KARNA PARVA: Chapter 55

The retreating of Yudhishthira from the battle-field

संजय उवाच द्रौणियुधिष्ठिरं दृष्ट्वा शैनेयेनाभिरक्षितम्। द्रौपदेयैस्तथा शूरैरभ्यवर्तत हृष्टवतः॥ किरन्निषुगणान् घोरान् स्वर्णपुङ्खाशिलाशितान्। दर्शयन् विविधान् मार्गान् शिक्षाश्च लघुहस्तवत्॥
Sanjaya said Beholding Yudhishthira protected by Sini's son as well as by the war-like sons of Draupadi, the son of Drona, as if delighted, proceeded against him, scattering goldfeathered arrows, showing various ways of his light-handedness.

ततः खं पूरयामास शरैर्दिव्यास्त्रमन्त्रितैः। युधिष्ठिरं च समरे परिवार्य महास्त्रवित्॥
Thereupon he filled the sky with arrows of the vigour of celestial weapons. That one, conversant with the use of weapons, withstood Yudhishthira in battle.

द्रौणायनिशरच्छन्नं न प्राज्ञायत किञ्चन। बाणभूतमभूत् सर्वमायोधनशिरो महत्॥
When the sky was covered with the arrows of Drona's son nothing could be perceived. The space before the warriors was filled with arrows.

बाणजालं दिविच्छन्नं स्वर्णजालविभूषितम्। शुशुभे भरतश्रेष्ठ वितानमिव धिष्ठितम्॥
The sky being covered with a net-work of golden arrows it appeared as if a canopy had been spread there.

तेनच्छन्न नभो राजन् बाणजालेन भास्वता। अभ्रच्छायेव संजज्ञे बाणरुद्ध नभस्तले॥
O king, the sky being covered with a network of shining arrows a shadow appeared there like that of clouds.

तत्राश्चर्यमपश्याम बाणभूते तथाविधे। न स्म सम्पतते भूतंकिंचिदेवान्तरिक्षगम्॥
When the sky was thus converted into one sheet of arrows it was a wonderful sight to look at. No creature could range in the sky at that time.

सात्यकिर्यतमानस्तु धर्मराजश्च पाण्डवः। तथेतराणि सैन्यानि न स्म चक्रुः पराक्रमम्॥
Satyaki, although trying his very best, the pious son of Pandu and other warriors, could not display their prowess.

लाघवं द्रोणपुत्रस्य दृष्ट्वा तत्र महारथाः। व्यस्मयन्त महाराज न चैनं प्रत्युदीक्षितुम्॥ शेकुस्ते सर्वराजानस्तपन्तमिव भास्करम्।
Beholding the light-handness of Drona's son, all the mighty car-warriors there, O king, were filled with wonder. All the kings could not look at him, as if shedding lustre of the sun.

वध्यमाने ततः सैन्ये द्रौपदेया महारथाः॥ सात्यकिधर्मराजश्च पञ्चालाश्चाप संगताः। त्यक्त्वा मृत्युभयं घोरं द्रौणायनिमुपाद्रवन्॥
Thereupon, when their soldiers were being thus slaughtered, the mighty car-warriors, the son of Draupadi, Satyaki, the pious king Yudhishthira and the Panchalas, all united, giving up the dreadful fear of death, rushed towards the son of Drona.

सात्यकिः सप्तविंशत्या द्रौणि विद्ध्वा शिलीमुखैः। पुनर्विव्याध नाराचैः सप्तभिः स्वर्णभूषितैः॥
Piercing the son of Drona with twenty seven arrows he again pierced him with seven gold-plated winged arrows.

युधिष्ठिरस्त्रिसप्ततया प्रतिबिध्यश्च सप्तभिः। श्रुतकर्मा त्रिभिर्बाणैः श्रुतकीर्तिश्च सप्तभि॥ सुतसोमस्तु नवभिः शतानीकश्च सप्तभिः। अन्ये च बहवः शूरा विव्यधुस्तं समन्ततः॥
Yudhishthira struck him with seventy three arrows and Prativinda with seven, Shrutakarma cut him with three arrows and Shrutakirti with seven. Sutasoma struck him with nine arrows and Satanika with seven. And many other warrior struck him from all sides with a number of shafts.

