KARNA PARVA: Chapter 24

The prowess of Karna

संजय उवाच नकुलं रभसं युद्धे द्रावयन्तं वरूथिनीम्। कर्णो वैकर्तनो राजन् वारयामास वै रुषा॥
Sanjaya said O monarch, Karna the son of Vikartana, indeed, restrained with great rage Nakula, who was destroying and dispersing the army (belonging to the Kurus) in that battle.

नकुलस्तु ततः कर्णं प्रहसन्निदमब्रवीत्। चिरस्य बत दृष्टोऽहं दैवतैः सौम्यचक्षुषा॥
Thereupon, Nakula smilingly uttered these words of Karna-'I am, after a long while and through the kindness of the celestials, seen by you.

पश्य मां त्वं रणे पाप चक्षुर्विषयमागतम्। त्वं हि मूलमनर्थानां वैरस्य कलहस्य च॥
O wretched one, such as I am, you have become the object of my sight in this battle. Indeed, you are the root of all these evils, as well as of this hostility and warfare.

त्वद्दोषात् कुरवः क्षीणाः समासाद्य परस्परम्। त्वामद्य समरे हत्वा कृतकृत्योऽस्मि विज्वरः॥
Through you faults the Kuru warriors, after having fought against one another had become thinned. Having slaughtered you today in the battle. I will consider myself as having performed my duties; and also I will be free from the fever (of my heart).

एवमुक्तः प्रत्युवाच नकुलं सूतनन्दनः। सदृशं राजपुत्रस्य धन्विनश्च विशेषतः॥
Being thus addressed, the son of Suta replied to Nakula in expressions worthy of the son of a king and of a bowman specialiy.

प्रहरस्व च मे वीर पश्यामस्तव पौरुषम्। कर्म कृत्वा रणे शूर ततः कस्थितुमर्हसि॥
'O brave warrior, strike me; we will behold your manliness. O hero, first having achieved some deed in the battle, then it behoves you to speak.

अनुक्त्वा समरे तात शूरा युध्यन्ति शक्तित:। प्रयुध्यस्व मया शक्त्या हनिष्ये दर्पमेव ते॥
O sire, without speaking anything (highly of themselves) in the battle, the warriors fight to the best of their might. hence, do you fight with me to the best of your power. I will surely destroy your vanity.

इत्युक्त्वा प्राहरत् तूर्णं पाण्डुपुत्राय सूतजः। विव्याध चैनं समरे त्रिसप्तत्या शिलीमुखैः॥
Having addressed him thus, the son of Suta struck the son of Pandu most rapidly and pierced him in the battle with seventy-three arrows.

नकुलस्तु ततो विद्धः सूतपुत्रेण भारत। अशीत्याशीविषप्रख्यैः सूतपुत्रमविध्यत॥
Thereupon, O descendant of the Bharata race, Nakula, indeed, having been thus pierced by the son of Suta, pierced the Suta's son in return with eight shafts, that were as deadly as the snakes possessing virulent poison.

तस्य कर्णो धनुश्छित्त्वास्वर्णपुङ्खः शिलाशितैः। त्रिंशता परमेष्वासः शरैः पाण्डवमर्दयत्॥
Then Karna, that most powerful bowman, after having severed his (enemy's) bow with numerous shafts, winged with gold and sharpened on stone, crushed the son of Pandu with thirty other arrows.

ते तस्य कवच भित्वा पपुः शोणितमाहवे। आशीविषा यथा नागाभित्त्वा गां सलिलं पपुः॥
Those arrows, after having pierced through his armour, drank his blood in the battle; even as the snakes of virulent poison, after having penetrated the earth, drink the water.

अथान्यद् धनुरादाय हेमपृष्ठं दुरासदम्। कर्ण विव्याध सप्तत्या सारथिं च त्रिभिः शरैः॥
Then he (Nakula), taking up another bow, that was most formidable and adorned with gold on the back, penetrated Karna with twenty shafts and pierced his charioteer with three others.

ततः क्रुद्धो महाराज नकुलः परवीरहा। क्षुरप्रेण सुतीक्ष्णेन कर्णस्य धनुराच्छिनत्॥
Thereupon, O mighty king, the highly enraged Nakula, that slayer of heroic foes, severed the bow of Karna with sharp razor-like arrows.

