KARNA PARVA: Chapter 96

The joy of Yudhishthira

संजय उवाच तथा निपतिते कर्णे परसैन्ये च विद्रुते। आश्लिष्य पार्थ दाशार्हो हर्षाद् वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Sanjaya said After the destruction of Karna and the flight of the Kuru soldiers Krishna, embracing Partha in delight, said-

हतो वज्रभृता वृत्रस्त्वया कर्णो धनंजय। वृत्रकर्णवधं घो कथयिष्यन्ति मानवाः॥
Vritra was killed by the holder of thunderbolt and Karna has been killed by you. They will simultaneously talk of the destruction of Vritra and Karna.

वज्रेण निहतो वृत्र: संयुगे भूरितेजसा। त्वया तु निहतः कर्णो धनुषा निशितैः शरैः॥
Vritra was killed by Indra with thunder and Karna has been killed by you with bow and keen arrows.

तमिमं विक्रमं लोके प्रथितं ते यशस्करम्। निवेदयावः कौन्तेय कुरुराजस्य धीमतः॥
Proceed, O Kunti's son and describe to the righteous king Yudhishthira your power capable of earning fame for you and which is known in the worlds.

वधं कर्णस्य संग्रामे दीर्घकालचिकीर्षितम्। निवेद्य धर्मराजाय त्वमानृण्यं गमिष्यसि॥
Having given an account of the death of Karna, for which you had been trying for many years, to the virtuous king Yudhishthira, you will be freed from your debt to him.

वर्तमाने महायुद्धे तव कर्णस्य चोभयोः। द्रष्टुमायोधनं पूर्वमागतो धर्मनन्दनः॥
While you were fighting with Karna Dharma's son came here for witnessing the battle.

भृशं तु गाढविद्धत्वान्नाशकत् स्थातुमाहवे। ततः स शिबिरं गत्वा स्थितवान् पुरुषर्षभः॥
Wounded deep with arrows he could not stay in the battle-field and that best of men returned to his tent.

तथेत्युक्तः केशवस्तु पार्थेन यदुपुङ्गवः। पर्यावर्तयदव्यग्रो रथं रथवरस्य तम्॥
Partha acquiesced in the request of the Yadu chief who them cheerfully turned his car.

एवमुक्त्वार्जुनं कृष्णः सैनिकानिदमब्रवीत्। परानभिमुखा यत्तास्तिष्ठध्वं भद्रमस्तु वः॥
Having thus accosted Arjuna Krishna addressed the soldiers, saying-"Blessings unto you all. Stand, confronting the enemies carefully."

धृष्टद्युम्नं युधामन्युं माद्रीपुत्रौ वृकोदरम्। युयुधानं च गोविन्द इदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
He then said to Dhristadyumna, Yudhamanyu, the twin sons of Madri, Vrikodara and Yuyudhana.

यावदावेद्यते राज्ञे हतः कर्णोऽर्जुनेन वै। तावद्भवद्भिर्यत्तैस्तु भवितव्यं नराधिपैः॥
Stand you all here carefully, O kings, till we come back having communicated to the king the destruction of Karna by Arjuna.

स तैः शूरैरनुज्ञातो ययौ राजनिवेशनम्। पार्थमादाय गोविन्दो ददर्श च युधिष्ठिरम्॥
Having been thus permitted by those warriors he started for the camp of the king. Govinda, then, with Partha, saw Yudhishthira.

शयानं राजशार्दूलं काञ्चने शयनोत्तमे। अगृह्णीतां च मृदितौ चरणौ पार्थिवस्य तौ॥
Yudhishthira the best king was slumbering that time on the royal bed. Both of them accessed thereto and put his feet on their palms under the influence of sheer gaiety.

तयोः प्रहर्षमालक्ष्य हर्षाश्रूण्यवर्तयत्। राधेयं निहतं मत्वा समुत्तस्थौ युधिष्ठिरः॥
Seeing them cheerful and with great wounds on their person Yudhishthira thought that the son of Radha was dead and speedily got up from his seat.

उवाच च महाबाहुः पुनः पुनररिंदमः। वासुदेवार्जुनो प्रेम्णा तावुभौ परिषस्वजे॥
Having got up from his seat that repressor of his enemies, the king of mighty arms, again and again locked Arjuna and Krishna in his loving embraces. Then he asked Krishna about particulars (of Karna's death).

तत् तस्मै तद् यथावृत्तं वासुदेवः सहार्जुनः। कथयामास कर्णस्य निधनं यदुपुङ्गवः॥
Then the sweet-speeched son of Vasudeva, the scion of the Yadu race, described Karna's death exactly in every detail.

