SHALYA PARVA: Chapter 17

The encounter between Shalya and Yudhishthira. The latter kills Shalya

संजय उवाच अथान्यद् धनुरादाय बलवान् वेगवत्तरम्। युधिष्ठिरं मद्रपतिर्भित्वा सिंह इवानदत्॥
Sanjaya said Taking up another very strong bow the king of the Madras struck Yudhishthira and roared like a lion.

ततः स शववर्षेण पर्जन्य इव वृष्टिमान्। अभ्यवर्षदमेयात्मा क्षत्रियान् क्षत्रियर्षभः॥
Then that best of Kshatriyas, of great cnergy, poured upon all the Kshatriyas showers of arrows even like Indra pouring rain in torrents.

सात्यकि दशभिर्विद्ध्वा भीमसेनं त्रिभिः शरैः। सहदेव त्रिभिर्विद्ध्वा युधिष्ठिरमपीडयत्॥
Piercing Satyaki with ten arrows and Bhima with three and Sahadeva with as many, he assailed Yudhishthira greatly.

तांस्तानन्यान् महेष्वासान् साश्वान् सरथकूबरान्। अर्दयामास विशिखैरुल्काभिरिव कुञ्जरान्॥
And he assailed all the other great bowmen with their horses and cars and elephants with many arrows like hunters assailing elephants with burning rods.

कुञ्जरान् कुञ्जरारोहानश्वानश्वप्रयायिनः। रथांश्च रथिनः सार्धं जघान रथिनां वरः॥
That foremost of car-warriors destroyed elephants and elephant-riders, horses and horse-men and cars and car-warriors,

बाहूंश्चिच्छेद तरसा सायुधान् केतनानि च। चकार च महीं योधैस्तीर्णां वेदी कुशैरिव॥
And he cut off the arms of combatants holding weapons and the standards of cars and filled the earth with (slain) warriors like the sacrificial altar with blades of Kusha grass.

तथा तमरिसैन्यानि घ्नन्तं मृत्युमिवान्तकम्। परिवत्रु शं क्रुद्धाः पाण्डुपाञ्चालसोमकाः॥
Then the Pandus, the Panchalas and the Somakas, encompassed angrily that hero who was thus killing their soldiers like alldestroying Death.

तं भीमसेनश्च शिनेश्च नप्ता मात्र्याश्च पुत्रौ पुरुषप्रवीरौ। समागतं भीमबलेन राज्ञा पर्याप्तमन्योन्यमथाह्वयन्त॥
Bhimasena and the grandson of Shini and those two foremost of men, the two sons of Madri surrounded that hero while he was fighting with the highly powerful (Pandava) king. Ana all of them challenged him to battle.

ततस्तु शूराः समरे नरेन्द्र नरेश्वरं प्राप्य युधां वरिष्ठम्। आवार्य चैनं समरे नृवीरा जघ्नुः शरैः पत्रिभिरुग्रवेगैः॥
Then those heroes, O king, having obtained the king of the Madras, that best of warriors in battle, opposed that first of men in that encounter and began to strike him with powerful winged arrows.

संरक्षितो भीमसेनेन राजा माद्रीसुताभ्यामथ माधवेन। मद्राधिपं पत्रिभिरुपवेगैः स्तनान्तरे धर्मसुतो निजघ्ने॥
Protected by Bhimasena and the two sons of Madri and Krishna the royal son of Dharma struck the king of the Madras on the chest with powerful winged arrows.

ततो रणे तावकानां स्थौधाः समीक्ष्य मद्राधिपतिं शरार्तम्। पार्यवः प्रवरास्ते सुसज्जा दुर्योधनस्यानुमते पुरस्तात्॥
Then beholding the king of the Madras greatly wounded with arrows in that battle, the car-warriors and other combatants of your army, clad in mail and armed with weapons, surrounded him on all sides at Duryodhana's behest.

ततो द्रुतं मद्रजनाधिपो रणे युधिष्ठिरं सप्तभिरभ्यविद्ध्यत्। विव्याध राजंस्तुमुले महात्मा॥
They king of the Madras at this time quickly struck Yudhishthira with seven arrows in that battle. The great son of Pritha. O king, in return, struck his foe with nine arrows in that dreadful battle.

