KARNA PARVA: Chapter 73

The words of Sri Krishna

संजय उवाच ततः पुनरमेयात्मा केशवोऽर्जुनमब्रवीत्। कृतसंकल्पमायन्तं वधे कर्णस्य भारत॥
Sanjaya said O Bharata, then again did Kesava of magnanimous heart address the following words to Arjuna, who was proceeding resolutely to slay Karna.

अद्य सप्तदशाहानि वर्तमानस्य भारत। विनाशस्यातिघोरस्य नरवारणवाजिनाम्॥
Today, O Bharata, is the seventeenth day of this horrible carnage of men, elephants and horses.

भूत्वा हि विपुला सेना तावकानां परैः सह। अन्योन्यं समरं प्राप्य किंचिच्छेषा विशाम्पते॥
O sovereign, at first your own troops and those of the hostile party were a legion, but being engaged in fight there have been left but a small remnant.

भूत्वा वै कौरवाः पार्थ प्रभूतगजवाजिनः। त्वां वै शत्रु समासाद्य विनष्टा रणमूर्धनि॥
Though the Kauravas had, at the outset, numerous steeds and elephants, yet they have been routed on the field as they had to face yourself as their foe.

एते ते पृथिवीपालाः सृञ्जयाश्च समागताः। त्वां सभासाद्य दुर्धर्षं पाण्डवाश्च व्यवस्थिताः॥
These potentates and these united forces of the Srinjayas and these Pandavas have been successful in holding their ground, only because they have such an unflinching leader in you.

पाञ्चालैः पाण्डववैर्मत्स्यैः कारूषैश्चेदिभिः सह। त्वया गुप्तैरमित्रनैः कृतः शत्रुगणक्षयः॥
O destroyer of foes, being under your protection, the Panchala, Pandava, Matsya, Karusa and Chedis hosts have been sweeping away the hostile army.

को हि शक्तो रणे जेतुं कौरवांस्तात संयुगे। अन्यत्र पाण्डवान् युद्धे त्वया गुप्तान् महारथान्॥
O Sire, who else could have vanquished the combined army of the Kauravas had not the valiant Pandavas been fighting under your aegis?

शक्तस्त्वं हि रणे जेतुं ससुरासुरमानुषान्। त्रील्लोकान् समरे युक्तान् किं पुनः कौरवं बलम्॥८
What need I speak of defeating the Kauravas? Single-handed you can vanquish in battle the Asuras, celestials and human beings of the three worlds put together.

भगदत्तं च राजानं कोऽन्यः शक्तसत्वया बिना। जेतुं पुरुषशार्दूल योऽपि स्याद् वासवोपमः॥
O mighty one, who else, excepting yourself, could have conquered Bhagadatta in fight, even were he powerful like Vasava himself.

तथेमा विपुलां सेनां गुप्ता पार्थ त्वयानघ। न शेकुः पार्थिवाः सर्वे चक्षुर्भिरपि वीक्षितुम्॥
O holy Partha, no mortal could even gaze upon this vast army, being as they were, under your protection.

तथैव सततं पार्थ रक्षिताभ्यां त्वाय रणे। धृष्टद्युम्नशिखण्डिभ्यां भीष्मद्रोणौ निपातितौ॥
O Partha, Dhristadyumna and Shikhandi had succeeded in slaying Drona and Bhishma, only because you protected them in battle.

को हि शक्तो रणे पार्थ भारतानां महारथौ। भीष्मद्रोणौ युधा जेतुं शक्रतुल्यपराक्रमौ॥
Or, O Partha, who else could have conquered in battle those most eminent warriors of the Bharata race-Drona and Bhishma, endued with the prowess of a Sakra.

को हि शान्तनवं भीष्मं द्रोणं वैकर्तनं कृपम्। द्रौणिं च सौमदत्तिं च कृतवर्माणमेव च॥ सैन्धवं मद्रराजानं राजानं च सुयोधनम्। वीरान् कृतास्त्रान् समरे सर्वानेवानिवर्तिनः॥ अक्षौहिणीपतीनुग्रान संहतान् युद्धदुर्मदान्। त्वामृते पुरुषव्याघ्र जेतुं शक्तः पुमानिह॥
O most powerful one, who else but you could defeat those formidable leaders of Aksouhinis, those unflinching and invincible heroes, Bhishma-son of Shantanu, Drona, Vaikartana, Kripa and Drona's son and King Duryodhana himself, all united together and adepts in wielding arms.

श्रेण्यश्च बहुलाः क्षीणाः प्रदीर्णाश्वरथद्विपाः। नानाजनपदाचोग्राः क्षत्रियाणमर्षिणाम्॥
Numerous detachments of (hostile) soldiers have been extirpated; their cars, horses and elephants have been cut down (by you), as also numbers of indignant and impetuous Kshatriyas hailing from various provinces.

