KARNA PARVA: Chapter 46

The beginning of battle

संजय उवाच ततः परानीकसहं व्यूहमप्रतिमं कृतम्। समीक्ष्य कर्णः पार्थनां धृष्टद्युम्मभिरक्षितम्॥
Sanjaya said Thereupon beholding that unrivalled arrangement of the army of Partha protected by Dhristadyumna who was capable of resisting all hostile armies Karna.

प्रययौ रथघोषेण सिंहनादरवेण च। वादित्राणां च निनदैः कम्पयन्निव मेदिनीम्॥
Proceeded sending up leonine shouts and making his chariot produce a loud rattle. He made the earth tremble with the loud din of musical instruments.

वेपमान इव क्रोधाद् युद्धशौण्डः परंतपः। प्रतिव्यूह्य महातेजा यथावद् भरतर्षभ।॥
That chastiser of foes, irrepressible in battle, seemed to tremble in anger. Then arranging his own army in counter array, that hero of great energy, O best of Bharatas.

व्यधमत् पाण्डवीं सेनामासुरीं मघवानिव। युधिष्ठिरं चाभ्यहनदपसव्यं चकार ह॥
Made a great havoc of the Pandava army like Indra killing the Asura army. Then wounding Yudhishthira with many arrows he placed the son of Pandu to his right.

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच कथं संजय राधेयः प्रत्यव्यूहत पाण्डवान्। धृष्टद्युम्नमुखान् सर्वान् भीमसेनाभिरक्षितान्॥ सर्वानेव महेष्वासानजय्यानमरैरपि। के च प्रपक्षौ पक्षौ वा मम सैन्यस्य संजय॥
Dhritarashtra said How did, O Sanjaya, the son of Radha arrange his army against the Pandavas led by Dhristadyumna and protected by Bhimasena-all those great bowmen invincible even to the very gods. Who stood, O Sanjaya, at the one wing and at the other of my army?

प्रविभज्य यथान्यायं कथं वा समवस्थिताः। कथं पाण्डुसुताश्चापि प्रत्यव्यूहन्त मामकान्॥
Dividing themselves duly how were they stationed? How did also the sons of Pandu arrange their army against mine?

कथं चैव महद् युद्धं प्रावर्तत सुदारुणम्। क्व च बूभत्सुरभवद् यत् कर्णोऽयाद् युधिष्ठिरम्॥
And how did that great and dreadful battle began? Where was Vibhatsu when Karna proceeded against Yudhishthira?

को हर्जुनस्य सान्निध्ये शक्तोऽभ्येतुं युधिष्ठिरम्। सर्वभूतानि यो ह्येकः खाण्डवे जितवान् पुरा। कस्तमन्यस्तु राधेयात् प्रतियुद्ध्येजिजीविषुः॥
Who could successfully assail Yudhishthira before Arjuna? Who else except the son of Radha, who wishes to keep his life, would fight with Arjuna who had defeated single-handed formerly all creatures at Khandava?

संजय उवाच शृणु व्यूहस्य रचनामर्जुनश्च यथा गतः। परिवार्य नृपं स्वं संग्रामश्चाभवद् यथा॥
Sanjaya said Hear now of the arrangement of the army and how Arjuna came and how the battle was fought by both sides encircling their respective kings.

कृपः शारद्वतो राजन् मागधाश्च तरस्विनः। सात्वतः कृतवर्मा च दक्षिणं पक्षमाश्रिताः॥
O king, Saradvata's son Kripa, the highly active Magadhas and Kritavarma of the Satvata race stood at the right wing.

तेषां प्रपक्षे शकुनिरुलूकश्च महारथः। सादिभिर्विमलप्रासैस्तवानीकमरक्षताम्॥ गान्धारिभिरसम्भ्रान्तः पर्वतीयैश्च दुर्जयैः। शलभानामिव वातैः पिशाचैरिव दुर्दशैः॥
Standing at the right of these and accompanied by many dauntless Gandhara horse-men armed with bright lances and many invincible mountaineers numerous swarms of locusts and grim-visaged as the as the cars W Pishachas, Shakuni and the powerful carwarrior Uluka protected the Kuru army.

चतुस्त्रिंशत्सहस्राणि रथानामनिवर्तिनाम्। संशप्तका युद्धशौण्डा वाम पार्श्वमपालयन्॥ समन्वितास्तव सुतैः कृष्णार्जुनजिघांसवः।
Thirty-four thousand of the Samsaptakas never to come back from the battle-field mad after fight, encircling your son and desirous of killing Krishna and Arjuna, protected the left side.

