SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 16

The fight between Arjuna and Kripa and Kritavarman. Shalya alone fights with the entire Pandava army. The fight between Shalya and Yudhishthira

संजय उवाच ततः सैन्यास्तव विभो मद्रराजपुरस्कृताः। पुनरभ्यद्रवन् पार्थान् वेगेन महता रणे॥
Sanjaya said Then, O king, your soldiers, led by Shalya, once more rushed against the Parthas in that battle with great impetuosity.

पीडितास्तावकाः सर्वे प्रधावन्तो रणोत्कटाः। क्षणेन चैव पार्थस्ते बहुत्वात् समलोडयन्॥
Although assailed still those troops, who were fierce in battle, rushing against the Parthas, very soon agitated them on account of the superiority in numbers.

ते वध्यामानाः समरे पाण्डवा नावतस्थिरे। निवार्यमाणा भीमेन पश्यतोः कृष्णयोस्तदा॥ ततो धनंजयः क्रुद्धः कृपं सह पदानुगैः। अवाकिरच्छरौघेण कृतवर्माणमेव च॥
Struck by the Kurus, the Pandava troops, in the very presence of the two Krishnas, could not stand in the field though checked by Bhimasena. Worked up with anger Dhananjaya covered Kripa and his followers, as also Kritavarman, with showers of arrows.

शकुनि सहदेवस्तु सहसैन्यमवाकिरत्। नकुल: पार्श्वत: स्थित्वा मद्राराजमवैक्षत॥
Sahadeva checked Shakuni and his detachment. Nakula looked at the king of the Madras from his flanks.

द्रौपदेया नरेन्द्रांश्च भूयिष्ठान् समवारयन्। द्रोणपुत्रं च पाञ्चाल्य: शिखण्डी समवारयत्॥
The (five) sons of Draupadi opposed numerous kings (of the Kuru army). The Panchala prince Shikhandin checked the son of Drona.

भीमसेनस्तु राजानं गदापाणिवारयत्। शल्यं तु सह सैन्येनं कुन्तीपुत्रो युधिष्ठिरः॥
Arined with his mace, Bhimasena opposed the king. Kunti's son Yudhishthira resisted Shalya at the head of his army.

ततः समभवत् सैन्यं संसक्तं तत्र तत्र हा तावकानां परेषां च संग्रामेष्वनिविर्तनाम्॥
Again an encounter took place between those pairs as they stood, among your warriors and those of the enemy, none of whom had ever retreated from fight.

तत्र पश्याम्यहं कर्म शल्यस्याति महद्रणे। यदेकः सर्वसैन्यानि पाण्डवानामयोधयत्॥
Shalya performed a wonderful feat because alone he fought with the whole Pandava ariny.

व्यदृश्यत तदा शल्यो युधिष्ठिरसमीपतः। रणे चन्द्रमसोऽभ्याशे शनैश्चर इव ग्रहः॥
Shalya, then, as he stood near Yudhishthira in that battle, looked like the planet Saturn near the Moon.

पीडयित्वा तु राजानं शरैगशीविषोपमैः। अभ्यधावत् पुनर्भीमं शरवर्षैरवाकिरत्॥
Afflicting the king with arrows that resembled Venomous serpents Shalya proceeded against Bhima, covering him with showers of arrows.

तस्य तल्लाघवं दृष्ट्वा तथैव च कृतास्त्रताम्। अपूजयन्ननीकानि परेषां तावकानि च॥
Beholding the lightness of hand and mastery over weapons displayed by Shalya, both the armies spoke highly of him.

पीड्यमानस्तु शल्येन पाण्डवा भृशविक्षताः। प्राद्रवन्त रणं हित्वा क्रोशमाने युधिष्टिरे॥
Assailed by Shalya, the Pandavas, exceedingly wounded, fled away, from the battle, disregarding orders of Yudhishthira to stop them.

वध्यमानेष्वनीकेषु मद्रराजेन पाण्डवः। अमर्षवशमापन्नो धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः॥
While soldiers were thus being killed by the king of the Madras, Pandu's son king Yudhishthira was worked up with rage.

