SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 31

Yudhishthira abuses Duryodhana

संजय उवाच ततस्तेष्वपयातेषु रथेषु त्रिषु पाण्डवाः। ते ह्रदं प्रत्यपद्यन्त यत्र दुर्योधनोऽभवत्॥
Sanjaya said After those three car-warriors had left that place the Pandavas arrived at that lake within which Duryodhana was taking rest.

आसाद्य च कुरुश्रेष्ठ तदा द्वैपायनं ह्रदम्। स्तम्भितं धार्तराष्ट्रेण दृष्ट्वा तं सलिलाशयम्॥ वासुदेवमिदं वाक्यमब्रवीत् कुरुनन्दनः।
Having arrived at the banks of the Dvaipayana lake, O best of Kuru's race, they saw that reservoir of waters enchanted by your son. Then Yudhishthira said to Vasudeva.

पश्येमा धार्तराष्ट्रेण मायामप्सु प्रयोजिताम्॥ विष्टभ्य सलिलं शेते नास्य मानुषतो भयम्।
"Behold, the son of Dhritarashtra has enchanted these waters by his power of illusion. Having enchanted the waters, he lives within them. He entertains no fear of injury from man.

दैवी मायामिमां कृत्वा सलिलान्तर्गतो ह्ययम्॥ निकृत्या निकृतिप्रज्ञो न मे जीवन् विमोक्ष्यते।
Having exercised his power of illusion he is now within the waters. By an act of deception, that deceiptful man has betaken to this refuge. He shall not however escape me alive.

यद्यस्य समरे साह्यं कुरुते वज्रभृत् स्वयम्॥ तथाप्येनं हयं युद्धे लोका द्रक्ष्यन्ति माधव।
Even if the holder of the thunderbolt himself helps him in battle, people, O Mahadeva, shall yet seen him killed today.”

वासुदेव उवाच मायाविन इमां मायां मायया जहि भारत॥ मायावी मायया वध्यः सत्यमेतद् युधिष्ठिर।
Vasudeva said With your own power of illusion, O Bharata, destroy this illusion of Duryodhana who is an expert in it. One conversant with illusion should be killed with illusion. This indeed is the truth, O Yudhishthira.

क्रियाभ्युपायैर्बहुभिर्मायामप्सु प्रयोज्य च॥ जहि त्वं भरतश्रेष्ठ मायात्मानं सुयोधनम्।
By applying your power of illusion to these waters kill, O chief of the Bharatas, this Suyodhana who is the master of illusion.

क्रियाभ्युपायैरिन्द्रेण निहता दैत्यदानवाः॥ क्रियाभ्युपायैर्बहुभिर्बलिर्बद्धो महात्मना।
By his illusory power Indra himself killed the Daityas and the Danavas. Vali himself was bound by that great one. viz., Upendra, with the aid of his illusory power.

क्रियाभ्युपायैर्बहुभिर्हिरण्याक्षो महासुरः॥ हिरण्यकशिपुश्चैव क्रिययैव निषूदितौ। वृत्रश्च निहतो राजन् क्रिययैव न संशयः॥
The great Asura Hiranyaksha, as also that one, viz., Hiranyakashipu, was killed by the same power. Forsooth, O king, Vritra also was slain by the power of illusion.

तथा पौलस्त्यतनयो रावणो नाम राक्षसः। रामेण निहतो राजन् सानुबन्धः सहानुगः॥ क्रियया योगमास्थाय तथा त्वमपि विक्रम।
Similarly was the Rakshasa Ravana of Pulastya's race, with his relatives and followers, killed by Rama. Relying upon your illusory power do you also display your prowess.

क्रियाभ्युपायैर्निहतौ मया राजन् पुरातनौ॥ तारकाश्च महादैत्यो विप्रचित्तिश्च वीर्यवान्।
Those two highly energetic and ancient Daityas, viz., Taraka and Viprachitti were, in ancient time, O king, slain by the help of illusion.

वातापिरिल्वलश्चैव त्रिशिराश्च तथा विभो॥ सुन्दोपसुन्दावसुरौ क्रिययैव निषूदितौ।
Likewise Vatapi and Ilwala and Trishiras, O lord and the Asuras Sunda and Upasunda were all killed by the aid of illusion.