तेषां प्रपक्षाः काम्बोजाः शकाश्च यवनैः सह॥ निदेशात् सूतपुत्रस्य सरथाः साश्वपत्तयः। आह्वयन्तोऽर्जुनं तस्थुः केशवं च महाबलम्॥
The Kambojas, the Sakas, the Yavanas, with their cars, horses and infantry stood on this left challenging Arjuna and the powerful Kesava.

मध्ये सेनामुखे कर्णोऽप्यवातिष्ठत दंशितः। चित्रवर्माङ्गदः स्त्रग्वी पालयन् वाहिनीमुखम्॥
In the centre, stood Karna at the head of the army, clad in armour and a beautiful coat of mail and adorned with bracelets and garlands, for protecting it.

रक्षमाणैः सुसंरब्धैः पुत्रैः शस्त्रभृतां वरः। वाहिनीं प्रमुख वीरः सम्प्रकर्षन्नशोभत॥ अभ्यवर्तन्महाबाहुः सूर्यवैश्वानरप्रभः।
Endued with the effulgence of the moon and fire, beautiful to look at and with twany eyes, protected by his greatly angry sons, that hero, the foremost of the wielders of weapons, shone at the head of his army drawing his bow.

महाद्विपस्कन्धगत: पिङ्गाक्ष प्रियदर्शनः॥ दुःशासनो वृतः सैन्यैः स्थितौ व्यूहस्य पृष्ठतः।
The mighty-armed Dushasana, encircled by his soldiers, stood at the back of the army on a huge elephant and proceeded therefrom.

तमन्वयान्महाराज स्वयं दुर्योधन नृपः॥ चित्रास्त्रैचित्रसंनाहै: सोदयैरभिरक्षितः। रक्ष्यमाणो महावीर्यैः सहितैर्मद्रकेकयैः॥ अशोभत महाराज देवैरिव शतक्रतुः।
Protected by the highly energetic Madrakas and Kekayas the king shone there like the performer of hundred sacrifices surrounded by the celestials. Then followed him, O emperor, the king Duryodhana himself protected by his own brothers, clad in beautiful mails and riding on beautiful horses.

अश्वत्थामा कुरूणां च ये प्रवीरा महारथाः॥ नित्यमत्ताश्च मातङ्गाः शूरैर्लेच्छैः समान्विताः । अन्वयुस्तद् स्थानीकं क्षरन्त इव तोयदा॥
Ashvatthama and other leading car-warriors and many infuriate elephants shedding temporal juice, resembling a mass of clouds and driven by brave Mlechchas followed that car force.

ते ध्वजैर्वैजयन्तीभिर्व्वलद्भिः परमायुधैः। सादिभिश्चास्थिता रेजुर्द्रमवन्त इवाचलाः॥
With Vaijayanti flags, shining weapons and riders they appeared like hills filled with trees.

तेषां पदातिनागानां पादरक्षा सहस्रशः। पट्टिशासिधराः शूरा बभूवुरनिवर्तिनः॥
The rear of that elephant army was protected by thousands of horses with swords and Patticas never to return back from battle.

सादिभिः स्यन्दनै गैरधिकं समलङ्कृतेः। स व्यूहराजो विबभौ देवासुरचमूपमः॥
Brilliantly adorned with cavalry, carwarriors and elephants that best of armies looked exceedingly picturesque like that of that of the gods or of the demons.

बार्हस्पत्यः सुविहितो नायकेन विपश्चिता। नृत्यतीव महाव्यूहः परेषां भयमादधत्॥
That army arranged after the plan of Vrihaspati by its expert commander appeared to dance and strike terror into the hearts of the enemies.

तस्य पक्षप्रपक्षेभ्यो निष्पतन्ति युयुत्सवः। पत्यश्वरतमातङ्गाः प्रावृषीव बलाहकाः॥
Like the continual clouds of the rainy season, the infantry, cavalry, car-warriors and elephants, desirous of battle, began to issue from all the wings.

ततः सेनामुखे कर्णं दृष्ट्वा राजा युधिष्ठिरः। धनंजयममित्रघ्नमेकवीरमुवाच ह॥
Beholding Karna at the head of the army Yudhishthira addressed the following words to Dhananjaya, that slayer of foes, the one heroes in the battle.

