KARNA PARVA: Chapter 91

Killing of Karna

संजय उवाच तमब्रवीद वासुदेवो रथस्थो राधेय दिष्ट्या स्मरसीह धर्मम्। प्रायेण नीचा व्यमनेषु मग्ना निन्दति दैवं कुकृतं न तु स्वम्॥
Sanjaya said Then Krishna, who was on the car said to Karna-"Fortunate it is, O son of Radha, that you remember virtue. It is always seen that men, when they are in distress, speak ill of the providence and not of their own evil deeds.

मानाययेस्त्वं च सुयोधनश्च। दुःशासनः शकुनिः सौबलश्च न ते कर्ण प्रत्यभात्तत्र धर्म:॥
You, Duryodhana, Dushasana and Subala's son Shakuni, brought Draupadi, clad in one piece of cloth, before the court. Then O Karna, this virtue of yours, did not display itself.

यदा सभायां राजानमनक्षज्ञं युधिष्ठिरम्। अजैषीच्छकुनि नात् क्व ते धर्मस्तदा गतः॥
When Shakuni, a clever hand at dice, defeated Kunit's son Yudhishthira who was innocent of the game where was this virtue of yours?

वनवासे व्यतीते च कर्ण वर्षे त्रयोदशे। न प्रयच्छसि यद् राज्यं क्व ते धर्मस्तदा गतः॥
When the period of exile and the thirteenth year (of concealment) was over and you did not return the Pandavas their kingdom where was his virtue of yours.

यद् भीमसेनंन सपैश्च विषयुक्तैश्च भोजनैः। आचरत् त्वन्मते राजा क्व ते धर्मस्तदा गतः॥
When at your advice the Kuru king attempted to kill Bhima through snakes and poisoned food where was this virtue of yours?

यद् वारणावते पार्थान सुप्ताञ्जतुगृहे तदा। आदीपयस्त्वं राधेय क्व ते धर्मस्तदा गतः॥
When you set fire to the wax-house at Varanavata for burning the sleeping Pandavas to death where was this virtue of yours?

यदा रजस्वलां कृष्णां दुःशासनवशे स्थिताम्। सभायांन प्राहसः कर्ण क्व ते धर्मस्तदा गतः॥
When you laughed at Draupadi while she, spare dressed and in her season, stood before the court at Dusasana's will where was this virtue of yours?

तदनार्यैः पुरा कृष्णां क्लिश्यमानामनागसम्। उपप्रेक्षसि राधेय क्व ते धर्मस्तदा गतः॥
O son of Radha! Where your religion (rule) was slipped when you once observed Draupadi getting torture in the hands of mean Kauravas.

विनष्टाः पाण्डवः कृष्णे शाश्वतं नरकं गता। पतिमन्यं वृणीष्वेति वदंस्त्वं गजसामिनीम्॥ उपप्रेक्षसि राधेय क्व ते धर्मस्तदा गतः।
When you spoke to the Princess Draupadi, of dignified elephantine gait, “O Draupadi, the Pandavas are lost into eternal hell, choose another husband" and looked on the scene with glee where was this virtue of yours?

राज्यलुब्धः पुनः कर्ण समाव्यथसि पाण्डवान्। यदा शकुनिमाश्रित्य क्क ते धर्मस्तदा गतः॥
When thirsting for the kingdom and relying on the king of Gandharas you invited the Pandavas to a game at dice where was this virtue of yours?

यदाभिमन्युं बहवो युद्दे जघ्नुर्महारथाः। परिवार्य रणे बालं क्क ते धर्मस्तदा गतः॥
When encircling the boy Abhimanyu in battle a number of powerful car-warriors killed him where was the virtue of yours.

यद्येष धर्मस्तत्र न विद्यते हि किं सर्वथा तालुविशोषणेन। अद्येह धाणि विधत्स्व सूत तथापि जीवन विमोक्ष्यसे हि॥
If this your virtue, the aid of which you now solicit, was no where on all those Occasions what is the use of drying up your tongue by uttering that word? You now wish to practise virtue, O Suta, but you shall not escape with your life.

