KARNA PARVA: Chapter 95

Kuru soldiers returned to his camp

संजय उवाच हते वैकर्तने राजन् कुरवो भयपीडिताः। वीक्षमाणा दिशः सर्वाः पर्यापेतुः सहस्रशः॥
Sanjaya said On Karna being slain, all the Kauravas, stricken with fear, fled away in all directions looking vacantly.

कर्णं तु निहतं दृष्ट्वा शत्रुभिः परमाहवे। भीता दिशो व्यकीर्यन्त तावकाः क्षतविक्षताः॥
Hearing that the heroic Karna had been killed by his enemy your soldiers, overcome with fear, fled away on all sides.

ततोऽवहारं चक्रुस्ते योधाः सर्वे समन्ततः। निवार्यमाणाश्चोद्विग्नास्तावका भृशदुःखिताः॥
Your all warriors then suffering from anxiety and agony, had received a number of wounds on their bodies. Hence, they all scattered in all directions wherever, they got the way.

तेषां तन्मतमाज्ञाय पुत्रो दुर्योधनस्तव। अवहारं ततश्चक्रे शल्यस्यानुमते नृप।॥
Then the Kuru leaders anxiously desired to rally your troops and your son also tried to cheek their flight.

कृतवर्मा रथैस्तूर्णं वृतो भारत तावकैः। नारायणावशेषैश्च शिबिरायैव दुद्रुवे॥
Encircled by the remaining portion of the Narayana troops Kritavarma speedily proceeded to his camp.

गान्धाराणां सहस्रेण शकुनिः परिवारितः। हतमाधिरथिं दृष्ट्वा शिबिरायैव दुद्रुवे॥
Seeing Adhiratha's son killed Shakuni surrounded by a thousand Ghandharvas, quickly returned to his camp.

कृपः शारद्वतो राजन् नागानीकेन भारत। महामेघनिभेनाशु शिबियैव दुहुवे॥
Encircled by a large elephant force resembling a mass of clouds Saradvata's son Kripa quickly went towards his camp.

अश्वत्थामा ततः शूरो विनिःश्वस्य पुनः पुनः। पाण्डवानां जयं दृष्ट्वा शिबिरायैव दुगुरे॥
Sighing heavily at the success of the Pandavas, the brave Ashvatthama quickly went to his camp

संशप्तकावशिष्टेन बलेन महात वृतः। सुशार्मापि ययौ राजन् वीक्षमाणो भयार्दितः॥
Encircled by the remaining portion of the Samsaptakas which was still a large army, Susarma, looking at the terror-stricken' soldiers, went away.

दुर्योधनोऽपि नृपतिर्हतसर्वस्वबान्धवः। ययौ शोकसमाविष्टश्चिन्तयन् विमना बहु॥
Deprived of everything and his heart heavily laden with sorrow and afflicted by painful thoughts king Duryodhana went away.

छिन्नध्वजेन शल्यस्तु रथेन रथिनां वरः। प्रययौ शिबिरायैव वीक्षमाणो दिशो दश॥
Having his standard broken and looking on all sides, Shalya, the best of car-warriors, returned to his camp.

ततोऽपरे सुबहवो भरतानां महारथाः। प्राद्रवन्त भयत्रस्ता ह्रियाविष्टा विचेतसः॥
Assailed with fear and shame and beside themselves with grief the remaining car warriors of the Bharata army, still a large number, fled aw.y.

असृक् क्षरन्तः सोद्विग्ना रेपमानास्तथातुराः। कुरवो दुद्रुवः सर्वे दृष्ट्वा कर्ण निपातितम्॥
Seeing Karna slain all the Kuru soldiers, trembling and with their voice suppressed with tears, fled away precepituously in fear.

प्रशंसन्तोऽर्जुनं केचित् वेपमानास्तथातुराः। व्यद्रवन्त दिशो भीताः कुरवः कुरुसत्तम॥
The great car-warriors of the Kuru army fled away in fear some praising Karna and other Arjuna.

तेषां योधसहस्राणांन तावकानां महामृधे। नासीत्तत्र पुमान् कश्चिद् यो युद्धाय मनो दधे।॥
Amongst the many thousand warriors of your army there was not a single individual who had any desire for fighting.

हते कर्णे महाराज निराशाः कुरवोऽभवन्। जीवितेष्वपि राज्येषु दारेषु च धनेषु च॥
Upon the destruction of Karna, O king, the Kurus gave up all hopes of their lives, kingdom, wives and riches.

तान् समानीय पुत्रस्ते यत्नेन महता विभुः। निवेशाय मनो दघे दुःखशोकसमन्वितः॥
Worked up with sorrow your son decided to give them rest for the night.

तस्याज्ञां शिरसा योधाः परिगृह्य विशाम्पते। विवर्णवदना राजन् न्यविशन्त महारथाः॥
Obeying his orders, O king, the great carwarriors, bending low their heads, left the battle-field depressed and with pale countenances.

तान् समानीय पुत्रस्ते यत्नेन महता विभुः। निवेशाय मनो दघे दुःखशोकसमन्वितः॥
Worked up with sorrow your son decided to give them rest for the night.

तस्याज्ञां शिरसा योधाः परिगृह्य विशाम्पते। विवर्णवदना राजन् न्यविशन्त महारथाः॥
Obeying his orders, O king, the great carwarriors, bending low their heads, left the battle-field depressed and with pale countenances.