Uttara Kanda: Chapter 77

पुरा त्रेतायुगे राम बभूव बहुविस्तरम्। समन्ताद्योजनशतं विमृगं पक्षिवर्जितम्॥
O Răma, in Tretāage, there was a huge forest extending over hundred Yojanas divested of animals and men.

तस्मिन्निर्मानुषेऽरण्ये कुर्वाणस्तप उत्तमम्। अहमाक्रमितुं सौम्य तदारण्यमुपागमम्॥ तस्य रूपमरण्यस्य निर्देष्टुं न शशाक ह। फलमूलैः सुखास्वादैर्बहुरूपैश्च काननैः॥
In that forest of without men I used to perform my austere penances. Once on a time I began to roam all over the forest being willing to see well every nook and corner of it. And I saw that it was impossible to ascertain how very pleasant that forest was. In every place there were trees with profuse sweet fruits. and roots.

तस्यारण्यस्य मध्ये तु सरो योजनमायतम्। हंसकारण्डवाकीर्णं चक्रवाकोपशोभितम्॥ पद्मोत्पलसमाकीर्णं समतिक्रान्तशैवलम्। तदाश्चर्यमिवात्यर्थं सुखास्वादमनुत्तमम्॥ अरजस्कं तदाक्षोभ्यं श्रीमत्पक्षिगणायुतम्। तस्मिन्सर:समीपे तु महदद्भुतमाश्रमम्॥ पुराणं पुण्यमत्यर्थं तपस्विजनवर्जितम्।
In the middle I espied a pond extending over a Yojana. There was no moss in that deep, calm, clear and sweet water; there were lotuses and lilies and swans, Kārandavas, Cakravākas and many other water fowls were playing in the waters. O lord of creatures, at no distance from that pond I saw an old, holy hermitage but there was no creature or animal around it.

तत्राहमवसं रात्रि नैदाघी पुरुषर्षभ।७।। प्रभाते काल्यमुत्थाय सरस्तदुपचक्रमे। अथापश्यं शवं तत्र सुपुष्टमरजः क्वचित्॥ तिष्ठन्तं परया लक्ष्या तस्मिंस्तोयाशये नृप।
O best among the men, it was summer and I spent that night in that hermitage. Next morning leaving my bed I arrived at the banks of the pond and saw a plump dead body in the waters. None of its limbs was pale and its beauty was not spoiled.

तमर्थं चिन्तयानोऽहं मुहूर्तं तत्र राघव॥ विष्ठितोऽस्मि सरस्तीरे किन्विदं स्यादिति प्रभो। अथापश्यं सुमूर्तात्तु दिव्यमद्भुतदर्शनम्॥ विमानं परमोदारं हंसयुक्तं मनोजवम्। अत्यर्थं स्वर्गिणं त विमाने रघुनन्दन॥ उपास्तेऽप्सरसां वीर सहस्रं दिव्यभूषणम्।
Beholding it and standing on the banks I began to mediate upon it. And thought I What is this?' In a moment I espied a beautiful car, swiftcoursing like the mind and drawn by ganders. And I saw in that chariot a celestial person. He was being attended by Apsarās adorned with celestial ornaments and having lotus-eyes.

गायन्ति काश्चिद्रम्याणि वादयन्ति तथापराः॥ मृदङ्गवीणापणवान्नृत्यन्ति च तथापराः। अपराश्चन्द्ररशम्याभैर्हेमदण्डैर्महाधनैः॥ दोधूयुर्वदनं तस्य पुण्डरीकनिभेक्षणाः।
Some of them were singing, some dancing and some playing on Mşdanga, Vīņā and other musical instruments and some were fanning his lotus-like countenance with valuable, golden chowries, dazzling like the rays of the moon.

ततः सिंहासनं हित्वा मेरुकूटमिवांशुमान्॥ पश्यतो मे तदा राम विमानादवरुह्य च। तं शवं भक्षयामास स स्वर्गी रघुनन्दन॥
O Rāma, the foremost of Raghu's race, like to the moon renouncing the summit of the Sumeru mount that celestial wight got down from his seat in the car and engaged in devouring the dead body.

ततो भुक्त्वा यथाकामं मांसं बहु सुपीवरम्। अवतीर्य सरः स्वर्गी संस्प्रष्टुमुपचक्रमे॥ उपस्पृश्य यथान्यायं स स्वर्गी रघुनन्दन। आरोढुमुपचक्राम विमानवरमुत्तमम्॥
And having taken enough flesh he got down into waters and duly performed ablution. O Rāma, there after that heavenly being again addressed himself for ascending the car.

तमहं देवसंकाशमारोहन्तमुदीक्ष्य वै। अथाहमब्रुवं वाक्यं तमेव पुरुषर्षभ॥ को भावन्देवसंकाश आहारश्च विगर्हितः। त्वयेदं भुज्यते सौम्य किमर्थं वक्तुमर्हसि ॥
O foremost of men, beholding that heavenly being about to get up I accosted him, saying, Who are you? I see, you have a celestial firm, then why have you taken such an abominable food?

कस्य स्यादीदृशो भाव आहारो देवसंमत। आश्चर्य वर्तते सौम्य श्रोतुमिच्छामि तत्त्वतः। नाहमौपयिकं मन्ये तव भक्ष्यमिमं शवम्॥
O you adored of the immortals, persons like you should not take such meals. O gentle one, I have been stricken with great curiosity and wish to hear all. Thine living upon dead body does not appear agreeable to me.

इत्येवमुक्त स नरेन्द्र नाकी कौतूहलात्सूनृतया गिरा च। श्रुत्वा च वाक्यं मम सर्वमेतत् सर्वं तथा चाकथयन्ममेति॥
O king, plainly and out of curiosity I put to him these questions. And hearing them, the celestial being related everything to me.