नलो ह्यक्षैर्निर्जितः पुष्करेण पुनर्यशो राज्यमवाप वीर्यात्। सर्वेः समेताः परिवृत्तलोभाः॥ निहत्य शूत्रन् समरे प्रवृद्धान् ससोमका राज्यमवाप्नुयुस्ते। तथा गता धार्तराष्ट्रा विनाशं धर्माभिगुप्तैः सततं नृसिंहः॥
Like Nala who was vanquished by Pushkara at a game of dice, but who regained his kingdom by dint of his power, the Pandavas, who are free from cupidity, will regain their kingdom by the force of their arms and help of their friends. Having killed their powerful enemies they with the Somakas will regain their kingdom. The sons of Dhritarashtra will be killed by those best of men who are always shielded by virtues.

संजय उवाच एवमुक्तस्तदा कर्णो वासुदेवेन भारत। लज्जयावनतो भूत्वा नोत्तरं किञ्चिदुक्तवान्॥
Sanjaya said Thus accosted by Krishna, O descendant of Bharata, Karna hung down his head in shame and made no reply.

क्रोधात् प्रस्फुरमाणैष्टो धनुरुद्यम्य भारत। योधयामास वै पार्थ महावेगपराक्रमः॥
With lips trembling in anger, he, of great energy and prowess, took up his bow and began to fight with Arjuna.

ततोऽब्रवीद् वासुदेव: फाल्गुनं पुरुर्षभम्। दिव्यास्त्रेणैव निर्भिद्य पातयस्व महाबल॥
Then Vasudeva's son said to Phalguna, that best of men-"Strike Karna down with a celestial weapon."

एवमुक्तस्तु देवेन क्रोधमागातदार्जुनः। मन्युमभ्याविशद् घोरं स्मृत्वा तत्तु धनंजयः॥
Thus accosted by the deity Arjuna was worked up with anger. And recollecting all the incidents Dhananjaya was possessed by a terrific rage.

तस्य क्रुद्धस्य सर्वेभ्यः स्रोतोभ्यस्तेजसोऽतिषः। प्रादुरासंस्तदा राजंस्तदद्भुतमिवाभवत्॥
Then, O king, as if scintillations of fire began to come put from the pores of the angry Partha's body. The scene was exceedingly wondrous.

तत् समीक्ष्य ततः कर्णो ब्रह्मास्त्रेण धनंजयम्। अभ्यवर्षत् पुनर्यनमकरोद् रथसर्जने॥
Seeing it Karna invoked the Brahma weapon, shot arrows on Dhananjaya and tried once more to get rid of his car. arrOWS son

ब्रह्मास्त्रेणैव तं पार्थो ववर्ष शरवृष्टिभिः। तदस्त्रमस्त्रेणावार्य प्रजहार च पाण्डवः॥
Partha, also, by his Brahma weapon made a down pour of upon Karna. Counteracting the arrows of his enemy with those of his own Pandu's son continued to strike him.

ततोऽन्यदस्त्रं कौन्तेयो दयितं जातवेदसः। मुमोच कर्णमुद्दिश्य तत् प्रजज्वाल तेजसा॥
Then aiming at Karna Kunti's discharged another favourite weapon of his powerful as the fire.

वारुणेन ततः कर्णः शमयामास पावकम्। जीमूतैश्च दिशः सर्वाश्चके तिमिरदुर्दिनाः॥
Karna, however, put out that fire with Varuna (watery) weapon. Suta's son covered all the directions with clouds created by his arrows and it appeared like a rainy day.

पाण्डेवयस्त्वसम्भ्रातो वायव्यास्त्रेण वीर्यवान्। अपोवाह तदाभ्राणि राधेयस्य प्रपश्यतः॥
Then before the very presence of Karna, the powerful son of Pandu scattered those clouds with his Vayavya weapon.

