Uttara Kanda: Chapter 9

कस्यचित्त्वथ कालस्य सुमाली नाम राक्षसः। रसातलान्मर्त्यलोकं सर्व वै विचचार ह॥ नीलजीमूतसंकाशस्तप्तकाश्चनकुण्डलः। कन्यां दुहितरं गृह्य विना पद्ममिव श्रियम्॥ राक्षसेन्द्रः स तु तदा विचरन्वै महीतले। तदापश्यत्स गच्छन्तं पुष्पकेण धनेश्वरम्॥ गच्छन्तं पितरं द्रष्टुं पुलस्त्यतनयं विभुम्। तं दृष्टामरसंकाशं गच्छन्तं पावकोमम्॥ रसातलं प्रविष्टः सन्मर्त्यलोकात्सविस्मयः।
After a while the Rākşasa named Sumāli, coming up from the nether regions, began to range all over the earth. And resembling dark clouds, that lord of Rakşasas decked in ear-rings of burnished gold, taking his daughter like to Sri herself without her lotus, and wandering over the earth, saw the lord of riches journeying in his Puspaka, going to see his sire-that lord, the son of Pulastya. And seeing that one resembling an immortal and like to fire, journeying on, (Sumāli) struck with amazement, entered the nether regions from the earth.

इत्येवं चिन्तयामास राक्षसानां महामतिः॥ किं कृत्वा श्रेय इत्येवं वर्धेमहि कथं वयम्।
And that mighty-minded one reflected thus, ‘By adopting what measure may the welfare of the Rākṣasa he brought about, and how can we increase (in power)?'

नीलजीमूतसंकाशस्तप्तकाश्चनकुण्डलः॥ राक्षसेन्द्रः स तु तदा चिन्तयत्सुमहामतिः। अथाब्रवीत्सुतां रक्षः कैकसी नाम नामतः॥
And that great-minded lord of Rākşasas, resembling dark clouds, decked in burnished earrings of gold, then began to reflect. And then the Raksasa addressed his daughter, named Kaikasi.

पुत्रि प्रदानकालोऽयं यौवन व्यतिवर्तते। प्रत्याख्यानाच्च भीतैस्त्वं न वरैः परिगृह्यसे॥
O daughter, the time has come when I should give you away. Your youth is about to be passed. (Kept back) by the fear of refusal, no suiter has sought you (up to his time).

तत्कृते च वयं सर्वे यन्त्रिता धर्मबुद्धयः। त्वं हि सर्वगुणोपेता श्रीः साक्षादिव पुत्रिके॥
But desirous of acquiring religious merit, we are striving our best in your interests. My daughter, you are finished with every perfection like to Śrī herself.

कन्यापितृत्वं दुःखं हि सर्वेषां मानकाङ्क्षिणाम्। न ज्ञायते च कः कन्यां वरयेदिति कन्यके॥
The being father to a daughter is misery to every one that seekes honour. O daughter, one does not know who shall ask for one's daughter.

मातुः कुलं पितृकुलं यत्र चैव च दीयते। कुलत्रयं सदा कन्यां संशये स्थाप्य तिष्ठति ॥
Whenever may a daughter be conferred, a daughter stayes, placing in uncertainly the three races* to which she is related. *The races respectively of her father, mother and husband.

सा त्वं गुनिवरं श्रेष्ठं प्रजापतिकुलोद्भवम्। भज विश्रवसं पुत्रि पौलस्त्यं वरय स्वयम्॥
Do you, my daughter, seek for your husband that best and foremost of ascetics sprung in the line of Prajăpati Pulastya's son, Viśravā, and of yourself accept him (for your lord).

ईदृशास्ते भविष्यन्ति पुत्राः पुत्रि न संशयः। तेजसा भास्करसमो यादृशोऽयं धनेश्वरः॥
Then, O daughter, even as this lord of riches, so you will, without doubt, have sons resembling the Sun himself in energy.

सा तु तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा कन्यका पितृगौरवात्। तत्र गत्वा च सा तस्थौ विश्रवा यत्र तप्यते॥
Hearing that speech of his, the daughter for the sake of dignity of her sire, going to where Viśravā was practising penances, stood there.

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे राम पुलस्त्यतनयो द्विजः। अग्निहोत्रमुपातिष्ठच्चतुर्थ इव पावकः॥
In the meanwhile, O Rama, that twice-born one-Pulastya's was performing the Agnihotra, like the fourth Fire itself.

अविचन्त्य तु तां वेला दारुणां पितृगौरवात्। उपसृत्याग्रतस्तस्य चरणाधोमुखी स्थिता ॥ विलिखन्ती मुहुभूमिमङ्गुष्ठाग्रेण भामिनी।
And without minding that terrific time, (Kaikasi), having regard to the dignity of her sire, coming up before him, stood (there) son hanging her head down towards his feet and throwing up the earth with her great foe.