गोवासदासमीयानां वसातीनां च भारत। प्राच्यानां वाटधानानां भोजानां चाभिमानिनाम्॥ उदीर्णाश्वगजा सेना सर्वक्षत्रस्य भारत। त्वां समासाद्य निधनं गता भीमं च भारत॥
O Bharata (lo) the forces of the Gobasas, the Dasmiyas, Basatis, the Easterners, the Batadhanas and the sensitive Bhojas and of other Brahmanas and Kshatriyas, with their best horses and elephants, have all been slain confronting you and Bhima (in battle).

उग्राश्च भीमकर्माणस्तुषारा यवनाः खशाः। दाभिसारा दरदाः शका माठरतङ्गणाः॥ आन्ध्रकाश्च पुलिन्दाश्च किराताश्चोग्रविक्रमाः। म्लेच्छाश्च पर्वतीयाश्च सागरानूपवासिनः॥ संरम्भिणो युद्धशौण्डा बलिनो दण्डपाणयः। एते सुयोधनस्यार्थे संरब्धाः कुरुभिः सह॥ न शक्या युधि निर्जेतुं त्वदन्येन परंतप।
The Tusharas, the Yavanas, the Khashas, the Darbabhisaras, the Daradas, the Shakas, the Ramathas, the Tanganas, the Andhraks, the Pulindas, all of fierce temperament and awful deeds and the Kiratas of formidable prowess and the Mlechhas, the mountain tribes and the people inhabiting the sea coasts, all of whom are very powerful unflinching in battle and wielders of maces, have gathered round the standard of the Kurus and been fighting hard for Suyodhana. And none else but you, O scorcher of foes, could defeat them in battle.

धार्तराष्ट्रमुदग्रं हि व्यूढं दृष्ट्वा महद् बलम्॥ यदि त्वां न भवेस्त्राता प्रतीयात् को नु मानवः।
If you had not come to the rescue who else could advance against the mighty troops of the Dhartarashtras arrayed in battle order?

तत् सागरमिवोधुतं रजसा संवृत्तं बलम्॥ विदार्य पाण्डवैः क्रुद्धस्त्वया गुप्तैर्हतं बिभो।
O puissant one, the hostile troops shrouded with dust looked like a surging sea and the infuriated Pandavas, forcing their way amongst them, threw them over-board.

मगधानामधिपतिर्जयत्सेनो महाबलः॥ अद्य सप्तैव चाहानि हतः संख्येऽभिमन्युना।
Ten mighty Jayatsena, the king of the Magadhas, was slain in battle by Abhimanyu these seven days past.

ततो दशसहस्राणि गजानां भीमकर्मणाम्॥ जधान गदया भीमस्तस्य राज्ञः परिच्छदम्। ततोऽन्येभिहता नागा रथाश्च शतशो बलात्॥
Ten thousand powerful elephants, forming the king's retinue, were then struck down by Bhimasena with his mace. Later on hundreds of other elephants and charioteer fell through Bhima's powerful hands.

तदेवं समरे पार्थ वर्तमाने महाभये। भीमसेनं समासाद्य त्वां च पाण्डव कौरवाः॥ सवाजिरथमातङ्गा मृत्युलोकमितो गताः।
Therefore, O Partha, in the course of this terrible battle the Kauravas, along with their steeds, cars and elephants, have fallen victims of Death no sooner they encountered Bhimasena and yourself.

तथा सेनामुखे तत्र निहते पार्थ पाण्डवैः॥ भीष्मः प्रासृजदुग्राणि शरजालानि मारिष।
O Partha, the van of the Kaurava host on being slain by the Pandavas, Bhishma shot forth showers of deadly arrows.

स चेदिकाशिपाञ्चालन करूषान् मत्स्यकेकयान्॥२९ शरैः प्रच्छाद्य निधनमनयत् परमास्त्रवित्।
Skilled in the use of celestial weapons he covered the Chedis, the Kashis, the Panchalas, the Karushas, the Matsyas and the Kaikeyas, with his arrows and slew them to a man.

तस्य चापच्युतैर्बाणैः परदेहविदारणैः॥ पूर्णामाकाशमभवद् रुक्मपुङ्खैरजिह्मगैः।
The atmosphere became thick with goldfeathered, straight-shot deadly arrows, that were discharged from his bow.

हन्याद् रथसहस्राणि एकैकेनैव मुष्टिना॥ लक्षं नरद्विपान् हत्वा समेतान् समहाबलान्।
Discharging flights of shafts at a time he struck down thousands of charioteers. He killed in all a hundred thousand powerful men and elephants.

गत्या दशम्या ते गत्वा जनुर्वाजिरथद्विपान्॥ हित्वा नवगतीर्दुष्टाः स बाणनाहवेऽत्यजत्।
The shafts he shot during the battle did not take any of the nine wrong courses, but flying direct through the tenth (and the approved) course destroyed many steeds, cars and elephants.