ततः पौरुषामास्थाय मद्रराजमताडयत्। जयो वास्तु वधो वास्तु कृतबुद्धिर्महारथः॥
Relying upon his strength that powerful carwarrior began to assail the king of the Madras being determined upon either gaining victory or meeting with death.

समाहूयाब्रवीत् सर्वान् भ्रातॄन् कृष्णं च माधवम्। भीष्मो द्रोणश्च कर्णश्च ये चान्ये पृथिवीक्षितः॥ कौरवार्थे पराक्रान्ताः संग्रामे निधनं गताः। यथाभागं यथोत्साहं भवन्तः कृतपौरुषाः॥
Summoning all his others and also Krishna he said to them— Bhishma and Drona and Karna and other kings who fought for the Kauravas, have all died in battle. You all have shown valour and courage in the tasks allotted। to you.

भागोऽविशिष्ट एकोऽयं मम शल्यो महारथः। सोऽहमद्य युधा जेतुमाशंसे मद्रकाधिपम्॥
Only one portion about the great carwarrior Shalya remains, I desire to defeat that king of the Madras to-day in battle. I will now tell you my wishes about the accomplishment of that work.

तत्र यन्मानसं मह्यं तत् सर्वं निगदामि वः। चक्ररक्षाविमौ वीरौ मम माद्रवतीसुतौ॥ अजेयौ वासवेनापि समरे शूरसम्मतौ। साध्विमौ मातुलं युद्धे क्षत्रधर्मपुरस्कृतौ॥ मदर्थे प्रतियुद्ध्येतां मानाही सत्यसङ्गरौ!
These two heroes, viz., the two sons of Madravati will protect my wheels. They are heroes whom even Vasava himself cannot defeat. Observing the duties of a Kshatriya these two, that deserve every honour and are firm in their vows, will fight with their maternal uncle.

मां वा शल्यो रणे हन्तां तं वाहं भद्रमस्तु वः॥ इति सत्यामिमां वाणी लोकवीरा निबोधत।
Either Shalya will kill me in battle or I will kill him. Blessed be you. Listen to these true words, O foremost of heroes in the world.

योत्स्येऽहं मातुलेनाद्य क्षात्रधर्मेण पार्थिवाः॥ स्वमंशमभिसंधाय विजयायेतराय च।
Observing Kshatriya duties I will fight with my maternal uncle, determined to either win victory or be slain.

तस्य मेऽप्यधिकं शस्त्रं सर्वोपकरणानि च॥ संसज्जन्तु रथे क्षिप्रं शास्त्रवद् रथयोजकाः
Let them that furnish car quickly supply my car according to the rules of science, with all kinds of weapons and implements more than what Shalya possesses.

शैनेयो दक्षिणं चक्रं धृष्टद्युम्नस्तथोत्तरम्॥ पृष्ठगोपो भवत्वद्य मम पार्थो धनंजयः।
The grandson of Shini will protect my right wheel and Dhristadyumna my left. Let Pritha's son Dhananjaya guard my rear to-day.

पुरःसरो ममाधास्तु भीमः शस्त्रभृतां वरः॥ एवमभ्यधिकः शल्याद् भविष्यामि महामृधे।
And let Bhima, the foremost of warriors, fight in my front. I shall thus be superior to Shalya in the great battle that will soon take place.”

एवमुक्तास्तथा चक्रुस्तदा राज्ञः प्रियैषिणः॥ ततः प्रहर्षः सैन्यानां पुनरासीत् तदा मृधे।
Thus accosted by the king, all his wellwishers did what they were asked to do.

पञ्चालानां सोमकानां मत्स्यानां च विशेषतः॥ प्रतिज्ञां तां तदा राजा कृत्वा मद्रेशमभ्ययात्।
Then the Pandava troops were again filled up with joy, especially the Panchalas, the Somakas and the Matsyas.