आकर्णपूर्णायतसम्प्रयुक्तैः शरैस्तदा संयति तैलधौतैः। अन्योन्यमाच्छादयतां महारथौ मद्राधिपश्चापि युधिष्ठिरश्च॥
Those two great car-warriors, viz., Shalya and Yudhishthira, began to cover each other with arrows bathed in oil and shot off bows drawn to their ears.

ततस्तु तूर्णं समरे महारथौ परस्परस्यान्तरमीक्षमाणौ। शरैर्भृशं विव्यधतुर्नपोत्तमौ महाबलौ शत्रुभिरप्रधृष्यौ॥
Those two best of kings, both gifted with great strength, both incapable of being defeated by foes and both foremost of car-warriors looking at each other's loop-holes, quickly and deeply struck each other's shafts.

तयोर्धनातलनिःस्वनो महान् महेन्द्रवज्राशनितुल्यनि:स्वनः। परस्परं बाणगणैर्महात्मनोः प्रवर्षतोर्मद्रपपाण्डुवीरयोः॥
The loud noise of their bows, bowstrings and palms, resembled that of Indra's thunder as those great car-warriors showered upon each other innumerable arrows.

तौ चेरतुर्व्याघ्रशिशुप्रकाशौ महावनेष्वामिषगृद्धिनाविव। विषाणिनौ नागवराविवोभौ ततक्षतुः संयति जातदो॥
They moved about in the field of battle like two young tigers in the deep forest fighting for a piece of meat. Elated with the pride of prowess, they wounded each other like a couple of infuriate elephants of powerful tusks.

ततस्तु मद्राधिपतिर्महात्मा युधिष्ठिरं भीमबलं प्रसह्या विव्याध वीरं हृदयेऽतिवेगं शरेण सूर्याग्निसमप्रभेण॥
Displaying his vigor, then the illustrious king of the Madras struck the heroic Yudhishthira of terrible might in the chest with an arrow effulgent like the fire or the sun.

ततोऽतिविद्धोऽथ युधिष्ठिरोऽपि सुसम्प्रयुक्तेन शरेण राजन्। जघान मद्राधिपतिं महात्मा मुदं च लेभे ऋषभः कुरूणाम्॥
Deeply struck, O king, that best of Kurus, the illustrious Yudhishthira, then struck the king of the Madras with a well aimed arrow and was filled with joy.

ततो मुहूर्तादिव पार्थिवेन्द्रो लब्ध्वा संज्ञां क्रोधसंरक्तनेत्रः। शतेन पार्थं त्वरितो जघान सहस्रनेत्रप्रतिमप्रभावः॥
Regaining his consciousness within a moment that foremost of kings viz., Shalya, powerful like Indra with eyes reddened in wrath, quickly struck the son of Pritha with a hundred arrows.

त्वरंस्ततो धर्मसुतो महात्मा शल्यस्य कोपान्नवभिः पृषत्कैः। भित्वा झुरस्तपनीयं च वर्म जघान षड्भिस्त्वपरैः पृषत्कैः॥
At this the illustrious son of Dharma, filled with rage, quickly struck Shalya's chest an then, without losing a moment, struck his golden mail with six arrows.

ततस्तु मद्राधिपतिः प्रकृष्टं धनुविंकृष्य व्यसृजत् पृषत्कान्। श्चिच्छेद चापं कुरुपुङ्गवस्य॥
Filled with joy, the 1. ing of the Madras then, drawing his bow and having discharged many arrows, at last cut off, with a pair of razorfaced shafts, the bow of his royal foe.

नवं ततोऽन्यत् समरे प्रगृह्य राजा धनुर्घोरतरं महात्मा। शल्यं विव्याध शरैः समन्ताद् यथा महेन्द्रो नमुचिं शिताप्रैः॥
The illustrious Yudhishthira then, taking a new and more powerful bow in that battle, struck Shalya with many keen pointed arrows from all sides like Indra striking the Asura Namuchi.

