KARNA PARVA: Chapter 89

The dual battle between Karna and Arjuna

संजय उवाच तौ शङ्खभेरीनिनदे समृद्धे समीयतुः श्वेतहतौ नराग्रयौ। वैकर्तनः सूतपुत्रोऽर्जुनश्च दुर्मत्रिते तव पुत्रस्य राजन्॥
Sanjaya said When the blare of conchs and sound of bugles became very high in the battle-field, those two, Suta's son Vaikartana and Arjuna mounted on white horses, closed each other, O king, on account of the vile policy of your son.

यथा गजौ हैमवतौ प्रभिन्नौ प्रवृद्धदन्ताविव वासितार्थे। तथा समाजग्मतुरुग्रवी? दनंजयश्चाधिरथिश्च वीरौ॥
Those two dreadful heroes Dhananjaya and Adhiratha's son encountered each other like two Himalayan elephants with full-grown tusks, madly fighting for a she-elephant.

बलाहकेनेव महाबलाहको यद्दच्छया वा गिरिणा यथा गिरिः। तथा धनुातलनेमिनिस्वनैः समीयतुस्ताविषुवर्षवर्षिणौ॥
Those two warriors, with bows twanging loudly and sending forth hosts of shafts and the palms of their hands also producing great sounds when shooting them and their carwheels making rattling, encountered each other like the collision of two heavy masses of clouds or two mountains.

प्रवृद्धश्रृङ्गमवीरुदेषधी प्रवृद्धनानाविधनिर्झरौकसौ। यथाचलौ वा चलितौ महाबलौ तथा महास्त्रैरितरेतरं हतः॥
Those two great warriors fell upon and struck one one another with many powerful weapons resembling two mountains of towering height having many trees, herbs and creepers upon them and inhabited by various animals, rushing against each other.

स संनिपातस्तु तयोर्महानभूत् सुरेशवैरोचनयोर्यथा पुरा। शरैर्विनुन्नाङ्गनियन्तृवाहयोः सुदुःसहोऽन्यैः कटुशोणिततोदकः॥
The fight between those two great warriors became so terrible that it resembled the war between the king of heaven and the son of Virvahana in the days of old, it was impossible for other persons to bear up in such a fight and a river of blood flowed there, ghastly to look at; the limbs of both the warriors were badly cut in many places as also their drivers and horses.

प्रभूतपद्मोत्पलमत्स्यतच्छपौ महाह्रदौ पक्षिगणैरिवावृतौ। सुसंनिकृष्टवनिलोद्धतौ यथा तथा रथौ तौ ध्वजिनौ समीयतुः॥
Those two cars, fitted with broad banners, when nearing each other, looked like two large lakes full of fishes and tortoises and many kinds of lotuses floating on it waters which was gently moved by the wind and resounding with the sweet voices of diverse kinds of birds.

बुभौ महेन्द्रप्रतिमौ महारथौ। महेन्द्र वृत्राविव सम्प्रजघ्नतुः॥
Both of them, mighty as the God Indra, assailed one another with weapons powerful as Indra's thunder and fought also like Indra himself and (Asura) Vritra.

सनागपत्यश्वरथे उभे बले विचित्रवर्माभरणाम्बरायुधे। चकम्पतुस्मयनीयरूपे वियद्गताश्चार्जुनकर्णसंयगु॥
Both are armies abounding in cars, horses, elephants, foot adorned with fine mail, vestments and weapons as also those that were in the skies (the gods) were all struck with terror in seeing that extraordinary fight between Karna and Arjuna.

भुजाः सवस्त्रगुलयः समुच्छ्रिताः ससिंहनादैह्रतैर्दिद्दक्षुभिः। यदर्जुनो मत्त इव द्विपो द्विपं समभ्ययादाधिरथिं जिघांसया॥
When Arjuna precipitated himself upon the son of Adhiratha like one furious elephant rushing against another with the intention of killing him, others out of excitement and joy uttered lion-like roars and raised their cloths shaking them fingers.

उदक्रोशन् सोमकास्तत्र पार्थ पुरःसराश्चर्जुन भिन्धि कर्णम्। छिन्धस्य मूर्धानमलं चिरेण श्रद्धां च राज्याद् धृतराष्ट्रसूनोः॥
The Somakas called loudly to Partha, “Go haste and slay Karna and by that put an end to the hope of Dhritarashtra's son for empire."

तथास्माकं बहवस्तत्र योधाः कर्ण तथा याहि याहीत्यवोचन। जार्जुनं कर्ण शरैः सुतीक्ष्णैः पुनर्वनं यान्तु चिराय पार्थाः॥
In the same way many of our warriors went to Karna and said "Kill Arjuna with your sharp arrows and let the sons of Pritha go again to the wilderness for good."