अथैनं छिन्नधन्वानं सायकानां शतैस्त्रिभिः। आजघ्ने प्रहसन वीरः सर्वलोकमहारथम्॥
Thereupon that brave warrior (the son of Pandu) smilingly struck this one (Karna), the mightiest of all car-warriors, (Karma) whose bow severed with three hundred shafts.

कर्णमभ्यर्दितं दृष्ट्वा पाण्डुपुत्रेण मारिष। विस्मयं परमं जम्मू रथिनः सह दैवतैः॥
O sire, seeing, Karna thus crushed by the son of Pandu, all the car-warriors, along with the celestials, obtained the highest condition of astonishment.

अथान्यद् धनुरादाय कर्णो वैकर्तनस्तदा। नकुलं पञ्चभिर्बाणैर्जत्रुदेशे समार्पयत्॥
Then Karna, the son of Vikartana, grasping another bow, had shot upon Nakula five shafts in the shoulder-joint.

तत्रस्थैरथ तैर्बाणैर्माद्रीपुत्रो व्यरोचयत्। स्वरश्मिभिरिवादित्यो भुवने विसृजन् प्रभाम्॥
Thus the son of Madri blazed with those arrows sticking to that place (in his body); even as the sun, shedding lustre on the earth, looks resplendent with his own rays.

नकुलस्तु ततः कर्णं विद्ध्वा सप्तभिराशुगैः। अथास्य धनुषः कोटि पुनश्चिच्छेद मारिष॥
Thereupon Nakula, indeed, after having penetrated Karna with seven impetuous arrows, once more severed one of the horns of his bow, O sire.

सोऽन्यत् कार्मुकमादाय समरे वेगवत्तरम्। नकुलस्य ततो बाणैः सर्वतोऽवारयद् दिशः॥
Thereupon in the field of battle he (Karna), taking up another bow, that was possessed of greater strength, closed the different points of the compass, on every side of Nakula, with his arrows.

संछाद्यमानः सहसा कर्णचापच्युतैः शरैः। चिच्छेद स शरांस्तूर्णं शरैरेव महारथः॥
That mighty car-warrior (Nakula), being thus suddenly closed with the arrows, shot from Karna's bow, rapidly struck down these shafts with the arrows of his own.

ततो बाणमयं जालं विततं व्योम्नि दृश्यते। खद्योतानामिव वातैः संपतद्भिर्यथा नभः॥
Then that net-work of arrows, spread over the sky, looked like the firmament, covered over with innumerable fire-flies, that roved about it.

तैविमुक्तैः शरशतैश्छादितं गगनं तदा। शलभानां यथा वातैस्तद्वदासीद् विशांमते॥
Then, O ruler of earth, the welkin, covered over as it was with the hundreds of arrows shot by both of them, looked even as it was covered over with the swarms of locusts,

ते शरा हेमविकृताः सम्पतन्तो मुहुर्मुहुः। श्रेणीकृता व्यकाशन्त क्रौञ्चाः श्रेणीकृता इव॥
Those arrows, that were adorned with gold, having issued forth in continuous lines, looked most handsome like the cranes flying in continuous lines (through the sky).

बाणजालावृत्ते व्योम्नि च्छादिते च दिवाकरे। न स्म सम्पतते भूम्यां किंचिदप्यन्तरिक्षगम्॥
When the firmament was thus closed with the net-work of arrows and the sun was covered over with them, none of the rovers of the sky descended upon the earth.

निरुद्ध तत्र मार्गे च शरसंधैः समन्ततः। व्यरोचेतां महात्मानौ कालसूर्याविवोदितौ॥
While all the directions were thus closed with the shots of innumerable arrows from all sides, those two lofty-minded heroes blazed forth like two risen suns appearing at the time of universals dissolution,

कर्णचापच्युतैर्बाणैर्वध्यमानास्तु सोमकाः अवालीयन्त राजेन्द्र वेदनार्ता भृशार्दिताः॥
O foremost of monarchs, having been highly oppressed with the pain and greatly crushed and slaughtered by these arrows shot from the bow of Karna, all the Somakas dicd.

