Uttara Kanda: Chapter 85

लक्ष्मणस्य तु तद्वाक्यं श्रुत्वा शत्रुनिबर्हणः। वृत्रघातमशेषेण कथयेत्याह सुव्रत॥
Hearing the words of Laksmana, Rama, the slayer of enemies, said:-0 you of firm vows, do you at length, describe the destruction of Vrtra.

राघवेणैवमुक्तस्तु सुमित्रानन्दवर्धनः। भूय एव कथां दिव्यां कथयामास सुव्रतः॥
Hearing the words of Rāghava, Lakşmaņa, the enhancer of Sumitra's delight, again took up that theme.

सहस्राक्षवचः श्रुत्वा सर्वेषां च दिवौकसाम्। विष्णुर्देवानुवाचेदं सवानिन्द्रपुरोगमान्॥
Hearing the words of Indra and other deities Visnu replied.

पूर्व सौहृदबद्धोऽस्मि वृत्रस्येह महात्मनः। तेन युष्मत्प्रियार्थं हि नाहं हन्मि महासुरम्॥
From before I am bound with the high-souled Vrtra by the ties of friendship. For this, even for your satisfaction, I shall not (myself) slay him.

अवश्यं करणीयं च भवतां सुखमुत्तमम्। तस्मादुपायमाख्यास्ये सहस्राक्षो वधिष्यति॥
Again I am to afford excellent felicity to you. I shall say the solution by which Indra will able to slay him.

वेधाभूतं करिष्यामि आत्मानं सुरसत्तमाः। तेन वृत्रं सहस्राक्षो वधिष्यति न संशयः॥
I shall myself divide you into three classes and then forsooth your king shall be able to destroy Vrtra.

एकांशो वासवं यातु द्वितीयो वज्रमेव तु। तृतीयो भूतलं यातु तदा वृत्रं हनिष्यति॥
Of those three portions the first will stay in Indra, second into thunderbolt and the third one into the earth, then he will be able to slay him.

तथा ब्रुवति देवेशे देवा वाक्यमथाब्रुवन्।। एवमेतत्र संदेहो यथा वदसि दैत्यहन्॥ भद्रं तेऽस्तु गमिष्यामो वृत्रासुरवधैषिणः। भजस्व परमोदार वासवं स्वेन तेजसा।।।।
Visnu, the god of gods, having said this, the deities, replied, saying: O slayer of demons, undoubtedly, what you have said, shall prove true; may victory crown you; we proceed now to slay Vſtra. O highly generous deity, do you now make Våsava powerfully by infusing your own energy.

ततः सर्वे महात्मानः सहस्राक्षपुरोगमाः। तदारण्यमुपाक्रामन्यत्र वृत्रो महासुरः॥
There upon the highly powerful immortals headed by Indra entered the forest where the great Asura Vſtra was performing austerities.

तेऽपश्यंस्तेजसा भूतं तपन्तमसुरोत्तमम्। पिबन्तमिव लोकास्त्रीनिर्दहन्तमिवाम्बरम्॥
Arriving there they observed that the leading Asura was spreading rays all over, the outcome of his own effulgence, as if devouring the three worlds and burning down the quarters.

दृष्ट्वैव चासुरश्रेष्ठं देवास्त्रासमुपागमन्। कथमेनं वधिष्यामः कथं न स्यात्पराजयः॥
Beholding that foremost of Asuras, the deities were greatly terrified and began to thing of plans by which they would be able to slay him and not be defeated.

तेषां चिन्तयतां तत्र सहस्राक्षः पुरंदरः। वज्रं प्रगृह्य पाणिभ्यां प्राहिणोत्रमूर्धनि ॥
While they were thus thinking, Indra, of thousand eyes, taking up a thunderbolt, hurled it against Vrtra's head.

कालाग्निनेव घोरेण दीप्तेनेव महार्चिषा। पतता वृत्रशिरसा जगत्त्रासमुपागमत्॥
That dreadful burning thunderbolt, like to the fire of dissolution, falling on Vrtra's head, the three worlds were agitated.

असंभाव्यं वधं तस्य वृत्रस्य विबुधाधिपः। चिन्तयानो जगामाशु लोकस्यान्तं महायशाः॥
There upon thinking that he has perpetrated an iniquity by slaying Vịtra engaged in asceticism, Indra, out of fear, fled to the other side of Lokāloka mountain, perpetually enshrouded with darkness.

तमिन्द्रं ब्रह्महत्याशु गच्छन्तमनुगच्छति। अपतच्चास्य गात्रेषु तमिन्द्रं दुःखमाविशत्॥
And the sin, consequent upon the destruction of a Brahmana, pursuing him vehemently, entered into his person. In this wise Indra became subject to dreadful afflictions.

हतारयः प्रनष्टेन्द्रा देवाः साग्निपुरोगमा:। विष्णुं त्रिभुवनेशानं मुहुर्मुहुरपूजयन्॥ त्वं गतिः परमेशान पूर्वजो जगतः पिता। रक्षार्थं सर्वभूतानां विष्णुत्वमुपजग्मिवान् ॥ हतश्चायं त्वया वृत्रो ब्रह्महत्या च वासवम्। बाधते सुरशार्दूल मोक्षं तस्य विनिर्दिश॥
Beholding the enemy slain and Indra fled, the deities headed by fire again and again chanted the glories of Vişņu —the lord of three worlds saying: O great god, you are the refuge of the three worlds. You are the first-born and the father of the universe. For protecting all creatures you have assumed this Vişnu from. You have slain this Vặtra but the sin of slaying a Brahmana has visited Indra. Therefore, O excellent Puruşa, do you so arrange that he may i be freed from sins.

तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा देवानां विष्णुरब्रवीत्। मामेव यजतां शक्रः पावयिष्यामि वज्रिणम्॥
Hearing the words of the celestials Vişņu said, Let your Chief celebrate a sacrifice in my honour, and by that he shall be cleansed off the sin.

पुण्येन हयमेधेन मामिष्ट्वा पाकशासनः। पुनरेष्यति देवानामिन्द्रत्वमकुतोभयः॥
If the slayer of Pāka celebrates a horse sacrifice, he shall again fearlessly be installed as the chief of deities.

एवं संदिश्य तां वाणी देवानां चामृतोपमाम्। जगाम विष्णुर्देवेशः स्तूयमानस्त्रिविष्टपम्॥
Having addressed these nectar-like words to the deities and being glorified by them, Visnu, the god of gods, returned to his abode.