Ashvatthaman enters Dhristadyumna's camp and attacks him. Dhristadyumna is killed. Drona's son kills the Panchala warriors with Rudra weapon. He next kills the sleeping Uttamaujas. The sons of Draupadi are killed. Sanjaya attributes his success to the absence of the Pandavas with, Krishna and the sleep of the warriors

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच तथा प्रयाते शिविरं द्रोणपुत्रे महारथे। कच्चित् कृपश्च भोजश्च भयार्ती न व्यवर्तताम्॥
Dhritarashtra said “While Drona's son, that great car-warrior, thus proceeded towards the enemy's camp, did Kripa and Bhoja stop from fear.

कच्चिन्न वारितौ क्षुदै रक्षिभर्नोपलक्षितौ। असह्यमिति मन्वानौ न निवृत्ती महारथौ॥
I hope those two great car-warriors, stopped by mean guards, did not fly away secretly, considering their opponents irresistible.

कच्चिदुन्मथ्य शिविरं हत्वा सोमकपाण्डवान्। दुर्योधनस्य पदवीं गतौ परमिको रणे॥
Or, have they, after despoiling the camp, the Somakas, and the Pandavas, followed, while still fighting, the highly illustrious path in which Duryodhana has gone.

पञ्चालैनिहतौ वीरौ कच्चिन्नास्वपतां क्षितौ। कच्चित् ताभ्यां कृतं कर्म तन्ममाचक्ष्व संजय॥
Are those heroes, killed by the Panchalas, sleeping on the naked Earth? Did they perforin any feat? Tell me all this, O Sanjaya.

संजय उवाच तस्मिन् प्रयाते शिविरं द्रोणपुत्रे महात्मनि। कृपश्च कृतवर्मा च शिविरद्वर्यतिष्ठताम्॥
Sanjaya said "When the great son of Drona proceeded towards the camp, Kripa and Kritavarman waited at the gate.

अश्वत्थामा तु त. दृष्ट्वा यत्नवन्तौ महारथौ। प्रहृष्टः शनकै राजन्निदं वचनमब्रवीत्॥
Seeing them ready to work Ashvatthaman was overjoyed, and addressing them whisperingly, O king, said,-'If you two exert, you can exterminate all the Kshariyas.

यत्तौ भवन्तौ पर्याप्तौ सर्वक्षत्रस्य नाशने। किं पुनर्योधशेषस्य प्रसुप्तस्य विशेषतः॥
What should I say, therefore, of this remnant of the (Pandava) ariny, particularly when it is asieep.

अहं प्रवेक्ष्ये शिविरं चरिष्यामि च कालवत्। यथा न कश्चिदपि वा जीवन् मुच्येत मानवः॥
I shall enter the camp and move about like Yama. I am sure that you two will act in such a way that no man may escape alive.'

तथाभवद्भ्या कार्यं स्यादित मे निश्चितामतिः। इत्युक्तवाप्राविशद् द्रौणिः पार्थानां शिविरं महत्॥ अद्वारेणाभ्यवस्कन्ध विहाय भयमात्मनः।
Having said so, the son of Drona entered the extensive camp of the Parthas. Shorn of fear, he entered into it by a spot where there was no door.

स प्रविश्य महाबाहुरुद्देशज्ञश्च तस्य ह॥ धृष्टद्युम्नस्य निलयं शनकैरभ्युपागमत्।
Having entered the camp the great hero proceeded, guided by sings, very softly towards Dhrishtadyumna's quarters.

ते तु कृत्वा महत् कर्म श्रान्ताच बलवद् रणे॥ प्रसुप्ताश्चैव विश्वस्ताः स्वसैन्यपरिवारिताः।
Having displayed great feats the Panchalas had been much exhausted in battle. They were sleeping confidently collected together, and by the side of one another.

अथ प्रविश्य तद् वेश्म धृष्टद्युम्नस्य भारत॥ पाञ्चाल्यं शयनेद्रौणिपश्यत् सुप्तमन्तिकात्।
Entering into Dhrishtadyumna's apartment, OBharata, Drona's son saw the prince of the Panchalas sleeping before him on his bed.

क्षौमावदाते महति स्पास्तरणसंवृते॥ माल्यप्रवरसंयुक्ते धूपैश्चूर्णैश्च वासिते।
He lay on a beautiful sheet of silk upon a rich and excellent bed. Excellent wreaths of flowers were scattered upon that bed and it was perfumed with the powder of incense.

तं शयानं महात्मानं विश्रब्धमकुतोभयम्॥ प्राबोधयत पादेन शयनस्थं महीपते।
Having received a kick from Ashvatthaman the high-souled prince who was sleeping trustfully and fearlessly on his bed, awoke.

सम्बुध्य चरणस्पर्शादुत्थाय रणदुर्मदः॥ अभ्यजानादमेयात्मा द्रोणपुत्रं महारथम्।
Feeling that kick, the great prince,! irresistible in battle, got up and recognised Drona's son standing before him.

तमुत्पतन्तं शयनादश्वत्थामा महाबलः॥ केशेष्वालभ्य पाणिभ्यां निष्पिपेष महीतले।
As he was rising from his bed, the great Ashvatthaman caught him by the hair of his ! head and began to press him down on the Earth with his hands.

सबलं तेन निष्पिष्टः साध्वसेन च भारत॥ निद्रया चैव पाञ्चाल्यो नाशकच्चेष्टितुं तदा।
Thus pressed by Ashvatthaman with grea! force the prince, from fear as also from sleepiness, was not able to exert his might at that time.

तमाक्रम्य पदा राजन् कण्ठे चोरसि चोभयोः॥ नदन्तं विस्फुरन्तं च पशुमापममारयत्। तुदन्नखैस्तु स द्राणिं नातिव्यक्तमुदाहरत्॥
Striking him with his foot, O king, on both his throat and breast while his victim roared, Drona's son tried to kill him as if he were an animal.