पश्यार्जुन महाव्यूहं कर्णेन विहितं रणे। युक्तं पक्षैः प्रपक्षैश्च परानीकं प्रकाशते॥
Behold, O Arjuna, the great army arranged by Karna. The enemy's army shines with all its wings.

तदेतद् वै समालोक्य प्रत्यमित्रं महद् बलम्। यथा नाभिभवत्यस्मांस्तथा नीतिर्विधीयताम्॥
In the face of such a huge army you should take such precautions as we may not be defeated.

एवमुक्तोऽर्जुनो राज्ञा प्राञ्जलिर्नुपमब्रवीत्। यथा भवानाह तथा तत् सर्वेन तदन्यथा।॥
Thus accosted by the king, Arjuna replied with joined hands “Every thing will be done as you say. Nothing will be otherwise."

यस्त्वस्य विहितो घातस्तं करिष्यामि भारत। प्रधानवध एवास्य विनाशस्तं करोम्यहम्॥
I will bring about the destruction of the enemy, O Bharata. By killing the head of this encompass their destruction.

युधिष्ठिर उवाच तस्मात् त्वमेव राधेयं भीमसेनः सुयोधनम्। वृषसेनं च नकुलः सहदेवोऽपि सौबलम्॥ दुःशासनं शतानीको हार्दिक्यं शिनिपुङ्गवः। धृष्टद्युम्नो द्रोणसुतं स्वयं योत्स्याम्यहं कृपम्॥
Yudhishthira said Having this in view you yourself proceed against the son of Radha; let Bhimasena proceed against Suyodhana; Nakula against Vrihsena, Sahadeva against the son of Subala, Satanika against Dushasana the best of Sinis; Shalyaki against the son of Hridika and Pandya against the son of Drona. I myself will fight with Kripa. army, I will

द्रौपदेया धार्तराष्ट्रशिष्टान् सह शिखण्डिना। ते ते च तांस्तानहितानस्माकं मन्तु मामकाः॥
Let the sons of Draupadi, with Shikhandin proceed against the remaining sons of Dhritarashtra. Let the other heroes proceed against the rest of our enemies.

संजय उवाच इत्युको धर्मराजेन तथेत्युक्त्वा धनंजयः। व्यादिदेश स्वसैन्यानि स्वयं चागाचमूमुखम्॥
Sanjaya said Thus addressed by the pious Yudhishthira, Dhananjaya said-'so be it' and ordered his army. He then himself proceeded to the head.

अग्निर्वैश्वानरः पूर्वो ब्रह्मेद्धः सप्तितां गतः। तस्माद् यः प्रथमं जातस्तं देवा ब्राह्मणं विदुः॥
Keshava and Arjuna proceeded to battle on that prime car, for which the leader of the universe Agni who derives his effulgence from Brahman became the horses and

ब्रह्मेशानेन्द्रवरुणान् क्रमशो योऽवहत् पुरा। तमाद्यं रथमास्थाय प्रयातौ केशवार्जुनो॥
Sri Krishna and Arjuna were marching forward to enemies for attack on an ancient chariot used by Brahma, Rudra, Indra and Varuna respectively for riding during ancient period.

अथ तं रथमायान्तं दृष्ट्वात्यद्भुतदर्शनम्। उवाचाधिरथिं शल्यः पुनस्तं युद्धदुर्मदम्॥
Beholding that wonderful car advance Shalya once more addressed the following words to that highly energetic warrior the son of Adhiratha.

अयं सरथ आयातः श्वेताश्वः कृष्णसारथिः। दुर्वारः सर्वसैन्यानां विपाकः कर्मणामिव॥ निघ्नन्नमित्रान् कौन्तैयो यं कर्ण परिपृच्छसि।
There comes the car drawn by white horses and having Krishna as its driver, the car which even all the soldiers cannot resist as the fruit follows the work. There comes the son of Kunti slaying all his foes along the way, he of whom you were inquiring.

श्रूयते तुमुलः शब्दो यथा मेघस्वनो महान्॥ ध्रुवमेतौ महात्मनौ वासुदेवधनंजयौ।
Undoubtedly they are the great Vasudeva and Arjuna as a tremendous uproar deep as the muttering of clouds is being heard.

