KARNA PARVA: Chapter 58

The words of Krishna

संजय उवाच एवमेष महानासीत् संग्रामः पृथिवीक्षिताम्। क्रुद्धेऽर्जुने तथा कर्णे भीमसेने च पाण्डवे॥
Sanjaya said Thus a great encounter took place amongst all those warriors. Then Arjuna, Bhimasena and Karna were worked up with anger.

द्रोणपुत्रं पराजित्य जित्वा चान्यान् महारथान्। अब्रवीदर्जुनो राजन् वासुदेवमिदं वचः॥
Having vanquished the son of Drona and other leading car-warriors Arjuna said to Vasudevaपश्य कृष्ण महाबाहो द्रवन्ती पाण्डवीं

चमूम्॥ कर्ण पश्य च संग्रामे कालयन्तं महारथान्॥
See, O Krishna, the Pandava army is flying away. Karna is making a havoc on our great car-warriors.

न च पश्यामि दाशार्ह धर्मराज युधिष्ठिरम्। नापि केतुर्युधा श्रेष्ठ धर्मराजस्य दृश्यते॥
O Krishna, I do not see Dharma's son Yudhishthira; nor is his standard visible.

त्रिभागश्चावशिष्टोऽयं दिवसस्य जनार्दन। न च मां धार्तराष्ट्रेषु कचिद युध्यति संयुगे॥
O Janardana, the third portion of the day still remains. None amongst the sons of Dhritarashtra comes to fight with me.

तस्मात् त्वं मत्प्रियं कुर्वन् याहि यत्र युधिष्ठिरः। दृष्ट्वा कुशलिनं युद्धे धर्मपुत्रं सहानुजम्॥ पुनर्योद्धास्मि वार्ष्णेय शत्रुभिः सं संयुगे।
If you wish to do me a good turn proceed where Yudhishthira is engaged. If I see Dharma's son and his younger brother well, I will fight again with the enemies.

ततः प्रायाद् रथेनाशु बीभत्सोर्वचनाद्धरिः॥ यतो युधिष्ठिरो राजा सृञ्जयाश्च महारथाः।
Thereupon at the request of Vibhatsu Hari speedily moved the course of his car where king Yudhishthira and the valiant Srinjayas were fighting to death.

अयुध्यस्तावकैः सार्धं मृत्युं कृत्वा निवर्तनम्॥ तत: संग्रामेभूमि तां वर्तमाने जनक्षये। अवेक्षमाणो गोविन्दः सव्यसाचिनमब्रवीत्।॥
Thereupon, seeing in the battle-field such a slaughter of valiant heroes Govinda said to Savyasachin-

पश्य पार्थ महारौद्रो वर्तते भरतक्षयः। पृथिव्यां क्षत्रियाणां वै दुर्योधन महान्॥
See, O Partha, this great on slaught of the Kshatriyas for the sake of Duryodhana.

पश्य भारत चापानि रुक्मपृष्ठानि धन्विनाम्। मृतानामपविद्धानि कलापांश्च महाधनान्॥
Look at the gold-backed bows of the Kshatriyas for the sake of Duryodhana.

जातरूपमयैः पुढेः शरांश्चानतपर्वणः। तैलधौतांश्च नाराचान् निर्मुक्तान् पन्नगानिव॥
The arrows having bent knots and gold studded wings and Naracha cleaned in oil are appearing as if numerous snakes have come out from their sloughs,

हस्तिदन्तत्सरून् खङ्गान् जातरूपरिष्कृतान्। वर्माणि चापविद्धानि रुक्मगर्भाणि भारत॥
O Bharata! gold studded swords with ivory handles and gold studded shields are also thrown carelessly on the ground here.

सुवर्णविकृतान् प्रासाशक्तीः कनकभूषणाः। जाम्बूनमयैः पट्टैर्बद्धाश्च विपुला गदाः॥
Look! At these prasa, saktis and heavy gadas trimmed, studded and made of gold so laid-on the ground.