दिनानि दश भीष्मेण निघ्नता तावकं बलम्॥ शून्याः कृता रथोपस्था हताश्च गजवाजिनः।
Massacring the (Pandava) troops for ten days together, Bhishma rendered the terraces of many a car empty and slew numberless elephants and steeds.

दर्शयित्वाऽऽत्मनो रूपं रुदोपेन्द्रसमं युधि॥ पाण्डवानामनीकानि प्रगृह्यसौ व्यशातयत्।
Assuming the form, of Rudra or that of Upendra in battle, he afflicted the Pandava detachment and played a havoc with them.

विनिघ्नन् पृथिवीपालांश्चेदि पञ्चालकेकयान्॥ अदहत् पाण्डवी सेनां रथाश्वगजसंकुलाम्। मजन्तचमप्लवे मन्दमुजिहीर्षुः सुयोधनम्॥
The wicked Suyodhana, bereft of a cause was about to be drowned in the sea of misfortune and with the view of rescuing him Bhishma slaughtered the rulers of the Chedis, the Panchalas and the Kaikeyas and caused a great carnage amongst the Pandava army teeming with cars, steeds with elephants.

तथा चरन्तं समरे तपन्तमिव भास्करम्। पदातिकोटिसाहस्त्राः प्रवरायुधपाणयः॥ न शेकुः संजया द्रष्टुं तथैवान्ये महीक्षितः। विचरन्तं तथा तं तु संग्रामे जितकाशिनम्॥ सर्वोद्यमेन महता पाण्डवा समभिद्रवत्।
As he careered in battle, resplendent like the Sun himself neither the innumerable infantry of the Srinjayas, all well armed, nor the other rulers of the earth were even able to look at him. Yet the Pandava troops with all their resources made a giant effort against the victorious Bhishma who was thus careering in the battle.

स तु विद्राव्य समरे पाण्डवन् संजयानपि॥ एक एव रणे भीष्म एकवीरत्वमागतः।
Indeed he had achieved an unrivalled heroism in the field, having routed the Pandavas and the Srinjayas all single-handed in battle.

तं शिखण्डी समासाद्य त्वया गुप्तो महाव्रतम्॥ जघान पुरुषव्याघ्रं शरैः संनतपूर्वभिः। स एष पतितः शेते शरतल्पे पितामहः॥ त्वां प्राप्य पुरुषव्याघ्र वृत्रः प्राप्येव वासवम्।
Being under your powerful protection Sikhandin encountered him and with his straight shafts slew that foremost of men. O mighty one, as the Asura Vritra courted his death obtaining Vasava for his foe, so having obtained you (as his foe) there lies on a bed of arrows that grandsire (wrapt in eternal sleep).

द्रोणः पञ्चदिनान्युमो विधम्य रिपुवाहिनीम्॥ कृत्वा व्यूहमभेद्यं च पातयित्वा महारथान्। जयद्रथस्य समरे कृत्वा रक्षां महारथः॥ अन्तकप्रतिमश्चोग्रो रात्रियुद्धेऽदहत् प्रजाः।
The violent Drona having arranged his troops in an impenetrable array has slain the army of the enemies and many a mighty charioteer for five days together. That valiant charioteer having protected Jayadratha in battle committed a havoc amongst the hostile army during the nocturnal fight, like the fierce Destroyer himself.

दग्ध्वा योधाञ्छरैर्वीरो भारद्वाजः प्रतापवान्॥ धृष्टद्युम्नं समासाद्य स गतः परमां गतिम्।
Having with his arrows killed numerous warriors that valiant and chivalrous son of Bharadvaja, at last attained highest and on encountering Dhristadyumna.

यदि वाद्य भवान् युद्धे सूतपुत्रमुखान् रथान्॥ नावारयिष्यः संग्रामे न स्म द्रोणो व्यनंक्ष्यत।
If you had not held at day Suta's son and other charioteers in the battle that day, then Drona would never have been slain.

भवता तु बलं सर्व धार्तराष्ट्रस्य वारितम्॥ ततो द्रोणो हतो युद्धे पार्षतेन धनंजय।
O Dhananjaya, you kept engaged the entire Dhartarashtra forces and thus it was that the son of Prishata could slay Drona.

एवं वा को रणे कुर्यात् त्वदन्यः क्षत्रियो युधि॥ यादृशं ते कृतं पार्थ जयद्रथवधं प्रति।
O Partha, who else among the Kshatriyas but you, could have achieved such feats (of as material strength), you did when overthrowing Jayadratha?

निवार्य सेनां महतीं हत्वा शूरांश्च पार्थिवान्॥ निहतः सैन्धवो राजा त्वयास्त्रबलतेजसा।
Having thwarted the vast host and slain numerous valiant kings you, with the strength of your weapons, have slain the ruler of the Sindhus.

