KARNA PARVA: Chapter 84

Battle of Vrishasena and defeat of Nakula

संजय उवाच दुःशासने तु निहते तव पुत्रा महारथाः। महाक्रोधविषा वीराः समरेष्वपलायिनः॥ दश राजन् महावीर्या भीमं प्राच्छादयशरैः।
Sanjaya said O monarch, after the death of Dushasana your ten sons, all great car-warriors, who never showed their backs in field, greatly energetic and revengeful, covered Bhima with their arrows.

निषङ्गी कवची पाशी दण्डधारो धनुर्ग्रहः॥ अलोलुपः शल: सन्धो वातवेगसुवर्चसौ। एते समेत्य सहिता भ्रातृव्यसनकर्शिताः॥ भीमसेनं महाबाहु मार्गणैः समवारयन्।
There were Nishangi, Kavachin, Pashin, Dandadhara, Dhanurgraha, Alolupa, Shala, Sanda, Vatavega and Suvarchas; an being greatly sorry on account of the death of their brother, they faced the strong armed Bhimasena and struck him with arrows.

स वीर्यमाणो विशिखैः समन्तात्तैर्महारथैः॥ भीमः क्रोधाग्निरक्ताक्षः क्रुद्ध काल इवाबभौ।
Being hemmed in on all sides by the arrows of those mighty car warriors, Bhima, with fiery and blood-red, eyes, looked brilliant as Pluto himself.

तांस्तु भल्लैर्महावेगैर्दशभिर्दश भारतान्॥ रुक्माङ्गदान रुक्मपुङ्खैः पार्थो निन्ये यमक्षयम्।
O Bharata, Vrikodara, of the line of Pritha, then with ten gold-winged and flat edged shafts, sent those ten princes of the line of Bharata, whose wrists were adorned with gold bracelets, very quickly to the region of Pluto.

हतेषु तेषु वीरेषु प्रदुद्राव बलं तव॥ पश्यतः सूतपुत्रस्य पाण्डवस्य भयादितम्।
After those ten brave warriors have fallen, your troops being afraid of the Pandavas began to give way even in the presence of Karna himself.

ततः कर्णो महाराज प्रविवेश महद् भयम्॥ दृष्ट्वा भीमस्य विक्रान्तमन्तकस्य प्रजास्विव।
O monarch, as human beings are afraid of death, so Karna seeing Bhima of great power became afraid of him.

तस्य त्वाकारभावज्ञः शल्यः समितिशोभनः॥ उवाच वचनं कर्ण प्राप्तकालमरिंदमम्।
The Shalya, the ornament of the battle-field, knowing from the very look of Karna what was passing in his mind, addressed that scorcher of his enemies with words befitting.

मा व्यथां कुरु राधेय नैव त्वय्युपपद्यते॥ एते द्रवन्ति राजानो भीमसेनभयार्दिताः। दुर्योधनश्च सम्मूढो भ्रातृव्यसनकर्शितः॥
"O son of Radha, do not be depressed, it is not fit for you; ail the chiefs are dispersing themselves afraid of Bhimasena. Duryodhana is confounded owing to the woeful fate of his brothers.

दुःशासनस्य रुधिरे पीयमाने महात्मना। व्यापनचेतसश्चैव शोकोपहतचेतसः॥ दुर्योधनमुपासन्ते परिवार्य समन्ततः। कृपप्रभृतश्चैते हतशेषाः सहोदताः॥
When Dushasana blood has been quaffed by the brave-hearted Bhima. Kripa with others and the surviving brothers of the king, with painful hearts their rage depressed with sorrow, are all seated round Duryodhana and taking care of him.

पाण्डवा लब्धलक्ष्याश्च धनंजयपुरोगमाः। त्वामेवाभिमुखाः शूरा युद्धाय समुपस्थिताः॥
Those brave warriors, the Pandavas who never miss their aim, are coming forward to meet you in fight.

स त्वं पुरुषशार्दूल पौरुषेण समास्थितः। क्षत्रधर्म पुरस्कृत्य प्रत्युद्याहि धनंजयम्॥
O foremost of men, for these reasons and remembering the duties of the Kshatriyas you should put forth all your energies and march against Dhananjaya.

भारो हि धार्तराष्ट्रेण त्वयि सर्वः समाहितः। तमुद्वह महाबाहो यथाशक्ति यथाबलम्॥
O you strong-armed warrior, the whole responsibility of this war has been put on you by the son of Dhritarashtra; exert yourself and bear that burden to the best of your ability.

जये स्याद् विपुला कीर्ति वः स्वर्ग पराजये। वृषसेन राधेय संक्रुद्धस्तनयस्तव॥ त्वयि मोहं समापन्ने पाण्डवानभिधावति।
There is great glory in victory and even in defeat Heaven is certain. O son of Radha, your son Vrisasena, beholding that you are at your wit's end, is advancing towards the Pandavas with great wrath.” to

एतच्छुत्वा तु वचनं शल्यस्यामिततेजसः। हृदि चावश्यकं भावं चक्रे युद्धाय सुस्थित्॥
Thus addressed by Shalya of unfathomable prowess Kara reflecting came the conclusion that there is no other alternative but to fight the battle out.