ततः शरं महाघोरं ज्वलन्तमिव पावकम्। आददे पाण्डुपुत्रस्य सूतपुत्रो जिघांसयां॥
Then for killing the son of Pandu, the charioteer's son took up another dreadful arrows shining like the fire.

योज्यमाने ततस्तस्मिन् बाणे धनुषि पूजिते। चचाल पृथिवी राजन् सशैलवनकानना॥
When that arrow was set on the bow-string, O king, the earth shook with her mountains, watery expanses and forests.

ववौ सशर्करो वायुर्दिशश्च रजसा वृताः। हाहाकारश्च संजज्ञे सुराणां दिवि भारत॥
Violent winds blew scattering pebbles. All the directions were covered with dust and cries of lamentation arose amongst the celestials in the sky.

तमिषु संधितं दृष्ट्वा सूतपत्रेण मारिष। विषादं परमं जग्मुः पाण्डवा दीनचेतसः॥
Seeing that arrows aimed by Karna, the Pandavas were worked with depression and sorrow.

स सायकः कर्णभुजप्रमुक्तः शक्राशनिप्रख्यरुचिः शिताग्रः॥ भुजान्तरं प्राप्य धनंजयस्य विवेश वल्मीकमिवोरगोत्तमः।
The keen arrows, effulgent like Shakra's thunder-bolt shot off Karna's hands, fell upon Dhananjaya's breast and went into it like a serpent penetrating an ant-hill.

स गाढविद्धः समरे महात्मा विघूर्णमानः श्लथहस्तगाण्डिवः॥ चचाल बीभत्सुरमित्रमर्दनः क्षितेः प्रकम्पे च यथा चलोत्तमः।
Thus wounded that chastiser of enemies, the high-souled Vibhatsu began to reel. His grasp became loosened and his bow Gandiva, dropped off his hands. He shook there like the king of mountain in an earth-quake.

तदन्तरं प्राप्य वृषो महारथो रथाङ्गमुर्वीगतमुज्जिहीषुः॥ रथादवल्पुत्य निगृह्य दोर्ध्या शशाक दैवान महाबलोऽपि।
During this opportunity the great carwarrior Vrisha leaped down from his chariot to extricate the wheel that had been sunk underneath the earth. Holding it with his two hands he tried his best of get it out. But unfortunately for his bad luck he failed through he was possessed of great strength.

ततः किरीटी प्रतिलभ्य संज्ञा जग्राह बाणं यमदण्डकल्पम्॥ ततोऽर्जुनः प्राञ्जलिकं महात्मा ततोऽब्रवीद् वासुदेवोऽपि पार्थम्। छिन्थ्यस्य मूर्धानमरेः शरेण न यावदारोहति वै रथं वृषः॥
In the interval regaining his consciousness the diadem-decked and the high-souled Arjuna took his arrow Anjalika which was fatal as the rod of Death. Thereupon Krishna said to Partha-"Cut-off with this arrow the head of your enemy before he gets upon his car.”

स्तत: शरं प्रज्वलितं प्रगृह्य। जघान कक्षाममलार्कवर्णा महारथे रथचक्रे विमग्ने॥
Praising highly those words of Lord Krishna and while the wheel of his enemy was still under the earth the great car-warrior Arjuna took up a highly effulgent, razorheaded arrow and struck down Karna's standard bearing the emblem of an elephant and shining like the spotless sun.

तं हस्तिकक्षाप्रवहं च केतुं सुवर्णमुक्तामणिवज्रपृष्ठम्। ज्ञानप्रकर्षोत्तमशिल्पियुक्तैः कृतं सुरूपं तपनीयचित्रम्॥
That standard bearing the elephant was decorated with gold, pearls, gems and diamonds and was made with great skill by the best of artizans. It was highly beautiful and made of pure gold.

ममित्रवित्रासनमीडयरूपम्। विख्यातमादित्यसमं स्म लोके त्विषा समं पावकभानुचन्द्रैः॥
That standard always used to inspire your soldiers with courage and fill your enemies with fear. Its form was highly praiseworthy. Known all over the world it was effulgent like the sun.

