KARNA PARVA: Chapter 59

Defeat of Ashvatthama

संजय उवाच ततः पुनः समाजग्मुरभीताः कुरुसृञ्जयाः। युधिष्ठिरमुखाः पार्थाः सूतपुत्रमुखा वयम्॥
Sanjaya said Then again the Kurus and Srinjayas undauntedly encountered one another. The sons of Pritha were headed by Yudhishthira and our army was headed by the charioteer's son.

ततः प्रववृते भीमः संग्रामो लोमहर्षणः। कर्णस्य पाण्डवानां च यमराष्ट्रविवर्धनः॥
Then took place a dreadful and hair-stirring battle between Karna and the sons of Pandu which increased the territory of Yama.

तस्मिन् प्रवृत्ते संग्रामे तुमुले शोणितोदके। संशप्तकेषु शूरेषु किंचिच्छिष्टेषु भारत॥ धृष्टद्युम्नो महाराज सहित: सर्वराजभिः । कर्णमेवभिदुद्राव पाण्डवाश्च महारथाः॥
After that dreadful battle, producing pools of blood, had taken place and when only a few of the brave Samsaptakas remained alive, Dhristadyumna, with all the kings and the mighty car-warrior Pandavas, rushed towards Karna.

आगच्छमानास्तान् संख्ये प्रहृष्टान् विजयैषिणः। दधारैको रणे कर्णो जलौघानिव पर्वतः॥
As a mountain holds water so Karna alone received in battle those warriors filed with joy and longing for victory.

समासाद्य तु ते कर्ण व्यशीर्यन्त महारथाः। यथाचलं समासाद्य वार्योधाः सर्वतोदिशम्॥
Encountering Karna those great carwarriors were scattered (by him) as a collection of water is dispersed on all sides while dashing against a huge mountain.

तयोरासीन्महाराज संग्रामो लोमहर्षणः। धृष्टद्युम्नस्तु राधेयं शरेणान्तपर्वणा॥ ताडयामास समरे तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्।
O great king, then took place a hair stirring encounter between them. With arrows Dhristadyumna struck the son of Radha exclaiming-"Wait! Wait!”

विजयं च धनुः श्रेष्ठं विधुन्वानो महारथः॥ पार्षतस्य धनुश्छित्त्वा शरांश्चाविषोपमान्। ताडयामास संक्रुद्धः पार्षतं नवभिः शरैः॥
Boiling with rage the great car-warrior Karna shook the best of his bows, Vijaya. Then cutting off his bow and arrows like unto deadly serpents he struck Dhristadyumna with nine shafts.

ते वर्म हेमविकृतं भित्त्वा तस्य महात्मनः। शोणिताक्ता व्यराजन्त शक्रगोपा इवानघ॥
Cutting through the golden armour of that high-souled hero they were covered with blood and looked like so many lady birds.

तदपास्य धनुश्छिन्नं धृष्टद्युम्नो महारथः। अथान्यद् धनुरादाय शरांश्चासीविषोपमान्॥ कर्णं विव्याध सप्तत्या शरैः संनतपर्वभिः।
Then throwing off his broken bow the great car-warrior Dhrishtadyumna took up a fresh one and shafts resembling venomous snakes and struck Karna with seventy arrows.

तथैव राजन् कर्णोऽपि पार्षतं शत्रुतापनम्॥ छादयामास समरे शरैराशीविषोपमैः। द्रोणशत्रुर्महेष्वासो विव्याध निशितैः शरैः॥
Likewise Karna too covered Prishata's son, the scorcher of his enemies with arrows resembling deadly deadly serpents. The great bowman, the enemy of Drona, struck (Karna) with sharpened arrows.

तस्य कर्णो महाराज खरं कनकभूषणम्। प्रेषयामास संक्रुद्धो मृत्युदण्डमिवापरम्॥
Karna discharged at him in anger a golden arrow like the very rod of Death.

तमापतन्तं सहसा घोररूपं विशाम्पते। चिच्छेद शतधा राजशैनेयः कृतहस्तवत्॥
O king, the descendant of Sini, like an expert, sundered into seven pieces that dreadful arrow which was about to fall on him.

दृष्ट्वा विनिहतं बाणं शरैः कर्णो विशाम्पते। सात्यकिं शरवर्षेण समन्तान् पर्यवारयत्॥
Seeing that arrow broken with his shafts, Karna, O king, covered Satyaki completely with a downpour of arrows.

विव्याध चैनं समरे नाराचैस्तत्र सप्तभिः। तंप्रत्यविध्यच्छैनेयः शरैर्हेमपरिष्कृतैः॥
He pierced him with seven arrows. The grandson of Sini, in return, struck him with golden-feathered arrows.