(मस्य राज्ञश्च युधिष्ठिरस्य। निकृत्य रोक्मे पटुवर्मणी तयो विडदारयामास भुजौ महात्मा।॥
Cutting off the golden coats of mail of both Bhima and king Yudhishthira with nine arrows, the illustrious Shalya then struck the arins of both of them.

ततोऽपरेण ज्वलनार्कतेजसा क्षुरेण राज्ञो धनुरुन्ममाथा कृपश्च तस्यैव जघान सूतं षड्भिः शरैः सोऽभिमुखः पपात॥
With another razor-faced arrow effulgent like the fire of the sun, he then cut off the bow of Yudhishthira. At this time Kripa, with six arrows, killed the king's driver who fell down in front of the car.

मद्राधिपश्चापि युधिष्ठिरस्य शरैश्चतुर्भिर्निजघान वाहान्। वाहांश्च हत्वा व्यकरोन्महात्मा योधक्षयं धर्मसुतस्य राज्ञः॥
The king of the Madras then killed with four arrows the four horses of Yudhishthira. Having slain the horses of the king, the great Shalya then began to kill the soldiers of the royal son of Dharma.

तथा कृते राजनि भीमसेनो मद्राधिपस्याथ ततो महात्मा। छित्त्वा धनुर्वेगवता शरेण द्वाभ्यामविध्यत् सुभृशं नरेन्द्रम्॥
When the (Pandava) king had been reduced to that plight, the great Bhimasena, quickly cutting off the bow of the Madra king with an arrow of great force, struck the king himself with a couple of arrows,

तथापरेणास्य जहार यन्तुः कायाच्छिरः संहननीयमध्यात्। जधान चाश्वांश्चतुरः सुशीघ्रं तथा भृशं कुपितो भीमसेनः॥
With another arrow he cut off the head of Shalya's driver from his trunk the middle of which was encased in mail. Beside himself with anger, Bhimasena next killed without a moment's delay, the four horses of his enemy.

मेकं चरन्तं समरेऽतिवेगम्। भीमः शतेन व्यकिरच्छराणां माद्रीपुत्रः सहदेवस्तथैव॥ तैः सायकैर्मोहितं वीक्ष्य शल्यं भीमः शरैरस्य चकर्त वर्म।
That foremost of all bowmen, viz., Bhima, then covered with a hundred arrows that hero who, gifted with great energy, was moving about alone in the field. Sahadeva, the son of Madri, did the same. Beholding Shalya stupefied with those arrows, Bhima cut off his armour with other arrows.

स भीमसेनेन निकृत्तवर्मा मद्राधिपश्चर्म सहस्रतारम्॥ प्रगृह्य खड्गं च रथान्महात्मा प्रस्कन्ध कुन्तीसुतमभ्यधावत्। छित्त्वा रथेषां नकुलस्य सोऽथ युधिष्ठिरं भीमबलोऽभ्यधावत्॥
His armour having been cut off by Bhimasena, the great king of Madras, taking up a sword and a shield adorned with a thousand stars, leaped down from his car and rushed towards the son of Kunti. Cutting off the shaft of Nakula's car, the powerful Shalya rushed towards Yudhishthira.

तं चापि राजानमथोत्पतन्तं क्रुद्धं यथैवान्तकमापतन्तम्। धृष्टद्युम्नो द्रौपदेयाः शिखण्डी शिनेश्च नप्ता सहसा परीयुः॥
Beholding him rushing with great force towards the king even like the Destroyer himself rushing in anger, Dhristadyumna and Sikhandin and the (five) sons of Draupadi and the grandson of Sini suddenly advanced towards him.

अथास्य चर्माप्रतिमं न्यकृन्त भीमो महात्मा नवभिः पृषत्कैः। खड्गं च भल्लैर्निचकर्त मुष्टौ नदन् प्रहृष्टस्तव सैन्यमध्ये॥
Then the illustrious Bhima cut off the ten arrows the matchless shield of that hero. With another broad-headed arrow he cut off the sword also of that warrior. Filled with joy at this, he cried aloud in the midst of the army.