'स तु तां वीक्ष्य सुश्रोणी पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननाम्॥ अब्रवीत्परमोदारो दीप्यमानां स्वतेजसा। भद्रे कस्यासि दुहिता कुतो वा त्वमिहागता। किं कार्य कस्य वा हेतोस्तत्त्वतो ब्रूहि शोभने ।।१८
Seeing that one of the shapely hips, having a face fair as the full Moon, (that exceedingly high-minded ascetic) flaming in energy accosted her thus. O gentle one, whose daughter are you? And when do you come hither? And what is your errand? And for whom (do you come)? O beauteous (damsel), truly tell me this.

एवमुक्ता तु सा कन्या कृताञ्जलिरथाब्रवीत्। आत्मप्रभावेण मुने ज्ञातुमर्हसि मे मतम्॥ किं तु मां विद्धिब्रह्मर्षे शासनात्पितुरागताम्। कैकसी नाम नाम्नाहं शेषं त्वं ज्ञातुमर्हसि॥
Thus addressed, the girl, with joined hands, said, 'O ascetic, you are competent to get at my intent by virtue of your own power. Yet, O Brahmarși, know me as having come here at the mandate of my sire. My name is Kaikasī. The rest do you read yourself.

स तु गत्वा मुनिर्व्यानं वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह। विज्ञातं ते मया भद्रे कारणं यन्मनोगतम्॥ सुताभिलाषो मत्तस्ते मत्तमातंगगामिनि। दारुणायां तु वेलायां यस्मात्त्वं मामुपस्थिता॥ शृणु तस्मात्सुतान्भद्रे यादृशाञ्जनयिष्यसि। दारुणान्दारुणाकारान्दारुणाभिजनप्रियान्॥ प्रसविष्यसि सुश्रोणि राक्षसान्क्रूरकर्मणः।
Thereupon, the ascetic, entering into contemplation, said these words, 'O gentle lady, I have learnt the purpose that is in your heart. O you having the gait of a mad elephant, there reigns a powerful desire in you for having offspring. Inasmuch as you have come to me at this fierce hour, hearken, you amiable one, as to the kind of offspring that you shall bring forth. You shall, O you of graceful hips, bring forth terrible and grim-visaged Rākşasas delighting in frightful friends, and of cruel deeds.

सा तु तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा प्रणिपत्याब्रवीद्वचः॥ भगवन्नीदृशान्पुत्रांस्त्वत्ताऽहं ब्रह्मवादिनः। नेच्छामि सुदुराचारान्प्रसादं कर्तुमर्हसि॥
Hearing his speech, she, bowing down, said, 'O reverend (ascetic), such sons of terrific ways seek I not from you that follow the Veda. Therefore it behoves you to favour me.'

कन्यया त्वेवमुक्तस्तु विश्रवा मुनिपुङ्गवः। उवाच कैकसीं भूयः पूर्णेन्दुरिव रोहिणीम्॥
On being thus besought by the girl, Visravabest of ascetics, again addressed Kaikasi, like the full moon addressing Rohini.* *Hesperus.

पश्चिमो यस्तव सुतो भविष्यति शुभानने। मम वंशानुरूपः स धर्मात्मा च न संशयः॥
O fair-faced one, the son that you bring forth last, shall be like to my line, he shall, without doubt-be righteous-souled.

एवमुक्ता तु सा कन्या राम कालेन केनचित्। जनयामास बीभत्सं रक्षोरूपं सुदारुणम्॥ दशग्रीवं महादंष्ट्र नीलाञ्जनचयोपमम्। ताम्रोष्ठं विंशतिभुजं महास्यं दीप्तमूर्धनम्॥
Having been thus accosted, the girl, O Rama, after a length of time brought forth a very terrible and hideous offspring having the form of a Raksasa, having ten necks, furnished with large teeth, and resembling a heap of collyrium, with coppery lips, twenty arms, huge faces, and flaming hair.

तस्मिञ्जाते ततस्तस्मिन्सज्वालकबलाः शिवाः। क्रव्यादाश्चापसव्यानि मण्डलानि प्रचक्रमुः॥
On his having been born, jacka.s with flaming mouths and other ferocious beasts began to gyrate on the left.

ववर्ष रुधिरं देवो मेघाश्च खरनिःस्वनाः। प्रभभौ न च सूर्यो वै महोल्काश्चापतन्भुवि॥ चकम्पे जगती चैव ववुर्वाताः सुदारुणाः। अक्षोभ्यः क्षुभितश्चैव समुद्रः सरितां पतिः॥
That god showered down blood; and the clouds uttered forth harsh sounds. And the sun was deprived of his splendour; and meteors began to dart to the earth. And the earth shook; and the wind swept away violently. And that lord of streams-the ocean, which was calm before, became agitated.

