KARNA PARVA: Chapter 85

Death of Vrishasena

संजय उवाच नकुलमथ विदित्वा छिन्नबाणासनासिं विरतमरिशरात कर्णपुत्रास्त्रभग्नम्। पवनधुतपताकालादिनो वल्गिताश्वा वरपुरुषनियुक्तास्ते रथैः शीघ्रमीयुः॥ द्रुपदसुतवरिष्ठाः पञ्च शैनेयषष्ठा दुपददुहितृपुत्राः पञ्च चामित्रसाहाः। द्विरदरथनराश्वान् सूदयन्तस्त्वदीयान् भुजगपतिनिकाशैर्मार्गणैरात्तशस्त्राः॥
Sanjaya said Then those eleven mighty scorchers of enemies, namely the five brave sons of Drupada, the grandson of Shini (Satyaki) and the five sons of Draupadi, learning that Nakula had been made carless and greatly distressed and wounded with the shafts and other weapons of the son of Karna, his sword and bow broken, advanced on their rattling cars with standards floating in the air and pulled by jumping horses driven by skillful drivers. Those well-armed heroes with shafts deadly as snakes went on killing your elephants, chariots and men.

अथ तव रथमुख्यास्तान् प्रतीयुस्त्वरन्तः कृपहदिकसुतौ च द्रौणिदुर्योधन च। शकुनिसुतवृकौ च क्राथदेवावृधौ च द्विरदजलदघोषैः स्यन्दनैः कार्मुकैश्च॥
Then your leading car-warriors, viz. Hridaka's son, Kripa, Drona's son, Shakuni's son, Vrika, Krathadeva and Devavridha immediately advanced against them with their bows on cars, the wheels of which were rattling loudly like the roars of elephants or the boom of the clouds.

तव नृप रतिवर्यास्तान् दशौकं च वीरान् नृवर शरवारौस्ताडयन्ताडयन्तोऽभरुन्धन्। गिरीशिखरनिकाशैर्भीमवेगैः कुलिन्दाः॥
O monarch, the Kaurava warriors thus attacking those eleven best of car-warriors and choicest of men, checked their course with most powerful shafts, but the Kulindas mounted on elephants of great Sini and looking like mountain cliffs and resembling in color newly gathered clouds, rushed against the Kaurava warriors.

सुकल्पिता हैमवता मदोत्कटा रणाभिकामैः कृतिभिः समास्थिताः। स्तथा यथा खे जलदाः सविद्युतः॥
Those unruly and proud elephants of the Himalayan breed, adorned with networks of gold and mounted by skillful warriors eager to show their prowess in battle, looked beautiful like the clouds in the sky with lightning flashing upon them.

कुलिन्दपुत्रो दशाभिर्महायसैः कृपं ससूताश्वमपीडयद् भृशम्। तत: शरद्वत्सुतसायकैर्हतः सहैव नागेन पपात भूतले॥
Then the Prince of the Kulindas with ten arrows made entirely of steel, bravely attacked Kripa but being struck in return by arrows of Sharadvat's son the prince with his elephant fell down on the earth.

दिवाकरांशुप्रतिमैरयस्मयैः। स्ततोऽस्य गान्धारपतिः शिरोऽहरन्त्॥
The younger brother of that prince attacked Kripa's car with spears made of steel and shining like the rays of the sun and began to shout loudly and while so careering his head was severed by the king of Gandhara.

तत: कुलिन्देषु हतेषु तेष्वथ प्रहृष्टरूपास्तव ते महारथाः। भृशं प्रदध्मुलवणाम्बुसम्भवान् परांश्च बाणासनपाणयोऽभ्ययुः॥
Those powerful car-warriors of our army being glad at the fall of the Kulindas blew their sea conchs and with bows in hand attacked their enemies.

अथाभवद् युद्धमतीव दारुणं पुनः कुरूणां सं पाण्डुसृञ्जयैः। नराश्वनागासुहरं भृशाकुलम्॥
The battle which followed between the Kurus on one side and the Pandus and the Srinjayas on the other with shafts cutlasses, darts, swords and maces and battle axes became awful and hard and many steeds, men and elephants were killed.