जातरूपमयीश्चर्टीः पट्टिशान् हेमभूषणान्। दण्डैः कनकचित्रैश्च विप्रविद्धान् परश्वधान्॥
These Rishtis made of gold, Pattisha trimmed by gold and the axes with gold studded handles all thrown on the ground.

अयःकुन्तांश्च पतितान् मुसलानि गुरूणि च। शतघ्नी: पश्य चित्राश्च विपुलान् परिघांस्तथा॥
The iron spears, heavy musala, excellent Shatghnis and huge Parigha scattered to and fro here.

चक्राणि चापविद्धानि तोमरांश्च महारणे। नानाविधानि शस्त्राणि प्रगृह्य जयगृद्धिनः॥ जीवन्त इव दृश्यन्ते गततत्त्वासनस्विनः।
Look also at these discuses (cakras) and tomaras used in this great war. The warriors in sheer excitement for victory have lost their lives in course of attack with weapons still in their hands are appear as if still living.

गदाविमथितैर्गात्रैर्मुसलैर्भिन्नमस्तकान्॥ गजवाजिरथक्षुण्णान् पश्य योधान् सहस्रशः।
Look that several thousand warriors whose bodies are splitted by hard blows from gadas, their heads cracked and crushed under the hoofs of horses and chariot wheels.

मनुष्यहयनागानां शरशक्तवृष्टिपट्टिशैः॥ परिवैरायसैोरैरयस्कुन्तैः परश्वधैः। शरीरैर्बहुभिश्छिन्नैः शोणितौघपरिप्लुतैः॥ गतासुभिरमित्रघ्न संवृता रणभूमयः।
O enemy suppressor! A majority of the men, horses and elephants' bodies are shattered in pieces, soaked in blood, lost of life on account of sharp and hard blows they received from arrows, Shakti, Rishti, Pattisha, iron parigha, iron kunta of huge size and the axes and the battle-field is seen covered by these lifeless bodies.

बाहुभिश्चन्दनादिग्धैः साङ्गदैर्हेमभूषितैः॥ सतलवैः सकेयूरै ति भारत मेदिना।
O Bharata! the battle-field is getting an excellent grandeur in presence of the cut-off arms of the warriors as these are smeared with sandal, decorated by Angadas and Keyuras, trimmed by gold and other ornaments will fine gloves.

साङ्गुलित्रैर्भुजायैश्च विप्रविरिलंकृतैः॥ हस्तिहस्तोपमैश्छिन्नरूरुभिश्च तरस्विनाम्। बद्धचूडामणिवरैः शिरोभिश्च सकुण्डलैः॥ पतितैर्ऋषभाक्षाणां विराजति वसुंधरा।
The arms ornamented with gloves of the chivalrous warriors having huge eyes as that of an ox are cut-off and fell down on the ground. The sturdy thighs/legs like that of elephants' trunk are fell splitted and their heads holding Cudamani and car-rings are also on ground separated from the trunk. All these have given an excellent look to the battle-field.

कबन्धैः शोणितादिग्धैश्छिन्नगात्रशिरोधरैः॥ भूर्भाति भरतश्रेष्ठ शान्तार्चिभिरिवाग्निभिः।
O Bharata! the battle-field covered by the trunks of human bodies without head and different organs cut-off (viz. without other organs), appearing red on account of soaked in blood, appears as if embers without flames are scattered everywhere.

रथांश्च बहुधा भग्नान् हेमकिङ्किणिनः शुभान्॥ वाजिनश्च हतान् पश्य निष्कीर्णान्त्राशराहतान्।
Look at the beautiful chariots splitted here in pieces in which tiny bells made of gold are fixed. The horses injured by arrows are fell dead there and their intestines have come out from belly.

अनुकर्षानुपासंगान् पताका विविधध्वजान्॥ रथिनां च महाशङ्खान् पाण्डुरांश्च प्रकीर्णकान्।
There are scattered Anukarsha, Upasanga, Pataka, different type flags and huge size white conch of the charioteer-riders (Rathis).