अथ नामाकरोतस्य पितामहसमः पिता। दशग्रीवः प्रसूतोऽयं दशग्रीवो भविष्यति॥
And his sire resembling his grand-father named him, (saying), 'As this one has been born with ten necks, he shall be called Ten-necked.'

तस्य त्वनन्तरं जातः कुम्भकर्णो महाबलः। प्रमाणाद्यस्य विपुलं प्रमाणं नेह विद्यते॥
After him was born Kumbhakarņa endowed with prodigious strength, than whose proportions there are none other's on earth.

ततः शूर्पणखा नाम संजज्ञे विकृतानना। विभीषणश्च धर्मात्मा कैकस्याः पश्चिमः सुतः॥
Then was born she that, having a frightful visage, goes under the name of Surpanakha; the righteous Vibhīşaņa is the youngest son of Kaikasi.

तस्मिाते महासत्त्वे पुष्पवर्ष पपात ह। नभःस्थाने दुन्दुभयो देवानां प्राणदंस्तथा। वाक्यं चैवान्तरिक्षे च साधु साध्विति तत्तदा ॥
On that one endowed with great strength having been born, blossoms were showered down from heaven; and celestial kettle-drums were sounded in the heavenly regions. And then there arose the sounds of 'Excellent!'

तौ तु तत्र महारण्ये ववृधाते महौजसौ। कुम्भकर्णदशग्रीवौ लोकोद्वेगकरौ तदा ॥
'Excellent!' And in that extensive forest those exceedingly energetic ones, Kumbhakarņa and the Ten-necked one grew up, and became the sources of anxiety to the people.

कुम्भकर्णः प्रमत्तस्तु महर्षीन्धर्मवत्सलान्। त्रैलोक्ये नित्यासंतुष्टो भक्षयन्विचचार ह॥
Kumbhakarma, maddened to the height, devouring mighty-saints devoted to religion, constantly ranged the triune world in a dissatisfied spirit.

विभीषणस्तु धर्मात्मा नित्यं धर्मर्यवस्थितः। स्वाध्यायनियताहार उवास विजितेन्द्रियः॥
But the righteous Vibhișana, ever intent on piety, dwelt there studying the Veda, restraining his fare, and controlling his senses.

अथ वैश्रवणो देवस्तत्र कालेन केन चित्। आगतः पितरं द्रष्टुं पुष्पकेण धनेश्वरः॥
It came to pass that after a length of time the god, Vaisravana-lord of riches-came to see his sire, mounted on Puspaka.

तं दृष्ट्वा कैकसी तत्र ज्वलन्तमिव तेजसा। आगम्य राक्षसी तत्र दशग्रीवमुवाच ह॥
Seeing him, the Raksasi-Kaikasi-flaming up in energy, coming to the Ten-necked one, represented to him.

पुत्र वैश्रवणं पश्य भ्रातरं तेजसा वृतम्। भ्रातृभावे समे चापि पश्यात्मानं त्वमीदृशम्॥
O son, behold your brother, Vaisravana, enfolded in effulgence; and, albeit of equal fraternity, behold you in this plight!

दशग्रीव तथा यत्नं कुरुष्वामितविक्रम। यथा त्वमपि मे पुत्र भवेर्वैश्रवणोपमः।॥
Therefore, O Ten-necked one, O you of measureless prowess, do you so strive that you also, my son, may be like Vaisravana himself.

मातुस्तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा दशग्रीवः प्रतापवान्। अमर्षमतुलं लेभे प्रतिज्ञां चाकरोत्तदा।॥
Hearing that speech of his mother, the powerful Ten-necked one was wrought up with exceeding great ill-will, and he vowed then.

सत्यं ते प्रतिजानामि भ्रातृतुल्योऽधिकोऽपि वा। भविष्याम्योजसा चैव संतापं त्यज हृद्गतम्॥
I truly promise to you that I will be equal to my brother (in energy), or excel him in it. Therefore do you cast off this sorrow in your heart.

ततः क्रोधेन तेनैव दशग्रीवः सहानुजः। चिकीर्षुर्दुष्करं कर्म तपसे धृतमानसः॥ प्राप्स्यामि तपसा काममिति कृत्वाध्यवस्य च। आगच्छदात्मसिद्ध्यर्थं गोकर्णस्याश्रमं शुभम्।।४७
And influenced by that passion, the tennecked one with his younger brother began to perform rigid acts, with his mind fixed on asceticism. 'I must through austerities have my wish,' thus fixed and resolved, he compassing his end, came to the sacred asylum of Gokarna.

स राक्षसस्तत्र सहानुजस्तदा तपश्चचारातुलमुग्रविक्रमः। अतोषयच्चापि पितामहं विभुं ददौ स तुष्टश्च वराञ्जयावहान॥
There the Rākşasa of unrivalled prowess along with his younger brother carried on austerities and thus gratified that lord-the greatfather. And being gratified (with him), he conferred on him boons bringing on victory.