.-Contd. Ashvatthaman's hymn to Mahadeva. A golden alter appears before him. Many extraordinary beings appear. Ashvatthaman offers himself as libation. Mahadeva appears. he gives Ashvatthaman a sword and fills him with energy

संजय उवाच एवं संचिन्तयित्वा तु द्रोणपुत्रो विशाम्पते। अवतीर्य रथोपस्थाद् देवेशं प्रणतः स्थितः॥ उग्रं स्थाणुं शिवं रुद्रं शर्वमीशानमीश्वरम्। गिरिशं वरदं देवं भवभावनमीश्वरम्॥ शितिकण्ठमजं शुक्रं दक्षक्रतुहरं हरम्। विश्वरूपं विरूपाक्षं बहुरूपमुमापतिम्॥ श्मशानवासिनं दृप्तं महागणपतिं विभुम्। खट्वाङ्गधारिणं रुद्रं जटिलं ब्रह्मचारिणम्॥
Sanjaya Said “Having reflected thus, the son of Drona, O king, got down from his car and stood, bending his head to that supreme god, and said,-. I seek the protection of fierce, Sthanu, Shiva, Rudra, Sarva, Ishana, Ishvara, Girisha, of that boon-giving god who is the Creator and lord of the universe; of the blue-throated deity, who is without birth, who is called Shakra, who destroyed the sacrifice of Daksha, and who is called Hara; of Him whose form is the universe, who has three eyes, who has many forms, and who is the lord of Uma; of Him who lives in crematoriums, who is energetic, who is the master of ghosts and who is endued with undecaying prosperity and power; of Him who holds a club having a skull on the top, who is called Rudra, who bears matted locks on his head, and who is a Brahmacharin.

मनसा सुविशुद्धेन दुष्करेणाल्पचेतसा। सोऽहमात्मोपहारेण यक्ष्ये त्रिपुरघातिनम्॥
Purifying my soul, and possessing small energy, I adore the Destroyer of the three cities, and offer myself as the victim.

स्तुतं स्तुत्यं स्तूयमानममोघं कृत्तिवाससम्। विलोहितं नीलकण्ठमसह्यं दुर्निवारणम्॥
I sing your glory. Thy purposes are never baffled. Thou art clad in skin; thou hast red hair on your head; You are blue-throated; You are unbearable; You are irresistible.

शुक्रं ब्रह्मसृजं ब्रह्म ब्रह्मचारिणमेव च। व्रतवन्तं तपोनिष्ठमनन्तं तपतां गतिम्॥ बहुरूपं गणाध्यक्षं त्र्यक्षं पारिषदप्रियम्। धनाध्यक्षेक्षितमुखं गौरीहृदयवल्लभम्॥ कुमारपितरं पिङ्गं गोवृषोत्तमवाहनम्। तनुवाससमत्युग्रहमुमाभूषणतत्परम्॥ परं परेभ्यः परमं परं यस्मान्न विद्यते। इष्वस्त्रोत्तमभर्तारं दिगन्तं देशरक्षिणम्॥ हिरण्यकवचं देवं चन्द्रमौलिविभूषणम्। प्रपद्ये शरणं देवं परमेण समाधिना॥
You are pure; You are that Creator of Brahman; You are Brahma; You are Brahmacharin; You are an observer of vows; You are given to ascetic austerities; You are infinite; You are the refuge of all hermits; thou hast many forms; You are the master of ghosts; You are three-eyed; You are found of your a companions; You are always seen by Kuvera; You are dear to Gauri's heart; You are the father of Kumara; You are twany; thou hast a bull for your carrier; You are clad in a subtile dress%3; thou are most dreadful; You are eager to adorn Uma; You are higher than all that is high; You are higher than everything; there is nothing higher than thou; You are the holder of weapons; You are immeasurable, and You are the protector of all quarters; You are clad in golden armour; You are divine; thou hast the moon as ornament on your brow. With fixed attention, I seek refuge with you, O god.

इमां चेदापादं घोरं तराम्यद्य सुदुष्कराम्। सर्वभूतोपहारेण यक्ष्येऽहं शुचिना शुचिम्॥
In order that I may successfully tide over this calamity, I sacrifice to you, the purest of the pure, offering for your acceptance the five elements of which my body is made.'