आचार्यपुत्र शस्त्रेण जहि मां मा चिरं कृथाः। त्वत्कृते सुकृताँल्लोकान् गच्छेयं द्विपदां वर॥
The Panchala prince tore Ashvatthaman with his nails and at last slowly said, — 'O preceptor's son, kill me with a weapon, do not delay. O best of men, let me, through you go to the blessed regions.'

एवमुक्त्वा तु वचन विरराम परंतपः। सुतः पाञ्चालराजस्य आक्रान्तो बलिना भृशम्॥
Having said this much, that slayer of foes, viz., the son of the Panchala king, assailed by that great hero, became silent.

तस्याव्यक्तां तु तां वाचं संश्रुत्य द्रौणिरब्रवीत्। ते आचार्यघातिना लोका न सन्ति कुलपांसन॥ तस्माच्छस्त्रेण निधनं न त्वमर्हसि दुर्मते।
Hearing those indistinct sounds of his, Drona's son said,-'O wretch of your race, there is no region for those that kill their preceptor. For this, O wicked man, you do not deserve to be killed with any weapon.'

एवं ब्रुवाणस्तं वीरं सिंहो मत्तमिव द्विपम्॥ मर्मस्वभ्यवधीत् क्रुद्धः पादाष्ठीलैः सुदारुणैः।
While saying so, Ashvatthaman, worked up with rage, began to strike the vital parts of his victim with his heels, and killed his foe like a lion killing an infuriate elephant.

तस्य वीरस्य शब्देन मार्यमाणस्य वेश्मनि॥ अबुध्यन्त महाराज स्त्रियो ये चास्य रक्षिणः।
At the cries of that hero, while he was being slain, his wives and guards that were in his tent all got up, O king.

दृष्ट्वा धर्षयन्तं तमतिमानुषविक्रमम्॥ भूतमेवाध्यवस्यन्तो न स्म प्रव्याहरन् भयात्।
Seeing some body crushing the prince with superhuman force, they took the assailant for a supernatural being, and, therefore, made no noise from fear.

तं तु तेनाभ्युपायेन गमयित्वा यमक्षयम्॥ अध्यतिष्ठत तेजस्वी रथं प्राप्य सुदर्शनम्।
Having sent him to Yamas abode by such means the greatly energetic, Ashvatthaman went out and getting upon his beautiful car waited there.

स तस्य भवनाद् राजन् निष्क्रम्यानादयनंदिशः॥ रथेन शिविरं प्रायाज्जिघांसुर्द्विषतो बली।
Indeed, coming out of Dhrishtadyumna's camp, O king, Ashvatthaman made all the points of the horizon resound with his roars, and then proceeded on his car to other parts of the camp for killing his enemies.

अपक्रान्ते ततस्तस्मिन् द्रोणपुत्रे महारथे।॥ सहित रक्षिभिः सर्वैः प्राणेदुर्योषितस्तदा।
After Drona's son, that great car-warrior, had gone away, the women and all the guards began to bewail.

राजानं निहतं दृष्ट्वा भृशं शोकपरायणाः॥ व्याक्रोशन् क्षत्रियाः सर्वे धृष्टद्युम्नस्य भारत।
Secing their king killed, all the wives of Dhrishtady!mna, cried aloud sorrowfully.

तासां तु तेन शब्देन समीपे क्षत्रियर्षभाः॥ क्षिप्रं च समनह्यन्त किमेतदिति चाब्रुवन्।
Hearing their lamentations many powerful, Kshatriyas, awaking, put on their armour and came there for inquiring after the cause of their lamentations.

स्त्रियस्तु जन् वित्रस्ता भारद्वाजं निरीक्ष्य ताः॥ अब्रुवन् दीनकण्ठेन क्षिप्रमाद्रवतेति वै।
Terrified at seeing Ashvatthaman, those ladies in piteous tones asked the man to follow him without delay.

राक्षसो वा मनुष्यो वा नैनं जानीमहे वयम्॥ हत्वा पञ्चालराजानं रथमारुह्य तिष्ठति।
They said, we know not whether he is a Rakshasa or a human being. Having killed the Panchala king he wait there.

ततस्ते योधमुख्याश्च सहसा पर्यवारयन्॥ स तानापततः सर्वान् रुद्रास्त्रेण व्यपोथयत्।
Thereat those foremost of warriors suddenly surrounded Drona's son. The latter killed them ail the means of the Rudra weapon.

धृष्टद्युम्नं च हत्वा स तांश्चैवास्य पदानुगान्॥ अपश्यच्छयने सुप्तमुत्तमौजसमन्तिके।
Having killed Dhrishtadyumna and all those followers of his, he saw Uttamaujas sleeping on his bed.

तपप्यक्रम्य पादेन कण्ठे चोरसि तेजसा॥ तथैव मारयामास विनर्दन्तमरिंदमम्।
Attacking him with his foot on the throat and chest, Drona's son killed that great hero also while the latter suffered greatly.

युधामन्युश्च सम्प्राप्तो मत्वा तं रक्षसा हतम्॥ गदामुद्यम्य वेगेन हृदि द्रौणिमताडयत्।
Coming up and taking his comrade for being slain by a Rakshasa, Yudhamanyu speedily struck Drona's son in the chest with a mace.

तमभिदुत्य जग्राह क्षितौ चैनमपातयत्॥ विस्फुरन्तं च पशुवत् तथैवेनममारयत्।
Rushing towards him, Ashvatthaman seized him and brought him down to the ground and killed him like an animal while the latter cried aloud.

तथा स वीरो हत्वा तं ततोऽन्यान् समुपाद्रवत्॥ संसुप्तानेव राजेन्द्र तत्र तत्र महारथान्।
Having killed Yudhamanyu thus, that hero went against the other car-warriors of the king, who were all asleep.

स्फुरतो वेपमानांश्च शमितेव पशून् मखे।॥ ततो निस्त्रिंशमादाय जघानान्यान् पृथक् पृथक्।
He killed those trembling heroes like animals in a sacrifice. Taking up his sword then, he killed many others.