ततः क्षुरप्रेण सुसंशितेन सुवर्णपुड्वेन हुताग्निवर्चसा। श्रिया ज्वलन्तं ध्वजमुन्ममाथ महारथस्याधिस्थेः किरीटी॥
With that keen, gold-winged razor, headed arrow effulgent like fire, fed with libations of clarified butter the diadem-decked Arjuna cutoff that standard of Adhiratha's son, the great car-warrior.

यशश्च दर्पश्च तथा प्रियाणि सर्वाणि कार्याणि च तेन केतुना। साकं कुरूणां हृदयानि चापतन् बभूव हाहेति च निःस्वनो महान्॥
With that standard fell the glory, pride, hope of success and everything dear unto the hearts of the Kurus. And cries of lamentations arose in your army.

दृष्ट्वा ध्वजं पातितमाशुकारिणा कुरुप्रवीरेण निकृत्तमाहवे। नाशंसिरे सूतपुत्रस्य सर्वे जयं तदा भारत ये त्वदीया: :॥
Seeing that standard struck down by the light-handed Kuru hero your soldiers gave up all hopes of Karna's success.

अथ त्वरन् कर्णवधाय पार्थो महेन्द्रवज्रानलदण्डसंनिभम्। आदत्त चाथाञ्जलिकं निषङ्गात् सहस्ररश्मेरिव रश्मिमुत्तमम्॥
Then wishing to kill Karna quickly Arjuna took out from his quiver an Anjlika arrow that was effulgent like Indra's thunder-bolt, Agni's rod or the thousand-rayed sun.

मर्मच्छिदं शोणितमांसदिग्धं वैश्वानरार्कप्रतिमं महार्हम्। नराश्वनागासुहरं त्र्यरत्न षड्वाजमञ्जोगतिमुग्रवेगम्॥ सहस्रनेत्राशतितुल्यवीर्य कालानलं व्यात्तमिवातिघोरम्। पिनाकनाराणचक्रसंनिभं भयङ्करं प्राणभृतां विनाशनम्॥
Capable of cutting to the quick, covered with flesh and blood, effulgent like the sun or fire, made of precious ingredients, straightcoursing, impetuous, destructive of men, horses and elephants it was three cubits and six feet in length. Powerful as the thousand-eyed Indra's thunder-bolt, irresistible as the night rangers, the trident or the discus it was highly terrible and capable of destroying all creatures.

जग्राह पार्थः स शरं प्रहृष्टो यो देवसङ्घरपि दुर्निवार्यः। सम्पूजितो यः सततं महात्मा देवासुरान् यो विजयेन्महेषुः॥
Partha cheerfully took up that arrow which could not be withstood even by the celestials. This great weapon, capable of discomfiting the celestials and Asuras, was always adored by the son of Pandu.

तं वै प्रमृष्टं प्रसमीक्ष्य युद्धे चचाल सर्वं सचराचरं जगत्। स्तमुद्यतं प्रेक्ष्य महाहवेषुम्॥
Seeing that arrow taken up by Partha in battle, the entire universe trembled with its mobile and immobile creations. Beholding that arrow about to be discharged the Rishis cried aloud "Peace be to the universe.

ततस्तु तं वै शरमप्रमेयं गाण्डीवधन्वा धनुषि व्ययोजयत्। युक्तवा महास्त्रेण परेण चापं विकृष्य गाण्डीवमुवाच सत्वरम्॥
The holder of the Gandiva then set that peerless arrows his bow united with another highly powerful weapon. Then drawing his Gandiva bow he said.

अयं महास्त्रप्रहितो महाशरः शरीरहवासुहरश्च दुर्हदः। तपोऽस्ति तप्तं गुरवश्च तोषिता पया यदीष्टं सुहृदां श्रुतं तथा॥ अनेन सत्येन निहन्त्वयं शरः सुसंहितः कर्णमरिं ममोर्जितम्। इत्यूचिवांस्तं प्रमुमोच बाणं धनंजयः कर्णवधाय घोरम्॥
If I have ever practised penances, if I have ever respected my elders and listened to the counsels of well-wishers let this arrow be powerful enough to destroy the body and heart of my enemy. Let his sharp arrow, adored by me, slay my enemy Karna." Saying this Dhananjaya discharged the arrow for destroying Karna.

