The three heroes go to Duryodhana and find him still alive. The pitiable state of the Kuru king. The lamentations of the three heroes. Lamentations of Kripa. Ashvatthaman informs him of the slaughter of the Pandava army. Duryodhana's satisfaction at the news. His death

संजय उवाच ते हत्वा सर्वपञ्चालान् द्रौपदेयांश्च सर्वशः। आगच्छन् सहितास्तत्र यत्र दुर्योधनो हतः॥
Sanjaya said "Having killed all the Panchalas and the sons of Draupadi, the three Kuru heroes together came where Duryodhana was lying, struck down by the enemy.

गत्वा चैनमपश्यन्त किञ्चित्प्राणं जनाधिपम्। ततो रथेभ्यः प्रस्कन्द्य परिवस्तवात्मजम्॥
Arrived there, they found that life had not been wholly extinct in the king. Getting down from their cars, they encircled you son.

तं भग्नसक्थं राजेन्द्र कृच्छ्रप्राणमचेतसम्। वमन्तं रुधिरं वक्त्रादपश्यन् वसुधातले।॥
The Kuru king, O Sire, was lying there with broken thighs. Almost senseless, his life was about to pass away. He was vomiting blood at times, stretching downwards.

वृतं समन्ताद् बहुभिः श्वापदै?रदर्शनैः। निवारयन्तं कृच्छ्रात्ताश्वापदांश्च चिखादिषून्।
He was then encircled by a large number of carnivorous animals of dreadful forms, and by wolves and hyenas, that stood near for fceding upon his body.

विचेष्टमानं मह्यां च सुभृशं गाढवेदनम्॥ तं शयानं तथा दृष्ट्वा भूमौ सुरुधिरोक्षितम्।
With great difficulty the king was keeping off those beasts of prey that waited there for feasting upon the body. He was suffering great pain.

हतशिष्टास्त्रयो वीराः शोकार्ताः पर्यवारयन्॥ अश्वत्थामा कृपश्चैव कृतवर्मा च सात्वतः।
Seeing him thus lying on the Earth, covered with blood, the three heroes who were the only remnant of his army, viz., Ashvatthaman, Kripa and Kritavarman, were possessed with grief and sat surrounding him.

तैस्त्रिभिः शोणितादिग्धैर्निः श्वसद्भिर्महारथैः॥ शुशुभे स वृतो राजा वेदी त्रिभिरिवाग्निभिः। ते तं शयानं सम्प्रेक्ष्य राजानमतथोचितम्॥
Encircled by those three great car-warriors who were covered with blood and who sighed heavily, the Kuru king looked like a sacrificial altar surrounded by the tiree heroes weeping in sorrow.

अविषह्येन दुःखेन ततस्ते रुरदुस्त्रयः। ततस्तु रुधिरं हस्तैर्मुखान्निर्मृज्य तस्य हि। रणे राज्ञः शयानस्य कृपणं पर्यदेवयन्॥
Wiping the blood from off his face with their hands, they bewailed piteously in the hearing of he king lying prostate on the field of battle.

कृप उवाच न दैवस्यातिभारोऽस्ति यदयं रुधिरोक्षितः। एकादशचमूभर्ता शेते दुर्योधनो हतः॥
Kripa said There is nothing difficult which Destiny cannot bring about, since even this king Duryodhana who was the master of eleven Akshauhinis of troops, sleeps on the necked ground, struck down by the foe and bathed in blood.

पश्य चामीकराभस्य चामीकरविभूषिताम्। गदां गदाप्रियस्येमां समीपे पतितां भुवि॥
See, fond as he was of the mace, that mace made of pure gold is still by the side of the king whose lustre still resembles that of pure gold.

इयमेनं गदा शूरं न जहाति रणे रणे। स्वर्गायाति व्रजन्तं हि न जहाति यशस्विनम्॥
In no battle did that mace leave this hero! Even now, when is about to go to heaven, that weapon abandons not this illustrious hero.

पश्येमां सह वीरेण जाम्बूनदविभूषिताम्। शयानां शयने हर्म्य भार्यां प्रीतिमतीमिव॥
See that weapon, made of pure gold, is still by the side of this hero like a loving wife by the side of her husband stretched on his bed in his chamber of sleep.

योऽयं मूर्धाभिषिक्तानामग्रे यातः परंतपः। स हतो ग्रसते पांसून् पश्य कालस्य पर्ययम्॥
Witness the misfortunes brought about Time! This destroyer of enemies who used to walk at the head of all crowned kings, is now। covered with the dust.

येनाजौ निहता भूमावशेरत पुरा द्विषः। स भूमौ निहतः शेते कुरुराजः परैरयम्॥
He who had formerly struck down many enemies and caused them lie on the naked earth that king of the Kurus, lies to-day on the bare ground, struck down by enemies.