स्ते पाण्डवानां प्रवरां रथौघाः। नादं च चक्रुर्भृशमुत्स्मयन्तः शङ्खांश्च दध्मुः शसिसंनिकाशान्॥
Beholding that feat of Bhima, all the foremost car-warriors among the Pandavas were filled with joy. Laughing aloud, they uttered terrible roars and blew their moonwhite conchs.

तेनाथ शब्देन विभीषणेन तथाभितप्तं बलमप्रधृष्यम्। कांदिग्भूतं रुधिरेणोक्षिताङ्गं विसंज्ञकल्पं च तदा विषण्णम्॥
At that terrible noise the army, protected by your warriors, were depressed, covered with sweat, bathed in blood, exceedingly melancholy and dispirited.

स मद्रराजः सहसा विकीर्णो भीमाग्रगैः पाण्डवयोधमुख्यैः। युधिष्ठिरस्याभिमुखं जवेन सिंहो यथा मृगहेतोः प्रयातः॥
Assailed by those foremost of Pandava warriors headed by Bhimasena, the king of the Madras proceeded towards Yudhishthira, like a lion going to catch a deer.

स धर्मराजो निहताश्वसूतः क्रोधेन दीप्तो ज्वलनप्रकाशः। दृष्ट्वा च मद्राधिपतिं स्म तूर्णं समभ्यधावत् तमरिं बलेन॥
Deprived of his car and horses, king Yudhishthira, looked like a blazing fire for the anger with which he was then excited. Beholding the king of the Madras before him, he rushed towards that foe with great force.

गोविन्दवाक्यं त्वरितं विचिन्त्य दधे मतिं शल्यविनाशनाय। स धर्मराजो निहताश्वसूतो रथे तिष्ठशक्तिमेवाभ्यकाक्षत्॥
Recollecting the words of Govinda, he quickly set his heart on the destruction of Shalya. Indeed, king Yudhishthira, staying on his steedless and driverless car, waited to take up a dart.

तचापि शल्यस्य निशम्य कर्म महात्मनो भागमथाविशिष्टम्। कृत्वा मनः शल्यवधे महात्मा यथोक्तमिन्द्रावरजस्य चक्रे॥
Beholding that feat of Shalya and thinking that the person who had been allotted to him as his share was not yet killed the son of Pandu firmly made up his mind to do what Indra's younger brother had advised him to do.

स धर्मराजो मणिहेमदण्डां जग्राह शक्तिं कनकप्रकाशाम्। नेत्रे च दीप्ते सहसा विवृत्य मद्राधिपं क्रुद्धमना निरैक्षत्॥
King Yudhishthira took up a dart whose handle was made of gold and set with gems and which was bright like gold. Rolling his wide open eyes, he looked at the king of Madras, his heart filled with anger.

निरीक्षितोऽसौ नरदेव राज्ञा पूतात्मना निहतकल्मषेण। आसीन यह भस्मसान्मद्रराज स्ततद्भुतं मे प्रतिभाति राजन्॥
Thus looked at, O god among men, by that king of pure and sinless soul the king of the Madras was not reduced to ashes. This was indeed wonderful, O monarch.

ततस्तु शक्तिं रुचिरोग्रदण्डां मणिप्रवेकोज्ज्वलितां प्रदीप्ताम्। चिक्षेप वेगात् सुभृशं महात्मा मद्राधिपाय प्रवरः कुरूणाम्॥
The chief of the Kurus then hurled with great force at the king of the Madras that blazing dart of beautiful and fierce handle set with gems and corals.

दीप्तामथैनां प्रहितां बलेन सविस्फुलिङ्गां सहसा पतन्तीम्। प्रेक्षन्त सर्वे कुरवः समेता दिवो युगान्ते महतीमिवोल्काम्॥
All the Kauravas beheld that blazing dart sending forth scintillations of fire as it passed through the sky after having been discharged with great force, like a large meteor dropping from the sky at the end of the cycle.