कृत्यामथर्राङ्गिरसीमिवोग्रां दीप्तामसह्यां युधि मृत्युनापि। ब्रुवन किरीटी तमतिप्रहृष्टो ह्ययं शरो मे विजयावहोस्तु॥ जिघांसुरर्कन्दुसमप्रभावः कर्ण मयास्तो नयतां यमाय।
It was a terrific arrows, efficacious as a rite of the Atharvan of Angiras, effulgent and incapable of being borne by Death himself in battle. Desirous of slaying Karna Partha again cheerfully said-“May this arrow bring on my victory. May it, effulgent like the fire or sun, shot by me, dispatch Karna to the abode of Death.

तेनेषुवर्येण किरीटमाली प्रहृष्टरूपो विजयावहेन॥ जिघांसुरर्केन्दुसमप्रभेण चक्रे विषक्तं रिपुमाततायी।
Saying this, Arjuna, adorned with crown and garlands, ever inimical towards Karna and desirous of killing him, struck his enemy with that best of arrows, effulgent like the sun of moon capable of giving victory.

तथा विमुक्तो बलिनार्कतेजाः प्रज्वालयामास दिशो नभश्च। ततोऽर्जुनस्तस्य शिरो जहार वृत्रस्य वज्रेण यथा महेन्द्रः॥
Discharged by that mighty heroic that arrow, effulgent like the sun, emblazoned all the quarters. With that arrow Arjuna struck off his enemy's head like Indra striking the head of Vritra with his thunder.

स्तदा महास्त्रप्रतिमन्त्रितेन। पाथोऽपराह्ने शिर उच्चकर्त वैकर्तनस्याथ महेन्द्रसूनुः॥
With that powerful Anjalika weapon inspired with mantras Indra's son cut-off the head of Vaikartana in the afternoon.

मथास्य कायो निपपात पश्चात्। तदुद्यतादित्यसमानतेजसं शरन्नभोमध्यगभास्करोपमम्॥ वराङ्गमुक्मपतञ्चमूमुखे दिवाकरोऽस्तादिवरक्तमण्डलः।
Thus sundered with Anjalika arrow Karna's trunk dropped down on earth. The head also of the commander of the Kuru army, effulgent like the risen, sun and the meridian sun of the autumn, dropped down on earth like the crimson sun falling down from the setting hill.

ततोऽस्य देहं सततं सुखोचितं सुरूपमत्यर्थमुदारकर्ममः॥ परेण कृच्छ्रेण शिरः समत्यजद् गृहं महर्धीव सुसङ्गमीश्वरः।
The head of the illustrious Karna reluctantly left the body, highly beautiful and brought up in luxury like a person unwillingly leaving a big house filled with riches.

शरैर्विभिन्नं व्यसु तत् सुवर्चसः पपात कर्णस्य शरीरमुच्छ्रितम्॥ स्त्रवव्रणं गैरिकतोयविस्त्रवं गिरेर्यथा वज्रहतं महाशिरः। देहाच कर्णस्य निपातितस्य तेजः सूर्य खं वितत्याविवेश॥
Cut-off with Arjuna's arrows and shorn of life the tall and shining body of Karna, with blood gushing out of every wound, looked like the summit of a red chalk mount clapped by a thunder-bolt with red streams running down after a shower. Then a light came out of Karna's body, passed though the sky and entered into the sun.

तदद्भुतं सर्वमनुष्ययोधाः संदृष्टवन्तो निहते स्म कर्णे। दृष्ट्वा कर्णं पातितं फाल्गुनन॥
This wonderful spectacle was wiinessed by all the on-lookers after Karna's fall. Then seeing Karna slain by Phalguna the Pandavas blew their conchs.