ततः कर्णः प्रथमं तत्र पार्थ महेषुभिर्दशभिः प्रत्यविध्यत्। तं चार्जुनः प्रत्यविद्धयच्छिताग्रैः कक्षान्तरै दशभिः सम्प्रहस्य॥
Then Karna struck Arjuna with the powerful arrows and Arjuna also shot sharp arrows with great force against Karna's chest in return.

स्ततक्षतुः सूतपुत्रोऽर्जुनश्च। परस्परं तौ बिभिदुर्विमर्दे सुभीममभ्यापततुश्च हृष्टौ॥
Thinking to take advantage of each other's weak points with buoyant spirits they repeatedly attacked each other with great fierceness and hacked and wounded one another with may good winged arrows, in that terrible fight.

ततोऽर्जुनः प्रासृजदुग्रधन्वा भुजाबुभौ गाण्डिवं चानुमृज्य। नाराजनालीकवराहकर्णान् क्षुरांस्तथा साञ्जलिकार्धचन्द्रान्॥
The fierce warrior Arjuna then rubbed his bow-string with his arm and sent hosts of cloth yard shafts and arrows called Nalikas i.e. shafts headed with boar's ears and razors and Angalikas i.e. half moon-shaped arrows.

ते सर्वतः समकीर्यन्त राजन् पार्थेषवः कर्णरथं विशन्तः। अवाङ्मुखा पक्षिगणा दिनान्ते विशन्ति केतार्थमिवाशु वृक्षम्॥
As at night-fall the birds for the purpose of resting during the night enter a tree, so O monarch, Partha's arrows after entering Karna's car with bent heads spread on all sides.

यानर्जुनः सभृकुटीकटाक्षं कर्णाय राजन्नसृजन्जितारिः। तान् सायकैर्यसते सूतपुत्रः क्षिप्तान् क्षिप्तान् पाण्डवस्याशु संघान्॥
But O King, all those arrows and the successive ones, shot by Arjuna, that contracted brow, were all destroyed by Karna by his own shafts.

ततोऽस्त्रमाग्नेयममित्र साधनं मुमोच कर्णाय महेन्द्रसूनुः। भूम्यन्तरिक्षे च दिशोऽर्कमार्ग प्रावृत्य देहोऽस्य बभूव दीप्तः॥
The son of Indra (Arjuna) then sent against Karna such a brilliant and fiery weapon that it lighted up the whole world. The skies, the ten sides and also his own body and covered the very course of the sun with its brilliancy and was capable of killing all enemies.

योधाश्च सर्वे ज्वलिताम्बरा भृशं प्रदुद्रुवुस्तत्र विदग्धवस्त्राः शब्दश्च घोरोऽतिबभूव तत्र यथा वने वेणुवनस्य दह्यतः॥
The dresses of warriors caught fire and they fled making great noise like that which is heard when a bamboo forest catches fire.

तद् वीक्ष्य कर्णो ज्वलनास्त्रमुद्यतं स वारुणं तत्प्रशमार्थमाहवे। समुत्सृजन् सूतसुतः प्रतापवान् स तेन वह्निं शमयाम्बभूव॥
The Suta's son, the brave Karna, seeing now that fiery weapon was burning everything, shot the Varuna weapon and extinguished the fire.

बलाहकौघश्च दिशस्तरस्वी चकार सर्वास्तिमिरेण संवृताः। ततो धरित्रीधरतुल्यरोधसः समन्ततो वै परिवार्य वारिणा॥
Huge masses of clouds instantly covered the sides with darkness; they resembled big mountains and poured heavy showers upon the earth.

तैश्चातिवेगात् स तथाविधोऽपि नीतः शमं वाहिरतिप्रचण्डः। बलाहकैरेव दिगन्तराणि व्याप्तानि सर्वाणि यथा नभश्च॥
The earth and the skies were covered by the clouds and that awful conflagration was ! extinguished in no time.

तथा च सर्वास्तिमिरेण वै दिशो मेधैर्वृता न प्रदृश्येत किंचित्। अथापोवाह्याभ्रसंघान समस्तान् वायव्यास्त्रेणापततः स कर्णात्॥ ततोऽप्यस्त्रं दयितं देवराज्ञाः प्रादुश्चक्रे वज्रमतिप्रभावम्। गाण्डीवं ज्यां विशिखांश्चानुमन्त्र्य धनंजयः शत्रुभिरप्रधृष्यः॥
All the sides being covered by those clouds became very dark and nothing could be seen, but Arjuna with the vary weapons dispersed those clouds. Then the invisible Dhananjaya, inspiring the Gandiva, its string and the shafts with mantras, invoked a favourite weapon of the king of Heaven and powerful like his thunder.