दविस्थितं प्रमुख पाण्डवं तम्। वृकोदरं कालमिवात्तदण्डं गदाहस्तं योधयन्तं त्वदीयान्॥
Then Vrisasena, all wrathful, with his car advanced against that son of Pandu viz. Vrikodara who was destroying your arıny and with his mace was looking like Pluto himself with his death-dealing sceptre.

तमभ्यधावन्नकुलः प्रवीरो रोषादमित्रं प्रतुदान पृषत्कैः। कर्णस्य पुत्रं समरे प्रहृष्टं पुरा जिघांसुर्मघवेव जम्भम्॥
As (in days of yore) the victorious Magavat joyfully ran to meet the (Asura) Jambha, so did Nakula, the bravest of warriors, with great anger rushed towards their enemy, Karna's son.

ततो ध्नं स्फाटिकचित्रकचुकं चिच्छेद वीरो नकुलः क्षुरेण। कर्णात्मजस्येष्वसनं च चित्रं भल्लेन जाम्बूनदचित्रनद्धम्॥
Then the mighty Nakula, with a razor-like arrow, rent asunder the gem-bedecked banner of his foe and with another flat-faced shaft broke the gold-belted bow of Karna's son.

अथान्यदादाय धनुः स शीघ्र कर्णात्मजः पाण्डवमभ्यविध्यत्। दिव्यैरस्त्रैरभ्यवर्षच सोऽपि कर्णस्य पुत्रो नकुलं कृतास्त्रः॥
Karna's son promptly took up another bow and distressed the son of Pandu with many powerful and celestial weapons. Vrishasena master of many powerful weapons, began to pour down celestial weapons upon Nakula.

शराभिघाताच रुषा च राजन् स्वया च भासास्त्रसमीरणाच। मिद्धो यथाऽऽज्याहुतिभिर्हताशः॥ कर्णस्य पुत्रो नकुलस्य राजन् सर्वानश्वानक्षिणोदुत्तमास्त्रैः। नुदग्रगान् हेमजालावनद्धान्॥
O monarch, Karna's son with his fine shots, indeed killed the white and good looking chargers of Nakula, who were of the Vanayu breed and were adorned with fittings of gold. The son of Karna, out of rage from the hits of his enemy as also from the brilliancy and might of his own weapons, looked like the fire ablaze when helped with clarified butter.

दादाय चर्मालरुक्मचन्द्रम। आकाशसंकाशमसिं प्रगृह्य दोधूयमानः स्त्रगवचचार॥
Nakula then got down from his horseless chariot and taking up a shield that was studded with golden moons and a sky colored sword jumping now and then looked like a sprightly bird.

ततोऽन्तरिक्षे च रथाश्वनागं चिच्छेद तूर्णं नकुलश्चित्रयोधी। ते प्रापतन्नसिना गां विशस्ता यथाश्वमेधे पशवः शमित्रा॥
In the ceremony of horse-sacrifice as it is the duty of the killer to cut down many animals, so Nakula, with that sword in hand bounding in the air, struck down many brave men, horses and elephants,

द्विसाहस्रा: पातिता युद्धशौण्डा नानादेश्याः सुभृताः सत्यसंघाः। एकेन संख्ये नकुलेन कृत्ता जयेप्सुनानुत्त्म चन्द्रनाङ्गाः॥
Nakula, wishing to attain victory, singlehanded in no time knocked down two thousand well disciplined and well-paid warriors, collected from different countries who were of sure aim, who were always glad to fight and whose bodies were besmeared with fine sandal paste.

तमापतन्तं नकुलं सोऽभिपत्य समन्ततः सायकैः प्रत्यविद्धयत्। विव्याध वीरं स चुकोप विद्धः॥
Then Karna's son all of a sudden, rushed against the advancing Nakula and distressed him with hosts of sharp shafts from all sides in order to put an end to him.

महाभये रक्ष्यमाणो महात्मा भ्रात्रा भीमेनाकरोत् भीमम्। तं कर्णपुत्रो विधमन्तमेकं नराश्वमातङ्गरथाननेकान्॥ विव्याध वीरं नकुलं सरोषः।
Nakula distressed with arrows (from Vrishasena), in return, also struck his enemy and Vrishasena being thus struck by Nakula became very angry but the noble Nakula being protected by his brother Bhimasena at that time in that hard fight performed prodigies of valour. Then the son of Karna angry at heart, with eighteen arrows, struck the brave Nakula with whom fighting was like play and who was destroying single-handed the bravest warriors, chargers and elephants.