स तु क्रुद्धस्ततो राजन्नाशीविष इव श्वसन्। सात्यकिं पञ्चविंशत्या प्रत्यविध्यच्छिलीमुखैः॥
Thereupon worked up with rage, O king, he, sighing like a deadly serpent, struck Satyaki with twenty five sharpened arrows.

श्रुतकीर्ति च नवभिः सुतसोमं च पञ्चभिः। अष्टभिः श्रुतकर्माणं प्रतिविध्यं त्रिभिः शरैः॥ शतानीकं च नवभिर्धर्मपुत्रं च पञ्चभिः। तथेतरांस्ततः : शूरान् द्वाभ्यां द्वाभ्यामताडयत्॥ श्रुतकीर्तेस्तथा चापं चिच्छेद निशितैः शरैः।
And he struck Srutakirti with nine arrows and Sutasoma with five; and Prativindhya with three arrows and Srutakarma with eight. And he. struck Raja Yudhishthira, the son of Dharma, with five arrows and Satanika with nine. And then he struck other warriors with two shafts each and cut into pieces the bow of Srutakirti with very sharp pointed arrows.

अथान्यद् धनुरादाय श्रुतिकीर्तिर्महारथः॥ द्रौणानि त्रिभिर्विद्ध्वा विव्याधान्यैः शितैः शरैः।
After this Shrutakirti took up another fresh bow and at once struck Drona's son with three a arrows and began to shower on him numerous sharp-pointed arrows.

ततो द्रौणिर्महाराज शरवर्षेण मारिष॥ छादयामास तत् सैन्यं समन्ताद् भरतर्षभ।
Then, O monarch, O great sire of the Bharata race, the son of Drona covered the Pandava army with showers of arrows.

ततः पुनरमेयात्मा धर्मराजस्य कार्मुकम्॥ द्रौणिश्चिच्छेद विहसन् विव्याध च शरैस्त्रिभिः।
Just after this the highly spirited son of Drona, casting smiling look upon Yudhishthira, simultaneously cut-off his bow and struck him with three arrows.

ततो धर्मसुतो राजन् प्रगृह्यान्यन्महद् धनुः॥ द्रौणिं विव्याधं सप्तत्या बाह्वोरुरसि चार्पयत्।
Upon that, О king, the son of Dharma took up a very big bow and darted, one after another, seventy shafts, piercing the arms and breast of the son of Drona.

सात्यकिस्तु ततः क्रुद्धो द्रौणेः प्रहरतो रणे॥ अर्धचन्द्रेण तीक्ष्णेन धनुश्छित्त्वानदद् भृशम्।
Then Satyaki, filled with anger, roared aloud and broke down in that very battle the bow of that terrible afflicter, Drona's son, with the same-circular and sharp arrow of his own.

छिन्नधन्वा ततो द्रौणिः शक्त्या शक्तिमतां वरः॥ सारथिं पातयामास शैनेयस्य रथा द्रुतम्।
When his bow was thus cut-off that hero of heroes, Drona's son, with a dart quickly struck the driver of Satyaki's car down and unseated him from his chariot.

अथान्यद् धनुरादाय द्रोणपुत्रः प्रतापवान्॥ शैनेयं शरवर्षेणच्छादयामास भारत!
Then, O Bharata, the mighty son of Drona, taking up another bow, covered the son of Sini with quite a shower of arrows.

तस्याश्वाः प्रदूताः संख्ये पतिते रथसारथौ॥ तत्र तत्रैव धावन्तः समदृश्यन्त भारत।
Thus, O Bharata, the driver was killed Satyaki's horses were seen to run riot in the battle-field.

युधिष्ठिरपुरोगास्तु द्रौणिशस्त्रभृतां वरम्॥ अभ्यवर्षन्त वेगेन विसृजन्तः शिताञ्छरान्।
Then the Pandava army commanded by Raja Yudhishthira, rushed furiously towards Drona's son, the foremost of all the wielders of weapons and began to shower sharp shafts upon him.