आश्चर्य सिन्धुराजस्य वधं जानन्ति पार्थिवाः॥ अनाश्चर्यं हि तत् त्वत्तस्तवं हि पार्थं महारथः।
O Partha, to the mortals the slaughter of the ruler of the Sindhus seem to be exceedingly strange, but to you it is no wonder, as you are an eminent charioteer.

त्वां हि प्राप्य रणे क्षत्रमेकाहादिति भारत॥ नश्यमानमहं युक्तं मन्येयमिति मे मतिः।
O Bharata, methinks, it would not appear impossible even if all the Kshatriyas were to be exterminated in the course of a day, with you for their adversary in the field.

सेयं पार्थ चमूर्घोरा धार्तराष्ट्रस्य संयुगे॥ हतसर्वस्ववीरा हि भीष्मद्रोणौ यदा हतौ।
O Partha, now that Bhishma and Drona are slain, the fierce Dhritarashtra force may well be regarded to have lost all their heroes.

शीर्णप्रवरयोधाऽद्य हतवाजिरथद्विपा॥ हीना सूर्येन्दुनक्षत्रैद्यौरिवाभाति भारती।
With their chef and foremost warriors slain, with their horses, chariots and elephants struck down, the Bharata army look like the welkin bereft of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.

विध्वस्ता हि रणे पार्थ सेनेयं भीमविक्रम॥ सेना शक्रस्येव पराक्रमैः।
O Partha, as the Asura hosts were routed by the prowess of Sakra in days of yore, so yonder host of terrible prowess have been vanquished by you.

तेषां हतवशिष्टास्तु सन्ति पञ्च महारथाः॥ अश्वत्थामा कृतवर्मा कर्णो मद्राधिपः कृपः।
Besides the slain there are now left only five mighty charioteers, Ashvatthama, Kritavarma, Karna, Shalya-the ruler of Madra and Kripa.

आसुरीव पुरा तांस्त्वमद्य नरव्याघ्र हत्वा पञ्च महारथान्॥ हतामित्रः प्रयच्छोर्वी राज्ञे सद्वीपपत्तनाम्।
O mightiest of men, by killing those five eminent charioteers today may you get rid of all foes and bestow this earth with all its islands, cities and seas to King Yudhishthira.

साकाशजलपाताला सपर्वतमहावनाम्॥ प्राप्नोत्वमितवीर्यश्रीरद्य पार्थो वसुन्धराम्।
Let the Pritha's son of illimitable valour and fortune obtain today the entire Earth with the mountains and forests and water (on it), the firmament (above it) and the nether regions (below it).

एतां पुरा विष्णुरिव हत्वा दैतेयदानवान्॥ प्रयच्छ मेदिना राज्ञे शक्रायैव हरिर्यथा।
As Vishnu, in days of yore, made a gift of the three worlds to Sakra after overthrowing the Daityas and the Danavas, so may you bestow the Earth on the king after slaying the Kauravas.

अद्य मोदन्तु पञ्चाला निहतेष्वरिषु त्वया। विष्णुना निहतेष्वेव दानवेयुषु देवताः॥
On their enemies being slain, let the Panchalas rejoice today as did the celestials on the occasion of Vishnu's exterminating the Danavas.

यदि वा द्विपदां श्रेष्ठ द्रोणं मानयतो गुरुम्। अश्वत्थाम्नि कृपा तेऽस्ति कृपे वाचार्यगौरवात्॥ अत्यन्तापचितान् बन्धून मानयन् मातृबान्धवान्। कृतवर्माणमासाद्य न नेष्यसि यमक्षयम्॥ भ्रातरं मातुरासाद्य शल्यं मद्रजनाधिपम्। यदि त्वमरविन्दाक्ष दयावान् न जिघांससि॥ इमं पापमति क्षुद्रमत्यन्तं पाण्डवान् प्रति। कर्णमद्य नरश्रेष्ठ जह्याः सुनिशितैः शरैः॥
If out of respect for that illustrious personage, your preceptor Drona, you feel sympathy for Ashvatthama, if again out of reverence due to a preceptor, you are kindly disposed towards Kripa. If out of high regard for your material relatives you do not dispatch Kritavarman today to the regions of Pluto in encountering him. If, O lotus-eyed one, encountering your mother's brother, Shalya, the king of Madras, out of mere compassion, you do not deign to strike him down. Do you, O mighty one, with your sharp shafts hasten to slay that wretched Karna today who, at heart, cherishes utmost hatred for the sons of Pandu.

एतत् ते सुकृतं कर्म नात्र किंचन युज्यते। वयमप्यनूजानीमो नात्र दोषोऽस्ति कश्चन॥
It is your noblest duty; nor is there any impropriety in it; we all assent to it and there is no guilt in that.

दहने यत् सपुत्राया दिशि मातुस्तवानघ। द्यूतार्थे यच युष्मासु प्रावर्तत सुयोधनः॥ तस्य सर्वस्य दुष्टात्मा कर्णो वै मूलमित्युत।
O sinless one, in that attempt to burn your mother with all her children during the night and the behaviour that Suyodhana bore towards you during the play at dice, that wretched Karna lay at the bottom of all.