भागशो विचरन् मार्गानसियुद्धविशारदः॥ तथैव गुल्मे सम्प्रेक्ष्य शयानान् मध्यगौल्मिकान्।
Proceeding along the various roads of the camp one after another, Ashvatthaman, an expert in the use of the sword, saw various Gulmas and killed no time the unarmed and tied warriors sleeping with them.

श्रान्तान् व्यस्तायुधान् सर्वान् क्षणेनैव व्यपोथयत्॥ योधानश्वान् द्विपांश्चैव प्राच्छिनत् स वरासिना।
With that excellent sword he cut off combatants and horses and elephants. bathed in blood, he appeared like dcah himself commissioned by them.

रुधिरोक्षितसर्वाङ्गः कालसृष्ट इवान्तकः॥ विस्फुरदिश्च तैद्रौणिर्निस्त्रिंशस्योद्यमेन च।
Making his foes to tremble by the repeated blows of his sword, Ashvatthaman was covered with blood.

आक्षेपणेन चैवासेस्त्रिधा रक्तोक्षितोऽभवत्॥ तस्य लोहितरक्तस्य दीप्तखड्गस्य युध्यतः।
Covered as he was with blood, and holding a blazing sword, his form, as he moved about in battle, became exceedingly terrible and superhuman.

अमानुष इवाकारो बभौ परमभीषणः॥ ये त्वजाग्रन्त कौरव्य तेऽपि शब्देन मोहिताः। निरीक्ष्यमाणा अन्योन्यं दृष्ट्वा दृष्ट्वा प्रविव्यथुः॥
Those who got up from sleep, O Kuruhero, became stupefied with the loud noise they heard. Seeing Drona's son, they looked at each other's faces and trembled with fear.

तद् रूपं तस्य ते दृष्ट्वा क्षत्रिया: शत्रुकर्षिणः। राक्षसं मन्यमानास्तं नयनानि न्यमीलयन्॥
Seeing the form of that crusher of foes, those Kshatriyas took him to be a Rakshasa and shut up their eyes.

स घोररूयो व्यचरत् कालवच्छिविरे ततः। अपश्यद् द्रौपदीपुत्रानवशिष्टांश्च सोमकन्॥
Of terrible form, he moved about in the camp like Yama himself, and at last saw the sons of Draupadi and the residue of the Somakas.

तेन शब्देन वित्रस्ता धनुर्हस्ता महारथाः। धृष्टद्युम्नं हतं श्रुत्वा द्रौपदेया विशाम्पते॥
Terrified by the noise, and learning that Dhrishtadyumna had been killed those great car-warriors, viz., the sons of Draupadi, armed with bows, shot arrows on Drona's son.

अवाकिरशरवातैर्भारद्वाजदमभीतवत्। ततस्तेन निनादेन सम्प्रबुद्धाः प्रभद्रकाः॥
Aroused by their noise the Prabhadrakas with Shikhandin at their head, began to strike the son of Drona with their arrows.

शिलीमुखैः शिखण्डी च द्रोणपुत्रं समादयन्। भारद्वाजः स तान् दृष्ट्वा शरवर्षाणि वर्षतः॥ ननाद बलवन्नादं जिघांसुस्तान् महारथान्।
Seeing them cast their arrows on him, Drona's son uttered a loud roar and became desirous of killing those great car-warriors.

ततः परमसंक्रुद्धः पितुर्वधमनुस्मरन्॥ अवरुह्य रतोपस्थात् त्वरमाणोऽभिदुद्रुवे।
Remembering the death of his father, Ashvatthaman became furious with rage, getting down from his car, he made a desperate rush against his enemies.

सहस्रचन्द्रविमलं गृहीत्वा चर्म संयुगे।॥ खङ्गं च विमलं दिव्यं जातरूपपरिष्कृतम्। द्रौपदयानभिदुत्य खड्ड्रेन व्यधमद् बली॥
Taking up his bright shield decked with a thousand moons and his massive and celestial sword decked with god, the great Ashvatthaman rushed against the sons of Draupadi.

ततः स नरशार्दूलः प्रतिविन्ध्यं महाहवे। कुक्षिदेशेऽवधीद् राजन् स हतो न्यपतद् भुवि॥
Then that foremost of men, in that dreadful battle, struck Prativindhya in the abdomen at which the latter, O king, fell down lifeless on the Earth.

प्रासेन विद्ध्वा द्रौणिं तु सुतसोमः प्रतापवान्। पुनश्चासिं समुद्यम्य द्रोणपुत्रमुपाद्रवत्॥
Having pierced the son of Drona with a lance, the brave Sutasoma rushed at him with his uplifted sword.

सुतसोमस्य सासिं तं बाहुं छित्त्वा नरर्षभ। पुनरप्याहनत् पार्श्वे स भिन्नहृदयोऽपतत्॥
Ashvatthaman, however, cut off Sutasoma's hand holding the sword, and once more struck him on the back. Thereat Sutasoma dropped down dead.

नाकुलिस्तु शतानीको रथचक्रेण वीर्यवान्। दोामुक्षिप्य वेगेन वक्षस्येनमताडयत्॥
Taking up a car-wheel with his two hands, the brave Shatanika, the son of Nakula, violently struck Ashvatthaman on the breast.

अताडयच्छतानीकं मुक्तचक्रं द्विजस्तु सः। स विह्वलो ययौ भूमिं ततोऽस्पाहरच्छिरः॥
The great Ashvatthaman violently assailed Shatanika after he had discharged that carwheel. Exceedingly agitated, Nakula's son dropped down upon the earth, upon which Drona's son severed his head from his body.

श्रुतकर्मा तु परिघं गृहीत्वा समताडयत्। अभिद्रुत्य ययौ द्रौणिं सव्ये सफलके भृशम्॥
Then taking up a spiked bludgeon, Shrutakarman attacked Ashvatthaman. Furiously rushing at Drona's son, he struck him violently on the left part of his forehead.