तथैव कृष्णश्च दनंजयश्च हृष्टौ यमौ दध्मतुर्वारिजातौ। तं सोमकाः प्रेक्ष्य हतं शयानं सैन्यैः सार्ध सिंहनादान् प्रचक्रुः॥
Likewise Krishna and Dhananjaya, overflowing with joy, blew their conchs. Seeing Karna slain and lying on the battle-field the Somakas were filled the joy and sent-up loud shouts with other soldiers.

तूर्याणि संजघ्नुरतीव हृष्टा वासांसि चैवादुधुवर्भुजांश्च। संवर्धयन्तश्च नरेन्द्र योधाः पार्थं समाजग्मुरतीव हृष्टाः॥ नन्योन्यमाश्लिष्य नदन्त ऊचुः। दृष्ट्वा तु कर्ण भुवि वा विपन्नं कृतं रथात् सायकैरर्जुनस्य॥
With great joy the struck their trumphets and shook their arms and garments. Then, O king, approaching Partha, all the warriors began to praise him; other powerful heroes danced embracing each other; and others sending loud shouts said-"By good luck Karna has slain prostrate on earth wounded with arrows."

महानिलेनादिमिरापविद्धं यज्ञावसानेऽग्निमिव प्रशान्तम्। मस्तं गतं भास्करस्येव बिम्बम्॥
Karna's head, separated off the body, looked like a mountain top loosened by a storm or like fire put out after the completion of a sacrifice, or the sun after it has risen the setting hill.

शरैराचितसर्वाङ्गः शोणितैधपरिप्लुतः। विभाति देहः कर्णस्य स्वरश्मिभिरिवांशुमान्॥
Karna's body filled with all parts arrow penetrated and soaked in blood was getting the grace of sun, the holder of beams and illuminated.

प्रताप्य सेनामामित्री दीप्तैः शरगभस्तिभिः। बलिनार्जुनकालेन नीतोऽस्तं कर्णभास्करः॥
After having scorched his enemy's army the Karna-like sun, having arrows for its rays, was caused to be set by Arjuna time.

अस्तं गच्छन् यथादित्यः प्रभामादाय गच्छति। तथा जीवितमादाय कर्णस्येषुर्जगाम सः॥
As while moving towards the setting hill the sun withdraws all its rays so (Arjuna's) arrow passed of taking Karna's vital breaths.

अपराह्नेऽपराहोऽस्य सूतपुत्रस्य मारिष। छिन्नमञ्जलिकेनाजौ सोत्सेधमपतच्छिरः॥
In the afternoon cut-off with Anjalika in battle the head of the charioteer's son dropped down earth.

उपर्युपरि सैन्यानामस्य शत्रोस्तदञ्जसा। शिर: कर्णस्य सोत्सेधमिषुः सोऽप्यहरद् द्रुतम्॥
Before the very presence of the Kaurava troops that weapon speedily took away Karna's head and body.

कर्णं तु शूरं पतितं पृथिव्यां शराचितं शोणितदिग्धगात्रम्। श्छिन्नध्वजेनाथ ययौ रथेन॥
Beholding the brave Karna prostrated on earth wounded with shafts and bathed in blood the king of Madras left the battle field on the car deprived of the standard.

हते कर्णे कुरवः प्राद्रवन्त भयार्दिता गाढविद्धाश्च संख्ये। अवेक्षमाणा मुहुरर्जुनस्य ध्वजं महान्तं वपुषा ज्वलन्तम्॥
After Karna's fall the Kuru soldiers, wounded with arrows and filled with fear, took to their heels looking again and again on the lofty and shining standard of Arjuna.

सहस्रनेक्षप्रतिमानकर्मणः सहस्रपत्रप्रतिमाननं शुभम्। सहस्ररश्मिर्दिनसंक्षये यथा तथापतत् कर्णशिरो वसुंधराम्॥
The beautiful head, having a countenance like a loutus of a thousand petals, of Karna, whose exploits like those of the thousand eyes Indra, drooped down on earth like the thousand-rayed sun in the end of day.