एष रेणुः समुद्भूतो दिवमावृत्य तिष्ठति॥ चक्रनेमिप्रणुन्नेव कम्पते कर्ण मेदिनी।
A cloud of dust is overspreading the welkin like a canopy. The whole earth, O Arjuna, is shaking cut deep by the wheels of Arjuna's cars.

प्रवात्येष महावायुरभितस्तव वाहिनीम्॥ क्रव्यादा व्याहरन्त्येते मृगाः क्रन्दन्ति भैरवम्।
Violent winds are raging on both the sides of the army. The carnivorous animals are yelling aloud and the animals are emitting dreadful cries.

पश्य कर्ण महाघोरं भयदं लोमहर्षणम्॥ कबन्धं मेघसंकाशं भानुमावृत्य संस्थितम्।
Behold, O Arjuna, the dreadful and evil Ketu of vapoury form, capable of making hairs erect. It has appeared covering the sun.

पश्य यूथैर्बहुविधैगाणां सर्वतोदिशम्॥ बलिभिर्दृप्तशार्दूलैरादित्योऽभिनिरीक्ष्यते।
Behold various sorts of animals in large numbers and many powerful wolves and tigers are looking at the sun.

पश्य कङ्कांश्च गृध्राश्च समवेतान् सहस्रशः॥ स्थितानभिमुखान् घोरानन्योन्यमभिभाषतः।
Behold those terrible Kankas and vultures in thousands sitting with faces towards one another as if holding a conversation.

रञ्जिताश्चामरा युक्तास्तव कर्ण महारथे॥ प्रवराः प्रज्वलन्त्येते ध्वजश्चैव प्रकम्पते।
O Karna, the coloured chowries attached to your huge car are waving roughly and your pennon is also trembling.

सवेपथून् हयान् पश्य महाकायान् महाजवान्॥ प्लवमानान् दर्शनीयानाकाशे गरुडानिवा
See, your beautiful and large horses endued with great speed resembling the beautiful Garuda in the sky, are also trembling.

ध्रुवमेषु निमित्तेषु भूमिमाश्रित्य पार्थिवाः॥ स्वप्स्यन्ति निहताः कर्ण शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः।
It is evident from these evil omens O Karna, that hundreds and thousands of kings, deprived of their lives, will sleep the eternal sleep in the field of battles.

शङ्खानां तुमुलः शब्दः श्रूयते लोमहर्षणः॥ आनकानां च राधेय मृदङ्गानां च सर्वशः।
There is being heard the hair-stirring and loud sound of the conch. The sound of drums and cymbals, O son of Radha, is being also heard on all sides.

बाणशब्दान् बहुविधान् नराश्वरगज वाजिनाम्॥ ज्यातलत्रेषुशब्दांश्च शृणु कर्ण महात्मनाम्।
The whizz of the various sorts of shafts and the noise of chariots, horses and men is also being heard. Listen, O Karna, to the twang of the bows of the various warriors.

हेमरूप्यप्रसृष्टानां वाससां शिल्पिनिर्मिताः॥ नानावर्णा रथे भान्ति श्वसनेन प्रकम्पिताः।
Many flags of diverse colours and embroidered with gold, made by skillful artisans and shining on Arjuna's car shaken by the wind.

सहेमचन्द्रतारार्काः पताकाः किङ्किणीयुताः॥ पश्य कर्णार्जुनस्यैताः सौदामन्य इवाम्बुदे।
See, O Karna, also the banners of Arjuna, adorned with rows of bells and golden moons and stars, like lightning on the clouds.

ध्वजाः कणकणायन्ते वातेनाभिसमीरिताः॥ विभ्राजन्ति रथे कर्ण विमान दैवते यथा।
Those banners, producing a sound, are being shaken by the wind; the high-souled Panchalas with their cars decked with flags look like the gods on their cars.

सपताका रथाश्चैते पञ्चालानां महात्मनाम्॥ पश्य कुन्तीसुतं वीरं बीभत्सुमपराजितम्। प्रधर्षयितुमायान्तं कपिप्रवरकेतनम्॥
Behold the heroic Vibhatsu, the son of Kunti, invincible in battle and having a flag with the emblem of a monkey, is coming forward to assail his enemies.

एष ध्वजाये पार्थस्य प्रेक्षणीयः समन्ततः। दृश्यते वानरो भीमो द्विषतामघवर्धनः॥
On the top of Partha's banner a dreadful monkey is being seen capable of increasing the anger of the enemies.