आगच्छमानांस्तान् दृष्ट्वा क्रुद्धरूपान् परंतपः॥ प्रहसन् प्रतिजग्राह द्रोणपुत्रो महारणे।
Seeing them thus coming upon him as so many incarnations of anger the great terror of foes, Drona's son, received them all in the terrible battle with a spiteful smile.

ततः शरशतज्वाल: सेनाकक्षं महारथः॥ द्रौणिर्ददाह समरे कक्षमग्निर्यथा वने।
Then the great car-warrior, Drona's son, burnt down, as it were, the Pandava troops in the battle with the flames of his arrows, just as the forest fire burns the dry hays and straws.

तद् बलं पाण्डुपुत्रस्य द्रोणपुत्रप्रतापितम्॥ चुक्षुभे भरतश्रेष्ठ तिमिनेव नदीमुखम्।
O foremost of Bharata's race, the Pandava army, thus provoked by the son of Drona, became exceedingly agitated as the water of a river is troubled by a whale.

दृष्ट्वा चैव महाराज द्रोणपुत्रपराक्रम्॥ निहतान् मेनिरे सर्वान् पाण्डून द्रोणसुतेन् वै।
O Maharaj, seeing the bravery of Drona's son made the people think, as if the Pandava army already were killed.

युधिष्ठिरस्तु त्वरितो द्रोणशिष्यो महारथः॥ अब्रवीद् द्रोणपुत्राय रोषमर्षसमन्वितः।
Then the great car-warrior Yudhishthira being enraged and filled with revengeful spirit thus addressed the son of Drona in a

नैव नाम तव प्रीत व नाम कृतज्ञता॥ यतस्तवं पुरुषव्याघ्र मामेवाद्य जिघांससि।
O mightiest of men, neither have you any feeling nor do you cherish any sense of gratitude when today you are ready even to slay me.

ब्राह्मणेन तपः कार्ये दानमध्ययनं तथा॥ क्षत्रियेण धनुर्नाम्यं स भवान् ब्राह्मणब्रुवः।
To study and to practise asceticism and charities and the duties of a Brahman and the Kshatriyas only are authorised to use the bow. So it seems that you are a Brahmin in name only.

मिषतस्ते महाबाहो युधि जेष्यामि कौरवान्॥ कुरुष्व समरे कर्म ब्रह्मबन्धुरसि ध्रुवम्।
However, O you of mighty arms, I am determined upon killing the Kaurava army in the battle just before your eyes. Do your best. I call you a scum of the Brahman race.

एवमुक्तो महाराज द्रोणपुत्रः स्मयन्निव॥ युक्तं तत्त्वं च संचिन्त्य नोत्तरं किंचिद्ब्रवीत्।
Thus addressed, O monarch, the son of Drona smiled bashfully and pondering over what was proper and meet could not give any reply.

अनुक्त्वा च ततः किंचिच्छरवर्षेण पाण्डवम्॥ छादयामास समरे क्रुद्धोऽन्तक इव प्रजाः।
Getting thus terribly annoyed the son of Drona kept quiet for a while and then began to shower arrows upon the Pandavas like unto the Destroyer himself when bent upon destroying the entire creation.

स च्छाद्यमानस्तु तदा द्रोणपुत्रेण मारिष॥ पार्थोऽययातः शीघ्रं वै विहाय महतीं चमूम्।
Thus covered, as it were, by the arrows of the son of Drona Pritha's son fled away from the field leaving his large army.

अपयाते ततस्तस्मिन् धर्मपुत्रे युधिष्ठिरे॥ द्रोणपुत्रस्ततो राजन् प्रत्यगात् स महामनाः।
After Yudhishthira, the son of Dharma, had thus fled from the field, O king, the highminded son of Drona also left the spot.

ततो युधिष्ठिरो राजंस्तत्यक्त्वा द्रौणिं महाहवे। प्रवयौ तावकं सौन्यं युक्तः क्रूराय कर्मणे॥
Yudhishthira then, O king, thus avoiding the son of Drona in the great battle, marched against your army being determined to wage a ruthless slaughter.