KARNA PARVA: Chapter 22

The encounter between several heroes

संजय उवाच हस्तिभिस्तु महामात्रास्तव पुत्रेण चोदिताः। धृष्टद्युम्नं जिघांसन्तः क्रुद्धाः पार्षतमभ्ययुः॥
Sanjaya said Having been persuaded by your son, many elephant-warriors, riding upon their elephants and desiring to bring about his destruction, became highly enraged and marched against Dhristadyumna.

प्राच्याश्च दाक्षिणात्याच प्रवरा गजयोधिनः। अङ्ग वङ्गाश्च पुण्ड्राश्च मागधास्ताम्रलिप्तकाः॥
Many foremost of clephant-warriors belonging to the tribes called the Easterners, the Southerners, the Angas, the Bangas, the Pundras, the Magadhas and the Tamaliptakas.

मेकला: कोसला मद्रा दशार्णा निषधास्तथा। गजयुद्धेषु कुशलाः कलिङ्गैः सह भारत॥
And O descendant of the Bharata race, also belonging to the Mekalas, the Koshalas, the Madras, the Dasharnas and the Nishadhas, who were all very skillful in fighting on the back of elephants and who again, were accompanied by the Kalingas.

शरतोमरनाराचैर्वृष्टिमन्त इवाम्बुदाः। सिषिचुस्ते ततः सर्वे पाञ्चालबलमाहवे।॥
Began to pour forth showers of arrows, lances and broad-headed shafts, like the masses of clouds and also they all drenched the whole force of the Panchalas (with them) in that battle,

तान् सम्मिमर्दिषून् नागान् पाष्णर्यंङ्गुष्ठाङ्कशै शम्। चोदितान् पार्षतो बाणैराचैरभ्यवीवृषत्॥
He (Dhristadyumna) then dropped down showers of arrows and broad-headed shafts upon those elephants, that crushed down the enemies and also that were urged forward by their being deeply struck in the sides with heels, toes and hooks.

एकैकं दशभिः षड्भिरष्टाभिरपि भारत। द्विरदानभिविव्याध क्षिप्तैर्गिरिनिभाशरैः :॥
O descendant of the Bharata race, he (the Panchala chief) pierced every one of these elephants, that resembled mountains with ten, six or eight keen arrows.

प्रच्छाद्यमानं द्विरदैर्मेधैरिव दिवाकरम्। प्रययुः पाण्डुपश्चाला नदन्तो निशितायुधाः॥
Both the Pandus and the Panchalas, uttering loud roars and being furnished with the sharp weapons, advanced towards him (the Panchala chief) who was then closed with by those elephants even as the sun is covered over with the masses of clouds.

तान् नागानभिवर्षन्तो ज्यातन्त्रीतलनादितैः। वीरनृत्यं प्रनृत्यन्तः शूरतालप्रचोदितैः। नकुलः सहदेवश्च द्रौपदेयाः प्रभद्रकाः॥ सात्यकिश्च शिखण्डी च चेकितानश्च वीर्यवान्। समन्तात् सिषिचुर्वीरा मेघास्तोयैरिवाचलान्॥
Then they (the above warriors) continued to shower (their weapons) upon those elephants and having been excited by the sound of bowstrings and palms, as well as by the beatings (caused by the heroes), began to dance the dance worthy of the heroic warriors. Afterwards Nakula, Shahadeva, the sons of Draupadi, the Provadrakas, Satyaki, Shikhandin and the most powerful Chekitana, these heroes drenched (these elephants) from all sides (with their weapons); even as the clouds drench the mountains with the torrents of water.

ते म्लेच्छः प्रेषिता नागा नरानश्वान् स्थानपि। हस्तैराक्षिप्य ममृदुः पश्चिाप्यतिमन्यवः॥
Being driven by the Mlechchas, these elephants, highly enraged, had cast down the men, the horses and cars, with their trunks and crushed them with their feet.

बिभिदुश्च विषाणाप्रैः समाक्षिप्य च चिक्षिपुः। विषाणलग्नाश्चाप्यन्ये परिपेतुर्विभीषणः॥
Then they (the elephants) pierced them with the points of their tusks and having thrown them down shattered them. Others, again, being lifted up with their tusks, fell down upon the ground exciting great horror (in the spectators).

प्रमुखे वर्तमानं तु द्विप मङ्गस्य सात्यकिः। नाराचेनोग्रवेगेन भित्वा मर्माण्यपातयत्॥
Thereupon Satyaki, after having pierced the elephant of the Vanga prince, that was standing before him, in the very vitals with a long arrows possessed of great impetuosity, hurled him down upon the ground).

तस्यावर्जितकायस्य द्विरदादुत्पतिष्यतः। नाराचेनाहनद् वक्षः सात्यकिः सोऽपतद् भुवि॥
Again, Satyaki had struck the chest of him (the rider of that elephant), whose body was not yet touched and who also fell down from his elephant, with a long shaft. Thus struck, he (the rider) fell upon the ground.

पुण्ड्रस्यापततो नागं चलन्तमिव पर्वतम्। सहदेवः प्रयत्नस्तैर्नाराचैरहनत् त्रिभिः॥
Shahadeva, on the other hand, had struck the elephant of falling Pundra, that was moving like a mountain, with three long arrows, which were most excellently directed.

विपताकं वियन्तारं विवर्मध्वजजीवितम्। तं कृत्वा द्विरदं भूयं सहदेवोऽङ्गमभ्ययात्॥
Then Shahadeva, after having deprived that elephant of his banners, driver, armour, standard and life, again advanced against the ruler of the Angas.

