KARNA PARVA: Chapter 86

The words of Sri Krishna

संजय उवाच तमायान्तमभिप्रेक्ष्य वेलोवृत्तमिवार्णवम्। गर्जन्त सुमहाकायं दुर्निवारं सुरैरपि।॥ अर्जुनं प्राह दाशार्हः प्रहस्य पुरुर्षभः। अयं सरथ आयाति श्वेताश्वः शल्यसारथिः॥
Sanjaya said Vasudeva the foremost of men beholding the great bodied Karna whom the gods could not advancing with roars like the swelling ocean said to Arjuna with a smile. There comes the chariot (of Karna) with gray steeds and Shalya its driver.

येन ते सह योद्धव्यं स्थिरो भव धनंजय। पश्य चैन समायुक्त रथं कर्णस्य पाण्डव॥ श्वेतराजिसमायुक्तं युक्तं राधासुतेन त।
O Dhananjaya! With the intention of meeting you in battle so wait with calmness. O son of Pandu, look how beautifully the car of Karna is adorned; the son of Radha is on it.

नानापताकाकलिलं किङ्किणीजालमालिनम्॥ उह्यमानमिवाकाशे विमानं पाण्डुरैर्हयैः। ध्वज त पश्यं कर्णस्य नागकक्षं महात्मनः॥
It has four beautiful gray horses and it is also decked with various sorts of banners and net work of bells and how it is being borne as if in the skies by their pale horses. Look the high souled Karna's banner with the sign of elephant rope.

आखण्डलधनुः प्रख्यमुल्लिशन्तमिवाम्बरम्। पश्य कर्ण समायान्तं धार्तराष्ट्रप्रियैषिणम्॥ शरधारा विमुञ्चन्तं धारासारमिवाम्बुदम्।
The banner like clouds and resembles the bow of Akhandal (Indra) which divides the sky and earth. See how Karna sends hosts of arrows like clouds pouring down rain as he is advancing fulfill the intention of Dhritarashtra's son.

एष मद्रेश्वरो राजा रथाने पर्यवस्थितः॥ नियच्छति हयान्सय राधेयस्यामितौजसः।
The king of Madra (Shalya) is seated on the front of the car and guiding the horses of the powerful Radha's son.

श्रृणु दुन्दुर्भिनिर्घोषं शङ्खशब्दं च दारुणम्॥ सिंहनादांश्च विविधाश्रेणु पाण्डव सर्वतः।
to Hear, O son of Pandu, the noise of their tumtums and the shrill note of their conchs and lion-like roars that are coming from all directions.

अन्तर्धाय महाशब्दान् कर्णेनमिततेजसा॥ दोधूयमानस्य भृशं धनुषः शृणु निःस्वनम्।
Karna, of unfathomable prowess, has drawn his bow and its loud twang can be heard above all other sounds.

एते दीर्यन्ति सगणाः पञ्चालानां महारथाः॥ दृष्ट्वा केसरिणं क्रुद्धं मृगा इव महावने।
As in a forest a wrathful lion scares away herd of deers so the mighty Panchala warriors are melting (before Karna).

सर्वयत्नेन कौन्तेय हन्तुमर्हसि सूतजम्॥ न हि कर्णशरानन्य सोढुमुत्सहते नरः।
O son of Kunti, you are the only person who would venture to bear the brunt of his weapons, so you should take all possible measures to kill him.

सदेवासुरगन्धर्वास्त्री लोकान् सतराचरांन्॥ त्वं हि जेतुं रणे शक्तस्तथैव विदितं मम।
I know well that you are capable to conquer in battle all the three worlds together with its mobile and immobile creations and the gods and Gandharvas.

भीममुग्रं महात्मानं त्र्यक्षं शर्व कपर्दिनम्॥ न शक्ता द्रष्टमीशानं किं पुनर्योधित प्रभुम्। त्वया साक्षान्महादेव सर्वभूतशिवः शिवः॥ युद्धेनाराधितः स्थाणुर्देवाश्च वरदास्तव। तस्य पार्थ प्रसादेन देवदवस्य शूलिनः॥ जहि कर्णं महाबाहो नमुचिं वृत्रहा यथा। श्रेयस्तेऽस्तु सदा पार्थ युद्धे जयमवाप्नुहि॥
Nothing need be told about fighting; men cannot look towards the great god the three eyed and terrible Sarva, also called the Kaparddin. You have satisfied in battle that god of gods the Siva, deity Sthanu, the creator of the happiness of all creatures. O Partha, as Indra slew Namuchi so you will, O, you of powerful arms, by the kindness of the great god who is armed with trident, kill Karna and be victorious; and may it farewell with you.

अर्जुन उवाच ध्रुवः एव जयः कृष्ण मम नास्त्यत्र संशयः। सर्वलोकगुरुर्यस्त्वं तुष्टोऽसि मधुसूदन॥
Arjuna said O Krishna, you are the destroyer of Madhu and master of all creation; and as you are kind to me my victory in this battle is sure.

चोदयाश्वान् हृषीकेश रथं मम महारथ। नाहं त्वा समरे कर्णं निवर्तिष्यति फाल्गुनः॥
O Hrishikesa, a mighty warrior, urge on the horses and advance with my car. Phalgun will kill Karna.

अद्य कर्णं हतं पश्य मच्छरैः शकलीकृतम्। मां रा द्रक्ष्यसि गोविन्द कर्णेन निहतं शरैः॥
O Govinda, today either I will slay Karna and hack him to pieces with my weapons or he will see me killed by his arrows.

उपस्थितमिदं घोरं युद्धं त्रैलोक्यमोहनम् यजनाः कथयिष्यन्ति यावद् भूमिर्धरिष्यति॥
You will soon witness the fight that will bewilder the three worlds and it will be spoken of till the world ends.

एवं ब्रुर्वस्तदा पार्थः कृष्णमक्लिष्टकारिणम्। प्रत्युद्ययौ रथेनाशु गजं प्रतिगजो यथा॥
Thus speaking to Krishna of inexhaustible energy, Partha advanced towards Karna like one elephant against another.

पुनरप्याह तेजस्वी पार्थः कृष्णमरिंदमम्। चोदयाश्चन हृषीकेष कालोऽयमतिवर्तते॥
Partha of great prowess again told Krishna who was the scorcher of foes "O Hrishikesa, time flies, so spur on the steeds".

एवमुक्तस्तदा तेन पाण्डवेन महात्मना। जयेन सम्पूज्य स पाण्डवं तदा। प्रचोदयामास हयान् मनोजवान् स पाण्डुपुत्रस्य रथो मनोजवः क्षणेन कर्णस्य रथागतोऽभवत्॥
Thus addressed by the noble son of Pandu Kesava who wishes him victory lashed the steeds which were swift as the mind and very quickly brought the car of Pandu's son before Karna's chariot. steeds which were swift as the mind and very quickly brought the car of Pandu's son before Karna's chariot.