ततः क्षुरप्राञ्जलिकार्धचन्द्रा नालीकनाराचवराहकर्णाः। गाण्डीवः प्रादुरासन् सुतीक्ष्णाः सहस्रशो वज्रसमानवेगाः॥
Then many sharp arrows namely the Anjalikas, i.e. razor-headed shafts and crescent like and Nalikas and cloth-yard arrows and those adorned with the boar's ears all very powerful and sharp, came out in numbers from the Gandiva with force.

ते कर्णमासाद्य महाप्रभावाः सुतेजना गापत्राः सुवेगाः। गात्रेषु सर्वेषु हयेषु चापि शरासने युगचक्रे ध्वजे च॥ स्ता_त्रसका भूमिमिवोरगास्ते। शराचिताङ्गो रुधिरागात्रः कर्णस्तदा रोषविवृत्तनेत्रः॥
Those powerful and sharp arrows, adorned with feathers like vulture quickly piercing the body, car, horses, earth and wheels of Karna, entered into the earth even as the snakes enter when afraid of Garuda; and thus being struck on all sides and bathed in blood Karna in anger rolled his eyes.

दृढज्यमानाभ्य समुद्रघोषं प्रादुश्चक्ते भार्गवास्त्रं महात्मा। श्छित्त्वा कर्णः पाण्डवस्येषुसंघान्॥ तस्यास्त्रमस्त्रेण निहत्य सोऽथ जघान संख्ये रथनागपत्तीन्। अमृष्यमाणश्च महेन्द्रकर्मा महारणे भार्गवास्त्रप्रतापात्॥
Then bending the strong stringed bow, the twang of which resembled the deep roar of the sea, he invoked the Bhargava weapon and cutoff all the shots coming out of the mouth of the Indra weapon (shot by Arjuna). He thus cut-off the weapons of his enemy, many of the cars, elephants and foot soldiers of the Pandava army by virtue of the Bhargava weapon, himself not being able to bear the prowess of Arjuna in that battle.

पञ्चालानां प्रवरांश्चापि योधान् क्रोधाविष्टः सूतपुत्रस्तरस्वी। बाणैर्विर्याधाहवे सुप्रमुक्तैः शिलाशितै रुकमपुङ्खैः प्रसह्य॥
That best of men, Suta's son of great energy, smiling at the two Krishnas, struck the chief men among the Panchalas with aimed arrows.

तत्पञ्चाला: सोमकाश्चापि राजन् कर्णेनाजौ पीडयामानाः शरौघैः। क्रोधाविष्टा विव्यधुस्तं समन्तात् तीक्ष्णैर्बाणैः सूतपुत्रं समेताः॥
O monarch, the Panchalas and the Somakas being thus attacked by Karna, fired up with anger and conjointly began to strike Suta's son with arrows from all sides.

तान् सूतपुत्रो निजधान बाणैः पञ्चालानां रथनागाश्वसंघान्। पर्दयद् बाणगणैः प्रसह्य विद्ध्वा हर्षात् सङ्गरे सूतपुत्रः॥
Then Suta's son cut-off with his own arrows the shots of the Panchalas and distressed the cars, elephants and horses of the Panchalas.

ते भिन्नदेहा व्यसरो निपेतुः कर्णेषुभिर्भूमितले स्वनन्तः। क्रुद्धेन सिंहेन यथेभयूथा महावने भीमबलेन तद्वत्॥
Like powerful elephants when killed by a mighty and angry lion, they fell down dead on the earth with loud noise being struck by those shafts of Karna.

पञ्चालानां प्रवरान् संनिहत्य प्रसह्य योधानखिलानदीनः। ततः स राजन् विरराज कर्णो यथाम्बरे भास्कर उग्ररश्मिः॥
Having thus slain the choicest warriors of the Panchalas, those strong and brave and proud warriors, Karna, O King, when shooting his shafts resembled a mass of clouds when pouring down showers.

कर्णस्य मत्वा तु जयं त्वदीयाः परां मुदं सिंहनादांश्च चक्रुः। सर्वे ह्यमन्यन्त भृशाहतौ च कर्णेन कृष्णाविति कौरवेन्द्र॥
Then, O Head of the Kuru race, your warriors, thinking that Karna had gained the day and brought the two Krishnas under subjection, began to clap and gave vent to lionlike roars.

तत् तादृशं प्रेक्ष्य महारथस्य कर्णस्य वीर्यं च परैरसह्यम। दृष्ट्वा च कर्णेन धनंजयस्य तथाऽऽजिमध्ये निहतं तदस्त्रम्॥ ततस्त्वमर्षी क्रोधसंदीप्तनेत्रो वातात्मजः पाणिना पाणिमाछेत्। ममर्षितो निःश्वसज्जातमन्युः॥
They saw the power of the great hero Karna, overpower the enemies and his weapon to baffle all those of Dhananjaya in that fight. The son of Wind God, the wrathful Bhimasena, with eyes kindling with rage, pressed his own hands and drawing heavy breaths and greatly excited addressed Arjuna, of never-failing aim.