क्रियाभ्युपायैरिन्द्रेण त्रिदिव भुज्यते विभो॥ क्रिया बलवती राजन् नान्यत् किंचिद् युधिष्ठिर।
Indra himself enjoys heaven by the power of illusion. Action is very efficacious O king and nothing else is so, O Yudhishthira.

दैत्याश्च दानवाश्चैव राक्षसाः पार्थिवास्तथा॥ क्रियाभ्युपायैर्निहताः क्रियां तस्मात् समाचर।
Daityas and Danavas and Rakshasas and king have been slain by the same. Do you, therefore, act.'

संजय उवाच इत्युक्तो वासुदेवेन पाण्डवः संशितव्रतः॥ जलस्थं तं महाराज तव पुत्रं महाबलम्। अभ्यभाषत कौन्तेयः प्रहसन्निव भारत॥
Sanjaya continued Thus addressed by Vasudeva, Pandu's son of rigid vows, smilingly addressed, O Monarch, your powerful son who, O Bharata, was then within the waters of that lake, saying.

सुयोधन किमर्थोऽयमारम्भोऽप्सु कृतस्त्वया। सर्वं क्षत्रं घातयित्वा स्वकुलं च विशाम्पते॥
"Why, O Suyodhana, have you charined these waters, after having caused all the Kshatriyas to die and after having, O king, brought about the extinction of your family?

जलाशयं प्रविष्टोऽद्य वाञ्छञ्जीवितमात्मनः। उत्तिष्ठ राजन् युध्यस्व सहास्माभिः सुयोधन॥
Why have you entered into this lake today, with a view to save your own life? Arise, O king and fight us, O Suyodhana.

स ते दो नरश्रेष्ठ स च मानः क्व ते गतः। यस्त्वं संस्तभ्य सलिलं भीतो राजन् व्यवस्थितः।।२०
Where, O best of men, has your sense of honour now gone, since, ( king, you have exchanged these waters and are now lying within them?

सर्वे त्वां शूरं इत्येवं जना जल्पन्ति संसदि। व्यर्थं तद् भवतो मन्ये शौर्य सलिलशायिनः॥
All men describe you in assemblies as a hero. All that, however, is entirely false, I think, since you are now living concealed within these waters.

उत्तिष्ठ राजन् युध्यस्व क्षत्रियोऽसि कुलोद्भवः। कौरवेयो विशेषेण कुलं जन्मं च संस्मर॥
Arise, O king and fight, for you are a Kshatriya born in a noble family. You are a Kaurava. Remember your birth.

स कथं कौरवे वंशे प्रशंसञ्जन्म चात्मनः। युद्धाद् भीतस्ततस्तोयं प्रविश्य प्रतितिष्ठसि॥
How do you boast of your birth in Kuru's family, when you have concealed yourself within the depths of this lake, having fled away from battle in fear?

अयुद्धमव्यस्थानं नैष धर्मः सनातनः। अनार्यजुष्टमस्वयँ रणे राजन् पलायनम्॥
This is no the duty of a Kshatriya. Flight from battle, O king, is not the practice of honourable men, nor it leads to heaven.

कथं पारमगत्वा हि युद्धे त्वं वै जिजीवीषुः। इमान् निपतितान् दृष्ट्वा पुत्रान् भ्रातॄन् पितूंस्तथा।॥ सम्बन्धिनो वयस्यांश्च मातुलान् बान्धवांस्तथा। घातयित्वा कथं तात इदे तिष्ठसि साम्प्रतम्॥
How is it that without having terminated this war, though you were filled with the desire of victory, you live now within this lake, after having brought about the destruction of your sons and brothers and sires and relatives and friends and maternal uncles and kinsmen.

शूरमानी न शूरस्त्वं मृषां वदसि भारत। शूरोऽहमिति दुर्बुद्धे सर्वलोकस्य शृण्वतः॥
Though always vaunting of your courage, you are however, not a hero. Falsely you describe yourself, O Bharata, before all men as a hero, O wicked wight.

न हि शूराः पलायन्ते शत्रून् दृष्ट्वा कथञ्चन। ब्रूहि वा त्वं यया वृत्त्या शूर त्यजसि संगरम्॥
They, that are heroes, never fly away from their foes. Or tell us, O hero, about the nature of that courage by which you have fled from battle.