ईषदुत्स्मयमानस्तु कृष्णो राजानमब्रवीत्। युधिष्ठिरं हतामित्रं कृताञ्जलिरथाच्युत॥
Joining his hands and addressing Yudhishthira, whose enemies had been killed, Krishna alias Achyuta, smilingly said-

दिष्ट्या गाण्डीवधन्वा च पाण्डवश्च वृकोदरः। त्वं चापि कुशली राजन् माद्रीपुत्रौ च पाण्डवौ॥ मुक्ता वीरक्षयादस्मात् संग्रामाल्लोमहर्षणात्। क्षिप्रमुत्तरकालानि कुरु कार्याणि पाण्डव॥ हतो वैकर्तनो राजन् सूतपुत्रो महारथः। दिष्ट्या जयसि राजेन्द्र दिष्ट्या वर्धसि भारत॥
By good fortune, the holder of the Gandiva bow, Pandu's son Vrikodara yourself and the two sons of Madri are all safe from his herodestroying and hair-stirring battle. Do what should next be done, O son of Pandu. The powerful son of the charioteer alas! Vaikartana has been killed. By good luck, O king of kings, you have achieved victory and by good fortune, you have gained over others, O son of Pandu.

यस्तु द्यूतजितां कृष्णां प्राहसत् पुरुषाधमः। तस्याद्य सूतपुत्रस्य भूमिः पिबति शोणितम्॥
The Earth is drinking today the blood of the charioteer's sun, the wretch of a man who had laughed at Draupadi won at the game of dice.

शेतेऽसौ शरपूर्णाङ्गः शत्रुस्ते कुरुपुङ्गव। तं पश्य पुरुषव्याघ्र विभिन्नं बहुभिः शरैः॥
Wounded all over with arrows, your enemy, O foremost of Kurus, is lying prostrate on the naked Earth. Look at that best of men mangled with arrows.

हतामित्रामिमामुर्वीमनुशाधि महाभुजा यत्तो भूत्वा सहास्माभिर्भुडक्ष्व भोगांश्च पुष्कलान्॥ २३
O Heroe, rule now vigilantly the earth shorn of your enemies and enjoy with us all pleasures of life.

संजय उवाच इति श्रुत्वा वचस्तस्य केशवस्य महात्मनः। धर्मपुत्रः प्रहृष्टात्मा दाशार्ह वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥ दिष्ट्या दिष्टेतिराजेन्द्र वाक्यं चेदमुवाच ह। नैतचित्रं महाबाहो त्वयि देवकीन्दन॥ त्वया सारथिना पार्थो यत्नवानहनच तम्। न तचित्रं महाबाहो युष्मबुद्धिप्रसादजम्॥
Hearing the words of the great Keshava Yudhisthira cheerfully adored him in return and repeatedly said-"Good luck! Good luck!" “It is no wonder, O mighty-armed son of Devaki, that having yourself for his charioteer Partha should perform those super-human feats"

प्रगृह्य स कुरुश्रेष्ठ सागदं दक्षिणं भुजम्। उवाच धर्मभृत् पार्थ उभौ तौ केशवार्जुनौ॥
Then taking hold of Keshava's right arm bedecked with Angadas and addressing him

नरनारायणौ देवौ कथितौ नारदेन मे। धर्मात्मानौ महात्मानौ पुराणावृषित्तमौ॥
Narada told me that you two are the two foremost of divine Rishis Nara and Narayana ever engaged in maintaining virtue.

अन्ये च बहवः शूरा असकृचापि मेधावी कृष्णद्वैपायनो मम। कथामेतां महाभाग कथयामास तत्त्ववित्॥
The highly intelligent and blessed Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa has also recounted to me several times this divine history.

तव कृष्ण प्रसादेन पाण्डवोऽयं धनंजयः। जिगायाभिमुखः शत्रून् न चासीद् विमुखः क्वचित्॥
By your help, O Krishna, this son of Pandu, Dhananjaya, has defeated his enemies, without ever retreating from the battle-field.

जयश्चैव ध्रुवोऽस्माकं न त्वस्माकं पराजयः। यदा त्वं युधि पार्थस्य सारथ्यमुपजग्मिवान्॥
Since you have condescended to drive Partha's chariot we are sure to win victory and not defeat.

भीष्मो द्रोणश्च कर्णश्च महात्माः गौतमः कृपः। ये च तेषां पदानुगाः॥ त्वबुद्ध्या निहते कर्णे हता गोविन्द सर्वथा।
O Govinda! I accept the fact that Bhishma, Drona, Karna, Kripacharya, the descendant of Gautama clan and all existing as also erstwhile existed, number of gallants have automatically slaughtered with application of the wit to which you applied for beheading Karma.