कथं न पापोऽयमपेतधर्मः सूतात्मजः समरेऽद्य प्रसह्य। पञ्चालानां योधमुख्याननेकान् निजनिवांस्तव जिष्णो समक्षम्॥
How is it that this most irreligious scoundrel could slay so many good Panchala warriors before your very face.

पूर्व देवैरजितं कालकेयैः साक्षात् स्थाणोर्बाहुसंस्पर्शमेत्य। नथेषुभिर्दशभिः प्रागविद्धयत्॥
The very gods and Kalakeyas were not able to vanquish you before this; why, you fought with Sthanu himself hand to hand. O diademadorned Arjuna, how is it that Suta's son has been able to pierce your with ten long arrows that are used by car warriors.

नाश्चर्यमेतत् प्रतिभाति मेऽद्या कृष्णापरिक्लेशमनुस्मर त्वं यथाब्रवीत षण्ढतिलान् स्म वाचः॥ रूक्षाः सुतीक्ष्णाश्च हि पापबुद्धिः सूतात्मजोऽयं गतभूर्दुरात्मा। संस्यमृत्य कर्ण तदिहाद्य पापं जह्यासु कर्ण युधि स्वायसाचिना॥
I wonder how Suta's son has been able to penetrate the arrows shot by you, O Savyasachin; remember the distasteful, sharp and cutting jokes, this bold and wretched Suta's son uttered towards us and called us sesamum seeds not having anything within them and think over the sorrows of Krishna and soon put an end to the life of this scoundrel in today's battle, for you should not be any more careless about killing this Karna.

कस्मादुपेक्षा कुरुषे किरीटित्रुपेक्षितुं नायमिहाद्य कालः। सिं ददत् खाण्डवे पावकाय॥ तया धृत्या सूतपुत्रं जहि त्वमहं चैनं गदया पोथयिष्ये।
Do you remember how you hàve conquered all creatures and have satisfied the hunger of Agni in the Khandava and with that patience i.e. (resembling yourself) kill Suta's son. I will also knock him down with my mace.

अथाब्रवीद वासुदेवोऽपि पार्थं दृष्ट्वा रथेषून प्रतिहन्यमानान्॥ अमीमृदत् सर्वपातेऽद्य कर्णो ह्यस्त्रैरस्त्रं किमिदं भो किरीटिन्। स वीर किं मुह्यसि नावधत्से नदन्त्येते कुरवः सम्प्रहृष्टाः॥
Then Vasudeva seeing that Partha's shafts were being frustrated by Kama, addressed him (Arjuna)-How is this O Kiritin, that your weapons are being baffled by Karna. O brave warrior, why are you looking like one confounded. Don't you see the Kauravas, behind Karna, are all uttering loud shouts of joy.

कर्ण पुरस्कृत्य विदुर्हि सर्वे तवासस्त्रमस्त्रैर्विनिपात्यमानम्। यया धृत्या निहतं तामसास्त्रं युगे युगे राक्षसाश्चापि घोराः॥ दम्भोद्भवाश्चासुराश्चाहवेषु तया धृत्या जहि कर्णं त्वमद्य।
Beholding your weapons made useless by those of Karna. This day kill Karna with the same energy that you have shown Yuga after Yuga in killing persons possessed of dark weapons and fierce Rakshasas and the boonproud Asuras in battle.

अनेन चास्य क्षुरनेमिनाद्य संछिन्धि मूर्धानमरेः प्रसा॥ मया विसृष्टेन सुदर्शनेन वज्रेण शक्रो नमुचेरिवारेः।
Concentrating all your might cut-off the head of your enemy with this Sudarshana of razor-like keen edge which I am giving to you, like Cakra who cut-off the head of Namuchi, his enemy with thunder.

किरातारूपी भगवान् सुधृत्या त्वया महात्मा परितोषितोऽभूत्॥ तां त्वां पुनर्वीर धृतिं गृहीत्वा सहानुबन्धं जहि सूतपुत्रम्।
You have even satisfied the great god Mahadeva (in battle) when he was disguised as a hunter; recovering the same patience, O hero, kill this son of Suta and his followers.

ततो महीं सागरमेखलां त्वं सपत्तनां ग्रामवतीं समृद्धाम्॥ प्रयच्छ राज्ञे निहतारिसंघां यशश्च पार्थातुलमाप्नुहि त्वम्।
By that you will restore to this king Yudhishthira the sea-belted earth with its towns, villages and wealth and remove all his enemies from the face of the Earth and by that you will gain great fame.