स तु तं श्रुतकर्माणमास्ये जघ्ने वरासिना। स हतो न्ययतद् भूमौ विमूढो विकृताननः॥
Ashvatthaman struck Shrutakarman with his excellent sword on the face. Senseless and his face disfigured, he dropped down dead on the Earth.

तेन शब्देन वीरस्तु श्रुतकीर्तिमहारथः। अश्वत्थामानमासाद्य शरवधैरवाकिरत्॥
At this noist, the heroic Shutakirti that great car-warrior, coming up made a downpour of arrows on Ashvatthaman.

तस्यापि शरवर्षाणि चर्मणा प्रतिवार्य सः। सकुण्डलं शिरः कायाद् भ्राजमानमुपाहरत्॥
Counteracting those arrowy shower with his shield, Ashvatthaman sundered from his enemy's trunk his beautiful head bedecked with ear-rings.

ततो भीष्मनिहन्ता तं सह सर्वैः प्रभद्रकैः। अहनत् सर्वतो वीरं नानाप्रहरणैर्बली॥ शिलीमुखेन चान्येन भ्रुवोर्मध्ये समार्पयत्।
the destroyer of Bhishma, viz., the great Shikhandin, with all the Prabhadrakas, assailed the hero from every side with various sorts of Weapors. Shikhandin struck Ashvatthaman with an arrow in the midst of his two eyebrows.

स तु क्रोधसमाविष्टो द्रोणपुत्रो महाबलः॥ शिखण्डिनं समासाद्य द्विधाचिच्छेद सोऽसिना।
Worked up with anger at this, the powerful son of Drona, approached Shikhandin and cut him in two parts with his sword.

शिखण्डिनं ततो हत्वा क्रोधाविष्टः परंतपः॥ प्रभद्रकगणान् सर्वानभिदुद्राव वेगवान्।
Having killed Shikhandin, Ashvatthaman, filled with rage, rushed furiously against the other Prabhadrakas. He proceeded also against the residue of Virata's force.

यच्च शिष्टं विराटस्य बलं तु भृशमाद्रवत्॥ दुपदस्य च पुत्राणां पौत्राणां सुहृदामपि।
Gifted with great strength, Drona's son killed the sons, the grandsons, and the followers of Draupada, taking them out one after another.

चकार कदनं घोरं दृष्ट्वा दृष्ट्वा महाबलः॥ अन्यानन्यांश्च पुरुषानभिसृत्याभिसृत्य च।
An expert in the use of the sword, Ashvatthaman then, rushing against other warriors, cut them down with his sword.

न्यकृन्तदसिना द्रौणिरसिमार्गविशारदः॥ काली रक्तास्यनयनां रक्तमाल्यानुलेपनाम्। रक्ताम्बरधरामेको पाशहस्तां कुटुम्बिनीम्॥ दद्दशुः कालरात्रिं ते गायमानमवस्थिताम्। नराश्वकुञ्जरान् पाशैर्बद्ध्वा घोरेः प्रतस्थुषीम्॥
The warriors in the Pandava camp saw that embodiment as representing Death-night, of black visage, and having bloody mouth and bloody eyes, wearing crimson garlands and smeared with crimson unguents, clad in a single piece of red cloth, with a noose in hand, and resembling an elderly lady, singing a dreadful song, and standing erect before their eyes, and about to lead away men and horses and elephant all bound in a strong rope.

वहन्तीं विविधान् प्रेतान् पाशबद्धान् विमूर्धजान्। तथैव च सदा राजन् न्यस्तशस्त्रान् महारथान्॥
She appeared to take away various kinds of spirits, with disheveled hair and bound together in a chord, as also, O king, many powerful carwarriors divested of their weapons

स्वप्ने सुप्तान्नयन्तीं तां रात्रिष्वन्यासु मारिष। ददृशुर्योधमुख्यास्ते जन्तं द्रौणिं च सर्वदा॥
On previous days, ( sire the leading warriors, of the Pandava camp used to see in their dreams that figure carrying away the sleeping warriors and Drona's son striking them behind.

यत: प्रभृति संग्रामः कुरुपाण्डवसेनयोः। ततः प्रभृति तां कन्यामपश्यन् द्रौणिमेव च॥
The Pandava soldiers dreamt that lady and Drona's son every night from the day when the battle between the Kurus and the Pandavas first began.

तांस्तु दैवहतान् पूर्वं पश्चाद् द्रौणिळपातयत्। त्रासयन् सर्वभूतानि विनदन भैरवान् रवान्॥
Assailed before by Destiny, they were now struck by Drona's son who terrified them all with the dreadful cries.

तदनुस्मृत्य ते वीरा दर्शनं पूर्वकालिकम्। इदं तदित्यमन्यन्त दैवेनोपनिपीडिताः॥
Assailed by Destiny, and remembering the spectacle they had dreamt, the brave warriors of the Pandavas camp, identified it with what they now saw.

ततस्तेन निनादेन प्रत्यबुद्ध्यन्त धन्विनः। शिविरे पाण्डवेयानां शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः॥
At the noise made, hundreds and thousands of Pandava bowmen in the camp awoke from their sleep.

सोऽच्छिनत् कस्याचित् पादौ जघनं चैव कस्यचित्। कांश्चिद बिभेद पार्श्वेषु कालसृष्ट इवान्तकः॥
Ashvatthaman cut of the legs of some, and the hips of others, and cut some in their back, moving about like the Destroyer himself let loose by Time.

अत्युग्रप्रतिपिष्टैश्च नदद्भिश्त भृशोत्कटैः। गजाश्वमथितैश्चान्यैर्मही कीर्णाभवत् प्रभो॥
The Earth, O lord, was soon strewn with human beings that were disfigured or trampled down by elephants and horses.

क्रोशतांकिमिदं कोऽयंकः शब्दः किं नु किं कृतम्। एवं तेषां तथा द्रौणिरन्तकः समपद्यत॥
Many of them loudly cried-What is this?-Who is this one!-What is this noise?-Who is doing what?-While crying thus Drona's son killed them.