ततो युद्धं महाराज चक्षुःश्रोत्रभयानकम्। आसीद् घोरं च चित्रं च प्रेक्षणीयं समन्ततः॥
Then there took place an encounter wonderful and terrible striking terror to ears and eyes.

सर्वेषां तत्र भूतानां लोमहर्षोऽभ्य तद् दृष्ट्वा समरे कर्म कर्णशैनेययोर्नृप।॥
Hairs on the body of all creatures present there stood erect on beholding in that battle the wonderful feats of Karna and of the grandson of Sini.

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे द्रौणिरभ्ययात् सुमहाबलम्। पार्षतं शत्रुदमनं शत्रुवीर्यसुनाशनम्॥
In the meantime the highly powerful son of Drona approached Parshata, the subduer of his enemies and the destroyer of their prowess.

अभ्यभाषतं संक्रुद्धो द्रौणि परपुरंजयः। तिष्ठ तिष्ठाय ब्रह्मघ्न न मे जीवन् विमोक्ष्यसे।॥
Drouni, the victor of hostile cities, said to him, in anger, "Wait, wait! O slayer of Brahmanas, you will not escape me today with your life.

इत्युक्त्वा सुभृशं वीरं शीघ्रकृन्निशितैः शरैः। पार्षतं छादयामास घोररूपैः सुतेजनैः॥ यतमानं परं शक्तया यतमानो महारथः।
Saying this he covered the great hero, Parshata, with dreadful, dreadful, sharpened and powerful arrows although that car-warrior tried his level best to thwart them.

यथा हि समरे द्रोणः पार्षतं वीक्ष्य मारिष।॥ तथा द्रौणिं रणे दृष्ट्वा पार्षतः परवीरहा। नातिहष्टमना भूत्वा मन्यते मृत्युमात्मनः॥
As Drona, while he was alive, became dispirited on seeing the son of Prishata and took him for his death, so the son of Prishata, on seeing Drona's son in battle, regarded him as his death.

स ज्ञात्वा समरेऽऽत्मानं शस्त्रेणावध्यमेव तु। जवेनाभ्याययौ द्रौणि कालः कालमिव क्षयेया॥
They immediately marched forward and accessed to Ashvatthama in battle-field considering themselves undefeated by the weapons and it appeared as if the god of death has attacked on god of death (time) at the time of great devastation (Maha Pralaya).

द्रौणिस्तु दृष्ट्वा राजेन्द्र धृष्टद्युम्नमवस्थितम्। क्रोधेन निःश्वसन् वीरः पार्षतं समुपाद्रवत्॥
Seeing Dhristadyumna stand firm before him the heroic son of Drona, sighing in anger, rushed towards Parshata.

तावन्योन्यं तु दृष्टैव संरम्भं जग्मतुः परम्। अथाब्रवीन्महाराज द्रोणपुत्रः प्रतापवान्॥ धृष्टद्युम्नं समीपस्थं त्वरमाणो विशाम्पते।
O king, both are very angry to see each other. Then, O king, the powerful son of Drona quickly said to Dhristadyumna who stood before him.

पाञ्चालापसदाद्य त्वां प्रेषयिष्यामि मृत्यवे॥ पापं हि यत् त्वया कर्म नता द्रोणंपुरा कृतम्। अद्यं त्वां तप्स्यते तद् वै यथा न कुशल तथा॥ अरक्ष्यमाणः पार्थेन यदि तिष्ठसि संयुगे। नापक्रामसि वा मूढ सत्यमेतद् ब्रवीमि ते॥
O wretch of a Panchala, I will dispatch you today to the abode of Death. Verily you committed a great sin by killing Drona before. You will meet with an evil turn in extenuation of that iniquity if you stand in battle without being protected by Partha or if you do not beat a retreat. O fool, I tell you the truth.

एवमुक्तः प्रत्युवाच धृष्टद्युम्नः प्रतापवान्। प्रतिवाक्यं स एवासिर्मामको दास्यते तव॥ तेनैव ते पितुर्दत्तं यतमानस्य संयुगे।
Thus addressed the powerful Dhristadyumna replied-What, I said to your father, while trying his best in battle, will serve as a reply to your words.

यदि तावन्मया द्रोणो निहतो ब्राह्मणब्रुवः॥ त्वामिदानीं कथं युद्धे न हनिष्यामि विक्रमात्।
If Drona, who was a Brahmana in name, could have been killed by me, why should I not, by my power, kill you today in battle.

एवमुक्त्वा महाराज सेनापतिरमर्षणः॥ निशितेनातिबाणेन द्रौणिहं विव्याध पार्षतः।
Having said this, O king, the revengeful commander (of Pandava's army) Parshata struck Drona's son with sharpened arrows.