स एवमुक्तोऽतिबलो महात्मा चकार बुद्धिं हि वधाय सौतेः॥ स चोदितो भीमजनार्दनाभ्यां स्मृत्वा तथाऽऽत्मानमवेक्ष्य सर्वम्। इहात्मनश्चागमने विदित्वा प्रयोजनं केशवमित्युवाच॥
Thus roused by Bhima and Janardana Partha,. of great prowess, internally remembered himself and for what he had come to the world and addressed Keshava and said-

प्रादुष्करोम्येष महास्त्रमुग्रं शिवाय लोकस्य वधाय सौतेः। तन्मेऽनुजानातु भवान् सुराश्च ब्रह्मा भवो वेदविदश्च सर्वे॥
Now I will invoke a powerful and terrible weapon for the benefit of the world and slaughter of Suta's son; let me have your permission as also of Brahma's and Bhava's as well of all persons who have acquired the Brahmajnana.

इत्युच्य देवं स तु सव्यसाची नमस्कृत्वा ब्रह्मणे सोऽमितात्मा। तदुत्तमं ब्राह्ममसह्यमस्त्रं प्रादुश्चक्रे मनसा यद् विधेयम्॥
Addressing these words of Keshava Savyaschain, of unfathomable soul, bowing to Brahma, then brought forth into action that unbearable and choice weapon called, Brahma which could only be used after great : concentration of the mind.

तदस्य हत्वा विरराज कर्णो मुक्त्वा शरान् मेघ इवाम्बुधाराः। समीक्ष्य कर्णेन किरीटिनस्तु तथाऽऽजिमध्ये निहतं तदस्त्रम्॥ ततोऽमर्षी बलवान् क्रोधदीप्तो भीमोऽब्रवीदर्जुनं सत्यसंधम्।
But thwarting that weapon Karna looked handsome like the raining clouds and went on sending showers of shafts. In that fight seeing that weapon of Kiritin waisted by Karna the powerful and wrathful Bhimasena, firing up with anger, thus addressed Arjuna of never failing aimननु त्वाहुर्वेदितारं महास्त्रं

ब्राह्म विधेयं परमं जनास्तत्॥ निति स्मोक्तोऽयोजयत् सव्यसाची। ततो दिशः प्रदिशश्चापि सर्वाः समावृणोत् सायकैर्भूरितेजाः॥ दिवाकरांशुप्रतिमै लद्भिः।
"O Savyasachin, you are master of the noble Brahma weapon, the great means of destroying enemies. Do you, O Savyasachin, shoot the same sort of weapon again and again.” And thus being asked by his brother, The arrows, coming out of the Savyasachin Gandiva, resembled terrible snakes or the sun's rays shoot another like the one he used before and by that the energetic Partha covered all the cardinal and subsidiary points of ten compass.

सृष्टास्तु बाणा भरतर्षभेण शतं शतानीव सुवर्णपुङ्खाः॥ प्राच्छादयन् कर्णरथं क्षणेन युगान्तवयर्ककरप्रकाशाः।
O Bharata race, they were brilliant as the Yuga fire or the sun's rays ten thousand arrows in not time covered Karna's car.

ततश्च शूलानि परश्वधानि चक्राणि नाराचशतानि चैव॥ स्ततो ह्यहन्यन्त समन्ततोऽपि।
From that celestial weapons came forth hundreds of long darts, battle-axes and cloth yard shafts of fearful shape and killed many warriors.

छिन्नं शिरः कस्यचिदाजिमध्ये पतात् योधस्य परस्य कायात्॥ वन्यः प्रणष्टः पतितं विलोक्य। अन्यस्य सासिनिपपात कृत्तो योधस्य बाहुः करिहस्ततुल्यः॥
In that battle-field of the opposite party by cutting off their heads. One fell to the ground out of fear seeing another fall; the third's arm, powerful and large as an elephant trunk, was cut down with the sword still held in clasp.

अन्यस्त सव्यः सह वर्मणा च क्षुरप्रकृत्तः पतितो धरण्याम्। एवं समस्तानपि योधमुख्यान् विध्वंसयामास किरीटमाली॥ ौर्योधनं सैन्यमशेषमेव। वैकर्तनेनापि तथाऽऽजिमध्ये सहस्रशो बाणगणा विसृष्टाः॥
The left arm, of a fourth with the shield grasped being severed by razor-headed shaft, fell to the ground and thus Partha, who was adorned with crown and garlands, killed and wounded all the best warriors of Duryodhana's army by his awful and dreadful arrows; Vaikartana (Karna) also sped in return thousands of arrows in that fight.

ते घोषिणः पाण्डवमभ्युपेयुः पर्जन्यमुक्ता इव वारिधाराः। ततः स कृष्णं च किरीटिनं च वृकोदरं चाप्रतिमप्रभावः॥ त्रिभिस्त्रिभिर्भीमबलो निहत्य ननाद घोरं महता स्वेण।
Those arrows came down upon the son of Pandu with hissing noise like a downpour of rain from the clouds. Then Karna of great prowess having struck Bhimsena, Janardana and Arjuna of crowned head, with three shafts which gave vent to loud and fearful roars.

