथपत्तिद्विपाश्चाश्चै रथैश्चापि नरद्विपाः॥
And again, the cars, the horses and the infantry smitten by the elephants; and the cars, steeds and elephants slain by the infantry; and the cars, the infantry and the elephant-force destroyed by the horses, and also the men and elephants struck down by the cars, are lying dead in the battle.

रथाश्चेभनराणां तु नराश्चेभरथैः कृतम्। पाणिपादैश्च शस्त्रैश्च रथैश्च कदनं महत्॥
A terrible slaughter of car-warriors, horsemen, the elephant-force and men was wrought by men steeds, elephants and cars, with the help of their hands and feet, weapons and cars.

तथा तस्मिन् बले शूरैर्वध्यमाने हतेऽपि च। अस्मानभ्याययुः पार्था वृकोदरपुरोगमाः॥
While the army was being thus smitten and slain by the horses, the sons of Pritha with Vrikodara at their head proceeded against us.

धृष्टद्युम्न: शिखण्डी च द्रौपदेयाः प्रभद्रकाः। सात्यकिश्चेकितानश्च द्राविडैः सैनिकैः सह।॥
So also Dhrishtadyumna, Shikhandin, the sons of Draupadi, the Provadrakas and Shatyaki and Chekitana accompanied by the Dravida warriors (proceeded against us);

वृता व्यूहेन महता पाण्ड्याश्चोलाः सकेरलाः। व्यूढोरस्का दीर्घभुजा: प्रांशवः पृथुलोचनाः॥
And also the Pandavas and the Cholas along with the Keralas (advanced against us), surrounded by a formidable array of soldiers, who were all possessed of strong chests, long arms, huge statures and very large eyes;

आपीडिनो रक्तदन्ता मत्तमातङ्गविक्रमाः। नानाविरागवसना गन्धचूर्णावचूर्णिताः॥
And who, again, were adorned with various ornaments and were of red teeth and were endowed with the strength of mad elephants and were clothed in dresses of various colours and also were besmeared with scented powders;

बद्धासयः पाशहस्ता वारप्रतिवारणा:। समानमृत्यवो राजन् नात्यजन्त परस्परम्॥
And O monarch, as they were possessed of swords and nooscs in their hands and endued with the power of with-standing the infuriate elephants and as they were equally determined to die, they (the warriors) did not forsake one another (in the field).

कलापिनश्चापहस्ता दीर्घकेशाः प्रियंवदाः। पत्तयः सादिनश्चान्ये घोररूपराक्रमाः॥
The infantry, belonging to the Andhara race, commanded by Satyaki, were all possessed of quivers and bows in the hand, of long hairs and were very sweet in speech and endowed with fierce forms and mighty prowess.

अथापरे पुनः शूराश्चेदिपश्चालकेकयाः। कारूषाः कोसलाः काच्या मागधाश्चपि दुद्रुवः॥
Thereupon the other heroic leaders, namely the Chedis, the Panchalas, the Kaikeyas, the Karushas, the Kosalas, the Kanchyas and the Magadhas advanced most rapidly.

तेषां रथाश्वनागाश्च प्रवराचोग्रपत्तयः। नानावाद्यधरैर्हष्टा नृत्यन्ति च हसन्ति च॥
Their car-warriors, cavalry and elephantforce, that all belonged to the superior class, as well as the terrible-looking infantry, were highly gratified to hear the harmonious sound of several instruments and began to laugh.

तस्य सैन्यस्य महतो महामात्रवरैर्वृतः। मध्ये वृकोदरोऽभ्यायात् त्वदीयान् नागधूर्गतः॥
In the midst of at vast army stood Vrikodara, encompassed by the foremost elephant-force and advanced against your troops, each riding on the neck of an elephant.

