KARNA PARVA: Chapter 27

The victory gained by Arjuna

संजय उवाच श्वेताश्वोऽथ महाराज व्यधमत्तावकं बलम्। यथा वायुः समासाद्य तूलराशिं समन्ततः॥
Sanjaya said O great king, Arjuna, riding upon a white horse, slaughtered the force of your side, even as the wind, coming before a heap of cotton, disperses it away.

प्रत्युद्ययुस्त्रिगर्तास्तं शिबयः कौरवैः सह। शाल्वः संशप्तकाश्चैव नारायणबलं च तत्॥
The Trigartas, the Shibis along with the Kaurava force, the Shalyas, the army of the Samsaptakas and the force called the Narayana, all proceeded against him (Arjuna).

सत्यसेनश्चन्द्रदेवो मित्रदेवः सुतंजयः। सौश्रुतिश्चित्रसेनश्च मित्रवर्मा च भारत॥
Then Satyasena, Chandradeva, Mitradeva, Shrutanjaya, Sausruti, Chitrasena and Mitravarman, descendant of the Bharata race.

ते त्रिगर्तराजः समरे भ्रातृभिः परिवारितः। पुत्रैश्चैव महेष्वासै नाशस्त्रविशारदैः॥
And the prince of the Trigatas, who was attended on all sides in the battle by his brothers and sons, that were all very powerful bowmen and that were acquainted with the management of various kinds of weapons.

सृजन्तः शरवातान् किरन्तोऽर्जुनमाहवे। अभ्यवर्तन्त सहसा वार्योधा इव सागरम्॥
All these scattered and shot innumerable arrows at Arjuna in the battle, even as the masses of clouds suddenly pour forth showers of rain, that approach towards the vast ocean.

ते त्वर्जुनं समासाद्य योधाः शतसहस्रशः। अगच्छन् विलयं सर्वे तायं दृष्ट्वेव पन्नगाः॥
Those hundreds of thousands of warriors all met with destruction at their approaching towards Arjuna, even as the snakes are all destroyed by Garuda.

ते हन्यमानाः समरे नाजहुः पाण्डवं रणे। हन्यमाना महाराज शलभा इव पावकम्॥
Then, O mighty monarch, those warriors, who were being thus slaughtered in the battle, did not abandon the son of Pandu, even as the insects, being burnt by the blazing fire, do not leave it.

सत्यसेनस्त्रिभिर्बाणैर्विव्याध युधि पाण्डवम्। मित्रदेवस्त्रिषष्ट्या तु चन्द्रदेनस्तु सप्तभिः॥
In the battle, Satyasena penetrated the son of Pandu with three arrows; and Mitradeva pierced him with sixty-three; while indeed, Chandradeva pierced him with seven arrows.

मित्रवर्मा त्रिसप्तत्या सौश्रुतिश्चापि सप्तभिः। शत्रुजयस्तु विशत्या सुशर्मा नवभिः शरैः॥
Again, Mitravarman (pierced) him (Arjuna) with seventy-three shafts; Sausruti with seven; and Satrunjaya, with twenty; and Shusharma, with nine arrows.

स विद्धो बहुभिः संख्ये प्रतिविव्याध तान् नृपान्। सौश्रुतिं सप्तभिरिद्ध्वा सत्यसेनं त्रिभिः शरै॥
He (Arjuna) been thus penetrated, in the battle by numerous heroes, pierced in return those kings-piercing Susruti with seven arrows and Satyasena, with three.

शत्रुजयं च विंशत्या चन्द्रदेवं तथाऽष्टभिः। मित्रदेवं शतेनैव श्रुतसेनं त्रिभिः शरै॥ नवभिर्मित्रवर्माणं सुशर्माणं तथाऽष्टभिः।
And Satrunjaya, with twenty arrows and also Chandradeva, with eight and Mitradeva, with one hundred and Srutasena, with three. And again, pierced Mitravarman with nine and also Susharman with eight.

शत्रुजय च राजनं हत्वा तत्र शिलाशितैः॥ सौश्रुतेः सशिरस्त्राणं शिरः कायादपाहरत्। त्वरितश्चन्द्रदेवं च शरैर्निन्ये यमक्षयम्॥
Then having slaughtered king Satrunjaya there (in the battle) with arrows, that were sharpened on stone, he (Arjuna) severed the head of Sushruti, that was ornamented with head-gear, from his body. He then with great activity sent Chandradeva to the abode of Death by shooting innumerable arrows at him.