इति तस्य व्यवसितं ज्ञात्वा योगात् सुकर्मणः। पुरस्तात् काञ्चनी वेदी प्रादुरासीन्महात्मनः॥
Knowing this to be his resolution for accomplishing his object, a golden altar appeared before the great son of Drona.

तस्यां वेद्यां तदा राजंश्चित्रभानुरजायत। स दिशो विदिशः खं च ज्वालाभिरिव पूरयन्॥
Upon the altar, O king, appeared a blazing fire, filling all the points of the horizon, cardinal and subsidiary, with its effulgence.

दीप्तास्यनयनाश्चात्र नैकपादशिरोभुजाः रत्नचित्राङ्गदधराः समुद्यतकरास्तथा॥ द्वीपशैलप्रतीकाशाः प्रादुरासन् महागणाः। श्ववराहोष्ट्ररूपाश्च हयगोमायुगोमुखाः॥ ऋक्षमार्जारवदना व्याघ्रद्वीपिमुखास्तथा। काकवक्त्राः प्लवमुखाः शुकवक्त्रास्तथैव च॥
Many powerful beings also, of burning mouths and eyes, of many feet, heads, and arms, adorned with arm-lets, set with gems, and with uplifted arms, and looking like elephants and mountains, appeared there. Their faces resembled those of hares, boars, camels, horses, jackals, cows, bears, cats, tigers, pards, crows, apes and parrots.

महाजगरवक्त्राश्च हंसवक्त्राः सितप्रभाः। दार्वाघाटमुखाश्चापि चाषवत्राश्च भारत॥ कूर्मनक्रमुखाश्चैव शिशुमारमुखास्तथा। महामकरवक्त्राश्च तिमिवक्त्रास्तथैव च॥ हरिवक्त्रा: क्रौञ्चमुखाः कपोतेमुखास्तथा। पारावतमुखाश्चैव मद्गुवक्त्रास्तथैव च।॥
And the faces of some were like those of snakes, and others had faces like those ducks. And all of them were highly effulgent. And the faces of some were like those of wood-packers, and joys; of tortoises, alligators, porpoises, huge sharks, and whales; of lions, cranes, pigeons, elephants, and shags,.

पाणिकर्णाः सहस्राक्षास्तथैव च महोदरा:। निर्मांसा काकवत्राश्च श्येनवक्त्राश्च भारत॥
Some had faces like those of ravens and hawks, some had ears on their hands; some had thousand eyes; some had huge stomach; and some had no flesh.

तथैवाशिरसो राजन्नृक्षवक्त्राश्च भारत। प्रदीप्तनेत्रजिह्वाश्च ज्वालावर्णास्तथैव च।॥
And some, O king, had no heads, and some had faces like those of bears. The eyes of some were like fire, and some had fiery features.

ज्वालाकेशाश्च राजेन्द्र ज्वलद्रोमचतुर्भुजाः। मेषवक्त्रास्तथैवान्ये तथा छागमुखा नृप॥
The hair on the heads and bodies of some were burning, and some had four arms, and some, O king, had faces like those of sheep and goats.

शङ्खाभाः शङ्खवक्त्राश्च शङ्खवर्णास्तथैव च। शङ्खमालापरिकराः शङ्खध्वनिसमस्वनाः॥
The color of some was like that of conchs, and some had faces like conchs, and the ears of were like conchs, and some wore garlands inade of conchs, and the voices of some resembled the blare of conchs.

जटाधराः पञ्चशिखास्था मुण्डाः कृशोदराः। चतुर्दंष्ट्राश्चतुर्जिह्वाः शङ्ककर्णाः किरीटिन:॥
Some had matted locks on their heads, and some had five tufts of hair or the head, and some had bald heads. Some had lean stomachs; some had four teeth, some had four tongues, some some had cars straight like arrows, and some had diadems on their brows.

मौञ्जीधराश्च राजेन्द्र तथा कुञ्चितमूर्धजाः। उष्णीषिणो मुकुटिनश्चारुवक्त्राः स्वरङ्कता॥
Some had strings of grass on their bodies, O king, and some had curly locks. Some had head-gears made of cloth, some had coronets, some had beautiful faces, and some were bedecked with ornaments.