ततः शङ्खांश्च भेरीश्च शतशश्चैव पुष्कलान्।॥ अवादयन्त पञ्चालाः सिंहनादांश्च नेदिरे। तेऽभ्यधावन्त संरब्धा मद्रराजं तरस्विनम्॥
Having made that vow, the king proceeded against the king of the Madras. The Panchalas then blew and beat numberless conchs and drums and sent up leonine roars.

महता हर्षजेनाथ नादेन कुरुपुङ्गवाः। ह्रादेन गजघण्टानां शङ्खानां निनदेन च॥ तूर्यशब्देन महता नादयन्तश्च मेदिनीम्।
Endued with great activity and worked up with ire they rushed, with loud shouts of joy, against the king of the Madras, that foremost of the Kurus. And they made the earth resound with the noise of the elephant's bells and the loud sound of conchs and trumpets.

तान् प्रत्यगृह्णात् पुत्रस्ते मद्रराजश्च वीर्यवान्॥ महामेघानिव बहूशैलावस्तोदयावुभौ।
Then your son and the brave king of the Madras, like the rising the setting hills, received those assailants.

शल्यस्तु समरश्लाघी धर्मराजमरिंदमम्॥ ववर्ष शरवर्षेण शम्बरं मघवा इव।
Bragging Shalya poured a shower of arrows of that chastiser of foes, king Yudhishthira like Indra pouring rain.

तथैव कुरुराजोऽपि प्रगृह्य रुचिरं धनुः॥ द्रोणोपदेशान् विविधान् दर्शयानो महामनाः।
Also, having taken up his beautiful bow, the great king of the Kurus displayed various lessons received by him from Drona.

ववर्ष शरवर्षाणि चित्रं लघु च सुष्ठु च॥ न चास्य विवरं कश्चिद् ददर्श चरतो रणे।
And beautifully, quickly and with great skill, he made successive downpours of arrows. As he moved about in battle, none could mark anything in him.

तावुभौ विविधैर्वाणैस्ततक्षाते परस्परम्॥ शार्दूलावामिषप्रेप्सू पराक्रान्ताविवाहवे।
The powerful Shalya and Yudhishthira wounded each other, like a couple of igers fighting for a piece of meat.

भीमस्तु तव पुत्रेण युद्धशौण्डेन संगतः॥ पाञ्चाल्यः सात्यकिश्चैव माद्रीपुत्रौ च पाण्डवौ। शकुनिप्रमुखान् वीरान् प्रत्यगृह्णन् समन्ततः॥
Bhima fought with your son, the delighter in batlle. Dhristadyumna, Satyaki and the two sons of Madri by Pandu received Shakuni and the other Kuru heroes around.

तदाऽऽसीत् तुमुलं युद्धं पुनरेव जयैषिणाम्। तावकानां परेषां च राजन् दुर्मन्त्रिते तव॥
On account of your vile policy, O king, there again occurred a dreadful battle between your people and those of the foe, all of whom were actuated with the desire of victory.

दुर्योधनस्तु भीमस्य शरेणानतपर्वणा। चिच्छेदादिश्य संग्रामे ध्वजं हेमपरिष्कृतम्॥
Aiming at the gold-decked standard of Bhima, Duryodhana then, with a straight arrow, cut it off in that battle.

स किङ्किणोकजालेन महता चारुदर्शन:। पपात रुचिरः संख्ये भीमसेनस्य पश्यतः॥
The beautiful standard of Bhimasena, adorned with many bells, dropped down, O giver of honours.

पुनश्चास्य धनुश्चित्रं गजराजकरोपमम्। क्षुरेण शितधारेण प्रचकर्त नराधिपः॥
Again the king, with a sharp razor-faced arrow, cut off the beautiful bow of Bhima resembling the trunk of an elephant.

स च्छिन्नधन्वा तेजस्वी रथशक्त्या सुतं तव। बिभेदोरसि विक्रम्य स रथोपस्थ आविशत्॥
Gifted with great energy Bhima, who had been deprived of his bow, then displaying his prowess, struck on the chest of your son with a dart. Thereat your son sat down on the terrace of his car.