भयानमन्ति राजानो यस्य स्म शतसंघशः। स वीरशयने शेते क्रव्याद्भिः परिवारितः॥
He to whom hundreds of kings used to bow down in fear, lies to-day on the battle-field, encircled by beasts of prey!

उपासत द्विजाः पूर्वमर्थहेतोर्यमीश्वरम्। उपासते च तं ह्यद्य क्रव्यादा मांसहेतवः॥
The Brahmanas formerly used to wait upon this lord for money. Alas beasts of prey wait upon him to-day for feasting upon his body!

संजय उवाच तं शयानं कुरुश्रेष्ठं ततो भरतसत्तम। अश्वत्थामा समालोक्य करुणं पर्यदेवयत्॥ आहुस्त्वां राजशार्दूल मुख्यं सर्वधनुष्यताम्। धनाध्यक्षोपमं युद्धे शिष्यं संकर्षणस्य च॥
Sanjaya said Seeing that Kuru's Chief lying on the earth Ashvatthaman, O best of the Bharatas, bewailed thus piteously,-O foremost of kings, all people recognised you as the best of all bowmen! People also said that in mace fight you, a disciple of Shankarshana, were like Kuvera himself.

कथं विवरमद्राक्षीद् भीमसेनस्तवानघ। बलिनं कृतिनं नित्यं स च पापात्मवान् नृप॥
How then, O sinless one, could Bhima find any defect in you. You were ever powerful and skillful. He on the other hand, O king, is a wicked man.

कालो नूनं महाराज लोकेऽस्मिन् बलवत्तरः। पश्यामो निहतं त्वां च भीमसेनेन संयुगे॥
Forsooth, O king, time in this world is more powerful than every thing else, for we see even you struck down by Bhimasena in battle.

कथं त्वां सर्वधर्मज्ञं क्षुद्रः पापो वृकोदरः। निकृत्या हतवान् मन्दो नूनं कालो दुरत्ययः॥
Alas, how could the wretched and mean Vrikodara unfairly strike you down, righteous as you always were in all your action. Forsooth! Time is irresistible.

धर्मयुद्धे ह्यधर्मेण समाहूयौजसा मृधे। गदया भीमसेनेन निर्भग्ने सक्थिनी तव॥
Alas, having invited you to a fair fight, Bhimasena, displaying his power broke your thighs.

अधर्मेण हतस्याजौ मृद्यमानं पदा शिरः। य उपेक्षितवान् क्षुद्रं धिक् कृष्णं धिग्युधिष्ठिरम्॥
Fie on that retched Yudhishthira who allowed the head of one struck down unfairly in battle to be touched with the foot.

युद्धेष्वपवदिष्यन्ति योधा नूनं वृकोदरम्। यावत् स्थास्यन्ति भूतानि निकृत्या ह्यसि पातितः॥२५
In all battles warriors will certainly censure Vrikodara as long as the world will exist. Forsooth, you have been struck down unrighteously.

ननु रामोऽब्रवीद् राजंस्त्वां सदा यदुनन्दनः। दुर्योधनसमो नास्ति गदया इति वीर्यवान्॥
The valiant Rama of Yadu's family, O king, always used to see that there is 11O one equal to Duryodhana.

श्लाघते त्वां हि वार्ष्णेयो राजसंसत्सु भारत। स शिष्यो मम कौरव्यो गदायुद्ध इति प्रभो॥
The Vrishni hero in mace fight, O Bharata, used to boast of you, O lord, in every assembly. Saying, Duryodhana, of the race of Kuru, is a worthy disciple of mine.

यां गतिं क्षत्रियस्याहुः प्रशस्तां परमर्षयः। हतस्याभिमुखस्याजौ प्राप्तस्त्वमसि तां गतिम्॥
You have achieved that end which Rishis consider to be the mate of a Kshatriya killed in battle facing the foe.

दुर्योधन न शोचामि त्वामहं पुरुषर्षभ। हतपुत्रौ तु शोचामि गान्धारी पितरं च ते॥
I do not, O foremost of men, grieve for you, O Duryodhana! I grieve only for your mother Gandhari and your father, childless as they now are.

भिक्षुको विचरिष्येते शोचन्तौ पृथिवीमिमाम्। धिगस्तु कृष्णं वार्ष्णेयमर्जुनं चापि दुर्मतिम्॥
Stricken with grief, they will have to travel over the Earth, begging their food! Fie on the Vrishni hero Krishna, and on wicked Arjuna.