स कर्णबाणाभिहतः किरीटी भीमं तथा प्रेक्ष्य जनार्दनं च॥ अमृष्यमाण पुनरेव पार्थः शरान् दशाष्टौ च समुद्वबर्ह।
Then the diadem-adorned (Arjuna) beholding Bhimsena and Janardana thus struck and himself being also pierced lost all patience and again shot eighteen shafts.

स केतुमेकेन शरेण विद्ध्वा शल्यं चतुभिस्त्रिभिरेव कर्णम्॥ ततः स मुक्तैर्दशभिर्जघान सभापति काजच्नवर्मनद्धम्।
Piercing Susena with one, Shalya with four and Karna with three, he with the other ten slew Sabhapati (a Kanrada prince) who was cased in a golden armour.

विवाजिसूतो विधनुर्विकेतुः॥ हतो रथाग्रादपतत् स रुग्णः परश्वधैः शाल इवावकृत्तः।
That prince fell down dead from the front of his car, bereft of his head, arms, his steeds and banner like a Shala tree hewed down with the axe.

पुनश्च कर्णं त्रिभिरष्टभिश्च द्वाभ्यां चतुर्भिर्दशभिश्च विद्ध्वा॥ चतुःशतान् द्विरदान् सायुधान् वै हत्वा रथानष्टशताञ्जघान्।
Again striking Karna with three, eight, twelve, four and ten shafts he put four hundred armed elephants and eight hundred carwarriors to death.

नष्टौ सहस्राणि च पत्तिवीरान्॥ मदृश्यमञ्जोगतिभिः प्रचक्रे।
He also killed one thousand horses with their riders and eight thousand powerful infantry with his fleet arrows. So covered Karna, his car, horses, driver and standard that they all became invisible.

अथाक्रोशन् कुरवो वध्यमाना धनंजयेनाधिरथिं समन्तान्॥ मुञ्चाभिविद्धयर्जुनमाशु कर्ण बाणैः पुरा हन्ति कुरून् समग्रान्।
Then the Kauravas being thus distressed by Dananjay began to call loudly the son of Adhiratha from all sides and said-"Do you display your weapons and slay this son of Pandu or he will with his shafts put on end to the whole Kuru army."

स चोदितः सर्वयत्नेन को मुमोच बाणान् सुबहून भीक्ष्णम्॥ मर्मच्छिदः शोणितपासुदिग्धाः।
Thus requested, Karna began to try his utmost and sent hosts of blood thirsty arrows that were capable of piercing the very core of the heart and thereby killed many of the Pandavas and Panchalas.

तावुत्तमौ सर्वधनुर्धराणां महाबलो सर्वसपत्नसाहौ॥ मन्योन्यमप्यस्त्रविदौ महास्त्रैः। ते
In this way those two choicest of archers, the two most powerful warriors who could face and bear against all enemies and who were masters of all sorts of weapons, fearful to look at, went on striking each other and others that were fighting against them with their mighty weapons.

मन्त्रौष्टीभिर्निरुजौ विशल्यः॥ युधिष्ठिरस्तत्र सुवर्णवर्मा।
After the broken blades have been drawn out of his body and his wounds healed by mantras and herbs prescribed by best surgeons who were friendly to him King Yudhisthira, cased in armour of gold, came to the spot to see the fight between Karna and Arjuna.

तथोफ्यातं युधि धर्मराज दृष्ट्वा मुदा सर्वभूतान्यन्दन्॥ राहोर्विमुक्तं विमलं समग्रं चन्द्रं यथैवाभ्युदितं तथैव।
Like the brilliant full moon coming out of Rahu's grasp all the creatures were greatly delighted to see the virtuous king Yudhishthira in the battle-field.

दृष्ट्वा तु मुख्यावथ युध्यमानौ दिद्दक्षवः शूरवरावरिघ्नौ॥ कर्ण च पार्थ च विलोकयन्तः खस्था महीस्थाश्च जनावतस्थुः।
All the gods in heaven and persons of the earth, checking the animals they were riding upon, waited calmly to see the issue of the fight between those great heroes, Karna and Partha, who were the choicest of warriors and scorchers of enemies.

स कार्मुकज्यातलसंनिपातः सुमुक्तबाणस्तुमुलो बभूव॥ र्धनंजयस्याधिस्थेश्च तत्र।
O monarch, both Dhananjaya and Adhiratha's son went on striking each other with well-aimed shafts which made a great whizzing noise; and also the sounds made by the bows, bowstrings and the palms of the hands of those two brave warriors rose very loud.