स्थाश्वमाकङ्गपदातिभिस्ततः परस्परं विप्रहतापतन् क्षितौ। यथा सविद्युत्स्तनिता बलाहका: समाहता दिग्भ्य इवोग्रामारुतैः॥
As the clouds with a flash of skylark and thundering fall down from all directions when beaten by the disastrous speed of the wind; those war loving warriors started falling on the ground as a result of their mutual counter against chariots, horses, elephants and infantry.

स्तथा रथान् पत्तिगणांश्च तान् बहूना जघान भोजस्तु हयानथापतन् क्षणाद् विशस्ताः कृतवर्मणः शरैः॥
Kritavarma then killed the huge elephants, horses, chariots and a number of the troops of infantry. He fell down on the ground within moment when their bodies were damaged severely.

स्त्रयः ससर्वायुधयोधकेतनाः। स्तथा यथा वज्रहता महाचलाः॥
Ashvatthama then killed other three huge elephants with all weapons, warriors and flags laden on them. Those huge elephants were fell down dead on ground like huge mountains.

कुलिन्दराजाफरजादनन्तरः स्तनान्तरे पत्रिवरैरताडयत्। तवात्मजं तस्य तवात्मजः शरैः शितैः शरीरं व्यहनद द्विप च तम्॥
The next younger to the younger brother of Kulindaraja had given a hard blow on the chest of your son. Your son had then injured his body and elephant both by his acute arrows shot on him.

स नागराजः सह राजसूनुना पपात रक्तं बहु महेन्द्रवज्रप्रहतोऽम्बुदागमे यथा जलं गौरिकपर्वतस्तथा।॥ सर्वतः क्षरन्।
As the mountain made of grey chalk (Geru) starts flowing red colour water from surface when thunderbolt befallen, that elephant with blood shed body feli down dead with Kulinda Kumara rode on it.

कुलिन्दपुत्रप्रहितोऽपरो द्विपः क्राथस्य सूताश्वरथं व्यपोथयत्। ततोऽपतत् क्राथशराभीधातितः सहेश्वरो वज्रहतो यथा गिरीः॥
Kulindaraja, had then forwarded another elephant. He crushed the charioteer, horses and chariot of Kratha but that elephant fell down dead like a mountain suffered the blows of thunderbolt with its master when Kratha shot volley of arrows.

रथी द्विपस्थेन हतोऽपतच्छरैः क्राथाधिप पर्वतजेन दुर्जयः। सवाजिसूतेष्वसनध्वजस्तथा यथा महावातहतो महाद्रुमः॥
As the huge tree uprooted of a strong storm falls down on ground, the great chariot fighter Kratha, fell down from the chariot on ground when a hill national (warrior) shot a voiley of arrows from his elephant.

वृको द्विपस्थं गिरिराजवासिनं भृशं शरैर्द्वादशभिः पारभिनत्। ततो वृकं साश्वरथं महाद्विपो दुतं चतुर्भिश्चरणैर्व्यपोथयत्॥
Vrika then injured severely with hard blows through twelve arrows he shot on that mountaineer king. That huge elephant of mountain king leapt on Vrika and crushed him unto death immediately under its four feet. This chariot and horses were also crushed simultaneously.

स नागराजः सनियन्तृकोऽपतत् तथा हतो बभ्रुसुतेषुभिभक्रशम्। स चापि देवावृधसूनुरर्दितः पपात नुन्नः सहदेवसूनुना॥
Finally, that elephant also fell on the ground with is Mahadeva because of penetrated badly by son of Babhru with volley of arrows he shot. The son of Devavridha also fell down dead when son of Sahadeva had shot acute arrows on him.

विषाणगात्राफरयोधपातिना गजेन हन्तुं शकुनि कुलिन्दजः। जगाम् वेगेन भृशार्दयंश्च तं ततोऽस्य गान्धारपतिः शिरोऽहरत्॥
The second son of Kulinda attacked on Shakuni by the elephant capable to knock down the great warriors through his teeth, body and trunk and severally injured him. Shakuni, the king of Gandharva then beaded him.