तां कालरात्रीमिव पाशहस्तां यमस्य धात्रीमिव चोग्ररूपाम्। स ब्रह्मदण्डप्रतिमाममोघां ससर्ज यत्तो युधि धर्मराजः॥
King Yudhishthira, in that battle, carefully discharged that dart which resembled the Death-night armed with the dreadful noose or the dreadful mother of Yama himself and which like the Brahmana's curse, was of sure effect.

रभ्यर्चिता पाण्डुसुतैः प्रयत्नात्। सांवर्तकग्निप्रतिमां ज्वलन्ती कृत्यामथर्वाङ्गिरसीमिवोग्राम्॥
Carefully the sons of Pandu had always worshipped that weapon with scents, garland, seats and the best food and drinks. That weapon seemed to born like the Samvartaka fire and was as dreadful as a rite performed according to the Atharvan of Angirasa.

ईशानहेतोः प्रतिनिर्मितां तां त्वष्ट्रा रिपूणामसुदेहभक्ष्याम्। भूम्यन्तरिक्षादिजलाशयानि प्रसह्य भूतानि निहन्तुमीशाम्॥
Made by Tashtri the celestial architect for the use of Shiva it destroyed the vital airs and the bodies of all foes. It could destroy by its force the earth, the sky and all the reservoirs of water and animals of every description.

घण्टापताकामणिवज्रनाला वैदूर्यचित्रां तपनीयदण्डाम्। त्वष्ट्रा प्रयत्नान्नियमेन क्लृप्तां ब्रह्मद्विषामन्तकरीममोघाम्॥
Adorned with bells, flags, gems, diamonds, lapis lazuli and equipt with a golden handle, the celestial Architect himself had made it with great care after having practised many vows. This fatal weapon was destructive of all haters of Brahma.

बलप्रयत्नादधिरूढवेगां मन्त्रैश्च घोरैरभिमन्त्र्य यत्नात्। ससर्ज मार्गेण च तां परेण वधाय मद्राधिपतेस्तदानीम्॥
Having inspired it with many mantras and impregnated it with terrible velocity by the exercise of great power and care, king Yudhishthira hurled it by the best path for the destruction of the king of the Madras.

हतोऽसि पापेत्यभिगर्जमानो रुद्रोऽन्धकायान्तकरं यथेषुम्। प्रसार्य बाहुं सुदृढं सुपाणिं क्रोधेन नृत्यन्निव धर्मराजः॥
Saying in a loud voice the words-"you are killed, O wretch”-the king hurled it, even as Rudra had, in days of yore, shot his arrow for the destruction of the Asura Andhaka, extending his strong arm adorned with a beautiful hand and dancing in anger.

तां सर्वशक्त्या प्रहितां सुशक्तिं युधिष्ठिरेणाप्रतिवार्यवीर्यम्। प्रतिग्रहायाभिननर्द शल्यः सम्यग्धुतामग्निरिवाज्यधाराम्॥
Shalya cried aloud and tried to catch that excellent dart of great energy hurled by Yudhishthira with all his strength even as a fire laps forth for catching the clarified butter poured over it.

मुरो विशालं च तथैव भित्त्वा। विवेश गां तोयमिवाप्रसक्ता यशो विशालं नृपतेर्दहन्ती॥
Cutting through his very vitals and his fair and broad chest, that dart entered the Earth as easily as it would water without the slightest obstruction and carrying away the world-wide reputation of Shalya.

नासाक्षिकर्णास्यविनिःसृतेन प्रक्यन्दता च व्रणसम्भवेन। संसिक्तगात्रो रुधिरेण सोऽभूत् क्रौञ्चो यथा स्कन्दहतो महाद्रिः॥
Covered with the blood that came out of his nostrils, cyes, ears and mouth and that which flowed from his wound, he looked like the huge Krauncha mountain when it was pierced by Skanda.

प्रसार्य वाहू च रथाद् गतो गां संछिन्नवर्मा कुरुनन्दनेन। महेन्द्रवाहप्रतिमो महात्मा वज्राहतं शृङ्गमिवाचलस्य॥
His armour having been cut off by Yudhishthira the illustrious Shalya, strong as Indra's elephant, stretching his arms, dropped down on the Earth, like a mountain summit clapped by a thunder-bolt.