तथेतरान् महाराज यतमानान् महारथान्। पञ्चभिः पञ्चभिर्बाणैरेकैकं प्रत्यवारयत्॥
So also, O mighty monarch, he restrained cvery one of the other car-warriors, who were engaged in the contest, by means of five arrows shot at each.

सत्यसेनस्तु संक्रुद्धस्तोमरं व्यसृजन्महत्। समुद्दिश्य रणे कृष्णं सिंहनादं ननाद च॥
Then Satyasena, indeed, being greatly enraged, directed his large lance, aiming at Krishna, in the battle; and sent fort a loud roar like that of a lion.

स निर्भिद्य भुजं सव्यं माधवस्य महात्मनः। अयस्मयो हेमदण्डो जगान् धरणीं तदा॥
Then that lance, that was made of iron, with a golden rod, after having penetrated through the left arm of that lofty-minded Madhava, went into the earth.

माधवस्य तु विद्धस्य तोमरेण महारणे। प्रतोदः प्रापतद्धस्ताद रश्मयश्च विशाम्पते॥
O lord of earth, the whip and reins of Madhava, who was pierced with lance in that dreadful battle, dropped down from his hands.

वासुदेवं विभिन्नाङ्गं दृष्ट्वा पार्थो धनंजयः। क्रोधमाहरयत्तीव्र कृष्णं चेदमुवाच ह॥
Seeing Vasudeva thus pierced, Dhananjaya, the son of Pritha, collected all his fierce wrath;

प्रापयाश्वान् महाबाहो सत्यसेनं प्रति प्रभो। यावदेनं शैरस्तीक्ष्णैर्नयामि यमसादनम्॥
“O mighty armed lord, drive the steeds towards Satyasena that I may send this one to the abode of Death by means of sharp arrows.

प्रतोदं गृह्य सोऽन्यत्तु रश्मीनपि यथा पुरा। वाहयामास तानश्वान् सत्यसेनरथं प्रति॥
Then that highly famous one (Krishna) immediately taken up the whip as well as the reins, led those steeds (i.e. the car) towards the car of Satyasena.

विष्वक्सेनं तु निर्भिन्नं दृष्ट्वा पार्थो धनंजयः। सत्यसेनं शरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्वारयित्वा महारथः॥ ततः सुनिशितैर्भल्लै राज्ञस्तस्य महच्छिरः। कुण्डलोपचितं कायाश्चकर्त पृतनान्तरे॥
Beholding the lord of the universe thus pierced, that powerful car-warrior Dhananjaya, the son of Pritha, restrained the course of Satyasena by means of keen shafts. Thereupon, he (Dhananjaya) severed the huge head, that ornamented with ear-rings, of that monarch, who stood at the head of the army, from his body by means of whetted broadheaded arrows.

तन्निकृत्य शितैर्बाणैर्मित्रवर्माणमाक्षिपत्। वत्सदन्तेन तीक्ष्णोन सारथिं चास्य मारिष॥
O sire, having thus severed his (Satyasena's) head, he then hurled down (slain) Chitravarman with numerous keen arrows, as well as his charioteer with a calf-toothed sharp shafts. was on

ततः शरशतैर्भूयः संशप्तकगणान् बली। पातयामास संक्रुद्धः शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥
Thereupon that powerful one, being filled with wrath, again caused the destruction of hundreds and thousands of the force of the Samsaptakas by means of hundreds of arrows.

ततो रजतपुड्वेन राजशीर्षं महात्मनः। मित्रदेवस्य चिच्छेद क्षुरप्रेण महारथः॥
Then, again, O monarch, that powerful carwarrior severed the head of the high-souled Mitrasena with a razor-headed arrow, that was furnished with the wings of silver.

सुशर्माणं सुसंक्रुद्धो जत्रुदेशे समाहनत्। तत: संशप्तकाः सर्वे परिवार्य धनंजयम्॥ शस्त्रौधैर्ममृदुः क्रुद्धा नादयन्तो दिशो दश।
Afterwards he, being greatly enraged, struck Susharman his shoulder-joint. Thereupon the entire army of the Samsaptakas, that became very wrathful, having surrounded Dhananjaya on all sides, crushed him with a shower of weapons and thereby caused the ten points of the horizon echo with their roars.

अभ्यर्दितस्तु तैर्जिष्णुः शक्रतुल्यपराक्रमः॥ ऐन्द्रमस्त्रममेयात्मा प्रादुश्चक्रे महारथः।
Having been thus oppressed by those weapons, that mighty car-warrior, Jishnu, who was possessed of prowess equal to that of Sakra (Indra) himself and who also had a soul immeasurable, took up his weapon, called Aindra.