एतचक्रं गदा शाई शङ्खः कृष्णस्य धीमतः। अत्यर्थ भ्राजते कृष्णे कौस्तुभस्तु मणिस्ततः॥
These are the discus, club, Sranga bow and the conch of the intelligent Krishna. The Kaustava jewel appears beautiful (on the breast of) Krishna.

एष शङ्खगदापाणिर्वासुदेवोऽतिवीर्यवान्। वाहयन्नेति तुरगान् पाण्डुरान् वातरंहसः॥
The highly energetic Vasudeva with club and Sranga bow in his hands is driving the yellow horses cndued with speed of the wind.

एतत् कूजति गाण्डीवं विकृष्टं सव्यसाचिना। एते हस्तवता मुक्ता घ्नन्त्यमित्राशिताः शराः॥
This is the twang of the bow Gandiva drawn by Savyasachin. These sharpened arrows discharged off his hands will kill the enemies.

विशालायतताम्राक्षैः पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननैः। एषा भूः कीर्यते राज्ञां शिरोभिरपलायिनाम्॥
The earth is strewn with the heads of the kings who never come back from the battlefield, having expansive coppery eyes and faces like the full moon.

एते सुपरिधाकाराः पुण्यगन्धानुलेपनाः। उद्यतायुधशौण्डानां पात्यन्ते सायुधा भुजाः॥
There are falling, the arms, resembling the spiked maces, with weapons and smeared with scents, of warriors taking delight in fight and contending with uplifted weapons.

निरस्तनेत्रजिह्वाश्च वाजिनः सह सादिभिः। पतिताः पात्यमानाश्च क्षितौ क्षीणाश्च शेरते॥
Horses with eyes, tongues and entrails drawn out, with their riders and falling, fallen and lie dead on earth.

एते पर्वतशृङ्गाणां तुल्यरूपा हता द्विपाः। संछिन्नभिन्नाः पार्थेन प्रपतन्त्यद्रयो यथा॥
Wounded, mangled and pierced by Partha, lifeless elephants, huge as mountain tops, are falling down like hills.

गन्धर्वनगराकारा रथा हतनरेश्वराः। विमानानीव पुण्यानि स्वर्गिणी नियतन्त्यमी॥
The cars, resembling the cities of the Gandharvas, with the kings slain are falling down like the celestial cars, on the wane of the piety of the inhabitants of heaven.

व्याकुलकृतमत्यर्थं पश्य सैन्यं किरीटिना। नानामृगसहस्राणां यूथं केसरिणा यथाय॥
Behold, the army has been greatly assailed by Kiritin as various animals are by a lion.

जन्त्येते पार्थिवान् वीराः पाण्डवाः समभिद्रुताः। नागाश्वरथपत्योघांस्तावकान् समभिघ्नतः॥
Coming forward the heroic Pandavas are killing the kings, a good many elephants, horses, car-warriors and foot soldiers of your army engaged in battle.

एष सूर्य इवाम्भोदैश्छन्नः पार्थो न दृश्यते। ध्वजायं दृश्यते त्वस्य ज्याशब्दश्चापि श्रूयते॥
Partha is not visible like the sun covered with clouds. The top of his car is being seen and the twang of his bow is being heard.

अद्य द्रक्ष्यसि तं वीरं श्वेताश्चं कृष्णसारथिम्। निघ्नन्तं शात्रवान् संख्ये यं कर्ण परिपृच्छसि॥
You will see him today, O Karna, about whom you are inquiring-that hero, with white horses and Krishna as his driver engaged in killing the enemies in battle.

अद्य तौ पुरुषव्याघ्रौ लोहिताक्षौ परंतपौ। वासुदेवार्जुनौ कर्ण द्रष्टास्येकरथे स्थतौ॥
You will see today, O Karna, stationed on the same car in battle those two foremnost of men with coppery eyes-the subduers of enemies-Krishna and Arjuna.

सारथिर्यस्य वार्ष्णेयो गाण्डीवं यस्य कार्मुकम्। तं चेद्धन्तासि राधेन त्वं नो राजा भविष्यसि॥
O son of Radha, you will be our king if you can slay him today who has Krishna for his driver and Gandiva for his bow.

एष संशप्तकाहूतस्तानेवाभिमुखो गतः। करोति कदनं चैषां संग्रामे द्विषतां बली॥
Challenged by Samsaptakas Partha proceeds against them; the powerful warrior is making a great havoc of his enemies in battle.

