Uttara Kanda: Chapter 92

तत्सर्वमखिलेनाशु प्रस्थाप्य भरताग्रजः। हयं लक्षणसंपन्नं कृष्णसारं मुमोच ह॥ ऋत्विग्भिर्लक्ष्मणं सार्धमश्वे च विनियुज्य च। ततोऽभ्यगच्छत्काकुत्स्थः सह सैन्येन नैमिषम्॥ यज्ञवाटं महाबाहुर्दृष्ट्वा परममद्भुतम्। प्रहर्षमतुलं लेभे श्रीमानिति च सोऽब्रवीत्॥
Having speedily despatched before all articles of sacrifice, Bharata's elder brother Rāma set free a black horse, gifted with all marks and worthy of the sacrifice and placed Lakşmaņa with Rtvik in charge of it. There upon the mighty-armed Kakuthstha, in the company of his soldiers, proceeded to the Naimiņa forest and beholding the wonderful sacrificial ground attained to an excess of delight and said:-It has become highly charming.

नैमिषे वसतस्तस्य सर्व एव नराधिपाः। आनिन्युरुपहारांश्च तारामः प्रत्यपूजयत्॥
While he remained in the Naimisa forest, all the kings sent him presents and Rāma also made returns.

अन्नपानादिवस्त्राणि सर्वोपकरणानि च। भरतः सह शत्रुघ्नो नियुक्तो राजपूजने॥
And diverse food, drink and clothes were offered to the kings when they arrived there with profuse presents. Bharata, with Satrughna, engaged in attending upon the kings.

वानराश्च महात्मानः सुग्रीवसहितास्तदा। परिवेषणं च विप्राणां प्रयताः संप्रचक्रिरे॥
The high-souled monkeys, with Sugriva, being self-controlled engaged in attending upon the Brahmanas.

बिभीषणश्च रक्षोभिर्बहुभिः सुसमाहितः। ऋषीणामुग्रतपसां किंकरः समपद्यत॥ उपकार्या महाश्चि पार्थिवानां महात्मनाम्। सानुगानां नरश्रेष्ठो व्यादिदेश महाबलः।।।।
Vibhīşaņa, in the company of many Rākşasas, with a collected mind, began to serve the Rşis, having asceticism for their wealth. And the highly powerful Răma, the foremost of men, set aside valuable houses for the accommodation of the high-souled kings.

एवं सुविहितो यज्ञो ह्यश्वमेधो ह्यवर्तत। लक्ष्मणेन सुगुप्ता सा हयचर्या प्रवर्तत।९॥ ईदृशं राजसिंहस्य यज्ञप्रवरमुत्तमम्। नान्यः शब्दोऽभवत्तत्र हयमेधे महात्मनः॥ छन्दतो देहि विस्रब्धो यावत्तुष्यन्ति याचकाः। तावत्सर्वाणि दत्तानि क्रतुमुख्ये महात्मनः॥ विविधानि च गौडानि खाण्डवानि तथैव च।
Under these proper arrangements the horsesacrifice commenced. Lakşmaņa engaged in looking after the sacrificial horse. In this wise Rama, a lion among the kings, undertook the celebration of the horse-sacrifice. And in that Aśvamedha of Rama presents were given to people as long as they were not satisfied. There was no other sound audible at that time save that of 'Give! Give!!. In sooth at the horse-sacrifice of the high-souled Rāma, to their fullest satisfaction, sweets and other things were distributed to people.

न निःसृतं भवत्योष्ठाद्वचनं यावदर्थिनाम्॥ तावद्वानररक्षोभिर्दत्तमेवाभ्यदृश्यत। न कश्चिन्मलिनो वापि दीनो वाप्यथवा कृशः॥ तस्मिन्यज्ञवरे राज्ञो हृष्टपुष्टजनावृते। ये च तत्र महात्मानो मुनयश्चिरजीविनः॥ नास्मरंस्तादृशं यज्ञं दानौघसमलंकृतम्।
Indeed before words came out from the lips of the beggars, monkeys and Rakşasas satisfied them with gifts. And all the ascetics living for ever and having asceticism for wealth that were present there, could not think of any other sacrifice, accompanied by so profuse presents, they had seen before.

यः कृत्यवान्सुवर्णेन सुवर्णं लभते स्म सः॥ वित्तार्थी लभते वित्तं रत्नर्थी रत्नमेव च। हिरण्यानां सुवर्णानां रत्नानामथ वाससाम्॥ अनिशं दीयमानानां राशिः समुपदृश्यते। न शक्रस्य न सोमस्य यमस्य वरुणस्य च ॥ ईदृशो दृष्टपूर्वो न एवमूचुस्तपोधनाः।
In that sacrifice, those, who wished for gold, obtained it, those who wished for property got it and those, who longed for jewels, received them. In this wise before all, enough of gold, jewels, and clothes were given away. The ascetics said:We have never seen before a sacrifice like this, Indra's, Soma's, Yama's or Varuna's.

सर्वत्र वानरास्तस्थुः सर्वत्रैव च राक्षसाः॥ वासोधनान्नकामेभ्यः पूर्णहस्ता ददुर्भृशम्।
Being present everywhere the Rākşasas and Vänaras gave away enough of riches and clothes even to them who did not want.

ईदृशो राजसिंहस्य यज्ञः सर्वगुणान्वितः। संवत्सरमथो साग्रं वर्तते न च हीयते॥
And though this sacrifice, gifted with all marks, of Rama, a lion among kings, continued for a year still his accumulated treasure was not exhausted, but rather was increased.