ततो द्रौणिः संसंक्रुद्धः शरैः संनतपर्वभिः॥ आच्छादयद् दिशो राजन् धृष्टद्युम्नस्य संयुगे।
Thereupon, worked up with anger Drona's son, O king, covered all sides of Dhristadyumna with arrows.

नैवान्तरिक्षं न दिशो नापि योधाः समन्ततः॥ दृश्यन्ते वै महाराज शरैश्छन्नाः सहस्रशः।
Covered with thousands of shafts neither the sky, nor the quarters, nor the warriors around could be seen.

तथैव पार्षतो राजन् द्रौणिमाहवशोभिनम्॥ शरैः संछादयामास सूतपुत्रस्य पश्यतः।
Before the very eyes of the charioteer's son, O king, Parshata covered Drona's son, the ornament of the battle field, with arrows.

राधेयोऽपि महाराज पञ्चालान् सह पाण्डवैः॥ द्रौपदेयान् युधामन्यु सात्यकिं च महारथम्। एकः संवारयामास प्रेक्षणीयः समन्ततः॥
But the son of Radha alone, O king, visible on every side, withstood the Panchalas, Pandavas, the sons of Draupadi, Yudhamanyu and the great car-warrior Satyaki.

धृष्टद्युम्नस्तु समरे द्रौणिश्चिच्छेद कार्मुकम्। तदपास्य धनुौणिरन्यदादाय कार्मुकम्॥ वेगवान् समरे घोरे शरांश्चाशीविषोपमान्। स पार्षतस्य राजेन्द्र धनुः शक्तिं गदां ध्वजम्॥ हयान् सूतं रथं चैव निमेषाद् व्यधमच्छरैः।
Dhristadyumna, again in battle, cut-off the dreadful bow of Drona's son and his arrows resembling venomous serpents. He, again, O king, in a moment struck with arrows Parshata's bow, Sakti, club, standard, horses, charioteer and car,

सच्छिन्नधन्वा विरतो हताश्वो हतसारथिः॥ खङ्गमादत्त विपुलं शतचन्द्रं च भानुमत्।
Having his bow and car broken and horses and charioteer slain, he took up a huge sword shining like a hundred moon.

द्रौणिस्तदपि राजेन्द्र भल्लैः क्षिप्रं महारथः॥ चिच्छेद समरे वीरः क्षिप्रहस्तो दृढायुधः। रथादनवरूढस्य तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥
O king, the great car-warrior, the heroic son of Drona, displaying light handedness and holding firm his weapon, quickly cut-off in battle with Bhallas, that weapon of his, before he could come down from the car. It was indeed wonderful.

धृष्टद्युम्नं हि विरथं हताश्वं छिन्नकार्मुकम्। शरैश्च बहुधा विद्धमस्त्रैश्च शकलीकृतम्॥ नाशकद् भरतश्रेष्ठ यतमानो महारथः।
O foremost of Bharatas, that great carwarrior, although striving hard, could not kill Dhristadyumna, who had his bow and car broken and horses slain and was wounded with various arrows.

तस्यान्तमिषुभी राजन् यदा द्रौणिर्न जग्मिरान्॥ अथ त्यक्त्वा धनुर्वीरः पार्षतं त्वरितोऽन्वगात्।
O king, when the son of Drona could not kill him with arrows, that hero, laying aside his bow, quickly followed Parshata.

आसीदाल्पवतो वेदस्तस्य राजन् महात्मनः॥ गरुडस्येव पततो जिघृक्षोः पन्नगोत्तमम्।
The motion of that high-souled one as he rushed on resembled that of Garuda, swooping down for catching a snake.

एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु माधवोऽर्जुनमब्रवीत्॥ पश्य पार्थ यथा द्रौणिः पार्षतस्य वधं प्रति। यत्नं करोति विपुलं हन्याचैनं न संशयः॥
In the interval Madhava said to Arjuna-"See, O Partha, how Drona's son is proceeding quickly towards Parshata's car. Forsooth, he will kill the prince. There is no doubt.

तं मोचय महाबाहो पार्षतं शत्रुकर्शन। द्रौणेरास्यमनुप्राप्तं मृत्योरास्यगतं यथा॥
O you of large arms, O subduer of enemies, rescue Prishata's son who is near the mouth of Drona's son as if he is within the jaws of Death."

एवमुक्त्वा महाराज वासुदेवः प्रतापवान्। प्रेषयत् तुरगांस्तत्र यत्र द्रौणिर्व्यवस्थितः॥
Having said this, O king, the powerful son of Vasudeva drove the horses where Drona's son was staying

ते हयाश्चन्द्रसंकाशाः केशवेन प्रचोदिताः। आपिबन्त इव व्योम जग्मुद्रौणिरथं प्रति॥
Urged on by the Keshava those horses, effulgent like the moon, ran towards the car of Drona's son as if devouring the very sky.