अपेतशस्त्रसन्नाहान् सन्नद्धान् पाण्डुसृजयान्। प्राहिणोन्मृत्युलोकाय द्रौणिः प्रहरतां वरः॥
That best of strikers, viz., the son of Drona, sent to the abode of Yama all those Pandus and Srinjayas who were deprived of armour and weapons.

ततस्तच्छब्दवित्रस्ता उत्पन्तो भयातुराः। निद्रान्धा नष्टसंज्ञाश्च तत्र तत्र निलिल्यिरे॥
Terrified at that noise many got up from sleep. Stricken with fear, and beside themselves with sleep, those warriors seemed to disappear before the fury of Ashvatthaman.

ऊरुस्तम्भगृहीताश्च कश्मलाभिहतौजसः। विनदन्तौ ,श त्रस्ताः समासीदन् परस्परम्॥
The thighs of many were paralysed and some were so stupefied that they lost their। energy. Crying and stricken with fear, they : began to kill on another.

ततो रथं पुनद्रौणिरास्थितो भीमनि:स्वनम्। धनुष्पाणिः शरैरन्यान् प्रेषयद् वै यमक्षयम्॥
Drona's son once more mounted his car, and taking up his bow sent many with his arrows to Yama's abode.

पुनरुत्पततश्चापि दूरादपि नरोत्तमान्। शूरान् सम्पततश्चान्यान् कालरात्र्यै न्यवेदयत्॥
Other brave warriors and foremost of men, that got up from sleep, as they came towards Ashvatthaman, were killed before they could approach him and were thus given as victims to that Death-night.

तथैव स्यन्दनाग्रेण प्रमथन् स विधावति। शरवर्षश्च विविधैरवर्षच्छात्रवांस्ततः॥
Crushing many with that best of cars, he moved through the encampment, and enshrouded his foes with repeated showers of arrows.

पुनश्च सुविचित्रेण शतचन्द्रेण चर्मणा। तेन चाकाशवर्णेन तथाचरत सोऽसिना॥
Again with that beautiful shield of his, bedecked with a hundred moons, and with that sky-colored sword of his, he moved about amidst his enemics.

तथा च शिविरं तेषां द्रौणिराहवदुर्मदः। व्यक्षोभयत राजेन्द्र महाह्रदमिव द्विपः॥
Like an elephant agitating a large lake, Drona's son who cannot be checked in battle, agitated the camp of the Pandavas.

उत्पेतुस्तेन शब्देन योधा राजन् विचेतसः। निद्रार्ताश्च भयार्ताश्च व्यधावन्त ततस्ततः॥
Awaked by the noise, O king, many warriors, still possessed by sleep and fear ran hither and thither.

विस्वरं चुक्रुशुश्चान्ये बह्ववद्धं तथा वदन्। न च स्म प्रत्यपद्यन्त शस्त्राणि वसनानि च॥
Many cried and many uttered unmeaning jargon. Many could not secure their weapons and armour.

विमुक्तकेशाश्चाग्यन्ये नाभ्यजानन्, परस्परम्। उत्पतन्तोऽपतश्रान्ताः केचित् तत्राभ्रमंस्तदा॥
The hairs of many were disheveled, and many could not recognise one another. Having got up from sleep, many fell down, fatigued; some walked purposely here and there.

पुरीषमसृजन् केचित् केचिन्मूत्रं प्रसुस्रुवुः। बन्धनानि च राजेन्द्र संच्छिद्य तुरगा द्विपाः॥
Breaking their chords, elephants and horses passed excreta and urine.

समं पर्यपतंश्चान्ये कुर्वन्तो महदाकुलम्। तत्र केचिन्नरा भीता व्यलीयन्त महीतले॥
Many huddled together, set up a great confusion, some stricken with fear, prostrated themselves on the Earth. The animals of the camp crushed them there.

तथैव तान् निपतितानपिंघन् गजवाजिनः। तस्मिंस्तथा वर्तमाने रक्षांसि पुरुषर्षभ॥
While the camp was in this state of confusion, Rakshasas, O king, cried aloud in joy, O Bharata-chief.

हृष्टानि व्यनदनुच्चैर्मुदा भरतसत्तम। स शब्दः पूरितो राजन् भूतसंधैर्मुदायुतैः॥
That loud noise, O king, of the ghostly beings, filled all the points of the horizon and the sky.

अपूरयद् दिशः सर्वा दिवं चातिमहान् स्वनः। तेषामार्तरवं श्रुत्वा वित्रस्ता गजवाजिनः॥
Hearing the piteous cried of elephants, horses, breaking their chords, rushed hither and thither, crushing the warriors in the camp.

मुक्ताः पर्यपतन् राजन् मृद्नन्तः शिविरे जनम्। तैस्तत्र परिधावद्धिश्चरणोदीरितं रजः॥
As those animals rushed here and there, the dust raised by them made the night doubly dark.

अकरोच्छिविरे तेषां रजन्यां द्विगुणं तमः। तस्मिस्तमसि संजाते प्रमूढाः सर्वतो जनाः॥ नाजानन् पितरः पुत्रान् भ्रातॄन् भ्रातर एव च।
When that thick darkness set in, the warriors in the camp became perfectly bewildered; fathers recognised not their sons, brothers recognised not their brothers.

गजा गजानतिक्रम्य निर्मनुष्या हया हयान्॥ अताड्यंस्तथाभजंस्तथामृद्रश्च भारत।
Elephants, striking riderless elephants, and horses, striking riderless horses, assailed and broke and crushed the people that stood in their way.

ते भग्नाः प्रपतन्ति स्म निघ्नन्तश्च परस्परम्॥ न्यपातयंस्तथा चान्यान् पातयित्वा तदापिषन्।
Confused combatants rushed and killed one another, and felling those that stood in their way crushed them into pieces.