तस्मिन् मोहमनुप्राप्ते पुनरेव वृकोदरः। यन्तुरेव शिरः कायात् क्षुरप्रेणाहरत् तदा॥
When Duryodhana fainted Vrikodara, with a razor-faced arrow, cut off the head of his driver from his trunk.

हतसूता हयास्तस्य रथमादाय भारत। व्यद्रवन्त दिशो राजन् हाहाकारस्तदाभवत्॥
Deprived of their driver the horses, of Duryodhana's car, ran wildly on all sides, O Bharata, dragging the car after them at which the Kurus bewailed loudly.

तमभ्यधावत् त्राणार्थं द्रोणपुत्रो महारथः। कृपश्च कृतवर्मा च पुत्रं तेऽपि पीरप्सवः॥
Then the great car-warrior Ashvatthaman and Kripa and Kritavarman, followed the car, with a view to save your son.

तस्मिन् विलुलिते सैन्ये त्रस्तास्तस्य पदानुगाः। गाण्डीवधन्वा विस्फार्य धनुस्यानहनच्छरैः॥
Thereat the troops troops were were exceedingly agitated. The followers of Duryodhana were terrified. At that time the wilder or Gandiva, drawing his bow, began to kill them with his arrows.

युधिष्ठिरस्तु मद्रेशमभ्यधावदमर्षितः। स्वयं संनोयदन्नश्वान् दन्तवर्णान् मनोजवान्॥ तत्राश्चर्यमपश्याम कुन्तीपुत्रे युधिष्ठिरे। पुरा भूत्वा मृदुर्दान्तो यत् तदा दारुणोऽभवत्॥
Then filled with rage, Yudhishthira rushed against the king of the Madras, himself driving his horses white as ivory and fleet as mind. We then saw some thing wonderful in Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, for though very mild by nature he then 'ecame highly terrific.

विवृताक्षश्च कौन्तेयो वेपमानश्च मन्युना। चिच्छेद योधान् निशितैः शरैः शतसहस्रशः॥
With eyes opened wide and body trembling in anger the son of Kunti killed hostile warriors in hundreds and thousands with sharp arrows.

यां यां प्रत्युद्ययौ सेनां तां तां ज्येष्ठः स पाण्डवः। शरैरपातयद् राजन् गिरीन् वज्रेरिवौत्तमैः॥
Many soldiers were overthrown by him, O king, like mountain summits broken with thunder.

साश्वसूतध्वजरथान् रथिनः पातयन् बहून्। अक्रीडदेको बलवान् पवनस्तोयदानिव॥
Striking down cars with steeds and drivers and standards and throwing down many carwarriors, Yudhishthira, without any help, began to sport there like a powerful wind dissipating masses of clouds.

साश्वारोहांश्च तुरगान् पत्तींश्चैव सहस्रधा। व्यपोथयत संग्रामे क्रुद्धो रुद्रः पशूनिव॥
Filled with anger, he killed horses with riders and horses without riders and the infantry by thousands in that battle, like Rudra destroying living creatures at the time of the universal dissolution.

शून्यमायोधनं कृत्वा शरवर्षेः समन्ततः। अभ्यद्रवत मद्रेशं तिष्ठ शल्येति चाब्रवीत्॥
Having made the field empty by discharging his arrows on all sides, Yudhishthira proceeded against the king of the Madras and said-Wait, Wait.

तस्य तचरितं दृष्ट्वा संग्रामे भीमकर्मणः। वित्रेसुस्तावकाः सर्वे शल्यस्त्वेनं समभ्ययात्॥
Beholding the feats of that hero of terrible deeds, all your warriors were filled with fear. Shalya, however, rushed again him.

ततस्तौ भृशसंक्रुद्धौ प्रध्माय सलिलौद्भवौ। समाहूय तदान्योन्यं भर्त्सयन्तौ समीयतुः॥
Both of them, in anger, blew their respective conchs. Returning and challenging each other, each then met the other.