ततः शतीनीकहता महागजा हता रथाः पत्तिगणाश्च तावकाः। स्तथागता गां विवशा विचूर्णिताः॥
Shatanika then attacked immediately on your army. As the snakes fall on the ground when penetrated by the Garuda's (eagle) wing, your huge elephants, horses, chariots and infantry fell down on the ground and splitted up in pieces.

ततोऽभ्वविद्धयद् बहुभिः शितैः शरैः कलिङ्गपुत्रो नकुलात्मजं स्मयन्। ततोऽस्य कोपाद् विचकर्त नाकुलिः शिरः क्षुरेणाम्बुजसंनिभाननम्॥
The son of Kalinga king shot numerous acute arrows with smile on Shatanika, the son of Nakula and damaged his body severely. The son of Nakula furiated on hearing this and he beheaded the lotus like face with a blow he made by a Kshura.

स्त्रिभिः शरैः कर्णसुतोऽर्जुनं त्रिभिः। जनार्दनं द्वादशभिश्च सायकैः॥
Vrishascna, the son of Karna then injured Shatanika v ith three arrows, made of iron. He then penetrated Arjuna with three, Bhimasena with another three, Nakula with seven and Sri Krishna with twelve arrows.

तु तदस्य कर्मातिमनुष्यकर्मणः समीक्ष्य हृष्टाः कुरवोऽभ्यपूजयन्। पराक्रमज्ञास्तु धनंजयस्य ये हुतोऽयमग्नाविति ते मेनिरे॥
All Kauravas filled with ecstasy to see this phenomenal valour of Vrishasena and they started appreciating him again and again. However, the people known of Arjuna's valour, understood it definitely that this Vrishasena will become morsel of fire.

ततः किरीटी परवीरघाती हताश्वमालोक्य नरप्रवीरः। णाद्रीसुतं नकुलं लोकमध्ये समीक्ष्य कृष्णं भृशविक्षतं च॥
Arjuna, the great warrior of this human world, capable to kill all enemies a attacked forcibly on Vrishasena who had killed the horses of Nakula, the son of Madri and made attack on injured Sri Krishna Vrishasena was stood before Karna at that time.

समभ्यधावद् वृषसेनमाहवे स सूतजस्य प्रमुखे स्थितस्तदा। तमापतन्तं नरवीरमुग्रं महाहवे बाणसहस्रधारिणम्॥ अभ्यापतत् कर्णसुतो महारथं यथा महेन्द्रं नमुचिः पुरा तथा।
When Vrishasena, the son of Karna saw Arjuna, the great chariot fighter with a store of several thousand arrows in that great war, he rushed towards him with the same way as Namuci had made an attack on Indra, the king of gods.

ततो द्रुतं चैकशरेण पार्थ शितेन विद्ध्वा युधि कर्णपुत्रः॥
The great warrior Vrishasena, son of Karna injured the son of Kunti in battle-field with sharp blow from an arrow and began challenging with loud voice.

ननाद नादं सुमहानुभावो विद्ध्वेव शक्रं नमुचिः स वीरः। र्बाणैरविद्धयद् भुजमूले तु सव्ये॥
Vrishasena then re-attacked at the root of the Arjuna's left arm, injured again Krishna by shooting nine arrows and injured Arjuna, the son of Kunti again with ten arrows shot on him.

तथैव कृष्णं नवभिः समादयत् पुनश्च पार्थं दशाभिर्जधान्। रभ्याहतः श्वेतहयः शरैस्तैः॥
Arjuna, the rider on white horses filled with slight anger as he was also injured by the arrows shot by Vrishasena. He then decided to kill the son of Karna.

संरम्भमीषद्गमितो वधाय कर्णात्मजस्याथ मनः प्रदधे। ततः किरीटी रणमूर्ध्नि कोपात् कृत्वा त्रिशाखां भ्रकुटि ललाटे॥ मुमोच तूर्ण विशिखान् महात्मा वधे धतः कर्णसुतस्य संख्ये।
Arjuna, the crown holder started attacking with arrows on the course of battle with haste when decided to kill the son of Karna in the battle-field. His brows curved at three spots on account of fallen in sheer anger.