कर्णाद्धि मन्यते त्राणं नित्यमेव सुयोधनः॥ ततो मामपि संरब्धो निग्रहीतुं प्रचक्रमे।
Suyodhana has ever a firm conviction that it is Karna alone who will help him out (of this scrape). That is why he has been filled with rage and tries also to afflict me.

स्थिरा बुद्धिनरेन्द्रस्य धार्तराष्ट्रस्य मानद॥ कर्णः पार्थान् रणे सर्वान् विजेष्यति न संशयः।
O giver of honours, it is the firm belief of the royal Dhartarashtras that Karna will, to a certainty, slay all the Parthas in battle.

कर्णमाश्रित्य कौन्तेय धार्तराष्ट्रेण विग्रहः॥ रोचितो भवता सार्धं जानतापि बलं तव।
O son of Kunti, it is through having secured the aid of Karna that Dhritarashtra's son has ventured to fight with you, though he is full well aware of your prowess.

कर्णो हि भाषते नित्यमहं पार्थान् समागतान्॥ वासुदेवं च दाशार्ह विजेष्यामि महारथम्।
Karna also often says that, “I will conquer the assembled Parthas and Vasudeva, that valiant charioteer of Dasharha's race. roars

प्रोत्साहयन् दुरात्मानं धार्तराष्ट्र सुदुर्मतिम्॥ समिती गर्जते कर्णस्तमद्य जहि भारत।
O Bharata, that wicked Karna thus always in the court (of the Kurus) of Dhritarashtra. Do you, therefore, slay him today.

यच युष्मासु पापं वै धार्तराष्ट्रः प्रयुक्तवान्॥ तत्र सर्वत्र दुष्टात्मा कर्णः पापमतिर्मुखम्।
It is the profane and malignant Karna who is mainly responsible for all the evils that have been done to you by Dhritarashtra's son.

यच तद् धार्तराष्ट्रस्य क्रूरैः षड्भिर्महारथैः॥ अपश्यं निहतं वीरं सौभद्रमृषभेक्षणम्। द्रोणद्रौणिकृपान् वीरान् कर्षयन्तं नरर्षभान्॥ निर्मनुष्यांश्च मातङ्गान् विरथांश्च महारथान्। व्यश्वारोहांश्च तुरगान् पत्तीन् व्याधुजीविनः॥ कुर्वन्तमृषभस्कन्धं कुरुवृष्णियशस्करम्। विधमन्तमनीकानि व्यथयन्तं महारथान्॥ मनुष्यवाजिमातङ्गान् प्राहिण्वन्तं यमक्षयम्। शरैः सौभद्रमायान्तं दहन्तमिव वाहिनीम्॥ तन्मे दहति गात्राणि सखे सत्येन ते शपे। यत् तत्रापि च दुष्टात्मा कर्णोऽभ्यद्रुह्यत प्रभो॥ अशक्नुवंश्चाभिमन्योः कर्णः स्थातु रणेऽग्रतः। सौभद्रशरनिर्भिन्नो विसंज्ञः शोणितोक्षितः॥
I have seen the valiant son of Subhadra, of lustrous eyes, fall at the hands of six heartless charioteers belonging to the Dhritarasthra force. Harassing mighty heroes like Drona, Drona's son and Kripa and others, he divested elephants of their riders and mighty charioteers of their cars. Abhimanyu of mighty neck, the pride and the glory of both the Kurus and the Vrisnis, made also the steeds bereft of their riders and the infantry, their arms and life. Overthrowing the hostile files and harassing many powerful charioteers, he has packed off numbers of men and steeds and elephants to the gates of Pluto. O friend, by truth I swear unto you that I am burning at the thought that while Subhadra's son was thus advancing, striking down with his arrows the hostile force, even then, O lord Partha, the malevolent Karna, unable to withstand him in a face to face fight, had been engaged in acts of hostility to that heroic Abhimanyu. Mangled with the arrows of Subhadra's son, rendered senseless and bathed in blood.

निःश्वसन क्रोधसंदीप्तो विमुखः सायकार्दितः। अपयान्कृतोत्साहो निराशश्चापि जीविते॥
Karna became highly enraged and drew heavy breaths, till at last covered with shafts he thought of turning away from the field. Heartily wished to bear a retreat, but finding no means of egress of doing so, giving up all the while his hopes of life.

तस्थौ सुविह्वल: संख्ये प्रहारजनितश्रमः। अथ द्रोणस्य समरे तत्कालसदृशं तदा॥ श्रुत्वा कर्णो वचः क्रूरं ततश्चिच्छेद कार्मुकम्।
Exhausted and stupefied with the wounds received, he had to roam about in the field. At last hearing the opportune, though wanton, words of Drona in battle, Karna cut-off Abhimanyu's bow.