स तेन विद्धोऽतिभृशं तरस्वी महाहवे वृषसेनेन राजन्॥ क्रुद्धेन धावन् समरे जिघांसुः कर्णात्मजं पाण्डुसुतो नृवीरः।
O monarch, being greatly distressed by Vrishasena in that encounter, Pandu's son Nakula, the best of men and of great energy then rushed on for the purpose of killing Karna's son.

वितत्य पक्षौ सहसा पतन्तं श्येनं यथैवामुिषलब्धमाजौ॥ अवाकिरद् वृषसेनस्ततस्तं शितैः शरैर्नकुलमुदारवीर्यम्।
Vrishasena began raining hosts of sharp arrows upon the mighty Nakula as he advanced straight like a hawk pouncing upon a lump of meat with its wings spread.

श्चचार मार्गान नकुलश्चित्ररूपान्॥ अथास्य तूर्ण चरतो नरेन्द्र खड्न चित्रं नकुलस्य तस्य। महेषुभिर्व्यधमत् कर्णपुत्रो महाहवे चर्म सहस्रतारम्॥
After thwarting the hosts of arrowy of his foe, Nakula went on making mans beautiful evolutions in the air, but Karna's son, O monarch, in that fierce encounter, with his powerful shafts cut-off his shield studded with a thousand stars.

तं चायसं निशितं तीक्ष्णधारं विकोशमुग्रं गुरुभारसाहम्। माधुन्वतः सर्पमिवोग्ररूपम्॥ श्चकर्त खड्ने निशितैः सुवेगैः। पुनश्च दीप्तैर्निशितैः पृषत्कैः स्तनान्तरे गाढमथाभ्यविद्धयत्॥
Then as Nakula was careering with his drawn sword, of good steel, well polished and very sharp and strong enough to bear great weight and to lop off bodies of all sorts of enemies and deadly as snake Vrisasena in a short time cut-off that sword with six razor-like shafts and also hurt his enemy in the centre of the chest with arrows well tempered and keenedged.

मन्यैर्नरैः कर्म रणे महात्मा। ययौ रथं भीमसेनस्य राजन् शराभित्पतो नकुलस्त्वरावान्॥
Having thus performed deeds according to the usage of the ancients, which would have been difficult for others to do, the nobleminded Nakula, endued with great activity, advanced, O monarch, towards the car of Bhimasena, distressed with those shafts.

स भीमसेनस्य रथं हताश्वो माद्रीसुतः कर्णसुताभितप्तः। आपुप्लुवे सिंह इवाचलाग्रं सम्प्रेक्षमाणस्य धनंजयस्य॥
The son of Madri, becoming horseless and being thus distressed by Karna's son, in the presence of Dhananjaya bounded upon the car of Bhimasena resembling a lion leaping on the summit of a mountain.

तत्रः क्रुद्धो वृषसेनो महात्मा ववर्ष ताविषुजालेन वीरः। महारथावेकरथे समेतौ शरैः प्रभिन्दन्निव पाण्डवेयौ॥
Then that noble-minded and brave warrior Vrishasena excited with rage, began to rain hosts of arrows upon those two powerful carwarriors seated on the same car with the purpose of distressing those two sons of Pandu at the same time.

तस्मिन रथे निहते पाण्डवस्य क्षिप्रं च खड्ने विशिखैर्निकृत। स्ततो न्यनशरवषैरुपेत्य॥
When that chariot of Nakula the son of Pandu was destroyed and his sword was cut-off by arrows, other warriors on the part of Kauravas organised and started hitting them by volley of arrows.

तौ पाण्डवेयौ परितः समेतान् संहूयमानाविव हव्यवाहौ। भीमार्जुनौ वृषसेनाय क्रुद्धौ ववर्षतुः शरवर्ष सुघोरम्॥
Bhimasena and Arjuna both son of Pandu were so furiated on Vrishasena at their faces glew like fire. Both of them had shot a volley of arrows on the soldiers of Kaur.ivas stood nearby thein.

अथाब्रवीन्मारुतिः फाल्गुनं च पश्यस्वैनं नकुलं पीड्यामानम्। स्तस्माद् भवान् प्रत्युपयातु कार्णिम्॥
The son of the Wind-god (Bhimasena) told Phalguna (Arjuna) "see how Nakula is being distressed by the son of Karna; he has even the audacity to attack us, do you proceed against him.

स तनिशम्यैव वचः किरीटी रथं समासाद्य वृकोदरस्य। मुपागतं शातय शीघ्रमेनम्॥
When Arjuna, the holder of crown came near the chariot of Bhimasena, heard him and returned, Nakula said to Arjuna, the great warrior "Brother! Kill this Vrishasena immediately.

इत्येवमुक्तः सहसा किरीटी भ्रात्रा समत्रं नकुलेन संख्ये। कपिध्वजं केशवसंगृहीतं प्रैषीदुदग्रो वृषसेम्य वाहम्॥
The fierce warrior Dhananjaya, whose head was adorned with diadem, on hearing these words, riding up to Vrikodara's car, drove straight on his great ape-bannered car with Keshava as its drive towards Vrishasena.