विचेतसः सनिद्राश्च तमसा चावृता नरः॥ जग्मुः स्वानेव तत्राथ कालेनैव प्रचोदिताः।
Senseless and overcome with sleep, and covered with darkness, men, urged on by fate, killed their own comrades.

त्यक्त्वा द्वाराणि च द्वाःस्थास्तथा गुल्मानि गौल्मिकः॥ प्राद्रवन्त यथाशक्ति कांदिशीका विचेतसः।
The guards, living the gates in their charge, and those at duty at the outposts leaving their posts, fled away for their lives, senseless, and not knowing where they proceeded.

विप्रणष्टाश्च तेऽन्योन्यं नाजानन्त तथा विभो॥ क्रोशन्तस्तात पुत्रेति दैवोपहतचेतसः।
They killed one another, the slayers, O lord, not recognising the killed. Assailed by fate, they cried after their fathers and sons.

पलायतां दिशस्तेषां स्वानप्युत्सृज्य बान्धवान्॥ गोत्रनामभिरन्योन्यमाक्रन्दन्त ततो जनाः।
While they fled, leaving behind their friends and relatives, they called upon one another, mentioning their families and names.

हाहाकारं च कुर्वाणाः पृथिव्यां शेरते परे॥ तान् बुद्ध्वा रणमत्तोऽसौ द्रोणपुत्रो व्यपोथयत्।
Uttering cries of lamentation others dropped down on the Earth. In the thick of the battle Drona's son, recognising them, killed them all.

तत्रापरे वध्यमाना मुहुर्मुहुरचेतसः॥ शिविरान् निष्पतन्ति स्म क्षत्रिया भयपीडिताः।
While being killed, other Kshatriyas lost their senses, and, stricken with fear, tried to fly away from the camps.

तांस्तु निष्पतितांस्रस्तान् शिविराजीवितैषिणः॥ कृतवर्मा कृपश्चैव द्वारदेशे निजघ्नतुः।
Those men that tried to fly away from the camp for saving their lives wee killed by Kritavarman and Kripa at the gate.

विस्रस्तयन्त्रकवचान् मुक्तकेशान् कृताञ्जलीन्॥ वेपमानान् क्षितौ भीतान् नैव कांश्चिदमुञ्चताम्।
Having no weapons, instruments and armour, and with disheveled hair, they clasped their hands. Trembling with fear, they stood on the ground, The two Kuru-warriors. however, (who were on their cars) gave none an opportunity.

नामुच्यत तयोः कश्चिन्निष्क्रान्तः शिविराद् बहिः। कृपश्चैव महाराज हार्दिक्यश्चैव दुर्मतिः।
None amongst those that escaped from the camp was allowed to go by those two wicked persons, viz., Kripa and Kritavarman.

भूयश्चैव चिकीर्षन्तौ द्रोणपुत्रस्य तौ प्रियम्॥ त्रिषु देशेषु ददतुः शिविरस्य हुताशनम्।
Then again for pleasing Drona's son, those two set fire to the Pandava camp in three places.

ततः प्रकाशे शिविरे खड्डेन पितृनन्दनः॥ अश्वत्थामा महाराज व्यचरत् कृतहस्तवत्।
When the camp was lighted, Ashvatthaman, O king, moved about sword in hand, and crushing his foes with great skill.

कांश्चिदापततो वीरानपरांश्चैव धावतः॥ व्ययोजयत खड्ड्रेन प्राणैर्दिवरोत्तमः।
Some of his brave enemies rushed furiously towards him and some ran here and there. That foremost of men, with his sword, deprived all of them of their lives.

कांश्चिद् योधान् स खड्ड्रेन मध्ये संछिद्य वीर्यवान्।। ११२ अपातयद् द्रोणपुत्रः संरब्धस्तिलकाण्डवत्।
Filled with rage the brave son of Drona, struck down some of the warriors, cutting them in two with his sword like sesame stalks.

निनदद्भिर्भूशायस्तै राश्वद्विरदोत्तमैः॥ पतितैरभवत् कीर्णा मेदिनी भरतर्षभ।
The Earth, O Chief of Bharata was covered with the bodies of foremost of men, and horses and elephants huddled together and bewailing.

मानुषाणां सहस्रेषु हतेषु पतितेषु च॥ उदतिष्ठन् कबन्धानि बहून्युत्थाय चापत्तन्।
When thousands of men had fallen down lifeless, numberless headless trunks stood up and fell down.

सायुधान्साङ्गदान्बाहून विचकर्त शिरांसि च॥ हस्तिहस्तोपमानूरून हस्तान् पादांश्च भारत।
Ashvatthaman, O Bharata, cut off arms, adorned with armlets and holding weapons, and heads, and things resembling trunks of elephants, and hands, and feet.

पृष्ठच्छिन्नान् पार्श्वच्छिन्नाशिरश्छिन्नांस्तथा परान्।। ११६ स महात्माकरोद् द्रौणिः कांश्चिचापि पराङ्मुखान्।
The great son of Drona wounded the backs of some, cut off the heads of some, and caused some to retreat from the fight.

मध्यदेशे नरानन्यांश्चिच्छेदान्यांश्च कर्णतः॥ अंसदेशे निहत्यान्यान् काये प्रावेशयच्छिरः।
He cut off some at the middle, and cut off the ears of others, and struck others on the shoulders, and pressed down the heads of some into their trunks.

एवं विचरतस्तस्य निघ्नतः सुबहून् नरान्॥ तमसा रजनी घोरा बभौ दारुणदर्शना।
As Ashvatthaman moved about in this way killing thousands of men, the deep night became more dreadful for the darkness that set in.

किञ्चित्प्राणैश्च पुरुषैर्हतैश्चान्यैः सहस्रशः॥ बहुना च गजाश्वेन भूरभूद् भीमदर्शना।
The Earth became terrible to look at, covered with thousands of human beings, dead and dying, and numberless horses and elephants.

