Uttara Kanda: Chapter 82

ऋषेर्वचनमाज्ञाय रामः संध्यामुपासितुम्। अपाक्रामत्सरः पुण्यमप्सरोगणसेवितम्॥ तत्रोदकमुपस्पृश्य संध्यामन्वास्य पश्चिमाम्। आश्रमं प्राविशद्रामः कुम्भयोनेर्महात्मनः॥
Hearing the words of the great saint, Rāma, to perform the evening adoration, went to the pond filled with Apsarās; and having performed the worship he again returned to the hermitage of the high-souled Agastya.

तस्यागस्त्यो बहुगुणं कन्दमूलं तथौषधम्। शाल्यादीनि पवित्राणि भोजनार्थमकल्पयत्॥
Thereupon the great ascetic offered him food many substantial Kanda, roots, Osadhis and the holy Sali rice.

स भुक्तवान्नरश्रेष्ठस्तदन्नममृतोपमम्। प्रीतश्च परितुष्टश्च तां रात्रिं समुपाविशत्॥
And taking that nectar-like cooked rice, Rāma, the foremost of men, was greatly delighted and spent the night there.

प्रभाते काल्यमुत्थाय कृत्वाह्निकमरिंदमः। ऋषि समुपचक्राम गमनाय रघूत्तमः॥ अभिवाद्याब्रवीद्रामो महर्षि कुम्भसंभवम्। आपृच्छे स्वाश्रमं गन्तुं मामनुज्ञातुमर्हसि ॥
Having got up in the morning and performed the necessary ceremonies he approached the ascetic to bid farewell, and saluting him said: O great Rșis, I do crave for your permission to go to my own habitation. Do you permit me.

धन्योऽस्म्यनुगृहीतोऽस्मि दर्शनेन महात्मनः। द्रष्टुं चैवागमिष्यामि पावनाथ महात्मनः॥
O high-souled one, I have been highly favoured and blessed by beholding you. I shall come again some other time to free myself from sins.

तथा वदति काकुत्स्थे वाक्यमद्भुतदर्शनम्। उवाच परमप्रीतो धर्मनेत्रस्तपोधनः।।।।
Hearing those wondrous words of Rāma, Agastya having asceticism for his wealth, delightedly said.

अत्यद्भुतमिदं वाक्यं तव राम शुभाक्षरम्। पावनः सर्वभूतानां त्वमेव रघुनन्दन॥
O Rāma these words, set in charming letters, are highly wonderful. O descendant of Raghu, you are the purifier of all creatures.

मुहूर्तमपि राम त्वां येऽनुपश्यन्ति केचन। पाविताः स्वर्गभूताश्च पूज्यास्ते त्रिदिवेश्वरैः॥
O Rāma, one, who beholds you, even for a moment, becomes pure and worthy of repairing to heaven. Even the leading deities worship him.

ये च त्वां घोरचक्षुभिः पश्यन्ति प्राणिनो भुवि। हतास्ते यमदण्डेन सद्यो निरयगामिनः॥
Those on earth, who cast dreadful looks on you, are immediately brought under the control of Yama and are constrained to go to hell.

ईदृशस्त्वं रघुश्रेष्ठ पावनः सर्वदेहिनाम्। भुवि त्वां कथयन्तो हि सिद्धिमेष्यन्ति राघव॥
O foremost of Raghus, you are the purifier of all creatures; people become perfect even if they only chant your glories.

त्वं गच्छारिष्टमव्यग्रः पन्थानमकुतोभयम्। प्रशाधि राज्यं धर्मेण गतिहि जगतो भवान्॥
Kākutstha, do you now go with ease and fearlessly, and govern your kingdom righteously. O Rāma you are the refuge of the world.

एवमुक्तस्तु मुनिना प्राञ्जलिः प्रग्रहो नृपः। अभ्यवादयत प्राज्ञस्तमृषि सत्यशीलिनम्॥ अभिवाद्य ऋषिश्रेष्ठं तांश्च सर्वांस्तपोधनान्। अध्यारोहत्तदव्यग्रः पुष्पकं हेमभूषितम्॥
Hearing the words of the great and truthful Rşis the wise Rāma, with folded hands, saluted him and other Rșis, and with serene air ascended the golden car Puşpaka.

तं प्रयान्तं मुनिगणा आशीर्वादैः समन्ततः। अपूजयन्महेन्द्राभं सहस्राक्षमिवामराः॥
Like to the immortals welcoming the Chief of the deities the Rșis showered blessings upon Rāma from all sides while he was proceeding.

स्वस्थः स ददृशे रामः पुष्पके हेमभूषिते। शशी मेघसमीपस्थो यथा जलधरागमे॥
And seated on golden car, he appeared like the moon, after the expiry of the rainy season.

ततोऽदिवसे प्राप्ते पूज्यमानस्ततस्ततः। अयोध्यां प्राप्य काकुत्स्थो मध्यकक्षामवातरत्।।१८
Thereupon being welcomed by the villagers on his way he reached Ayodhyā at noon and descended at the middle apartment.

ततो विसृज्य रुचिरं पुष्पकं कामगामिनम्। विसर्जयित्वा गच्छेति स्वस्ति तेऽस्त्विति च प्रभुः।।१९।
And having permitted the charming chariot coursing at will to go away he said: Do you now go; may good betide you.

कक्षान्तरस्थितं क्षिप्रं द्वास्थं रामोऽब्रवीद्वचः। लक्ष्मणं भरतं चैव गत्वा तौ लघुविक्रमौ। ममागमनमाख्याय शब्दापयत मा चिरम्॥
Thereupon Rama said to the warder, Do you speedily go and having communicated my arrival to Lakşmaņa and Bharata bring them here.