सहदेवं तु नकुलो वारयित्वाङ्गमार्दयत्। नाराचैर्यमदण्डाभैस्त्रिभिर्नागं शतेन तम्॥
But Nakula, having forbidden Shahadeva (from advancement), himself crushed the chief of the Angas with three long shafts resembling the very rods of Death in appearance, as well as his elephant with hundred others.

दिवाकरकरप्रख्यानङ्गचिक्षेप तोमरान्। नकुलाय शतान्यष्टौ त्रिधैकैकं तु सोऽच्छिनत्॥
The ruler of the Angas, on the other hand, had directed eight hundred lances, that were as resplendent as the rays of the sun, towards Nakula, who, again, shattered each of them into three pieces.

तथार्धचन्द्रेण शिरस्तस्य चिच्छेद पाण्डवः। स पपात हतो म्लेच्छस्तेनैव सह दन्तिना॥
So again, the son of Pandu severed the head (of his antagonist) with a crescent shaped arrow. That Mlechchha, being thus cut-off, fell down with his elephant.

अथाङ्गपुत्रे निहते हस्तिशिक्षाविशारदे। अङ्गा क्रुद्धा महामात्रा नागैर्नकुलमभ्ययुः॥
Thereupon, when the princes powerful monarch, Satyaki on the other hand, having smiled and shrouded all the points of the horizon with a shower of arrows, closed with the two brothers, O descendant of the Bharata race. of the Angas, who was well versed in the knowledge of managing elephants, was thus slain, the highly enraged elephant-warriors of the Anga race, rushed against Nakula, riding upon their elephants.

चलत्पताकैः सुमुखैहेमकक्षातनुच्छदैः। मिमर्दिषन्तस्त्वरिताः प्रदीप्तैरिव पर्वतैः॥
That were adorned with waving banners and also that were furnished with excellent mouths and that were decked with the housings made of gold and that were as resplendent as the blazing mountains; for, the warriors were most desirous of crushing him and all possessed of immense activity.

मेकलोत्कलकालिङ्गा निषधास्ताम्रलिप्तकाः। शरतोमरवर्षाणि विमुञ्चन्तो जिघांसव॥
The Mekalas, Utkalas, the Kalingas, the Nishadhas, the Tamraliptakas, who were all very willing to slaughter him, continued to pour forth showers of arrows and lance (upon Nakula).

तैश्छाद्यमानं नकुलं दिवाकरमिवाम्बुदैः। परिपेतुः सुसंरब्धा पाण्डुपञ्चालसोमकाः॥
Then the highly enraged Pandus, Panchalas and Somakas proceeded most rapidly to rescue Nakula, who was closed with by those warriors, even as the sun is covered over with the masses of clouds.

ततस्तदभवद् युद्धं रथिनां हस्तिभिः सह। सृजतां शरवर्षाणि तोमरांश्च सहस्रशः॥
Thereupon, the battle raged between the car-warriors, who were shooting showers of shafts and hurling down thousands of lances, (at the antagonists) and the heroes fighting from the back of elephant.

नागानां प्रास्फुटन् कुम्भा मर्माणि विविधानि च। दन्ताश्चैवातिविद्धानां नाराचैर्भूषणानि च॥
The frontal globes and several other vitals, the tusks and the equipments of the elephants, that were deeply pierced with long shafts, were all shattered.

तेषामष्टौ महानागांश्चतुःषष्ट्या सुतेजनैः। सहदेवो जघानाशु तेऽपतन् सह सादिभिः॥
Thereupon Shahadeva had most rapidly slaughtered eight of the gigantic elephants with sixty-four arrows, possessed of great impetuosity. On that, they all fell down along with their riders.

अञ्जोगतिभिरायम्य प्रयत्नाद् धनुरुत्तमम्। नाराचैरहनन्नागान् नकुलः कुलनन्दनः॥
Nakula also, who was the darling of his family, after having lifted up the foremost of his bow with great care, had slaughtered innumerable elephants with straight shafts.

ततः पाञ्चालशैनेयौ द्रौपदेयाः प्रभद्रकाः। शिखण्डी च महानागान् सिषिचुः शरवृष्टिभिः॥२७
Thereupon the chief of the Panchalas, the grandson of Shini, the son of Draupadi, the Provodrakas and Shikhandin, poured forth showers of arrows upon those huge elephants.

ते पाण्डुयोधाम्बुधरैः शत्रुद्विरदपर्वताः। बाणवर्हताः पेतुर्वज्रवरिवाचलाः॥
Having been killed with the torrents of shafts by such clouds as the Pandu warriors, those hills of elephants belonging to the foes, fell down; even as the mountains are struck down by the falling of thunders.

एवं हत्वा तव गजांस्ते पाण्डुरथकुञ्जराः। द्रुतां सेनामवैक्षन्त भिन्नकूलामिवापगाम्॥
Having thus slaughtered your elephants, those foremost of car-warriors, belonging to the side of the Pandavas, looked at the army (on your side), that was running away from the field like a river, flowing down a shore other than where it took its rise.

तां ते सेना समालोड्य पाण्डुपुत्रस्य सैनिकाः। विक्षोभयित्वा च पुनः कर्णं समभिदुदुवुः॥
Those warriors, belonging to the side of the son of Pandu, after having first agitated that army and again having afflicted, proceeded most rapidly against Karna.