यक्षरक्षःसमाकीर्णे रथाश्वद्विपदारुणे॥ क्रुद्धेन द्रोणपुत्रेण संछन्नाः प्रापतन् भुवि।
Severed by the angry son of Drona, his enemies dropped down on the Earth that was then covered with Yakshas and Rakshasas and rendered frightful with (broken) cars and killed horses and elephants.

भातृनन्ये पितॄनन्ये पुत्रानन्ये विचुक्रुशुः॥ केचिदूचुर्न तत् क्रुद्धैर्धार्तराष्ट्रः कृतं रणे। कृतं यत् नः प्रसुप्तानां रक्षोभिः क्रूरकर्मभिः॥
Some called upon their brothers, and some upon their fathers and some upon their sons. And some said'The son of Dhritarastra in anger could never perform such acts in battle as these which wicked Rakshasas have done during the hour of our sleep! It is only for the absence of the Parthas that this great destruction is going on!

असांनिध्याद्धि पार्थानामिदं नः कदनं कृतम्। न चासुरैर्न गन्धर्वैर्न च यक्षैर्न च राक्षसैः॥
That son of Kunti who and Janarddana for his protector, is incapable of being defeated even by celestials. Asuras, Gandharvas. Yakshas, and Rakshasas.

शक्यो विजेतुं कौन्तेयो गोप्ता यस्य जनार्दनः। ब्रह्मण्यः सत्यवाग् दान्तः सर्वभूतानुकम्पकः॥ न च सुप्तं प्रमत्तं वा न्यस्तशस्त्रं कृताञ्जलिम्। धावन्तं मुक्तकेशं वा हन्ति पार्थो धनंजयः॥
Devoted to Brahma, truthful in speech, selfcontrolled, and kind to all creatures, that son of Pritha, called Dhananjaya never killed one who is asieep, or one who is careless, or one who has thrown off his weapons, or one who joins his hands for protection, or one who is retreating, or one whose hairs have been disheveled.

तदिदं नः कृतं घोरं रक्षोभिः क्रूरकर्मभिः। इति लालप्यमानाः स्म शेरते बहवो जनाः॥
Alas, they are wicked Rakshasas, who are perpetrating such terrible acts upon ourselves!'-Saying so, many laid themselves down.

स्तनतां च मनुष्याणामपरेषां च कूजताम्। ततो मुहूर्तात् प्राशाम्यत् स शब्दस्तुमुलो महान्।। १२७
The loud sound caused by the cries and groans of men stopped within a short time.

शोणितव्यतिषिक्तायां वसुधायां च भूमिप। तद्रजस्तुमुलं घोरं क्षणेनान्तरधीयत॥
The earth being drenched with blood, O king, that thick and dreadful dust soon disappeared.

स चेष्टमानानुद्विग्नान् निरुत्साहान् सहस्रशः। न्यपातयनरान् क्रुद्धः पशून् पशुपतिर्यथा॥
Thousands of men who were writhing in agnoy, stricken with anxiety, and filled with despair were killed by Ashvatthaman like Rudra killing living animals.

अन्योन्यं सम्परिष्वज्य शयानान् द्रवतोऽपरान्। संलीनान् युद्ध्यमानांश्च सर्वान् द्रौणिरपोथयत्॥
Many who laid themselves down on the ground clasping one another, and many who tried to fly away, and many who tried to hide themselves, and many who fought, were all killed by the son of Drona.

दह्यमाना हुताशेन वध्यमानाश्च तेन ते। परस्परं तदा योधा अनयन् यमसादनम्॥
Burnt by fire and killed by Ashvatthaman, the men, beside themselves, killed one another.

तस्या रजन्यास्त्वर्धन पाण्डवानां महद् बलम्। गमयामास राजेन्द्र द्रौणिर्थमनिवेशनम्॥
Before half the night was over, the son of Drona, O king, killed the large army of the Pandavas.

निशाचराणां सत्त्वानां रात्रिः सा हर्षवर्धिनी। आसीन्नरगजाश्वानां रौद्री क्षयकरी भृशम्॥
That night, so terrible and destructive of men and elephants and horses filled with joy all creatures and range in darkness.

तत्रादृश्यन्त रक्षांसि पिशाचाश्च पृथग्विधाः। खादन्तो नरमांसानि पिबन्तः शोणितानि च॥
Many Rakshasas and Pishachas were secn there, eating human flesh and drinking the blood.

करालाः पिङ्गलाश्चैव शैलदन्ता रजस्वला:। जटिला दीर्घशङ्खाश्च पञ्चपादा महोदराः॥
They dreadful, twany-colored, terrible, of adamantine teeth, and covered with blood. With matted locks on their heads, their thighs were long and massive; they had five fect, their stomachs were huge. were

पश्चादगुलयो रूक्षा विरूपा भैरवस्वनाः। घण्टाजालावसक्ताश्च नीलकण्ठा विभीषणाः॥
Their fingers were set backwards. They had harsh temper and ugly features, and their voice was loud and terrible. They had rows of tinkling bells tied to their persons. They had blue throats, they looked very frightful.

सपुत्रदाराः सक्रूराः सुदुर्दर्शाः सुनिघृणाः। विविधानि च रूपाणि तत्रादृश्यन्त रक्षसाम्॥
High cruel and incapable of being looked at without fear, and hating nothing, they came there with their children and wives. Rakshasas of various forms that came there.

पीत्वा च शोणितं हृष्टाः प्रानृत्यन् गणशोऽपरे। इदं परमिदं मेध्यमिदं स्वाद्विति चाब्रुवन्॥
Drinking the blood that flowed in streams, they were filled with joy and began to dance in separate parties. This is excellent!-This is pure! This is very sweet!'-these were the words they gave expression to.

