Uttara Kanda: Chapter 68

कथां कथयतस्तेषां जयं चाकाङ्क्षतां शुभम्। व्यतीता रजनी शीघ्रं शत्रुघ्नस्य महात्मनः॥
They being thus engaged in conversation regarding his achieving victory without any danger Satrughna in no time passed the night.

ततः प्रभाते विमले तस्मिन्काले स राक्षसः। निर्गतस्तु पुराद्वीरो भक्ष्याहारप्रचोदितः॥
The clear morning having arrived, that time the heroic Lavana issued out of his city to collect food.

एतस्मिन्नन्तरे वीर उत्तीर्य यमुना नदीम्। ती। मधुपुरद्वारि धनुष्पाणिरतिष्ठत॥
In the meantime having crossed the river Yamunā, the heroic Satrughna, with bow in his hands, stood at the gate of Madhu's city.

ततोऽर्धदिवसे प्राप्ते क्रूरकर्मा स राक्षसः। आगच्छद्बहुसाहस्रं प्राणिनां भारमुद्वहन्।॥ ततो ददर्श शत्रुघ्नं स्थितं द्वारि धृतायुधम्। तमुवाच किमनेन करिष्यसि॥ ततो रक्षः ईदृशानां सहस्राणि सायुधानां नराधम। भक्षितानि मया रोषात्कालेनानुगतो ह्यसि॥
There upon returning in the noon with many thousand animals, the night-ranger Lavana, of dreadful actions, espied Satrughna standing at the gate with a weapon in his hand. Thereupon he said: What shall you do with this weapon? O vile wight, enraged I have devoured many thousand persons holding weapons like you. I now perceive you have also been possessed by Kala.

आहारश्चाप्यसंपूर्णो ममायं पुरुषाधम। स्वयं प्रविष्टोऽद्य मुखं कथमासाद्य दुर्मते॥
O vile man, I am fully fed. How shall you, of your own accord, enter into my mouth?

तस्यैवं भाषमाणस्य हसतश्च मुहुर्मुहुः। शत्रुघ्नो वीर्यसंपन्नो रोषादश्रूण्यासृजत्॥
Lavaņa having said this again and again laughing the great hero Satrughna shed tears in anger.

तस्य रोषाभिभूतस्य शत्रुघ्नस्य महात्मनः। तेजोमया मरीच्यस्तु सर्वगात्रैर्विनिष्पतन्॥
The high-minded Śatrughna being beside himself with rage, from all his person issued burning lustre.

उवाच च सुसंक्रुद्धः शत्रुघ्नः स निशाचरम्। योद्धमिच्छामि दुर्बुद्धेः द्वन्द्वयुद्धं त्वया सह ॥
Greatly enraged he said to the night-ranger O you of a vicious intellect, I wish to enter into a dual encounter with you.

पुत्रो दशरथस्याहं भ्राता रामस्य धीमतः। शत्रुघ्नो नाम शत्रुघ्नो वधाकाङ्क्षी तवागतः॥
I am the son of the great king Dasaratha, brother of the intelligent Rāma and my name is Satrughna. I slay all my enemies and have come here to destroy you.

तस्य मे युद्धकामस्य द्वन्द्वयुद्धं प्रदीयताम्। शस्त्वं सर्वभूतानां न मे जीवन्गमिष्यसि॥
I wish now to fight with you-do you enter into a dual conflict. You are the enemy of all animals. You shall not be able to survive at my hands.

तस्मिंस्तथा ब्रुवाणे तु राक्षसः प्रहसन्निव। प्रत्युवाच नरश्रेष्ठं दिष्ट्या प्राप्तोऽसि दुर्मते॥
He having said this, the Rākṣasa, laughing aloud, replied to that foremost of men:-Your understanding is bewildered. By the influence of destiny you have come under my control.

मम मोतृष्वसुर्धाता रावणो नाम राक्षसः। हतो रामेण दुर्बुद्धे स्त्रीहेतोः पुरुषाधम॥
The Räksasa Rāvana was the brother of my aunts. O you of vicious understanding, O vile wight, it is for his wife that Rāma did slay him.

तच्च सर्वं मया क्षान्तं रावणस्य कुलक्षयम्। अवज्ञा पुरतः कृत्वा मया यूयं विशेषतः॥
It is out of hatred that I have tolerated the destruction of Rāvana's family and have pardoned you all.

निहताश्च हि ते सर्वे परिभूतास्तृणं यथा। भूताश्चैव भविष्याश्च यूयं च पुरुषाधमाः॥
You are all vile men; I have slain and defeated all of your family that have passed away and shall destroy all that are living and shall come into existence.

तस्य ते युद्धकामस्य युद्धं दास्यामि दुर्मते। तिष्ठ त्वं च मुहूर्त तु यावदायुधमानये॥
O you of vicious intellect, if you wish I shall fight with you. Do you wait here so long I do not bring my weapon.

ईप्सितं यादृशं तुभ्यं सज्जये यावदायुधन्। तमुवाचाशु शत्रुघ्नः क्व मे जीवन्गमिष्यसि॥
Do you remain here as long as I with that shall not kill you. Where to Satrughna immediately replied Where shall you go while I am alive?

स्वयमेवागतः शत्रुर्न मोक्तव्यः कृतात्मना। यो हि विक्लवया बुद्ध्या प्रसरं शत्रवे दिशेत्। स हतो मन्दबुद्धिः स्याद्यथा कापुरुषस्तथा॥
The practical men should never let off the enemies who come out of their own accord. He, who invite an enemy into battle under the influence of perverted understanding, is slain like a coward.

तस्मात्सुदृष्टं कुरु जीवलोकं शरैः शितैस्त्वां विविधैर्नयामि। यमस्य गेहाभिमुखं हि पापं रिपुं त्रिलोकस्य च राघवस्य॥
Do you behold this world of creatures to your hearts' content for I shall by various sharp weapons despatch you to Yama's abode who is the enemy of the three worlds and Rāghava.