ततो धनुा सहसातिकृष्टा सुघोषमच्छिद्यत पाण्डवस्य॥ तस्मिन क्षणे पाण्डवं सूतपुत्रः समाचिनोत् क्षुद्रकाणां शतेन।
At last that string of the bow of the son of Pandu being drawn with great might suddenly snapped with a great noise; in the meantime the son of Suta struck Partha with hundred small arrows adorned with feathers.

निर्मुक्तसर्पप्रतिमैरभीक्ष्णं तैलप्रधौतैः खगपत्रवाजैः॥ मनन्तरं फाल्गुनमष्टभिश्च।
Then with sixty sharp arrows that were like snakes set at liberty from sloughs and were slippery as if they were dipped in oil, he pierced Vasudeva. Then again pierced Arjuna with eight arrows.

पूषात्मजो मर्मसु निर्बिभेद मरुत्सुतं चायुतशः शराग्रयैः॥ कृष्णं च पार्थ च तथा ध्वजं च पार्थानुजान् सोमकान् पातयंश्च।
Karna, the son of sun god attacked fiercely on sensitive parts of Bhimasena's body by a volley of ten thousand arrows he shot an Bhimasena. He simultaneously, made an effort to kill Sri Krishna, Arjuna, his brothers and Somakas with cut-off the flag fixed on their chariot.

प्राच्छादयंस्ते विशिखैः प्रुशक्तैर्जीमूतसंघा नभसीव सूर्यम्॥ आगच्छतस्तान् विशिखैरनेकैर्व्यष्टम्भयत् सूतपुत्रः कृतास्त्रः।
As in the sky the sun is covered by the clouds, so they, coming forward, shrouded Karna with their shafts but the son of Suta, 'well versed in the use of weapons, worsted the approaching warriors and covered them by his own shafts.

तैरस्तमस्त्रं विनिहत्य सर्वं जघान तेषां रथवाजिनागान्॥ नभ्यर्दयन्मार्गणैः सूतपुत्रः।
O monarch! Suta's son thus killed all their horses, cars and elephants and distressed many of their best warriors by his own shafts.

ते भिन्नदेहा व्यसवो निपेतुः कर्णेषुभिर्भूमितले स्वनन्तः॥ सिंहेन क्रुद्धेन यथा श्वयूथ्या महाबला भीमबलेन तद्वत्।
As a whole pack of powerful dogs is destroyed by an angry lion of great prowess so those warriors fell down dead on earth with loud noise, their bodies pierced by the arrows of the mighty Karna.

पुनश्च पाञ्चालवरास्तथान्ये तदन्तरे कर्णधनंजयाभ्याम्॥ प्रस्कन्दन्तो बलिना साधुमुक्तैः कर्णेन बाणैर्निहताः प्रसा।
During this cessation of fight between Karna and Dhananjaya, many of the strong and great Panchala warriors became deprived of their lives by the well directed shafts of Karna; and others began to fly.

स्तलान् निजघ्नुः सिंहनादांश्च नेदुः॥ सर्वे ह्यमन्यन्त वशे कृतौ तौ कर्णेन कृष्णाविति ते विम।
Then your troops, believing that Karna has brought Krishna and Arjuna under subjection, thought the great victory to theirs and loudly clapped their hands and gave vent to roars like that of a lion.

ततो धनुामवनाम्य शीघ्रं शरानस्तानाधिरथेर्विधम्य॥ सुसंरब्धः कर्णशरक्षताङ्गो रणे पार्थः कौरवान् प्रत्यगृह्णात्। चक्रे॥
Then Partha, though badly mangled by many arrows, became filled with rage and bending his bowstring soO11 cut-off the shafts of the son of Adhiratha and again attached the Kauravas in the battle.

ज्यां चानुमृज्याभ्यहनत् तलत्रे बाणान्धकारं सहसा च ८३॥ कर्ण च शल्यं च कुरूंश्च सर्वान् बाणैरविध्यत् प्रसभं किरीटी।
Then the diadem-adorned Arjuna, pressing his bowstring with the palm or his hand, covered the world with darkness by innumerable shafts and also struck Karna, Shalya and other Kaurava warriors with them.

न पक्षिणो बभ्रमुरन्तरिक्षे तदा महास्त्रेण कृतेऽन्धकारे॥ रुवाह दिव्यः सुरभिस्तदानीम्।
By those arrows of great swiftness the sky became so dark that even the birds could not take their flights, and gentle and sweet-scented wind began to blow, as if sent by the Heavenly father.

शल्यं च पार्थो दशभिः पृषत्कै भृशं तनुत्रे प्रहसन्नविध्यत्॥ ततः कर्णं द्वादशभिः सुमुक्तैर्विद्ध्वा पुनः सप्तभिरभ्यविद्ध्यत्।
Them, smiling, Partha shot with great force ten shafts against Shalya's armour and struck Karna first with twelve and then with another seven arrows.