मेदोमज्जास्थिरक्तानां वसानां च भृशाशिताः। परमांसानि खादन्तः क्रव्यादा मांसजीविनः॥ वसाश्चैवापरे पीत्वा पर्यधावन् विकुक्षिकाः। नानावक्त्रास्तथा रौद्राः क्रव्यादाः पिशिताशनाः।। १४० अयुतानि च तत्रासन् प्रयुतान्यर्बुदानि च। रक्षसां घोररूपाणां महतां क्रूरकर्मणाम्॥ मुदितानां वितृप्तानां तस्मिन् महति वैशसे। समेतानि बहून्यासन् भूतानि च जन धिप॥
Having lived upon fat, marrow, bones and blood, other carnivorous creatures, began toe act the delicate parts of corpses. Others, drinking the fat that ran in streams, ran about naked over the field. Tens of thousands and millions of other carnivorous beings having different faces of great ferocity, and living upon dead flesh, came there. Grim and gigantic Rakshasas came there in numerous bands. Other ghostly creatures overjoyed with eating enough also came there in that dreadful carnage.

प्रत्यूषकाले शिविरात् प्रतिगन्तुमियेष सः। नृशोणितावसिक्तस्य द्रौणेरासीदसित्सरुः॥ पाणिना सह संश्लिष्ट एकीभूत इव प्रभो।
When morning came, Ashvatthaman wanted to leave the camp. He was then covered with human blood, and he held of sword so firmly that his hand and sword, O Fing, becaine one.

दुर्गमां पदवीं गत्वा विरराज जनक्षये॥ युगान्ते सर्वभूतानि भस्म कृत्वेव पावकः।
Having walked in the path of wicked warriors, Ashvatthaman, after that destruction, looked like the blazing fire at the end of the cycle, reducing all creatures to ashes.

यथाप्रतिज्ञं तत् कर्म कृत्वा द्रौणायनिः प्रभो॥ दुर्गमा पदवीं गच्छन् पितुरासीद् गतज्वरः।
Having perpetrated that massacre according to his promise, and having trodden that untrodden way, Drona's son, O king, forgot his sorrow for the death of his father.

यथैव संसुप्तजने शिविरे प्राविशनिशि॥ तथैव हत्वा निःशब्दे निश्चकाम नरर्षभः।
The Pandavas camp, was perfectly calm when Drona's son had entered it in the night, because all the inmates were asleep. After the slaughter of the night, when all became once more quit, Ashvatthaman came out from it.

निष्क्रम्य शिविरात् तस्मात् ताभ्यां संगम्य वीर्यवान्॥ आचख्यौ कर्म तत् सर्वं हृष्टः संहर्षयन् विभो।
Having come out of thc encampinent, the brave Ashvatthaman met his two companions and, filled with joy, communicated to them his achievement gladdening them, O king, by the news.

तावथाचख्यतुस्तस्मै प्रियं प्रियकरौ तदा॥ पञ्चालान् सृञ्जयांश्चैव विनिकृत्तान् सहस्रशः।
Those two, in return, who always sought his good, gave him the pleasant news of how they also had killed thousands of Panchalas and Srinjayas at the gates.

प्रीत्या चोच्चैरुदक्रोशंस्तथैवास्फोटयंस्तलान्॥ एवंविधा हि सा रात्रि: सोमकानां जनक्षये।
Thus did that night bring on the destruction of the Somakas who were carelessly sunk in sleep.

प्रसुप्तानां प्रमत्तानामासीत् सुभृशदारुणा॥ असंशयं हि कालस्य पर्यायो दुरतिक्रमः।
The course of time, forsooth, is irresistible. Those who had rooted us out were themselves exterminated now."

धृतराष्ट्र उवाच तादृशा निहता यत्र कृत्वास्माकं जनक्षयम्॥ प्रागेव सुमहत् कर्म द्रौणिरेतन्महारथः। नाकरोदीदृशं कस्मान्मत्पुत्रविजये धृतः॥
Dhritarashtra said “Why is it that great car-warriors, viz., the son of Drona, did not perform such an act before, although he had tried his best for conferring victory upon Duryodhana?

अथ कस्माद्धते क्षुद्रं कर्मेदं कृतवानसौ। द्रोणपुत्रो महात्मा स तन्मे शंसितुमर्हसि॥
Why did that bowmen do this after the death of the wretched Duryodhana? You should tell me all this!"

संजय उवाच तेषां नूनं भयान्नासौ कृतवान् कुरुनन्दन। असांनिध्याद्धि पार्थानां केशवस्य च धीमतः॥ सात्यकेश्चापि कर्मेदं द्रोणपुत्रेण साधितम्।
Sanjaya said "Through fear of the Parthas, O descendant of Kuru, Ashvatthaman could not perform such a fear then! It was for the absence of the Partha and the intelligent Keshava as also of Satyaki, that Drona's son could achieve it.

को हि तेषां समक्षं तान् हन्यादपि मरुत्पतिः॥ एतदीदृशकं वृत्तं राजन् सुप्तजने विभो।
Who is there, not even excluding the lord Indra, that can kill them before these heroes? Besides, O king Ashvatthaman could achieve this only because the men were all asleep.

ततो जनक्षयं कृत्वा पाण्डवानां महात्ययम्॥ दिष्ट्या दिष्ट्यैव चान्योन्यं समेत्योचुर्महारथाः। पर्यष्वजत् ततो द्रौणिस्ताभ्यां सम्प्रतिनन्दितः॥ इदं हर्षात् तु सुमहदाददे वाक्यमुत्तमम्। पञ्चाला निहताः सर्वे द्रौपदेयाश्च सर्वशः॥ सोमका मत्स्यशेषाश्च सर्वे विनिहता मया।
Having caused that great destruction of the Pandava forces, those three great car-warriors, viz., Ashvatthaman and Kripa and Kritavarman, meeting together, said, — 'Good luck,'—His two companions congratulated Ashvatthaman, and embraced him. Joyfully the latter said:-'All the Panchalas, as also all the sons of Draupadi, have been killed. All the Somakas and that remnant of the Matsyas, have been killed by me.

इदानीं कृतकृत्याः स्म याम तव मा चिरम्। यदि जीवति नो राजा तस्मै शंसमहे वयम्॥
Crowned with success, let up soon go there where the king is! If the king be still alive, we will communicate to him this joyful news.'