बाहू प्रसार्यभिमुखो धर्मराजस्य मद्रराट्। ततो निपतितो भूमाविन्द्रध्वज इवोच्छ्रितः॥ स तथा भिन्नसर्वाङ्गो रुधिरेण समुक्षितः।
Stretching his arms, the king of the Madras fell down on the Earth, with his face directed towards king Yudhishthira like Indra's pole dropped down on the ground.

प्रत्युद्गत इव प्रेम्णा भूम्या स नरपुङ्गवः॥ प्रियया कान्तया कान्तः पतमान इवोरसि।
Like a dear wife advancing to reserve her dear husband about to fall on her breast, the Earth as if, out of affection, rose a little for receiving that best of men as he fell down with wounded limbs covered with blood.

चिरं भुक्त्वा वसुमती प्रियां कान्तामिव प्रभुः॥ सर्वैरङ्गैः समानिश्लष्य प्रसुप्त इव चाभवत्।
Having enjoyed long the Earth like a dear wife, the powerful Shalya, now to sleep on the Earth's breast, embraced her.

धर्म्य धर्मात्मना युद्धे निहतो धर्मसूनुना॥ सम्यग्घुत इव स्विष्टः प्रशान्तोऽग्निरिवाध्वरे।
Slain by Dharma's son in a fair fight, Shalya shone like fire lying extinguished on the sacrificial altar.

शक्त्या विभिन्नह्रदयं विप्रविद्धायुधध्वजम्॥ संशान्तमपि मद्रेशं लक्ष्मी व विमुञ्चति।
Though deprived of his weapons and standard and though his heart had been cut and slain still his body was not shorn of beauty.

ततो युधिष्ठिरश्चापमादायेन्द्रधनुष्प्रभम्॥ व्यधमद् द्विषतः संख्ये खगराडिव पन्नगान्। देहान् सुनिशितैर्भल्लै रिपूणां नाशयन् क्षणात्॥
Taking up his bow resplendent like Indra's bow then Yudhishthira began to destroy his foes in that battle like Garuda killing snakes. With the greatest speed he began to cut off the bodies of his enemies with the keen arrows.

ततः पार्थस्य बाणौघेरावृताः सैनिकास्तव। निमीलिताक्षाः क्षिण्वन्तो भृशमन्योन्यमर्दिताः॥ क्षरन्तो रुधिरं देहैर्विपन्नायुधजीविताः।
Your troops were entirely covered with the showers of arrows that the son of Pritha then shot. Possessed with fear and with eyes shut, they began to strike one another. With their bodies bathed in blood they were deprived of their offensive and defensive arins and divested of their vital-breaths.

ततः शल्ये निपतिते मद्रराजानुजो युवा॥ भ्रातुस्तुल्यो गणैः सर्वै रथी पाण्डवमभ्ययात्।
Upon the fall of Shalya, the youthful younger brother of the king of the Madras who equal his brother in every accomplishment and who was a great carwarrior, proceeded against Yudhishthira.

विव्याध च नरश्रेष्ठो नाराचैर्बहुभिस्त्वरन्॥ हतस्यापचितिं भ्रातुश्चिकीर्षुर्युद्धदुर्मदः।
Invincible in battle and desirous of satisfying the last dues of his brother, that foremost of men struck speedily the Pandava with many arrows.

तं विव्याधशुगैः षड्भिर्धर्मराजस्त्वरनिव॥ कार्मुकं चास्य चिच्छेद क्षुराभ्यां ध्वजमेव च।
King Yudhishthira immediately struck him with six arrows. He then cut off the bow and the standard of his antagonist with two razorfaced arrows.

ततोऽस्य दीप्यमानेन सुदृढेन शितेन च॥ प्रमुखे वर्तमानस्य भल्लेनापाहरच्छिरः।
Then with a blazing and keen arrow of great power and broad heat, he cut off the head of his foe who stood before him. was to

सकुण्डलं तद् ददृशे पतमानं शिरो रथात्॥ पुण्यक्षयमनुप्राप्य पतन् स्वर्गादिव च्युतः।
That head adorned with ear-rings was seen to fall down from the car like a denizen of heaven falling down on the exhaustion of his virtues.