निरस्तजिह्वान् मातङ्गासयानान् पर्वतोपमान्॥ वैजयन्तीविचित्राश्च हतांश गजवाजिनः।
Numerous mountain like elephants with their tongues came out has slept for ever on the ground. The excellent Vaijayanti flags splitted and the horses as also elephants have been killed.

वारणानां परिस्तोमांस्तथैवाजिनकम्बलान्॥ विपाटितविचित्रांश्च रूप्यचित्रान् कुथाङ्कुशान्। भिन्नाश्च बहुधा घण्टा महद्भिः पतितैर्गजैः॥
The excellent seats on elephants' back, the stag hide and blankets have been fell down in pieces (rugs). The picturised bed with the silver fibres, goad and a number of gongs splitted in pieces have fallen on earth with those huge elephants.

वैदूर्यदण्डांश्च पतिताङ्कुशान भुषि। बद्धाः सादिभुजाग्रेषु सुवर्णविकृताः कशाः॥
A number of fantastic goads with handles made of Vaiduryamani have fallen on the ground. A number of whips made of gold are yet in the cut-off arms of the riders.

विचित्रमणिचित्रांश्च जातरूपपरिष्कृतान्। अश्वास्तरपरिस्तोमान् राङ्कवान् पतितान् भुवि॥
A number of riding-seats gem-studded, trimmed by gold fibres, made of Ranka stag's hide are now on the ground.

चूडामणीन् नरेन्द्राणां विचित्राः काञ्चनस्त्रजः। छत्राणि चापविद्धानि चामरव्यजनानि च॥
The gem-studded of kings, excellent garlands, umbrellas, chanvara and vyajana all thrown on the ground.

चन्द्रनक्षत्रभासैश्च वदनैश्चारुकुण्डलैः। क्लृप्तश्मश्रुभिरत्यर्थ वीराणां समलंकृतैः॥ वदनैः पश्य संछन्नां महीं शोणितकर्दमाम्।
Look at the faces with beard and moustache, ornamented varied ways, gracious with ear-rings shining like and constellations now covering the battle-field and see that the mud of blood is freezed on them.

सजीवांश्चापरान् पश्य कूजमानान् समन्ततः॥ उपास्यमानान् बहुशो न्यस्तशस्त्रैर्विशाम्पते। ज्ञातिभिः सहितांस्तत्र रोदमानैर्मुहुर्मुहुः॥
O Arjuna, look at those other warriors. Still living but severely injured and yelling in pain all around. Their family members in crowd have seated near them, the have dropped their arms down and weeping frequently. crowns moon

व्युतक्रान्तानपरान् योधांश्छादयित्वा तरस्विनः। पुनर्युद्धाय गच्छन्ति जयगृद्धाःप्रमन्यवः॥
The warriors now succumbed to injuries are being covered by the sheets of clothes and the warriors in their sheer excitement for victory are again marching ahead very fast to attack again on the enemy. They are filled with anger.

अपरे तत्र तत्रैव परिधावन्ति मानवः। ज्ञातिभि:पतितैः शूरैर्याच्यमानास्ततोदकम्॥
Numerous other soldiers, running to and fro in search of water for their chivalrous family members now fell down on battled field due to injuries when they have asked for water.

जलार्थं च गताः केचिन्निष्प्राण बहवोऽर्जुन। संनिवृत्ताश्च ते शूरास्तान् वै दृष्ट्वा विचेतसः॥ जलं त्यक्त्वा प्रधावन्ति क्रोशमानाः परस्परम्।
O Arjuna! A number of warriors went for fetching water for their relatives injured in the battle-field but but in the meantime, they succumbed to injuries. The warriors when returned with water and saw them dead, threw water pots on ground and rushing here and there in sheer grief and wailing bitterly for them.