ततश्छिन्नायुधं तेन रणे पञ्च महारथाः॥ तं चैव निकृतिप्रज्ञाः प्राहरञ्छरवृष्टिभिः।
On his bow being thus cut asunder in that battle, five mighty charioteers of blunt conscience slew him with showers of arrows.

तस्मिन विनिहते वीरे सर्वेषां दुःखमाविशत्॥ प्राहसत् स तु दुष्टात्मा कर्णः स च सुयोधनः।
On the hero being thus slain all were touched at heart. Only that wicked-hearted Karna and Suyodhana laughed.

यच कर्णोऽब्रवीत् कृष्णां सभायां परुषं वचः॥ प्रमुखे पाण्डवेयानां कुरुणां च नृशंसवत्।
(Verily you remember) the vile epithets that Karna so cruelly flung towards Krishna in the (Kuru) court before both the Kurus the Pandavas.

विनष्टाः पाण्डवाः कृष्णे शाश्वतं नरकं गताः॥ पतिमन्यं पृथुश्रोणि वृणीष्व मृदुभाषिणि। एषा त्वं धृतराष्ट्रस्य दासीभूता निवेशनम्॥ प्रविशारालपक्ष्माक्षि न सन्ति पतयस्त्व। न पाण्डवाः प्रभवन्ति तव कृष्णे कथञ्चन॥
O Krishna, the Pandavas have been slain and are gone to eternal damnation; do you, therefore, O one of sweet voice and heavy posteriors, take to yourself another lord. Betake not to the service of Dhritarashtra as a maid, for, O lotus-eyed one, your husbands are no more (in the land of the living). O Krishna, this day forth the Pandavas will no longer have any control over you.

दासभार्या च पाञ्चालि स्वयं दासी च शोभने। अद्य दुर्योधनो ह्येकः पृथिव्यां नृपतिः स्मृतः॥
O Princess of Panchala, you are now the wife of men that are servants and O beautiful one, yourself, a maid. Duryodhana alone is regarded as the ruler of this earth.

सर्वे चास्य महीपाला योगक्षेममुपासते। पश्येदानीं यथा भद्रे विनष्टाः पाण्डवाः समम्॥ अन्योन्यं समुदीक्षन्ते धार्तराष्ट्रस्य तेजसा।
Today all the other lords are engaged in helping him towards the good government of his state. Lo, O amiable one, how all the Pandavas have equally fallen, under the prowess of Dhirtarasthtra's son and have now been staring at each other.

व्यक्तं षण्ढतिला ह्येते निरये च निमज्जितः॥ प्रेष्यवचापि राजानमुपस्थास्यन्ति कौरवम्।
Verily these (men) are like sesame seeds without kernel and have fallen into purgatory and they will have to serve ere long that foremost of Kaurava Kings.

इत्युक्तवानधर्मज्ञस्तदा परमदुर्मतिः॥ पापः पापवचः कर्णः शृण्वतस्त्व भारत।
O Bharata, these vile words were uttered by that sinful, debased, mischievous and unprincipled Karna at that time, in your hearing.

अद्य पापास्य तद् वाक्यं सुवर्णविकृताः शराः।।९० शमयन्तु शिलाधौतास्त्वयास्ता जीवितच्छिदः।
Let your gold-plated and sharpened shafts, capable of dealing death to the living today assuage the sorrows caused by those words of effrontery.

यानि चान्यानि दुष्टात्मा पापानि कृतवांस्त्वयि॥ तान्यद्य जीवितं चास्य शमयन्तु शरास्तव।
Let your shafts retaliate all the other mischief's done to you by that wicked one by slaying him.

गाण्डीव प्रहितान् घोरानद्य गात्रैः स्पृशञ्छरान्॥ कर्णः स्मरतु दुष्टात्मा वचनं द्रोणभीष्मयोः।
Let the wicked Karna feel the pangs of those deadly shafts sped from the Gandiva and remember the words of Bhishma and Drona.

सुवर्णपुङ्खा नाराचाः शत्रुघ्ना वैद्युतप्रभाः॥ त्वयास्तास्तस्य वर्माणि भित्वा पास्यन्ति शोणितम्।
Let the gold-feathered iron shafts, capable of dealing death to the enemies and emitting rays of lightning, sped by you go straight into the vital organs and drink his blood.

उपास्त्वद्भुजनिर्मुक्ता मर्म भित्वा महाशराः॥ अद्य कर्णं महावेगा: प्रेषयन्तु यमक्षयम्।
Let the sharp and winged arrow of irresistible force shot by your arms touch Karna to the core and dispatch him off to the den of Pluto.

अद्य हाहाकृता दीना विषण्णास्त्वच्छरार्दिताः॥ प्रपतन्तं रथात् कर्णं पश्यन्तु वसुधाधिपाः।
Let the lords of this hemisphere, seeing Karna fall today from off his chariot, covered with your shafts, despondent and heart-broken, indulge themselves in grief.

