Uttara Kanda: Chapter 86

तदा वृत्रवधं सर्वमखिलेन स लक्ष्मणः। कथयित्वा नरश्रेष्ठः कथाशेष प्रचक्रमे॥ ततो हते महावीर्ये वृत्रे देवभयंकरे। ब्रह्महत्यावृतः शक्रः संज्ञां लेभे न वृत्रहा॥
Having thus described at length and finished the story of Vſtra's destruction Lakşmaņa said:-The mighty Vţtra, the terror of the deities, being slain, and the slayer Indra being assailed by the sin of Brahmanicide, was bewildered and at a loss to ascertain his duty.

सोऽन्तमाश्रित्य लोकानां नष्टसंज्ञो विचेतनः। कालं तत्रावसत्कंचिद्वेष्टमान इवोरगः॥
Being at his wit's end he repaired to the other side of the Lokāloka mountain and remained there for some time like a coiled serpent.

अथ नष्टे सहस्राक्षे उद्विग्नमभवज्जगत्। भूमिश्च ध्वस्तसंकाशा निःस्नेहा शुष्ककानना॥ निःस्रोतसस्ते सर्वे तु हृदाश्च सरितस्तथा। संक्षोभश्चैव सत्त्वानामनावृष्टिकृतोऽभवत्॥
And again in consequence of Indra's separation, the whole world was agitated, the forests grew dried and the earth was devoid of water. On account of the rivers being dried up and want of rain all creatures grew impatient.

क्षीयमाणे तु लोकेऽस्मिन्संभ्रान्तनसः सुराः। यदुक्तं विष्णुना पूर्वं तं यज्ञं समुपानयन्॥
In this wise, the celestials being stricken with anxiety, according to the previous command of Visnu, engaged in celebrating the sacrifice.

ततः सर्वे सुरगणाः सोपाध्यायाः सहर्षिभिः। तं देशं समुपाजग्मुर्यवेन्द्रो भयमोहितः॥ ते तु दृष्ट्वा सहस्राक्षमावृतं ब्रह्महत्यया। तं पुरस्कृत्य देवेशमश्वमेधं प्रचक्रिरे॥
With Rșis and Rtvikas they fearfully approached Purandra; and beholding him assailed by the sin of Brahmanicide, they with him, at their head, engaged in celebrating a horse-sacrifice.

ततोऽश्वमेधः सुहान्महेन्द्रस्य महात्मनः। ववृते ब्रह्महत्यायाः पावनार्थं नरेश्वर ॥ ततो यज्ञे समाप्ते तु ब्रह्महत्या महात्मनः। अभिगम्याब्रवीद्वाक्यं क्व मे स्थानं विधास्यथ॥ ते तामूचुस्ततो देवास्तुष्टाः प्रीतिसमन्विताः। चतुर्धा विभजात्मानमात्मनैव दुरासदे॥
After the sacrifice the sin issued out of Indra's person and addressing the high-souled deities said: Do you all ascertain, where I shall go now. There upon highly pleased the deities replied: Do you divide yourself into four portions.

देवानां भाषितं श्रुत्वा ब्रह्महत्या महात्मनाम्। संदधौ स्थानमन्यत्र वरयामास दुर्वसा ॥ एकेनांशेन वत्स्यामि पूर्णोदासु नदीषु वै। चतुरो वार्षिकान्मासान्दर्पघ्नी कामचारिणी॥
Hearing the words of the high-souled celestials she divided herself into four parts and wishing for a separate habitation said:-By one portion, I shall at my pleasure, live in rivers full of water during rains and shall obstruct people from going there.

भूम्यामहं सर्वकालमेकेनांशेन सर्वदा। वसिष्यामि न संदेहः सत्येनैतद्ब्रवीमि वः॥ । योऽयमंशस्तृतीयो मे स्त्रीषु यौवनशालिषु। त्रिरात्रं दर्पपूर्णासु वसिष्ये दर्पघातिनी॥ हन्तारो ब्राह्मणान्ये तु मृषापूर्वमदूषकान्। तांश्चतुर्थेन भागेन संश्रयिष्ये सरुर्षभाः॥
By my second portion I shall live perpetually on lands as Uşara;* I tell you the truth. By my third portion I shall for three nights every month live in youthful women proud of their youth-So that men might not live with them. And by my fourth portion I shall enter into the persons of those who shall slay innocent Bråhmaņas. *(A spot with saline soil.)

प्रत्यूचुस्तां ततो देवा यथा वदसि दुर्वसे। तथा भवतु तत्सर्वं साधयस्व यदीप्सितम्॥
Hearing those words the deities said What you have said shall be carried out. Do what you wish.

ततः प्रीत्यान्विता देवाः सहस्राक्षं ववन्दिरे। विज्वरः पूतपाप्मा च वासवः समपद्यत ॥
There upon the celestials, delighted, adored their Chief divested of sins and crowned with victory.

प्रशान्तं च जगत्सर्वं सहस्राक्षे प्रतिष्ठिते। यज्ञं चाद्भुतसंकाशं तदा शक्रोऽभ्यपूजयत्॥
And Väsava being installed again on the throne, the whole universe was at rest. There upon Indra worshipped Vişnu in the shape of that wonderful sacrifice.

ईदृशो ह्यश्वमेधस्य प्रसादो रघुनन्दन। यजस्व सुमहाभाग हयमेधेन पार्थिव ॥
O descendant of Raghu, such is the power of a horse-sacrifice. O honourable king, therefore, you may perform this sacrifice.

इति लक्ष्मणवाक्यमुत्तमं नृपतिरतीव मनोहरं महात्मा। परितोषमवाप हृष्टचेताः स निशम्येन्द्रसमानविक्रमौजाः।।
Hearing the charming words of Lakşmaņa, the energetic and high-souled king, Rāma, powerful like Indra, was greatly delighted.