शल्यस्तु शरवर्षेण पीडयामास पाण्डवम्। मद्रराजं तु कौन्तेयः शरवर्षैरवाकिरत्॥
Then Shalya enshrouded Yudhishthira with showers of arrows. Likewise the son of Kunti covered the king of the Madras with showers of arrows.

अदृश्येता तदा राजन् कङ्कपत्रिभिराचितौ। उद्भिनरुधिरौ शूरौ मद्रराजयुधिष्ठिरौ॥ पुष्पतौ शुशुभाते वै वसन्ते किंशिकौ यथा। दीप्यमानौ महात्मानौ प्राणद्यूतेन दुर्मदौ॥
Then those two horses, Shalya and Yudhishthira, wounded in that battle with each others' arrows and bathed in blood, looked. Like a blossoming Salmali and a Kinshuka, Resplendent and invincible in battle, those two illustrious warriors sent up loud war-cries.

दृष्ट्वा सर्वाणि सैन्यानि नाध्यवस्यंस्तयोर्जयम्। हत्वा मद्राधिपं पार्थो भोक्ष्यतेऽद्य वसुन्धराम्॥ शल्यो वा पाण्डवं हत्वा दद्याद् दुर्योधनाय गाम्। इतीव निश्चयो नाभूद् योधानां तत्र भारत॥
Beholding them both, the soldiers could not decide which of them would win. Whether the son of Pritha would enjoy the Earth, having killed the king of the Madras or, Shalya, having slain the son of Pandu, would bestow the Earth on Duryodhana, could not be decided, O Bharata, by the warriors present there.

प्रदिक्षिणमभूत् सर्वं धर्मराजस्य युध्यतः। ततः शरशतं शल्यो मुमोचाथ युधिष्ठिरे॥ धनुश्चास्य शिताग्रेण बाणेन निरकृन्तत।
King Yudhishthira, in the course of that battle, placed his enemy to his right. Then Shalya shot a century of best arrows, at Yudhisthira. With another sharp arrow, he cut off the latter's bow.

सोऽन्यत् कार्मुकमादाय शल्यं शरशतैस्त्रिभिः॥ अविध्यत् कार्मुकं चास्य क्षुरेण निरकृन्तत।
Taking up another bow, Yudhishthira struck Shalya with three hundred arrows and cut off the latter's bow with a razor-faced arrow.

अथास्य निजघानाश्वांश्चतुरो नतपर्वभिः॥ द्वाभ्यामतिसिताग्राभ्यामुभौ तत् पार्ष्णिसारथी।
The son of Pandu then killed the four horses of his antagonist with some straight arrows. With two other very sharp arrows he then cut off the two Parshni drivers of Shalya.

ततोऽस्य दीप्यमानेन पीतेन निशितेन च॥ प्रमुखे वर्तमानस्य भल्लेनापाहरद् ध्वजम्। ततः प्रभग्नं तत् सैन्यं दौर्योधनमरिंदम॥
Then with another shining, well-tempered and sharp arrow, he cut off the standard of Shalya who stood before him. Then, O chastiser of foes, the army of Duryodhana were scattered.

ततो मद्राधिपं द्रौणिरभ्यधावत् तथा कृतम्। आरोप्य चैनं स्वरथे त्वरमाणः प्रदुदुवे॥
The son of Drona, at this time, speedily proceeded towards the king of the Madras who had been reduced to that strait and quickly taking him up on his own car, fled away.

मुहूर्तमिव तौ गत्वा नर्दमाने युधिष्ठिरे। स्मित्वा ततो मद्रपतिरन्यं स्यन्दनमास्थितः॥
After the two had gone for a moment, they heard Yudhishthira cry aloud. Stopping, the ruler of the Madras he then got upon another well equipi car.

विधिवत् कल्पितं शुभ्रं महाम्बुदनिनादिनम्। सज्जयत्रोपकरणं द्विषतां लोमहर्षणम्॥
That best of cars had a rattle deep as the muttering of the clouds. Well furnished with weapons and instruments and all kinds of utensils, that vehicle made the hairs of foes stand erect.