स नागप्रवरोऽत्युग्रो विधिवत् कल्पितो बभौ। उदयाग्रादिभवनं यथाभ्युदितभास्करम्॥
That terrible-looking elephant, the best of his kind, shone with all the equipments befitting him, even as the mountain-abode on the top of the Udaya (mountain) looks resplendent with the rising Sun over it.

तस्यायसं वर्म वरं वररत्नविभूषितम्। ताराव्याप्तस्य नभसः शारदस्य समत्विषम्॥
His best armour, made of iron and bedecked with the most precious gems, shone like the autumnal firmament besprinkled with innumerable stars.

स तोमरव्यग्रकरश्चरूमौलिः स्वलंकृतः। शरन्मध्यंदिनार्काभस्तेजसा व्यदहद् रिपून॥
He (that Bhima), who had a lance in the hand stretched out and who was crowned with a handsome diadem and who was adorned with innumerable ornaments and who, again, had the brilliancy of the autumnal sun when at the meridian, began to burn the enemies by energy.

तं दृष्ट्वा द्विरदं दूरात् क्षेमधूर्तिपिस्थितः। आह्वयन्नभिदुद्राव प्रमनाः प्रपनस्तरम्॥
Seeing that elephant from a distance, Kshemadhurti, riding on an elephant and very much gratified in the heart, invited that one, who was much more cheerful than he, to battle and rushed against him (Bhima).

तयोः समभवद् युद्धं द्विपयोरुग्ररूपयोः। यद्दच्छया द्रुमवतोर्महापर्वतयोरिव॥
Then there followed an encounter between the two elephants of formidable appearances according they desired, which (the clephants) were like the two gigantic mountains with trees at their tops. as

संसक्तनागौ तौ वीरौ तोमरैरितरेतरम्। बलवत् सूर्यरश्म्याभौर्भित्त्वान्योन्यं विनेदतुः॥
Those two heroic warriors, whose elephants had thus been engaged in the encounter, forcibly pierced each other with their lances, that were resplendent like the rays of the sun and they roared most loudly.

व्यपसृत्य तु नागाभ्यां मण्डलानि विचेरतुः। प्रगृह्य चोभौ धनुषी जनतुर्वै परस्परम्॥
Having receded back, they (the two heroes) roved about in circles dismounting from their elephants, and also having taken up their bows, really struck each other.

क्ष्वेडितास्फोटितरवैर्बाणशब्दैस्तु सर्वतः। तौ जनं हर्षयन्तौ च सिंहनादं प्रचक्रतुः॥
They cheered the hearts of the people by their roaring sounds and the slaps of their armpits, as well as by the whistling sound of their arrows on all sides; and then they shouted aloud like lions.

समुद्यतकराभ्यां तौ द्विपाभ्यां कृतिनावुभौ। वातोद्भूतपताकाभ्यां युयुधाते महाबलौ॥
Again mounting upon their elephants, that had their trunks raised up in the air and that were adorned with banners floating on the wind, both the heroes, perfectly accomplished and possessed of immense strength, went on combating.

तावन्योन्यस्य धनुषी छित्त्वान्योन्यं विनेदतुः। शक्तितोमरवर्षेण प्रावृण्मेधाविवाम्बुभिः॥
Thereupon both of them, having cut-off each other's bow, roared and poured forth showers of arrows and lances upon each other, even as the two masses of clouds during the rainy season drop down rains.

क्षेमधूर्तिस्तदा भीमं तोमरेण स्तनान्तरे। निर्बिभेदातिवेगेन षड्भिश्चाप्यपरैर्नदन्॥
Then having roared aloud Kshemadhurti pierced Bhima in the chest with great force by means of his lance, as well as by six other (lances).

स भीमसेनः शुशुभे तोमरै रङ्गमाश्रितैः। क्रोधदीप्तवपुर्मेधैः सप्तसप्तिरिवांशुमान्॥
That Bhimasena, whose form looked bright with rage, shone with those lances adhering to his body like the resplendent Sun with the masses of clouds about him.