दृष्ट्वाऽऽयातौ महावीर्याबुभौ कृष्णधनंजयौ। धृष्टद्युम्नवधे यत्रं चक्रे राजन् महाबलः॥
Seeing those two mighty heroes approach him, Ashvatthama set forth his exertions for killing Dhristadyumna soon.

विकृष्यमाणं दृष्टैव दृष्टद्युम्नं नरेश्वर। शरांश्चिक्षेप वै पार्थो द्रौणि प्रति महाबलः॥
O king, seeing Dhristadyumna dragged by his enemy, the powerful son of Pritha discharged many arrows at the son of Drona.

ते शरा हेमविकृता गाण्डीवप्रेषिता भृशम्। द्रौणिमासाद्य विविशुर्वल्मीकमिव फन्नगाः॥
Those golden shafts, shot off his Gandiva, approached the son of Drona and wounded him deep like serpents entering into an ant hill.

स विद्धस्तैः शरैधीरैर्दोणपुत्रः प्रतापवान्। उत्सृज्य समरे राजन् पाञ्चाल्यममितौजसम्॥
Thus struck with dreadful shafts the powerful son of Drona left off the highly energetic Panchala Prince.

रथामारुरुहे वीरो धनंजयशरार्दितः। प्रगृह्य च धनुः श्रेष्ठ पार्थ विव्याध सायकैः॥
Thus wounded by Dhananjaya with arrows the hero got on his chariot. And taking up his bow he began to strike Partha with innumerabie arrows.

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे वीरः सहदेवो जनाधिप। अपोवाह रथेनाजौ पार्षतं शत्रुतापनम्॥
In the interval O king, the heroic Sahadeva carried away on his chariot Parshata the scorcher of his enemies.

अर्जुनोऽपि महाराज द्रौणिं विव्याध पत्रिभिः: तं द्रोणपुत्रः संक्रुद्धो बाह्वोरुरसि चार्पयत्॥
Arjuna in return struck Drona's son with Winged arrows. Worked up Drona's son struck him on the arms and the chest.

क्रोधितस्यु रणे पार्थो नाराचं कालसम्मितम्। द्रोणपुत्राय चिक्षेप कालदण्डमिवापरम्॥
with anger Filled with anger Partha discharged in that battle at Drona's son a Naracha like unto the very rod of Death.

ब्राह्मणस्यांसदेशे स निपपात महाद्युतिः। स विह्वलो महाराज शरवेगेन संयुगे॥ निषसाद रथोपस्थे वैकुव्यं च परं ययौ।
O king, That highly effulgent arrow fell on Brahmana's shoulder, he was stupefied in the battle with the force of that arrow. He sat down exhausted on the car.

ततः कर्णो महाराज व्याक्षिपद् विजयं धनुः॥ अर्जुनं समरे क्रुद्धः प्रेक्षमाणो मुहुमुर्हः। द्वैरथं चापि पार्थेन कामयानो महारणे॥
Then, O king, Karna took up his bow, Vijaya and filled with anger he again and again cast his looks on Arjuna desiring for a duel with him.

विह्वलं तं तु वीक्ष्याथ द्रोणपुत्रं च सारथिः। अपोवाह रथेनाजौ त्वरमाणो रणाजिरात्॥
Seeing Drona's son senseless his charioteer quickly took him away on his car from the battle-field.

अथोत्क्रुष्टं महाराज पञ्चालैर्जितकाशिभिः। मोक्षितं पार्षतं दृष्ट्वा द्रोणपुत्रं च पीडितम्॥
Seeing Prishata's son released and Drona's son wounded, the Panchalas, O king, jubilant over the victory, sent up loud war-cries.

वादित्राणि च दिव्यानि प्रावाद्यन्त सहस्रशः। सिंहनादांश्च चक्रुस्ते दृष्ट्वा संख्ये तदद्भुतम्॥
Thousands of musical instruments of swell tune were struck. Seeing those wonderful feats the heroes sent up leonine shouts.

एवं कृत्वाब्रवीत् पार्थो वासुदेव धनंजयः। याहि संशप्तकान् कृष्ण कार्यमेतत् परं मम॥
Subsequent to exhibit such valour, Dhananjaya, the son of Kunti said to Sri Krishna-"Sri Krishna! Move now towards Samsaptakas as it is my prime target this time.

ततः प्रयातो दाशार्हः श्रुत्वा पाण्डवभाषितम्। रथेनातिपताकेन मनोमारुतरंहसा॥
Hearing those words of Arjuna Krishna drove his car adorned with many banners and fleet like the wind or the mind. Hearing those words of Arjuna Krishna drove his car adorned with many banners and fleet like the wind or the mind.