पद्मोत्पलापीडधरास्तथा मुकुटधारिणः। माहात्म्येन च संयुक्ताः शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥
Some had ornaments made of lotuses, and some wee adorned with flowers. They were hundreds and thousands in number.

शतघ्नीवज्रहस्ताश्च तथा मुसलपाणयः। भुशुण्डीपाशहस्ताश्च दण्डस्ताश्च भारत॥
Some were armed with Sataghnis, some with thunder, and some had Mushalas in their hands. Some had Bhusundis, some had nooses, and some had maces in their hands.

पृष्ठेषु वद्धेषुधयश्चित्रबाणोत्कटास्तथा। सध्वजाः सपताकाश्च सघण्टाः सपरश्वधाः॥
Some had quivers containing best arrows on their backs, and all were dreadful in battle. Some had standard containing banners and bells, and some were armed with battle-axes.

महापाशोद्यतकरातस्तथा लगुडपाणयः। स्थूणाहस्ताः खड्गहस्ता सोच्छ्रितकिरीटिनः ॥
Some had large nooses in their hands, and some had clubs and bludgeons. Some had strong posts in their hands, some has scimitars, and some had snakes with raised hood for their crowns.

महासर्पाङ्गदधराश्चित्राभरणधारिणः। रजोध्वस्ताः पङ्कदिग्धाः सर्वे शुक्लाम्बरस्रजः॥
Some had huge snakes for armlets, and some had beautiful ornaments on their body, Some were covered with dust, some with mire, and all were clad in white robes and garment, Some had blue limbs while others had twany limbs. And some were beardless.

नीलाङ्गा पिङ्गलाङ्गाश्च मुण्डवक्त्रास्तथैव च। भेरीशङ्खमृदङ्गांश्च झर्झरानकगोमुखान्॥
Those beings, called companions, having golden complexions, and filled with joy, played upon drums. horns, cymbals, Jharjharas, Anakas and Gomukhas.

अवादयन् पारिषदाः प्रहृष्टाः कनकप्रभाः। गायमानास्तथैवान्ये नृत्यमानास्तथा परे॥
And some sang and some danced about crying hideously, and some leapt forward and cut capers and jumped sideways.

लवयन्तः प्लवन्तश्च वल्लान्तश्च महारथाः। धावन्तो जवना मुण्डाः पवनोद्धृतमूर्धजाः॥
Quick in their motions, they ran about most dreadfully, the hair on their heads waving in the air, like infuriate elephants and frequently sending up loud roars.

मत्ता इव महानागा विनदन्तो मुहुर्मुहुः। सुभीमा घोररूपाश्च शूलपटिशपाणयः॥
Terrible, and armed with lances and battleaxes, they were clad in robes of various colours and decked with beautiful garlands and unguents.

नानाविरागवसनाचित्रमाल्यानुलेपनाः। रत्नचित्राङ्गदधराः समुद्यतकरास्तथा॥
Adorned with Angadas set with gems, and with uplifted arms, they were possessed of great courage. Capable of killing all foes by force, they were irresistible in prowess.

हन्तारो द्विषतां शूराः प्रसह्यासह्यविक्रमाः। पातारोऽसूग्वसौघानां मांसान्त्रकृतभोजनाः॥ चूडालाः कर्णिकाराश्च प्रहृष्टाः पिठरोदराः।
Drinkers of blood and fat and other animal matter, they lived on the flesh and entrails of animals. Some had their locks tied up above their heads. Some had single tufts on their heads; some had rings on their ears, and some had stomachs resembling earthen cooking vessels.

अतिह्रस्वातिदीर्घाश्च प्रलम्बाश्चातिभैरवाः॥ विकटाः काललम्बोष्ठा बृहच्छेफाण्डपिण्डिकाः।
Some were of very short statures, and some were very high. Some were tall and very dreadful. Some had grim features, some had long lips, and some had long genital organs.

महार्हनानामुकटा मुण्डाश्च जटिलाः परे॥ सार्केन्दुग्रहनक्षत्रां द्यां कुर्यस्ते महीतले। उत्सहेरंच ये हन्तुं भूतग्रामं चतुर्विधम्॥
Some had rich and various kinds of crowns upon their heads; and some had bald heads, and the heads of others were covered with matted locks. They could bring down the sky with the sun, moon, and stars, on Earth, and exterminating the four orders of created things.

