Uttara Kanda: Chapter 95

रामो बहून्यहान्येव तद्गीतं परमं शुभम्। शुश्राव मुनिभिः सार्धं पार्थिवैः सह वानरैः॥
Rāma heard that highly sacred theme for many long days in the company of ascetics, kings and Vänaras.

तस्मिन्गीते तु विज्ञाय सीतापुत्रौ कुशीलवौ। तस्याः परिषदो मध्ये रामो वचनमब्रवीत्॥ दूताशुद्धसमाचारानाहूयात्ममनीषया। मद्वचो ब्रूत गच्छध्वमितो भगवतोऽन्तिके॥ यदि शुद्धसमाचारा यदि वा वीतकल्मषा। करोत्विहात्मनः शुद्धिमनुमान्य महामुनिम्॥
And understanding from the story that Kusa and Lava were Janaki's sons, Rāma mentioning her name said before the assembly:-Send a good emissary to the illustrious Vālmīki and let him communicate to the ascetics that if Janaki is sinless and has lead a pure life in the forest; let her give proof of purity by the great ascetic's permission.

छन्दं मुनेश्च विज्ञाय सीतायाश्च मनोगतम्। प्रत्ययं दातुकामायास्ततः शंसत मे लघु॥
Let the emissaries learn well the intention of the ascetic in this and if Sītā is at heart willing to bring in proofs.

श्वः प्रभाते तु शपथं मैथिली जनकात्मजा। करोतु परिषन्मध्ये शोधनार्थं ममैव च॥
To uphold her as well as mine purity, let Maithili, the daughter of Janaka, swear before the assembly in the morning of the next day.

श्रुत्वा तु राघवस्यैतद्वचः परममद्भुतम्। दूताः संप्रययुर्बादं यत्र वै मुनिपुङ्गवः॥ ते प्रणम्य महात्मानं ज्वलन्तममितप्रभम्। ऊचुस्ते रामवाक्यानि मृदूनि मधुराणि च।।।।।
Hearing the words of Rānia, messengers went to Vālmīki and saluting the high-souled (ascetic) burning in his effulgence and of incomparable lustre, communicated to him, in sweet words all what Rāma had said.

तेषां तद्भाषितं श्रुत्वा रामस्य च मनोगतम्। विज्ञाय सुमहातेजा मुनिर्वाक्यमथाब्रवीत्॥
Hearing the words of the messengers and understanding Rama's intention the ascetic said.

एवं भवतु भद्रं वो यथा वदति राघवः। तथा करिष्यते सीता दैवतं हि पतिः स्त्रियः॥
What Räma has said shall be satisfied. May good betide you. Husband is the greatest god for women. So SIta shall carry out his behests.

तथोक्ता मुनिना सर्वे राजदूता महौजसः। प्रत्येत्य राघवं सर्वं मुनिवाक्यं बभाषिरे॥
The great ascetic having said this, the highly powerful emissaries, approaching Rāma, communicated to him what the Muni had said.

ततः प्रहृष्टः काकुत्स्थः श्रुत्वा वाक्यं महात्मनः। ऋषींस्तत्र समेतांश्च राज्ञश्चैवाभ्यभाषत॥
Hearing the words of the high-souled Valmiki, Rama was greatly delighted. Having addressed the assembled Rșis and kings he said.

भगवन्तः सशिष्या वै सानुगाश्च नराधिपाः। पश्यन्तु सीताशपथं यश्चैवान्योऽपि काङ्क्षते।।१३
The Rșis with their disciples, and the kings with their followers and all others willing shall see Sitā swear here.

तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा राघवस्य महात्मनः। सर्वेषामृषिमुख्यानां साधुवादो महानभूत्॥
Hearing the words of the high-souled Rāma, all the high-souled Rșis began to speak of him in high terms and said.

राजानश्च महात्मानः प्रशंसन्ति स्म राघवम्। उपपन्नं नरश्रेष्ठ त्वय्येव भुवि नान्यतः॥
O foremost of men, such an action becomes you not any one else.

एवं विनिश्चयं कृत्वा श्वोभूत इति राघवः। विसर्जयामास तदा सास्ताञ्छत्रुसूदनः॥
There upon having settled that Sītă would swear next day, Rāma, the slayer of enemies, dismissed them all.

इति संप्रविचार्य राजसिंहः श्वोभूते शपथस्य निश्चयम्। विससर्ज मुनीनृपांश्च सर्वान् स महात्मा महतो महानुभावः॥
And having made arrangements that Sītā would go through the trial next day, the highminded, generous king Rama bade adieu to all kings and Rşis.