Uttara Kanda: Chapter 72

तं शयानं नरव्याघ्रं निद्रा नाभ्यागमत्तदा। चिन्तयानमनेकार्थं रामगीतमनुत्तमम्॥
There upon going to bed, ſatrughna began to meditate upon that excellent theme relating to Rāma and treating of diverse subjects and did not enter into sleep.

तस्य शब्दं सुमधुरं तन्त्रीलयसमन्वितम्। श्रुत्वा रात्रिजगामाशु शत्रुघ्नस्य महात्मनः॥
In sooth the high-minded Śatrughna spent the night in no time listening to that charming song set unmusical notes.

तस्यां रजन्यां व्युष्टायां कृत्वा पौर्वाणिकक्रमम्। उवाच प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं शत्रुघ्नो मुनिपुङ्गवम्॥
The night being over, he first went through the morning sites and then with folded hands addressed the foremost of ascetics, Valmiki, saying.

भगवन्द्रष्टुमिच्छामि राघवं रघुनन्दनम्। त्वयानुज्ञातमिच्छामि सहैभिः संशितव्रतैः॥
O illustrious Sir, I am anxious to see Rāma, the enhancer of the delight of the Raghu race, And my desire is that you may with other illustrious Rsis, grant me permission on this.

इत्येवं वादिनं तं तु शत्रुघ्नं शत्रुसूदनम्। वाल्मीकिः संपरिष्वज्य विससर्ज स राघवम्॥
Satrughna, the slayer of enemies, having said this, the great ascetic Vālmīki embraced and bacle him farewell.

सोऽभिवाद्य मुनिश्रेष्ठं रथमारुह्य सुप्रभम्। अयोध्यामगमत्तूर्णं राघवोत्सुकदर्शनः॥
He was greatly anxious to behold Rāma and saluting the foremost of Munis he speedily preceded to Ayodhyā.

स प्रविष्टः पुरी रम्यां श्रीमानिक्ष्वाकुनन्दनः। प्रविवेश महाबाहुर्यत्र रामो महाद्युतिः।७।।
There upon having entered the highly picturesque city Ayodhyā, city Ayodhyā, the graceful descendant of Ikşvākus, ſatrughna, reached where the long-armed and the highly effulgent Råma was waiting.

स राम मन्त्रिमध्यस्थं पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननम्। पश्यन्नमरमध्यस्थं सहस्रनयनं यथा।।।। सोऽभिवाद्य महात्मानं ज्वलन्तमिव तेजसा। उवाच प्राञ्जलिर्भूत्वा रामं सत्यपराक्रमम्॥
He espied there Rāma in the midst of the councillors like Indra among the immortals burning in his own effulgence. And having bowed with folded hands to Răma, having truth for his prowess, Śatrughna, said.

यदाज्ञप्तं महाराज सर्व तत्कृतवानहम्। हतः स लवणः पापः पुरी चास्य निवेशिता॥ द्वादशैतानि वर्षाणि त्वां विना रघुनन्दन। नोत्सहेयमहं वस्तुं त्वया विरहितो नृप॥
O great king, I have carried out all your behests; I have slain the vicious Lavaņa and filled his city with subjects. O descendant of Raghu, twelve years have passed away without you, I do not wish to live any longer separated from you.

स मे प्रसादं काकुत्स्थ कुरुष्वामितविक्रम। मातृहीनो यथा वत्सो न चिरं प्रवसाम्यहम्॥
Do you therefore, O Kākutstha of unmitigated prowess, have compassion on me. Without you, I cannot live for ever in a foreign province like a motherless child.

एवं ब्रुवाणं काकुत्स्थः परिष्वज्येदमब्रवीत्। मा विषादं कृथाः शूर नैतत्क्षत्रियचेष्टितम्॥
He having said this, Rāma embraced him and said: Be not sorry O hero. This is not a becoming action for Kşatriyas.

नावसीदन्ति राजानो विप्रवासेषु राघव। प्रजा हि परिपाल्या हि क्षत्रधर्मेण राघव॥
The kings, O Raghava, are never tired of living in a foreign land. According to the morality of the Kșatriyas, their greatest duty consists in governing the subjects.

काले काले तु मां वीर अयोध्यामवलोकितुम्। आगच्छ त्वं नरश्रेष्ठ गन्तासि च पुरं तव॥
O heroic and foremost of men, do you, at intervals, come to Ayodhyå to see me and return to your own city.

ममापि त्वं सुदयितः प्राणैरपि न संशयः। अवश्यं करणीयं च राज्यस्य परिपालनम्॥ तस्मात्त्वं वस काकुत्स्थ सप्तरात्रं मया सह। ऊवं गन्तासि मधुरां सभृत्यबलवाहनः॥
Forsooth you are dearer than my life. But it is an incumbent duty to govern the kingdom. Do you therefore, O Kakutstha, live with me for seven nights, and afterwards return to your city with your servants, army and conveyances.

रामस्यैतद्वचः श्रुत्वा धर्मयुक्तं मनोनुगम्। शत्रुघ्नो दीनया वाचा बाढमित्येव चाब्रवीत्।।१८
Hearing those moral and charming words of Rama, Satrughna poorly replied, saying: Your command shall be carried out.

सप्तरात्रं च काकुत्स्थो राघवस्य यथाज्ञया। उष्य तत्र महेष्वासो गमनायोपचक्रमे॥
Thereupon Satrughna, well-skilled in the use of bows, remained with Rāma for seven nights and then addressed himself for departure.

आमन्त्र्य तु महात्मानं रामं सत्यपराक्रमम्। भरतं लक्ष्मणं चैव महारथमुपारुहत्॥
Thereupon having invited Bharata and Laksmana, the high-souled Rama, having truth for his prowess, speedily went for his city in a huge chariot.

दूरं पद्भ्यामनुगतो लक्ष्मणेन महात्मना। भरतेन च शत्रुघ्नो जगामाशु पुरीं तदा॥
The high-souled Lakşmaņa and slayer of enemies Bharata followed him on foot for some distance.