ये च वीतभया नित्यं हरस्य भृकुटीसहाः।
They know not fear, and are capable of enduring the frowns of Hara.

कामकारकरा नित्यं त्रैलोक्यस्येश्वरेश्वराः॥ नित्यानन्दप्रमुदिता वागीशा वीतमत्सराः।
They always act as they like and are the masters of the lord of the three worlds. Always playing merrily they are perfect masters of speech and are entirely shorn of pride.

प्राप्याष्टगुणमैश्वर्यं ये न यास्यन्ति वै स्मयम्॥ येषां विस्मयते नित्यं भगवान् कर्मभिर्हरः।
Having got the eight sorts of divine attributes, they are never elated with pride. The divine Hara always wonders at their feats.

मनोवाक्कर्मभिर्युक्तैर्नित्यमाराधितश्च यैः॥ मनोवाक्कभिर्भक्तान् पाति पुत्रानिवौरसान्।
They are devout worshipper of Mahadeva. Worshipped by them in thought, speech, and deed, the great god protects those worshippers of his, regarding them, in thought, speech, and deed, as his own children.

पिबन्तोऽसृग्वसाश्चान्ये क्रुद्धा ब्रह्मद्विषां सदा॥ चतुर्विधात्मकं सोमं ये पिबन्ति च सर्वदा।
Worked up with rage, they always drink the blood and fat of all haters of Brahman. They always drink also the Soma juice having four kind of taste.

श्रुतेन ब्रह्मचर्येण तपसा च दमेन च॥ ये समार.ध्य शूलाङ्कं भवसायुज्यमागताः।
Having worshipped the trident-handed deity with Vedic recitations, with Brahmacharya, with ascetic austerities, and with self-restraint, they have secured the companionship of Bhava.

यैरात्मभूतैर्भगवान् पार्वत्य च महेश्वरः॥ महाभूतगणैभुते भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभुः।
The divine Maheshvara, that lord of the past, the present, and the future, as also Parvati, eat with those various clans of powerful beings that partake of their own nature.

नानावादित्रहसितक्ष्वेडितोत्क्रुष्टगर्जितै॥ संत्रासयन्तस्ते विश्वमश्वत्थामानमभ्ययुः।
Causing the universe resound with the sound of various kinds of instruments, with noise of laughter, with loud sounds and cries and leonine roars, they approached Ashvatthaman.

संस्तुवन्तो महादेवं भाः कुर्वाणा: सुवर्चसः॥ विवर्धयिषवो द्रौणेमहिमानं महात्मनः। जिज्ञासमानास्तत्तेजः सौप्तिकं च दिदृक्षवः॥ भीमोग्नपरिघालातशूलपटिशपाणयः। घोररूपा: समाजग्मुर्भूतसङ्घाः समन्ततः॥
Landing Mahadeva and spreading an effulgence all around, desirous of increasing the honor of Ashvatthaman and the glory of the great Hara, and wishing to ascertain the extent of Ashvatthaman's power, and desirous also of witnessing the destruction during the hour of sleep, armed with terrible and fierce bludgeons and fiery wheels and battle-axes, that host of strange beings, having terrible forins, came from all sides.

जनयेयुर्भयं ये स्म त्रैलोक्यस्यापि दर्शनात्। तान् प्रेक्षमाणोऽपि व्यथां न चकार महाबलः॥
They were capable of striking terror to the three worlds by their sight. Beholding them, the, powerful Ashvatthaman however, felt no fear.

अथ द्रौणिर्धनुष्पाणिर्बद्धगोधाङ्कुलित्रवान्। स्वयमेवात्मनात्मानमुपहारमुपाहरत्॥
Armed with bow, and fingers cased in fences made of iguana skins, Drona's son himself offered up his own self as a victim to Mahadeva.

धनूंषि समिधस्तत्र पवित्राणि शिताः शराः। हविरात्मवतश्चात्मा तस्मिन् भारत कर्मणि॥
Bows were the fuel, and sliarp arrows were the ladles, and his own great soul was the libation, in that act of sacrifice.