तस्यापकृत्तशीर्षं तु शरीरं पतितं रथात्॥ रुधिरेणावसिक्ताङ्गं दृष्ट्वा सैन्यमभज्यत।
Beholding his headless trunk, bathed in blood, fallen down from his car, the Kaurava troops were dispersed.

विचित्रकवचे तस्मिन् हते मद्रनृपानुजे॥ हाहाकारं प्रकुर्वाणाः कुरवोऽभिप्रदुद्रुवः।
Indeed, upon the destruction of the younger brother of the Madras clad in beautiful armour, the Kurus bewailed and fled away quickly.

शल्यानुजं हतं दृष्ट्वा तावकास्त्यक्तजीविताः॥ वित्रेसुः पाण्डवभयाद् रजोध्वस्तास्तदा भृशम्।
Beholding Shalya's younger brother killed your troops, hopeless of their lives; were pursued by the fear of the Pandavas and fled, coated with dust.

तांस्तथा भज्यमानांस्तु कौरवान् भरतर्षभ॥ शिनेर्नप्ता किरन् बाणैरभ्यवर्तत सात्यकिः।
Then Shini's grandson Satyaki, O foremost of Bharatas, shooting his arrows, proceeded against the frightened Kauravas in the course of their fight.

तमायान्तं महेष्वासं दुष्प्रसह्य दुरासदम्॥ हार्दिक्यस्तवरितो राजन् प्रत्यगृह्णादभीतवत्।
The Hridika's son, O king, quickly and fearlessly opposed that invincible warrior, that irresistible and powerful bowman, as he proceeded against them.

तौ समेतौ महात्मानौ वार्ष्णेयौ वरवाजिनौ॥ हार्दिक्यः सात्यकिश्चैव सिंहाविव बलोत्कटौ।
Those two illustrious and invincible Vrishni heroes, Hridika's son and Satyaki, encountered each other like two enraged lions.

इषुभिर्विमलाभासैश्छादयन्तौ परस्परम्॥ अर्चिभिरिव सूर्यस्व दिवाकरसमप्रभौ।
Both effulgent like the sun, they covered each other with burning arrows resplendent like the rays of the sun.

चापमार्गबलोद्धतान् मार्गणान् वृष्णिसिंहयोः॥ आकाशगानपश्याम पतङ्गानिव शीघ्रगान्।
The arrows of those two Vrishni chiefs, shot off their bows, appeared like swiftlycoursing insects in the sky.

सात्यकि दशभिविद्ध्वा हयांश्चास्य त्रिभिः शरैः॥७४ चापमेकेन चिच्छेद हार्दिक्यो नतपर्वणा।
Piercing Satyaki with ten arrows and his horses with three, the son of Hridika cut off his bow with a straight arrow.

तन्निकृत्तं धनुः श्रेष्ठमपास्य शिनिपुङ्गवः॥ अन्यदादत्त वेगेन वेगवत्तरमायुधम्।
Casting off his bow which was thus cut off, that heroe, quickly took up another that was stronger than the first.

तदादाय धनुः श्रेष्ठं वरिष्ठः सर्वधन्विनाम्॥ हार्दिक्यं दशभिर्बाणैः प्रत्यविध्यत् स्तनान्तरे।
Having taken up that best of bows, that first of bowmen struck the son of Hridika with ten arrows on the chest.

ततो रथं युगेषां च च्छित्त्वा भल्लैः सुसंयतैः॥ अश्वांस्तस्यावधीत् तूर्णमूभौ च पार्ष्णिसारथी।
Then cutting off his car and the shaft of that car with many well-aimed arrows, Satyaki quickly killed the horses of his antagonist and his two Parshni drivers.

ततस्तं विरथं दृष्ट्वा कृपः शारद्वतः प्रभो॥ अपोवाह ततः क्षिप्रं रथमारोप्य वीर्यवान्।
O Lord, Saradvat, seeing Hridika's son made carless, the valiant Kripa then, the son Saradvat of speedily carried him away, on his car.