नकुलस्य तथा बाणैर्हन्यमाना चमूस्तव। व्यशीर्यत दिशो राजन् वातनुन्ना इवाम्बुदा॥
In the same way, O king, the army on your side, thus slain by the arrows of Nakuſa, dispersed on all sides; even as the masses of clouds are dispersed by the wind.

ते सेने हन्यमाने तु ताभ्यां दिव्यैर्महाशरैः। शरपातमपाक्रम्य तस्थतुः प्रेक्षिके तदा॥
The two armies, being thus slaughtered by both the (above) warriors with divine arrows, possessed of great impetuosity, fled beyond the WW reach of falling shafts and stood even as they were spectators (of the battle).

प्रोत्सारितजने तस्मिन् कर्णपाण्डवयोः शरैः। अविध्येतां महात्मानावन्योन्यं शरवृष्टिभिः॥
Thus when both the armies were dispersed by the arrows of Karna and the son of Pandu, these two high-minded warriors pierced each other with showers of shafts.

विदर्शयन्तौ दिव्यानि शस्त्राणि रणमूर्धनि। छादयन्तौ च सहसा परस्परवधैषिणौ।॥
Most willing to kill each other, both the warriors showed their celestial weapons in the battle-field and closed each other all on a sudden (with showers of arrows).

नकुलेन शरा मुक्ताः कङ्कबहिणवाससः। सूतपुत्रमवच्छाद्य व्यतिष्ठन्त यथाम्बरे॥
The arrows that were furnished with the Kanka, the peacock feathers and garments, shot by Nakula, after having closed the son of Suta, appeared to stay on the sky.

तथैव सूतपुत्रेण प्रेषिताः परमाहवे। पाण्डुपुत्रमवच्छाद्य व्यतिष्ठन्ताम्बरे शराः॥
In the same way, the arrows that were shut by the son of Suta in that fierce battle, after having closed the son of Pandu appeared to stay on the sky.

शरवेश्मप्रविष्टौ तौ ददृशाते न कैश्चन। सूर्याचन्द्रमसौः राजञ्छाद्यमानौ घनैरिव॥
O monarch, both the warriors, having entered the chambers composed of arrows, could not be seen by any persons; even as both the sun and the moon, covered over with the masses of clouds, cannot be seen by any persons.

तत: क्रुद्धो रणे कर्णः कृत्वा घोरतरं वपुः। पाण्डवं छादयामास समन्ताच्छरवृष्टिभिः॥
Thereupon Karna, who was highly enraged, after having assumed a very terrible look in the field of battle, shrouded the son of Pandu with showers of shafts shot from all sides,

सोऽतिच्छन्नो महाराज सूतपुत्रेण पाण्डवः। न चकार व्यथां राजन् भास्करो जलदैर्यथा।॥
O powerful monarch, the son Pandu, who was wholly shrouded by the son of Suta (with arrowy showers), did not feel any uneasiness; even as the sun (the giver of light), covered by the clouds, feels no pain.

ततः प्रहस्याधिरथिः शरजालानि मारिष। प्रेषयामास समरे शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥
Thereupon, O sire, the son of Adhiratha, after smiling from a time, shot forth hundreds and thousands of shafts in the field of battle.

एकच्छायमभूत् सर्व तस्य बाणैर्महात्मनः। अभ्रच्छायेव संजज्ञे सम्पतद्भिः शरोत्तमैः॥
There (upon the field of battle) all appeared to be one continuous shade by the shafts of that lofty-minded one (Karna) even as there formed a shade of clouds by the foremost of falling arrows.

ततः कर्णो महाराज धनुश्छित्त्वा महात्मनः। सारथिं पातयामास रथनीडाद्धसन्निव॥
Then, O powerful monarch, Karna after having severed the bow of that high-souled one (Nakula), smilingly caused the fall of his charioteer from the car-nichi.

ततोऽश्वांश्चतुस्चास्य चतुर्भिनिशितैश्र शरैः। यमस्य भवनं तूर्णं प्रेषयामास भारत॥
Thereupon, O descendant of the Bharata race, he (Karna) sent away the four horses of him (Nakula) to the abode of Death most rapidly by means of four sharp-edged arrows.