ततः सौम्येन मन्त्रेण द्रोणपुत्रः प्रतापवान्। उपहारं महामन्युरथात्मानमुपाहरत्॥
The brave and angry son of Drona then, with mantras offered up his own soul as the victim.

तं रुद्रं रौद्रकर्माणं रौद्रैः कर्मभिरच्युतम्। अभिष्टुत्य महात्मानमित्युवाच कृताञ्जलिः॥
Having with dreadful rites worshipped Rudra, of dreadful deeds, Ashvatthaman, with joined hands said to that high-souled deity,-

द्रौणिरुवाच इममात्मानमद्याहं जातमाङ्गिरसे कुले। स्वग्नौ जुहोमि भगवन् प्रतिगृह्णीष्व मां बलिम्॥
Ashvatthaman said Born in Angira's family I am about to pour my soul, O god, as a lit ion on this fire. Accept, O lord, this victim.

भवद्भक्त्या महादेव परमेण समाधिना। अस्यामापदि विश्वात्मन्नुपाकुर्मि तवाग्रतः॥
In this hour of distress, O Soul of the universe, I offer up my own self as the victim, from devotion to you and with heart fixed in meditation.

त्वयि सर्वाणि भूतानि सर्वभूतेषु चासि वै। गुणनां हि प्रधानानामेकत्वं त्वयि तिष्ठति॥
All creatures exist in you and thou dust exist in all creatures. Thou art a combination of ali high attributes.

सर्वभूताश्रय विभो हविर्भूतमवस्थितम्। प्रतिगृहाण मां देव यद्यशक्याः परे मया॥
O lord, O thou that art the refuge of ail creatures, I wait as a libation for you, since I am unable to defeat my enemies. Accept me, O god.'

इत्युक्त्वा द्रौणिरास्थाय तां वेदी दीप्तपावकाम्। संत्यज्यात्मानमारुद्य कृष्णवर्त्मन्युपाविशात्॥
Having said so, Drona's son, ascending that sacrificial altar on which a fire was burning, offered himself up as the victim and entered that burning fire.

तमूर्ध्वबाहुं निश्चेष्टं दृष्ट्वा हविरुपस्थितम्। अब्रवीद् भगवान् साक्षान्महादेवो हसन्निव॥ सत्यशौचार्जवत्यागैस्तपसा नियमेन च। क्षान्त्या भक्त्या च बुद्ध्या च वचसा तथा॥ यथावदहमाराद्धः कृष्णेनाक्लिकर्मणा। तस्मादिष्टतमः कृष्णादन्यो मम न विद्यते॥
Seeing him stand fixed and with uplifted hands and as an offering to himself, the divine Mahadeva appeared personally and smilingly said'With truth, purity, sincerity, resignation, ascetic practices, vows, forgiveness, devotion, patience, thought and word, I have been duly worshipped by Krishna of pure deeds. For this there is none dearer to me than Krishna.

कुर्वता तात सम्मानं त्वां च जिज्ञासता मया। पञ्चालाः सहसा गुप्ता मायाश्च बहुशः कृताः॥
For honoring him and at his request I have protected the Panchalas and displayed various sorts of illusion.

कृतस्यस्यैव सम्मानः पञ्चालन् रक्षता मया। अभिभूतास्तु कालेन नैषामद्यास्ति जीवितम्॥
By protecting the Panchalas I have honored him. They have, however, been assailed by Time. The lease of their lives is over.'

एवमुक्तवा महात्मानं भगवानात्मनस्तनुम्। आविवेश ददौ चास्मै विमलं खड्गमुत्तमम्॥
Having said top the great Ashvatthaman, the divine Mahadeva entered Ashvatthaman's body after giving him an excellent and polished sword.

अथाविष्टो भगवता भूयो जज्वाल तेजसा। वेगवांश्चाभवद् युद्धे देवसृष्टेन तेजसा॥
Possessed by that divine being, Drona's son was worked up with energy. On account of that energy derived from god-head, he became all powerful in battle.

तमदृश्यानि भूतानि रक्षांसि च समाद्रवन्। अभितः शत्रुशिविरं यान्तं साक्षादिवेश्वरम्॥
Many invisible beings and Rakshasas went along his right and his left as he started like the lord Mahadeva himself, for entering the camp of his enemies." SO