स त्वमुत्तिष्ठ युध्यस्व विनीय भयमात्मनः। घातयित्वा सर्वसैन्यं भ्रातूंश्चैव सुयोधन॥ नेदानी जीविते बुद्धिः कार्या धर्मचिकीर्षया। क्षत्रधर्ममुपाश्रित्य त्वद्विधेन सुयोधन॥
Arise, O prince and fight fearlessly. Having caused all your troops and brothers to be killed O Suyodhana, you should not, if you are an honest man, think now of saving your life. A Kshatriya, O Suyodhana, like yourself, should not act in this way.

यत् तु कर्णमुपाश्रित्य शकुनिं चापि सौबलम्। अमर्त्य इव सम्मोहात् त्वमात्मानं न बुद्धवान्॥
Relying upon Karna as also upon Shakuni the son of Şubala, you considered yourself immortal and could not understand your own self.

तत् पापं सुमहत् कृत्वा प्रतियुद्ध्यस्व भारत। कथं हि त्वद्विधो मोहाद् रोचयेत पलायनम्॥
Having committed such a grievous iniquity fight now, O Bharata. How is it that you prefer flight from the field. Surely, you forget yourself.

क्व ते तत् पौरुषं यातं क्व च मानः सुयोधन। क्व च विक्रान्तता याता क्व च विस्फूर्जितं महत्।।३३
Where is that manliness of yours, O sire and where, O Suyodhana, is that your pride? Where is your prowess and energy gone?

क्व ते कृतास्त्रता याता किञ्च शेषे जलाशये। स त्वमुत्तिष्ठ युध्यस्व क्षत्रधर्मेण भारत॥
Where is that your mastery in weapons? Why do you live within this lake now? Arise, O Bharata and fight, following the duties of a Kshatriya.

अस्मांस्तु वा पराजित्य प्रशाधि पृथिवीमिमाम्। अथवा निहतोऽस्माभिर्भूमौ स्वप्स्यसि भारत॥
Either govern the wide carth after defeating us or sleep, O Bharata, on the naked earth slain by us.

एष ते परमो धर्मः सृष्टो धात्रा महात्मना। तं कुरुष्व यथातथ्यं राजा भव महारथ॥
Even this is your highest duty, as laid down by the illustrious Creator himself. Act according to the injunctions of the scriptures and be a king, O great car-warrior.

संजय उवाच एवमुक्तो महाराज धर्मपुत्रेण धीमता। सलिलस्थस्तव सुत इदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Sanjaya continued Thus addressed, O king, by the intelligent son of Dharma, your son answered him from within the waters in these words.

दुर्योधन उवाच नैतचित्रं महाराज यद्भीः प्राणिनमाविशेत्। न च प्राणभयाद् भीतो व्यपयातोऽस्मि भारत॥
Duryodhana said It is not at all surprising O king, that fear should possess the hearts of living creatures. As regards myself, however, O Bharata, I have not fled from the field of battle for the fear of life.

अरथश्चानिषङ्गी च निहत:पार्णिसारथिः। एकश्चाप्यगणः संख्ये प्रत्याश्वासमरोचयम्॥
My car and quivers were destroyed and my Parshni drivers were slain. I was alone, without a single follower to help me in battle. It was for this that I wanted a little rest.

न प्राणहेतोर्न भयान्न विषादाद् विशाम्पते। इदमम्भः प्रविष्टोऽस्मि श्रमात् त्विदमनुष्ठितम्॥
It was not for the sake of saving my life, it was not for fear, it was not from grief, O king, that I entered this lake. It was only out of fatigue that I did so.

त्वं चाश्वसिहि कौन्तेय ये चाप्यनुगतास्तव। अहमुत्थाय वः सर्वान् प्रतियोत्स्यामि संयुगे॥
Do you, O son of Kunti, take a little rest with your followers. Rising from this lake I will surely fight all of you in battle.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच आश्वस्ता एव सर्वे स्म चिरं त्वां मृगयामहे। तदिदानी समुत्तिष्ठ युध्यस्वेह सुयोधन॥
Yudhishthira said All of us have taken enough of rest. We searched you for a long while. Rise then now, O Suyodhana and give us battle.

हत्वा वा समरे पार्थान् स्फीतं राज्यमवाप्नुहि। निहतो वा रणेऽस्माभिर्वीरलोकमवाप्स्यसि॥
Either killing the Parthas in battle make this prosperous kingdom your own or killed be us in battle go to the region reserved for heroes.