दृढाहत: पत्रिभिरुग्रवैगैः॥ विभिन्नगात्रः क्षतजोक्षिताङ्गः कर्णो बभौ रुद्र इवाततेषुः। प्रकीडमानोऽथ श्मशानमध्ये रौद्रे मुहूर्ते रुधिरागात्रः॥
Karna, being thus mangled by winged shafts of great impetuosity from Partha's bow, his limbs pierced and blood streaming down his body, resembled the bloody Rudra sporting son in the midst of a crematorium at the time of destruction.

ततस्त्रिभिस्तं त्रिदशाधिपोपमं शरैर्बिभेदाधिरर्थिर्धनंजयम्। शरांश्च पञ्च ज्वलितानिवोरगान् प्रवेशयामास जिघांसयाच्युतम्॥
Then the of Adhiratha struck Dhananjaya, who was looking like the king of Heaven (Indra) with three arrows and shot five other burning shafts like snakes for the purpose of killing Krishna.

ते वर्म भित्वा पुरुषोत्तमस्य सुवर्णचित्रा न्यपतन् सुमुक्ताः। वेगेन गामाविविशुः सुवेगाः स्नात्वा च कर्णाभिमुखाः प्रतीयुः॥
Those well-directed and mighty shafts, winged with gold, after piercing the armour of that noblest of human beings, entered the earth and having bathed (in the water of Bhogavati) again return towards Karna.

स्त्रिधा त्रिधैकैकमथोचकर्त। धनंजयास्त्रैर्यपतन् पृथिव्यां महाहयस्तक्षकपुत्रपक्षाः॥
Dhananjaya then with ten well-aimed and flat edged shafts, cut each of them into three pieces and thus those five great snakes (friends of the Asvasena the son of Taksha) fell to the earth.

ततः प्रजज्वाल किरीटमाली क्रोधेन कक्षं प्रदहन्निवाग्निः। थथा विनुन्नाङ्गमवेक्ष्य कृष्णं सर्वेषुभिः कर्णभुजप्रसृष्टैः॥
Then seeing the body of Krishna pained by those snakes in the forms of shafts from Karna's hands, Arjuna, who was adorned with crown and garland, burnt with anger like fire kindled with very grass.

स कर्णमाकर्णविकृष्टसृष्टैः शरैः शरीरान्तकरैवलद्भिः। मर्मस्वरिध्यत् स चचाल दुःखाद् दैवादवातिष्ठत धैर्यबुद्धिः॥
He, then drawing the string to his ears, shot many burning and deadly arrows thereby striking Karna in all his vital points, but Karna of great patience, though, he felt very painful, kept his face summoning all his courage.

ततः शरौघैः प्रदिशो दिशश्च रवेः प्रभा कर्णरथश्च राजन्। अदृश्यमासीत् कुपिते धनंजये तुषारनीहारवृत्तं यथा नभः॥
O monarch, Dhananjaya, becoming angry, by his arrows covered all the sides of Karna's car; even the rays of the sun became invisible and the sky looked hazy as in a frosty day.

स चक्ररथानथ पादरक्षान् पुरःसरान् पृष्ठगोपांश्च सर्वान्। दुर्योधनेनानुमतानरिघ्नः समुद्यतान् स रथान् सारभूतान्॥ द्विसाहस्त्रान् समरे सव्यसाची कुरुप्रवीरानृषभः कुरूणाम्। क्षणेन सर्वान् सरथाश्वसूतान् निनाय राजन् क्षयमेकवीरः॥
O monarch, Savyasachin, the greatest of warriors and foremost of the Kuru race, in that fight soon destroyed two thousand great Kuru warriors who were protecting the wings and car wheels of Karna and formed his van and rear guards, with all elephants, cars and horses; they were the select portion of Duryodhana's car warriors and were fighting bravely under his orders.

ततोऽपलायन्त विहाय कर्णं तवात्मजाः कुरवो येऽवशिष्टाः। हतानपाकीर्य शरतांश्च लालप्यमानांस्तनयान् पितॄश्च॥
Then the remnants of the Kaurava army with your sons fled on all directions leaving Karna and even the wounded father and son fled leaving each other in the field.

स सर्वतः प्रेक्ष्य दिशो विशून्या भयावदीणैः कुरुभिर्विहीनः। न विव्यथे भारत तत्र कर्णः प्रहृष्ट एवार्जुनमभ्यधावत्॥
But the great warrior Karna, O King, seeing himself abandoned on all sides and left alone, was not at all afraid but pushed on against Arjuna with a brave heart and with energy.

न विव्यथे भारत तत्र कर्णः प्रहृष्ट एवार्जुनमभ्यधावत्॥
But the great warrior Karna, O King, seeing himself abandoned on all sides and left alone, was not at all afraid but pushed on against Arjuna with a brave heart and with energy.