आरक्तनेत्रोऽन्तकशत्रुहन्ता उवाच कर्ण भृशमुत्सस्मयंस्तदा॥ नहं रणे वृषसेन तमुग्रम्। सम्पश्यतः कर्ण तवाद्य संख्ये नयामि लोकं निशितैः पृषत्कैः॥
His eyes that time had turned slight red. He was capable to kill even the enemy dreadful like Yama. He addressed then Karna Duryodhana and Ashvatthama etc. all warriors present there-"O Karna! I will book the brave Vrishasena, so valorous in battle-field before your eyes."

ऊरनं च तावाद्धि जना वदन्ति सर्वैर्भवद्भिर्मम सूनुर्हतोऽसहौ। एको रथो मद्विहीनस्तरस्वी अहं हनिष्ये भवता समक्षम्॥ महं हनिष्ये वृषकेनमुग्रम्। महं हनिष्येऽर्जुन आजिमध्ये॥
My valorous son, chariot fighter (Maharathi) Abhimanyu was all alone. I was not with him. You all had slaughtered him collectively. All people. state all had slaughtered him collectively. All people state that activity as unjustified but I will kill Vrishasena in the presence of you all. O great chariot fighters, save if you can, this son of Karna. I, Arjuna will first kill the great valorous Vrishasena in battle-field and my next step will be taken for Karna, the malign and fool son of a charioteer which will book him definitely for another world.

तमद्य मूलं कलहस्य संख्ये दुर्योधनापाश्रयजातदर्पम्। त्वामद्य हन्तास्मि रणे प्रसा अस्यैव हन्ता युधि भीमसेनः॥ दुर्योधनस्याधमपूरुषस्य यस्यानयादेष महान् क्षयोऽभवत्।
O Karna! You only are the bone of contention. Your ego has spurt to climax on receipt of support from Duryodhana. I will kill you definitely by putting my life at stake in the battle-field. The sole cause for this massacre, Duryodhana will be killed by Bhimasena.

स एवमुक्तवा विनिमृज्य चापं लक्ष्यं हि कृत्वा वृषसेनमाजौ॥
O king! Gentle Arjuna wiped his bow with these words and started making fierce attack with arrows on Vrishasena, the son of Karna by targeting him.

ससर्ज बाणान् विशिखान् महात्मा वधाय् राजन् कर्णसुतस्य संख्ये। मर्मस्वशङ्कं प्रहसन किरीटी॥
Arjuna, the crown holder penetrated his sensitive organs by ten arrows shot on him. He then cut-off his bow with four sharp churas, two arms and the head also.

चिच्छेद चास्येष्वसनं भुजौ च क्षुरैश्चतुर्भिनिशितैः शिस्चा स पार्थबाणाभिहतः पपात रथाद् विबाहुर्विशिरा धरायाम्॥
As the huge Shala tree laden with beautiful flowers is collapsed/fell down on ground from the mountain ridge due to strong waves of storm, Vrishsena without arm and head fell down on ground when injured worstly with arrows shot by Arjuna.

सुपुष्पितो वृक्षवरोऽतिकायो वातेरितः शाल इवाद्रिश्रृङ्गात्। सम्प्रेक्ष बाणाभिहतं पतन्तं रथान् सुतं सूतज: क्षिप्रकारी॥
Karna, the son of a charioteer aggrieved when he saw his son falling down from chariot due to sharp blows made by Arjuna with his arrows. He marched fast towards Arjuna's chariot in a fury.

रथं रथेनाशु जगाम् रोषात् किरीटिनः पुत्रवधाभितप्तः। तत समक्षं स्वसुतं विलोक्य कर्णो हतं श्वेतहयेन संख्ये। संरम्भमागम्य रपं महात्मा कृष्णार्जुनौ सहसैवाभ्यधावत्॥
The bold and egoist Karna filled with anger when he saw his son killed by Arjuna before his eyes and he suddenly made a fierce attack on Arjuna.