जलं पीत्वा मृतान् पश्य पिबतोऽन्यांश्च मारिष॥ परित्यज्य प्रियानन्ये बान्धवान् बान्धवप्रियाः। व्युत्क्रान्ता:समदृश्यन्त तत्र तत्र महारणे॥
O the great warrior Arjuna! Look at a few people who have dead after sipping few drops of water. A number of soldiers dear to their kith and kins are seen dead hither and thither in that great war leaving behind them wailing.

तथापरान् नरश्रेष्ठ संदष्टौष्ठपुटान् पुनः। भृकुटीकुटिलैर्वक्त्रैः प्रेक्षमाणान् समन्ततः॥
O majesty! Look at the other warriors staring all around with chewing their lips within teeth and brows cured on their faces.

एवं बुवंस्तदा कृष्णो ययौ यत्रयुधिष्ठिरः। अर्जुनश्चापि नृपतेदर्शनार्थं महारणे॥
God Sri Krishna and Arjuna moved towards the place where Yudhishthira was seated concomitant to chanting these matters as they were tempted to see the king there.

याहि याहिति गोविन्दं मुहुर्मुहुरचोदयत्। तां युद्धभूमिं पार्थस्य दर्शयित्वा च माधवः॥ त्वरमाणस्ततः कृष्णः पार्थमाह शनैरिदम्। पश्य पाण्डव राजानमुपयातांश्च पार्थिवान्॥
Arjuna frequently was saying god Krishna to march ahead. God Krishna proceeded forward by duly introducing Arjuna with the battle-field in haste. He said to Arjuna in a slow voice-O son of Pandu! See that a number of kings have already accessed to the king.

कर्ण पश्य महारङ्गे ज्वलन्तमिव पावकम्। असौ भीमो महेष्वासः सनिवृत्तो रणं प्रति॥
Look, Karna is illuminating like a fire blazed on the great stage of the war and the great warrior Bhimasena has returned to the battle-field.

तमेते विनिवर्तन्ते धृष्टद्युम्नपुरोगमाः। पाञ्चालसृञ्जयानां च पाण्डवानां च ये मुखम्॥
The Panchalas, Srinjayas and the eminent warriors of Pandavas including Dhrishtdyumna etc. are also returning for battle in company of Bhimasena.

निवृत्तैश्च पुनः पार्थेर्भग्नं शत्रुबलं महत्। कौरवान् द्रवतो ह्येष कर्णो रोधयतेऽर्जुन॥
O Arjuna! See there, the Pandava warriors have loosened the steps of the huge army of enemies. This This Karna is preventing the Kauravas' warriors departing away from the battle-field.

अन्तकप्रतिमो वेगे शक्रतुल्यपराक्रमः। असौ गच्छति कौरव्य द्रौणिः शस्त्रभूतां वरः॥
O son of Kuru! The best weaponist Ashvatthama is also marching towards them. He is forceful as Yamaraja and valorous as Indra, the king of gods.

तमेव पुदुतं संख्ये धृष्टद्युम्नो महारथः। अनुप्रयाति संग्रामे हतान् पश्य चसृञ्जयान्॥
The great chariot holder (Maharathi) Dhrishtadyumna is pursuing Ashvatthama who himself is also marching forward in battlefield. Look there! A number of Srinjaya warriors have been killed in the war.

सर्वमाह सुदुर्धर्षो वासुदेवः किरीटिने। ततो राजन् महाघोरः प्रादुरासीन्महारणः॥
O king! God Krishna, the warrior very tough to conquer told Arjuna, the crown holder Arjuna all these things. There began then fierce battle among the warriors.

सिंहनादरवाश्चैव प्रादुरासन् समागमे। उभयोः सेनयो राजन् मृत्युं कृत्वा निवर्तनम्॥
O king! The battle thereafter ensued with a resolution to leave the field only on death in both armies and the warriors began challenging to each other in a loud voice.

एवमेष क्षयो वृत्तः पृथिव्यां पृथिवीपते। तावकानां परेषांच राजन् दुर्मन्त्रिते तव॥
Thus on account of your evil advice that terrible onslaught of your soldiers and enemies took place.