इति ब्रुवाणं मद्रेश कर्णः प्राहातिमन्युना। पश्य संशप्तकैः क्रुद्धैः सर्वतः समभिद्रुतः॥
Thereupon Karna in anger said to the king of Madras who had spoken thus. "See Partha is being assailed on all sides by the Samsaptakas.

एष सूर्य इवाम्भोदैश्छन्नः पार्थो न दृश्यते। एतदन्तोऽर्जुनः शल्य निमग्नो योधसागरे॥
Like the sun covered by cloud Partha is no longer visible. Plunged into the deep of warriors O Shalya, Partha is sure to die."

शल्य उवाच वरुणं कोऽम्भसा हन्यादिन्धनेन च पावकम्। को वानिलं निगृह्णीयात् पिबेद्वा को महार्णवम्।।७६
Shalya said Who is there who can slay the god of water with water and fire with fuel? Who is there who can get hold of the wind or drink off the ocean?

ईदृग्रुपमहं मन्ये पार्थस्य युधि विग्रहम्। न हि शक्योऽर्जुनो जेतुं युधि सेन्द्रैः सुरासरैः॥
Methinks, to assail Partha is just like this. Even the very gods and demons united together with Indra at their head cannot discomfit Arjuna in battle.

अथवा परितोषस्ते वाचोक्त्वा सुमना भव। न स शक्यो युधा जेतुमन्यं कुरु मनोरथम्॥
Better satisfy yourself and make your mind comfortable by saying this. Partha is not to be conquered in battle. Better fulfill some other object you may have in view.

बाहुभ्यामुद्धरेद् भूमि दहेत् क्रुद्धः इमा प्रजाः। पातयेत् त्रिदिवाद् देवान् योऽर्जुनं समरे जयेत्॥
He who will lift up the earth on his two arms, or consume all creatures with his wrath of hurl down the gods from heaven, may defeat Arjuna in battle.

पश्य कुन्तीसुतं वीरं भीममकिष्टकारिणम्। प्रभासन्तं महाबाहु स्थितं मेरुमिवापरम्॥
Behold Bhima, the other heroic son of Kunti who is never worn out with fatigue, shining in his native lustre, mighty armed and is like the second Meru.

अमर्षी नित्यसंरब्धश्चिर वैरमनुस्मरन्। एष भीमो जयेप्रेप्सुर्युधि तिष्ठति वीर्यवान्॥
With his anger always burning, bent on wrecking revenge the highly energetic Bhima stands there with a view to acquire victory, remembering all his wrongs.

एष धर्मभृताः श्रेष्ठो धर्मराजो युधिष्ठिरः। तिष्ठत्यसुकरः संख्ये परैः परपुरञ्जयः॥
There stands the impartial king Yudhishthira, the foremost of the pious and the conqueror of enemies' cities. The enemies can never resist him in battle.

एतौ च पुरुषव्याघ्रावश्विनाविव सोदरौ। नकुलः सहदेवश्च तिष्ठतो युधि दुर्जयौ॥
There stand the twins Nakula Sahadeva, the two Asvinis, the two foremost of men, invincible in battle.

अमी स्थिता द्रौपदेयाः पञ्च पञ्चाचला इव। व्यवस्थिता योद्धुकामाः सर्वेऽर्जुनसमा युधि॥
There stand the five Vrishni heroes like five inountains desirous of lighting all equal to Arjuna in battle.

एते दुपदपुत्राश्च धृष्टद्युम्नपुरोगमाः। स्फीताः सत्यजितो वीरास्तिष्ठन्ति परमौजसः॥
There stand the proud, beautiful heroic and highly energetic sons of Draupadi headed by Dhristadyumna.

असाविन्द्र इवासह्यः सात्यकिः सात्वतां पुरः। युयुत्सुरुपयात्यस्मान् क्रुद्धान्तकसमः पुरः॥
There advances against us Satyaki, the foremost of the Satvatas, irresistible like Indra, with view to fight like Death himself in anger.

इति संवदतोरेव तयोः पुरुषसिंहयोः। ते सेने समसज्जेतां गङ्गायमुनवद् भृशम्॥
While these two best of men were thus speaking to each other the two armies encountered in battle like the streams of Ganga and Yamuna. While these two best of men were thus speaking to each other the two armies encountered in battle like the streams of Ganga and Yamuna.