दुर्योधन उवाच यदर्थं राज्यमिच्छामि कुरूणां कुरुनन्दन। त इमे निहताः सर्वे भ्रातरो मे जनेश्वर॥
Duryodhana said The Kurus, O son of Kuru's race, for whose sake I desired sovereignty, those brothers of mine, O king, all lie dead on the field.

क्षीणरत्नां च पृथिवी हतक्षत्रियपुङ्गवाम्। न ह्युत्सहाम्यहं भोक्तुं विधवामिव योषितम्॥
I do not like to enjoy and longer the Earth that does not contain wealth and best of Kshatriyas and that has accordingly become like a widow.

अद्यापि त्वहमाशंसे त्वां विजेतुं युधिष्ठिर। भक्त्वा पाञ्चालपाण्डूनामुत्साहं भरतर्षभ॥
I, however, still hope to defeat you, O Yudhishthira, after checking the pride, O foremost of Bharata's race, of the Panchalas and the Pandus.

न त्विदानीमाहं मन्ये कार्यं युद्धेन कर्हिचित्। द्रोणे कर्णे च संशान्ते निहते च पितामहे॥
There is, however, no longer any need for battle when Drona and Karna have been killed and when our grandfather Bhishma has been slain.

अस्त्विदानीमियं राजन् केवला पृथिवी तव। असहायो हि को राजा राज्यमिच्छेत प्रशासितुम्।।४८
This empty Earth, O king, is now intended for you. What king would like to rule a kingdom divested of friends and allies?

सुहृदस्तादृशान् हित्वा पुत्रान् भ्रातॄन् पितॄनपि। भवद्भिश्च हृते राज्ये को नु जीवेत मादृशः॥
Having caused friends such as I had and even sons and brothers and sires, to be slain and seeing my kingdom possessed by you, who is there like myself that would like to live?

अहं वनं गमिष्यामि ह्यजिनैः प्रतिवासितः। रतिर्हि नास्ति मे राज्ये हतपक्षस्य भारत॥
Clad in deer-skins I would enter into woods. I have no desire for kingdom, shorn as I am of friends and allies, O Bharata.

हतबान्धवभूयिष्ठा हताश्वा हतकुञ्जरा। एषा ते पृथिवी राजन् भुवनां विगतज्वरः॥
Deprived entirely of friends and allies, of horses and elephants, this Earth exists for you, O king. Do you enjoy her now cheerfully.

वनमेव गमिष्यामि वसानो मृगचर्मणी। न हि मे निर्जनस्यास्ति जीवितेऽद्य स्पृहा विभो॥
As for myself, clad in deer-skins, I shall go to the forest. Friendless, as I am, I have no desire, O king, for even life.

गच्छ त्वं भुक्ष्व राजेन्द्र पृथिवीं निहतेश्वराम्। हतयोधां नष्टरत्ना क्षीणवृत्तिर्यथासुखम्॥
Go, O king and rule the Earth destitute of kings, warriors, wcalth and without citadels, as you like.

संजय उवाच दुर्योधनं तव सुतं सलिलस्थं महायशाः। श्रुत्वा तु करुणं वाक्यमभाषत युधिष्ठिरः॥
Sanjaya continued Hearing those words of piercing anguish, the illustrious Yudhishthira said to your son Duryodhana who was still within the lake, saying-

युधिष्ठिर उवाच आर्तप्रलापान्मा तात सलिलस्थः प्रभाषिथा:। नैतन्मनसि मे राजन् वाशितं शकुनेरिव॥
Do not utter such ravings of sorrow, O sire, from within the lake. I do not, like Shakuni, feel any pity for you, O king, for such words as these.

यदि वापि समर्थः स्यास्त्वं दानाय सुयोधन। नाहमिच्छेयमवनिं त्वया दत्तां प्रशासितुम्॥
You may now, O Suyodhana, be willing to make a gift of Earth to me. I, however, do not wish to rule the Earth as a gift from you.

अधर्मेण न गृह्णीयां त्वया दत्तां महीमिमाम्। न हि धर्मः स्मृतो राजन् क्षत्रियस्य प्रतिग्रहः॥
I cannot sinfully accept this Earth as a gift from you. Acceptance of a gift, O king, is not the duty of a Kshatriya.

त्वया दत्तां न चेच्छेयं पृथिवीमखिलामहम्। त्वां तु युद्धे विनिर्जित्य भोक्तास्मि वसुधामिमाम्।। ५८
I do not, therefore, wish to have the Earth as a gift from you. I shall, on the other hand, enjoy the Earth after defeating you in battle.