अद्य शोणितसम्मग्नं शयानं पतितं भुवि॥ अपविद्धायुधं कर्ण दीनाः पश्यन्तु बान्धवाः।
Let his relations with distress witness today the (sad) spectacle of Karna's falling prostrate and lying down on the bosom of the Earth, weltered in blood and bereft of arms.

हस्तिकक्षो महानस्य भल्लेनोन्मथितस्त्वया। प्रकम्पमानः पततु भूमावाधिरथेध्वजः॥
Let the huge standard of Adhiratha's son, bearing the ensign of the elephant's rope, totter to its fall from the shots of crescent-shaped arrows.

त्वया शरशतैश्छिन्नं रथं हेमविभूषितम्। हतयोधाश्वमुत्सृज्य भीतः शल्यः पलायताम्॥
Let Shalya, alarmed with the scene of his golden chariot thus scattered to the winds and his charioteer and steeds taken off with numberless darts of your arrows, deserting his empty car, beat a hasty retreat (from the field).

त्वं चेत् कर्णसुतं पार्थ सूतपुत्रस्य पश्यतः। प्रतिज्ञावारणार्थाय निहनिष्यसि सायकैः॥ हतं कर्णस्तु तं दृष्ट्वा प्रियं पुत्रं दुरात्मवान्। स्मरतां द्रोणभीष्माभ्यां वचः क्षत्तुश्च मानद॥
Partha! You honour always the meritorious people. In case, you kill Vrishasena, son of Karna before his eyes in order to keep your commitment, he will definitely remember the advice given him by Dronacharya, Bhishma and Vidura time to time under influence of agony caused by separation of his son (i.e. so killed by you).

ततः सुयोधनो दृष्ट्वा हतमाधिरथिं त्वया। निराशो जीविते त्वद्य राज्ये चैव भवत्वरिः॥
And then let the enemy Suyodhana, witness in today Adhiratha's son thus fall a victim to your arms, despair of his life and his sovereignty.

एते द्रवन्ति पञ्चाला वध्यमानाः शितैः शरैः। कर्णेन भरतश्रेष्ठ पाण्डवानुजिहीर्षवः॥
Look up yonder, O foremost of the line of Bharata, (and see how) the Panchalas are dropping off from the sharp points of Karna's arrows in their anxiety to rescue the Pandavas.

पञ्चालान् द्रौपदेयांश्च धृष्टद्युम्न् शिखण्डिना। धृष्टद्युम्नतनूजांश्च शतानीकं च नाकुलिम्॥ नकुलं सहदेव च दुर्मुखं जनमेजयम्। सुधर्माणं सात्यकिं च विद्धि कर्णवशं गतान्॥
Know it for certain that the Panchalas, the sons of Draupadi, Dhristadyumna, Shikhandin and the sons of Dhristadyumna and Shatanika, the of Nakula (himself), Sahadeva, Durmukha, Janamejaya and Sudhurman and Satyaki, are held in subjection by Karna. son

अभ्याहतानां कर्णेन पञ्चालानामसौ रणे। श्रूयते निनदो घोरस्त्वद्वन्धूनां परंतप॥
(From off the scene of action) the howling groans, O subduer of foes, of those allies of yours, the Panchalas-reach our ears, as they are assailed, in that dreadful engagement with the weapons of Karna.

न त्वेव भीताः पञ्ज्ञालाः कथंचित् स्युः पराङ्मुखाः। न हि मृत्युं महेष्वासा गणयन्ति महारणे॥
The Panchalas are not the persons to get frightened, much less to show their back in the thick of the fray. In sanguinary battle these mighty wielders of bow do not at all care to stake their life.

य एकः पाण्डवी सेनां शरौघैः समवेष्टयत्। तं समासाद्य पञ्चाला भीष्मं नासन् पराङ्मुखाः।।१०७ ते कथं कर्णमासाद्य विद्रवेयुर्महारथाः।
The Panchalas did not show their back even encountering redoubtable Bhishma, who, alone and unaided, hemmed in the Pandava forces with a thick cloud of shafts.

यस्त्वेकः सर्वपञ्चालानहन्यहनि नाशयन्॥ कालवच्चरते वीरः पञ्चालानां रथव्रजे। तमप्यासाद्य समरे मित्रार्थे मित्रवत्सल॥ तथा ज्वलन्तमस्त्राग्निं गुरुं सर्वधनुष्मताम्। निर्दहन्तं च समरे दुर्धर्ष द्रोणमोजसा॥ ते नित्यमुदिता जेतुं मृधे शत्रूनरिंदम। न जात्वाधिस्थे ताः पञ्चालाः स्युः पराङ्मुखाः॥
O benevolent friend! Panchala always kept on fighting in support of Pandavas when they found Dronacharya came for battle irrespective of Drona's march fiercely like death god in the chariot-rode army of Panchala killing them severally, whose face glew in the light of friction in weapons, who was preceptor to all archers and disastrous for the army of enemy in battle-field viz.. they did not shown back to battle-field and put at stake their lives for the cause of Pandavas. O enemy suppressor Arjuna! It is the main characteristic of Panchala soldiers that they are always prepared to defeat the enemies. They cannot show back to battle-field under fright of Karna, the son of a charioteer.

