Uttara Kanda: Chapter 75

नारदस्य तु तद्वाक्यं श्रुत्वामृतमयं यथा। प्रहर्षमतुलं लेभे लक्ष्मणं चेदमब्रवीत्॥
Hearing the sweet words of the celestial saint Nārada, Rāma was greatly delighted and addressing Lakşmaņa said.

गच्छ सौम्य द्विजश्रेष्ठं समाश्वासय सुव्रत। बालस्य च शरीरं तत्तैलद्रोण्यां निधापय॥ गन्धैश्च परमोदारैस्तैलैश्च सुसुगन्धिभिः। यथा न क्षीयते बालस्तथा सौम्य विधीयताम्॥ यथा शरीरो बालस्य गुप्तः सन्क्लिष्टकर्मणः। विपत्तिः परिभेदो वा न भवच्च तथा कुरु॥
O gently one, do you console that foremost of twice-born ones and place the dead body of the boy in a jar full of oil. Let this body be protected by sweet-scented oil so that it might not be soiled by any means. See that it is not disfigured, its joints are not loosened and the hairs do not fall off.

एवं संदिश्य काकुत्स्थो लक्ष्मणं शुभलक्षणम्। मनसा पुष्पकं दध्यावागच्छेति महायशाः॥ इङ्गितं स तु विज्ञाय पुष्पको हेमभूषितः। आजगाम मुहूर्तेन समीपे राघवस्य वै॥ सोऽब्रवीत्प्रणतो भूत्वा अयमस्मि नराधिप। वश्यस्तव महाबाहो किंकरः समुपस्थितः॥
The highly illustrious Rāma, the descendant of Ikşvākus, thus commanded Lakşmaņa, gifted with auspicious marks, and thought of his car and desired it to come soon. Understanding his intention the golden car appeared before him in no time and saluting him said: O you of long arms, your chariot has come.

भाषितं रुचिरं श्रुत्वा पुष्पकस्य नराधिपः। अभिवाद्य महर्षीन्स विमानं सोध्यरोहत॥ धनुर्गृहीत्वा तूणी च खङ्गं च रुचिरप्रभम्। निक्षिप्य नगरे चैतौ सौमित्रिभरतावुभौ ॥
Hearing the sweet words of Puşpaka the king Rāma saluted the great ascetics, ascended the car with his burning bow, quiver and dagger and left Bharata and Lakşmaņa in charge of the city.

प्रायात् प्रतीची हरितं विचिन्वंश्च ततस्ततः। उत्तरामगमच्छीमान्दिशं हिमवतावृताम्॥
And searching that Śūdra devotee here and there Rāghava proceeded towards the west. And not beholding him there he went to the North bounded by the Himālayas.

अपश्यमानस्तत्रापि स्वल्पमप्यथ दुष्कृतम्। पूर्वामपि दिशं सर्वामथोऽपश्यन्नराधिपः॥ ।
And even there he did not espy the Sūdra ascetic and even the smallest iniquity was not seen there. There upon returning from that quarter the king journeyed the whole of east.

प्रविशुद्धसमाचारामादर्शतलनिर्मलाम्। पुष्पकस्थो महाबाहुस्तदापश्यनराधिपः॥
And having sat on the Puspaka car he saw that the eastern quarter was transparent like a looking glass and there was not the best touch of sin.

दक्षिणां दिशमाक्रामत्ततो राजर्षिनन्दनः। शैवलस्योत्तरे पार्श्वे ददर्श सुमहत्सरः॥
From the east Răghava proceeded towards the south and espied a big tank by the side of the Saivala mountain.

तस्मिन्सरसि तप्यन्तं तापसं सुमहत्तपः। ददर्श राघवः श्रीमॉल्लम्बमानमधोमुखम्॥ राघवस्तमुपागम्य तप्यन्तं तप उत्तमम्। उवाच च नृपो वाक्यं धन्यस्त्वमसि सुव्रत॥ कस्यां योन्यां तपोवृद्ध वर्तसे दृढविक्रम। कौतूहलात्त्वां पृच्छामि रामो दाशरथिहम्॥
On the banks of that pond one ascetic was performing the most austere penances with his legs upwards and head downwards. There upon approaching him, Rama Said O you of good vows, blessed are you; I do ask you, now, O you highly effulgent and grown old in asceticism, in what Varņa you are born. I put this question out of curiosity. I am the son of king Dasaratha and my name is Răma.

कोऽर्थो मनीषितस्तुभ्यं स्वर्गलाभो परोऽथवा। वराश्रयो यदर्थं त्वं तपस्यन्यैः सुदुश्चरम्॥ यमाश्रित्य तपस्तप्तं श्रोतुमिच्छामि तापस। ब्राह्मणो वासि भद्रं ते क्षत्रियो वासि दुर्जयः। वैश्यस्तृतीयो वर्णो ता शूद्रो वा सत्यवाग्भव ॥
For what are you going through such hard austerities? Is it heaven or anything else that you pray for? O ascetic, I wish to hear, of the purpose for which you are performing such hard penances. a Brāhmaṇa, or irrepressible Kșatriya or the third caste Vaisyas or a Śūdra? Do you speak the truth and you shall be crowned with auspiciousness Art you an

इत्येवमुक्तः स नराधिपेन अवाक्शिरा दाशरथाय तस्मै। उवाच जातिं नृपपुङ्गवाय यत्कारणं चैव तपःप्रयत्नः॥
Hearing the words of Rāma, the ascetic, whose face was downwards, gave out his degraded birth and communicated to him for what he was performing ascetic observances.