अथास्यं त रथं दिव्यं तिलशो व्यधमच्छरैः। पताकां चक्ररक्षांश्च गदां खङ्गं च मारिष॥ शतचन्द्रं त तधर्म सर्वोपकरणानि च।
Then also he with innumerable arrows, cutoff into minute fragments his (antagonist's) celestial car, his standard, the protector of his car-wheels, his mace and sword and his shield, that was furnished with hundreds of moons, as well as his all other equipment's of war, O sire.

हताश्वो विस्थाश्चैव विवर्मा च विशाम्पते॥ अवतीर्य रथातूर्णं परिघं गृह्य धिष्ठितः।
O ruler of earth, losing his horse and being deprived of his car and shield, he (Nakula) immediately alighted from his car and taking up his spiked club, stood (in the field of battle).

तमुद्यतं महाघोरं परिघं तस्य सूतजः॥ व्यहनत् सायकै राजन् सुतीक्ष्णैर्भारसाधनैः।
O monarch, the son of Suta had struck down that dreadful mace, uplifted by him, with the keenest arrows, capable of bearing the greatest strain.

व्यायुधं चैनमालक्ष्य शरैः संनतपर्वभिः॥ आर्पयद् बहुभिः कर्णो न चैनं समपीडयत्।
On seeing him (his antagonist) without any weapons, Karna afflicted him with numerous straight arrows; but he did not oppress him too severely.

स हन्यमानः समरे कृतास्त्रेण बलीयसा॥ प्राद्रवत् सहसा राजन् नकुलो व्याकुलेन्द्रियः।
O monarch, Nakula of agitated senses, who was struck by that most powerful warrior, well versed in the science of arms in the battle, fled away all on a sudden.

तमभिदुत्य राधेयः प्रहसन् वै पुनः पुनः॥ सज्यमस्य धनुः कण्ठे व्यवासृजत भारत।
O descendant of the Bharata race, the sons of Radha, indeed laughing, again and again and pursuing him (Nakula), placed the bow, that was furnished with string, around his neck.

ततः स शुशुभे राजन् कण्ठासक्तमहाधनुः॥ परिवेषमनुप्राप्तो यथा स्याद् व्योम्नि चन्द्रमाः। यथैव चासितो मेघः शक्रचापेन शोभितः॥
Thereupon, O king, that strong bow placed round his neck, blazed forth, like the moon in the firmament, when he is surrounded by a halo of light or like the mass of black clouds adorned by the bow Indra.

तमब्रवीत्ततः कर्णो व्यर्थं व्याहृतवानसि। वदेदानीं पुनर्हष्टो वध्यमानः पुनः पुनः॥ मा योत्सीः कुरुभिः सार्धे बलवद्भिश्च पाण्डव। सदृशैस्तात युध्यस्व व्रीडां मा कुरु पाण्डव॥ गृहं वा गच्छ माद्रेय यत्र वा कृष्णफाल्गुनौ। एवमुक्त्वा महाराज व्यसर्जयत् तं तदा॥
Then Karna addressed him thus-'whatever you speak is of no avail. Being delighted, do you utter those words once more, as you are struck over and over again. O son of Pandu, do you not fight with the mightiest of Kurus; O son, fight with those, that are your cquals. O son of Pandu, do not be ashamed of it. O son of Madri, go home, where are Krishna and Falguna.' O most powerful monarch, he then, having addressed him thus, dismissed him at that time.

वधप्राप्तं तु तं शरो नाहनद् धर्मवित्तदा। स्मृत्वा कुन्त्यावचो राजंस्तत एनं व्यसर्जयत्॥
Thereupon that hero (Karna), who was well-versed in the code of morality and did not slaughter him (Nakula), who was almost within the reach of Death himself. Then, O monarch, resembling the words of Kunti, he (Karna) let hiin go.

विसृष्टः पाण्डवो राजन् सूतपुत्रेण धन्विना। ब्रीडन्निव जगामाथ युधिष्ठिररथं प्रति॥
O king, the son of Pandu, being thus abandoned by that bowman, the son of Suta and feeling shame for it, went towards the car of Yudhishthira.