इत्युक्त्वा धर्मराजस्तु रथं हेमविभूषितम्॥ श्वेतवर्णैर्हयैर्युक्तं कालवालैर्मनोजवैः। आस्थाय पुरुषव्याघ्रः स्वबलेनाभिसंवृत्तः॥ प्रययौ स महाबाहुर्रेष्टुमायोधनं तदा। कृष्णार्जुनाभ्यां वीराभ्यामनुमन्त्र्य ततः प्रियम्॥ आभाषमाणस्तौ वीराबुभौ माधवफाल्गुनौ। स ददर्श रणे कर्णं शयानं पुरुषर्षभम्॥
Having said this the impartial king Yudhisthira, that foremost of men, got upon his chariot. It was adorned with gold and drawn by horses having black and ivory white tails and quick-coursing like mind. And talking pleasantly with Krishna and Arjuna he started, surrounded by his troops for seeing the battleficld teeming with many incidents. While talking with those two heroes Madhava and a Phalguna the king saw Karna, the foremost of men, lying on the battle-field.

यथा कदम्बकुसुमं केसरैः सर्वतो वृतम्। चितं शरशतैः कर्णं धर्मराजो ददर्श सः॥
The king saw Karna pierced all over with shafts like a Kadamba flower with straight filaments shooting up all over.

गन्धतैलावसिक्ताभिः काञ्चनीभिः सहस्रशः। दीपिकाभिः कृतोद्योतं पश्यते वै वृतं तदा।॥
He saw Karna lighted up by a thousand of golden lamps filled with scented oil.

संछिन्नभिन्नकवचं बाणैश्च विदलीकृतम्। सपुत्रं निहतं दृष्ट्वा कर्णं राजा युधिष्ठिरः॥ संजातप्रत्ययोऽतीव वीक्ष्य चैवं पुनः पुनः। प्रशशंस नरव्याघ्राबुभौ माधवपाण्डवौ॥
Having seen Karna and his son killed and wounded with arrows shot off the Gandiva Yudhisthira looked again and again at them before he could believe his eyes. He then praised Krishna and Arjuna saying-

अद्य राजास्मि गोविन्द पृथिव्यां भ्रातृभिः सह। त्वया नाथेन वीरेण विदुषा परिपालितः॥
"Having got you, highly wise as you are, as may lord and protector, I, O Govinda, the king of earth with my brothers.

हतं श्रुत्वा नरव्याघ्र राधेयमतिमानिनम्। निराशोऽद्य दुरात्मासौ धार्तराष्ट्रो भविष्यति॥ जीविते चैव राज्ये च हते राधात्मजे रणे। त्वत्प्रसादाद् वयं चैव कृतार्थाः पुरुषर्षभ॥
Hearing of the destruction of the haughty son of Radha the wicked son of Dhritarashtra will give up all hopes of his life and kingdom. By your favour, O foremost of men, we have achieved our object.

दिष्ट्या जयसि गोविन्द दिष्ट्या शत्रुर्निपातितः। दिष्ट्या गाण्डीवधन्वा च विजयी पाण्डुनन्दनः॥
By good luck, you have won victory, O Govinda. By good luck, the enemy has been killed and by good luck the holder of the Gandiva bow has been crowned with success.

त्रयोदश समास्तीर्णा जागरेण सुदुःखिताः। स्वप्स्यामोऽद्य सुखं रात्रौ त्वत्प्रसादान्महाभुज॥
Thirteen years we have spent in misery and vigilance. By your favour we will now sleep peacefully in night."

संजय उवाच एवं च बहुशो राजा प्रशशंस जनार्दनम्। अर्जुनं च कुरुश्रेष्ठं धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः॥
Sanjaya said In this way the king praised Janardana and Arjuna repeatedly.

दृष्ट्वा च निहतं कर्णं सपुत्रं पार्थसायकैः। पुनर्जातमिवात्मानं मेने च स महीपतिः॥
Seeing Karna and his son slain with arrows Yudhisthira considered himself as if born anew.

समेत्य च महाराज कुन्तीपुत्रं युधिष्ठिरम्। हर्षयन्ति स्म राजानं हर्षयुक्ता महारथाः॥
Overflowing with joy all the car-warriors of the Pandava army approached Yudhisthira and delighted him.

नकुलः सहदेवश्च पाण्डवश्च वृकोदरः। सात्यकिश्च महाराज वृष्णीनां प्रवरो रथः॥ धृष्टद्युम्नः शिखण्डी च पाण्डुपाञ्चालसृञ्जयाः) पूजयन्ति स्म कौन्तेयं निहते सूतनन्दने॥
After the death of the charioteer's son, Nakula, Sahadeva, Bhima, the great Vrishni car-warrior Satyaki, Dhristadyumna, Shikhandi, Panchalas, Srinjayas and other Pandava warriors adored the son of Kunti.

