Uttara Kanda: Chapter 84

तथोक्तवति रामे तु भरते च महात्मनि। लक्ष्मणोऽथ शुभं वाक्यमुवाच रघुनन्दनम्॥
After the conversation between Råma and Bharata had been over, Laksmana, with reasonable words, said to the former.

अश्वमेधो महायज्ञः पावनः सर्वपाप्मनाम्। पावनस्तव दुर्धर्षो रोचतां रघुनन्दन ॥
O Rāma, among sacrifices Aśvamedha is the best and the remover of all sins; it is my prayer therefore that your desire might be turned towards this great and highly purifying sacrifice.

श्रूयते हि पुरावृत्तं वासवे सुमहात्मनि। ब्रह्महत्यावृतः शक्रो हयमेधेन पावितः॥
It is said in this Purānas, that Purandara, sullied by the sin consequent upon slaying a Brāhmaṇa, was again purified by celebrating a horse sacrifice.

पुरा किल महाबाहो देवासुरसमागमे। वृत्रो नाम महानासी तेयो लोकसंमतः।।।।
O you having long arms, formerly, during the war between gods and demons there flourished a highly honoured Asura under the name of Vſtra.

विस्तीर्णो योजनशतमुच्छ्रितस्त्रिगुणं ततः। अनुरागेण लोकांस्त्रीस्नेहात्पश्यति सर्वतः॥
The breadth of his body was a hundred Yojanas and the height there of was three hundred Yojanas. Considering all under his subjection he used to regard them with affection.

धर्मज्ञश्च कृतज्ञश्च बुद्ध्या च परिनिष्ठितः। शशास पृथिवीं स्फीतां धर्मेण सुसमाहितः॥
He was pious, grateful and used to perform nothing without proper deliberation. And treading tracks he used to govern his subjects very carefully.

तस्मिन्प्रशासति तदा सर्वकामदुधा मही। रसवन्ति प्रसूनानि मूलानि च फलानि च।७।।
During his administration earth produced all wished-for objects; roots and fruits were tasteful and flowers were fragrant.

अकृष्टपच्या पृथिवी सुसंपन्ना महात्मनः। स राज्यं तादृशं भुङ्क्ते स्फीतमद्भुतदर्शनम्॥
Without being cultivated earth used to yield crops. In this wise for many long years he governed a prosperous and wonderful kingdom.

तस्य बुद्धिः समुत्पन्ना तपः कुर्यामनुत्तमम्। तपो हि परमं श्रेयः संमोहमितरत्सुखम्॥
Thereupon he determined upon performing a hard penance. He considered asceticism as the best of all and regarded all other things as mere illusions.

स निक्षिप्य सुतं ज्येष्ठं पौरेषु मधुरेश्वरम्। तप उग्रं समातिष्ठत्तापयन्सर्वदेवताः॥
Having resolved thus and placed his son Madhureśvara on the throne Vſtra engaged in austerities creating terror to all deities.

तपस्तप्यति वृत्रे तु वासवः परमार्तवत्। विष्णुं समुपसंक्रम्य वाक्यमेतदुवाच ह॥
He being thus engaged in asceticism, Indra, greatly terrified, approached Vişņu and said.

तपस्यता महाबाहो लोकाः सर्वे विनिर्जिताः। बलवान्स हि धर्मात्मा नैनं शक्ष्यामि शासितुम्॥
O you having long arms, by virtue of his asceticism Vſtra is about to conquer all the worlds. He is pious, so I cannot subdue him.

यद्यसौ तप आतिष्ठेद्भूय एव सुरेश्वर। यावल्लोका धरिष्यन्ति तावदस्य वशानुगाः॥
O illustrious Sir, if his ascetic powers grow more we shall be constrained to live under his control for ever from the creation.

तं चैनं परमोदारमुपेक्षसि महाबल। क्षणं हि न भवेत्रः क्रुद्ध त्वयि सुरेश्वर॥
Do you therefore not neglect any longer this highly Generous Asura. They self being enraged, O lord of deities, Vſtra shall not live even for a moment.

यदा हि प्रीतिसंयोगं त्वया विष्णो समागतः। तदा प्रभृति लोकानां नाथत्वमुपलब्धवान्॥
O Vişnu, from the time he succeeded in propitiating you, he has obtained the sovereignty of the three worlds.

स त्वं प्रसादं लोकानां कुरुष्व सुसमाहितः। त्वत्कृते नहि सर्व स्यात्प्रशान्तमरुजं जगत्॥
Do you, therefore, be propitiated now; save you none can free this world from thorns and bring it at rest.

इमे हि सर्वे विष्णो त्वां निरीक्षन्ते दिवौकसः। वृत्रघातेन महता तेषां साह्यं कुरुष्व ह॥ त्वया हि नित्यशः साह्यं कृतमेषां महात्मनाम्। असह्यमिदमन्येषामगतीनां गतिर्भवान्॥
O Vişnu, all the deities are waiting for you; do you help them by slaying Vộtra. O you having a large mind, you are always the help of these high-souled deities. It is impossible for any one else to accomplish the present work. You are the refuge of the helpless.