आरुरोह रथं चापि सूतपुत्रप्रतापितः। निश्वसन् दुःखसंतप्तः कुम्थ्यस्थ इव पन्नगः॥
He then, being afflicted by the son of Suta, ascended the car (of his brother) and being oppressed with grief, sighed heavily like shake confided within a vessel.

तं विजित्याथ कर्णोऽपि पञ्चालांस्त्वरितो ययौ। रथेनातिपताकेन चन्द्रवर्णहयेन त ॥
Then Karna, after having defeated him (Nakula), rushed most rapidly against the Panchalas, riding upon a car, that was furnished with innumerable standards and having the colour of the moon.

तत्राक्रन्दो महानासीत् पाण्डवानां विशाम्पते। दृष्ट्वा सेनापति यान्तं पञ्चालानां रथव्रजान्॥
On seeing the commander of the (Kaurava) army rushing against the car-warriors of the Panchala force, there arose a dreadful uproar against the Pandavas, O ruler of earth.

तत्राकरोन्महाराज कदनं सूतनन्दनः। मध्यं प्राप्ते दिनकरे चक्रवद् विचरन् प्रभुः॥
O most powerful monarch, that lord the son of Suta, circling round the field of battle, like a wheel, perpetuated an immense slaughter there at the time when the sun attained the meridian.

भग्नचकै रथेः सांश्चिच्छिन्नध्वजपताकिभिः हताश्चैर्हतसूतैश्च भग्नाक्षैश्चैव मारिष॥ ह्रियमाणानपश्याम पञ्चालानां रथव्रजान्।
O sire, we saw numerous car-warriors of the Panchala army, who were carried away (from the field of battle) upon cars, some of which had their, wheels broken down and some of which had their banners and standards torn into pieces and some also had their horses and drivers slaughtered (in the battle) and some, again, were without their wheels,

तत्र तत्र च सम्भ्रान्ता विचेरुरथकुञ्जराः॥ दावाग्निपरिदग्धाङ्गा यथैव स्युर्महावने।
Innumerable elephants, also wandered and run about in the different directions of the field of battle, some of which had their bodies wholly burnt by the forest-fire.

भिन्नकुम्भारुधिरश्छिन्नहस्ताश्च वारणाः॥ छिन्नगात्रावराचैव च्छिन्नवालधयोऽपरे। छिन्नाभ्राणीव सम्पेतुर्हन्यमाना महात्मना॥
Innumerable elephants had their frontal globes severed and the bodies besmeared with blood and the trunks cut-off into fragments. Moreover, O sire, some other elephants, being slaughtered by that high souled one (Karna) fell down with their armour cut-off, or their tails curtailed, like the masses of clouds dispersed by the wind.

अपरे त्रासिता नागा नाराचशरतोमरैः। तमेवाभिमुखं जग्मुः शलभा इव पावकम्॥
Again, other elephants, that were terrified by the shots of arrows and lances of sons of Radha, rushed with their faces towards him (the son of Radha); even as the insects rush towards the blazing fire.

अपरे निष्टनन्तश्च व्यद्दश्यन्त महाद्विपाः। क्षरन्तः शोणितं गात्रैर्नगा इव जलस्त्रवाः॥
Other mighty elephants were looked to strike against one another. They also shed blood from their limbs, even as the mountains let flow streams of water from their summits.

उरश्छदैर्वियुक्तांश्च वालबन्धैश्च वाजिनः। राजतैश्च तथा कांस्यैः सौवर्णेश्चैव भूषणैः॥ हीनांश्चाभरणैश्चैव खलीनैश्च विवर्जितान्। चामरैश्च कुथाभिश्चैव तूणीरैः पतितैरपि॥ निहतैः सादिभिश्चैव शूरैराहवशोभितैः। अपश्याम रणे भ्राम्यमाणान् हयोत्तमान्॥
There is the field of battle, we saw numerous best heroes roving about in all directions-the heroes that were deprived of their breast-plates and several kinds of ornaments, made of silver, brass and gold and also that were diverged of their trappings, bridle-bits yak-tails and saddle-cloths and again, that had their quivers, falling off (from their bodies) and whose brave riders, who formed the beauty of battle were all slain.