धर्मज्ञमानिनौ यौ त्वां वध्यमानमुपैक्षताम्। पाण्डवाश्चापि ते सर्वे किं वक्ष्यन्ति नराधिप॥ कथं दुर्योधनोऽस्माभिर्हत इत्यनपत्रपाः।
They consider themselves as moral, yet both of them were indifferent while you were killed! How will the other Pandavas, shameless as they are, O king, speak of the manner in which they have brought about your death?

धन्यस्त्वमसि गान्धारे यस्त्वमायोधने हतः॥ प्रायशोऽभिमुखः शत्रून् धर्मेण पुरुषर्षभ।
You are highly fortunate, O son of Gandhari, since you have been killed on the field of battle, O foremost of men, while fighting fairly with the enemy.

हतपुत्रा हि गान्धारी निहतज्ञातिबान्धवा॥ प्रज्ञाचक्षुश्च दुर्धर्षः कां गति प्रतिपत्स्यते।
Alas, what will be the condition of Gandhari who is now childless, and who had lost all her kinsmen and relatives what also will be the condition of the blind king.

धिगस्तु कृतवर्माणं मां कृपं च महारथम्॥ ये वयं न गताः स्वर्गं त्वां पुरस्कृत्य पार्थिवम्।
Fie on Kritavarma, on myself, as also on the powerful car-warrior Kripa, since we have not yet gone to heaven with your royal self.

दातारं सर्वकामानां रक्षितारं प्रजाहितम्॥ यद् वयं नानुगच्छाम त्वांधिगस्मान् नराधमान्।
Fie on us, mean as we are, since we do not follow you-the grantor of all wishes the protector of all men, and the benefactor of all your subjects.

कृपस्य तव वीर्येण मम चैव पितुश्च मे॥ सभृत्यानां नरव्याघ्र रत्ववन्ति गृहाणि च।
through you the houses of Kripa, of myself, and of my father, as well as those of our dependents, are full of riches.

तव प्रसादादस्माभिः समित्रैः सह बान्धवैः॥ अवाप्ताः क्रतवो मुख्या बहवो भूरिदक्षिणाः।
Through your grace, ourselves with our friends and relatives have celebrated many leading sacrifices with profuse presents to Brahmanas.

कुतश्चापीदृशं पापाः प्रवर्तिष्यामहे वयम्॥ यादृशेन पुरस्कृत्य त्वं गतः सर्वपार्थिवान्।
Where shall such sinful persons as ourselves now go, since you have gone to heaven taking with you all the kings of the Earth?

वयमेव त्रयो राजन् गच्छन्तं परमां गतिम्॥ यद् वै त्वां नानुगच्छामस्तेन धक्ष्यामहे वयम्।
Because we three, O king, do not follow you who are about to achieve the highest end (of life), we are bewailing thus.

तत् स्वर्गहीना हीनार्थाः स्मरन्तः सुकृतस्य ते॥ किं नाम तद् भवेत् कर्म येन त्वां न व्रजाम वै।
Deprived of your company, of wealth, alas, what will be our lot since we do not follow you.

दुःखं नूनं कुरुश्रेष्ठ चरिष्याम महीमिमाम्॥ हीनानां नस्त्वया राजन् कुतः शान्तिः कुतः सुखम्।
Forsooth, O Kuru king, we shall have to rove in sorrow on the Earth! Deprived of you, O king, where can we enjoy peace and where can we have happiness.

गत्वैव तु महाराज समेत्य च महारथान्॥ यथाज्येष्ठं यथाश्रेष्ठं पूजयेर्वचनान्मम।
Going from this world, O king, and meeting with those powerful car-warriors gone before you, show your respect to them, at the request, according to their rank and age.

आचार्यं पूजयित्वा च केतुं सर्वधनुष्मताम्॥ हतं मयाद्य शंसेथा धृष्टद्युम्नं नराधिप।
Having adored your preceptor, preceptor, that foremost of bowmen, tell hiin, O king, that Dhrishtadyumna has been killed by me.

परिष्वजेथा राजानं बाह्निकं सुमहारथम् सैन्धवं सोमदत्तं च भूरिश्रवसमेव च। तथा पूर्वगतानन्यान् स्वर्गे पार्थिवसत्तमान्॥ अस्मद्वाक्यात् सम्पृच्छेस्त्वमनामयम्॥
Embrace king Valhika, that great carwarrior, as also the king of the Sindhus, and Somadatta, and Bhruishravas, and the other foremost of kings gone before you to heaven. At my request, embrace all of them and enquire after their well-being.