ततो भास्करवर्णाभमञ्जोगतिमयस्मयम्। ससर्ज तोमरं भीमः प्रत्यमित्राय यत्नवान्॥
Thereupon, Bhima thrust at his enemy most carefully the lance, made of iron, that had the splendour of the colour of the solar rays and had a speed, direct and straight.

ततः कुलूताधिपतिश्चापमानम्य सायकैः। दशभिस्तोमरं भित्वा षष्ट्या विव्याध पाण्डवम्॥
Thereupon having stretched out his bow, the lord of the Kulatas severed the lance by means of ten arrows and pierced the son of Pandu (Bhima) by sixty other shafts.

अथ कार्मुकमादाय भीमो जलदनि:स्वनम्। रिपोरभ्यर्दयन्नागमुन्नदन् पाण्डवः शरैः॥
Then having taken up his bow having the twang like the roar of clouds, Bhima the son of Pandu, oppressed his enemy's elephant by arrows and uttered terrible shouts.

स शरोघार्दितो नागो भीमसेनेन संयुगे। गृह्यमाणोऽपि नातिष्ठद् वातोद्भूत इवाम्बुदः॥
That elephant, being thus oppressed by the arrows of Bhimasena, did not stay in the field of battle, although repeatedly restrained, even as the cloud dispersed by the wind (run away from their positions).

तमभ्यधावद् द्विरदं भीमो भीमस्य नागराट्। महावातेरितं मेघं वातोद्भूत इवाम्बुदः॥
The most formidable and royal elephant of Bhima rapidly followed that elephant of (Kshemadhurti), even as the wind-blown cloud pursues the cloud dispersed by the tempest.

संनिवार्यात्मनो नागं क्षेमधूर्तिः प्रतापवान्। विध्याधाभिद्रुतं बाणैर्भीमसेनस्य कुञ्जरम्॥
Kshemadhurti of immense energy having checked his own elephant, pierced with his arrows the elephant of Bhimasena pursuing his own.

ततः साधुविसृष्टेन क्षुरेणानतपर्वणा। छित्त्वा शरासनं शत्रो गमामित्रमार्दयत्॥
Thereupon, he (Kshemadhurti), having cutoff his enemy's bow by means of an arrow well-shot, razor-like and straight, highly oppressed that elephant belonging to his foe.

ततः क्रुद्धो रणे भीमं क्षेमधूर्तिः पराभिनत्। जघान चास्य द्विरदं नाराचैः सर्वमर्मसु॥
Then highly wrathful Kshemadhurti struck Bhima in the battle and killed the elephant by piercing all his vital parts with his arrows.

स पपात महानागो भीमसेनस्य भारत। पुरा नागस्य पतनादवप्लुत्य स्थितो महीम्॥
O descendant of the Bharata race, thus the great prince of elephant, belonging to Bhimasena, fell down. Before the fall of his elephant, Bhiinasena dismounted from him and stood on the earth.

तस्य भीमोऽपि द्विरदं गदया समपोथयत्। तस्मात् प्रमथितान्नागात् क्षेमधूर्तिमवप्लुतम्॥ उद्यतायुधमायान्तं गदयाऽहन् वृकोदरः। स पपात हतः सासिळसुस्तमभितो द्विपम्॥
Then he, too, struck down the elephant of his enemy by means of his mace. Then Vrikodara killed Kshemadhurti with his mace, who then had descended from his crushed elephant and had advanced against him with uplifted weapons. Having been thus killed, he, with a sword in the hand, fell down dead by the side of his elephant.

वज्रप्रभग्नमचलं सिंहो वज्रहतो यथा। तं हतं नृपति दृष्ट्वा कुलूतानां यशस्करम्। प्रादवद् व्यथिता सेना त्वदीना भरतर्षभ॥
O foremost of the Bharata race, even as a lion killed by thunder falls dead by the side of a hill broken down by thunder. having seen the most famous lord of the Kulatas killed, your troops, highly distressed, ran away from ihe field.