मद्रराजे हते राजन् विरथे कृतवर्मणि॥ दुर्योधनबलं सर्वं पुनरासीत् पराङ्मुखम्।
The king of the Madras being slain and upon Kritavarma having been made carless, the entire arıny of Duryodhana fled away from the battle field.

तत् परे नान्वबुध्यन्त सैन्येन रजसा वृते॥ बलं तु हतभूयिष्ठं तत् तदाऽऽसीत् पराङ्मुखम्।
At this time the army was covered with a cloud of dust. We could not perceive anything. The major portion, however, of your army were killed. They, who remained alive, took to their heels from the battle-field.

ततो मुहूर्तात् तेऽपश्यन् रजो भीमं समुत्थितम्॥ विविधैः शोणितस्रावैः प्रशान्तं पुरुषर्षभ।
Soon it was seen that the cloud of dust was suppressed, O foremost of men, on account of the streams of blood that flowed on all sides.

ततो दुर्योधनो दृष्ट्वा भग्नं स्वबलमन्तिकात्॥ जवेनापततः पार्थानेकः सर्वानवारयत्।
Then seeing his army routed Duryodhana, alone, resisted all the Parthas advancing furiously.

पाण्डवान् सरथान् दृष्ट्वा धृष्टद्युम्नं च पार्षतम्॥ आनर्तं च दुराधर्षं शितैर्बाणैरवारयत्। तं परे नाभ्यवर्तन्त मा मृत्युमिवागतम्॥
Beholding the Pandavas on their cars as also Dhrishtadyumna the son of Prishata and the invincible Satyaki, the Kuru king struck them with sharp arrows.

अथान्यं रथमास्थाय हार्दिक्योऽपि न्यवर्तत। ततो युधिष्ठिरो राजा त्वरमाणो महारथः॥
The enemy (at that time) could not approach him, like mortals fearing to approach the Death standing before thein. Meanwhile the son of Hridika, riding upon another car, advanced there.

चतुर्भिनिजघानाश्वान् पत्रिभिः कृतवर्मणः। विव्याध गौतमं चापि षड्भिर्भल्लैः सुतेजनैः॥
The great car-warrior Yudhishthira then quickly killed the four horses of Kritavarman with four arrows and struck the son of Gotama with six broad-headed powerful arrows.

अश्वत्थामा ततो राज्ञा हताश्वं विरथीकृतम्। तमपोवाह हार्दिक्यं स्वरथेन युधिष्ठिरात्॥
Then Ashvatthaman, taking upon his car, the son of Hridika who had been deprived of his horses by the (Pandava) king, took him away from Yudhishthira's presence.

ततः शारद्वतः षड्भिः प्रत्यविद्ध्यद् युधिष्ठिरम्। विव्याध चाश्वान्निशितैस्तस्याष्टाभिः शिलीमुखैः॥
The son of Sharadvata struck Yudhishthira in return with eight arrows and his horses also with cight keen arrows.

एवमेतन्महाराज युद्धशेषमवर्तत। तव दुर्मत्रिते राजन् सह पुत्रस्य भारत॥
Thus, O king, the battle raged on all sides on account of the evil policy of yourself and your soni, O Bharata.

तस्मिन् महेष्वासधरे विशस्ते संग्राममध्ये कुरुपुङ्गवेन। पार्थाः समेताः परमप्रहृष्टाः शङ्खान् प्रदधुमुर्हतमीक्ष्य शल्यम्॥
After the destruction of that foremost of bow men on the field of battle by that foremost of Kuru's race, the Parthas, beholding Shalya slain, in a body filled with great joy, blew their conchs.

युधिष्ठिरं च प्रशशंसुराजौ पुरा कृते वृत्रवधे यथेन्द्रम्। चक्रुश्च नानाविधवाद्यशब्दान् निनादयन्तो वसुधा समेताः॥
And all of them praised Yudhishthira in that battle, even as the celestials, in days of yore, had praised Indra after the destruction of Vritra. And they beat and blew various kinds of musical instruments, making the Earth resound on all sides.