संजय उवाच इत्येवमुक्तवा राजानं भग्नसक्थमचेतनम्। अश्वत्थामा समुद्रीक्ष्य पुनर्वचनमब्रवीत्॥ दुर्योधन जीवसि त्वं वाक्यं क्षोत्रमुखं शृणु। सप्त पाण्डवतः शेषा धार्तराष्ट्रास्त्रयो वयम्॥
Sanjaya continued Having addressed thus the senseless king, and who was lying with broken thighs, Ashvatthaman once more looked at him and said: 'If, O Duryodhana, you have any vitality in you still, listen to these agrecable words. On the side of the Pandavas, only seven are alive, and among the Dhritarashtras, only we three survive.

ते चैव भ्रातरः पञ्च वासुदेवोऽथ सात्यकिः। अहं च कृतवर्मा च कृपः शारद्वतस्तथा॥
Then seven on their side and are the five brothers and Vasudeva and Satyaki; on our side, we three are myself and Kripa and Kritavarman.

द्रौपदेया हताः सर्वे धृष्टद्युम्नस्य चात्मजाः। पञ्चाला निहताः सर्वे मत्स्यशेषं च भारत॥
All the sons of Draupadi as also all the children of Dhrishtadyumna have been killed. All the Panchalas, too, as also the remnant of the Matsyas, O Bharata, have been killed.

कृते प्रतिकृतं पश्य हतपुत्रा हि पाण्डवाः। सौप्तिके शिविरं तेषां हतं सनरवाहनम्॥
Mark the vengeance taken for their offense. The Pandavas are now childless. While asleep, the men and animals in their camp have all been killed.

मया च पापकर्मासौ धृष्टद्युम्नो महीपते। प्रविश्य शिविरं रात्रौ पशुमारेण मारितः॥
Entering into their camp in the night, O king, I have killed the sinful Dhrishtadyumna, as one kills an animal.'

दुर्योधनस्तु तां वाचं निशम्य मनसः प्रियाम्। प्रतिलभ्य पुनश्चेत इदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥ न मेऽकरोत् तद् गाङ्गेयो न कर्णो न च ते पिता। यत् त्वया कृपभोजाभ्यां सहितेनाद्य मे कृतम्॥
having heard these words that were so agreeable to his heari, Duryodhana regained his consciousness and replied 'That which neither Ganga's son, nor Karna, nor your father, could accomplish, you have done today, accompanied by Kripa and Bhoja,

स च सेनापतिः क्षुद्रो हतः सार्धं शिखण्डिना। तेन मन्ये मघवता सममात्मानमद्य वै॥
You have killed that mean wretch, viz., Dhrishtadyumna, who was the Commander of the Pandava forces, as also Shikhandin. For this I regard myself equal to Indra himself.

स्वस्ति प्राप्नुत भद्रं वः स्वर्गे न: संगमः पुनः। इत्येवमुक्त्वा तूष्णीं च कुरुराजो महामनाः॥
Good be to you all. May you prosper. All of US will again meet together in heaven.'-Having said this the great king of the Kurus became silent.

प्राणानुपासृजद् वीरः सुहृदां दुःखमुत्सृजन्। अपाक्रामद् दिवं पुण्यां शरीरं क्षितिमाविशत्॥
Casting off his sorrow for all his killed kinsmen, he then breathed his last. His soul went to holy heaven, while his body only remained on Earth.

एवं ते निधनं यातः पुत्रो दुर्योधनो नृप। अग्रे यात्वा रणे शूरः पश्चाद् विनिहतः परैः॥
Thus, O king, you son Duryodhana died. Having caused the battle first, he was killed by his enemies.

तथैव ते परिष्वक्ताः परिष्वज्य च ते नृपम्। पुनः पुनः प्रेक्षमाणाः स्वकानारुरुहू रथान्॥
The three heroes repeatedly embraced the king and looked steadfastly at him. They then got upon their cars.

इत्येवं द्रोणपुत्रस्य निशम्य करुणां गिरम्। प्रत्यूषकाले शोकार्तः प्राद्रवन्ननगरं प्रति॥
Having heard the piteous cries of Drona's son, I came away early in the morning towards the city.

एवमेष क्षयोः वृत्तः कुरुपाण्डवसेनयोः। घोरो विशसनो रौद्रो राजन् दुर्मन्त्रिते तव॥
Thus the armies of the Kurus and the Pandavas have been killed. Great and terrible has been that destruction, O king, brought on by your evil policy.

तव पुत्रे गते स्वर्गं शोकार्तस्य ममानघ। ऋषिदत्तं प्रणष्टं तद् दिव्यदर्शित्वमद्य वै॥
After your son's death, I was stricken with grief and the spiritual insight which the Rishi gave, has been lost by me.”

वैशम्पायन उवाच इति श्रुत्वा स नृपतिः पुत्रस्य निधनं तदा। निःश्वस्य दीर्घमुष्णं च ततश्चिन्तापरोऽभवत्॥
Vaishampayana said "Hearing of his son's death, the king, sighed heavily and was stricken with great anxiety."