प्रासैः खङ्गैश्च रहितानृष्टिभिश्चापि भारत। हयतादीनपश्याम कञ्चकोष्णीधारिणः॥ निहतान् वध्यमानांश्च वेपमानांश्च भारत। नानागावयवैीनास्तत्र तत्रैव भारत॥
O descendant of the Bharata race, we saw numerous horsemen, furnished with armou and coronets, who, being penetrated by the swords, scimitars, lances and clubs, were either slain, or in course of being slaughtered or were trembling with terror and who, again were deprived of their various limbs, on all sides of the field of battle.

रथान् हेमपरिष्करान् संयुक्तञ्जवनैर्हयैः। भ्राम्यमाणानपश्याम हतेषु रथिषु द्रुतम्॥
We behold the cars, that were adorned with gold and to which were yoked the heroes of greatest speed, dragged in the different directions of the field with great rapidity; while their riders were all slaughtered.

भग्नाक्षकूबरान् कांश्चिद् भग्नचक्रांश्च भारत। विपताकध्वजांश्चान्यच्छिन्नेषादण्डबन्धुरान्॥
O descendant of the Bharata race, some of these cars had their axes and poles shattered into fragments; and some others had their wheels broken; and others, again had their banners and standards torn into pieces; and several others were deprived of their arrows.

विहतान् रथिनस्तत्र धावमानांस्ततस्ततः। सूतपुत्रशरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्हन्यमानान् विशाम्पते॥ विशस्त्रांश्च तथैवान्यान् सशस्त्रांश्च हतान् बहून्।
O ruler of earth, there is the field of battle we saw numerous car-warriors rushing in all directions who were deprived of their cars and who also were afflicted by the arrows of the son of Suta and some of whom, again, were divested of their weapons, and innumerable Other car-warriors were seen slaughtered there still with their weapons on.

तारकाजालसंछन्नान् वंरघण्टाविशोभितान्॥ नानावर्णविचित्राभिः पताकाभिरलंकृतान्। वारणाननुपश्याम धावमानान् समन्ततः॥
We saw numerous elephants running in all directions of the field of battle, that were adorned with innumerable stars and that were furnished with the most handsome bells and also that were ornamented with banners variegated with various colours.

शिरांसि बाहूनूरूंश्च च्छिन्नानन्यांस्तथैव च। कर्णचापच्युतैर्बाणैरापश्याम समन्ततः॥
Moreover, we behold on all side of the field of battle, numerous heads, arms, chests and other parts of the body, that were severed by the arrows shot from the bow of Karna.

महान् व्यतिकरो रौद्रो योधामान्वपद्यत। कर्णसायकनुन्नानां युध्यतां च शितैः शरैः॥
The most dreadful and distressing calamity had fallen upon all the warriors while they were fighting with the keen arrows and cut-off with the shafts of Karna.

ते वध्यमाना समरे सूतपुत्रेण सृञ्जयाः। तमेवाभिमुखं यान्ति पतङ्गा इव पावकम्॥
The Srinjayas were slaughtered by the son of Suta in the field of battle and they rushed towards the force of Karna, even as the insects rash towards the fire.

तं दहन्तमनीकानि तत्र तत्र महारथम्। क्षत्रिया वर्जयामासुर्युगान्तग्निमिवोल्बणम्॥
All the Kshatriyas (the warriors) abandoned that mighty car-warrior who was slaughtering the forces (belonging to the Pandavas) on all sides of the battle, even as they abandon the blazing fire, that appears at the universal dissolution.

हतशेषास्तु ये वीराः पञ्चालानां महारथाः। तान् प्रभग्नान् दुतान् वीरः पृष्ठतो विकिरञ्छरैः॥ अभ्यधावत तेजस्वी विशीर्णकवचध्वजान्। तापयामास तान् बाणैः सूतपुत्रो महाबलः। मध्यंदिनमनुप्राप्तो भूतानीव तमोनुदः॥
That hero of immense prowess (Karna) pursued these powerful car-warriors belonging to the Panchala divisions, shooting dreadful arrows at them from behind, while they (these car-warriors), as they survived the slaughter, were broken and running away from the field and deprived of their armours and standards. The son of Suta, who was endowed with great strength, afflicted them with his arrows; even as the remover of darkness (the sun), having reached the meridian, afflicts all the creatures with his rays.