अनीश्वरश्च पृथिवी कथं त्वं दातुमिच्छसि। त्वयेयं पृथिवी राजन् किन्न दत्ता तदैव हि॥ धर्मतो याचमानानां प्रशमार्थं कुलस्य नः।
You are not now the lord of the Earth. Why then do you wish to make a gift of that over which you have no right? Why, O king, did you not then give us the Earth when we, observing the rules of honesty and desirous of the welfare of our family, begged you for our portion?

वार्ष्णेयं प्रथमं राजन् प्रत्याख्याय महाबलम्॥ किमिदानीं ददासि त्वं को हि के चित्तविभ्रमः।
Having first refused the request of the great Krishna, who do you now desire to give away the Earth? What is this folly of yours?

अभियुक्तस्तु को राजा दातुमिच्छेद्धि मेदिनीम्॥ न त्वमद्य महीं दातुमीशः कौरवनन्दन। आच्छेत्तुं वा बलाद् राजन् स कथं दातुमिच्छसि॥
What king is there who, attacked by foes, would like to give away his kingdom, O son of Kuru's race. You have not the power today to give away the Earth. Why then do you wish to make a gift of that over which you have no right?

मां तु निर्जित्य संग्रामे पालयेमां वसुन्धराम्। सूच्यमात्रेणापि यद् भूमेरपि भिद्येत भारत॥ तन्मात्रमपि तन्मह्यं न ददाति पुरा भवान्। स कथं पृथिवीमेतां प्रददासि विशाम्पते॥
Defeating me in battle, rule you this Earth. You did not formerly agree to give me even a portion of the Earth covered by the point of a needle. How then, O king, do you make me a gift of the whole Earth?

सूच्यग्रं नात्यजः पूर्वं स कथं त्यजसि क्षितिम्। एवमैश्वर्यमासाद्य प्रशास्य पृथिवीमिमाम्॥ को हि मूढो व्यवस्येत शत्रोर्दातुं वसुन्धराम्।
How is it that you, who could not formerly give up even that much of land which the point of a needle would cover, now wish to make over the entire Earth. What fool would, after having got such prosperity and governed the entire Earth, think of giving over that Earth to his focs.

त्वं तु केवलमौर्येण विमूढो नावबुद्ध्यसे॥ पृथिवीं दातुकामोऽपि जीवितेन विमोक्ष्यसे।
Fool as you are, you do not see the impropriety of this! Although you wish to give away the Earth, you shall not yet escape me with life.

अस्मान् वा त्वं पराजित्य प्रशाधि पृथिवीमिमाम्॥६७ अथवा निहतोऽस्माभिर्ब्रज लोकाननुत्तमान्।
Either rule the Earth after having defeated us or go to the celestial regions after being slain by us.

आवयोर्जीवतो राजन् मयि च त्वयि च ध्रुवम्॥ संशय:सर्वभूतानां विजये नौ भविष्यति।
If both of us, that is, yourself and myself, be alive, then all creatures will remain in doubt as to whom the victory belongs.

जीवितं तव दुष्प्रज्ञं मयि सम्प्रति वर्तते॥ जीवयेयमहं कामं न तु त्वं जीवितुं क्षमः।
Your life, O indiscrect man, now depends upon me, If, I like, I can allow you to live, but you are not capable of saving your own life.

दहने हि कृतो यत्नस्त्वयास्मासु विशेषतः॥ आशीविषैर्विषैश्चापि जले चापि प्रवेशनैः। त्वया विनिकृता राजन् राज्यस्य हरणेन च॥ अप्रियाणां च वचनैद्रौपद्याः कर्षणेन च। एतस्मात् कारणात् पाप जीवितं ते न विद्यते॥ उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ युध्यस्व युद्धे श्रेयो भविष्यति।
At one time you tried to burn us to death and to take our lives by means of snakes and other kinds of poison and by sinking us in water. We were also, O king, deprived by you of our kingdom. You spoke harsh words to us and maltreated Draupadi. For these reasons, O wretch, your life must be taken. Rise, rise and fight us. That will benefit you.

एवं तु विविधा वाचो जययुक्ताः पुनः पुनः। कीर्तयन्ति स्म ते वीरास्तत्र तत्र जनाधिप॥
In this way, O king, those heroes, viz., the Pandavas, elated with victory, repeatedly spoke there.'