Uttara Kanda: Chapter 70

हते तु लवणे देवाः सेन्द्राः साग्निपुरोगमाः। ऊचुः सुमधुरां वाणीं शत्रुघ्नं शत्रुतापनम्॥
Lavana being slain the celestials headed by Agni and Indra said in sweet accents to Śatrughna the represser of enemies.

दिष्ट्या ते विजयो वत्स दिष्ट्या लवणराक्षसः। हतः पुरुषशार्दूल वरं वरय सुव्रत।२।।
O child, fortunate it is that you have been crowned with success after slaying the Rākṣasa Lavaņa. Do you, therefore, O foremost of men, O you of firm vows, accept boons.

वरदास्तु महाबाहो सर्व एव समागताः। विजयाकाङ्क्षिणस्तुभ्यममोघं दर्शनं हि नः॥
O you having long arms, all those who can confer boons have arrived here; they all wish for your victory; seeing us does not go without fruits.

देवानां भाषितं श्रुत्वा शूरो मूर्ध्नि कृताञ्जलिः। प्रत्युवाच महाबाहुः शत्रुघ्नः प्रयतात्मवान्॥
Hearing the words of the celestials the largearmed and self-controlled Satrughna placed his hands on his head and said.

इयं मधुपुरी रम्या मधुरा देवनिर्मिता। निवेशं प्राप्नुयाच्छीघ्रमेष मेऽस्तु वरः परः॥
Let this picturesque and charming city of Madhu, built by the celestials, by my capital; this is the only excellent boon I can beg.

तं देवाः प्रीतमनसो बाढमित्येव राघवम्। भविष्यति पुरी रम्या शूरसेना न संशयः॥
The celestials, with a delighted heart, said to the descendant of Raghu.-Your desire shall be fulfilled and forsooth shall your city be turned into a picturesque capital under the name of Surasena.

ते तथोक्त्वा महात्मानो दिवमारुरुहुस्तदा। शत्रुघ्नोऽपि महातेजास्तां सेनां समुपानयत्॥
The high-souled celestials having ascended the welkin saying this, the highly effulgent Śatrughna brought the soldiers there, that were encamped on the banks of the Gangā.

सा सेना शीघ्रमागच्छच्छुत्वा शत्रुघ्नशासनम्। निवेशनं च शत्रुघ्नः श्रावणेन समारभत्॥
When the soldiers arrived there on hearing the commands of Satrughna he engaged in making encampments in the month of Śrāvan.

स पुरा दिव्यसंकाशो वर्षे द्वादशमे शुभे। निविष्टः शूरसेनानां विषयश्चाकुतोभयः॥ क्षेत्राणि सस्ययुक्तानि काले वर्षति वासवः। अरोगवीरपुरुषा शत्रुघ्नभुजपालिता ॥
In this wise the fearlessness of the celestial host, taking the shape of a country, that beautiful and picturesque city was reared in the course of twelve years. All the fields there were filled with crops and Indra began to pour showers in due seasons. And being protected by the strength of Śatrughna's arms all men there became valiant and were freed from deseases.

अर्धचन्द्रप्रतीकाशा यमुनातीरशोभिता। शोभिता गृहमुख्यैश्च चत्वरापणवीथिकैः। चातुर्वर्ण्यसमायुक्ता नानावाणिज्यशोभिता॥
That city on the banks of Yamună appeared beautiful like the half moon and was filled with yards, shops, streets beautiful houses, men of four orders and various articles of trade.

यच्च तेन पुरा शुभ्रं लवणेन कृतं महत्। तच्छोभयति शत्रुघ्नो नानावर्णोपशोभिताम्॥
Śatrughna now engaged in beautifying the spacious, white houses that were made by Lavana before, with various ornamental works.

आरामैश्च विहारैश्च शोभमानं समन्ततः। शोभितां शोभनीयैश्च तथान्यैर्दैवमानुषैः॥ तां पुरीं दिव्यसंकाशां नानापण्योपशोभिताम्। नानादेशगतैश्चापि वणिग्भिरुपशोभिताम्॥ तां समृद्धां समृद्धार्थः शत्रुघ्नो भरतानुजः। निरीक्ष्य परमप्रीतः परं हर्षमुपागमत्॥
Beholding the city interspersed with various excellent gardens, pleasure grounds and prosperously filled with celestials and men and diverse articles of trade and merchants hailing from various countries, Satrughna, the younger brother of Bharata, attained to the satisfaction of desire and excess of delight.

तस्य बुद्धिः समुत्पन्ना निवेश्य मधुरां पुरीम्। रामपादौ निरीक्षेऽहं वर्षे द्वादश आगते॥
Having thus reared the beautiful city he resolved within himself The twelfth year has come. I shall now behold the feet of Rāma.

ततः स ताममरपुरोपमां पुरी निवेश्य वै विविधजनाभिसंवृताम्। नराधिपो रघुपतिपाददर्शने दधे मतिं रघुकुलवंशवर्धनः॥
There upon having set up the city resembling the region of the celestials and filled with various men, the king Satrughna, the enhancer of Raghu's race, determined on beholding Rāma's feet.