ते वर्धयित्वा नृपतिं धर्मात्मानं युधिष्ठिरम्। जितकाशिनो लब्धलक्ष्या युद्धशौण्डा: प्रहारिणः॥ स्तुवन्तः स्तवयुक्ताभिर्वाग्भिः कृष्णौ परंतपौ। जग्मुः स्वशिबिरायैव मुदाः युक्ता महारथाः॥
First speaking highly of Pandu's son Yudhisthira, those heroes, who always took delight in battle, desirous of victory and of sureness of aim, eulogised the iwo Krishnas. These great car-warriors delightedly returned to their caimps.

एवमेष क्षयो वृत्तः सुमहाँल्लोमहर्षणः। तव दुर्मन्त्रिते राजन् किमर्थमनुशोचसि॥
Thus took place the dreadful, hair-stirring onslaught on account of your vile policy. Whey do you grieve for it now.

वैशम्पायन उवाच श्रुत्वैतदप्रियं राजा धृतराष्ट्रोऽम्बिकासुतः। पपात भूमौ निश्चेष्टश्छिन्नमूल इव द्रुमः॥
Vaishampayana said Hearing that evil news the Kuru king Dhritarashtra fell down on a sudden on the ground from his seat.

तथा सा पतिता देवी गान्धारी दीर्घदर्शिनी। शुशोच बहुलालापैः कर्णस्य निधनं युधि॥
The far-seeing queen Gandhari too fell down. And she bewailed for the destruction of Karna in battle.

तां पर्यगृह्णाद् विदुरो नृपतिं संजयस्तथा। पर्याश्वासयतां चैव तावुभावेव भूमिपम्॥
Vidura and Sanjaya then raised up the king and Gandhari consoled him.

तथैवोत्थापयामासुर्गान्धारी कुरुयोषितः। स दैवं परमं मत्वा भवितव्यं च पार्थिवः॥ परां पीडां समाश्रित्य नष्टचित्तो महातपाः। चिन्ताशोकपरीतात्मा न जज्ञे मोहपीडितः। स समाश्वासितो राजा तूष्णीमासीद् विचेतनः॥
The Kuru ladies also raised up Gandhari. Thinking destiny to be all powerful the royal Rishi lost his senses under the weight of grief. His heart pining with sorrow and anxiety the king did not swoon away again. And consoled by them he sat silent indulging in melancholy reveries.

श्रवणमहिमा र्धनञ्जयस्याधिरथेश्च यः पठेत्। स सम्यगिष्टस्य मुखस्य यत् फलं तदाप्नुयात् संश्रवणाच भारत॥
He who reads the account of this great encounter between Karna and Partha, like unto a great sacrifice and he who hears it read, both reap the fruits of a great sacrifice duly performed.

मखो हि विष्णुर्भगवान् सनातनो वदन्ति तचाग्न्यनिलेन्दुभानवः! अतोऽनसूयुः शृणुयात् पठेच यः स सर्वलोकानुचरः सुखी भवेत्॥
The learned hold that the eternal Vishnu, Agni, Vayu, Soma and Surya is sacrifice. He who will therefore here recital these Parvans will attain to every blissful regions.

तां सर्वदा भक्तिमुपागता नरा: पठन्ति पुण्यां वरसंहितामिमाम्। धनेन धान्येन यशसा च मानुषा नन्दन्ति ते नात्र विचारणास्ति॥
Those who devoutly read his holy and best of Samhitas, rejoice acquiring riches, corns and glory.

अतोऽनसूयुः शृणुयात् सदा तु वै नरः स सर्वाणि सुखानि चाप्नुयात्। विष्णुः स्वयंभूर्भगवान् भवश्च तुष्यन्ति ते तस्य नरोत्तमस्य॥
Every one should therefore hear it reverentially. He who does it enjoys happiness and Vishnu, Brahma and Siva are propitiated with him.

वेदावाप्तिाह्मणस्येह दृष्टा रणे बलं क्षत्रियाणां जयो युधि। धनज्येष्ठाश्चापि भवन्स् िवैश्या: शूद्राऽऽरोग्यं प्राप्नुवन्तीह सर्वे॥
By reading it a Brahmana reaps the fruit of the Vedic studies, a Kshatriya obtains victory and strength in battle a Vaisya immense riches and Sudra health and immunity from ailments.

तथैव विष्णुर्भगवान् सनातनः स चात्र देवः परिकीर्त्यते यतः। ततः स कामाँल्लभते सुखी नरो महामुनेस्तस्य वचोऽर्चितं यथा॥
The illustrious Vishnu has been glorified in this Parvan-therefore by reading or hearing it recited a man becomes happy and acquires all desired for objects. These words of the great Rishi Vyasa can never be false.

कपिलानां सवत्सानां वर्षमेकं निरन्तरम्। यो दद्यात् सुकृतं तद्धि श्रवणात् कर्णपर्वणः॥
The merit acquired by listening to the recitation of this Parvan is tantamount to what is obtained by giving away good kine with calves incessantly for a year.