तेषामापततां शूरः पञ्चालानां तरस्विनाम्। आदत्तासूशरैः कर्णः पतङ्गानामिवानलः॥
Like the flaming fire consuming myriads of insects that irrepressible Karna with his shafts devoured these swift-armed. Panchalas as they approached him in battle array.

एते द्रवन्ति पाञ्चाला द्राव्यन्ते योधिभिर्बुवम्। कर्णेन भरतश्रेष्ठ पश्य पश्य तथाकृतान्॥
O Bharata! See here, these Panchala warriors racing. Karna and other warriors are so making them to run so haphazard. Look there, they are trapped in a worst network.

तांस्तथाभिमुखान् वीरान् मित्रार्थे त्यक्तजीवितान्। क्षयं नयति राधेयः पञ्चालाञ्छतशो रणे॥
Rallying round the banner of their allies as these valiant Panchalas, reckless of their life, marched against him the son of Radha took off their hordes by legions.

तद् भारत महेष्वासानगाधे मजतोऽप्लवे। कर्णार्णवे प्लवो भूत्वा पञ्चालास्त्रातुमर्हसि॥
O Bharata, it now behoves you to steer these sturdy bowmen, the valiant Panchala forces, who are fast sinking in the ocean of Karna without a bark.

अस्त्र हि रामात् कर्णेन भार्गवादृषिसत्तमात्। यदुपात्तं महाघोरं तस्य रूपमुदीर्यते॥
The weapon which Karna obtained from that foremost sage Rama, the son of Bhrigu, is blazing forth its appalling form.

तापनं सर्वसैन्यानां घोररूपं सुदारुणम्। समावृत्य महासेनां ज्वलन्तं स्वेन तेजसा॥
The awful form of that weapon, spreading terror and consternation all round and encompassing the vast array of troops, is glistening with its own bright.

एते चरन्ति संग्रामे कर्णचापच्युताः शराः। भ्रमराणामिव वातास्तापयन्ति स्म तावकान्॥
Those arrows flung from the bow-strings of Kamna, afflicting your hosts in battle, are hovering round like swarms of bees.

एते द्रवन्ति पञ्चाला दिक्षु सर्वासु भारत। कर्णास्त्रं समरे प्राप्य दुर्निवार्यमनात्मभिः॥
Afflicting in battle with the shots of Karna, that is irresistible by persons of weak nerve, O Bharata, the Panchalas, are flying in all directions.

एष भीमो दृढक्रोधो वृतः पार्थ समन्ततः। सृञ्जयैर्योध्यन् कर्णं पीड्यते निशितैः शरैः॥
Yonder, O Partha, foaming and frothing with rage yet unsatiated, fights Bhima with the Srinjaya forces around him and is getting afflicted with the sharp arrows of Karna.

पाण्डवान् सृञ्जयांश्चैव पञ्चालांश्चैव भारता हन्यादुपेक्षितः कर्णो रोगो देहमिवागतः॥
O Bharata, if you remain indifferent towards Karna, he will cause a sad havoc of the Pandava, the Srinjaya and the Panchala forces, like the seizure of the ills, that flesh is heir to, makes the body succumb.

नान्यं त्वत्तो हि पश्यामि योधं यौधिष्ठिरे बले। यः समासाद्य राधेयं स्वस्तिमानाव्रजेद् गृहम्॥
Amongst the vast array of the forces of Yudhishthira, I find not another general, save and beyond yourself, who is capable of returning from the field scatheless, after having encountered son of Radha in battle.

तमद्य निशितैर्बाणैर्विनिहत्य नरर्षभ। यथाप्रतिज्ञं पार्थ त्वं कृत्वा कीर्तिमवाप्नुहि॥
O foremost of men, buckle on your armour, therefore, to pop off Karna with the keen shafts of your arrows and thus redeeming your pledge, redound your glory.

त्वं हि शक्तो रणे जेतुं सकर्णानपि कौरवान्। नान्यो युधि युधां श्रेष्ठ सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
Most assuredly I tell you, O warrior of warriors, you and you alone, are capable of worsting Karna in battle and defeating the whole bands of Kaurava army.

एतत् कृत्वा महत् कर्म हत्वा कर्ण महारथम्। कृतार्थः सफलः पार्थ सुखी भव नरोत्तम॥
And accomplishing this proud feat, O Partha and achieving victory over the master car-warrior, Karna, may you, the best of men, gain your ends and be successful and happy.