ततः शरसहस्राणि प्रादुरासन् विशाम्पते॥ ध्वजानां छिद्यमानानां कार्मुकाणां च मारिष। रथानां सपताकानां तूणीराणां युगैः सह।॥ अक्षाणामथ चक्राणां योक्त्राणां रश्मिभिः सह। कूबराणां वरूथाणां पृषत्कानां च संयुगे॥ अश्वानां पततां चापि प्रासनामृष्टिभिः सह। गदानां परिधाना च शक्तितोमरपट्टिशैः॥ शतघ्नींनां सचक्राणां भुजानां चोरुभिः सह। कण्ठसूत्रामदानां च केयूराणां च मारिष॥ हाराणामथ निष्काणां तनुत्राणां च भारत। छत्राणां व्यजनानां च शिरसां मुकुटैः सह॥ अश्रूयत महाशब्दस्तत्र तत्र विशम्पते।
Thereupon, O ruler of earth, thousands of arrows continuously issued forth therefore. O sire, of broken standards and bows, of cars along with their banners, of quivers and yokes. Also of axles and wheels, of traces along with the chords, of bottoms of cars, of wooden fences about the cars and innumerable shafts in the field of battle. And of falling horses and of spears along with the swords, of maces and spiked clubs, of Sakti-arrows, lances and axes. And of Shataghnis furnished with wheels, as well as of the arms along with the thighs, of wreaths and Angadas, of Keyuras and of garlands and cuirasses, of of armours, of umbrellas and fans, of heads adorned with coronets, of these a tremendous roar, O ruler of carth, was heard in all the directions of the field of battle.

सकुण्डलानि स्वक्षीणि पूर्णचन्द्रनिभानि च॥ शिरांस्युामद्दश्यन्त ताराजालमिवाम्बरे।
Upon the field of battle, the heads (of severed warriors), that were ornamented with ear-rings and furnished with the eyes as resplendent as the full moon, were seen, even as the net-work of stars is seen in the firmament.

सुस्त्रग्वीणि सुवासांसि चन्दनेनोक्षितानि च॥ शरीराणि व्यदृश्यन्त निहतानां महीतले।
The bodies of the slaughtered warriors, that were furnished with the most handsome floral wreaths and covered with the excellent garments and also that were pointed with the soft sandal, lay resplendent upon the ground.

गन्धर्वनगराकारं घोरमायोधनं तदा॥ निहतै राजपुत्रेश्च क्षत्रियैश्च महाबलैः। हस्तिभिः पतितैश्चैव तुरङ्गैश्चाभवन्मही॥ अगम्यरूपा समरे विशीर्णैरिव पर्वतैः।
Then the dreadful field of battle resembled the clouded firmament filled with various vapoury forins and the earth being scattered over with the slaughtered princes and the Kshatriyas, possessed of great strength, as well as with the fallen elephants and horses, became as impassable in the battle as the ground strewn over with numerous hills.

नासीचक्रपथस्तत्र पाण्डवस्य महात्मनः॥ निघ्नतः शात्रवान् भल्लैर्हरत्यश्वं चास्यतो महत्।
There was no way in the field of battle, that car-wheels of that high-souled son of Pandu could proceed, whilst he was slaughtering his antagonists and greatly smiting the elephants and horses by means of his broad-headed arrows.

स्वानुगा इव सीदन्ति रथचक्राणि मारिष॥ चरतस्तस्य संग्रामे तस्मॅिल्लोहितकर्दमे।
O sire, the car-wheels of that one, who was carcering in the battle, stopped, as if with terror, while they were moving in that bloody mire.

सीदमानानि चक्राणि समूहुस्तुरगा भृशम्॥ श्रमेण महता युक्ता मनोमारुतरंहसः।
His horses, however, that were possessed of the speed of either the mind of or the wind, had with great labour drawn these wheels, that were lagging behind.

वध्यमानं तु तत्सैन्यं पाण्डुपुत्रेण धन्विना॥ प्रायशो विमुखं सर्व नावतिष्ठत भारत।
O descendant of the Bharata race, that army, which was thus slain by the son of Pandu, that great bowman, almost wholly ran away (from the field of battle); and in fact, none remained (to fight with the foe).

ताजित्वा समरे जिष्णुः संशप्तकगणान् बहून्॥ विरराज तदा पार्थो विधूमोऽग्निरिव ज्वलन्। ४३॥
Then Jishnu, the son of Pritha, having defeated that immense force of Samsaptakas in the field of battle, blazed forth like the burning fire without any smoke. the